History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 137: : The first battle! Mulan second kill Tang Yan! (3 more)

Nujiang hunting grounds.

Nominally a hunting ground, it is actually a huge barracks.

However, this barracks is relatively free most of the time.

Today, the entire hunting ground banner is crowded with people.

Three steps and one post, five steps and one whistle, and the security is strict.

The dispute over Jinshan Island is a life-and-death for the Earl of Xuanwu, but for some people it is a slaughterhouse.

Of course, there are not many families and forces that are qualified to divide meat.

For the most part, this is a arena, they are watching the show.

Life and death drama.

Winners eat all, and once lost, it may mean that the entire family's century-old foundation has disappeared into the long history.

Therefore, the big drama is big.

Almost all of the dignitaries of the entire province of the south of the province came.

Not only that, but most of the old aristocrats in Vietnam have sent people to watch the battle.

This is a bit of a rabbit dead sorrow.

Your Xuanwu Earl's House is not easy, it is a big guy.

So, we all support you spiritually.

But it is only spiritual support, and nothing else.

Who made our old town far away from the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union to rebel camps.

Speaking of the Marquis of Zhenyuan, the son of his family, Su Jianting, also came, and the ranking is very high.

Even the hatred of the Angry City has come.

Xuanwu Bo Jinzhuo led the cavalry into the Nujiang hunting ground, causing a lot of sensation.

Many people have come forward to condolences and have a sympathetic look.

In their minds, after all, people die.

It is certainly exciting to be able to witness the demise of a family, but the superficial sympathy and mourning still have to be in place.

This makes Shen Lang disgusting.

People in Vietnam also like to gamble, and almost any contest can open a gamble.

Under normal circumstances, the Jinshan Island dispute can completely open a big gamble.

Shen Lang also thought about taking the opportunity to make a windfall.

But I did not expect that no one would open this gambling.

Because everyone feels that the results are already doomed.

The Earl of Xuanwu will be defeated.

It’s too much.

In the 2002 World Cup, even the Chinese team has a gamble against Brazil.


Shortly after the presence of the Earl of Xuanwu.

A person from the Earl of Jinhai was also stationed at the Nujiang Hunting Ground.

It’s another burst of trouble.

The crowd who had just greeted Xuanwubo with sympathy and gaze greeted him.

However, this time their eyes are enthusiastic and jealous.

The Earl of Jinhai was very shameless. He even betrayed his own camp and became the knife of the monarch to kill his own kind.

But this has nothing to do with them.

They only care about it, the Earl of Jinhai is to be developed.

The two families’ love and hatred for a hundred years have finally been a complete conclusion.

It’s really a hundred years of Hedong, a hundred years of Hexi.

More than a hundred years ago, when the Earl of Jin Hao was born, what was the Jin family? How bleak the Jinhai Marquis House was, even his own castle was taken away by the pirates.

Now, the Earl of Xuanwu is about to perish.

The Earl of Jinhai is about to rise.

It’s really making people.


The Xuanwu Earl House and the Earl of Jinhai were both present.

The real ruling team is coming.

The real big man came into play.

The dispute over Jinshan Island is a major event, and I wish the Governor can't make a referee.

The four princes are eager to read the will of the monarch, and he does not make a referee.

Those who can be judges must meet several characteristics.

Highly respected, top aristocrats, status detached.

This is not just the case of Jinshan Island this time, but also 20 years ago.

The three major rulings were the uncle of the monarch, the first class of Yueguo, Ning Qi.

Former Prince Tai Fu, the former Shangshutai left 丞 phase, Yue Guo first class Marquis, Suo Xuan.

The first giant of the Vietnam military, the Prince Taibao, the Duke of the mighty, the top martial arts master, hehe.

When the three super-powers arrived, everyone went all to worship.

Everyone here has a slap in the face, and the ground in the country will tremble a few times.

Absolutely ultra-luxury lineup.

