History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 255: : Shen Lang is crazy! The end of the day! Queen is pregnant

Lose my wife and fold the soldiers!

It really wants people to vomit blood!

Shen Lang’s son is really vicious, killing tens of thousands of people!

Even with the cultivation of the Soviet Union, the mind could not be dizzy, and the chest was blocked.

It took only a long time for Shen Lang’s thief to come to White Night County, and the Su family had two big losses.

This time the loss is even more painful.

Millions of gold coins, just like water, flow away from their hands.

Is this thief really the son of a farmer?

The son of the peasant sees money as dirt, and regards human life as a mustard?

Probably also Ning Yuanxian is so defeated?

Su Nanjiu lived in a high position in the temple. Of course, he knew that the extravagance of the monarch was completely profligate.

How much gold does Yueguo owe to the hidden yuan?

This number is only known to God.

But how long have you been in the development of the waves, so many millions of gold coins have been sprinkled?

You are so discouraged, I can't really learn from Su Su.

I don’t know if I don’t know how to use it.

And you have been a big man like this twice.

For the first time at Wangya Island, the thief of Shenlang made a rumor of astronomical gold, and lived a life-threatening pirate army and captured the city of anger.

Su Nang was heard, and the ancient gold veins that were forged in the hundreds of thousands of gold coins are still sinking under the big mine pit, and they have not been fully fished.

This is the second time in White Night County, he took the lead to grab the savings of Western merchants for several years, but he did not want a copper plate.

In the face of tens of thousands of mobs, it is also a bit of a heartbeat, but this can be completely transformed into a military.

I really don’t know if it’s a bad thing, or if I’m serious.

"Greed, greedy!"

Having said that, the Soviet Union does not regret it.

There is nothing wrong with his strategy of three arrows.

More than one million gold coins will be replaced by Ning Yuanxian, let alone his Soviet Union?

With a long breath, the Soviet Union walked under the big window and looked at the snowy mountains not far away.

"I ate two big losses and fell two."

Su Su said to himself.

Looking at the majestic snowy mountains, my heart finally calmed down.

Things have passed in the past, and the gains and losses that have already occurred are meaningless.

"But it's nothing, the overall situation has not changed." Su Nan said to himself: "If the Shen Lang is tossing again, Zhang Hao will not be able to get his troops on hand, and he will not be able to turn over the sky in more than 3,000 troops!"

Su Yongdao: "The main public, the army of Su Quan adults has surrounded the White Nights County. I wonder if it should be attacked?"


Should I attack?

Not playing?

No, isn't this cheap?

The soldiers are very fast, and the Su family needs to sweep across the southern part of the western province in the shortest possible time.

Do not declare war?

That doesn't work either, it's bad for morale!

Since it is going to start, it will be played vigorously.

Is it time to announce the beginning of the military?

That is the smashing of the sky and the igniting of the whole country's drastic changes.

"Zheng Tuo, who is closed at night, can there be movement?"

Su Yongdao: "There is still no, the city gate is closed!"

"Where is the country? Where is the Aru military?"

Su Yongdao: "The information that Shizi has just sent is that the 40,000 army of King Arutai is very fast. The tribe of Arunana is less than a hundred miles. Once Arunana is destroyed, it will be able to advance eastward. And we will be a teacher."

Su Nan went to the big map.

"Here is the snow mountain tribe of Arunana, the army of King Arutai should be here!"

He pointed to a point on the map. From the map, the Alu Dajun army and his straight line are really close, only a few hundred miles away, but only need to bypass the snowy mountains.

Su Yongdao: "Within half a month, the army of King Alutai will be able to join us."

Su Shidao: "What about Chu? Wu Guo? This time the country has changed dramatically, the biggest winners are the two. They can't be thunderous and the rain is small! Can't wait for me to fight first. These two big ones are big. They want to fight, they also play first!"

Su Yongdao: "The eastern seas are too far away from us, and the information cannot be sent in time. But Wu Wang is determined to win the Leizhou Islands, and the hidden yuan will be the right to trade in the East China Sea. The key is Chu!"

The difficulty of the Soviet Union fell on the night of the night.

Although Zheng Tuo’s army is not many, it is like a sword hanging overhead.

