History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 239: :羌王暴毙!Thrilling! Tragedy (2 more)

Ning Yuanxian’s vanity is still a little bit tempered, and it’s still relatively pretentious.

The vanity of King Arugang is very direct and rude, and it is even more vulgar than Shen Lang.

In order to entertain the embassies of the countries, his entire hall is filled with all kinds of precious treasures.

I moved the treasure house directly.

In particular, the three-meter mirror given by Shen Lang and the one-meter statue of the emerald luminous light are the highlights of his display.

Of course, it’s impossible to make him feel grateful.

It is your pleasure to give me something. It is your pleasure to rob you of your things.

This is the motto of the king of Arugan.

The conditions in Laos are harsh and bitter and cold.

However, the king of the king is absolutely rich, the palace is more magnificent than the king, and the roof is also set with gold.

The people of Laos are extremely poor.

However, Arugang feels that this is normal. What is strange is that countless people also feel that this is normal.

Hundreds of years ago, the Dalits had been poor and they all felt that they should be right.

But this situation has changed.

After mastering the vaccination, the king began to collect money for acne.

Want to immunize the death of smallpox forever?

Change with a cow, or three sheep.

It doesn't matter if you can't get it for a while, you can owe it, but you have to pay interest.

This price is high enough to go to heaven.

But Shen Lang has already left, and the temple is empty.

An adult cow is of course precious, but as if it were a human life, it seems to be able to withstand it.

Once infected with smallpox, ordinary people are almost certain to die.

Therefore, even if the price is high, countless people have come to breed vaccinia. Because of the vaccination of the squid, the king of the squad has made a fortune.

However, at this time, a good news spread.

Under the Snowy Mountain, Princess Arunana established a tribe with a new temple, which can be used to grow smallpox vaccine for everyone.

It's all. Not only the people of the country, the Shabars, the Westerners can do it.

During the time, countless people swarmed toward the foot of the snowy mountain.

In just over a month, Princess Arunana’s tribe directly expanded to nearly 100,000 people.

And it is still increasing.

Many Westerners and Shabar people have also traveled.

"Dawang, now is your birthday meeting, Princess Lulu has not come yet." The sister of Su Nan, Wang Hao Su Modao.

When the words came out, the face of the king was cold and his eyes were angry.

This daughter disappointed him too much. Before standing on the side of Xiaobai's face, he would forget. Today, he actually sang against him. I give the cockroaches a vaccination against the smallpox, and receive a cow at a time. You are free.

Now countless people have fled to your tribe.

Of course, even Arunana’s tribe still belongs to Laos.

But without the reunification of the king, Arunana is like a rebellion.

In the future, the country is going to be handed over to the prince Aru Tai. What is your Arunana woman competing for?

Aru Taidao: "Arunana once said that since she got the smallpox, no one cares about him, no one dares to step into her isolation room. So she will never recognize you as a father, nor will she recognize it. My brother, only the big fool and Xue Yin are her loved ones."

Queen Sumo said: "Da Wang, she will only continue to dismantle the Taiwanese, and constantly buy people's hearts. Although she is your biological daughter, but you cut a wound on your body, let you continue to bleed, and she continues to **** Your blood becomes strong. When she is strong enough, she may come to counter your father."

“She dares?” The king of Arugang screamed: “How many people are there in her tribe now?”

Aru Taidao, the prince of Laos: "100,000 people."

The king's temple suddenly jumped.

There are even 100,000 people? His entire country is more than a few hundred thousand.

Wang Wangdao: "How many warriors does she have?"

Prince Edward: "Three thousand."

Arunana’s Majesty really has only three thousand warriors.

Because of the people who ran to her, most of them are old and weak.

The majestic warriors are all shackled by the king, and the young warrior breeds vaccinia against the smallpox.

Moreover, the warriors of the Shu Kingdom like to follow the strong, but in their minds, Arunana is powerful, but after all, it is a woman, and far from being powerful.

The king picked up the large glass cup and filled it with wine, and he drank a whole half a catty.

Then he went straight outside the palace and found a majestic yak that easily broke the horn.

The yak screamed and bloody.

"The king is mighty."

"The king is invincible."

The king of the king handed the **** horn to the fifth child: "Aru, you led 3,000 people to see Arunana under the snowy mountain, and took the **** horn. You tell her, within ten days. Come to my palace and kneel at my feet. If I can't catch it, I will kill her with this horn. Her life is given by me, and I can naturally kill her."

