History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 245: : Langye is killing! All wrong

The man’s head slammed into the air, and the body slammed into the end.

Shen Lang quickly avoided, lest he had a drop of blood.

Then clearly saw that the person's arm, body, densely filled with disgusting syphilis.

This is why Shen Lang immediately ordered the killing.

This "Su Lin" was dressed in a colorful, fragrant form, and the body had got dirty, and was about to come and pull the hand of Shen Lang.

This is a meeting for Shen Langdao.

Take the way of others, and return to the body of others.

At this time, outside the city's main government, there were hundreds of enemy warriors standing in a dense place.

Seeing that Shen Lang ordered the killing of this "Su Lin", these hundreds of warriors did not move, as if they were completely ignored.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Then there was another laugh in the city hall, and another man came out, but the place that was several tens of meters away from the sinking wave stopped.

This talent is the real Surin.

Zhenyuan City's main book, the children of the Soviet Union.

He is 38 years old this year, and he is a middle-aged man with a different ethnic origin.

This person has a strong martial arts and is very heart-wrenching.

He has been in the town of Yuanyuan for more than ten years.

That is, within ten years, he rushed to the three city owners and killed two.

Zhang Wei’s memorial was impeached, and the most recent official was the Su Lin.

This person is very heavy, and can also rank among the top in the ranks of the Su family.

Although it is only a main book, he is almost in the eyes of the White Night County.

Shen Lang loudly said: "Excuse me, but I am really a cousin."

The real Su Lindao: "Yes, it is me! My sister is well, my aunt is good, my uncle is well?"

Shen Langdao: "Everything is fine. Cousin, you just scared me. I really thought it was you. If I didn't find the poisonous sore on him, I almost touched him. This person is all Poisonous, if my body of ice and jade is touched, it is incredible."

Su Lindao: "I can't help but can't help but scare my sister. This person is a play in my town, Yuancheng. Every day, I mess with a man and a woman, I get a sickness, and my mind is already broken. I just like to play. Different people. There are some fame in the town of the town, so he especially likes to play me."

Before Shen Lang used dirty people, now Su Lin also gave him a disgusting meeting.

"Oh, it turned out to be the case!" Shen Lang silently calculated the distance between him and Surin.

At this time, Shen Lang’s voice came from the ear of the sword king Li Qianqiu.

"Su Lin has a master, a top master."

For this result, Shen Lang is not surprising.

After entering the Tianxi province, his group immediately entered the sphere of influence of the Soviet Union and was monitored almost all the time.

Who are there around Shen Lang? Su Nan has already been well aware of it. For the existence of Li Qianqiu, he knows more clearly.

Who is the master who is next to Surin?

The master of Chu? Hidden Yuan will master?

Su Lin continued: "Sister, the town of the town has been vacant for a long time. In desperation, I can only stay in this city government office, now well, this city capital finally ushered in the real master, I can also abdicate to the sage ""

Then he walked out with dozens of officials.

At this point, Shen Lang and Li Qianqiu both saw the master behind Surin.

It is a monk and it seems to have some familiar feelings.


He is somewhat like the great priest of the Kuantou Temple and the Snow Mountain Temple.

Seeing the sight of Shen Lang, this monk is facing Shen Langdao: "Hello is the son of Shen Lang?"

Shen Langdao: "Exactly, is the master?"

The big monk said: "Nothing to teach, to rob the temple, to suffer from the head."

Nothing teaches to radiate half the world, and there are countless believers.

Its classics are almost from the Buddhist scriptures before the ancient Gurni.

But after thousands of years of development, countless factions were born.

There is a Tongtian Temple that pays full attention to spiritual cultivation, and there is a noble hanging temple. These two temples have a detached status in the Eastern world. They are no less than the Tianya Haige. There are countless classics and many real masters.

This sect is generally gentle and noble, focusing on the suffering of the world.

And the robbery temple is a complete alternative.

The head of the family does not marry his wife, but he can store the servant, and he can't help it. On the contrary, there are many secrets in the house, and various yin and yang scriptures.

