History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 155: : Shen Lang poison trick! Miserable remarriage woman! Send troops

How to grasp the degree of revenge on a woman like Xue Li?

It is impossible to lose the day, and the consequences are too serious.

Killing is even more impossible.

Let her get sick?

No, no!

Too bad and evil.

Don't look at her imposing land to retreat, but at least she and the Xuanwu Earl House are not your relationship.

This girl, sin does not die.

The key is that she is a kind of righteous woman. If she is killed, the Xuanwu Earl House cannot afford such responsibility.

Need such a kind of revenge.

It is very tragic for her, and even for a while she is not as good as death.

But there is no danger at all.

Moreover, it is still full of unspeakable secrets, and it is not open to any outsiders, and even dare not let anyone else know.

Soon, Shen Lang had an idea.

He couldn't help but ask himself, would it be too poisonous?

At this time, Xue Li walked into the yard and glanced at the waves.

In this regard, let Shen Lang be very angry.

Because, she really looks like an ant, watching the eyes like the air.


I am so handsome, you look at me with this kind of look?

Other aristocratic women, even if I can't get rid of my embarrassing identity, but I also saw a lot of different colors, heartbeat like a rabbit, red face.

It can be seen that this woman is really a sweetheart, and is the kind of sweetheart who loves the most.

This kind of love makes her turn a blind eye to the beautiful man like Shen Lang.

"You are the sinking waves?" Xue Lidao.

Shen Lang said: "See Miss Xue."

"Don't be like this." Xue Lidao: "You are just a small beggar, and your status is higher than the slave. You are not qualified to salute me."

Then, Xue Li picked up the silk to block his half face.

"Down your eyes, people like you are not qualified to see me."

This is a bit of a mistake.

Such a sly woman?

It’s really rare to see it.

"I have heard your name many times and thought it was so great. It is really disappointing at first sight." Xue Li dismissed: "It is a little white face that is not used or used. Look at this color, listen to the breath, I am afraid it is a Waste, Jin Mulan is really fallen. Even if she can't find a man like a lang, it won't pick up your waste."

By the way, this girl’s mouth is really poisonous, and it is poisonous than Shen Lang.

It seems that she is very polite in the Earl of Xuanwu.

Shen Lang has seen Princess Ning Luo, and it is also considered to be generous and polite.

This Xue Li is just a daughter of the Earl, and Zhang Zhangcheng is like this. The family and the kind of family have made her pampered into something.

"Go out, go out..." Xue Li waved his hand and said like a fly: "Take your dog and go out together."

The sword king Li Qianqiu looked up.

The dog in your mouth, is it me?

His eyes flashed a glimmer of killing.

Not because of being a dog.

But because the girl is familiar with her eyes, she is a bit like Xue Xue.

Of course, like this, because this is a cousin.

The sword king Li Qianqiu is now a great master. In fact, he does not care much about the humiliation of others.

But Xue Xue’s hatred of his wife’s poison, he will never be able to let go.

The ruthless girl trampled on the feelings of his wife and he could never forgive.

They completely regard the girl as a biological daughter, as a treasure.

As a result, she was so vicious that she not only stole the sword, but also poisoned her wife.

This hurdle, Li Qianqiu will never go.

Shen Langdao: "Groom, let's go."

"Yes." The sword king was very cooperative, bent over and walked behind the dark waves, as if it were a real groom.

How humble and humble the attitude is.

When he left, Shen Lang used X-ray to fly quickly and Xue Li’s waist.

Not a rogue.

His x-ray is not a perspective eye, and he can't see it.

He just made sure the style of the tights.

After entering the yard, Xue Li licked his nose, as if the air that Shen Lang had breathed was poisonous.

"The one who is despicable is the one? Seal it up."

"Change everything in it, change the quilt, sheets, and mosquito nets."

"I put on a new carpet, I am only used to stepping on the camel carpet of the Lang family."

"All the chairs, all covered with silk, and then covered with camel cushions."

"All the tubs and washbasins are replaced, and the original ones are thrown away."