The fifth son of the king of the king, took over the **** horn.

"Yes, father."

Then, he rushed out of the palace and took 3,000 people to run toward the foot of the snowy mountain.

Swinging these unhappiness, Yu Wang continued to drink and have fun.

"Chu Chen, this time I personally led the troops into the country, how much are you going to pay?"

He is like this, he has to talk about money no matter what.

"200,000 gold coins." Chu State envoys said.

Wang Wang said with great anger: "You are too stingy, and the Soviet Union is more generous."

The envoy of the Chu State said: "Hey, the king can’t say that. We are not only out of money, but also a large army. The Vietnamese country has displayed more than 100,000 troops on the border, if your army rushes into the country. In the West, the looting, the town of Xihou, the squadron, came to intercept the killing, what should you do?"

The king dismissed: "What kind of fear do I have?"

Chu’s envoys said: “You are invincible and you are not afraid of farming. But you are rushing into the Western Kingdom for looting. It’s for fun, it’s burnt and robbed, don’t want to fight. As long as we’re a member of the Chu State, The west side of the town of Yueguo would not dare to leave. At that time, with the cooperation of the Su family, the whole west is your hunting ground, how much money can you rob, how many beautiful women, how many slaves?"

Wang Wangdao: "Three hundred thousand gold coins, one can not be less, otherwise I will not send troops."

The envoy of the Chu State said helplessly: "I will rely on the king."

The greed of this savage king in front of me is really confusing.

The key is that after he gets the gold coins, he is not going to develop the national strength, but to lay the ground and cover the palace.

The gold bricks on the ground of the two kings' palaces in Wu and Chu are fake, but the gold floor of the King's Palace is true.

The king also drank half a catty of wine.

Pulled another small king of the Su family, Su Ning.

Big hand drilled into her body to play.

"I heard that Shen Lang’s wife is beautiful, right?"

Su Jianting said: "Yes, the appearance of Kim Mulan is no less than the goddess Snow."

Thinking of the snow, the king could not help but anger.

Yan Wangdao: "The most happy thing for people is to smash the enemy's head and force their wives. Shen Lang is reluctant to have this qualification."

Su Jianting said: "Unfortunately, Kim Mulan is not in the country, but in the distant eastern sea."

Moreover, Kim Mulan also does not turn to you.

Su Jianting continued: "But the waves have a servant in the country, petite and exquisite, full and moving, and already pregnant."

Yan Wangdao: "That's not bad, I want it."

King Arugang has not bowed to anyone in this life, the only exception is Shen Lang.

At that time, in order to let Shen Lang save his life, he was forced to write a confession, and also let Shen Lang cover the temple in the land of Laos.

A shameful shame.

As a hero, you have to cramp your enemies and then set your head aside.

Then, in front of the enemy's first level, lick their women.


This is so happy.

I am imagining that he will soon lead the army to the western border of the country and madly kill and snatch.

How much gold will he be able to plunder at that time? How many beautiful people can you snatch? How many slaves were plundered.

Looking at those high-ranking Vietnamese people, they became pigs and sheep.

Let those so-called civilized people in the country look at their wives.

How happy?

Drink to the heroic place.

The king slammed the big knife on the side.

This big knife is bigger than Arunana's one, and it is three meters long and two hundred kilograms.

Then he went crazy in the hall.


The entire hall is like a hurricane.

The fierce knife wind flew all the silver plates and silver plates on the table.

The whistling sound of this big knife is like a ghost crying.

All the guests present, quickly escaped and pushed to the corner of the main hall.

Everyone is blue and scared.

The mouth is loud and applauded.

"The king is mighty."

"The king is invincible."

This king is really a natural power, and martial arts is really super strong.

At the age of forty-nine, he is almost at the peak.

When he danced a big knife, even if he was separated by more than ten meters, he could feel pain when he was blown by the knife wind.

The people in the entire hall can’t open their eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

"The messenger of the Shabar, you claim to be the Shaman strong, isn't it? Come and try this king?"

"Is the Shabar people dead?"

As soon as this was said, the messengers of the Shabars could not stand it.

Suddenly, the masters of the five Shabars pulled out the sword and rushed straight up.

The minister of Chu State could not bear to look straight.

Barbarians are barbarians.

As a king, he even started with other countries.



