History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 266: : Wu Jun is destroyed! Shen Lang Su Nan finally confrontation! (1 more)

(Double monthly tickets are terrible, everyone voted to pull me a hand)

There is no absolute loyalty in this world.

When the cost of loyalty far exceeds betrayal, then almost no one can sustain loyalty.

There is no absolute loyalty, but the chips of betrayal are not high enough.

The so-called chips here do not simply refer to money power, but also life and emotion.

Therefore, Jin Shiying is no exception.

He is indeed very loyal to the Kim family and has never thought of betrayal.

So is he willing to die for the Kim family?

Maybe it is.

Because this is a family that grew up from a young age, this is his psychological dependence.

But if he has another home, there is a woman who loves him, has a great future, and even has a child.

Then will he still be willing to die for the Kim family?

That may not be the case.

Therefore, Wu Mu is absolutely worried about his design, and it is absolutely effective.

If not prevented in advance.

What Shen Lang is best at is to think about the problem from the perspective of the enemy.

So he often thinks, if I am a prince, how should I find a way to kill Kim?

If I am Wu Guo, how should I kill Jinshi and win the anger city.

If I am the Three Princes, how should I kill Jinshi to capture the anger city.

In the end, almost all the answers point to one person.

The nominal anger of the city, Jin Shiying.

After Shen Lang left, this person is the second person of the Xuanwu Marquis, the second hand of the Angry City.

But his identity and power do not match at all.

Although he is the highest general of the entire Xuanwu Marquis private army, there is no real imperial official position.

To a certain extent, he is the slave of the Kim family.

Ning Yuanxian also enshrined him as the anger of the city, but this official position is not true, anyone will have a psychological gap.

Regardless of any enemy, if you want to destroy the Kim family and want to win the anger city, you will definitely stare at Jin Shiying, and will regard him as the biggest flaw, breaking the biggest breakthrough of the Jin family.

So what is the best strategy for people like Jin Shiying?


No, he was raised by the Marquis of Jinzhuo since he was a child. The three views are very positive and he is relatively weak on money.

Official position and power?

This kind of thing can't be felt without anyone's hand. It can only be given only a promise. This stuff has no lethality. At least it is impossible for Jin Shiying to betray the Jin family.

Then it is women, feelings, and home!

Jin Shiying is thirty years old. Because she has always secretly loved Kim Mulan, she has never had a woman. She is single now.

After Mulan married Shen Lang, he fell in love.

So treating lovelorn?

Of course, it is to open a new relationship.

This age has not yet talked about the man in love, once the emotion is very deadly, and even willing to pay for everyone.

Therefore, if Shen Lang comes to break through Jin Shiying, he will use the beauty, and will use the beauty of true feelings.

Then if the enemy is smart enough, it will also be counted by the beauty.

It is not how consistent Shen Lang and the enemy's brain are, but this method is most effective.

then what should we do?

First, give Jin Shiying a vaccination.

Let him be alert, don't fall into the enemy's emotional trap unconsciously, and don't miss the enemy's beauty plan.

This is not enough!

Still need a preview!

So before Wu You, Jin Shiying had already encountered two beautiful people.

There are two completely different types of beauty, and I want to do everything I can to get close to him and capture him with emotions.

These two beautiful people are very attractive, but they are not too clever and eventually they are exposed.

And when it was revealed, it was cold, ugly, and explicit.

Shen Lang is not sure whether the enemy will use the beauty to deal with Jin Shiying.

Instead of sticking to it, it is better to take the initiative.

This cold is not cured, and even walking outside every day is impossible to prevent.

Then let you get two colds first, and when the third cold virus comes, you may already have antibodies.

So after two seduce and destruction of the beauty plan!

Jin Shiying’s heart is hard, full of preparedness, and full of doubts about any woman who appears around him.

These two beautiful people are all cast by Shen Lang.

Tiandaohui is such a beauty, and more is!

The best part is that these two beautiful people simply don't know that they are acting, but they really think that Heaven will send them to the Golden Seal.

But the seduce script is really designed by Shen Lang! So when it is exposed, it looks especially ugly and chilling!

In just a short time, the beauty of the man, Jin Shiying's heart instantly became extremely cold, iron heart.

At this time, Wu Guo finally got started.

Wu Yu was sent to seduce Jin Shiying.

This beauty plan is really powerful, and even a little meaningless.

If it is replaced, Jin Shiying may have fallen.

But at this time, Jin Shiying is like a person who has just recovered from a cold, and his body is full of absolute antibodies.

Wu Yu seduce to the end, she moved her true feelings.

But in the eyes of Jin Shiying, everything is acting, and everything is false deception.

