History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 152: : Zhu Lanting is terrible!

After the killer of the autumn wind building rushed out, the prince of Lanting also turned over and galloped away.

The shopkeeper frowned and said, "You go, is it inconvenient?"

Generally speaking, the autumn wind building kills, the employer can not be present.

But in this case, how can the Hon. Zhu Lanting be able to stand it?

He and Shen Lang are completely life and death, and when he finally meets his order, he must of course watch the death of Shen Lang.

If he can, he wants to cut the head of the sinking wave by himself.

What else is there in the world that is better than killing the enemy with your own hands?

"I can add money and add a thousand gold coins." Zhu Lanting said.

The shopkeeper of Qiufenglou thought for a while and nodded and agreed.

The former Priest Zhu Lanting was actually very tricky, but now he almost ruined his family, but he became more generous.

Because revenge now has become his only belief. Anyway, there is no family property, so there is nothing to worry about spending the last gold coin.

The two rode down south and follow behind dozens of killers.

The closer to success, the more uneasy the wishor's heart is.

"Snow treasurer, there will be no accidents in this assassination. Shen Lang is a person who is especially savage, and there is no limit to it."

On this point, Zhu Lanting is actually suffering too much.

The Xue shopkeeper also came from the Xue family of the Earl of Wu'an, but it was only a servant with a higher status.

Qiu Feng Lou is a killer organization, so what kind of business is it on the surface?

Selling pastries!

His family's pastries are super famous, and they are so delicious that they are famous for their snacks throughout Vietnam.

The Xuefeng treasurer is the treasurer of the Qiufeng Building in Nujiang County, responsible for the business of one-third of the southbound province.

On the surface, he has nothing to do with the killer organization, and even has nothing to do with the Xue family. He is a fat shopkeeper selling pastries, and he used to be an excellent pastry chef.

Not a high-level person, I don’t know that this autumn wind building is the strongest killer organization in Vietnam.

After hearing the words of Zhu Lanting, Xue Feng’s shopkeeper dismissed a smile and said: “As long as the list is taken, there is no one who can’t kill us in the autumn wind.”

After all, he handed over a portrait.

"This person is the one who drives the car to Shen Lang." Xue Feng, the shopkeeper said: "We have a list of masters of the world in the autumn wind building. Everyone has a portrait, and this person can't even be a master." The skin color is dry and the veins are dry. It is not a martial artist."

I wish the Lanting to admire, but still worried: "Shenlang is a very sinister and sinister, we are still careful, what if there is any ambush around him?"

Xue Feng's shopkeeper said: "There has been no detection. There is no ambush within a few tens of miles. I have already sent a third of the rudder of the Nujiang River, not to mention a swell, even if there are ten swells." Directly some, even if Jin Mulan is on the side, Shen Lang will die."

Suddenly, Zhu Lanting was relieved.

It is impossible for Shen Wang to have a higher martial arts than Jin Mulan, so he is completely dead this time.

"Since he is so easy to kill, why do you have to collect me 10,000 gold coins?" Zhu Lanting said.

Xue Feng’s shopkeeper said: “I wish you the name of the Countess of the Earl, you can kill the son-in-law of the Earl’s House. I can tell you that if the above big people don’t get used to the waves, we will not pick up even more money.”

The big guy above?

The owner of the Xue family? Or is it the Three Princes?

Zhu Lanting said: "I will let me kill myself after a while? I can add money!"


Jian Wang Li Qianqiu continued on his way.

Shen Lang remembered the evaluation of his martial arts talents before the Grand Master Zhong Chuke.

In front of him is also a big master, and is a super-powerful master, Shen Lang could not help but ask: "Sword King predecessors, can you help me see, my muscles talent? Is it suitable for practicing Wu?"

"Not suitable."

A wave of Shen Lang.

Sword King predecessors, you... you are so straight.

Look at the great master of the family, Zhong Chuke, how can you talk?

Li Qianqiu said: "Your wife's martial arts talent is very high. Of course, it is better than being stupid. I have never seen such a strong vein."

