History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 157: : Shen Lang is the most poisonous to kill!

Shen Lang is really curious, Jinxiu Pavilion Lin Mo, this Xiaoqiang is based on what lives to the present.

And it seems that there are still some meanings to be in the first place.

Who is this official behind him? It seems to be familiar.

It is an official of the Vietnam Weaving House.

The original big businessman who cooperated with the Weaving House was Xu Guangyun. Now that he is dead, Lin Mo may have taken the gap?

Shen Langdao: "Lin Dong, do you pick up Xu Guangyun's business?"

Lin Moudao: "There is no such thing as a district. It is the fault of the adults of the Weaving House. It takes over the position of Xu Guangyun."

Shen Langdao: "Congratulations, the death of Xu Dongzhu is really awkward. My Xuanwu Earl House is also a big sericulture keeper, and the future depends on Lin Dong."

You have no future in the Earl of Xuanwu.

Lin Mopi smiled and didn't smile.

He used to be very cautious, but after his son Lin Zhuo died, he lost this hypocritical performance.

Then, what is he taking over from Xu Guangyun and becoming a trader of the Weaving House?

Jing'an Earl House.

Wu Zhaozhong sent people to kill Lin Zhuo. Originally, he killed Lin Mo as if he had killed an ant, but he did not do that.

Because he saw the huge benefits hidden.

Xu Guangyun died, Xu family fell,

However, the business of Weaving House must be picked up by people. There are always countless sericulture people in Tiannan Province.

The Xu family crashed down and left a huge market share, which could not be filled directly.

Therefore, Lin Mo's Jinxiu Pavilion is completely strange.

Therefore, Jing'an Earl's House and Lin Mo hit it off, and Lin Mo became a white glove of the Wu family.

Jing Anbo also won the qualification of Wang Shang for Lin Mo and cooperated with Weaving House.

Therefore, the owner of the Jinxiu Pavilion, Lin Mo, only re-shake.

This is not the case, directly to the door to face the waves, and also with the officials of the Weaving House support.

Xuanwubo is indeed the scorpio jade of the whole family. He fell ill and what a cat and dog jumped out.

Of course, Lin Mo is not specifically running over to face.

He is here to test for the people behind him.

See if the Earl of Xuanwu is really in a desperate situation!

Look at Zhu Wenhua again!

He actually wore official uniforms, the main book of Xuanwu City, and was in charge of the prison.

That's right, that's the position of Wang Hao before.

He is also a person, and it is more than enough to do this position.

At this time, following Wang Hao, not only the Liu Wuyan City Lord, but also the Taishou House, and even the officials of the Governor’s Office.

Not only that, but there is still an official from all over the country.

"The lower official Dali Temple 丞 Wang Qike, I heard that Shen Langzi had been south before, the path and the death area of ​​the Count of Zhu Lanting

Overlapping, so special investigation. ”

Dali Temple, but the highest prison institution in Vietnam. Formerly known as Tingyi House, later reformed as Dali Temple, specializing in major cases.

Now even this institution has been dispatched, and the handwriting is very large.

Just relying on Zhu Wenhua is impossible to refer to the movement of Dali Temple, there are big people behind.

So who is instructing the Dali Temple to look for trouble?

Kind of scorpion?

Another example is a prince and the like.

Definitely not a monarch.

Xuanwu Bo has fallen ill, and Xuanwu Earl’s House is seeing it disappear.

At this time, the monarch will only continue to be merciful and show his kindness.

While killing you, he constantly sent a doctor to see Xuanwubo.

The wall is crowded with people and it is the thing of the people below. The monarch can't do it.

Or is it the Governor of Zhu?

No, it won’t be the Governor, he will now be entrusted to the Earl of Xuanwu.

Because of the demise of the Earl of Xuanwu, he was one of the main promoters. He only had the big picture in his eyes. It is absolutely impossible to make a big move in order to marry the prince of Lanting.

Not a monarch, not a governor, there is no lethality.

For almost a moment, Shen Lang’s mind made it all clear.

Then, he leaned toward the Jinxiu Pavilion and said: "Lin Dong, I really didn't expect anything to go there."

Lin Mo sneered.

The wall is pushed down by everyone.

People are stepping on everyone.

This is normal, and this is just the beginning.

The Earl of Xuanwu looked at the end of the eye, and then there was revenge, I do not know how many people will come to take the opportunity to step on a foot.

Because there is no chance to step on it again.

Shen Lang gentle and said: "Lin Dong, I owe you a thousand gold coins?"

Lin Moudao: "With interest, it has already been 1,300 gold coins."

