"'~ I'm from the Meteor Galaxy... I'm from the Meteor God Clan...!!" Shen Yun Shengmao reported herself. .

  "Meteor Galaxy...?"

  "Meteorite God Race...?"

  Both the Master and Zhuge Liang looked like they were lost in thought.

  There are many forces in the King's Continent, but they searched for all the forces in their minds.

  But he couldn't think of any information about the Meteor Galaxy and the Meteor God Clan. .

  Always the old master gets the years long. .

  Also unheard of at all. .

  While they were contemplating, Shen Yun felt that this CG was about to end. .

  The body began to become illusory. .

  "It seems... this trip is coming to an end...!" Shen Yun secretly said. .

  He finally smiled and said to Master and Zhuge Liang who were still thinking: "Master... I will visit you Huaxia in a few days..."

  "At that time, I will officially come to Jixia College to visit... I hope you can remember me."

  "That's it for Shen Yun, let's say goodbye...!!"


  Her body is completely illusory. . (Wang Qian's)

  Consciousness, also gradually darkened. .

  next moment!

  back to reality. .


  "Phew... it's over..."

  After regaining consciousness, Shen Yun slumped in front of the computer desk.

  Divine consciousness intervenes in CG, and the consumption is extremely huge. .

  It only took less than half an hour.

  Her divine sense comparable to the top gods is about to be exhausted. .

  It is conceivable how huge this consumption was to her. .

  "Blue Star... Huaxia! Valley!"

  "Jixia Academy...!!"

  The galaxy that joined the Wanzu Ranking this time seems to be very difficult. .

  Really looking forward to the Blue Star party in three days. .

  Shen Yun Saintess murmured. .

  She can't wait to go to Blue Star.


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] Jin Chan!Past and Present!

  Chapter [-]

  "A member of the clergy...!!"

  Listen to the voice in your ear.

  Su Xinyu muttered to herself, thinking. .

  What does priesthood mean. .

  Swish! !

  The picture in front of Su Xinyu's eyes flashed.

  Very illusory, can't see clearly. .

  I just felt a sacred aura, as if it was close to my eyes.

  However, the dazzling brilliance made it impossible for her to see what was happening in front of her. .

  "He was merciful and kind by nature, and cherished every plant and tree, unlike the clergy who later pursued power and power."

  "He has been devoted to the practice of truth."

  "Became the youngest "cultivator" among the priests, and received the highest inheritance from Nuwa to the practitioners - "Three Artifacts".

  Su Xinyu can only follow the introduction.

  Judging that it should be a shining god, giving treasures. .

  ["Hey... What, I'm such a good guy, as soon as I make a shot, I will give three artifacts... This is called Nu Wa, where is it sacred..."]

  ["Nima, give me three artifacts...Wori, even if you give me one, I can fly to the sky."]

  ["This Nuwa, she's so awesome... I'll give you a set of three artifact first...!"]

  And Su Xinyu was also stunned.

  What a magical start this is.

  Three artifacts are given at the beginning....

  Three artifacts, what is this concept.

  A piece of artifact can make the heroic spirit defeat the enemy one step further. .

  And the white Taoist Taoist robe, the super boss who was hiding behind the scenes, only had two artifacts.

  And here, the start is actually giving away three artifacts. .

  What kind of means is this.

  Artifacts don't need money. .

  Who is this Nuwa...!

  At the beginning, countless doubts were once again blocked in Su Xinyu's mind.

  The name Nuwa entered her mind for the first time. .

  The voice in the ear continued to sound at this time:

  "Because of the suffering of the desire to see the Protoss, at the same time pity the suffering of the devil's fate!"

  "Jin Chan, who feels the suffering, hopes that through his own practice, he can find the ultimate answer that can help all beings escape from the sea of ​​suffering - the true meaning of life."

  "He began to turn what he gained into a "god pattern" and engraved it on his body, and his body and mind were comprehended every day."

  "Later, Jin Chan was still unable to change the fate of the demons by himself."

  "He didn't hesitate to punish himself, he descended from the godhood, and left the hanging sky alone, and went down to the mortal world to continue his cultivation.

  Su Xinyu was stunned.


  Upside down!

  Another bunch of unfamiliar words and place names.

  ["My good guy, it turned out to be a full-level account, but he had to give up his martial arts...!!"]

  ["Go down to the mortal world... This is very important, that is to say, hanging upside down is from the sky..."]

  ["Wori, heaven, god...I feel like I know something incredible."]

  The audience in the live broadcast room buckled their words.

  Su Xinyu was also pondering secretly. At the beginning, it was a series of unfamiliar things....

  I can only ponder secretly, hoping to find some familiar events.

  However, she didn't wait for her to think.

  The screen in front of him flashed again.

  Four figures came into view. .

  A white horse... On the white horse sits a monk in blue clothes... He is holding a meditation staff and his face is quiet. .

  The one leading the horse was a monkey carrying a stick. .

  Beside the white horse, a pig carrying a rake... walked quietly, and was at the back.

  There is also a big man carrying luggage. .

  Four strange combinations. .

  Among them, monkeys and pigs have been seen. .

  Monkey is Monkey King, Monkey King.

  Pigs don't know their names. .

  The four of them talked and laughed along the way...the scene was very peaceful. .

  "He spent hardships with Wukong, Bajie and others in the process of seeking the "true meaning" and forged a good relationship."

  "In the end, in order to save the common people, he died in a battle of gods and demons... That is his previous life."

  Swish! !

  The screen turns.

  A piece of desolate land...Blood all over the ground, bones can be seen everywhere, and an extremely terrifying aura rises in the desolate land. .

  Su Xinyu's hands and feet were cold.

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