"Only a few leaders hold this secret and pass it on from generation to generation."

  "They seem to be the superpowers of this era, accepting the worship of people."

  These, Su Xinyu has already expressed understanding.

  It is normal for the super-intelligent beings that surpass everything to create magical ways and mechanical techniques, and the prosperity of civilization exceeds the sum of the past.

  Immediately, her eyes narrowed slightly.

  These are all introductions.

  So, will the official story, the story of the archer as a god, unfold next?


  The sight in front of him slowly lit up.

  Vision restored.

  A screen appeared in front of him.

  I saw that in the picture, a man with a long bow in his hand, his eyes were sharp, and he was wearing a golden armor, which looked particularly dazzling.

  At this time, he faced a huge demon species.

  Immediately, draw the bow.

  Without a bow and arrow, the body with the power of magic can create arrows out of thin air.

  And the power of the arrows is entirely based on their own understanding of the magic way.

  She is a powerful archer who uses magic to create arrows.

  It's just that the magic energy used by the two parties is different, and the arrows made by Garo are blue.

  Then Hou Yi, he drew his bow.

  On the curved bow, a dazzling golden light flashed!


  call out!

  A humming like a bird's chirping resounded through the sky.

  The violent golden arrows instantly passed through the body of the huge Demon Seed, and the fierce Demon Seed body collapsed in an instant and fell to the ground.

  He is Hou Yi.

  Su Xinyu stared at the man holding the longbow.

  His breath was violent, and his sharp eyes were like a falcon, dazzling and dazzling.

  At this moment, the voice sounded.

  "'~ However, if there are secrets, there are those who covet the secrets."

  "Hou Yi, the heroic marksman... His illustrious feats caught the king's attention."

  The king, of course, refers to those super-intelligent life forms.

  The power system they created, and Hou Yi's power, was already very dazzling in their eyes.

  "One day, the hero was brought into the gorgeous residence, and Shangguan (Zhao Li Zhao) presented him with a secret plan: destroy the tower of the sun standing on the far border!"

  "Because of the existence of the Tower of the Sun, the magic energy is continuously created."

  "If that huge and unstable force falls into the hands of the West, the mainland will fall into a crisis of war."

  Su Xinyu's expression froze.

  Tower of the Sun!

  It turns out that the Tower of the Sun is the source of magic energy.

  For the power of other creatures, the super-intelligent lifeform is no longer out of control like Hou Yi, so he chose to let Hou Yi destroy the Tower of the Sun.

  The reason is, to avoid falling into the West, the mainland is in crisis!

  Hou Yi's power stems from them, he must not be able to refuse!


  No wonder, the archers of the gods!

  Sentenced to death!


  PS: Seeking to subscribe!which is.

Chapter [-] Shoots down the sun!

  Chapter [-]

  Immediately, Hou Yi, who was entrusted with an important task by the super-intelligent life body, set foot on the far border of the mainland.

  The picture that appeared in front of Su Xinyu's eyes always followed Hou Yi.

  Just in the blink of an eye.

  When Hou Yi reached his destination, he stood in front of a tower that towered into the clouds.

  Sharp eyes, looking up.

  Tower of the Sun!

  Su Xinyu, who always followed her eyes, also raised her head and stared at the past, her pupils shrank suddenly, and her eyes trembled.

  "Is this... the Tower of the Sun?" she murmured in shock.

  I saw that what appeared in front of her was not an ordinary tower.

  The Tower of the Sun is as huge as a palace, layer upon layer. At the top of the tower, there is a building with a curved shape like a moon, towering over the clouds.

  Like holding a sun.

  On the top, there is a dazzling energy crystal, which is exuding terrifying energy.

  Where is this tower... This is clearly the sun!

  ["What am I... this is a tower? Wori, Nima, it's not too much to say that this is a palace."]

  ["Upstairs, the layout is small, what kind of palace is this, this is the sun... 757 Whether it is the energy emanating from the top, or this towering miracle... It is like a sun, shining Earth."]

  ["The tower of the sun, the tower of the sun, this is so reasonable, it is just like the sun..."]

  ["Nima, super-intelligent beings let Houyi destroy these suns, isn't it just to let him come to die...Fuck, Houyi's broken bow, can he shoot the sun through?"]

  [“Hehe, upstairs, you probably don’t know, those super-intelligent beings are afraid that Hou Yi will lose control,

  That's why they let him come over to die... They wish Hou Yi would fall here! "]

  ["Alas... This is the dazzling mark of that era... The Tower of the Sun, this is solar energy, no wonder super-intelligent life forms are afraid...!"]


  The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but be shocked when they looked at the towering sun tower in front of them, like a huge sun!

  If the tower of the sun can keep one.

  I believe it will definitely become a miracle of the new era (aefb).


  Later generations have never heard of the so-called Tower of the Sun. Only in Sima Yi's CG profile is it mentioned a little bit.

  Presumably, it has been destroyed in Hou Yi's hands.

  Su Xinyu thought so.

  His eyes turned to Hou Yi.

  Now that he has arrived at his destination, what will Hou Yi do?

  How is he going to destroy the Tower of the Sun?

  And then, Hou Yi directly used his actions to prove how he would do it.


  Hou Yi's sharp eyes stared at the top of the Tower of the Sun.

  In that crescent shape, the energy that shines brightly.

  It is that energy crystal that continuously provides energy to the Sun Tower and makes the Sun Tower energy work.

  As long as he is below and shoots through those energy sources, he can destroy the tower of the sun.

  Since it came with a mission.

  Hou Yi would naturally not be soft-hearted.

  Looking directly at the energy like the sun, he grabbed the longbow behind him.

  Draw the bow!

  Ten thousand meters away, he would draw his bow and shoot down the sun standing in the sky.

  He wants to destroy the energy that illuminates the earth with the body of a mortal!


  Looking at Hou Yi's familiar bow-drawing gesture.

  Su Xinyu's eyes were shocked.

  "He actually really wanted to shoot down the sun at the top of the Tower of the Sun. How...how is that possible!"

  When he understood what Hou Yi wanted to do next, Su Xinyu suddenly shouted out in shock.

  Such a move, in the eyes of everyone, is almost impossible.

  Even if he has the magic power that can shoot high-level demons, even if his arrows are shot accurately.

  The temperature of the sun is beyond the reach of mortals.

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