The more the king, Ning Ning, said: "Xuanwu, Jinhai, this time there are three old men to decide the justice of the dispute in Jinshan Island, are you willing?"

Jinhai Bo Tanglun worshipped the following: "My virtues are not worthy of the three predecessors personally, thanks to Dade."

Xuanwubo did not speak so much, and immediately said: "I am willing."

Wang Shuning said: "The three of us are added up, more than two hundred years old. The mighty public is still in place. I and Suo Xuan have already withdrawn from politics for many years. This is to raise the sky at home. But since the monarch let us come, we will Come. A lot of our age, not far from death. Everything else is open, but the only thing that cares about this is the reputation, absolutely do not want to die after the death of the ancestors, let the children and grandchildren lose face. So this ruling Fair and just, please rest assured."

Jin Haibo once again said: "I am afraid."

Xuanwu Bodao: "Zhu, of course, believes that the three adults are fair and just, and there is absolutely no doubt."

Then these three big men, will they be fair and just?


Just as Wang Shuning said, they are old, the ones who will die, and the ones that are most loved are fame.

The reason why the monarchs sent them was because the three men were highly respected, but because they felt that the battle of Jinshan Island, the Earl of Xuanwu would be defeated, there is no need to do anything in justice, which would damage Junwei.

The Duke of mighty is the largest veteran aristocrat in Vietnam, with the largest land and the most private army.

But he is detached, and the New Deal will not burn on his head.


Because he used to be the general of the Wu nationality in the north, in the war of Wu, more than twenty years ago, he led the army to Nantou and the country at a crucial moment, and gave a fatal blow to Wu, which directly led to the defeat of Wu Guo in that war. , ceded nine counties.

And at that time, not only led the army Nantou, but also brought the territory of three counties.

The monarch personally took his hand and said that this time I was the benefactor of Ning's generations.

Ning's family is a royal family. Generally, the non-Ning's children are not sealed by the Duke, but they have broken the case and sealed the Duke of the mighty.

Today, he commanded the 150,000-strong army to guard the Yanzhou and Tianbei provinces, in the front line against the Wu army.

The mighty Duke is the absolute celestial pillar of the Yue State. How could the fire of the New Deal burn on his head?

His status is detached, far beyond anyone.

And the mighty Duke is also an extremely arrogant person who never bother to deal with the old domestic aristocrats.

In his eyes, only the monarch is alone.

Such a super big boss, do you let him commit fraud in the Jinshan Island dispute?

It is completely impossible.

But do you want him to favor the Earl of Xuanwu? It is also impossible.

This man despised the hero of the world, and there is no such thing as Xuanwubo in his eyes.

Wang Shuning Qiu took out a life and death.

"Whether it is a military war or a military war, there is no eye in the sword. It is inevitable that there will be casualties. If there is no objection, the two sides will sign this life and death."

Jin Haibo stepped forward, signed his name, and stamped the Jinhai Bo Da Yin.

Followed by Xuanwu Bo Jinzhuo signature seal.

Every time the dispute over Jinshan Island is like this, the casualties are heavy.

Not to mention the fighting between the two armies, even if it was the first battle, it was dead many times.

The Earl of Xuanwu has two generations of heirs, all of whom died in the contest.

The Earl of Jinhai was dead three generations of masters. Since then, the Tang family has also learned to choose one person to practice martial arts in the family, but this individual cannot be a family heir.

So, Tang Yan, this idiot appeared.

It can be said that he existed entirely for the dispute of Jinshan Island.

At least the beginning is like this.

Of course, Tang Yan, now the next generation of Nanhai sword king, a generation of masters of the country.

The contest of the Jinshan Island dispute is completely out of his eyes.

Signed the life and death!

Wang Shuning Qi also took out a box.

The box is made of mahogany, embroidered with gold dragons on it, with a wax seal on the seal, and a golden seal.

Once destroyed, it is difficult to restore.

