History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 133: : Oops! The scum male is innocent (2 more)

The big lady of the raging city is the demon.

This is also a big man on the sea east of Vietnam.

The pirate Wang Qiu Tianwei is now self-sufficient and angry.

Everything on the sea was given to a pair of children.

The enemy and the devil.

This pair of pirate brothers and sisters swayed the sea, making people feel flustered.

The average woman would rather die than fall into the hands of the enemy, because his means of tormenting women often makes people die.

Ordinary men would rather die than fall into the hands of the enemy, because she tortured men, people can not wait for the 18th floor of hell, I can't wait to live in this world, because it is too painful.

This woman is simply a god.

Seeing a handsome guy, not pleasing to the eye, killing.

Seeing the ugly man, not pleasing to the eye, killing.

Seeing ordinary men, still not pleasing to the eye, killing.

Yes, she hates men from the bones.

There are only two exceptions for men.

One is her jealousy and the other is her men.

She has men and women under her hand, but she treats her as a child.

Therefore, although she is a woman, but martial arts means awkward, there is a high reputation in the city of anger, completely equal to the lesser and lesser, and the struggle between the two is in full swing, and they want to be the heirs of the city.

On land countries, women cannot inherit their family business.

But pirates, but not so big rules, who is the boss who is the leader.

This feud is a female god, a man's nightmare, but she has an advantage.

That is good for women, especially good.

Especially the beautiful and weak woman can get her protection.

Therefore, many people suspect that there is a problem with her orientation. Otherwise, she will not be married until the age of twenty-nine.

“What do you want to do?” Xu said: “You want me to be a female room?”

Shen Langdao: "You can think so."

Of course, his move is also unintentional, and he does not expect that there will be gains.

Xu Weidao: "You are not afraid that I will betray you when I arrive?"

Shen Langdao: "It doesn't matter, you have no loyalty to me, why are you betrayed? We are just collaborators!"

Xu Wei thought for a while: "I won't go."

Shen Langdao: "You don't mean to do anything for revenge?"

Xu Weidao: "But if you want revenge, you have to keep your life. I can sell you to you, but I can't sell my life."

Shen Langdao: "Do you think you will die when you go to the raging city?"

Xu Weidao: "This time the siege of the Xuanwu Earl, the anger city is also a party force, there is a collusion between Qiu Tianwei and Zhang Wei. If I went to the anger city, wouldn't I vote for the net?"

It makes sense to think like this.

Xu Wei’s anti-customer is the main channel: “Shen Lang, do you want to hear my opinion?”

Shen Langdao: "Please say."

Xu Weidao: "In order to eliminate the Xuanwu Earl House, Zhang Wei has formed a large network, the town of Houfu, Jinhai Earl, the New Deal, the anger city, the Jingan Earl, the Lanshan Viscount, etc. Among them, the world is besieging. Although you are very clever, sometimes the personal strength is limited. You can't save the Earl of Xuanwu, and the destruction of the Jin family has become a foregone conclusion."

Shen Lang touched his nose and said: "You continue to say."

Xu Wei looked at his movements, and he couldn’t help but conceal his heart.

There used to be a book called "Dong Bi Ji", which swept the whole world, and the sales volume reached an amazing million. The influence of Shen Jin's "Golden Plum Blossoms is boundless" countless times.

The male protagonist inside is the former emperor of the Dagan Kingdom, Jiang Li, who is known as the world's first beautiful man, and one of his classic moves is to touch the nose.

After this "East Biography" became popular in the world, countless men like to learn this movement.

Of course, this book has now become a banned book, and the supreme Emperor of the Great Yan Empire personally banned it.

Xu Wei continued: "Shenlang, your wisdom is superb, you should not be trapped in such a small place in the Xuanwu Earl's Court. You should assist the more powerful people."

Shen Lang’s eyes were fascinating, and Xu Wei’s change suddenly turned out to convince Shen Lang, but he couldn’t help but touch his nose.

