History Live Broadcast: Show Zulong At The Beginning Of Hu Hai's Usurpation Of The Throne

Chapter 080. Even The Machine Piston! Sweet Potato Potatoes Are Ripe!

Listening to Ying Zheng's excited words, all the officials and ministers present all agreed and sighed,

"Yeah yeah....……"

At this time, Wang Jian put away his sword, rode up to Ying Zheng, dismounted, and said excitedly,

"Your Majesty! These saddles and stirrups are indeed treasures from fairyland! After riding on them, the old minister felt more stable than when I was young! And I can free up my hands! If this is on the battlefield, which enemy general Dare to fight the old minister?"

Ying Zheng laughed and said,

"The old grand master is really a treasured sword that is not old, but grows stronger with age!"

Wang Jian said proudly,

"Thanks for your majesty's praise! But it's not an old minister's bragging. If His Majesty sends an old minister to lead troops to attack the Xiongnu in the future, the veteran will definitely be no worse than General Meng and that brat in my family!"

All the officials and officials shook their heads and smiled, but Wang Ben became anxious and said,

"Hey! I said dad, you can't take the credit for attacking the Huns in the future!"

Meng Tian gave Wang Ben a blank look when he heard the words, and said,

"Who said that you will be the one who will lead the troops to attack the Xiongnu in the future? Has Your Majesty spoken? Have you put me in someone's eyes?"

Wang Ben: "You!"

Ying Zheng smiled and waved his hands, saying,

"Okay, okay! The matter of attacking the Huns, wait until the food problem is solved in the future, and then discuss it in the long run!"

The two of them just gave up!

At this time, Wang Jian showed a puzzled expression, looked at Ying Zheng and asked,

"Your Majesty, the function of the saddle and stirrup is now known to the old minister! But what is the function of the horseshoe? The old minister just rode a lap just now and really didn't realize it! Please answer the question, Your Majesty."

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Ben with a smile and said,

"Tong Wuhou! Come and explain the function of the horseshoe to the old grand master!"

Wang Ben immediately sighed, looked helplessly at 993's father and said,

"I said Dad! Didn't I tell you before you got on the horse? These horseshoes are like the shoes worn by horses! Think about it, why do we wear shoes?"

Wang Jian originally wanted to reprimand Wang Ben for his tone, but when he heard Wang Ben's vivid metaphor, Wang Jian's eyes lit up and he suddenly realized,

"Oh~! I got it! I got it! Since this horseshoe is equivalent to a horse's shoe, it can protect the horseshoe? Reduce the wear and tear of the horseshoe? So that the horse can carry out a longer marching battle! I don't know Am I right?"

Wang Ben showed an expression of "children can be taught", nodded approvingly, and said,

"Hmm! Dad, you've got the hang of it!"

Hearing that Wang Jian's gesture was about to give Wang Ben a shudder, Wang Ben quickly shrank his head back!

It made Yingzheng and all the ministers laugh out loud!

Seeing his father and son making such a fool of themselves in front of Ying Zheng and the other adults, Wang Jian coughed in embarrassment, then looked at Ying Zhengdao,

"Your Majesty! Since this three-piece harness has such a miraculous effect! We should mass-produce it! Then we will replace it with our Daqin cavalry, so as to prepare enough for the future war against the Xiongnu, and even Yazhou and the world." Prepare!"

Hearing Wang Jian's suggestion, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed, he nodded and said,

"The old master's suggestion is very good! I also have this intention in my heart! Prime Minister! I have ordered you to hand over the task of producing the three-piece saddle set to the weapon factory, recruit a large number of workers, and increase the demand for the three-piece saddle set Production!"

Li Si heard the words and immediately stepped out,


As time passed day by day, Xianyang City added two more factories!

Because the cost of snowflake salt purified from bittern salt is very low, all the people in the world have eaten pure and fine snowflake salt!

At the same time, the imperial court also promoted various cooking methods such as stir-frying and steaming.

And with the arrival of winter, the weather is getting colder and colder.

The imperial court followed up with the order to distribute all the hundreds of thousands of cotton coats that had been made to the people all over the world who could not afford fur coats, so as to help them survive this year's severe winter!

Earth-shaking changes have taken place in the lives of the common people in Daqin!

On this day, countless poor people from various counties and counties lined up at the gate of the yamen to receive the cotton-padded clothes distributed by the imperial court, and more people stood aside to watch and sigh,

"Your Majesty is benevolent! Not only has the price of snowflake salt been set extremely low, but it has also taught our common people cooking skills for free! And now we are distributing free cotton coats to the poor people! Looking at the world, which country's people can have our Daqin people Live happily?"

"Yes, yes! But it is also thanks to the Immortal who summoned His Majesty and several ministers into the fairyland! If not, how could our Daqin get this snowflake salt? How could we get the cotton padded clothes that can keep out the cold?"

"Not to mention that the padded coat made of fairyland cotton is really good! My neighbor Lao Wangtou exchanged the sheepskin jacket he bought this year for a cotton padded jacket. It is very warm and comfortable to wear! It is nothing compared to the sheepskin jacket. not bad!"

"Damn it! Really? I'm also moved by what I said! Go back and find someone who has received a cotton coat from the government, and pay for a change from the person.