Ning Qidao: "There is the title of the poetry in the text. The monarch is personally questioning. No one knows anything other than the monarch."

Then, Ning Qi put the box on the table and said: "Xuanwu, Jinhai, both of you went to check the wax seals and seals of the box."

The two went forward and the inspection was completed.

Ning Qidao: "Is it confirmed?"

Xuanwubo and Jinhaibo are both correct.

Ning Qidao: "Next, this box will be kept by me, Suo Xuan, and the Duke of Weiwu. It will be officially opened until the day of the war."


Jin Hai Bo Tang Lun even felt a bit ridiculous.

Is the standard of Jin Mucong worthy of such a high specification?

My son, Tang Yun, can win the waste with his eyes closed. What topic is not important at all.

Who said what topic is not important?

At this time, standing on the sinking waves below, I feel very important.

He saw the box with the eye of x-ray.

There is a piece of paper lying on it, and the title of this essay is written on it. Shen Lang can see clearly.

A theory, a poem.

The monarch is really insidious.

Shen Lang took 19 questions and did not take it.

Jin Mucong’s fat house is really pitiful. It’s been spent in two months. In vain, he has 19 articles and 150 poems.

Next, Shen Lang will copy a debate on the ancient and modern issues based on these two topics, and then copy out a thousand-year-old poem that is soaring and sorrowful.

Then, Jin Mucong had to slap the night and madly back.

Now, the three battles of the contest are completely stable.

Think about it, Jin Mucong can win the exploration of Lang Lang in the text war, it should be shocking everyone's eyeballs.

This world is too crazy, it is really looking forward to it!

Wang Shuning said: "Since everything has no objections, both of you are slightly prepared. After an hour, you will start the first battle!"

This is not the Olympics, but it will take several days.

Everyone's time is very precious, and it takes three times to complete in the shortest possible time.

Two days!

The dispute over Jinshan Island has completely ended.


In the first battle, Kim Mulan played against Tang Yan.

It will be held in the lobby of the Nujiang hunting ground. It is not a level of power, and there is no qualification for viewing.

There is still a quarter of an hour from the time of playing!

Wu Chi Tang Yan is bored.

Looking at a mosquito not far away in a daze.

This mosquito is very powerful.

It’s already late in the fall, and it’s about to go into the winter. It’s still flying so healthy and light.

No, I need to study it for a while and see if I can understand something.

For Tang Yan, everything can be a teacher, and everyone can comprehend martial arts.

Today's competition is very crucial and determines the fate of the Earl of Jinhai.


Tang Yan did not care at all.

He doesn't even know where he is here, he doesn't care who his opponent is.

No matter who is the same.

Anyway, you are not as good as I am.

I never ask who the opponent is, just ask where he is.

I Tang Yan is always a stroke, there is no second possibility.


Life is lonely like snow?

Is there anyone whose life is not lonely?

What is fun for women, what is fun for money, and what fun is fun.

Still the sword is the most fun.

Jinhai Bo Tanglun said: "Inflammatory, your opponent is Jin Mulan, you must go all out..."

Speaking of this, Tang Lun stopped.

What do you say to go all out? For Tang Yan, it is entirely a matter of going all out and casually.

"Inflammatory, you remember me, kill her, but don't kill her, you know?" Jin Haibo.

Tang Yan nodded and said: "Well, don't kill."

Jinhai Bo Tanglun said: "But, we have to abolish her martial arts. So when some big people want to take possession of her, she can't resist."

"Oh, abolish her martial arts." Tang Yandao.

Jinhai Bo Tanglun said: "When abolishing her martial arts, she must not destroy her appearance. Her body can have wounds, but it must be fine, not to destroy his skin in a large area."

The big man wants a complete jade, Kim Mulan. If there is a big scar on the body, it will hurt the interest.

Yes, these people not only distributed all the property of the Earl of Xuanwu, but even the beautiful beauty of Jin Mulan as part of a valuable asset, ready to be dedicated to a super-big man.