Su Yongdao: "The Lord? Are we going to fight? Su Quan is waiting for your order!"

Su’s brow was locked and he had been thinking for a long time.

"Do not!"

"First, don't move, tell the messenger of Chu, when the army of Chu is moving, I will move again!"

The Soviet Union still suppressed the strong impulse.

This point, he and Shen Lang expected different.

Originally, Shen Lang still felt that Su Shi was already on the string and had to send it.

But the Soviet Union’s people are really hard to ponder.

Sometimes it’s incomparably bold and greedy, and sometimes it’s incredibly conservative.

I thought that when he was already under the city, he would be so reversed.

Did not want to, even hard to stop the impulse.

After a while!

The Chu State messenger hurried in and directly bowed down to the Soviet Union: "Su Hou, the arrow had to be sent on the string, and it was at this time!"

Obviously, he also heard about the White Nights County.

The Soviet army has already been under the city, and it must have been directly fought.

The longer the time is not to fight, the more favorable it is to Zhang Wei.

"Su Hou, go to war, take advantage of Zhang Wei's foothold is not stable!" Chu State messenger excited.

Su Shi’s big loss in White Night County is bad news for the Soviet Union, but it is not necessarily bad news for Chu.

Su Nan took the tea cup and said: "No hurry, no hurry!"

The emissary of the Chu State said: "Su Gong, Zhang Wei, this thief is very powerful. If he gives him time, I am afraid that the operation of the White Night County City will be more solid."

Su Dang still said: "No hurry, no hurry!"

The messenger of the Chu State said: "When will the Su Gong be anxious?"

Su Shidao: "When the Chu army is no longer acting, it is really attacking the army of the seedlings. When Zheng Tuo is not enough, I will not be late."

This is not to see the rabbit does not scatter the eagle.

In this game, the most wanted thing is Chu.

The army assembled the most, the thunder played the loudest, but the action was the smallest.

The king of Wu, the will of the Leizhou Islands, is unwavering.

The struggle between the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union and the resilience of the rebellion are not shaken.

The messenger of the Chu State said: "Come on, fast!"

Su Nanzheng said: "Chu Jing, this drama is caused by my Su Gong, but among the few, I have the least money and can't afford to consume. If you don't do it, I will never do it. Anyway, Wang Dajun has not come to join me!"


All eyes in the world are staring at the Soviet Union.

I thought that his arrow had to be sent on the string, so it was the opposite.

Everyone waited for the sudden fall of the southwest of the country.


There is no sound!

Of course, the Su family is not completely silent!

The army of the Su family came out one after another.

Before that, there were only five thousand private troops, and now there are more than 10,000 directly, and it is not a few thousand horse thieves.

The wandering warriors of the Western countries entered the Soviet territory in droves and began to reorganize into a military.

The squadron of the Great Robbery Temple also continued to advance eastward.

More and more troops are gathering in the territory of the Su family.

Xueliangcheng is the northernmost city, closest to White Night.

This day!

Xueliangcheng suddenly went to Baiyue County, Taishou Zhang, and Zhenyuan Marquis, and asked for help. He said that there were a large number of gangsters in the city, and they were looting merchants and wealthy households.

Mom, are you cheating on this sentence?

Xueliangcheng Shenlang had already taken people to plunder, and the city owner had already fled the wind.

It’s been half a month since the time passed. Do you say that there are gangsters?

Zhang Wei’s garrison has been surrounded by the army, and of course he cannot send troops to save.

The Marquis of Su Su is of course obligatory.

Suddenly, Su Shi, the brother of the Marquis of the Soviet Union, led a 5,000-strong army to settle in Xueliangcheng.

Xueliang City is less than a hundred miles away from the White Nights.

Once the Soviet Union rebelled, General Pingxi’s Zheng Tuo army went south, and the first thing that hit the face was Xueliangcheng.

These five thousand troops blocked the southward road of the Zhengtu army.

Then, a 3,000-strong Western Warrior mercenary left the Su Shi territory, went to the White Nights County, and joined the Soviet Union.

At this time, the army of Su Shi surrounded the White Nights County has increased its troops to around 15,000.

Almost all eyes in the world are staring at the Soviet Union.

You old thief can really bear it, still not doing it?

You are not afraid of Zhang Wei constantly recruiting horses in the White Night City?