Plus he knows that the Marquis of Jin Zhuo is not dead at all, plus the intrigues of Shen Lang’s skill.

So there is no betrayal at all.

Therefore, Wu’s beauty plan is paid for.

I have to say that Shen Lang’s ability to ponder people’s hearts is amazing. When he decides to deal with a person, he can’t escape!

So is this fair to Kingston?

Not fair.

Cruel to Kingston?

No, it’s not cruel!

The real cruelty is to worry about your betrayal so kill you in advance.

Or, like an ostrich, bury his head in the earth, and when he really rebelled, he was exclaimed.

It is the true kindness to destroy this kind of betrayal when the bud has not yet grown.

As for the unfairness of Jin Shiying, it is better to conceal him for a lifetime.


Wu Mu as the coach, he also wants to personally lead the army into the big castle, but he knows that this is not the case, the coach must stay in the safest place.

These days, I accepted the tormented Wu You, and I really want to enter the castle, I want to follow Jin Shiying.

But not!

She is pregnant and wants to protect the children in her stomach.

Six thousand Wu Jun's elite movements are fast.

In a short while, all of them have entered the big castle and disappeared into the field of vision.

Jin Shiying stood at the door and looked out at Wu Mu and Wu You.

Despite the darkness at this time, Wu You still felt the gaze of Jin Shiying, and she licked her lips and kissed him.

Jin Shiying smiled complexly and then disappeared into the castle gate.

Wu You suddenly said: "Master, will it be too smooth?"

Wu Mudao: "What do you want to say?"

Wu Youdao: "Although the sky is very dark, although we are silent, our six thousand elites are not wearing armor, and they are wearing sandals, but when they entered the castle, they did not cause any alarm. Is this not normal?"

Wu Mudao: "Look at the city!"

Wu You looked toward the top of the big castle.

The army of the Kim family is still patrolling normally.

And the soldiers on the head of the city looked at the ground with vigilance.

Even the reflective searchlights on the sea lighthouse were placed at the top of the castle. Did you sweep across the ground to see if the enemy was attacking?

Everything is normal.

Wu Mudao: "Because the opening of the gate is Jin Shiying, Jin Mulan went to rest. He is the highest keeper in the castle at this time, knowing when it is the best time to open the door. Our soldiers are coming to the gate of the city along the trench. There are planks on the trenches, how can they find out."

Wu You smiled and said: "It makes me reasonable. I am too suspicious."

It is at this time.

There was a loud scream in the castle.

"The enemy attacked and the enemy attacked."

"The enemy entered the castle and the enemy entered the castle!"

The sound is incomparably sharp.

Then the whole castle seemed to boil up in an instant.

Then there were countless lights on the city.

"Prepare to fight, prepare to fight!"

There was a big mess in the entire big castle.

Then there was a burst of killing sound inside.

The coach Wu Mu gave a long breath.

"It's done, our six thousand elites have entered the castle, and the Kim family has no chance."

Wu Youdao said: "They are indeed finished. The army left in the whole castle is less than two or three thousand, and it is extremely tired. If the castle is too strong, they have already lost. Now the castle gate is opened, they have no Yes, we have won the anger city. It has become a foregone conclusion. This time, Jin Shiying won the first prize."

Wu Mu laughed and said: "Reassured, and ultimately his credit!"

The killing sound in the castle is getting more and more intense.

Then, the castle gate was slowly closed again.

"Master, they want to close the gate."

Wu Mu's eyelid jumped, and then he faced a decision.

Is it safe to hand over the battlefield to Wu Lian’s six thousand elites, or continue to increase troops?

If you increase your troops, it will be a weary army that has been fighting for days and nights.

After a little hesitation for a while, Wu Mu felt that it was still conservative and continued to increase its troops.

"Lian Zhan, Tan Xiong, you two led the four thousand army and entered the castle to support Wu Lian. In half an hour, you must take the entire castle and kill the Jin family army."


Suddenly, the two generals of Wu Muzhen led the four thousand elites to kill the castle.

At the moment, within this big castle, there are a total of 10,000 Wu Jun. The Jin family has a maximum of two or three thousand remnants.

This battle has been ten.

Although Wu Mu was nervous, she picked up a pot of tea and slowly drank it.

The overall situation has been set.

The destruction of the Kim family, the anger of the city is a foregone conclusion.

Wu Mu is long and sigh of relief.

This battle is done, and then take the Wangya Island, Jinshan Island is also easy.

It is time to consider how to govern the Leizhou Islands.

Dawang, Chen really did not let you down.


Inside the big castle!

Ten thousand Wu Jun, sure enough, did not encounter any decent resistance.

At the beginning, it also killed the earthquake.

Because the large-scale Jin family warriors are on the city, there are not many troops in the castle.

