[-] billion krypton gold can be unlocked to buy [-] billion recharge package!

  [-] billion krypton gold can be unlocked to buy [-] billion recharge packs!

  [-] billion krypton gold can be unlocked to buy [-] billion recharge packs!

  [-] billion krypton gold can be unlocked to buy [-] billion recharge package!

  Krypton gold is [-] billion, which can be unlocked to buy [-] billion recharge packages!

  Krypton gold is [-] billion, which can be unlocked to buy [-] billion recharge package!


  Bai Ye took a deep breath when he looked at this column of recharge packages.

  These are not first-time gift packs, you can give them away when you get Krypton Gold!

  These can only be purchased after unlocking krypton gold.

  It can be said that the previous first-charge gift packs were all benefits, and these were all about eating people without spitting bones!

  Before, for those millions, he had to be beaten to death.

  Now it is unexpected to recharge in units of [-] million!

  Moreover, [-] billion is too expensive!

  At present, Bai Ye has a total property of more than one billion yuan.

  Twenty-four Glory Crystals can almost unlock the [-] billion recharge package!

  "System... Krypton Gold!"

  Taking out a few shiny magic seed crystals, Bai Ye said silently.

  "[-] billion krypton gold!"

  "Ding... Krypton Gold is successful, and the recharge package of [-] billion has been unlocked. Do you want to buy it!"


  "Ding...The purchase is successful, the remaining amount: [-] billion!"

  "The [-] billion recharge package has entered the backpack, please check it yourself!"

  The voice of the system, without emotion.

  Bai Ye felt a little pain in his heart, this is [-] billion, the reward accumulated in his last Heroic Spirit Tournament.

  Give him half of it directly!

  Most importantly, there is no Heroic Spirit Tournament yet!

  That is, there are no season rewards!

  "The goddamn... are all harmed by all races. Why do you make a list of all races for these bastards? Now even if I dominate the list, I won't be rewarded!"

  "What a bunch of nasty bastards..."

  Bai Ye gritted his teeth. At this moment, he hated Wanzu deeply. If there was a chance, he would definitely slaughter them.

  "System, open the [-] billion recharge package!"

  "Yeah, I'm going to see today, what kind of earth-shattering things can I get out of a recharge package that has been recharged for [-] billion!"

  Bai Ye thought bitterly.

  If the contents of this [-] billion gift package are not satisfactory, Bai Ye will not continue to buy this damn recharge package!

  "Ding... [-] billion recharge package is open!"

  "Get: Jixia Academy (already stored in the backpack)!"

  The night was startled!


  Jixia College? !

  This is so... Is this Jixia Academy still available as a reward? !

  what the hell.

  He quickly sank his consciousness into the system backpack.

  I saw the introduction of Jixia Academy.

  [Jixia College: After use, Jixia College can be established at a designated location (Note: The college is an energy supply, a piece of glory crystal, which can supply the college for ten years. A piece of glory crystal can supply a strong student of Jixia College for ten years. , the stronger the strength, the shorter the time limit)! 】


  Bai Ye poured 5.1 again to take a breath.

  He figured it out, it was completely blood-sucking.

  If you want to build Jixia Academy, you must have enough Glory Crystals to supply, and Glory Crystals, you have to buy them!

  One hundred million yuan!

  Sky price!

  Tomorrow or these days, just find a place to build it up.

  Build the college first.

  Anyway, it's just a matter of two Glory Crystals!


  Bai Ye replaced all the remaining [-] billion with Glory Crystals!

  Twelve Glory Crystals, leaving two for the establishment of Jixia Academy, and one for emergency.

  The rest are all used to awaken the Heroic Spirit.


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] Rende Righteous Spear - Liu Bei!The key to tandem!

  Chapter [-]

  It is not too late.

  Bai Ye took out a three-dimensional blank card directly.

  Infuse spiritual power.

  The card is activated, floating in mid-air, and the light flashes.

  "Ding... Detected that the host is awakening the heroic spirit.... Detected that there is a glory crystal in the backpack, whether to inject the power of the glory crystal!"

  The mechanical sound of the system sounded.

  Familiar with the road.



  With the huge energy injection of the Glory Crystal, the card floating in the air instantly emits a colorful light.

  Swish! !

  Immediately, Bai Ye's eyes turned black.

  Consciousness entered the continent of kings.

  The next moment, the heroic spirit's debut quote came from his ears: "Come out and hang out, the most important thing is to show loyalty!"

  The tone is frivolous, with the feeling of a gangster.


  the other side.

  04 The consciousness of Su Xinyu and Shen Yun has also returned from the King's Continent.

  There is still a lot of information feedback, and countless mysteries emerge.

  What will happen next? !

  Did Zhang Fei get the iron box containing the Scroll of Heavenly Books, and would he open it?

  What was recorded in the Book of Heavenly Books!

  What will be the fate of Zhang Fei in the future?

  And the most important thing is... if I remember correctly, the post office was on fire, and the last clip of the second master cg!

  Various combinations!

  The clue found by the second master is very likely to be the forbidden blood mad beast - Zhang Fei!

  Mysteries ensued.

  Both girls were lost in thought.

  ["I'm going, I can't think of the second master and Zhang Fei to the teammates who will fight side by side in the future... The second master is obviously aiming at Zhang Fei."]

  ["It stands to reason that the second master is a demon hunter, and Zhang Fei is a mixed blood of demons. There is no way they will have an intersection!"]

  [“Also, this time Zhang Fei directly killed the postal governor’s mansion. This is already a heinous crime. As a witcher, why did the second master come together with him!!”]

  [“While hating humans, while hunting demons as a profession... How did two people like this come together...”]

  ["There are too many mysteries, and what kind of forces do Er Ye and Zhang Fei belong to, three-thirds of the land, three places in total, which side are they?!"]

  ["The Five Tiger Admirals are over, and what they bring is still countless mysteries!"]

  ["It's too difficult...the past history is too hard to find!"]

  ["Look, is there any heroic spirit awakening? It doesn't always feel so simple. Admiral Five Tigers is probably just the beginning!"]


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