History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 230: : Snow hides the waves! Zhang Hao is dying!

The goddess Xueyin has always been gentle and moving.

When I got along this time, Shen Lang almost never saw that she had any anger when she was always pure and snowy, and the spring breeze was gentle.

Even when she is going to die.

Even when she faced the vicious provocation of the Snow Mountain Temple, she seemed very calm.

At this time, she completely changed her personal.

After seeing this ginger, she slammed the sword and stabbed it.

Her sword is full of absolute murderous, willing to kill.


When the seahead was killed before, the snow-stained sword was like a flying fairy.

At this time, it was completely squally showers, and the flames of the sky.

The hatred and anger of the sky are all poured into the sword, and madly sprinkled toward the ginger.

That is really going to smash the other side.

This is definitely the highest level of battle that Shen Lang has seen.

Two people seem to be moving in the same way.

Move around the ground.

It’s almost impossible to see clearly.

The only thing that Shen Lang saw was the two groups of figures, and the swords of the sky.

Just two minutes.

Snow hidden stabbed thousands of swords.

And Jiang Ming also hid thousands of swords, he has not returned.

His body is always about half a foot from the snow-stained sword.

However, the goddess Snow has not been able to stab him.

Shen Lang suddenly was completely shocked.

His worldview is even somewhat subverted.

How high is the martial arts of the goddess Xue Yin? Shen Lang is completely clear.

Her ranking is even more advanced than that of Zhong Chuke, and she has killed the bitter head.

Although the poisoning caused a little damage to her martial arts after the recovery, it is still very bad.

But at this time, I had stabbed thousands of swords, and I couldn’t help but look at this ginger, and the other party didn’t even have a hand.

How high is this person's martial arts?

It seems that he is also very young.

Goddess Snow concealed the sword, cold channel: "Nothing, you don't want the word **** in my face, you are not worthy!"


Shen Lang finally knows who the person is.

After the kingdom of Dagan was destroyed, it was torn apart, part of it was cut away by the empire of the empire, part of it was cut off by the Jin Dynasty, and the remaining part was split into four countries. The largest one is still a dry country and is called a new dry country.

And this new dry country is still bigger than Vietnam. It can be seen from this that the great empire of the year was so powerful and vast.

Today, the monarch of the New Kingdom is called Winguang.

In front of this, there is no meditation, that is, the prince of the new kingdom won.

Why does he claim to be Jiang Ming?

This is the secret that Shen Lang does not know.

Today's new kingdom of the king, Wang Guang, was once called Jiang Guang.

When Dagan’s Wang Jiangye visited the Great Yan Empire, he found an abandoned baby on the road.

The baby's forehead seemed to have a horn and looked strange, so it was discarded.

God has a good life, so Jiang Ye will take the baby home and raise it, named Jiang Guang.

The child and Ginger grew up together and loved each other.

Jiang Guangwen’s martial arts are very good, and they are heavily cherished by the ancestors of the king.

Of course, those decades have been completely gone, and anyone has been stunned by him.

Jiang Guang is no exception.

These two are not brothers but better than brothers.

When Jiang was still a prince, he was radiant and violent.

When he was crowned king, he even slammed the Quartet, and the attack was invincible. The surrounding countries shivered under his iron hooves.

In less than ten years, Jiang Lilian destroyed Liang Guo, Qi Guo, Zhongshan State, and Wei Guo.

The territory of the Dagan Empire has expanded several times.

Almost the entire eastern world is covered by his light.

And this righteous brother Jiang Guang, who has always followed him, became his absolute confidant, the first line.

When Jiang was called the emperor, the three younger brothers only sealed the Duke, but only Jiang Guangfeng.

Jiang Guangben is an abandoned baby who wants to freeze to death. After encountering Jiang, he even sealed the king in one fell swoop.

Such a good deed, so good, not a hundred years.

Twenty years ago, the Dagan Kingdom and the Great Yan Empire decided to fight.

This decisive battle will determine the fate of the entire Eastern world and will determine who will become the master of half the world.

