"That's right.... He wants to recast the ancient gods and demons... He wants to suppress the whole world!!"

  0・・・For flowers・・・

  "Hi...!!" The saint took a deep breath.

  Such shocking news really made her head explode! !

  And Tiaga Orilan also exhaled solemnly.

  "Fortunately, this happened in a past historical civilization...!!"

  "Fortunately, this incident happened in the Dragon Country!!"

  "The recasting of ancient gods and demons must be a river of blood... If this group of so-called Great Wall guards did not stop in time...!!"

  "I think, the historical separation of the Dragon Kingdom... It is very likely that it will be related to this matter!!"

  "Keep watching... I hope!!"

  "This person can recast the ancient gods and demons!!" Tiaga Orilan smiled.

  In the hall, there is peace.



  And this time! !

  Inside the Canyon of Kings.

  Boom! !

  There are still countless stones that are constantly converging, forming the body of a new giant standing tall. .

  Su Xinyu stood blankly above the hall, looking at boulder after boulder, pieced together the body of a giant, and felt anxious in her heart. .

  I don't know when Hua Mulan will be able to arrive. .


  Within her line of sight, two figures quickly entered her line of sight. .

  It was Mulan and Baili who kept the promise! !

  They are finally here! !

  And now, it's not just them. .

  In the sky, Li Bai was also riding a boulder and floated over.

  blah blah blah! !

  Hua Mulan and Baili Shouyue quickly climbed the stairs leading to the hall and walked to the top floor. .

  standing on top of the hall.

  And just in time, Li Bai also jumped off the boulder above.

  The three stood side by side.

  Hua Mulan charged first, pointing the sword in her hand at the strange man in white robe standing below the giant.

  "Hand over the core...!!"

  Peng! !

  With a loud noise, the giant's huge arm flew from a distance and connected to the body.

  The terrifying momentum suddenly increased even more! !

  And the strange man in the white robe standing under the giant slowly turned around.

  Slowly he said:

  "God's will!!"

  "I can't help you...!!"


  PS: Seeking to subscribe!Xi.

Chapter [-] Ying Zheng!Countless imperial swords! (seeking to follow)

  Chapter [-]

  "God's will!!"

  "I can't help you!!"

  The man in the white Taoist robe turned and glared at the three of Hua Mulan!

  Then, his body shook.

  A large amount of spiritual power instantly poured into the weird artifact floating on one side.

  Swish! !

  His figure disappeared instantly. .

  Whoa! !

  Pieces of peony flowers were left in place, scattered in the air.


  "Space-enhancing attack artifact...!!" Su Xinyu, who was not far away, suddenly exclaimed. .

  There is no trace of movement at all, and it just disappears out of thin air.

  And just now, he used the artifact floating by his side.

  Through that artifact, he can disappear instantly at this moment. .

  Before adding, the blow that attacked Kai.

  This artifact can attack and flicker.

  Time and space system plus attack system artifact! !

  so perfect!

  ["Fuck... this is a top-level artifact, it's definitely top-level..."]

  ["This villain is so frightening that "Six Five Seven" is so terrifying, mastering two artifacts, and they are both such powerful artifacts, such a villain, even Li Bai can't stop it!!"]

  [“That giant is almost finished, and I don’t see the slightest chance to stop this conspiracy...”]

  ["This villain, the person under pressure can't breathe at all, the anchor, are you okay..."]

  Seeing that the artifact also has the top-level ability of time and space, the barrage was in an uproar. .

  At this moment, Su Xinyu did not look at the barrage, but her eyes were locked!

  Trying to find the figure of the white Taoist robe. .

  Subsequently. .

  I saw the stairway behind the three of Hua Mulan, and pieces of peony flowers fell out of thin air.

  Whoa! !

  A figure wearing a white robe flashed out of the peony flower again.

  And this moment.

  Bai Qi, Miyamoto Musashi, and Marco Polo, who were chasing after Hua Mulan, had all climbed the stone steps.

  Among them, there was another person who made all the viewers in the live broadcast room widen their eyes.

  He was wearing gorgeous armor, a cloak, a crown on his head, his arms crossed his chest, and he floated in the air.

  His face was extremely cold and arrogant.

  The whole body revealed an imperial authority, and there was a real dragon looming behind him. . .

  This figure can be said to be familiar to the entire Blue Star.

  Because, in the first two cg games, he was the protagonist! !

  He is exactly the one emperor of all ages - Qin Huang Yingzheng! !

  "Emperor Qin Yingzheng!!"

  "Why is he here!!"

  Su Xinyu suddenly exclaimed again, her eyes kept trembling! !

  At this moment, she was even more shocked than she had just seen the ancient gods and demons.

  No one could have imagined that the first emperor of all ages, Qin Huang Yingzheng, would appear here at this moment. .

  And with him here.

  A series of questions instantly appeared in Su Xinyu's mind.

  Why is he here? !

  What is he going to do? !

  Is he the mastermind behind this conspiracy? !

  The live broadcast room exploded after a second of silence. .

  ["Fuck, Qin Huang Yingzheng, he is actually here, Wori, what's the situation, he is also a villain!!"]

  ["Wonima, what happened, I thought that the strange white Taoist robe man who was full of force was already the biggest villain behind the scenes. I didn't expect that Qin Huangyingzheng would appear here..."]

  ["Now that I'm here, I have to think deeply, which side is the villain!!"]

  [“Yes, Emperor Qin Yingzheng stopped the invasion of alien creatures. If he stopped this conspiracy, then he wanted to assemble this giant, did he want to deal with the invasion of alien creatures?!”]

  ["Maybe, there is no villain, it's just that everyone's ideas are different..."]

  [“Yes, I also feel the same way, the concept is different, there is no villain for no reason in the world!!”]

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