History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 223: : Savior, Shen Lang! Let's kill! (2 more)

The first master of the country, the bitter sea head Tuo came in.

Shen Lang slipped a thing in his hand.

This is his life at a critical moment.

The goddess Xue Yin, has been unable to move at all, lying there gently.

The bitter sea can't help but say: "The last poisonous attack has occurred? Is she completely unable to move?"

Shen Lang nodded.

Then, the great priest of the Snow Mountain Temple went two steps.

Every time he takes a step, the murder becomes more intense.

The eyes are even more cruel.


The snowy cheeks gradually became red.

It has always been white like snow.

At this time, it turned into a red blood.

It is like a volcano that is about to explode.

The bitter sea stopped.

Although the goddess Xue Yin can't talk, she can't move.

But it issued a warning.

If you are a step closer to the bitter sea, my snow will blew.

Snow can not move the whole body, but the infuriating can flow, Dantian can work.

Therefore, it can also blew itself.

Once blew up, it is equivalent to bursting out all the internal strength and instinct that have been cultivated for decades.

Although he could not kill the bitter sea, he could also be seriously injured.

The martial arts of the bitter sea is higher, even surpassing the snow mountain old demon. However, there is still a distance from Zhong Chuke and Xue Yin.

The most important thing is that the snow hidden body is the poison of Futu Mountain. In case of self-destruction, what should be done when this strange and toxic poison is infected with his body?

So he stopped.

Anyway, Xue Yin is about to die, so don't worry.

Don't take the risk.

My bitter life is a long time, and my life is very valuable.

"Shenlang son." Bitter sea road.

Shen Langdao: "What advice?"

Kuhai Road: "The whole country can only have one belief, only one temple."

Shen Langdao: "My temple is to save people."

Kuhai Road: "Welcome to save people at the Snow Mountain Temple."

Shen Langdao: "It's too far."

Kuhaitoutou: "Your temple must be removed."

Shen Langdao: "If you take it apart, you can't save people."

The conversation between the two people was in a dead end.

Then Kuaitoutou is waiting here, waiting for Xue to die.

This way the sinking waves will fall into his hands.

Of course, he will not kill the waves. After all, Shen Lang’s brain has the technology to save the smallpox, and behind him is the Jin family. If you take the Shenlang, you can extort money for it.

After all, the bitter sea head is also to raise the soldiers, but also to enjoy the extravagant and luxurious life.

The Snow Mountain Temple does not collect taxes, nor does it farm. Every year, depending on the offerings of the people, the money is not enough.

The most important thing is that in recent months, the smallpox Snow Mountain Temple has done nothing, and in order to protect itself, he closed the mountain gate and rejected countless believers, letting them infect the smallpox.

This is undoubtedly a huge injury to the entire country.

It can be seen that this year's offering will definitely be reduced to a certain extent.

Therefore, he especially needs to sneak.

He has been waiting, wanting to wait for the snow to die.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, an hour!

I don't know why, Xue Yin has never died, has been squinting, ready to blew.

Why are you still not dead?

According to the hour, she should have died.

After two hours, the bitter sea head gave up.

"Shenlang Gongzi, within half a month, you have to take down the temple and hand over the method of treating smallpox." Kubintoutou: "Otherwise, in order to purify the country, my sergeant will launch a holy war and burn you." The holy temple will kill your people."

"Remember, you only have half a month."

Then, the great priest of the Snow Mountain Temple went away.

The blood red light of the goddess Xue Yin still did not dissipate.

After a quarter of an hour, the bitter seahead really left, this person is really treacherous.

At this time, the blood red light of Xue Yin was gradually dispersed.

But no matter how Shen Lang shouted at her, there was no response.

I can't make a sound, I can't do anything, and I can't even do it with my eyes.

There are still breathing, and there are still heartbeats.

And, still having a fever!

Shen Lang used her forehead against her forehead.

It is indeed a fever.

Then, he seemed to find a little clue.

Has snow been infected with smallpox?

There should be no, at least there is no pimple on the face of her smallpox.

But she is always with the patient who has the smallpox, why is it not infected?

If she is not infected, why does she continue to have a fever?

Yes, she has also been infected with smallpox virus, but it has not come out.