Jiang has repeatedly won the battle, and the squadron is pressing under the fire.

However, overnight, the emperor Jiang was violent.

This matter has been a mystery to this day.

Jiang is the absolute master of the world, and Jiang’s wife is the third master in the world.

Who else in the world can kill this couple?

However, the facts are facts.

After Jiang’s husband died.

Jiang Guang became the supreme commander of the Dagan Kingdom.

He should have inherited Jiang's legacy, or continue to fight, or lead the army back to the Dagan Kingdom, find a good child in the Jiang family to inherit the throne, and faithfully assist, to hold the foundation for the Lord.

However... he directly chose to defect and to rely on the Great Yan Empire.

Ginger is violent and the couple is rebellious.

The two major forces of Da Yan and Da Jin were attacked, causing the army of the Dagan Kingdom to be nearly destroyed.

The Emperor of the Great Yan Empire laughed at the end and became the Supreme Master of the World, the Lord of the East, and the Emperor of the King.

The powerful kingdom of the great kingdom fell apart and was dismembered into four countries.

The traitor Jiang Guang became the monarch of the new kingdom.

This abandoned baby, which should have been frozen, has reached the peak of life and became the head of a country.

The Emperor of the Great Yan Empire gave Jiang Guangxin a surname and won.

Since then, Jiang Guang has become a winner, and his son Jiang Ming has also become a winner.

Then why does this win have no name for Jiang to be the father?

Because he is not only the rumored disciple of Jiang Li, but also the son of Jiang Li.

This can also prove why his martial arts are so high.

Xue Yin is the righteous girl of Jiang Li. The most hated person in her life is Winong and his son.

If it wasn't for Wang Jiangye, you won't have been frozen.

What is the weight of Jiang Lixia? Not only rely on you as a confidant, not a brother is like a brother.

As a result, you shamelessly betrayed your majesty.

Nowadays, it has become the monarch of the new kingdom and the loyal dog of the Emperor of the Great Yan Empire.

"Winning no meditation, your father and son are chaotic thieves, don't mention **** again, don't mention it again." Snow shed tears.

Only this time, the powerful goddess is vulnerable.

Win no sighs: "Aunt, Jiang's royal family has been killed. If I don't surname Jiang, there is no one in the world."

This is true.

After the death of Jiang, after the death of the Dagan Kingdom, the Emperor of the Great Yan Empire killed all the Jiang royals.

Regardless of the far sidelines, all kill.

No one counts how many **** clan the emperor killed.

At least more than 20,000.

From then on, don't say the Jiang family, even the people named Jiang are gone.

The emperor not only banned the "East Biography", but even the word Jiang was blocked.

The worst thing is that Jiang is the only son who has left the world in his stomach.

"The traitor has no meditation, you have got the true biography of you, I... I can't kill you." The goddess Snow shed tears in his eyes, whispering: "Roll, don't appear in front of me, don't dirty my eyes." ”

Win the rude and respectfully, then leave and go to the country.

Of course, he did not come to see the snow, but to visit the Vietnamese monarch, there are important matters.

At that time, when Jiang was in the dominance of the world, it was a myriad of fans.

When Ning Yuanxian, the monarch of the Vietnam State, was young, he was a fan of Jiang Li.

Jiang Li said that his son will marry all the princesses in the world.

Ning Yuanxian just gave birth to her daughter Ning Han.

When Ning Han was five years old, Ning Yuanxian took her to visit the Dagan Kingdom.

At that time, he smiled and asked, is Jiang Ji’s joke that you said at the time, is it counted?

At the time, Jiang’s wife was just pregnant.

Ginger has been away from Ning Han, and feels that this girl is really beautiful, and her talent is amazingly high.

So he said domineeringly, this girl, my son is determined.

Therefore, Jiang is still in the stomach, even men and women do not know, and directly settled with Ning Han.

Therefore, the tigresser said with a voice that she would admire the Princess of Ning Han and could be such a widow. She wanted to be a widow and could not do it.

Ning Han also chose to go overseas and avoid right and wrong because of this marriage contract.

of course!