Xu Wei hated this movement most, frowned slightly, and continued: "Zhu and Zhang Wei are the princes, we will go to the three princes. If you are willing, I will go out and sell my hues to become his ji. Hey, you said that I am not willing, I will sell the color to become your 妾."


This is inexplicable, as if the female character in a movie said that I was strong outside by others, and that I was strong when I returned home, what is the difference?

"Shenlang, there is only one person in the world who can help us to eliminate Zhang Wei, that is the Three Princes." Xu Weidao: "The destruction of the Earl of Xuanwu has become a foregone conclusion, because the king who really wants to destroy the Jin family is the monarch, Zhang Wei. It’s just a knife. If you are smart, you just hit the stone with an egg and use your arm as a car."

"Shenlang you are so smart, you will definitely become the think tank of the Three Princes, and what I am best at is making money, I can be the money bag of the Three Princes." Xu Wei said: "We will join hands and become the confidant of the Three Princes." In the future, the prosperity will be rich and the power will be strong."

The Three Princes, the only Shaojun who can compete with the Prince, the most favored son of the monarch, the most powerful prince in his hand.

"Shen Lang, can you not touch your nose? Do you know the idiom of Dong Shi?" There is only one peerless man in the world, that is, Jiang is away from the Emperor. You should not learn from him." Xu Wei couldn't bear it.

Shen Lang said innocently: "Hey, can you talk on the clothes and close your legs? The taste is a bit rushing, like the smell of dead fish, I... I can’t stand it, I can’t lick my nose, it’s rude. So I couldn't help but touch my nose and get rid of some of the smell."


Xu Wei is going to blow up.

She quickly closed her legs and put on her clothes.

She swears that she was so disliked for the first time.

This is a man who should be killed.

This is a man who should be cramped by molting.

After Xu Wei re-dressed her clothes, all the thoughts in her mind were bathed and bathed. She must wash the layer of skin on her body so that she would not be so disgusted.

"How are you thinking about it?" Xu said: "The Earl of Xuanwu is about to be destroyed. We are still leaving now. When the Earl of Xuanwu is dying and running again, you will die without a place to die."

Shen Lang shook his head.

Xu Weidao: "Is it because of Kimura? Although she is beautiful, but as long as she has power, what kind of woman is not? I am not as beautiful as her, it is not much worse, let's go to the Three Princes, I It’s not good to be a woman, and it’s not to stop you from marrying your wife.”

Shen Lang seriously said: "I love my lady very much. I also love my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, and the house of Jin Mucong. They are all my family. Everything I do is to protect them and protect my parents. And younger brother."

Xu Wei looked incredulously at Shen Langdao: "People like you will have feelings."

"Crap." Shen Lang said: "I will not say other people, just me and you, a couple of days and nights, I have feelings for you."

Xu Wei couldn't bear it, and said with anger: "Shenlang, you can say that you have a couple of days and a hundred days, I will kill you. If you have a little bit of affection for me, would you be so miserable? You will let my family break. ?"

Seeing the explosion of Xu Wei, Shen Lang secluded: "Women just like to turn over the old books, so I never quarrel with women."

Xu Wei directly got up and said: "If you don't speculate, you will stay in the Xuanwu Earl's Mansion and wait for the death. Bai Rien."

By, you are not allowed to say this, you have to say it yourself.

Then, Xu Wei will leave and go to Beijing to vote for the Three Princes.

The only thing she has is beauty, and the ability to make money, she does not believe that she can not stand in the Three Princes.

"Oh..." Shen Lang shouted behind his back.

Xu Weidao: "Why, do you want to detain me? Don't forget, you owe me a big man's favor, otherwise there will be terrible plague in your territory, and countless deaths and injuries."

Shen Langdao: "You are a weak woman going to the Three Princes. It is a sheep into the tiger's mouth. I am not willing."

