It exudes a dim blue brilliance, like a piece of supreme treasure! !


  He forced Grameen!

  Su Xinyu gradually approached as he approached, and after being there, the sense of oppression on her body was extremely heavy. .

  At this moment, Su Xinyu was overwhelmed by this oppression and couldn't say anything.

  Can only glance at the barrage.

  ["Fuck, who is this person, this momentum, so fierce... I feel that the villain's momentum is already full...!!"]

  [“Wearing a Taoist robe, with a bewitching face, and attacking this place, the villain really forced Gera to be full!!”]

  ["The aura on him is so fierce... Who the hell is he!!"]

  All the heat was attracted by this man who was forced to play.

  At this moment, Su Xinyu was under a lot of pressure.

  Cold sweat kept coming out of her forehead.

  clap clap clap clap! !

  He stepped up the stairs step by step, his expression extremely calm.

  He didn't even glance at Kai, who was struggling on the stairs. .

  What is she going to do! !

  Getting closer and closer, the pressure is getting heavier and heavier, Su Xinyu only felt her mind roar.


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] Ming Shiyin with two artifacts! (seeking to follow)

  Chapter [-]

  The man in the white Taoist robe walked past Su Xinyu, who was standing dumbfounded.

  His eyes still didn't look at him.

  However, Su Xinyu felt a huge pressure that enveloped her.

  At this moment, she was in a cold sweat!

  Afraid of being discovered by him, there is still a person who should not exist here - a person. .


  In the end it was not found.

  As he left, the pressure on Su Xinyu suddenly decreased.

  She looked at the man in the white robe.

  Wonder what he's going to do!

  I saw that he walked to the center of the spacious hall,

  Then spread the square energy block placed between the hands and inject spiritual power.

  Swish! !

  With the infusion of spiritual power, the square, like an imitation, instantly activated.

  Suspended from his hands.

  Ka Ka Ka! !

  Rhythmically twisted a few times, blue light, through the cracks, revealed, shining! !


  An even more terrifying aura spread throughout the hall. .

  This square Rubik's Cube is exuding an extremely terrifying atmosphere, as if a whole world has been put into it! !

  Su Xinyu's eyes trembled.

  "Artifact!!" Immediately exclaimed.

  Only from this moment, the terrifying energy aura displayed by the rectangular Rubik's Cube.

  She can determine that this is an artifact!

  ["Fuck... the artifact, it's actually an artifact, there is an artifact here, who is he, and why does he have an artifact"]

  [Wonima, why did I rummage through the artifact list, but I couldn't see this artifact at all! ! "]

  【“Yes, Blue Star has only ten artifacts in total, I can recite them with my back upside down. What the hell is this Rubik’s Cube, how come I never knew there was this artifact!!”]

  ["I think, this has exceeded all of us' expectations, and even the artifact has appeared... Blue Star, is it really going to be a mess..!!"]

  All the audience trembled and were frightened by the Rubik's Cube floating in the air. .

  Su Xinyu just stared at the Rubik's Cube floating in the air and exuding terrifying spiritual power.

  His expression was extremely solemn.

  Even the artifact appeared, this villain is incomparably powerful, and it is no wonder that the sense of oppression he just caused can be so powerful! !

  The terrifying spiritual power is displayed with the artifacts.

  The man in the white Taoist robe also floated with his feet in the air.

  However, the floating is not high, it is only driven by spiritual power and floats up. .

  Swish! !


  inside the palace,

  As if in response to the power of this Rubik's Cube, a terrifying blue energy beam rose into the sky.


  A Rubik's Cube, the same as the man in the white robe, rushed out of the hall.

  Swish swish! !

  The two Rubik's cubes resonated violently, and the terrifying power converged into one. .

  "Hey...two Rubik's cubes?!"

  "Two artifacts!?" Su Xinyu breathed a sigh of relief and exclaimed again. .

  too exaggerated.

  From just one Rubik's cube, she felt the mountain-like pressure.

  At this time, the two Rubik's Cubes resonated, what terrifying power is contained in them! !

  At the moment, no one knows. .

  Who is this person! !

  Su Xinyu has become more and more curious.

  As the two Rubik's cubes gradually resonated in the air, they slowly approached the middle. .


  Kay lifted his heavy body and got up from the stone steps.

  Holding the sword, step by step, he walked over with some struggle.

  "You must never succeed...!!" He wanted to stop the man in the white robe. .

  However! !

  The man in the white robe didn't even look back at him.

  Just raised his hand slightly.

  In the void beside him, a strange-looking item appeared.

  The two rings overlapped around a crystal that exuded terrifying spiritual power in the middle.

  On it, but the red energy aura swayed, shining a dangerous light.


  "It's an artifact again...!!" Su Xinyu on the side exclaimed again.

  Can't go wrong.

  The energy aura emanating from this thing is definitely another artifact! !

  Who is this man! !

  It's terrifying to have two artifacts at the same time! !

  ["'s an artifact again, Blue Star has ten artifacts in total, Wonima, this forces one person to occupy two artifacts... let's not let people live!!"]

  ["What the hell is this sacred, Wori... A person has two artifacts at the same time, won't there be a conflict...!!"]

  ["Upstairs, let me tell you this, ordinary people have two artifacts, and artifact spirits will definitely not tolerate it, but if the host with two artifacts is strong enough... even if they have ten artifacts, they won't appear. what is the problem!!"】

  ["'s terrible, it has terrifying strength in itself, plus the blessing of two divine weapons, this is special...if this person is awakened as a heroic spirit, how awesome would he be!! !"]

  ["If so, I think he may directly surpass the first emperor of all ages - Qin Huangyingzheng!!"]

  ["Horrible, he is terrifying, who is this person, and why is there no record in the historical books!!"]

  0・・・For flowers・・・

  Almost all the audience in the live broadcast room were shocked by Ming Shiyin, the villain who forced Grameen. .

  horrible! !


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