["Yes, it's so huge, even in our era, it can't be easily accomplished!!"]

  【“What kind of glorious existence is our ancestors!!”】

  In the live broadcast room, countless viewers were also shocked by the Great Wall in front of them.

  So spectacular, so vast. .

  Su Xinyu stood on the Great Wall, looking at the scenery below the Great Wall, staring out.

  She saw the looming city in the distance.

  There, all the houses are brightly lit.

  There is an incomparably peaceful and peaceful atmosphere in the sky. .

  "There... it's Chang'an City...!!"

  "I don't know what's going on there!"

  Su Xinyu said analytically. .


  A voice began to sound in my mind, illusory.

  "The majestic Great Wall, the ancient wonder."

  "Who built it? Who watches over it? Who sleeps beside it?"

  "Who will be happy in the end because of its blessing?"

  Swish! !

  The scene in front of Su Xinyu's eyes changed for a while.

  A cute-looking little human-shaped cat with soaring hair appeared in her sight.

  In its hands, it is flipping through a... family tree?

  Su Xinyu was wondering when the voice in her ear rang again.

  "There is an answer to this question from the ancestors in the half-book family tree that Shen Mengxi treasures without knowing its authenticity."

  "It's something the poor half-bloods are proud of."

  Su Xinyu was stunned.

  Hybrid Demon!

  Another hybrid.

  It seems that the human-shaped cat with an explosive head in front of him is Shen Mengxi!

  Su Xinyu secretly said.

  She remembered that the last time Baili kept the promise, Baili Xuance was also a demon hybrid.

  It's just that they inherit more of human genes.

  It's just that the ears look different from humans!

  The cat in front of him should be the exact opposite.

  It looks like a demon, but its behavior is for human beings.

  At this moment, Shen Mengxi, who was in front of her, stared at the family tree in her hand.

  He began to recite: "For the gods who went west in search of happiness, their footprints left this path."

  "We follow in the footsteps of the gods and want to go to the place of happiness."

  "After chaos, disease, and a long journey, a spear-backed half-blood hunter led us to the Great Wall."

  "This is our home from now on."

  Su Xinyu listened slowly.

  Half-blood demon hunters armed with spears brought them to the Wall.

  Who is he!

  Su Xinyu was puzzled, and in her mind, she began to search for this figure.

  But can't remember.

  The voice in the ear continued to ring.

  "According to the records of the family tree, Shen Mengxi's ancestors settled under the Great Wall."

  "When they cleared the gates, raised flags, brewed fine wine, and even used explosive bombs to clear the rock piles, they also accidentally dug up strange large structures."

  "Generation after generation, the flag of the Great Wall has changed to Heluo, and the once barren fields have been reclaimed, and many towns have been erected."

  "It was the Great Wall Guards that brought all the prosperity, and it was also Shen Mengxi's yearning and desire."

  "Half the family tree made him believe that he is the son of the Great Wall, and the son of the Great Wall will eventually belong to the Great Wall."

  Swish! !

  The picture in front of Su Xinyu changed again.

  In front of it is a lively scene, people come and go.

  This is the street below Chang'an City.

  On both sides of the street, a businessman who set up a stall was shouting loudly.

  Selling things that I sell....

  For Su Xinyu, this scene is quite familiar.

  Because the last time I watched Baili Keeping the Covenant CG, such scenes often appeared in their town.

  She knew that this was the city's market. .

  Su Xinyu's eyes began to wander, since she was here.

  Then, Shen Mengxi must be here.

  Looking around, he instantly locked onto a small human-shaped cat in a booth. .

  Its clothes are somewhat worn, and there is still some dust on its face that has not been wiped clean.

  Looking grumpy. .

  It is Shen Mengxi. .

  The voice in my ear rang again.

  "'~ But in reality, his sweet dreams look ridiculous."

  "At least no one believes that the Great Wall Guards will recruit such a ragged, small hybrid demon."

  "In the days when the market opened, Shen Mengxi also set up a simple stall to sell the bombs he made, but no one cared about it."

  Su Xinyu watched quietly.

  She knew that the story should start soon. .

  "Tell you, this is my family's craft."

  "Don't look at such a small piece, but it is powerful enough to blow through the mines of Yucheng!"

  At the booth, Shen Meng (Wang Zhaohao) Xi proudly promoted the bombs he was selling. .

  However, the tourists surrounding its booth were disdainful.

  "Bragging child, let's set off fireworks in the New Year."

  "Yes, yes, how could the government allow the sale of really powerful bombs?"

  When he said this, the irritable Shen Mengxi was not happy at that time.

  Crossed his hips, a little annoyed: "The world's number one proficient in mechanical bombs does not need anyone's permission!"

  It tries to prove itself. .

  From the booth, grab a cat trait bomb.

  It swung up the street!

  The cat bomb throws a gorgeous parabola in mid-air.

  Zizizizizi! !

  The moment the lead was thrown out, it was ignited and kept moving. .

  And Su Xinyu looked at the place where the cat bomb was dropped, and her heart jumped close.

  Eyes widened in vain!


  Baili Xuance, Baili's promise-keeping younger brother.

  They are indeed here! !


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] The mysterious white-robed Taoist reappears!

  Chapter [-]

  Chang'an City.

  Whoa whoa whoa!

  The crowd was moving, and the originally peaceful atmosphere was broken in an instant. .

  Shen Yun frowned slightly.

  Somewhat annoyed at the sudden riot. .

  Swish! !

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