Originally, the official residence of this bureaucrat also wanted to flatter. This is a kind of prostitute.

But after hearing this, he quickly retired.

Forget it!

Such a woman with a higher eye than the item, you want to shoot her ass, she is not happy, because I feel that you are too mean, not qualified to shoot her flattering.

Even the air you breathe in the same yard as her is wrong.

This extravagant faction is really unseen and unheard of!

Even the Governor’s adults are not so extravagant.


Shen Lang sneaked into a hotel.

However, the sword king Li Qianqiu was rather comfortable, and finally he could comfortably sleep in bed.

It is still this kind of hard and simple room that can make people feel stable.

At this time, the other room's sinking waves took dozens of bottles from the package.

Pick up one and let go.

Pick up one and let go.

Every time Lange is ready to go out, gold coins, clothes, masks, soaps, etc. are all necessary.

But the most important thing is his dozens of bottles of baby.

There are the strongest stimulators, sulfuric acid, viruses, etc.

There is no way, the heart of the defense is indispensable, and the heart of the victim is indispensable. So every time Shen Lang goes out, these things must be brought up, in case one day is used? In life, you may encounter any enemies in your life.

But the things in this bottle are too vicious.

Xue Li is a sister, and sin is not dead.

After picking it for a long time, Shen Lang finally picked out a bottle of things.

This thing is good, this thing is good!

This is the Shenlang extracted from an unknown plant.

The roots and leaves of this plant are covered with dense cockroaches, like cockroaches.

And the leaves are poisonous, even if they touch a little bit, it is terrible.

The touch of the place will grow countless small blisters, one after another.


I can't wait to uncover that layer of meat.

And it is almost impossible to use the drug, you must wait until the end of this poison cycle.

A full ten days.

And its end is also somewhat creepy.

That layer of skin will be crusted, and the last layer of skin will be peeled off. Inside is a brand new long tender skin.

Will not leave any scars, and there will be no danger to life.

But the process is really painful.

Shen Lang does not know what the name of this plant is.

Ok, actually, I don’t know that this kind of plant is called anonymity. I know what his native language is called and I don’t know the scientific name.

But its power is real, don't ask me why I know, I was dyed twice when I was young.

Then, Shen Lang took out the pen and drew a silk 亵/pants style according to the memory.

The same style as Xue Li.

Even the enamel pattern on the silk is not bad.

What is 亵 / pants, is the ancient underpants, worn close to the body.

Then, Shen Lang went out and went to the largest silk shop.

I found the same silk, and then gave a large sum of money to let the adults in the silk shop make a silk trousers/trousers.

It was only finished in less than half an hour, and it was almost exactly the same as Xue Li’s.

After returning to the inn, Shen Lang applied the unknown plant poison to the crotch of the silk trousers/trousers.

He was wearing gloves throughout the process.

If you get caught, you can be in trouble. It is full of long-lasting rash blisters, and it will take at least ten days to fade.

After the smear is finished, the sinking waves are washed away with water.

Of course, only the surface is washed away. The poison of this plant juice is only a little bit very powerful.

Then I went to Shen Lang and dried the trousers/trousers with a fan.

Finally, I took out the rose essence and sprinkled it evenly on the silk trousers/trousers.

After all this was done, Shen Lang knocked on the door of the sword king Li Qianqiu.

"Sword King predecessor, you said that I owe me a favor? Or else, you are back now!"


After hearing the request of Shen Lang, the sword king Li Qianqiu could not help but stay.

Is the character of my sword king so worthless?

This is a promise.

Even if you let me go to thousands of people to kill and save people, I will promise.

My promises can even save your life at a critical moment.

And now, you have to use my humanity to change a woman's silk trousers/trousers?

And my dear sword, actually went to do this kind of thing?

Shen Langdao: "I am really sorry, I really don't have martial arts, or I will go by myself. The key to this Xue Li is like a cloud, full of more than 100 warriors, want to do this big thing and God. I don’t know, I have to ask your grandmaster to finish it yourself?"