Five sand barbarian masters burst into anger, slammed into the king.


Next second.

Five sand barbarian masters flew out like a kite.


After the blood squirting in the air, after landing, the five sand barbarian masters were broken and broken, and the internal organs were broken and completely dead. And the weapons in their hands are all broken.

The five masters were directly killed by the king.

The power and infuriating power of this king is really against the sky.

Everyone saw it and was shocked.

I have heard that the king is invincible.

It’s really not as famous as meeting.

This king is more powerful than the legend.

Su Jianting couldn't help but change.

This king is really invincible.

I don't know if he is awesome, or is the female demon head powerful?

I heard that the demon child, often a person rushed to a thousand people, and then opened the killing.

This invincible **** of war with natural power is really nothing.

Then Su Jianting began to infer in his heart that the martial arts alone is a bit more powerful for his father, and the king is even more powerful.

Soon Su Jianting made a judgment.

The father’s martial arts is extremely high, and there are few opponents in the singles.

But on the battlefield, it is still the king.

The king's state is excellent.

The blue dragon knife in the hand is waving faster and faster and more fierce.

Someone was scared by this amazing knife and screamed and fled.

At this time, not only all the dishes in the hall were overturned, but even the treasures of the earth were broken.


The three-meter mirror sent by Shen Lang finally couldn’t stand it, even if it was so far away, it was smashed.

Queen Sumo heartache.

The king of the king laughed.

What is a mirror?

This time I entered the western country and looted, nothing, no baby.

This madman is like this.

He seems to cherish these treasures and specializes in the treasure house.

But he didn't care at all in his heart. After it was over, it didn't hurt.

His eyes fell on the one-meter-high emerald luminous statue sent by Shen Lang.

The king sneered.

"This king wants to kill the Quartet."

"This king led the army to enter the country, burn out, kill the light, and grab the light."

"This king wants to let the Yue Kingdom be frightened, and let the Yue Wang be scared."


The king of the king was separated by several meters and slammed.

The volley is under the volley.


Suddenly, the three-footed jade luminous statue that Shen Lang gave him, smashed.

"This king wants to squat down the head of Shen Lang, and then let him watch the woman who yells at him. I hope that his petite woman can bear the mighty majesty of this king, hahahaha!"


The action of the king is instantly fixed.

It’s like putting a movie suddenly stuck.

All his expressions, all movements, instantly solidified.

Still powerful and domineering.

Unfortunately, there is no camera.

Otherwise the poss are excellent.

See you next to everyone.

Is the king’s invincible performance over?

Suddenly, everyone applauded and applauded.

"The king is mighty."

"The king is invincible."

"The king is in the world."


Yu Wang still has no reaction, still standing there, the super knife in his hand keeps his posture.

Everyone can't help but see.

Could it be that the king is not enthusiastic enough to applaud?

As a result, everyone applauded more madly, yelling at the scorpion: "The king is mighty, the king is invincible."


Yu Wang still has no reaction.

However, we really did our best.

Our nephews must be shouted.

This barbarian is too difficult to wait.

And it is at this time!

A few black blood flows from the nostrils, ears, eyes, and corners of the king.

The real seven holes bleed.

Su Jianting was shocked, and the queen Sumo was shocked.

Prince Aru was shocked.

A sergeant of the country rushed up quickly and reached out to explore the breath of the king's nose.

It’s completely mad.

In the heartbeat, it is gone.

Suddenly, the **** exclaimed: "The king has collapsed."

The audience was horrified.

Can the king not collapse?

The four small poison **** in his body have been almost embroidered, and they are so vulnerable that they are vulnerable.

He played the madness so madly.

Especially in the final domineering, directly cracked a few small poisonous balls, and the cyanide inside entered the blood.

Instant, commandment!

This invincible **** of war did not die on the battlefield.

Instead, he died at his own birthday party.

"The King..." Queen Sumo cried, all the women cried.


The tall and incomparable body of the king of the king, fell directly.


Shen Lang was locked under the palace floor.

It is hidden in ice, the temperature is very low, even if it is summer, it is shivering.

The body like Shen Lang goes in and guarantees that it will be frozen half dead directly in less than half an hour.

And when he was caught, he was so thin.

So at this time, Langye!


That's right, it's too hot.

He threw away the fox on his body.

"Oh, what are you giving me? Is it so hot?"

Ning Yu Princess said: "Wine!"

