The largest cloud of blood light stared at the golden sword rain that was about to fall.

  murmured the words. .

  He is the patriarch of the Saiya Blade family. At this moment, he is watching the golden sword rain about to fall.

  The fear in his heart began to spread in his heart. .

  The form seems to have undergone a reversal of incomparable rapidity. .

  sluggish for a moment.

  "Jianyu covers the whole world, there is no way to avoid it, only hard resistance!!"

  Waiting for death is not the style of their Saiyan family. .

  "Several elders...!"

  "Together with this old man, for our clansmen, the sky is raining swords...!"

  He roared. .

  Blood light enveloped him and rose to the sky. .

  The other dozen or so groups of blood light group shadows heard the words without any hesitation.

  Follow him, rush to the sky. .

  I saw more than a dozen blood lights rushed to the sky and greeted the sword rain that filled the sky. .

  Swish! !

  The collision that everyone expected did not happen. .

  It was the dozen or so blood lights in the sky that suddenly exploded when they were about to touch the sword rain. .

  It turned into a blood-colored light curtain that was enough to shelter everyone in the Saiya Blade family. .

  Ding Ding Ding Ding! !

  The golden sword rain impacted on the blood-colored light curtain, making an incomparably crisp clanging sound. .


  Ying Zheng was still like that, floating in the air.

  His arms crossed his chest... his eyes were cold. .

  The golden sword rain slipped from his side, never approaching within three feet of him. .

  His eyes stared at the mask formed by the condensed blood light in the distance.


  Calmly spit out these two words.

  That's right!

  In Ying Zheng's eyes, such a way of coping is completely stupid. .

  In the face of a powerful force, it is unknown whether he can retreat completely.

  He also wanted to protect his family. .

  With a slight lift of his arm, the palm of his hand is aimed at the Saiyan Blade family under the shroud of light. .

  Swish! !

  A golden holy sword pierced towards the black crowd ahead. .

  The sword light seems to be able to pierce time.

  Almost in an instant, it has arrived!

  This was once, a sword that defeated the king of knights with one sword.

  Just a normal attack.

  The imperial sword intent condensed at will! !


  Compared to the past, Ying Zheng at this moment was countless times stronger. .

  Bai Ye broke through the blessing of the four-star summoner. .

  The blessing of the three top-level artifacts made this sword light a few pieces incomparable. .

  Passed through the black crowd in an instant. .

  Swish! !

  Blood shot!

  The sword light (Wang Nuo's) has passed... There is no living creature with life breath! !


  Su Xinyu took a deep breath. .

  "Compared to two months ago, it is indeed much stronger!"

  Once Su Xinyu could still see the sword light...!

  And now, that sword light, she can't see clearly! !

  At this moment... the Patriarch of the Saiya Blade Clan also realized the seriousness of the matter. .

  What they face is a monster at all. .

  The golden sword rain is still falling continuously.

  And he was still able to attack. .

  So scary crazy!


  "Such terrifying power, he can't last long!!"

  The piercing roar resounded through the world. .

  Ying Zheng's eyes were cold. .

  One arm... The terrifying power, condensed again!

  "It's over!!"

  "The emperor is furious...he bleeds thousands of miles!!"


  PS: General Meng Tian, ​​just clean up the mess! .

Chapter [-]: Victory in Destruction!

  Chapter [-]

  Ying Zheng radiated golden light all over his body, and a golden mask was looming around him. .

  buzzing. .

  It fell with the sound of light drinking. .

  A wave of spiritual power surged around him. .

  Circles of golden ripples bloomed, and from the ripples, the holy swords of imperial power slowly emerged. .

  Every sharp imperial power holy sword exudes a faint imperial power. .

  Those who are closer can clearly feel... the sharpness of the imperial sword, which is completely equal to the casual blow just now! !

  Everyone was horrified. .

  "Just now, it was just a sword light, and it directly penetrated the Saiya Blade family...!"

  "Then now...!!"

  "'s terrifying, the golden sword rain that covers the sky is still attacking!!"

  That's right!

  At this moment, the golden sword rain that covers the sky and covers the whole world is still falling continuously. .

  At this moment, Ying Zheng was on the front and was about to attack again. .

  I saw that Ying Zheng raised his hand and waved!

  The holy sword of imperial power suspended by his side burst out. .

  shhhhhhhh! !

  Incomparably terrifying power burst out.

  Countless golden sword rains attacked from the front, banging the Saiya blade clan. .

  "Hurry up...!!"

  At this time, the chief of the Saiyan clan, who was still releasing the blood-colored energy mask above, shouted loudly. .

  He and a group of elders, at this time, were maintaining the blood-colored mask above, and were completely unable to escape.

  Moreover, the sword rain that covered the sky and the sun was still crashing down at this moment.

  They are simply powerless to form protection for the Saiyan Blade's clansmen. .


  Hurry up? !

  At this time, in the face of the golden holy sword blazing from the front, how can the Saiyan family hide. .

  Whether it's speed or range.

  It's not a range that can be avoided at all. .

  Silent fear spreads in the hearts of 690 Saiyan Blade tribesmen at this moment. .

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