Not far from Bai Ye, Shen Yan stood in place.

  The look is extremely sluggish!

  What did he just witness!

  God punished!

  Why....the once fallen waste...has become so strong after only three years of absence! !


  His heart was deeply impacted!

  In the end what kind of three years!

  Let this boy grow up to where he is now. .



  PS: Ask for flowers, ask for votes! .

Chapter [-] Shen Yan - Die! (beg for flowers, ask for votes)

  Chapter [-]

  Shen Yan sighed.


  Now is not the time to think about it!

  A teenager who is not a high school student, after using such a powerful force, how much spiritual power does he have left! ?

  Even if it is a monster, there is not much left.

  Thinking like this, Shen Yan felt that he still had a chance! !

  He turned his eyes to Bai Ye!

  I saw him standing there with a calm expression on his face.

  Can't see any other changes.

  "The spiritual power is exhausted, so are you pretending?!"

  "I have to get rid of him completely before his spiritual power recovers, or I will die if I summon a heroic spirit!!"

  Shen Yan secret passage.

  "Little devil...I have to admit...your strength is indeed very powerful!"

  "It's so powerful that it makes people feel trembling and despair!!"

  "However, with such a powerful power, can you still use it!!"

  "Hehe...I can't..."

  "This is your limit."

  "Now....but it's my turn!!"

  Shen Yan didn't even want to waste time summoning the heroic spirit,

  With only [-]% of the power of the heroic spirit increase, he rushed towards Bai Ye without hesitation!

  He must use the fastest speed to strangle Bai Ye in the cradle!

  Swish! !

  He was extremely fast, and in just a moment, he was in front of Bai Ye.

  A small knife has been held in his hand, showing a sharp cold glow!

  "Go to hell... White Night Kid!"

  "Remember, when mastering powerful power, don't use it at one time in a way that your spiritual power is exhausted!"

  "This is an absolute waste, no matter how strong your strength is, it won't help you!!"

  "The best way should be to plan the overall situation and make the most careful plan!!"

  "Haha, this is my last lesson for you!"

  "With regret, go to hell!!"

  The blade in his hand burst out with an extremely sharp cold glow!

  "Bai Ye... small...!"

  Su Xinyu, who had come back to his senses, was about to exclaim!

  However, it stopped abruptly! !

  I see.

  At this point, the scene took an earth-shaking turn.

  The originally aggressive Shen Yan was now pinched by Bai Ye's neck with one hand.

  It was slowly lifted in midair.

  Shen Yan's dangling feet kept stomping on, trying to find the landing spot.

  Bai Ye stared at him coldly.

  "Who told you... That blow just now was the last blow I released by consuming my spiritual energy!!"

  "Teacher Shen...!!"

  "Has anyone taught you.... Before you can figure out the real state of your opponent.... Don't get close!"

  At this time, Shen Yan, who was pinched by his neck, was already extremely uncomfortable.

  Both hands firmly grasp Bai Ye's hand.


  "Let go... let me go..., let me go!!"

  "Let go of me, Bai Ye, please, let me go!!"

  Shen Yan struggled constantly and said begging for mercy.

  However, the killing intent in Bai Ye's eyes did not diminish at all!

  Let go! ?

  What a joke!

  Three years ago, he was the one who humiliated himself in front of all the teachers and students of the school. .



  big eater! !

  These words were not less scolded back then! !

  If it is said that I chose to be private back then,

  Bai Ye will never say anything or think!


  Open it!

  It's like a divorce!

  You can come in the dark, but you have to come in the open!

  Isn't this bullying, Bai Ye has become a waste back then!

  If not a week ago the system was turned on.

  Bai Ye may die, and there won't be even the slightest chance to contact these high-level Summoners like Shen Yan!

  Therefore, Shen Yan is in Bai Ye's eyes.

  Be the first to die!

  Next is the high-level executives of Jiangbei Yingling Academy!

  Shen Yan clearly felt the strong killing intent in Bai Ye's eyes.

  Immediately panicked!

  "Three years ago, the decision to publicly dismiss you three years ago and humiliate you was not made by me!"

  "I'm just following the request of the people above!"

  "By the way, Principal Long.... Principal Long is definitely the first person to make this decision!!"

  "If you want revenge, you can find Principal Long!"

  "This guy is definitely a heinous social scum!!"

  "As long as you don't kill me, I... I can be your undercover agent lurking with Principal Long!"

  "I'll tell you all the weaknesses of Principal Long!"

  "As long as you don't kill me, no matter what you ask me to do...!"

  Gah! !

  Bai Ye didn't give him a chance to continue speaking, and his arm directly twisted and broke his neck!

  Shen Yan's expression dimmed instantly.

  Life has lost its breath!

  Shen Yan - Die!

  This is the first object of White Night's need for revenge,

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