Shen Langdao: "What wine? How is it still red?"

Ning Weidao: "Deer blood wine, I am not afraid of you freezing, how can you watch your death as a brother?"

A wave of Shen Lang.

Deer blood wine?

I... I still drank so much?

It’s no wonder that the fire is burning.

Then look at the tigress.

This woman is really beautiful, like a flame.

Inside the big hail, Shen Lang is wearing a fox, and this angry tiger is still wearing a thin knight.

The curve of this thigh, the curve of the waist and hips, is really bursting.

This woman is really wild and beautiful.

Ning Yu was a little scared by Shen Lang’s eyes.

"Scum, how do you look at me like this? I said it before, it was the last time, and we will be brothers in the future."

"You absolutely can't think of anything else about me."

Shen Langdao: "Hey, what do you think of me? I am a young man who is clean and self-satisfied. I will never make a matter of sorry for the lady."

Ning Wei said: "You still have a little conscience."

Shen Langdao: "Come, drink, good brother."

Ning Wei said: "Come, drink, good brother!"

The two had a cup and a cup.

Then somehow, the two people rolled back together.

Only this time, nothing really happened.

Because the amount of Shenlang is really bad, I directly fell down.

On the contrary, although he was drunk, he still had the strength to lighten his clothes and smashed the waves.

Then the wine broke out.

Halfway through, I was drunk and fell asleep.

The next day Ning Hao woke up.

She is exclaimed again?

How... I slept together again?

And the body is covered with a quilt?

Who gave us this cover?

Who else can be, Li Wei’s grandfather let the palace lady come in, and Ning Yu’s voice is so big that he doesn’t want to hear it.

A quilt, Ning Yi found that his body was almost naked, the waves were almost slick, and the two were still entangled.

Shen Lang’s face is also a kiss mark and a tooth print.

Although there was nothing really happening this time, this picture was very overdone.

And at this time!

The door of the cellar was opened.

The big Zheng Ningyu came in.

The monarch decreed that he would interrogate Shen Lang and Ning Yu and ask if there is any affair between the two.

Of course, the conclusion is definitely not.

The so-called interrogation is just a passing scene.

How can the royal scandal be realistic?

"Shen Lang, get up, there is something to ask you in the bulk."

In the bed, Shen Lang was confused: "Ask."

Buddhism: "The king asked me to ask you, can you have an improper relationship with Princess Ning Yu?"

"No, we are brothers, clear and white." Shen Lang half-awake half-awake: "I am a good-looking man, how can you carry a woman with other women to hook up, all this is a rumor."

“Who can prove?” The big Zheng Ningyu Road.

Suddenly, Shen Lang’s voice came from a woman’s bed.

"I can prove it."

The three princesses walked out of the bed: "I and Shen Lang are innocent, and we have nothing to do with each other!"

As soon as this was said, the big Zheng Ningyu eyeball jumped.

"Lighting the candle."

The candle is lit.

Several people can clearly see that Ning Yu and Shen Lang are sleeping in a bed, and Ning Yu is still pressing on Shen Lang.

Although covered with a quilt, it was faint to see that she was not wearing clothes.

There are kiss marks on the face of Shen Lang.

My day, are you still innocent?


In the palace, dare to roll to a bed?

The two people are entangled in this appearance, and still tell me that it is innocent?

Deceiving too much!

The big Zheng Ningyu is angry.

Then close your eyes and calm down when you open it again.

"Ning Wei, can you really prove that you and Shen Lang are innocent?"

Ning Wei said: "Yes, the relationship between the two of us is clear and clear, it is a good brother, there is no male or female affair."

Buddy Zhengning Yudao: "That line, my investigation is over."

He took a long breath and said in a big way: "Record, the relationship between Shen Lang and Ning Yu Princess is clear and clear, and the so-called men and women are completely empty."


The **** next to him gritted his teeth and recorded it.

The world is too dark, and people like me are so pure.

Isn't this forcing us all to blink and open our mouths?

But anything has to pay for it.

After an hour!

Princess Ning Yu was taken to the Great Emperor Temple and thought about it.

House arrest for one month.

Just staying in a yard less than ten square meters, don't get a step.

And Shen Lang!

Continue to be stuck in the underground hail.

He feels good about himself.

It is clear that Ning Yu took the initiative to come to me and drunk me.

I haven't done anything.

