At this time, it is the CG that tells the story of Meng Tian!

  "He designed the most simple and easy-to-use spear and shield, so that every ordinary person can take it on the battlefield at any time!"

  "He formulated the strictest and most effective military regulations to enhance the mutual cooperation of soldiers. He also created his own 5.1 military formation - Guangsha."


  That's right!

  This is the mainstream weapon used by the soldiers of General Meng Tian!

  "At the moment when the battlefield was on the verge of death, Meng Tian fully used the power of the army for the first time. He used the army to completely defeat the blood clan and save Xuanyong from the brink of destruction."

  "Victory against the blood race and the heavy responsibility of guardianship make Meng Tian believe in rules and order, and he believes that only rules and order can protect the people."

  "Later, the blood clan made a comeback and invaded other places. Displaced refugees rushed to Xuanyong. Thinking of the same sadness, Meng Tian chose to take in and shelter these refugees."

  "The pain of the blood clan is not only in Xuanyong, but also in the world, so Meng Tian made up his mind to find the root of the blood clan and protect the people of the world from harm."

  "Now, he is heading towards the Southern Wilderness, because there is a new threat there."

  .................................................. ..

Chapter [-]: Act [-] - Long Night Alone!

  Chapter [-]

  "Rescue the world...!"

  This is what Su Xinyu saw from Meng Tian at this moment. .

  And the so-called blood race... what is it! !

  All kinds of doubts linger. .

  The vision in front of him gradually darkened. .

  After a while....

  Several bloody large characters came into view. .

  Act [-] - Long Night Alone!

  Analyze the story of General Meng Tian in detail....

  Su Xinyu thought to herself. .

  Immediately, the voice in the ear sounded.

  Like a slideshow, scenes flashed past her eyes. .


  "In March, the disaster of the blood clan broke out, and the eastern border city of Xuanyong was in an emergency."

  "The neighboring cities received news of emergency support. When they arrived, Xuanyong Border City was lost. All the reinforcements fought on the spot with the blood clan, and all the troops were wiped out."

  "In April of the same year, the three cities, which were empty of troops due to the dispatch of reinforcements, fell one after another, and there was only enough time to hear an emergency military report."

  "In June of the same year, Xuan Yong learned of the military newspaper that hundreds of officials were in constant disputes with the generals and their subordinates, the military situation was delayed, and several cities fell." 04

  "In July of the same year, Meng Tian, ​​who was inspecting the northern frontline, gathered troops from the northern border and urgently went to the east for support!"

  "Under the condition of unknown blood clan's combat strength, Meng Tian implemented the policy of defending the city, thus delaying the blood clan's offensive."

  "In September of the same year, the dispute over the interests of hundreds of officials ended, and the commander was finally appointed. Meng Tian received a military order from the DPRK and China and must cooperate with the commander unconditionally."

  "In February of the following year, the main general assembled the surrounding forces and wanted to face off against the blood clan. Meng Tian's persuasion failed, and he was incorporated into the Xuanyong army together with the Meng family army."

  "In April of the following year, the surrounding people were transferred ahead of schedule at Meng Tian's strong request. As soon as the blood clan arrived, they would start a showdown."

  A series of battle reports,

  In an instant, Su Xinyu understood the severity of the current war between Xuanyong City and the blood clan. .

  I also understand how cruel the wars experienced in the history of the Dragon Kingdom were. .

  This is only the situation in Xuanyong City.

  In the entire continent, there is also Weidu in the west, the Great Wall in the east, Jixia College in the south, and what is in the north is still unknown. .

  However, there is definitely power over there. .

  And in the middle, is the desert in the cloud where the demons are rampant!

  The history of the Dragon Kingdom was too glorious, but it was also too cruel... It was a brilliance that was created after a series of thrilling wars!


  At this time, Xuanyong City was here. .

  From March to April of the following year. .

  After a year and a month, Xuanyong City will fight against the blood clan!

  "Obviously... this war is lost... Absolutely and completely!"

  Su Xinyu said.

  Meng Tian has not been reused, the ruler has established a general who has never been heard of before. .

  Meng Tian's persuasion was fruitless.

  Well, the next development is absolutely obvious!

  ["This is the situation of Xuanyong City in the past, Ying Zheng has not yet been in power... General Meng Tian didn't get important, and set up a rubbish leader... I predict that they will lose this decisive battle!!"]

  ["I feel the same way too... The protagonist, General Meng Tian, ​​has not been reused, what is he doing... He has set up a main general who has never heard of it before, and he has a decisive battle... This is going to die!"]

  ["Life is ruined... I have already foreseen what will happen next... The decisive battle failed, the border of Xuanyong City, life was ruined!!"]

  The audience chatted. .

  They naturally understand... Ying Zheng has not yet been in power, Meng Tian has not been reused, this decisive battle is doomed to fail. .

  It is inevitable that life will be ruined!

  really. .

  The next picture is that Xuan Yong's army is completely surrounded by the overwhelming blood clan!

  The commander ordered that the only remaining Xuan Yong army began to evacuate urgently!

  The voice in the ear sounded.

  "Xuan Yong has completely lost this battle!"

  "In the past few months, Xuanyong has lost nearly ten cities in a row, countless civilians have been captured, and countless soldiers have also been sacrificed."

  "As expected!"

  Su Xinyu sighed.

  From the moment Meng Tian was not reused, such an outcome was already doomed. .

  The screen in front of him flashed again. .

  Under the setting sun, the yellow sand in the sky is flying around with the galloping horses' hooves. .

  Meng Tian rode on a horse, his eyes darkened.

  Since the defeat of the Xuanyong City army, a heavy heart has been shrouded in him.

  In the blurred vision, he seemed to see thousands of calls again, and another city fell behind him, and his heart felt extremely heavy,

  In the grief of the loss of these armies, he clearly understood,

  Xuan Yong has reached a critical point where he cannot be broken or established. If he wants to reverse the current predicament, he must make a complete change.

  At this moment, Meng Tian's mood has undergone great changes. .


  At night, the lonely moon hangs high. .

  Meng Tian stood alone on the city wall. He quietly and for a long time looked at the boundless night ahead - there, the direction of the fall of the old city.

  Meng Tian recalled the situation when he used to ride a horse on the border of Xuanyong.

  At that time, he personally led the Meng family army to quell the border disputes along the way, and the Xuanyong border finally gradually stabilized due to their efforts.

  The people also began to have a stable life, and the soldiers were sincerely happy because of the stability of the people.

  Meng Tian thought that everything would get better and better, and that Xuan Yong, who had been chaotic all the year round, would also come to an end.

  But this sudden disaster of the blood race broke Meng Tian's hopes.

  Millions of people on the border were captured, soldiers were sacrificed one after another, and Xuanyong's borders were infinitely compressed, and now there are less than ten cities.

  And today,

  He personally went to propose to the general.

  Want to enforce rule and order in the military,

  Fight in groups with the hope of improving the soldiers, and defeat the powerful blood clan of individual soldiers,

  But the general was only worried that he would seize power and firmly refused.

  The two parted unhappily,

  Meng Tian can only continue to protect Xuan Yong as best he can.

  The long night is long, Meng Tian walks alone, the road ahead is dark and boundless,

  690 But no matter how long and boundless the night is, Meng Tian will keep moving forward until the light.

  Swish! !

  The picture went dark again. .


  Su Xinyu exhaled. .

  Since the decisive battle was defeated, a heavy feeling has been pressed on her chest.

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