History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 150: : The death of the old man! Kill the wife card! Frenzy

After Shen Lang listened to Xu Wei’s words, he closed his eyes.

Then he closed his eyes and began to lick his fingers.


These two days are really Xu Wei's ovulation period?

Of course, don't ask Shen Lang if you know.

So, Shen Lang seriously nodded: "This can be, and as a pregnant woman, you can get the sympathy of the enemy."

Then, the scum man lay directly on the couch and said: "Come on, sit up, you move."

Xu Wei stepped forward and kicked a kick at the waist of Shen Lang.


The Shen Lang was so painful that it was like a cooked shrimp.

This girl is too poisonous to go directly to his kidney.

"I am leaving, I will go out tonight this evening." Xu said.

Cats have catwalks, rats have rat paths, and they go out to sea to go to the raging city. Xu Wei can do it easily, without using labor and defense.

Then she left.

When I walked to the door, Xu Wei’s footsteps could not help but pause for a while.

It only takes less than half a second.

Because in accordance with the intention, Shen Lang should stop her, and then say a word.

This sentence should be very crucial.

Or teach her how to stand firm around the enemy, or use this sentence to leave a deep impression in Xu Xin's mind.

After all, she and Shen Lang are still enemies.

Shen Lang can have no handles on her hands, and there is no tie. How can I guarantee that Xu Wei will serve him? How to ensure that Xu Wei will not betray him?

However, Shen Lang did not say a word, let Xu Wei go.

And Xu Wei, I really went away.

Dress up, leave the Xuanwu Earl House to the beach, take a boat to the sea, go to the anger city.


What should I call this woman who was rescued by Kim Jong?

Don’t you be a tamer? Suicide girl?

This proud beauty entered the small courtyard of Jin Yu.

It's totally different from the man's yard in the imagination. Although it's not luxurious, it's clean and mad.

Everything inside is neatly arranged and symmetrical.

Not only that, but the yard is still full of small flowers.

Not only that, but there are still nine cats in the yard, no, ten.

Because there is still one too dark, still closed his eyes, almost can't see it.

Is black charcoal you?

The heart of the proud and proud girl almost disappeared at once.

I didn't think that this sultry man had such a gentle side.

After sending this woman to the yard, Jin Hao stood at the door and did not dare to come in, even as if he did not dare to approach the woman within three meters.

It feels very strange.

This woman was caught in a madness because she was ruined.

I feel that I am not clean anymore.

However, because of his noble origin and his extreme personality, he has produced extreme self-esteem.

Even if I am ruined, no one can look down on me. I would rather die from self-incrimination.

But at this time, Kim Min’s attitude towards her is like the queen.

After a while, Jin Jianniang came.

"Sister, you take care of this lady, I will get some food." Jin Hao ran quickly.

The pressure in front of this proud girl is too great.

It is said that doing a hyena is not a good end, but some people can't help themselves.

Wait until Kim Min Jong comes back with food.

There was a burst of crying in the yard.

Not only is this proud girl crying, Jin Jianniang is crying even more.

"Red line sister, I will go to the grandfather tomorrow, let him kill the Zhu family."

"Zhu Lanting, Zhu Wentai, Zhu Wenhua are all beasts, all killing!"


In the room, Shen Lang was on the bed, and one pair was opened and exposed.

"Yiangzi, my kidney is fine." Shen Lang cried.

Mulan is taking the medicinal wine to the waist and the bottom is a deep purple.

"It's okay, it just hurts the muscles, it's okay."

That's good, then that's good.

The kidneys must not be injured. The ability of my Langye is not super strong. This injury is still worth it.

Mulan Road: "How did you hurt the husband?"

Shen Langdao: "Xu Wei’s shameless woman seduce me. Of course I refused. I said that my waist is not my own, but my mother’s. I only died for the sake of my life. She seduce me, but she was so angry that she kicked a kick on my waist."


Shen Langdao: "Isn't it? I also think that this woman is so shameless. I don't know how to be ignorant. Even though I have had a husband and wife relationship with her, it is already over. I am definitely not entangled. the man."


"Yose, listen to you, don't seem to believe me?"


You scum man, when I didn't see it?

You lie down on the couch, let Xu Wei sit up, and if you move, I can hear every word clearly.

If I didn't like you so much, you would have been jealous if you had ten.

Shen Lang suddenly faintly said: "Yangzi, you wrote the word **** on my back, don't think I don't know."


The next day!

Jin Hao found Shen Langdao: "Grandpa, Wang Hao is dead."

Shen Lang could not help but see.

So fast?

It is said that he can still live for a few months?

"How is it dead?" Shen Lang asked.

Kim Min-do: "I set fire to my room and burn myself to ashes."

A wave of Shen Lang.

Wang Hao is a man who is greedy and afraid of death. Has he died so badly?

Kim Min-do said: "In fact, he changed very much during this time. He likes to wear beautiful clothes and likes to apply rouge. He said that he can't accept his ugly death, but he wants to bid farewell to his life in the most splendid way."

Then, Kim said a piece of pottery: "This is what he left behind."

Take a look.

This is a very rough pottery piece, which is made by baking ordinary earth and then baked on fire.