Shen Lang carefully examined her whole body.

There is no sputum, no acne, no rash, even if there are no rashes in the corners of any corners.

So is it possible that she is infected with the smallpox virus and has a fever, but it is not on the surface of the body.

Futu Mountain was poisonous in her body, and now it is very poisonous.

At the same time, she was also infected with smallpox virus.

However, the poison of Futu Mountain has suppressed the smallpox virus.

Therefore, she did not have the characteristics of smallpox, no long chickenpox, and no rash.

Moreover, she should have died at this time.

But at least until now, she has not died, but she is completely unable to move.

Is it true that the Futu Mountain poison and the smallpox use poison to attack and kill each other, so the poisonous power is weakened.

So, she is still not dead now?

This conclusion is likely to be true.

if so? That proved what.

It proves that the poison of Futu Mountain is at least not like snake venom, nor cyanide.

And this poison has been lurking in the snow hidden body for many years, until recently.

Then it can be considered that this poison is a living body.

Similar to scorpion venom, similar to a very small cockroach?

Futu Mountain only smeared poisonous eggs in the snow hidden body. After the poisonous eggs hatched, they began to mate and multiply in the blood.

So, there are countless anti-drugs in the blood?

Shen Lang’s heart trembled.

Then he took out the knife and cut a wound on the snowy finger, letting the blood fall into the porcelain bowl.

Then start to observe carefully.

Unfortunately, there is no microscope.

But Shen Lang has a magnifying glass and a telescope.

Next, Shen Lang used a paper shell and several magnifying glasses to assemble a very rough, low magnification microscope.

Observe the blood of the snow under the microscope.

Found! Found.

Yes, there are many microorganisms in the blood of Xue Yin.

Very very small, no more than 0.05 mm.

It’s not much bigger than a man’s seed.

But they swim very fast and are very numerous.

The goddess Xue Yin has only about 1 ml of blood, but at least there are about a hundred.

This should be a locust!

It is also a mites capable of releasing neurotoxins.

It should be like the speculation of Shen Lang, that Wu Dushan gave her a poisonous egg.

It took a few years to complete, and the eggs were hatched, mated, and multiplied.

Just like the big bang.

The number of these locusts was too small before, and it was not enough to make the snow have obvious symptoms.

In recent months, these locusts have begun to explode, madly occupying the whole body of snow.

Each episode represents the occupation of every part of the snowy body.

In the end, the goddess Snow is completely occupied by these locusts.

The continuous release of neurotoxins makes it impossible for the snow to hide.

It is like a frozen person.

No wonder her body will be so fragrant, especially when it is attacking, it is more fragrant, and it is like alcohol, it is intoxicating.

Because these aphids release neurotoxins, they are paralyzed.

This is what Shen Lang once again encountered in Earth Medicine.

This is the unique life of the world.

This Futu Mountain is terrible!

The reason why Xue Yin is still not dead is because she has a smallpox virus in her body.

The two viruses killed each other in her blood and delayed her life.


The vitality of smallpox virus in the human body is limited, and it will not exceed twenty days at most.

So Xue Yin will still die!

Is there any way to kill these mites?

Next, Shen Lang frantically did various experiments, and there was not much time left for Shen Lang.

He not only wants to save the snow, but also faces the next drastic changes.

He wants to find something that can kill these locusts, but it won't let the snow fall.

He has found the direction, and what is needed is a breakthrough.


It’s been ten days since the squirting of squirting pomp!

The result will be coming soon!

The first batch of acne-producing people have developed rashes, suppuration, and scarring.

The king couldn’t wait to send someone to put them in the tent of the smallpox patient.

The weather is already hot.

The smallpox epidemic has become more ferocious and terrible.

It has evolved into a real death.

More and more people are infected every day, and more and more people die.

Among the royal family, three infected people were discovered.

Except for the king and the prince, everyone is afraid.

If this happens again, at least one third of the people will die in the whole country.

The army of Laos will also be reduced by a fraction.

Really a big disaster.

If the vaccination defense of Shenlang is effective, it will not only save the people of the country, but also the army of the king.

This is completely related to the fate of Laos.