Shen Langdao: "I can't help it, I can't help it. I almost forgot this debt. People come to get one thousand three hundred gold coins."

Jin Zhongyi said: "Grandfather, there is really not much money in the family."

Shen Langdao: "If you owe money to pay back your money, you will be able to get money."

"Yes." Jin Zhongdao.

After a while, he came with a box and there were a total of 1,300 gold coins.

Approximately one hundred pounds along with the box.

Shen Langdao: "Lin Dong, you can order a little."

Linmo opened the box with a silk pad, then covered the nose with silk and glanced at the gold coins inside the box.

He often deals with money, and at a glance he sees how much money there is.

But this money he will not touch.

Shen Lang is too poisonous. Who knows what kind of hands and feet will be in this gold coin? He even holds his breath.

Shen Langdao: "Lin Dongzhu, then we will clear up, I will not owe you debt anymore."

Lin Mo coldly said: "You have owed me debts have been paid off, but Xuanwu Earl House owes me debt, but has not paid off."

Shen Lang said: "When did I owe you debts to the Earl of Xuanwu?"

Lin Moudao: "The Xuanwu Earl House sealed the people to raise silkworms. The silkworms collected were sold to me and Xu Guangyun, right?"

Shen Langdao: "Yes, there is such a thing, 70% of which is sold to Xu Guangyun, and 30% is sold to you."

Lin Moudao: "It is officially because of this, so every year your silkworms are provided by us. This year's autumn silkworm, I have provided 50,000 silkworms for the Fengxu Earl House. But this year's autumn silkworms have no silkworm cocoons. Sold to my home, so why should you give back to the 50,000 silkworms?"

Each silkworm has about 30,000 eggs and is worth one silver coin, so 50,000 silkworms are equivalent to two thousand five hundred gold coins.

"Two thousand five hundred gold coins, plus four months of interest, a total of three thousand three hundred gold coins."

Shen Lang was happy.

At the beginning of the Xuanwu Earl House, but the initiative to sell silkworm cocoon to you Lin Mo, you in order to unite Xu Guangyun to block the Xuanwu Earl's House economy, so resolutely do not accept.

Nowadays, in the name of silkworm cocoons not sold to your home, I come to ask for money from silkworms.

Are you constantly testing the bottom line of my Xuanwu Earl's Court for your master?

How bad are we to be?

Shen Lang is not saying: "My Xuanwu Earl's House recently lost too much in the battle of Jinshan Island. There are too many places to spend money. If the turnover is not working for a while, can Lin Dong be able to slow down for a few days?"

Lin Moudao: "Why is it a few days?"

Shen Langdao: "On three days, three days."

Lin Moudao: "I owe money to pay back my money. I don't want to slow down these three days. I want to get back this debt now."

Even for the owner behind the temptation to test the bottom line of the Xuanwu Earl House, Lin Mo did not dare to be so arrogant.

But because the thousands of households in Blackwater are on the side, he dared to be so arrogant.

Because next, Shen Lang is about to be caught by the black water platform.

Those who enter the prison of Blackwater, whether or not they have sin, will lose half of their lives.

Shen Langdao: "It is worse than this. Lin Dongzhuo slowed me for three days. After three days, I still gave you three thousand five hundred gold coins. I can write a loan, how?"

Lin Mo thought for a moment: "I saw it in Xuanwubo's share."

Then, Shen Lang wrote a loan.

The Jinxiu Pavilion Lin Mo 3,500 gold coins were returned within three days.

If not returned, Lin Mo has the right to take away 500 acres of good land in the Xuanwu Earl.

"Farewell!" Jinxiu Pavilion Lin Mo.

Then he went straight out.

When he walked to the door, Lin Mo couldn't help but say: "Shen Lang, thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi! You used to squat, no bottom line, today is so miserable, can you regret it?"

Then, Lin Moyang went away.

The new Xuanwu City main book Zhu Wenhua said: "Shen Lang, your debt is still over, now it's our turn, let's take a trip, let me know **** my father."

Just now, Lin Mo pointed out that the deer was a horse, and turned black and white to claim the debt from Shen Lang.

As a result, Shen Lang continued to compromise and let the other party extort.

It’s so weak, it’s ridiculous.

How arrogant you were before Shen Lang?

Now the Earl of Xuanwu is facing a desperate situation, and your Shenlang has become a waste.

Even a small businessman can step on you!

That's more, the lineup that I brought this time is even bigger. Even the Dali Temple has been found.

When ordinary people hear the name of Dali Temple, they almost scare their urine.

Those who enter Dali Temple will also take off their skin without dying.

Every main official in Dali Temple is almost super cool, killing people without blinking.