Shen Lang was shocked: "Do you know big stupid?"

Li Qianqiu said: "Zhong Chuke took him to see me."

Shen Lang understood that Zhong Chuke’s Grand Master was showing off with a big fool.

It seems that these two great masters are good friends. But the more good a friend, the more you need to force it in front of the other party.

Before you had Tang Yan, an outstanding disciple, now my big fool is more than your Tang Yan.

"What is the talent and how high? There is nothing good in practicing Wu." Li Qianqiu said: "How can I have a high martial arts? Knowing where the enemy is, is it not powerless?"

His voice is full of helplessness.

"Power is the strongest force in the world. Budo is in front of power, nothing is!"

"Jiang is not recognized as the best in the world, and the Emperor of the Great Yan Empire will not martial arts, but the result? The Great Yan Empire dominates the world, and the nations of the world bow down!"

"How can we be a martial artist with a high martial arts? Can you beat a hundred people, can you beat a thousand people, 10,000?"

The sound of the sword king is full of sorrow.

Shen Langdao: "The predecessor of the sword king, the poison of your wife, I have no solution for the time being, but ... I will find a way, I hope that one day, she will be able to restore her appearance."

The sword king sneaked, then nodded: "Thank you for your thanks."

Shen Langdao: "Predecessors, your disciple Tang Yanwu Road talent is amazing, should be second only to big silly?"

Sword King shook his head and said: "No, there is still a person, the martial arts talent is higher than Tang Yan, second only to the big stupid?"

"Who?" asked Shen Lang.

King of the Sword: "The Enemy!"

"She?" Shen Lang could not help but be amazed: "Does the enemy hate the **** daughter of a cow?"

Sword King said: "I am also strange!"

Shen Langdao: "The father of the big fool is Song Yi. It is just a small leader of the army. The martial arts are very general. Is this possible?"

Sword King thought for a while: "There is a possibility of a sudden change in blood, but ... the probability is extremely low. In general, martial arts talent is also hereditary."

My day?

Shen Lang thinks there may be a very amazing story inside?

The stupid mother is very beautiful, even very beautiful.

She fled all the way to Maple Leaf Village in Xuanwu City, married to Song Yi at that time, and gave birth to a big fool after seven months.

Many people think that stupidity is because of premature birth.

But... Is there still such a large amount of premature birth?

After giving birth to a stupid, his mother and mother swallowed.

After Song Yi’s attitude towards the big stupid, it was very cold and cold. After the injury, he was thrown directly into the ravine and died.

It seems that it is not Song Yihu poisonous food, but another story.

Shen Langdao: "How powerful is the enemy?"

Sword King thought for a while: "After a few years, she will catch up with us."

No way? So cow?

This female pirate is so strong? Did not think of it at all.

Two people have fallen into silence.

Sword King predecessors are really not good at chatting.

Suddenly, the sword king said: "Shenlang, Xuanwu Earl's House is like an abyss, if you have a hard day, you can come to my sword island. We have no competition with the world, I have no ability, but you can still do it. ”

Shen Lang’s heart was very touched.

This sword king is really a cold-hearted person.

However, I think it is normal. He can teach a martial art like Tang Yan. I should be a similar person.

And it is at this time!

A hoof sounded.

The chariot of Shen Lang is surrounded!

Dozens of killers of the autumn wind building, more than a dozen warriors of the Zhu family, surrounded by Shen Lang and Jian Wang.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

A burst of laughter.

I haven't seen anyone, I heard it first.

Zhu Lanting's princes came out in the crowd, and he looked at Shen Lang's eyes with great grievances.

"Shen Lang, I didn't think of it, we met again."

Shen Lang said with amazement: "I don’t want to come to Zhu Lanting’s son? My God, what happened to your family recently? Did you get to this point?”

Not to mention it, this is a wish that the Count of Lanting is almost to be blown up. The cold channel: "Shen Lang, you have done a good thing. You have dug up the dam of my reservoir and drowned all the family's 100-year-old foundation. You are so poisonous. !"

