He knew that the current ruler, the empress dowager, Mi Yue, had taken a crooked path in order to obtain the elixir of immortality.

  And he himself, there is no way to save everything.

  Then 5.1, only this little monarch who is still growing can bring new vitality to Xuan Yong.

  So, the day after Ying Zheng disappeared.

  He noticed it, and sent people to look for it all the way. Finally, there was news on Nanhuang's side.

  That's about it.

  The two teenagers were thrown into the car tent and sent back to Xuanyong overnight.

  Before leaving, Ying Zheng asked him, "Why arrest him?"

  "There will be a blood disaster in Nanhuang." General Meng said, "Stay there, you will die!"

  Very simple reason.

  It also silenced the young monarch.


  PS: Seeking to subscribe! .

Chapter [-] Crazy killing!

  Chapter [-]

  Su Xinyu's eyes flashed.

  I saw that Ying Zheng and Bai Qi returned to Xuanyong City again.

  And Meng Tian, ​​who stayed in the Southern Wilderness, did not know when, left the Southern Wilderness and followed the returning convoy.

  Ying Zheng stuck his head out and asked seriously.

  "General Meng Tian, ​​can you tell me something about Nanhuang?"

  Bai Qi was born in Nanhuang, and he wanted to know more about it.

  After a moment of silence, Meng Tian spoke slowly.

  "The blood disaster in the Southern Wilderness is inevitable."

  Immediately, he remembered a discovery some time ago.

  "There is an unknown warlock who regards it as a base camp, where an unforeseen and dangerous experiment is being carried out..."

  In fact, he knew it himself.

  That was the empress dowager, Mi Yue allowed it, and she organized it, but, since things were not in danger to Xuan Yong, he couldn't intervene.

  "Is that so..." Ying Zheng was silent for a while, then got back into the carriage.


  After that, the news of Xuanyong prevailed: Nanhuang people finally revealed their true colors.

  Those monsters, here they come.

  Their fangs have grown, and their faces have been distorted.

  More and more people from Nanhuang went to Xuanyong to seek medical treatment. Xuanyong people did not like this. Since then, the source of the disease has become war, and the conflict has become more intense.

  "It turns out that the battle of the blood race came from this."

  Su Xinyu was always watching the beginning and end of the whole thing from a third perspective.

  Now, I finally understand the origin of the blood clan disaster.

  It is entirely because of Empress Dowager Xuanyong - Mi Yue.

  For the sake of immortality, she supported the so-called warlock, and secretly conducted experiments and research on people from the Southern Wilderness.

  And in the end, what should have gone wrong.

  Or it can be said that the man in black robe lost control, and as a result, the people from the Southern Wilderness who had fallen into the virus became a blood clan.

  War comes from this.

  Looking at it this way, the Xuanyong crisis was entirely caused by the Empress Dowager - Mi Yue!

  ["Hi... This Empress Dowager, I knew that putting her in power would not be a good thing at all. Now it's okay. The battle of the blood race that nearly wiped out Xuanyong was entirely caused by her alone."]

  [“Also, I also discovered that, since Ying Zheng was a child, Mi Yue had already imported a lot of values ​​into him as an obscure ruler!”]

  ["What is the purpose of her doing this, everyone is self-evident... Continuing in power, she wants to use Ying Zheng as a puppet!!"]

  ["I just don't know if her immortality medicine has been successful. I'm still curious."]

  ["I'm also very curious. Up to now, from beginning to end, she seems to have never missed her face..."]

  ["Ying Zheng will overthrow her in the future...don't worry, there will be a chance."]

  [“So it seems that Ying Zheng’s study at Jixia Academy has become a turning point in becoming a wise ruler in the future.”]

  ["Problem, I came to Jixia Academy again, it's such a fascinating place, all the heroes in the world come from Jixia...!"]


  In response to the speculation of all the audience in the live broadcast room.

  Ying Zheng proposed to his grandmother Mi Yue to study at Jixia College.

  After some thought, Mi Yue agreed.

  So, Ying Zheng and Bai Qi, just two people, went to Jixia in the constant war.

  On the way, he and his partner Bai Qi ran into the siege of the blood clan army.

  And many turning points of things started from here.


  Su Xinyu's eyes shifted.

  Ying Zheng and Bai Qi were surrounded by the blood clan army.

  "Sting the fallen soul!"

  Ying Zheng summoned thousands of sword formations, falling to the ground like a golden rainstorm.

  However, he hasn't fully grown yet after all.

  The strength is not as strong as in the future at all, after the blood clan army continuously surrounded it.

  Ying Zheng couldn't raise a trace of spiritual power.

  On the other hand, Bai Qi, who was in a panic, finally firmed his expression.

  Grabbed a heavy and mottled scythe and carried it on his shoulders.

  That sickle is so heavy at this moment.

  He roared and rushed into the blood clan army.

  For some reason, at this moment, the throbbing power in his heart is gradually recovering and boiling.

  at last.

  In the chaotic battle, a bloodstain was drawn on his face.

  Blood flowed down his face.

  The key buried deep in Bai Qi's heart is also opening that crazy door.


  A huge unknown and violent force poured into his body in an instant.

  The consciousness in his mind was also disintegrated in an instant.



  At this moment, in his mind, only the idea of ​​murder remained.

  At this moment, a demon woke up.

  The sickle kept dancing wildly, and the bloodthirsty demon who was awakened in the deepest heart kept slaughtering...killing lives.

  Like a god of death, the sickle passes, and the blood blooms.

  The rest, only crazy!

  Su Xin 753 language and Shen Yun stood aside and watched, with slightly fluctuating expressions in her eyes.

  However, not much.

  Because of this ending, they had already guessed it.


  The first time Bai Qi was arrested in Xuan Yong Palace, in fact, the seed of madness had already been planted in his body.

  At this moment, the wounds caused by the blood race.

  It just happened to be the key to open that door.

  It's just that they don't know if Bai Qi will become an unconscious crazy demon from now on.

  They don't know, and neither do all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

  Everyone only knows that Ying Zheng will not give up this partner who has been with him since childhood.

  "The name of the God of Killing...that's how it came."

  Su Xinyu muttered to herself.

  Bai Qi, who awakened the seed deep in his heart, is the killing machine on the battlefield at this moment.

  I don't know what exhaustion is.

  Crazy swinging the sickle, harvesting life, as if this has become his instinct.

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