Ning Yuanxian also paid a huge price for this verbal marriage contract.

After the **** is violent.

The queen of Ning Yuanxian was abolished and soon became depressed.

Zhu’s became the queen of Ning Yuanxian, and her son became a prince.

Because Zhu is not only the name of the country, but also the famous name of the Great Yan Empire.

Li Zhu’s reign is the compromise of Ning Yuanxian against the Great Yan Empire.


After winning, there is no way to go.

The goddess Snow is moving toward the big stupid: "Da Zhuang remember this person and kill him later."

Big fool can't help but look forward to the waves.

Shen Lang tried hard: "Yes, kill him."

Big fool nodded hard, he remembered this thing.

"Wanger, my aunt has no ability, can't kill the father and son." Snow said sadly: "So you can only hide in this snowy mountain to escape the reality, and to find that illusory hope."

This is something that people can't understand.

"Well, my aunt is gone, win this person without you, don't provoke him for the time being."

Shen Lang nodded.

To be honest, he is still far away from winning.

The two sides have no interest disputes at all.

Snow said: "You can rest assured that I will do it for you."

Shen Lang is embarrassed to say: "Aunt, you are pure and kind, will this thing break through your bottom line?"

Snow shook his head and said: "No, my aunt is not pure? The reason why I save the people is not because of my kindness, but because I am atonement, I am in Jiede, and then I am going to pursue that very hopeless hope. I really It’s a vicious woman who can do anything.”

Shen Lang could not help but see.

Drug abuse woman?

Aunt, you know that the Virgin is generally pure and gentle, how can it be a vicious woman.

Snow is hiding in the dark waves: "You are very smart, but don't be confused by too good things. There is no perfect thing in this world. Women are even more so. The more perfect a woman is, the more fake it is. My aunt is no exception. I was a vicious woman twenty years ago. I am not holy at all."

"I just want to make atonement, and in order to accumulate morality, it becomes what it is now!"

Then, the goddess snow drifted away.

And Shen Lang is completely stoned.

This must not blame the waves.

The goddess Xue Yin seems to have caught a hand directly in the Shenlang robe in order to prove her own words.

Shen Lang could not help but burst into a scalp.

This is too subversive!

Is this the snow that I know? She just married me?

Women are too complicated.

Shen Lang felt at this time that he discovered the tip of the iceberg of the goddess Xue Yin.


It is very rare today.

Shen Lang and the Five Princes Ning Zheng played against each other.

"Shen Lang, is the thing you said serious?" asked Ning Zheng.

Before Shen Lang and Ning Zheng said, let him be the White Night County.

Shen Langdao: "Of course, His Royal Highness is a white night county. I am a town owner. We replaced Zhang Wei and became the new banner bearer. By that time, the world must be particularly exciting."

It’s so wonderful, it’s scary to the whole chin.

Before you were in the waves, you were still fighting against the New Deal, or the representative of the old aristocrats. Now you are turning into a new political standard.

It’s ridiculous.

Ning Zhengdao: "I still feel bizarre and difficult."

Shen Langdao: "What is the biggest defeat of the monarch now? It is not the Nanzhao National War. At least we still have the upper hand. His biggest defeat is that the New Deal is frustrated. If His Highness can raise the banner of the New Deal, he should be very happy, even very excited."

Ning Zheng shook his head and said: "I don't have that skill."

Shen Lang said in a big way: "I have it, you can **** me. As long as we destroy the Su family, this is the biggest glory of the New Deal."

Shen Lang’s position is that there is no position.

He only does things for himself and for the Kim family.

Ning Zhengdao: "If you want to let the New Deal continue, and to open the knife to Susie, you must first let the Soviet Union step down."

Shen Langdao: "Yes, let the Soviet Union step down!"

Ning Zhengdao: "This is even harder."

Yeah, this is super difficult.

The Yueguo Chaotang is full of three pillars, the Prince, the Three Princes, and the Neutral faction.

The Soviet Union is a giant of the neutral faction, absolutely ingrained and powerful.