Shen Lang’s neck is shrinking: “I wish you a tribute to the prince of Lanting, I don’t even know who you are. I don’t even know where your family is. Besides, the day I’m hunting the farm in a few hundred miles away, it’s happening in the morning. Things? At the time I was wearing a skirt for the lady, I still slapped, you see, my right face is evidence, did the palm print see?"

Zhu Lanting roared: "Shen Lang, you are a clown, it’s shameful to be acting at this time!"

Shen Langdao: "Mr. Zhu Lanting, how many people do you do with it? Do you want to do things?"

I wish the guest of Lanting laughed and said: "What can we do? Of course, take your dog!"

Shen Langyi was shocked: "Under this broad daylight, you have to kill a son-in-law of the Earl's House? You are too courageous."

"Heaven has a road, you don't go, there is no door to hell, you are biased in." Zhu Lanting said: "When you are looking for death, can you blame yourself? Your good turtle shell does not stay, but you have to drill your head. You are not dead, who is dead! In the wilderness, killing you is like slaughtering a wild dog. Who knows?"

At this point, the sword king Li Qianqiu suddenly said: "Autumn wind floor, you even pick up this list, kill the son-in-law of the Earl House, bad rules."

Xue Feng, the rudder of the Nujiang, said: "Shenlang, Xiaoxiao, a singer in the district, what can't be killed!"

Shen Lang’s eyes narrowed.

Autumn wind floor?

Is the Yan of the South China Sea Sword Party difficult to fly?

The Xue family of the in-laws of the Earl of Xuanwu?

Shen Langdao: "The master behind you wants to kill me?"

Xue Feng’s shopkeeper said: “There is no such thing. You are such a small person. Our master is not personally ordered to kill you. But our master is very disgusted with you. Once a small person is disgusted, it is not a dead end!”

Then this master is the owner of Xue? Or is it the third prince?

What are the hatreds of Shen Lang and the Three Princes?

Probably a little bit!

For example, the three princes' running dog Li Wen is killed by Shen Lang.

Moreover, when the little man cursed the Prince, he almost burned it to the head of the Three Princes.

The three princes are quite a fork, the only one who can stand up against the prince.

Even in the military's support, it is more than the Prince.

Zhu Lanting said: "Well, it’s a long way to delay the time. No one can save you in this wilderness. You are destined to die!"

"Next, I will personally kneel down my head, I will cramp your skin and feed your body to the dog."

"Even in the 18th floor of hell, you will regret that you have offended me!"

Then, the Countess Lan Lanting violently pulled the sword and said: "Up!"

The sword king sighed softly, then came down from the carriage and pulled out the sword.

His sword is very special, a wooden sword.

It’s not a pretense, it’s not for a special meteor. He used a wooden sword these years.

And it's not a sturdy piece of wood, it's a sword cut from ordinary wood, and it's very rough, like a child's toy.

Seeing this wooden sword, Xue Feng’s shopkeeper in Qiufenglou suddenly trembled: "Excuse me, you are..."

Sword King said: "It is the one you are like."

Then he shook it gently.

The coarse cloth robes on the body fell, revealing a green robe.

The weather-stricken driver was gone, replaced by a top-class middle-aged man and a generation of masters.

Just standing there is like Yuan Yuelu.

Qiu Fenglou Xuefeng’s shopkeeper slammed and trembled: “Li, Mr. Li, today I have not seen us, can I?”

"No." Sword King.

Xue Feng's shopkeeper said: "Li Qianqiu, behind me is Yan Dianfei Grand Master, is the Earl of Wu'an, is the Three Princes, do you dare to kill me?"

Sword King said: "No one knows this wilderness."

Xue Feng’s shopkeeper slammed his teeth and said: “That... fight...”

His words were not finished, and his head was gone.

Next, the killer of the autumn wind building, like a moth to fire, madly rushed toward Li Qianqiu.

It’s brave and fearless.

Then, Shen Lang saw a very bizarre scene.

The sword king stood in the same place and did not move.

One sword, one sword.

In just two minutes, the dozens of killers in the autumn wind building will be cleaned up.