Zhang Wei, Wu Wang, Yue Wang, Chu Wang, and other giants almost hold their breath, and their eyes are staring at the Soviet Union.

As long as the Soviet Union announced the beginning of the soldiers.

It is a catastrophe.

Take the lead and move the whole world!


The more Wang Ning Yuanxian.

He just received a secret report from Princess Ning Jie, and suddenly the whole person would jump.

Then read it over and over again!

He is really afraid that he is wrong.

As a result, Ning Jie wrote clearly.

Shen Lang took hundreds of people to destroy the main force of the king.

Hundreds of people, to destroy tens of thousands of troops?

Is it crazy for me? Or is this world crazy?

At this moment, Ning Yuanxian really regretted sending Shen Lang to the White Night County.

This... This is a wild dog. When you go out, you can't let go.

It’s still a good thing in the capital, and when you leave your field of vision, it’s crazy to be crazy.

Before looting with tens of thousands of mobs, the entire White Night County was looted. Although it was daring, it made great contributions.

Moreover, it is completely seamless with Zhang Wei, and the strategy of the three obstacles of the Soviet Union is defeated.

The monarch was reprimanded on the surface, but his heart was dark, but he was shocked by a cold sweat.

But now, the shock he received was too great.

I have already made it clear that Shen Lang and you have cooperated with Zhang Wei and Zheng Tuo to restrain the Soviet Union’s army for a month or two, waiting for the North to break the battle, and you’re done.

Do you understand?

It is not for letting you destroy the army of the Soviet Union, nor is it for letting you destroy the army of the country.

Even if Ning Yuanxian is crazy, I dare not let you take thousands of people to kill the Soviet Union.

As a result, how many centuries are you going to kill the tens of thousands of troops of the king?

It doesn't matter if you play it.

You will get rid of the whole board together.

Ning Jie is a typical ignorant person. Before writing a letter to Ning Yuanxian, it was a dozen words.

This time, hundreds of words are sprinkled, and I can’t wait to make every detail clear.


Because she is also afraid.

"Is this Shen Lang really the son of a peasant?" Ning Yuanxian tweeted: "Is this daring, is it born to the peasants?"

Ning Yuanxian had a burst of headaches.

Everyone else said that a talent is like a knife, you won't use it, maybe you will cut yourself.

Is this a wave of a knife? It’s just...

Ning Yuanxian did not know the term grenade.

Otherwise it will be used on the sinking head.

The enemy is fierce, but if you accidentally, you will blow yourself up.

Fortunately, this madman brought his own people and did not take Zhang Wei’s army away.

"It doesn't matter if this little madman is playing, but at least Zhang Wei, and Zheng Tuo!"

Ning Yuanxian said to himself.

At this time, it is useless to anger again, and he can't stop the waves.

At this time, the black water station made it fly into the air.

"Your Majesty, emergency military situation, emergency military situation!"

"Eight hundred miles in a hurry, eight hundred miles in a hurry!"

This secret ambassador directly squatted in front of Ning Yuanxian, and his hands were covered with the secret information of the Black Water Station, which was stained with three crow feathers.

Ning Yuanxian's scalp was numb, and the entire spine was erected.

And... what happened?

Su Nan is a soldier?

Absolutely not, there is an urgent report every two hours in the battlefield in the west.

Is that something else going on?

Is it Nanzhao?

Nor is it!

Vietnam has no national power to undertake two major wars, so Zhu Lin’s army has long shrunk its defense line, and the army has gathered in Nanxun City. There is no further attack and there will be no major war.

Guojun Ning Yuanxian opened it.

Suddenly a head banged.

The secret newspaper said that the Tianfeng City’s main enemy of the Leizhou Islands had rebelled and turned to Wu.

Wu Guojun army two or three thousand south, pointing to the anger city. Xuanwu Hou Jin Zhuo was suspected of being assassinated.

Ning Yuanxian closed his eyes and suffered the impact of this news.

Did not expect, did not expect!

He Ning Yuanxian is playing the East and West, while the young Wu Wang is playing the West.

His goal turned out to be the Leizhou Islands.

Jin Zhuo was assassinated? Is the hatred rebellious?

In this way, how can we resist the Wu army?