Shen Lang said: "You adults, I don't know why, I am a little sweaty. In order not to be rude, I am going to change two clothes and talk to the adults."

Zhu Wenhua laughed and said: "In the autumn and winter, it is so cold, and the grandfather of Shen Lang is actually sweating. Are you afraid or guilty?"

"Looking up, I laughed." Shen Lang squatted.

Then he retired to the back to change clothes.

Shen XIII was in front of him, motionless.

"Go to kill Lin Mo." Shen Lang ordered.

"Yes!" Shen Sandao, then go straight to work.

Shen Langdao: "Do you know how to kill?"

Shen 13 is more expensive and said: "Please show the owner."

Shen Langdao: "This Jinxiu Pavilion owner is really amazing. Tian Heng is dead. Xu Guangyun is dead. Zhu Lanting is dead. This Lin Mo is still dead. He even ran out to hit my face. It is amazing, amazing."

Shen Shiyi did not dare to move on the ground.

Shen Langdao: "He is so arrogant, let him die more chic! Must be the worst, the most stinky, the most bizarre, but can not have any relationship with our Xuanwu Earl House."

Shen XIII: "Thirteen dumb, please show the master."

Shen Langdao: "Is there other people in Lin Mo's family?

Shen XIII said: "When Lin Zhuo died, his family's servant Xiao Yan ran away, leaving a wife and two sons."

Shen Langdao: "All killed, and the official of the Weaving House, if they live in Lin Mo's house, they will also die together!"

Shen thirteen trembled.

Although the officials of the Weaving House only have seven products, they are also officials of the Weaving House.

Killing together, the consequences will be very amazing!

Shen Lang closed his eyes and thought, thinking of a way to kill Lin Mo's family, but there would be no suspicion.

After only half a minute, there is a way.

Shen Langdao: "The forest family has been abandoned for a long time, the servant is lacking, no one is brushing the toilet, it must be particularly dirty. You can find a way to sneak into the forest home, even if there is a toilet, it is extremely disgusting, and people can't use it."

Shen 13's face trembled: "Yes!"

Shen Langdao: "Then, you give them a little laxative in the food and let them diarrhea."

Shen 13: "Yes!"

Shen Langdao: "This way the toilet can't be used, then you can only go to the latrine at home, and the latrine has not been cleaned for a long time. It has accumulated countless survivals. It must have produced a lot of biogas. You will take a small bucket of sulfuric acid and pour it in the latrine. Inside, this will evaporate a large amount of hydrogen. Hydrogen and biogas mix together. When these people go to the huts, you ignite the gas in the huts and let the whole latrine explode."

"No, this is not enough. You have to cut the pedals of the shacks in half, let them fall, and then explode."

"Yes, this method of death is chic!"

"It fell into the pit and was drowned by the urine, and then it was killed."

Next, Shen Lang told Shen 13 in detail every step of the way, let him operate according to this method.

"Okay, go to work, I am waiting for you to triumph at home."

Shen 13 squatted on the ground and said: "Yes!"

He really has scalp tingling.

This master is definitely a devil, killing people will be considered, but also use such a cruel and terrible method.

It’s just creepy.

Shen Lang could not help but say: "Thirteen, what are you shaking?"

Shen Thirteen’s heart trembles: “Master, what do you say I am shaking?”

Fortunately, the master does not want to kill me. If I know, I must commit suicide in advance.

The means of harming you in your mind are endless.

As for those who are so poisonous, the Earl of Xuanwu will perish?

I am not convinced of it.


Xiao Bing changed clothes to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang played with his side while racking his brains.

Xiao Bing’s body shook.

Because my grandfather was distracted, the action was too much.

She is a little girl, where can I get it.

Next, how do you get Zhu Wenhua, Liu Wuyan, and the Dali Temple?

Kill all?

No, no!

Killing the Linmo family, plus a weaving government official is almost the same.

After all, Dali Temple is an official from the capital. If you kill, the responsibility is too great.

Moreover, they are still in the Earl's House. If there is a human life, the consequences are too serious.

So how should they harm them?

At this time, Xiao Bing suddenly trembled and said: "Grandfather, people can't stand it."

Sinking a wave, could not help but pull out his hand.

No wonder my brain is a little slow. It turns out that you are the little girl who pulled down my IQ on the side.

I said **** on the brain, you look like this on the side, can I be smart?

At this time, Jin Zhong said outside: "Grandfather, Zhu Wenhua, they are waiting impatiently, let you hurry out, otherwise he will come in and arrest people."


Note: The second one is sent, I will continue to write the third one, madly ask for support, please!

Thank you, the cow is turning back. I am Yang Da’s million-dollar reward.

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