It focuses on martial arts and sorcerers.

Because of this, many famous people have become their followers, and the Great Robbery Temple has been in full swing in the Eastern world.

But decades ago, Jiang had devastatedly attacked him from the emperor.

After the Emperor of the Great Yan Empire destroyed Jiang, he attacked the Dalai Temple again. In this respect, the Emperor of the Great Yan Empire and Jiang were separated from the Emperor.

Therefore, the Dalai Temple is no longer a climate in the Great Yan Dynasty.

However, its power in the Western Region is extremely large, and it is the state religion of the Western countries.

The Shabars and the Shu State are also the sphere of influence of them.

The Kuomin Temple of the Shabar Nationality, the Snow Mountain Temple of the Shu State, is regarded as the semicolon of the construction of the Dalai Temple.

The bitter sea head Tuo, is the great priest of the Dalai Temple to send the Shushan Snow Mountain Temple.

Nowadays, the bitter sea head is dead, and the Da Luo Temple is not willing to give up the power in the field of Laos, so it sent a suffering head.

Shen Langdao: "How do you call the bitter sea head and master?"

The head of suffering is: "Bitter sea is my younger brother."

Shen Langdao: "It is a pity that I heard that Kuaitoutou was in the wrong place and was condemned by the heavens."

The head of the suffering: "Shen Shizhu, I have always believed in the reincarnation of the robbery, not to report the time has not arrived, so please ask the donor patiently."

The threat of this speech is clear and clear.

It’s no wonder that the monks of the monks avenged their revenge. It’s no wonder that they were expelled from the East, and there was a bit of mercy in the Buddha’s home.

Tongtian Temple and Hangkong Temple have always wanted to expel the Dalai Temple from nothingness.

The power of the Snow Mountain Temple in Shu State was destroyed, and the Dalai Temple certainly had to come back, so it was colluded with Su Shi.

The town's main book, Su Lin, took everyone, and all of them withdrew from the city's main government, which gave way to Shen Lang.

Hundreds of warriors began to assemble in a row, protecting Surin and others in the middle.

"Shen Langmei, my main bookstore is not far away, welcome you to be a guest." Su Lindao.

All along, the entire town of Yuanyuan only knows the main book house, but does not know the city government.

Surin is the master of Zhenyuan City.

Shen Langdao: "Well, let's talk! The younger brother has a lot of questions to ask his cousin."

After walking a few tens of meters, Su Lin suddenly stopped and turned to Shen Langdao: "To the sister-in-law, tomorrow evening, I will hold a banquet in the main bookstore to pick up the dust for you, can you come?"

Shen Langdao: "Is it a banquet?"

Su Lin nodded and smiled: "Yes, it’s a banquet, is the sister coming?"

Shen Langdao: "Can that bring a few people?"

Su Lindao: "Take three people."

Shen Lang nodded: "Well, I must come, will it be tomorrow evening?"

Su Lindao: "Yes!"

Then, under the protection of the top masters and sufferings, Su Lin took dozens of officials, and hundreds of warriors rushed toward the main bookstore outside Sanli.

The entire town of the city is far from the city, no one at all.

"Going to the government!"

Shen Lang gave an order.

More than 200 women's army, dozens of warriors, stationed in the splendid city government.


The people of Shen Lang had just entered the city government, and they were under a horse.

"Master, there is food in the city house, but all are rotten, and soaking in the urine."

"There are three wells in the city's main house, but two of them are filled with countless urinary urinations, and the bodies that have decayed, stinking, are no longer drinkable, and only one well's water looks clean."

Shen Lang said: "Fill me the well that looks clean, find a remote place, and re-dig the well."

Shen 13: "Re-drilling the well? It is a bitter cold place near the Western Region. Although it is not far from the snowy mountain, but the underground is short of water, I am afraid I have to dig for a few days to have water. What should I do with these days?"

Shen Langdao: "Wu Lie?"

After a while, Wu Lie came in.

"Shen Gongzi, this is a city full of hostility towards us."

Shen Lang felt that Wu Lie was already full of killing instinct.