Ning Yuanxian was a little bit uncomfortable.

After all, Jin Zhuo’s character is high and clean, and he is still... the father-in-law of Shen Lang.

But that's it!

Wu Wang is determined to win the Leizhou Islands, but Ning Yuanxian is not very valued.

He values ​​land more than the ocean.

The Leizhou Islands are nominally Vietnam, but after all, they are Jin’s.

"There is a handwriting of the hidden yuan!" Ning Yuanxian sneered.

There is no country for businessmen, especially the organization of the hidden world.

"It's really a big hand. The left hand borrows money to give the widow. The right hand borrows money to Wu Wang. Does the hidden yuan really regard himself as the black hand that manipulates the world?" Ning Yuanxian was somewhat angry.

Then, that's it!

The raging city is the foundation of your Jin family. It is up to you to keep it. The widow is not able to catch it.

Can you keep it, listen to your fate!

The Leizhou Islands fell into the hands of Wu, and Ning Yuanxian was of course angry and unwilling.

But only because of political reputation, it is not worthy of actual interests. At least he has no interest in the Leizhou Islands.


Wu Wangyi stared at the Leizhou Islands and had great help for the raids.

Compared with the Leizhou Islands, Ning Yuanxian is more interested in the outcome of the Northern War situation, and more to see the results of the Chinese raid.

It is really a godsend now.

Wu Wang’s energy is all in the Leizhou Islands and the Angry City, and the other half of his energy is in Ueno, in the 100,000-strong army of Ning Yuanxian.

The defense line in the west will probably be ignored by him.

At this moment, Ning Yuanxian suddenly discovered that Wu Wang is somewhat similar to himself.

Whether the two sides like strategic blackmail, they all like adventure, but they can only focus on one direction.

For example, Ning Yuanxian’s eyes are staring at the battle of the surprise attack, so he frantically lays the ground and desperately creates every opportunity.

However, on the other side of the Leizhou Islands, he was ignored by Ning Yuanxian.

Should this be a narrow-minded look?

What about the waves? Is he too focused on a certain goal and what is neglected?

Now that he is on fire in the backyard, the raging city is about to be lost.

He even took a few hundred people to go to destroy the main force of the king. Isn’t this a slap in the face?


East sea!

The hundreds of ships of Wu Guo are so vast that they are going south.

Looking down from the sky, the fleet stretched for dozens of miles.

Although it can't be said to cover the sky, it is absolutely boundless.

Nearly 30,000 troops.

This is already the limit for Wu Wang to be able to attack the city.

But it is enough!

Jin Zhuo was stabbed to death, and the raging city defenders will not exceed 5,000. The group dragon has no head, it must be a heart.

This battle has already won.

Wu Guonan, the general manager of the army, Wu Mu stood at the bow of the ship, blowing the sea breeze, and was born with pride.

"Your Majesty, you are waiting for the good news that I am done."

"God is destined that Wu Mu wants to build a world of no cure!"


In the raging city!

The secret room of the big castle.

Kim Mulan is not saying: "I really can't act, my father is safe and sound, but I want to make me look sad at all times. I don't know how to do it."

Mulan really can't play.

Her parents are well-being, and she is so loving again, and the whole person is very happy.

She really doesn't want to make him sad.

Kim Jong hesitated for a long time on the side.

Die and die!

Then he faintly said: "Miss, my grandfather has been sleeping with Princess Ningzhen in the country, and more than once, he was caught by the monarch."

This is the case.

Mulan baby's eyes suddenly red.

Man Rufu Jun, you said before, you and Ning Yu are only brothers, there is no private feeling.

I... I would rather go to the brothel and find those who are clear.

I don't want you to have emotional entanglements with the women around you, especially those lovely women.

Spiritual derailment is absolutely impossible.

At this time, next to the An Tiandao: "Yes, the lady just said this expression, very in place. When you feel that you can't be sad in these few days, you want the grandfather to derail this thing. Everyone knows that you will not act. Once you see your sadness and anger, everyone will believe that the Lord has been assassinated."

The Marquis of Jinzhuo is speechless, is it so?

Mulan gnashed his teeth and said: "Scum, you wait for me, you give me waiting. When you go home, I must kill you and kill you!"