In contrast, Shen Lang is just a delicate grass, and Su Nan is a big tree.

The small grass of Shen Lang wants to pull down the big tree, it is simply an idiot to say a dream.

"Come on!" Shen Langdao.

Ning Zheng could not help but say: "What is faster?"

Shen Langdao: "The collapse of the Soviet Union is fast."

Ning Zheng was shocked and looked at Shen Lang incredulously.

I can’t see any signs at all. The Soviet Union’s difficulties in the DPRK are still in full swing, and there is absolutely no defeat.

Ning Zhengdao: "Is there a killer in your hands to deal with the Soviet Union?"


Not there!

Of course, Shen Lang had a forged secret letter in his hand. At that time, the Marquis of Su Shi was going to take the Jin family to join Ning Yuanwu’s secret letter.

At that time, Su Jianting took the world by storm and led the Western Region masters to attack the Su family, just to seize this secret letter.

But this stuff can't be said to be a killer. It's ok to add icing on the cake, but it is not enough to be a deadly weapon.

Therefore, Ning Zheng could not imagine that Shen Lang was only a small sesame official in the district. There was no party feather in the DPRK, how to defeat the Soviet power.

Even Shen Lang is now lost even a small sesame official, thinking about it at home.

I want to bring down the Soviet Union. It’s really a feeling of arrogance.

Shen Langdao: "Your Highness, if I take the initiative to attack the Soviet Union, I may have a small record, but I can never cause a fatal blow. The strength in my hands is too weak, and there is no foundation in the DPRK."

Ning Zheng nodded.

Shen Lang continued: "But the most dangerous time is also the best opportunity. When the enemy holds the knife to you, it is also the best counterattack moment. Grab this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you can instantly kill. I and The battle for the victory and defeat of the Soviet Union is about to come."

Ning Zheng still can't understand much.

At this point, the little hoes of the two powder makeup jade swayed.

The big **** directly climbed up the legs of Shen Lang and sat down. The little girl climbed directly to Ning Zheng’s seat.

"Hey, what are you doing?" asked Yu Keke.

Shen Lang was really afraid of this little girl. When she was not bright every day, she took her sister into the room, screaming in his bed, shouting and waking up, and got up.

If they can't get out of bed, they will lick the quilt directly.

She is not looking for Shen Lang to play, but feels that they are all getting up, others can not sleep.

Once they woke up the waves, they ran away.

"Play chess." Shen Lang said: "Why don't you find a fat brother to play?"

Fat brother is of course Jin Mucong.

Yu Keke said: "Fat brother is angry."

Shen Langdao: "Why is he angry?"

Yu Keke said: "I said that there are also wives in the day, and there are wives in the black, why the fat brother has no wife, and then he is angry."


Can Kim Mu Cong not be angry?

His most vulnerable heart was directly stabbed by a small girl.

Jin Mu Cong fat house, you have no sisters until now!

The more childish, the more sad it is.

The cocoon that Yu Keke said is Shen Lang, because his face is white. The black cockroach is Ning Zheng, because the face is black.

Yu Keke asked again: "Uncle, what are you doing?"

Shen Lang answered again: "Play chess."

Xiaotou’s squinting eyes stared at the dense black and white chess piece and suddenly said, “Hey, what is this?”


"Can you eat?"


"Can't you really eat?"

"Really not."

Yu Keke felt that Shen Lang was cheating on her, so she said to her two-year-old sister: "Sister, you take a bite and look good."

"Good!" Yu Yu stupidly picked up a chess ball and stuffed it into his mouth, chewing directly with his deciduous teeth.

She is moving too fast, and Ning Zheng has no time to stop.

Go is hard, and Yu Yu is only two years old. His mouth is full of white and tender deciduous teeth. This bite hurts.

Her delicate little face stayed for a while.

Then wow and cry.

Ning Zheng quickly pulled out the chess in her small mouth and then saw if her small teeth were injured.

Fortunately, no injuries.

Zhuo heard the cry and hurryed over and took the embers away.

Shen Lang looked helplessly at Yu Keke in his arms.