"Hey!" Xu Wei: "Do you care about my life and death? Everyone is a ruthless person, so don't pretend to be reluctant."

Shen Langdao: "Do you think that the dispute over Jinshan Island, we will lose?"

Xu Weidao: "Of course, you will lose in all three wars, and the gods will not be able to recover."

This is really the consensus of the world, Jin Mulan can not beat Tang Yan, Jin Mucong than Tang Yun, the armor of the Xuanwu Earl House is better than the Earl of Jinhai.

All three defeats, no hope.

Shen Langdao: "Then you will wait another few days. If we win in Jinshan Island, you will listen to me and go to the raging city to seduce the enemy. If we lose, I will listen to you and go to the Three Princes."

Xu Wei does not speak.

Shen Langdao: "Xu Wei, everyone is a husband and wife, you are not trusting me even this point."

For this man's character, Xu Wei does not even trust a hair.

Every hair in his body is yin and toxic.

But Xu Wei is trusting in this man's ability.

See how miserable she is? It is the best example.


Mulan came back, went to the bath first, and then came to see the waves after the fragrant spray.

Shen Langdao: "Yes, have you solved it?"

Mulan nodded: "All the pirates are killed, all the poisonous bodies are burned, and all the contaminated well water is boiled with lime and then sealed off."

Then, Mulan said: "What about your ex-wife?"

Shen Langdao: "Go."

Mulan Road: "Walk? What have you done to others?"

Shen Lang angered: "Jin Mulan, can you still have a little trust in me? Am I such a person? Besides, she hasn’t taken a bath for two and a half days. Can I still go down?"

Mulan stared at the face of Shen Lang for a while, and kissed it in a perfunctory manner: "Okay, count you."

Shen Lang is not happy.

In front of a beautiful man like me, you are absent-minded. What do you want to do with Kim Mulan?

"French, I want to kill the enemy." Mulan said: "This person has no humanity. If this time he is succeeded, the people on our land will not know how many people will die. And I don't know how many poor women are being taken by him. It’s not bad to die.”

Shen Lang holding Mulan's small waist and softly said: "Hurry, fast. This person is a baby, can't kill now. But I swear, we will kill him soon, and let him the most painful way." Die."

Suddenly I feel that my nose is a little itchy.

Shen Lang could not help but reach out to the nose.

Mulan said: "Don't touch your nose, don't learn **** from the emperor, the husband is the husband, you are the best man in the world, not to learn others."

Shen Lang reluctantly said: "I, I just want to dig my nostrils, it's a little itchy."

Mulan extended his little finger and gently scratched it outside the nose.

Then she extended her small tongue and kissed him on the tip of his nose.

"Fei Jun, is it still itchy now?"

Shen Lang stood up and said: "I don't know why, I think the egg is a little itchy."

Next second!

The scum man was pressed by Mulan with his hand and twisted his arm into the chair.

He patted the chair with another hand and whispered: "It hurts, beg for mercy, beg for mercy. I am wrong, I am really wrong."


at dusk!

Nujiang Taishou Zhang Wei sent an invitation to invite Shen Lang to the city government to attend the banquet of the four princes.

Moreover, only Shen Lang was invited, and Mulan was not invited.

Shen Lang patted the invitation in his hand and smiled: "Interesting, interesting."

Then, he took another golden crown and took a gorgeous carriage to the city hall for a feast.

New clothes.

This set of flowers cost two hundred and thirty gold coins.

The previous set cost 190 gold coins, but it has already passed.

Lange was even more sloppy this time. She made five sets of clothes at once, from scorpion to shoes to belts. It was not gold or gold, and even silver was not used.

His own clothes are more expensive than the four fathers, the mother-in-law, the mother-in-law, and the little nephew.

From him, there is no financial crisis at the Earl of Xuanwu.


Zhangjia old house!

Zhang Weidao: "Tonight's banquet, Miss Chi Jia will come, you can take the opportunity to look at it."