The last time I was in the county, my Jin Mulan was still soft and soft, so that you can get up the next day?

Don't you know what you are doing?

As for me, Kimura, you can't eat it, you have to go out and steal it?

So ruthless, and what is the derailment?

At this point, a sound is heard outside.

"The Lord, the tens of thousands of troops of Wu State have gone south."

Ann sighed again: "The rage city war will soon erupt. Although the grandfather is not there, his plan is still there, and this time he will certainly be able to win."

Marquis of Jin Zhuo said: "Journey, ready to fight!"


Under the snowy mountains.

Arunana's tribe!

Because it is free to breed vaccinia to control smallpox, in just a few months, 100,000 people came to rely on it and became a large tribe.

The tradition that the country has always been to follow is to follow the strong, so the old and weak are the ones who come to Arunana.

However, even so, it is considered to be prosperous and prosperous.

But during this time, the whole tribe was completely screaming, and countless people could not be seen all the time.

Because the domestic chaos has ended, the new king Aru Tai took office.

Before the old king Arugan had a little father and daughter to Arunana, he did not send troops directly to encircle.

Now Arutai has no half brothers and sisters to her, even if they are the same mother.

After killing three adult brothers, Arutai directly led the 40,000 army to kill the Arunana tribe.

The army of 40,000 is close to the day.

Every time the new king’s messenger yells at the Snow Mountain tribe in Arunana.

"Don't want to die, hurry!"

"The king is willing to accept all herders, and everyone will take the cattle and horses to meet the king."

"When the king's army is killed, dare to follow Arunana, kill it!"

Seriously, these people really support Princess Arunana.

Not only does she give vaccination to all people for free, but she is also very low-exploited, and her tribes are much better than others.

But what can be more important than life?

The warriors around Arunana are three or five thousand. How can they rival the tens of thousands of kings?

Stay in the Snow Mountain tribe, and that is to die.

As a result, these herders have left.

Every day, people go.

There are fewer and fewer tents in the tribe, and fewer cattle and sheep.

Princess Arunana’s heart hurts like a knife.

Her confidant constantly persuaded her not to let anyone escape, otherwise she would not kill.

As long as you surround the army and block the valley, it is impossible for these herders to escape.

Princess Arunana sighed: "The ants are still stealing, let alone people? What power do I have to let these innocent herders accompany me to die?"

Before she put it, she could never say such a thing.

Before her **** was like a fire, she completely regarded human life as a mustard!

But since she had experienced the death of the smallpox, she has completely changed.

She began to understand the value of life.

Especially after sleeping with the big fool, there is a baby inside the stomach.

Her understanding of life has gone deeper.

Yes, she has a baby, it has been more than three months.

Big fool is so good, a shot won.

Therefore, she did not stop the departure of these herders.

Instead, it is publicly announced.

Anyone who wants to leave the Snow Mountain tribe will never stop.

Even she took the initiative to send these herders to leave, for some very poor herders, also sent cheese, tea bricks and dried meat.

Suddenly, countless people lingered in front of her.

In Laos, I have never encountered such a benevolent master.

"We are not leaving, we are dead together with Her Majesty!"

"Don't go, don't go, big deal and Aru too hard."

"Queen is kind, if we leave him at a crucial moment, is it not a beast?"

Many people were in tears, pulling out the scimitar and standing back to Arunana.

But those who are not afraid of death are, after all, a minority.

Most people are still gone!

With infinite disappointment, with an infinite shackle.

Go all the way, cry all the way.

They can only pray to heaven, hope God, hope that the saints can bless the Queen.


Her Majesty the Queen probably won't be able to survive this disaster.

Such a good queen may not have appeared on the land of Laos.

Her demise may be doomed!

The end of the Snow Mountain tribe came.

The last days of Her Majesty came.


"Queen, the Aru Too army is still fifty miles from our tribe, and will kill at noon tomorrow!"

A warrior squatted in front of Arunana.

“How many people are we still there?” Arunana asked.

That warrior said: "Three thousand."

Arunana was shocked, there are still three thousand?

She had thought that everyone would run clean, and finally she left alone to guard the entire Snow Mountain tribe.

There were 3,000 people left, and 5,000 warriors actually only walked 2,000.

"The Queen's Majesty is as important as everyone. We are blood in our bodies, not cold water."