This little girl is too bad.

Every time you hang your sister.

I am too stupid, every time I am pitted by my sister.

Seeing the gaze of Shen Lang, Yu Keke felt that he was going to smash, and quickly slid down from the legs of Shen Lang.

"This thing really can't be eaten."

Then she fled quickly.

But I haven't escaped far, I was caught by Xiao Bing and I was assaulted through my pants.

"Bad girl, bully sister."

Then, there was another burst of crying, but it was still the kind of dry tears.

Thus, Shen Lang and the Five Princes Ning Zheng continued.

Ning Zhengdao: "A decisive battle between you and the Soviet Union in the court is a fierce fight, or is it an instant victory?"

Shen Langdao: "Instantly determine the outcome."

Ning Zhengdao: "When?"

Shen Langdao: "Come on, very soon!"


Inside the incense of the Prince.

The Governor of Zhuhai said: "His Royal Highness, now Jin Zhuo has already enshrined Xuanwuhou, and His Majesty is also very happy."

The prince still played the jade carving in his hand and did not speak.

Zhu said: "This is the best chance to rescue Zhang Wei. As long as His Highness speaks, His Majesty should release Zhang Huan."

Prince Edward Yan smiled.

Zhao Yandao: "In the eyes of the adults, Zhang Wei may be very important. But in the eyes of His Royal Highness, it is more important than Zhang Wei, and the strategic priority is higher. His Royal Highness is also Jinkou, and every sentence is precious."

This is not a fake.

After all, the Prince is a young man of the country, and his weight is very heavy.

Every statement that is said, every request to the monarch must be cautious.

Zhang Wei is the confidant of Zhu Xi, but it is not necessarily the confidant of the Prince.

In the eyes of the Prince, there are several important things in the forefront, and Zhang Hao’s business is still leaning against the back.

Besides, although Zhang Wei is also considered a prince, his loyalty is the monarch.

Of course, there is one thing that makes the Prince very unhappy.

Before he gave the card to Xu Guangyun, Xu Xiu Tiannan.

The results of it?

Xu family is gone.

Now Xu family seems to want to make a comeback, but Xu Wei has invested in the Jin family.

Isn't this a face?

I wish you a saying: "His Royal Highness, Zhang Wei is the servant of the country. Now is the best time for His Royal Highness to rescue him. He is determined to be motivated and to die for His Royal Highness."

Prince Ning Yi smiled and said: "Hey, I have a few in my heart."

After Zhu Xi’s departure, the Prince asked: “Is Xu Wei, who really turned to Shen Lang and voted for the Jin family?”

Zhao Yandao: "Yes, and the color / middle / evil spirits of Shen Lang, how can you let Xu Wei such a stunning color, I am afraid that they have been hooked up?"

Prince Edward said: "Is the plaque of Xu Xuan Tiannan that I gave Xu family still?"

Zhao Yandao: "It should be still."

Prince Edward: "Go get it back."


Zhang Wei has been in Dali Temple Prison for half a year.

This person really seems to have been completely forgotten.

His second son, Zhang Wei, still squats outside Dali Temple every day.

At the beginning, many people were shocked. This is too filial.

Many people in the back are still shocked. This son will act too much.

Now, everyone is not used to it.

The officials of Dali Temple regarded Zhang Wei as a statue, just like the door god.

Come every night and go every morning.

You are a real cow, and the magical work of sleeping is considered to be made by you.

Also, the knees are definitely made by you. Your knees are definitely harder than the slate.

But now, no one has taken Zhang as a thing.

Under the account of General Pingnan, Zhang’s eldest son is fighting in the battlefield of Nanzhao, and his position is not particularly high.

The second son, Zhang Wei, is only a six-product censorship of Yushitai.

Originally, Zhang Wei was a new political cadre, and the monarch’s confidant was about to rise, and the result was smashed in Xuanwu City.

It seems that I have to stay in Dali Temple prison in my life.

After such a long time passed, the monarch also happily enshrined Xuanwuhou a few days ago, and it has already disappeared.