Li Qianqiu was shocked. Isn’t the Grand Master so worthless?

Going to steal a woman's trousers/trousers?

Shen Langdao: "Of course you don't agree that it's okay. I am completely willing to go with you. You don't have to feel owed to me. After your wife, I will try my best to save you. You must not have any psychological burden. ""

Li Qianqiu is even more speechless.

You said so, can I have no psychological burden?

In order to help you, Shen Lang’s words are not to be said.

And also promised to help the detoxification in the future.

Originally, Li Qianqiu had no hope for the detoxification of Shenlang, but now he feels very hopeful.

Because of the poisonous poison, probably only the talents who are so poisonous in Shenlang have hopes to solve it.

Shen Langdao: "Sword King predecessor, this Xue Li is Xue Xue's sister, she should have just come out of my house and retired to my nephew. It doesn't matter if he humiliates me, but the key is that he puts the dignity of my father-in-law on the ground. ""

The sword king Li Qianqiu still did not speak.

Shen Langdao: "I know that you are a great master, doing this kind of thing will really reduce the style, but ... no one knows after all?"

Li Qianqiu, the sword king, said: "Who is a despicable person like me, what is the style?"

Shen Langdao: "The women of the Xue family are very vicious and need to be taught."

The sword king Li Qianqiu saw with his own eyes that Shen Lang had poured sulfuric acid into the mouth of Zhu Lanting, and could not help but ask: "Xie Li, this girl, sin is not dead."

"I won't die, I won't even have a life-threatening risk." Shen Langdao: "Just let her receive a small lesson, so that she will not be so blind from now on."

The sword king Li Qianqiu still did not agree.

Shen Lang sighed and sighed: "Forget it, I am not strong, or let me go!"

Then, Shen Lang walked out to the outside.

go by yourself?

Before he entered the door, he was killed.

The sword king Li Qianqiu sighed.

Wearing a pair of gloves that took the waves, and then holding the silk trousers/trousers, a little under the feet, the whole person flew out like a swallow, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

Shen Lang sees it, so envious of life!


It is good to practice martial arts. Is there such a light work, and what women can I enter?

What other woman can't I steal?

In less than half an hour, the sword king Li Qianqiu came back.

He completed this matter with ease.

Because Xue Li had just finished bathing, just the clothes were drying outside, naturally including the silk trousers/trousers.

Sword King silently replaced this cockroach/trouser with poison of plants.

After returning, the sword king directly put a wet trousers/trousers into the hands of Shen Lang, which of course was replaced by Xue Ligang.

The sword king did not say anything back to his own room.

He has already decided.

Tonight, Shen Lang will be sent to the Xuanwu Earl House and leave immediately. It will not stop for a quarter of an hour.

I will still deal with less in the future.

Otherwise, Li Qianqiu will not be able to sleep every day.

In fact, the sword king Li Qianqiu did not fall asleep that night.

Because his brain is constantly showing a picture, he is awakened by nightmares.

He dreamed that the lady had a slap in the face.

"Li Qianqiu, you are doing this ugly embryo, such a scandal can be done, I want to be with you!"

In the dream, the sword king's predecessors were so scared that they were scattered.

Shen Lang used the fire to dry the wet silk pants after washing, and carefully folded them.

He intends to give Jin Mucong a gift.


That night!

A fleet left the Wrath City Pier and headed for Jinshan Island.

Pirate Wang Qiu Tianwei personally led the 5,000-strong army and won Jinshan Island!

The second step of the Shenlang strategy, the key to the end.


Early the next morning!

Xu Wei was woken up early.

Then wash the group collectively and return to your job after eating breakfast.

Clean the yard!

When a fallen leaf falls.

Suddenly there were ten beautiful women rushing up and grabbing with a broom.

Xu Wei’s back pain, he has not slept in Datongpu, and has not covered such a hard quilt.

I am a female spy in the city of Angry Tide. I want to lurk in the side of the behemoth to become a confidant.

It’s not to sweep the floor.

I can't even sweep the floor.