In the past ten years, the slavery career has given her a beast's instinct. At this time, she is like a wolf walking into a dangerous jungle, and people around her always think about killing her.

Shen Langdao: "With dozens of sisters, go to the nearby shops to buy water, buy food, buy food, buy meat."

Wu Liedao: "These shops are all housed in Susie and refuse to sell things to us."

Shen Langdao: "That should be tried."

Wu Liedao: "If you try it, can't you?"

Shen Langdao: "The official is kind and willing to spend money to buy things, they don't sell, that is their fault."

Wu Liedao: "And then?"

Shen Langdao: "Then, there is no more!"


Wu Lie went to the shops outside with dozens of female heroes to buy things.

Inside the city seat!

The sword king Li Qianqiu still teaches big silly martial arts.

A more stupid career is coming.

I practiced seven or eight hours a day on the road, but now I have arrived in Zhenyuan City and practiced for 14 hours a day.

The sword king's predecessors had to stab the stupid 100,000 swords a day.

When Shen Lang heard this number, he felt the scalp numb.

Fortunately, I don't practice martial arts.

Or soft rice is delicious!

Shen Lang boarded the highest point of the city's main government.

The Marquis of Zhenyuan is only thirty-five miles away from here and can be seen from here.

It’s really dangerous, it’s so majestic.

The Kim family is a nobleman for hundreds of years, and of course the Su family is also.

The castle of the Kim family was built on the mountain, and the Su is also.

Only the mountains here are higher.

Therefore, the Marquis of Zhenyuan is far more difficult to defend than the castle of the Jin family.

When Shen Lang looked at Su's Castle, his heart was shocked.

This... How was this built?

The top of the castle where the Marquis of Zhenyuan is located is about a kilometer above sea level.

And the mountain is so steep.

The castle is still so huge, Shen Lang has witnessed it. The castle of the Su family is bigger than the Jin family, and the area is almost twice as large.

And the thickness of the wall, the height of the wall, even exceeds the castle of the raging city.

This is simply an architectural miracle.

Can you not miracle?

The towns of Zhenyuan Hou are constantly strengthening and constantly building.

For a few hundred years, the Marquis of Zhenyuan has such a scale.

Such a magnificent castle, it is a good time, Wanfu Mokai.

And the castle has been biased towards West, with little wood, most of which are huge stones.

Looking at the castle, Shen Lang narrowed his eyes.

Killing merchants today, killing all the bureaucrats and defenders of the town of Yuancheng tomorrow.

Kill 100 today, kill a thousand tomorrow, kill the day after tomorrow...

After a month, you will probably be able to kill the Su family.


Zhenyuan Marquis House!

Su Nang stood in front of the tall castle window, overlooking the town of Zhenyuan, a few dozen miles away.

Of course he can't see the sinking waves because it is too far away.

However, the location of the Su Shi Castle is too high to overlook everything in the town of Zhenyuan.


Su Lin, the main book of Zhenyuan City, came in and crouched directly on the ground.

Su Shidao: "Shen Lang has already lived in the town of Yuancheng?"

Su Lindao: "Yes."

Su Shidao: "What about Zhang Wei?"

Su Lindao: "Zhang Wei probably entered the White Night County the day after tomorrow!"

Su Nan nodded.

At this point, another old man came in.

He is the brother of Su’an, Su Quan.

"Lord, all the troops have been assembled, and they can start to do things at any time." Su Quandao: "The family private army is 8,000, the three-eyed evil horse thief is six thousand, the Western Region merchants are 5,000, and the robbing temple is two thousand, a total of 21,000. people."

21,000 people.

Su Nang heard this number and did not react.

The Soviet Union asked: "Where is the Tianxi Provincial Garrison? The Chinese Metropolitan Government?"

Su Quandao: "The Chinese Governor of Tianxi Province does not have any clear answer. He said that he is loyal to the monarch and said that he will never forget the friendship with the protagonist."

Su Dang dismissed: "The running dogs at both ends of the first mouse."