However, Zhang Wei still did not release, it seems that this person is completely hopeless.


The monarch’s mood towards Zhang Wei is very complicated.

He respects Zhang Wei's character and skill, but he does not like this person very much.

Just as he respects Jin Zhuo and does not like him.

He likes people like Shen Lang. He is very smart, very refined and very proud.

However, if Shen Lang enters the DPRK as an official, will it become a traitor with a high probability?

Most of the kings really do not like the kind of person who has the ability but the iron man.

Zhang Wei is such a person.

After being arrested and imprisoned until now, Zhang Wei did not write a confession confession.

If you are in jail, you can write a score.

But no, no one.

Zhang Wei has written many confession sins, such as the loss of the anger city, such as the failure of the Nujiang County New Deal.

But all are business.

After he was released from prison, he was more like a sigh of relief.

I have never corrupted a copper coin in the national treasury. Why should I put this crime on my head?

In exchange for other sensible officials, knowing that after the monarch’s anger, he is of course constantly begging for mercy.

Thousands of mistakes are wrong. His Majesty said that he was corrupt, and that minister was corrupt.

Do not say others.

Shen Lang will not move to this set, thousands of mistakes are my fault.

The prefix can be replaced by a lady, a father-in-law, and so on.

However, Zhang Wei seems to be compelling to fight with the monarch.

There is no one for mercy, so even if the monarch is out of breath, he still has not released him.

The Prince also saw this and never pleaded.

If you don’t ask for mercy, I will ask the father for help. Isn’t it that you can’t find it?

However, Zhang Hao really spent money on the officialdom.

He needs money and has made a lot of money, but no gold coin is a corrupt army and corrupts the national treasury.

He is so arrogant, for the money and Xu Guangyun, a merchant is married, it is already self-destructive, you have to plant the crime of corruption treasury on my head?

Absolutely not!

I can't bear this stain on Zhang Wei.

Therefore, the two sides have stagnated to the present.


The monarch is in the palace of the monk.

After more than three months of pregnancy, my stomach was slightly raised.

It’s not beautiful, but it’s soft and full of books.

Ning Yuanxian lay lazily on his lame, listening to the mourning book.

What I read is actually "The Golden X. The Wind of the Moon is boundless."

The monarch also likes to read this book and feels that it is well written.

He has read it two or three times, but he especially likes to listen to mourning.

He is an absolute elegant lady. Listening to the dramas in her mouth, the monarch feels especially delicious.

This is also the fun of the mortuary between husband and wife.

Finished the ninth time.

"Come here today, don't get tired." Ning Yuanxian said.

He said: "When is this second part coming out?"

Ning Yuanxian said: "Who knows? Shen Lang, this idiot has nothing to do every day, and he has no intention of writing a book. He wrote this book to harm Xu Guangyun and Xu Wei. Now Xu is almost killed, Xu Wei is almost When he became his outside room, he was too lazy to write a book."

He smiled and said: "This kid is really narrow and mean."

Being used here is not necessarily a bad word.

In the eyes of the monarch, tolerance is not a good word.

What are you doing so broadly? Any ambitions? With the world in mind?

Ning Yuanxian said: "Who said no?"

At this time, there was a footstep outside, not rushing, but anxious.

This is the ability of the Lieutenant Eunuch. The barefooted footsteps will let the monarchs hear the meaning.

"What's wrong?" Ning Yuanxian was impatient.

Li Weidao: "Your Majesty, Zhang Wei is afraid that it will not work, it is dying!"

The monarch will suddenly do it, but he will stop the action.

Because he is on the side, if he is too aggressive, he will not hit her.

So, he stopped there and screamed, "Is it true, or is it a play?"

As soon as this statement came out, Ning Yuanxian’s ingenuity was revealed.

Everyone is going to die. You really doubt Zhang Hao is playing in the first place.

Li Wei’s **** said: “It’s true that he is dying, not much time, just tonight.”


Note: The first seven thousand words were sent, and I lost sleep last night, but this chapter feels good! I sincerely hope that you will greatly support the monthly vote, and ask for it!

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