However, she could not find a chance at all.

Since she was sent to sweep the floor, she has not even seen the face of the enemy.

She is three levels from the enemy.

The head of the maid who is in charge of the yard, the head of the maid of the castle, the close-knit maid of the demon.

In normal times, she can't even get a close-up of her servant's face, let alone her own demon.

The class gap is too big.

If you let Shen Lang know, he is not going to laugh.


Early the next morning!

Jian Wang Li Qianqiu drove Shen Lang away from Nujiang County and returned to Xuanwu City.

Walking on the official road.

Suddenly, there was a fierce hoof behind the scenes.

More than one hundred elite knights came in, the momentum was amazing, and the whole ground was shaking slightly.

It is still the knight who escorted Xue Li.

"Good dogs don't block, get out!"

The voice of a woman sounds, not Xue Li herself, but the female guard near her.

A wave of Shen Lang, this road is to go to Xuanwu City.

Has Xue Li been already there?

And this official road is quite wide, I can't stop a carriage.

Before he even talked to Shen Lang, the sword king Li Qianqiu immediately rushed the carriage to the side of the official road and made a slight stance.

Xue Li rode a thousand horses, with hundreds of knights arrogant, and went away.

Let Shen Lang eat the gray of his nose.

Hey, hey, hey!

He was curious in his heart, did this Xue Li really go to Xuanwu City?

The sword king Li Qianqiu drove on the road again.

But after a while, Xue Li’s knight team rushed to face.

"Good dog is not right, go away!"

Xue Li’s close-fitting female guard once again sighed.

You are **** sick.

Just passed, now I am back?

Shen Lang understands!

This Xue Li really went to the Earl of Xuanwu, and she did not go to this country when she returned to China.

The reason why she ran back and forth was to humiliate the waves.

Just to say that the two good dogs are not in the way, just to let the Shenlang's carriage humble on the side of the road.


How do such awkward woman live to the present?

Some people like Jian Wang Li Qianqiu couldn’t stand it anymore, and they also released a lot of behaviors last night.

The wicked still need wicked people to grind.

He once again took the carriage to the side of the road.

Xue Li once again led more than a hundred cavalry to go.

"Oh, if you look a little bit, you will spare you for the time being."

This time, Xue Li was really gone, and led the cavalry to rush to the capital from the ramp.


Shen Lang returned to the Xuanwu Earl House, and the sword king Li Qianqiu did not drink a cup of tea, and immediately left south.

Moreover, the pace is very urgent.

This makes Shen Lang so good.

Back to the swell of the Earl's House, I immediately heard an amazing news.

The pirate Wang Qiu Tianwei sent five thousand troops to Jinshan Island.

Shen Lang is overjoyed!

The key step is finally falling!

"Father and father, you quickly led two thousand soldiers to Jinshan Island."

"Remember, you have to pretend to look like an island, but don't really fight."

Next, the Wangya Island strategy should be launched!

I don't know how the progress of Xu Wei is there?

Now that the strategic situation has made critical progress, Xu Wei should be hurrying over there.

Her role is quite critical.

After thoroughly understanding the enemy, Shen Lang decided that if he could not win the enemy, the anger city strategy would be difficult to succeed.

Xu Wei, you must not let me down!

If you fail, it may be that I have to play in person. Never, I have not lived enough, and I don’t want to take risks.


Xue Li returned to the country.

Every night, I have to live in the best room of the bureaucracy and drive out all the other people in the yard.

She has a lot of clothes, so the special trousers/trousers that Shen Lang has prepared for him have never been put on.

Until the third day!

After she bathed, she finally changed this one.

Then, go to bed beautifully!

at night!

She had a dream, a dream that was very shameful.

"Growing Lang, you hate it, don't, don't..."


Then she woke up.

Found that it is not a dream, it is really itchy.

Can not help but open the quilt to see.

Suddenly, he made a cry.

Because her most vulnerable place is covered with dense blisters.


Note: The third one is sent, after twelve o'clock! Update 16,000 today, madly support!

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