Su Quandao: "There are less than 10,000 troops stationed in the Tianxi province. We have already been infiltrated by us. All the officers of more than 100 households have received our money."

Su Nan came to a big map.

His eyes did not fall in Zhenyuan City, and did not even fall in White Night County.

It fell on the border between Chu and Vietnam and landed in Laos.

His 20,000-strong army has already been assembled, and he can start things at any time, sweeping away most of the western provinces in an instant.

But when will it happen?

It depends entirely on Laos and depends on Chu.

Once the domestic turmoil subsided, the Chu army was dispatched to contain hundreds of thousands of Western troops.

No one in the entire western province can stop the Su family.

Within a month, the Soviet Union was sure to take half a day to the westbound province.

At that time, Su Shi will be one.

Not to mention a kingdom, the level of the Principality is always there.

Will the Great Yan Empire sit and watch the split of the country?

He will definitely.

Wu’s war, Chu Yue’s hegemony, and the disputes between the nations of the world, which one did not have the hand of the Great Yan Empire?

This overlord can't wait for these countries to play a lot of mud.

In this way, the New Deal of the Great Yan Empire can be completely completed.

Firstly, the old aristocrats in the Great Yan Empire will be flattened, then the military and the military will be divided into two parts. The state and county system will be completely implemented, and all the power will be concentrated in the hands of the emperor.

Su Dang's current appetite is not big.

He only needs to seize the six cities of the six counties in the southern part of the western province, a total of 60,000 square kilometers.

In addition to Laos, there are 200,000 square kilometers. As a duchy, it is more than enough.

Ning Yuanxian, you are a big thing.

Zhang Wei is a capable person, and Shen Lang can be regarded as a traitor.

But do you want to rely on these two people to stop my rebellion and stop me from taking the Tianxi province?

It’s a joke!

"What happened to the country? What has been going on for so many days, hasn’t Arutai destroyed the few disobedient brothers?"

Su Quandao: "Quickly, the three sisters and the niece have already negotiated with the princes who have gone to the Snow Mountain Temple."

Su Lindao: "Uncle, I have invited Shen Lang to come to my main house for dinner tomorrow, and he promised."

Su Shidao: "He will go. He has the protection of Li Qianqiu. He is completely high and worry-free, and he wants to pretend in front of you."

Su Lindao: "That will kill him tomorrow."

Su Shidao: "Kill him, kill the people around him, especially the big stupid, give me a few pieces to send."


For the Soviet Union, Shen Lang is like a fly. Although it can't affect the overall situation, it is annoying and disgusting.

"Kill him, then peel the skin and send his head down." Su Tongdao.

Su Lindao: "Yes!"

Then he retired.

Shen Lang, you are really daring, Zhenyuan City is my site of Su Shi, completely Longtan Tiger Cave, you dare to come?

Do you think that with a big stupid and Li Qianqiu, is there no worries about life?

Too childish.

We have already laid down the nets.

Such a naive person, who do you die?

Tomorrow's banquet, it is already a must for you.

Do you dare to come?

This is not afraid of the spirit of death, it is really touching.


The first friction dispute after Shen Lang entered the town of Yuancheng immediately broke out.

The female martial artist took a few female warriors and entered a city in the city to buy rice.

The salty slave took a few women and went to an inn to buy water.

Without exception, they were rejected.

It quickly rose to speech conflicts and action friction.

Shen Lang, as the owner of Zhenyuan City, entered this business.

The shopkeeper of this shop is a Western country, but the words are very fluent.

In the entire shop, dozens of armed family members were housed and surrounded by Wu Lie and others.

These dozens of armed families, there are Vietnamese people, there are people.

Shen Lang stepped into this big shop, smiling with a smile: "The treasurer, making a fortune, I am the town of the town, I will give you an early year."

By your mother, now there are more than half a year from the New Year.

The Western businessman shook hands.

"Your family clearly has food, meat, why not sell it to us?" Shen Langdao.

The Western businessman said: "We don't accept the national gold coins."

Fart, what gold coins do you accept.

Shen Langdao: "That Chu Guo coins, you can't accept it? We are willing to pay twice the price to buy rice noodles in your home."