Miss Chi Jia, is the cousin of Shu Tingyu, her family is the king of spices in Vietnam, rich and enemies.

If there is no accident, Miss Chi will become Zhang Jin’s new fiancee.

"Yes." Zhang Jindao: "Father, why should you invite Shen Lang?"

Zhang Weidao: "Try to see the truth."

Zhang Jindao: "Is there still a need to test? This time the battle of Jinshan Island, the Earl of Xuanwu will be defeated, the gods will be saved. The three wars are lost, there is no possibility of winning."

Zhang Xiaohan said: "There is no foolproof thing in this world. You remember to me, strategically despise the enemy and pay attention to it tactically. Even if it is a dying enemy, it must not be taken lightly."

"Yes!" Zhang Jindao.

Zhang Weidao: "You let Chunhua come in."

After a while, Zhang Chunhua walked in.

Tonight, she is really amazing and captivating.

Zhang Weidao: "I will take the Shenlang tonight, can you do it?"

Zhang Chunhua said nothing, directly picking up the skirt, stretching out the slender and charming right leg and stepping on the stool.

This position is domineering and extremely hot.

Zhang Hao quickly closed his eyes, such a scene of such a spicy eye, he really could not stand.


A gorgeous big carriage.

It was another enemy of Shen Lang who came to the banquet. The guest of Lanshan wished Lan Ting, and his day was Zhu Wenhua.

Once I wished that Zhu Wenhua was forced to burn his own "nightmare" by Shen Lang, which was regarded as a shameful shame.

"Tonight, we will pay tribute to Zhang Wei, and set the marriage between you and Zhang Chunhua." Zhu Lanting said.

Zhu Wenhua’s heart is ecstatic, but full of embarrassment, saying: “Thank you father, I’m afraid Zhang Taishou has other meanings.”

Zhu Lanting said: "No, because someone will be the media for us tonight, a person who can't refuse Zhang Hao."

Zhu Wenhua said: "Who?"

Zhu Lanting said: "I wish you the Governor."

Zhu Wenhua is overjoyed.

I wish the great governor of the capital is Zhang En’s lord, and he will be the media, and Zhang Hao’s defensive must not refuse.

Zhu Lanting said: "Attention, don't divulge the horse's feet. It is a secret to wish the Governor to be a mediamaker. Even Zhang Taishou does not know. He must be given a surprise by catching raw rice."

Zhu Wenhua is too excited to be himself.

Zhu Lanting said: "And, you don't have only beautiful people in your eyes. Let you marry Zhang Chunhua, it is entirely for family interests. This time, the Xuanwu Earl's House is destined to be destroyed, and the body of the Jin family has many people robbed. Zhang Weitai is the host Once we get married with him, we can bite a big piece of meat from the body of the Kim family."

"Yes." Zhu Wenhua trembled: "When the time comes, the waves can be handed over to me for disposal. I must smash him into pieces and smash the skin."

Zhu Lanting shook his head: "There are too many people who want to cramp his skin, probably not yet in our home, but it is still possible to cut a few knives."

Zhu Wenhua said: "Then I will marry him."

Zhu Lanting shook his head and said: "That knife, it is estimated that you will not be able to turn."

Zhu Wenhua a glimpse, Shen Lang this beast should have more people hate.


The big carriage that Shen Lang took was quickly entered into Xuanwu City, which is very close to the city government.

Shen Lang warned himself.

Be careful this evening, and never show your feet, let Zhang Hao explore the truth.

The old fox is too cunning.

And it is at this time.

Suddenly the nose was aroma.

Then, a beautiful and charming figure got into his carriage.

A woman rode directly on his lap, and a snake-like jade arm caught the neck of Shen Lang.

It is Zhang Chunhua, the fox.

"Shen Lang, you save me, save me!"

"Someone is going to ruin my lifelong happiness this evening. You will run away with me. Let's cook raw rice."


Note: The second one is sent, I will continue to write the third.

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