"The Immortal has really helped Daqin to change so much! If our Daqin didn't have cotton and these hundreds of thousands of cotton clothes, how many poor people would freeze to death in this severe cold this year!

"Yes, yes! I heard that when His Majesty came back from the fairyland last time, the fairy gate appeared outside the palace. At that time, many people in Xianyang City saw the appearance of a fairy! !"

"Even the common people have seen immortals? How lucky! I don't know if there are any portraits of immortals handed down! If there is one, I will burn incense and offer it every day!"

The people were full of emotion.

A few days later, the imperial court manufactured a large number of steel kitchen utensils, steel agricultural tools, as well as tables, chairs, benches, wardrobes, sickles, sieves and other things made according to the "Life Utensil Manufacturing Drawings Encyclopedia (Residual)", and all of them were promoted to the counties of Daqin Counties, for sale at low prices to all common people!

It can be said that as soon as these things were launched, they were quickly sold out by the common people!

And as the people's lives are getting better and better, outside Xianyang City, Yingzheng (accf) is also leading all the officials and ministers to inspect the newly built Lianjidu!

This even machine is a tool for husking grains and processing grains into flour!

Relying on water conservancy to turn the waterwheel, you can work around the clock!

No manpower or material resources are required at all!

In order to verify the effect of this machine-connected pestle, Ying Zheng asked someone to carry a basketful of wheat, ready to shell the wheat!

"My dear friends, I saw in the video introduction of the fairyland that this even machine can not only shell rice, but also wheat! Let's take a look today, what is the shelled wheat? What does it look like!"

Talking excitedly, when someone poured the wheat into the husking trough

Hundreds of officials and ministers were all surprised and discussed,

"How do you hustle this wheat? Our Daqin eats wheat, which has always been grains! Could it be that the husked wheat tastes better?"

"I only care about the efficiency of the machine mill! Daqin uses springs to shell rice! Stone mills are used to process grains into flour! There is basically only one stone mill in a village."

The processing efficiency is still very low! If the machine can improve this situation, it can be regarded as a treasure that will benefit the people a hundred times!"

"Hey! Just take a look! Didn't you see that this machine can start working without any human or animal power? Anyway, it's a reward from the fairyland! How can it be compared with the ordinary stone mill in Daqin?"

All the officials and ministers were talking about it, and they all concentrated on looking at the hall in the trough!

I saw that as the water wheel continued to rotate, even several wooden pestles on the machine drum kept beating the wheat in the trough, dragging the wheat!

While watching the process of husking the wheat, Yingzheng was in a good mood and said to the bones behind him,

"My dear dears! You don't know how to eat this wheat after husking! I studied the [Recipes and Cooking Encyclopedia] presented by Zifang a while ago! It records some foods made of wheat flour!

For example, dumplings, steamed buns, steamed buns and noodles! I have always wanted to eat them, but I have been suffering from the difficulty of shelling the wheat! Now I have made a mill, on the one hand, I can verify the function of the mill, and on the other hand, I can get flour , use it to make some dumplings or something to eat!"

When the ministers heard that Ying Zheng talked about food, there were dumplings, steamed buns, steamed buns, noodles, etc. that everyone had never heard of or seen before. Everyone couldn't help swallowing!

Since the technique of cooking was popularized in Daqin, all the officials and ministers have realized what food is!

Now that Daqin is about to produce several new foods, which minister would not want to try it?

Especially Wang Ben, swallowing his saliva, squinting his lips, staring helplessly at the constantly husking wheat in the trough, and exclaimed,

"Your Majesty! The wheat in the trough is really shelled! When the flour is ground to make dumplings or something, can Your Majesty reward my servant to taste it?"

Ying Zheng laughed and said,

"Marquis Tong Wu is no more impatient, and all the lovers have a share!"

Wang Ben and all the officials and officials present were all very happy!

And as everyone talked, the basket of wheat in the trough was soon completely shelled!

Ying Zheng was overjoyed, his eyes lit up and he said,

"Hey! Ladies and gentlemen! Can you see that? The working efficiency of this machine is really high! The deceased husband took off all the wheat from Shangnanzhuang without any labor or animal effort! It really is a treasure from the fairyland! Quick! Grind it into flour and try..."

As Ying Zheng said, the waiter quickly poured the shelled wheat into another milling trough, and after a while, even hundreds of catties of flour were all milled!

Looking at the dozens of catties of white and fine flour in the basket, Yingzheng Longyan rejoiced and said,

"Good! Good! With this machine-connected pestle, the lives of the common people will be greatly improved! In the future, the common people will pound rice and grind noodles, and no longer need manpower and animal power, which is time-consuming and laborious!"

Hearing Ying Zheng's loud laughter, all the officials and ministers were all overjoyed and deeply moved.

"Thank you, Immortal! Thank you, Immortal, for bringing such a supreme weapon that benefits the country, the people, and our descendants!"

Just as the officials and ministers were expressing their thanks to Shen Han, an eunuch trotted up to Ying Zheng, panting,

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Master Zhi Su Nei Shi Xiao called your servant to tell you that the first batch of sweet potatoes planted in our experimental field is about to ripen!"

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