Western merchants said: "Is the driver?"

Shen Langdao: "Below the sinking waves, the new town of Zhenyuan."

The Western Region businessman said: "I heard that Shen Gongzi is a right one?"

Shen Langdao: "It is true."

The merchants in the Western Region said: "I am very sorry. I am the most despicable person in my country. Even the slaves are not as good. We don't do business with you."

Shen Langdao: "I am the master of Zhenyuan, the highest official of the city."

The merchants in the Western Region said: "My God? Can you be an official in your country? Once you are caught in our country, you must use a soldering iron to print the words of the slaves, and then put on the donkey. As a slave, living and working to death, growing beautiful and sent to the army as a slave, living and being killed by the majestic army Han Han. And in your country you can actually be an official, really a thousand worlds are nothing."

Then, the merchant said: "Come on, hang a signboard outside our store, clearly written in several words, dogs and donkeys, not allowed to enter."

After a while.

A huge signboard hung outside the shop.

Dogs and donkeys are not allowed to enter.

It seems to be a signal.

In less than a quarter of an hour.

There is a signboard hanging on almost every business name and outside the store.

"Dogs and donkeys are not allowed."

The Western District treasurer smiled and said: "Sorry, the master of the city, this is the rule of our country, the king set, the villain is not easy to modify, please leave it."

Shen Langdao: "I didn't think that it would be a surprise for your country to have such rules."

The western domain treasurer is more smiling and the waist is more curved.

"I am sorry, sorry."

Shen Langdao: "Since it is the rule of your country, even if I am a city owner, it is not easy to destroy. When the official is not the owner of the people, it is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes. Wu Lie, as my warrior, must always remember this point. We must respect the customs and habits of others."


Shen Lang Gong Dadao: "The treasurer, the official will leave, make a fortune! I will give you a good old year, I wish you a happy New Year, all the best."

Westland shopkeeper said: "Please, please, please!"

Then, he bent over and reverently invited Shen Lang out.

The dozens of warriors behind him are also pressing hard.

Shen Lang took Wu Lie and completely withdrew from the business.


The door to this business is closed.

Then, the voice of the Western Registrar came from inside.

"Come, come out and dig all the floor tiles that this person has stepped on and throw them into the pit."

"What did his hand touch? The table, the chair, all cut off, all burned."

"I don't know. He walked into our shop for a quarter of an hour, went to the master of the Dalai Temple, came to our store, and washed away the unknown."

This is the case.

Wu Lie and others violently pulled the knife.

And at the same time!

On the entire street.

Suddenly, there were countless sounds of swordswing and the sound of the enemy’s swords.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Even across the wall, I can feel countless cold eyes.

In each of the trade names, there are dozens of warriors in captivity.

Don't look at just a business name, they do a lot of business.

The smuggling of the countries of the Western Region and the Chu State, the Western Regions, many times these businesses completed.

These Western merchants and Su Shi are completely a community of interests.

There are at least a few hundred chambers of warriors on this street.

Shen Lang saw Wu Lie and others pulling the knife, and suddenly screamed: "What are you doing? What are you doing?"

"We are the official army, I am the town government of Zhenyuan."

"When the official is not the owner of the people, it is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes."

"No matter which country is this group of businessmen, as long as we do business in Zhenyuan City, it is our food and clothing parents."

"No matter what business they do, even if it is a private/business, even a slave business. But at least pay taxes to us, that is a huge contribution to our country."

"In the face of this group of food and clothing parents, you dare to pull the knife?"

"What is the system? What is the system?"

"Give me the knife."

Suddenly Wu Lie and others, put the knife back into the sheath.

The statement of Shen Lang suddenly made all the Western merchants on both sides of the street relieved.

Then the heart is filled with infinite contempt.

This Vietnamese national white face is really a waste.

No wonder it is a jealousy, not a hard bone.

It was so scared by us.

The Vietnamese king actually sent such a waste to Zhenyuan City, and he really blinked his eyes.

See the attitude of Shen Lang.