"Even if it is dead, we must guard the Queen to the last moment!"

Arunana has never been king.

But after Arugan died, the tribes gradually became known to her.

Call it the Queen.

Because there really isn't a master who is so good to them.

Not only to treat them, not only to give them vaccination against smallpox.

Moreover, they also sent a large army to give them a big reduction tent. The cattle and sheep are sick, and she will send people to rule.

Sometimes, she even personally gives birth to cattle and sheep.

The former kings were completely synonymous with brutality and completely regarded their herdsmen as pigs, dogs and cattle.

Arunana has a very simple castle, less than a thousand square meters, less than fifteen meters high.

Her entire tribe, in a valley!

Because under the snowy mountains, it is nourished by snow water all the year round, so the water plants here are still rich.

Arunana walked out of the castle and onto the balcony.

At this point the entire valley is empty.

But many tents are still there, but there are no one inside.

Many herders have gone, but they have not removed the tent. This is probably a kind of thought. They said that although they left, they regarded the Snow Mountain tribe as a permanent home, so they left the tent here.

I saw Arunana coming out.

Three thousand warriors squatted neatly, looking at her full of decisive.

Arunana said: "Arutai's army is just fifty miles away. It will be killed at noon tomorrow. You still have a chance to escape, I will never have any blame!"

Three thousand warriors crouched on the ground and did not move.

"To die with my Majesty the Queen!"

"With the total death!"

Arunana said: "Arutai is my brother, but his heart is very hot, and he will never be merciful. I can't beat him. You stay, there is only one way to die."

"To die with the Queen!" Three thousand people shouted.

Arunana said: "I should probably run, but I don't want to run, I don't know where to go."

The big fool is not there, the master Xue Yin is not there.

Even behind the mountain, it is the home of the master.

Arunana didn't want to escape.

Although she no longer regards human life as a mustard, she is still as hot as fire, she can die, but she will never escape without fighting.

What's more, where can she escape?


Su is an enemy.

Chu State? Shaman?

No, she can't go anywhere.

"To die with my Majesty the Queen!"

Three thousand people kept repeating this sentence, and they were sad and strong.

In the words, it is full of mortal determination.

Three thousand people faced the 40,000 army of King Arutai.

There is absolutely no possibility of winning!

Arunana stunned her stomach and said, "Well, tomorrow, we will fight with Aru Tai!"

"My Arunana is rather alive, not dying, and will never run away like a dog."

"Decisive battle!"

"Decisive battle!"

Three thousand people yelled!

Is the end of the day coming? Then come on, it’s not a death!

At this time, there was a fierce hoof outside.

"Her Majesty, there is a cavalry approaching."

Arunana was shocked. Isn't Alutai's army 50 miles away?

So come so soon?

But when I came, I am afraid of Arunana.

Big silly, you are a fool. If I am dead, can you miss me?

But even if I am dead, you have to be widowed for me. If you dare to marry other women, I will become a devil and will not spare you.

Arunana jumped down the castle and rode on the white cow. She took up his blue dragon knives and shouted loudly: "Follow me to kill!"

Then she rode the white cow and led the three thousand warriors and rushed straight out of the valley.

It’s a savage woman. It’s not that the enemy is not clear, so it’s so indiscriminate.

When you kill the valley mouth!

She couldn't help but stay!

Then, isn't that a man stupid?

In her eyes, there was only a stupid screaming mad man. There was no existence of a deep wave, and she was completely blind to more than 200 rides around him.

Because the big fool is too eye-catching, standing on the ground is higher than others riding, running faster than others riding.

The big fool ran wildly and yelled.

"Women, daughter-in-law, I am coming, don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

"The second stupid said, he will help you to destroy the tens of thousands of troops of Alu, and let you become the queen of the whole country."

"Women, you are the queen!"

Then, Arunana rushed out on a white cow.

Two people separated by a dozen meters, Arunana leaped from the back of the cow and rushed out, and the big fool fell to the ground.

Then, madly tearing the clothes, he will sleep directly.

I am so excited? So wild?

Shen Lang is completely stupid.

Although it is night, it is also a public sight.

"Wu Lie is going, with dozens of sisters to stop with the curtain, my **** is not to be seen."


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