Tang Yan frowned and was impatient: "Can a wound with a big hair be OK?"

Jinhai Bo Tanglun said: "Yes."

"I know, it’s awkward." Tang Yandao.

Then, continue to watch the mosquitoes, this time mainly look at its wings, and the number is clear, the mosquito wings did not blink for a moment.

There are actually more than 500 times?

Tang Yan was shocked and felt that the mosquitoes were so powerful.

"Time is up, Tang Yan Gongzi, you should be on the court."

"Oh!" Tang Yan picked up his own black iron sword and walked toward the outside.

Inside the brain, there are still wings flapped by mosquitoes.


Inside the hall.

Hundreds of people sat neatly.

Wang Shuning Qi, Prince Tai Fu Suo Xuan, mighty public, three high up, sitting in the center of the ruling seat.

The Xuanwubo family sat on the right side, and there were very few spectators sitting behind them. The only famous one was Su Jianting, the son of Zhenyuan Hou.

Of course, the reason why he sat here is entirely for acting. In his heart, Kim Mulan is definitely defeated, but after all, he is the in-law of the Kim family.

The Jin Haibo family sat on the left and was densely packed behind them.

Not only the newly-elected family, but also the old-name aristocrats have also sat on the side of the Tang family.

Not to please the Tang family, but to show their position.

Guojun, we are not fighting against the New Deal. The next knife must not fall on my head.

For the unfortunate Earl of Xuanwu, they can only support themselves mentally.

Zhang Wei, Governor Zhu Xi, Zhenbei Marquis, and others, sat in a third party, expressing their neutrality and fairness.

Zhang Jin and Chi Yu sit in a row, separated by Zhang Chunhua.

"There is no suspense in this battle. Kim Mulan is in the swordsmanship, and the two levels of Tang Yan are different. The only result is the spike." Zhang Jindao.

He said to the pool to listen.

Chi Yu nodded: "I have seen Tang Yan's swordsmanship, and the extraterrestrial meteor swordsmanship has no solution."

Everyone's eyes are on the body of Kim Mulan.

It’s beautiful.

The figure is really hot.

It’s a pity.

She is about to lose soon, and the fate of the Earl of Xuanwu is lost together, as well as her future freedom.

Being so beautiful is a sin in itself.

When the Earl of Xuanwu is strong, it can protect this beauty.

Once the Kim family is destroyed, this beauty is guilty of sin.



The bell rings.

The battle of Jinshan Island, the first battle of the Three Wars, is the beginning!

Everyone has wide eyes, lest they miss every moment.

Because the whole process will be very fast.

It is an absolute spike.

Because countless young masters challenged Tang Yan before, they were instantly spiked.

Kim Mulan’s martial arts are not as good as those of Su Jianting and others. Naturally, there will be no second result.

So even if you blink, it is likely that the competition will end.

Tang Yan never looked at his opponent.

But now he glanced at it and gave it a glimpse.

This... is this a woman?

So good-looking?

That line, I will abolish your martial arts in a while, trying to minimize your wounds, even smaller than the hair.

Tang Yan once again lifted his sword as he wished.

Speak hard!

The extraterrestrial meteor sword!

For fourteen years, I practiced this sword.

Millions of times, tens of millions of times.

Every time you throw a sword, it is the peak!

This set of swordsmanship is invincible, no solution!

Mulan sword!

Her swordsmanship is simpler and easier than ever.

And it is still a wooden sword.

Without any fancy, I went straight to some point and stabbed it in the past!

The eye of the meteor sword.

The only flaw, the most vulnerable place!


The next moment!

Mulan's sword passed through the terrible force field of the meteor sword.

Directly stabbed Tang Yan's chest.

Speaking hard.


Tang Yan’s body flew straight out and spewed out a blood.



Note: The third one is sent, today is still updated nearly 15,000 words, madly seeking support!

First set a small goal, such as 1 second to remember:

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