There is a word on it.

A word that Shen Lang does not know at all.

Even if you use a brain, you can't search for the existence of this word.

On the left side of the word, add a emperor.

No matter where it is, Shen Lang has never seen this word.

This Wang Hao is really a lot of money, only to write such a messy word.

"Put up his ashes and bury it with this pottery. This is his last relic."

Kim Min-do: "Yes!"

Wang Hao died, and there was such a little touch on Shen Lang.

But that's it!


Xu Wei is riding a ship that is no longer ordinary.

There are a lot of cargo ships like this, all of which are in the city of anger.

It has now become a bustling trade center, with a large number of smuggling merchants coming in and out every day.

No matter what illegal materials, no matter what the stolen goods, you can trade in the anger city.

The city does not follow the laws of any country.

The pirate king is in jeopardy, it is the law!

"Is it heard? The anger of the city, the young vengeful demon annihilated a disobedient pirate, and the hundreds of men in the fleet were all peeled and woven into sails."

"She has a hundred boats under her hand, nearly 10,000 people! If you go on like this, the heirs of the raging city owner are really hard to talk about. Although the enemy of the enemy is a man, I am afraid that the strength will be lost to this young lady. what."

"There is no way, who makes this lady too fierce. Constantly fighting, constantly compiling other pirates, the power is getting bigger and bigger, even her father may not be able to hold it."

"I heard that her martial arts is so scary that she is now less than 30 years old. I heard that it is about to break through the realm of the masters?"

"I heard that I am already a master."

"You will be nonsense, we have only a few masters in the whole country."

"Who have you seen this young lady, the demon?"

Someone shook his head at the place.

"This young lady is only responsible for snoring, killing, regardless of trade. The man who saw him is either incorporated into her men's hands or is peeled and hung on the mast. I don't want to see this female devil at all. ""

Just arrived on the sea, it seems to have entered another world.

On land, everyone is talking about the monarch, the prince, or the powerful aristocratic official.

But when it comes to the sea, it is all about the pirate king, and then the young lady.

Because they are the masters of this sea.

Especially the Queen of the Enemy, full of legendary.

Xu Wei’s ear almost heard the scorpion.

From the mouths of these people, she seems to hear the female devil, the female god.

In just a decade, the number of pirates who died in her hands has been countless.

So that the entire eastern part of the country will soon be left with only one big pirate.

But by that time, the Qiu family was no longer a pirate, but a navy, the master of the entire eastern maritime trade.

The more I listened to the legend of the demon, the more curious I was in Xu Xin’s heart.

And for the next rage city tour, full of incomparable fear, and look forward to!

It’s been a while since the family was destroyed.

Her hatred has already settled, it is still very strong, and deeply engraved into her bones.

But it is no longer like a group of fires burning her body and mind and soul.

The insecurities of being alone have once again enveloped her heart.

And very strange and strange is that Shen Lang really seems to be some kind of reliance on her heart.

When I left the land and came to the sea, it seemed as if there was a line that impeded her and Shen Lang.

This line is very complicated.

With hatred, with strange dependence, cooperation, and a touch of complex emotions.

After a long night of sailing.

At noon!

The people on the boat suddenly cheered.

"The raging city is here! The raging city is here!"

Xu Wei could not help but walk out of the deck and look at the bustling port in front.

There is also a city not far from the sea.

"Rage City, I am coming."

"Chou Yao, I am coming, I have to see, what kind of devil is what you are, what kind of female god."


In order to follow the strategic astronomical figures of Wangya Island, Shen Lang went to a secret cave in the mountains.

By the way, I went to the tomb of Wang Shuo.

This person is damned to death.

But after all, he helped him to get rid of Lin Zhuo, almost a fatal blow to the Earl of Jingan, and interrupted the endless attacks and harassment of the Yanshan County.

Thanks to the merits and demerits.

Shen Lang did not say anything else, that is, sprinkled a glass of wine on Wang Hao’s grave.

Then, under the protection of Jin Yu and Shen XIII, return to the Earl of Xuanwu.

But on the way back.

A person stopped the way.

A person who looks at it knows very, very powerful.

One standing there, I felt the leaves flying and the windy people.

A person standing there, even the insects are afraid to call.

At least look at the reaction of Jin Min and Shen XIII.

These two people first slammed the sword.

Then, the sword was inserted back.

Because in front of this person, the sword has become meaningless, the strength of the other side has exceeded them too much.

This is a middle-aged man.

There is a temperament in the body.

Invincible is lonely, life is lonely like snow!

"In front, is the grandfather of the Xuanwu Earl's House, Shen Lang?"

This person is open.

The sound is not big at all, but it seems to sound in the ears of the waves.

Shen Langdao: "It's me!"

"Is you cracking my extraterrestrial meteor sword?"

Shen Lang’s body trembled.

He knows who this person is.

Against the sky, the Nanhai sword king Li Qianqiu who killed his wife and witnessed the road!


Note: I only slept for more than four hours yesterday. I almost took a leave of absence. But still condense all the spirits, the teeth are guaranteed to be quality and quantity, just written at 9:30 in the morning. I went to sleep for a few hours, today there are still more than 10,000 words, and everyone is supportive.

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