Yu Wang even did not wait for the tester's profile to be infected. He directly ordered: "Put the blood and pustules of the smallpox patients on these experimenters to see if they are infected?"

Then, the first batch of experimenters experienced a scene of incomparable fear.

The liquid of chickenpox in smallpox patients is directly applied to them.

If the vaccination of Shenlang fails, if they do not have antibodies, it is 100% infected with smallpox.

One day has passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Four days have passed!

The king and the prince are waiting anxiously.

The entire royal family is waiting anxiously.

Is it effective?

Can Shen Lang’s magic work be effective, can he save the people?

Can you resist the smallpox?

Five days have passed!

The result should have come out.

Fifty people in the first batch of trials, none of them infected with smallpox.

Even if the blood of the smallpox patient and the pus are applied to them, there is no infection.


Really successful!

The king is ecstatic, and the prince of the country is ecstatic.

The country has been saved.

Shen Lang really succeeded.

He really can defend against smallpox.

He really can make everyone no longer infected with smallpox.


The sky in the whole country seems to have cracked a gap and sprinkled a piece of sunshine.

The whole country is completely boiling!

Countless people flooded the temple and waited for the Vietnamese mission to plant vaccines.

This way they can resist the smallpox forever.

Before this, the temple of Shenlang was adorned with the signs of the temple, which were enshrined in Confucius, Zhou Gong and other saints.

Therefore, the plaque of the temple was smashed again and again.

The people of Laos were besieged again and again.

If it weren't for the statue of the goddess Snow, the whole temple had already been burned.

Although in this smallpox epidemic, the performance of the Snow Mountain Temple is very disappointing.

However, there are still many believers. Where can you afford a holy temple on the ground?

The reason why no one came to burn is because I heard that it may have cured the smallpox, and there is also a goddess snow hidden.

And now!

Finally proved completely.

Shen Lang can save the people of the country and resist the smallpox.


The temple was sublimated.

No one is going to burn the temple again.

No one went to the statue again, and the card was smashed.

Faith is very important, but life is more precious.

The Snow Mountain Temple can't save us, and this holy temple saved us, then what about the believers who became the temple?

Shen Lang ordered.

I want to grow a vaccine and want to immunize smallpox permanently.

Just outside the temple, become a believer in saints.


Outside the entire temple, it was full of people.

Thousands of people, tens of thousands of people!

The Vietnamese warrior who came with the waves was completely shocked.

Shen Lang is too strong.

He not only asked the king to write a confession, but not only built a holy temple on the land of Laos.

Moreover, countless people have become believers in saints.

so amazing.


Although they did not have the power to play, they still wrote their own opinions.

And they are also beneficiaries, because they have also been planted with vaccinia, and they will never infect smallpox in this life.


All the people who fell to the holy temple received a response.

You believe in the gods, believe in the Snow Mountain Temple, they will not respond to you at the crucial moment, and will not save your life.

But you believe in the temple.

It can save your life.

Shen Lang’s dozens of people are planting vaccinia every day to the people of Laos.

Thousands a day.

In time, this action temple is admired by all.

Shen Lang’s plan for the Savior, you’re done.

But he is not in the big temple every day, because he is studying how to save the snow every day.

How to kill countless locusts in the snow.

With the demise of the smallpox virus in the snow, her vitality is getting weaker.

She is really getting into death.


Shen Lang has made a breakthrough.

Has gone through countless experiments.

Shen Lang returned to the original point and saved the snow with the golden blood of the stupid.

Of course, it is not a blood transfusion.

At first, Shen Lang wanted to kill the mites in the snow hidden body with golden blood, and the result failed.

Then he thought about using the golden blood to attract countless locusts.

Still failed!

The blood on the university has been let him lose more than a pound.

After countless experiments.

Shen Lang discovered that half of the golden blood in the big stupid body made the Futu Mountain locusts very fearful, and half of them were fatally attractive to them.

Therefore, Shen Lang needs to separate the golden blood of the big fool.

Take out the deadly attraction to the stag beetle.

Shen Lang gave the big fool a pound of blood.

Then, extract a milliliter of blood essence.

Really **** is golden.

Big silly is really awesome.

This milliliter of blood essence is the key to saving snow.

If you can succeed, can you save the life of this goddess, look at this time.