I am obviously a good man who is clean and self-contained.

Why are you suffering from this innocent disaster?

The monarch really endured the hard work and really wanted to smash the waves.

It’s too arrogant.

The widows just got angry last night, just warned you, less than two hours, you and Ning Hao sleep to a bed?

Are you not putting the widows in your eyes?

Are you taking the words of the widows as the wind?

Li Gong’s father-in-law said that it was the Shen Lang who took the initiative to find the Princess Ning, and the two were drunk, but nothing happened.

Then the monarch was even more angry.

My daughter is so embarrassed, also sent to the door? Does Shen Lang have such a high charm?

Can't you see the widow?

Originally, Wu Wang led the 30,000-strong army and wanted to consult Shen Lang.

I don't have to consult now, I will continue to shut down.

However, the monarch is more certain at this time.

In the case of He Wei, Shen Lang was innocent.

Otherwise, he will not die like this.

Shen Lang is venting dissatisfaction. He feels that he was detained for a few days by Dali Temple and he was defamed.

After the truth was revealed, he began to be arrogant.

Too arrogant, too arrogant.

"Don't give him food, give me a hungry, hungry to death."

"Send someone to send a swearing blame to Xuanwuhou, and ask the son-in-law how he taught?"

But this is just an episode.

All the energy of the monarch should be used to cope with the immediate crisis.

What does Wu Wang want to do?

The 30,000-strong army is going south, is it wanting to be blackmail? Still want to fight?

And the Soviet Union?

What exactly does he want to do?

Ning Yuanxian has instinctively smelled a dangerous atmosphere.

Compared to these big things, Shen Lang, the **** and Ning Hao sleep together, is nothing.

Sleeping for the first time, what is the difference between the second and the third?


The ambition of the Soviet Union is great!

It is bigger than the imagination of the monarch.

His layout this time, the goal that he wants to achieve is also great.

He had to wait for a while.

Did not think of the case of He Wei, even let the monarch and him directly tore the face.

Then there is no way, only in advance.

Although it will make Su Shi passive, he will get even smaller chips in the future.


Su Shi is still the biggest winner.

After this dramatic change, my Su family was doomed to phoenix nirvana.

And the Kim family!

Then you have to crash down.

Shen Lang, a small beast, was also fortunate in the palace.


The temple that is not afraid of death, Yu Shilin Bingzhong, is dead!

Three days after he smeared the sullen waves and the sorrowful feelings of Ning, he was guilty of impeaching the ink, for a total of one hundred and eighty thousand coins.

Then he was arrested in Dali Temple and the people at Heishuitai personally interrogated.

All day and night.

Then came the news that Lin Bingzhong committed suicide.

However, the Soviet Union did not care.

He is waiting.

Waiting for the moment when Wang Wang led the 20,000 soldiers to enter the Western Kingdom.

He is waiting for the moment when the Chu army is approaching.

This time, there must be smoke.

The monarch Ning Yuanxian must be scattered.

Nowadays, the whole province of the west is rotten, and there are both Su’s and the three-eyed evils. Who can stop the king?

This time it may kill 100,000 people, maybe more.

I don't know how many innocent people will be killed, beggars, and be robbed of slavery.

I don't know how many city counts will be burnt into white.

so what?

The rise of a family is destined to have numerous bones.

When the king slandered the western province.

Waiting for the Chu army to approach the West.

When Wu Wangbingfeng went south.

It is the moment when I am asking for Ning Yuanxian.

Killing the waves is probably the most insignificant one.


What a pity!

If you can give him another half a year, the situation will be better.

Shen Lang thief, all this is thanks to you.

If you can't smash your corpse, the skin is cramped, it's really hard to solve my hate!

And it is at this time!

The heart of Suyong walked in quickly.

His entire face was pale and colorless, and the whole person was shaking.

"Master, this... This is the secret letter of the world, the fastest speed, and ran a dozen horses."

Su Xin’s heart jumped.

Suddenly there was a strong and unpredictable hunch.

Take a look at the secret letter.

The above clearly spelled a few words.

However, all are secret words and others cannot understand.

But the Soviet Union suddenly saw that it was not even necessary to interpret it.

"The king is violent!"


Su Nan is like a lightning strike!

The whole person stayed in the same place and could not move.


Note: The second one is sent, I will continue to write the third one. Today, I must break 20,000 words. The brothers give me support and give me motivation!

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