"Setting scoring..."

  "Ding... the settlement is completed, the death... clan... extermination... species completion rate is 99%!"

  "Quest reward one (30% completion rate): Awakening the Heroic Spirit·Blade of Broken Mirror - Oriental Mirror!"

  "Mission reward 60 ([-]% completion rate): Legendary skin pack (after opening, you will get a random legendary skin)!"

  "Mission reward three (99% completion rate): Five Tiger Admiral Gift Pack (after opening, wake up Five Tiger Admiral)!"

  Although the degree of completion is [-]%, the Saiya Blade family, which may be less than [-]%, must not be able to turn the tide.


  At this time, Meng Tian's officers and soldiers were still slaughtering in the galaxy of the Saiyan family!

  Next, the one percent of the Saiyan Blades may also cease to exist. .

  Take your eyes back completely from the Saiyan Blade Galaxy. .

  Bai Ye began to examine the rewards obtained.

  The first is the broken mirror blade - Oriental Mirror!

  The surname of the East!

  It must be a relative of Dongfang Yao.

  And Dongfang Yao, now the heroic spirit on Bai Yeming's face,

  In this case, Bai Ye directly attributed Dongfang Jing to the heroic spirit on his bright side. .

  Not displayed on the Summoner's overall strength rankings. .


  A card appeared out of thin air in mid-air, emitting a dazzling colorful light. .

  Immediately, Bai Ye only felt the sight in front of him turn. .

  The vision darkened.

  The words of Dongfang Jing's debut sounded in his ears.

  "Don't forget the things you shouldn't forget, don't remember the people you shouldn't remember!" The female voice was sharp, full of chills. …

  Bai Ye's expression could not help but slightly linger.

  This voice is somewhat familiar.

  Vaguely, he remembered the voice in Xuan Yong's dream: "Hundreds of millions of broken mirrors, hundreds of millions of brilliant suns!"

  that woman. .

  She is the Oriental Mirror!


  And Su Xinyu is here.

  After Meng Tian left Jixia College.

  Her consciousness also returned to reality. .

  After returning, the first message she received was.

  The Saiyan Blade family has been wiped out on the list of all races!

  That is to say, since then, there will be no Saiya Blades in the Wanzu List.

  And the Saiya Blade family, I don't know if they will still exist.

  Think it will not exist!

  Die.... Clan... Exterminate.... Species!

  Su Xinyu shuddered.

  "If...if this race war...is China loses!!"

  "Then... the ending we face will be like the Saiyan Blade family!"

  Su Xinyu murmured.

  In an instant, the barrage in the entire live room was stagnant!


  If Huaxia loses this battle!

  Facing them, it may be the opposite outcome.

  The Wanzu list will definitely be erased.

  And then, taking advantage of the general trend, will the Saiyan family who came to Blue Star to slaughter wantonly, will they leave a way for them to live in China!

  Obviously not!

  Whichever side loses, the victorious side will definitely try every means to let the other side die... clan... exterminate... species!

  After all, for every surviving person, there is a threat to him.

  Everyone was silent for a moment.

  5.1 Su Xinyu's expression gradually became firm.

  "We....We must become stronger...become strong, so that all ethnic groups in the Wanzu Ranking will not dare to underestimate our strength!!"

  "However, don't worry. I heard that race wars have only happened three times in thousands of years... Counting this time, it's only been four times."

  "The probability of it happening is very small..."

  Su Xinyu said with a smile.

  Immediately, the Ten Thousand Clan Ranking was opened.

  Take a look at Huaxia's ranking, the [-]rd place!

  It's up again!

  Although not much.

  However, that proves that a new heroic spirit powerhouse has been awakened! !

  "Huaxia has a new powerhouse awakened again!!"

  Su Xinyu said happily.

  Afterwards, he quickly clicked on the back of the Huaxia detailed list.

  Found the new heroic spirit powerhouse!

  The Blade of Broken Mirror - Oriental Mirror!


Chapter [-] The tragic life experience of the sister and brother!

  Chapter [-]


  Su Xinyu is a little sensitive to the surname Dongfang.

  Not only that talkative boy himself, but also that he is a heroic spirit belonging to Bai Ye. .

  At this time, another heroic spirit with the surname Dongfang appeared. .

  Moreover, it can also be included in the detailed information of Huaxia, obviously this heroic spirit is not simple!

  She has at least a god-level talent!

  "Could he be the newly awakened heroic spirit in Bai Ye!"

  This thought instantly rose in Su Xinyu's mind.

  You know, Bai Ye is in retreat now.

  If he has finished the retreat, he will be promoted to four stars, and he will wake up the Oriental Mirror with the spiritual power fed back!

  This reasoning makes perfect sense!

  If it is, that means.... After two months of seclusion in the white night, I finally woke up!

  And it also awakened a god-level heroic spirit who could enter the Huaxia information materials! !

  In an instant, Su Xinyu was overjoyed!

  I really want to rush over to celebrate with Bai Ye now.

  But, think about it.

  I just came back from him, and it has not been confirmed that this is the new heroic spirit that was awakened by Bai Ye.

  "Let's get to know it first." Su Xinyu suppressed the excitement in her heart and secretly said.

  At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room has been occupied by watching cg.

  [“Today is our winning moment for Huaxia. Not only did we win the battle of races...the rankings were also continuously improved. 04 Congratulations to Huaxia for once again promoting a new god-level heroic spirit!”]

  ["That's right, it's great... Oriental mirror, we're going to watch CG!"]

  ["Another god-level powerhouse with Dongfang's surname... Who would she be from Dongfang Yao, hahaha, I'm so looking forward to it!"]

  【“By the way, there is a family surnamed Dongfang in the capital, could it be them?!”]

  ["What are you thinking upstairs? Whoever said their surname was Dongfang must be the heroic spirit they awakened... Bai Ye, a student of the Magic Capital, his heroic spirit is Dongfang Yao, a proper future powerhouse in China!!"]

  ["Well... I also feel that it may be awakened by classmate Bai Ye, it's too awesome!!"]

  ["Student Bai Ye is promoted to Samsung Summoner... If he wakes up, that's awesome!!"]

  ["Look at the CG, and see what the relationship is with Dongfang Yao!!"]

  Su Xinyu glanced briefly.

  Immediately, go directly to the introduction of the heroic spirit. .

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