Shen Lang looked at the golden blood essence in the test tube.

"Big stupid, is your wife?" asked Shen Lang.

Big stupid: "Okay."

Shen Langdao: "Is there a pockmark on my face?"

"Ninety-three." Dad said: "It looks good."


Shen Lang can't keep going.

Wipe the sweat from your face with a wet towel.

The weather in May was unpredictable. It was still very cold ten days ago, and suddenly it got provoked.

Twenty degrees.

And the thunder is getting louder and louder.

"Booming rumbling..."

Outside, the dark clouds in the sky are getting lower and lower.

Thunder burst into a loud noise.

Terrible lightning began to brew,

The torrential rain began to brew.


The natural thunder is getting louder and louder.

The dark clouds are getting lower and lower.

The air is getting more and more stuffy.

The rain is coming, and the black clouds that are crushed by the sky seem to have collapsed the earth.

Suddenly, a group of monks and warriors entered the yard and headed for Shenlang: "There is only one belief in the whole country. It is the god. There can only be one temple, that is, the temple of the snow mountain."

"Our priest has given you time to tear down the temple."

"The deadline has passed and you are still not dismantled."

"Now, my Snow Mountain Temple officially declared war on you."

"Tonight, we will kill everyone in your holy temple and will razed your holy temple to the ground."

Then, this monk warrior handed the gauntlet to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang put on his gloves and said: "I am going, fight!"

Warrior Bush: "See you at night."


Another thunderous bang.

The dark clouds are pressed lower, but this rainstorm is not coming.

This thunder is getting more and more amazing.

But this lightning is not falling down.

Shen Langdao: "Big stupid, go back and say goodbye to your wife, we have to fight this night, we have to kill."

"Maybe killing thousands of people, maybe killing more."

"Tomorrow, we will go back to the country."

Such a big thing, I thought the big stupid would be amazed.

But not at all.

"Oh." Dad went straight away and told his wife.


After the stupidity left, there was a wave of people in the room.

Huang Feng stood on the side.

Shen Lang gave the goddess a snow bath, a soft towel, and wiped every inch of her body.

During this time, he is bathing in the snow every day.

Although she has not given any response, her eyes can't give it.

Even her breathing and heartbeat have become weaker and weaker and closer to death.

"Feng, have you slept with thirteen?"

Shen Lang asked while wiping the body of snow and ice.

Huang Feng stuffed the voice: "No."

Shen Langdao: "You have to be careful, your family is so rich, be careful that thirteen is deceiving your feelings, and intends to lie to your family. He sees that my soft rice is so comfortable to eat, maybe I want to try it."

"Oh..." Huang Feng’s throat screamed, but he did not dare to swear.

The owner is also the master.

The Shen San outside is helpless.

Master, you have to say bad things behind, at least don't let me hear?

Huang Feng suddenly said: "Master, do you say that I need to sleep with thirteen?"

Shen Langdao: "Are you afraid that we will die tonight? So before I die, I sleep with thirteen?"

This is the case, but please don't say so clearly.

Huang Fengdao: "The Snow Mountain Temple has assembled more than a thousand warriors. We only have one hundred people."

Shen Langdao: "More than a thousand warriors, at least two thousand, are twenty times ours, and there are also the people of the princes, the Su family, and the warriors of the Sum of the king."

Huang Fengdao: "We are 100 people, and we can't beat them more than 2,000 people."

Shen Langdao: "I can't beat it, how can I be an enemy?"

Huang Fengdao: "Then we will lose? Will it die?"

Shen Langdao: "No, we can do it once and for all, perform miracles, and kill the soldiers of the Snow Mountain Temple."

Huang Feng did not dare to set the channel: "Really, we only have 100 people, they have more than 2,000 people, and each warrior is stronger than ours."

Shen Langdao: "Of course, even the days of the decisive battle are all my pick."

After wiping the snowy body, put on a beautiful silk dress.

"Aunt, I will save you this evening, let me see you by the way, I will kill you!"

"I will leave tomorrow, and I will have a good night tonight, leaving an indelible impression on the whole country."


In the sky, another thunderous bang.

"Go, go to the big battle!"

Shen Lang picked up the snowy and delicate body and walked toward the holy temple.