This sword seems to be nothing at all, not at all exquisite.

It is to raise a hand to kill, raise your hand and kill.

Even the thorn does not use thorns.

It looks like a killer hits up and then dies.

This... Is this a law-abiding sword?

When Shen Lang stayed, he couldn’t help but say: “Predecessors, is this your star-falling sword?”

Sword King said: "This is not a sword."

Stars falling swords?

With these people, they are not equipped with the sword king.

What kind of swordsmanship do you want to kill this group of people?

Shen Lang looked envious.

"Predecessors, I suddenly wanted to practice swords."

The sword king said faintly: "Don't waste time."

By the way, you will not chat too!

Shen Langdao: "Predecessors, will my wife be so powerful in the future?"

Sword King said: "It was impossible, but because of you, she will be so powerful and even more powerful in the future. In the interpretation of martial arts cheats, you are the most talented person I have ever met."

Shen Lang’s heart is overjoyed, the sword king is a senior, you will chat too.

Then, the sword king went out.

One sword, one sword, one will kill all the warriors around Lanting.

Mommy, it’s a really boring sword.

I didn’t see you using the second stroke at all. The hands were too lazy to raise, and none of the swords were.

That feeling is like a legendary game. The 50th-level warrior takes the Dragon Slayer to kill the chicken in the map of the Novice Village.

When the Count of Zhu Lanting reacted, there was no one living around.

All dead, leaving himself.

what's going on?

Who is this person in front of you?

Sword King said: "Shen Lang, this person I can not kill."

His wooden sword was gently placed on the neck of Zhu Lanting.

It is obviously a light wooden sword, but it seems to have a heavy weight, so that Zhu Lanting directly returned, can not move at all.

Shen Langdao: "Why?"

Li Qianqiu, the sword king: "I am despicable. Every time I see the nobles, I feel inferior. When I think of killing the nobility, my heart is quite scared. I feel that I am against the kingdom of the whole country, so I dare not kill."

A wave of Shen Lang.

Sword King predecessors, is every big master so embarrassed, or is it only you alone?

You dare not kill, but I dare to kill.

Not to mention a viscount in the district, even if the nobles are taller, as long as people do not know, I can kill.

Shen Lang is in front of the Count of Zhu Lanting.

"Shen Lang, you, what do you want? I am a cousin, I am the New Deal flag erected by the monarch, you can't kill me, you can't kill me..."

Shen Lang took out a porcelain bottle and shook it in front of Zhu Lanting.

Zhu Lanting was so scared that his inner hatred and anger seemed to disappear without a trace. Instead, he was boundlessly seeking survival.

"Shen Lang, Shen Gongzi, beg you not to kill me! I promise not to be against you again in the future, no longer against you."

"Shen Gongzi, I used to blame me for sinning your eyes, I am wrong, I am really wrong..."

"Shen Ye, it’s not easy for me to live today. It’s not easy... From now on, I will make you a cow..."

Seeing that the Count of Zhu Lanting was crying, Shen Lang’s heart was awkward.

Or Tian Heng has a bone, ah, still swearing before dying.

Shen Langdao: "Da Lang is afraid, take medicine!"

Then he opened the bottle stopper, squeezed the mouth of the Count of Zhu Lanting, and poured the sulfuric acid in the bottle down.

After a while!

There was a burst of smoke in the mouth of Zhu Lanting.


This viscount, an unprecedentedly fierce and horrible!

It seems to be in the eighteenth floor of hell.

After a full quarter of mourning, he died completely!


at the same time!

The Earl of Xuanwu finally ushered in a long-awaited guest!

The prostitute of the Earl of Wu’an, the fiancée of the fat house Jin Mucong, Xue Li.

Count Jin Zhuo did not expect that she would come in person.



After waiting for four days in the tidal city, Xu Wei finally saw the legendary devil head demon.


Note: The third one is sent, and it has been updated nearly 15,000 today. It should be the most tiring one. I feel that I am really old!

In particular, we need everyone's support to cheer up, and the pastry is deeply!

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