This group of Western businessmen has suddenly settled in their hearts, and there is no fear.

The eight-foot-long female salty slavery with a few warriors, carrying buckets to an inn to buy water.

Already bidding to half a gold coin a bucket of water.

But the Western domain treasurer still shook his head, his attitude was equally respectful, and his waist was getting more and more powerful.

But I just don't want to sell a bucket of water.

But after hearing the words of Shen Lang outside.

A Western Warrior sneered: "The more dogs, you listen to me, our water is to feed the dog, feed the pig, and will never sell you a drop, give me a thirst to die."

Serenity Road: "But the land you stationed is Vietnam."

The Western Warrior sneered: "Who said it? This land is clearly Su Shi's, and it is the future of the Soviet Union. And we in the Western Region are in the Soviet Union, that is the higher."

"Do you want to buy water right? Or else I will give it to you directly, or it will be hot."

Then the Western Warrior untied the waistband and pulled out the guy to start releasing the water.

Around a dozen Western Warriors also pulled out the guys to release water.

"Fat sister, fat sister, come and drink, it's still hot."

"The little white face outside the city is thirsty and thirsty. Let him come in and have a full meal. I only collect half a gold coin in this bubble. If you don't drink it, you have to raise the price."

The slaves were mad at the time.

But Shen Lang told me that no matter how humiliated, don't do it.

So she rushed out.

There were more than a dozen warriors from the Western Regions, and suddenly they laughed.

Instead, I chased it up.

Directly rushed outside the door, peeing outside the street.

Suddenly angry.

"The master of the city, are you not buying water? I just have hot water, you send someone to pick it up!"

"Or else you can drink it directly."

A dozen Western Warriors **** on the side while laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

In the entire street, hundreds of Western Warriors hid in the store and laughed.

In this urinary urinary, the majesty of the new city owner of Shen Lang was rushed into the pit and was stepped inside the sole.

Shen Lang Gong Dadao: "The brave warriors are really majestic, and the lower officials admire and admire."

The Warriors of the Western Regions: "The more the dogs are stronger than you, this is born. The women of Vietnam are like our majesty. You can't satisfy them. Your women will give us sleep."

"City Master, can you satisfy your wife, let us help you?"


Then, the doors of dozens of firms across the street opened.

Hundreds of Western Warriors took out the guy and put water on the street.

"The urban master buys water, and everyone releases water."

"It's still hot, the urban master is coming to buy water."

"Everyone is coming to drink!"

This scene is really spectacular.

Shen Lang smiled and said: "I didn't think that under the rule of the government, there are still such a heroic and heroic generation, good, good, good!"

"The martial arts are good, and the official is back home."


Shen Lang ordered the return to the city's main government.

Hundreds of Western Warriors laughed loudly.

"Don't leave the city owner, come and drink water."

"The city owner, can your wife come? It is better to let her visit, so she knows that only the Western Region has a real man."

"The master of the city, you are so beautiful, wearing women's clothes is only more beautiful."

Shen Lang just entered the city government.

Then pull out a twisted mask and put it on.

Then, the 200 female heroes behind him also took out their masks.

Dozens of Kim family warriors behind him also wore masks.


A loud noise!

Shen Lang led more than 200 people to rush out and shouted: "I am a thief, and I came to Zhenyuan City for the day."

"You guys in the Western Regions, really strong. All gave me a slap!"

"Where to urinate, what kind of system? All thrown into me in the pit and die!"

"You guys, the shopkeepers, one brain full of fat, must be rich, not knowing how many people's fats are extracted."

"What I hate most bitterly is that you are rich and incompetent."

"Burn all the shops, burn all the gold and silver inside, and give them to the people in the city. Put all the shopkeepers in the shops, all the skins!"


"I am bitter and happy, for the day."

"Kill, kill, kill!"

With the silence of the waves.

More than 200 majestic female warriors rushed past the shops in the streets.

Open the killing ring, blood flow into the river!


Note: The first one is sent, and there are still two hundred votes to be caught up. You can take it out, and you will be greeted by three hundred and sixty degrees!呜呜

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