But handsome is only three seconds.

Snow is more than seven meters, about a hundred pounds.

It’s hard to hold up the waves, and it’s not going to take a few steps.

"Feng children, or you come to hug."

"Residue." Huang Feng heart in the belly, easy to embrace the snow hidden body.

Then she couldn't help but be confused.

This woman in her arms is so beautiful that she is jealous.

Shen Lang hands behind his back.

Continue to be arrogant and walk towards the temple.

"Go, let's kill!"


A small house in the Royal Palace.

Yu Wang, the prince of the Shu State, the Queen of the Soviet Union, the priest of the Snow Mountain Temple, the sacred head of the sea, the Suthep of the Marquis of the Soviet Union.

Five people!

All the places are gold coins, and dozens of boxes.

It is more than ten thousand gold coins.

Yan Wangdao: "Is it already determined? Shenlang defends the smallpox, planting the vaccine, is actually the pus of vaccinia?"

Prince Edward said: "It has been completely confirmed that all three lurkers can see clearly."

Yan Wangdao: "In this case, Shen Lang can die. He saved my life and saved the lives of countless people in Laos. If it is not for Su Shi, I am really reluctant to kill."

In fact, he also wants to kill the waves, but he just wants to continue to swindle gold coins on him.

Now, the Su family has paid a gold coin to kill the waves.

After the king, Sumo said: "Since you have gotten the way to defend against smallpox, then this god, the king can do it."

Bitter Sea Head Road: "The Snow Mountain Temple can also do things to save the people. This is the duty of the Snow Mountain Temple."

Yan Wangdao: "How many people have vaccinated cows now?"

Prince Edward Road: "There are not enough people, and hundreds of thousands of people do not have pox."

Yan Wangdao: "There are hundreds of thousands of people left, let us save. Of course, life is precious, want to plant a vaccine, want to immunize smallpox forever, and pay a price."

Suddenly, all humanity: "The King is wise."

Bitter Sea Head Road: "My Snow Mountain Temple has been bitterly cold, and it just happens to receive some offerings."

Yu Wang and Xueshan Temple learned that after the vaccination of Shen Lang, he wanted to use him to make a fortune.

Countless people in the country do you want to immunize smallpox? Want to get a vaccine?

Give money.

This kind of national hardship must be issued, it is really amazing.

The key is you, the king, who are your people.

But in this kind of wild king's eyes, this is normal again.

Yan Wang waved his hand: "Of course, all the warriors of the king are free to breed pox."

The people once again said: "The king is wise."

Su Yongdao: "These gold coins, please ask the King and the Master of the Sea to laugh. We only have one request, not only to kill the Shenlang Mission, but also to give me the head of Shenlang."

After the king, Sumo said: "Master of Kuhai, is your one thousand soldiers enough?"

Kuhaitou Tuo sneer and laughed: "I have more than enough."

Queen Sumo said: "It is better for me to support you some warriors, and they have already shaved their heads. It is considered to be the squad of the Snow Mountain Temple."

Kuhaitoutou: "There are fewer than a hundred people in Shenlang District. It is easy and killing. But the Queen is not at ease, these warriors I have accepted."

The Prince of the Sui Kingdom, the Queen of the Soviet Union, the Su Su confidant Su Yong three neatly worshipped.

"Master, fight today, please."

Kuhaitou Tuo disdain smiles and walks outside!

After half an hour!

In the northern wilderness, 2,500 warriors were assembled!

All are bald.

Only a small part of it is the Snow Mountain Temple, and the rest are either the Shu Warrior or the Su Shi Warrior.

However, it is still necessary to use the name of the sergeant.

For Laos.

The use value of Shen Lang has been exhausted.

In order to kill the waves, the Soviet Union paid the price of more than 100,000 gold coins.

Then he can die.

Kuhaitou Tuo riding a black girl and shouting loudly: "Maintain the belief of the gods, open the holy war, and defeat the country and the squad, kill the corpse, smash the corpse, and set the temple to the ground!"



Two thousand and five hundred bald warriors were killed in the holy temple where Shen Lang was located.


Note: The second one is sent, madly ask for a ticket, madly ask for support, and the entrants will shoot it!

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