After a while.

The sound of Kim Mulan sounded inside the castle.

"There are traitors who open the door, a small number of troops remain on the wall, and all the remaining troops gather and enter the main fort defense!"

With the order of Kim Mulan.

The entire army of the castle, all retreat to the central hall of the castle.

Jin Shiying led the way, behind him there were 10,000 Wu Jun Hao Hao, the tide flooded the main fort hall.

"General Wu Lian, passing through the training ground in front, is the central main fort, and Kim Mulan will lead all the remnants in the final rebellion."

"As long as you win the main castle, as long as you seize this year's Mulan, the remaining army of the Kim family will surrender, and the battle of the Angry City will end."

This big castle of hatred is really built without any beauty.

Within the castle, there are almost no garden ponds, all of which are icy rocks.

The main lobby of the middle is where he usually matters.

In front of the main fort, it is a huge training ground, with tens of thousands of square meters, capable of displaying more than 10,000 troops.

Qiu Tianwei often likes to watch his army play on the high balcony of the main fort.

At this time, 10,000 Wu Jun rushed into the performance field in front of the main castle hall.

Although this martial arts field is very large, it still appears crowded after rushing into the 10,000-strong army.

"Assemble, line up, line up!"

Wu pity yells!

Suddenly, 10,000 Wu Jun lined up in the performance of the castle in the castle, surrounded by the main castle hall in front.

Kim Mulan led two or three thousand remnants, crowded in the hall.

General Wu Liandao: "Miss Mulan, you have been surrounded by us! You are completely safe and defensive in it, and it has become a foregone conclusion. It is better to surrender early."

The voice of Kim Mulan came from the main fort: "The city is in the people, the city is dead!"

The general, Wu Lian, sneered.

Now he and the remnant of Kim Mulan are only separated by a wall and a door.

This is not a city wall, nor a city gate.

Breaking through is a breeze.

Now Kim Mulan is still a big talk.

Do you want to die?

Then it will be yours!

General Wu Lian said: "The army is preparing, ready to break into the main castle hall, and kill it!"




Ten thousand troops, murderous, excited.

It’s just a matter of making a contribution, so how can they not be excited.

The city will soon be attributed to Wu.

And coach Wu Mu has promised that as long as he wins the anger city, all the gold coins in the Jin's castle are owned by them.

Since the Kim family is recalcitrant, they will kill them and kill them.


Jin Shiying said: "I went in and advised to drop, I went in alone!"

Wu Lianyi said: "Jin Shiying, if you go in, you may be smashed."

Jin Shiying said: "Then I can't watch the last point of Jin's soldiers being killed. I went in and advised to drop."

Wu Lian sneered in his heart.

Jin Shiying, you really have to do the 婊 / son to establish a memorial arch.

Obviously already betrayed, but still a pair of loyal old masters, can not bear the old dead.

However, this is in line with the judgment of the great coach Wu Mu on Jin Shiying.

It is ridiculous to want to be rich and rich, but also to maintain the bottom line of morality.

However, Wu Lianba could not send Jin Shiying to death.

Because Jin Shiying once turned to Wu Mu, it will threaten his status as Wu Lian.

"If you think about it, then go." Wu Liandao: "If you die inside, don't blame me!"

Jin Shiying raised his hands and said: "Miss Mulan, I am Jin Shiying, I am coming in to negotiate."

"Miss Mulan, we have no hope in this battle, surrender!"

"Keep the last glimmer of energy for the Kim family, and you will return to the fief with this army."

Upon hearing these words, general Wu Ning sneered in his heart.


Kim Mulan will be captured, and the martial arts veins will be abolished, and then sent to the Yueguo Prince.

The last army of the Kim family, either captured or killed, is absolutely impossible to put back.

Kim Mulan said in the cold inside: "Jin Shiying, this traitor, you can think about it. If you walk in, you may be smashed."

Jin Shiying said: "I am alone, I want to kill you, I want to listen to you, but my words are all from my heart. Our Jin family has no chance, surrender!"

Jin Shiying walked to the end of the main hall and opened a small door. Jin Shiying raised his hands and went in.

There was a voice of Kim Mulan.

"Get it!"

Jin Shiying, who just entered, was immediately arrested.


Then, the door closes again.

"Ha ha ha..." General Wu Liandao said: "Jin Mulan is really ridiculous. I don't know if I die. I want to use this thin door to block my 10,000 army. It is a dream!"

"Jin Mulan, I count down five!"

"If you don't open the door and surrender, I will rush in and kill you."

"five four three two one!"

The countdown is over!

General Wu Lian said: "All the troops attack!"

And at this time.


Above the top of the head, suddenly someone knocked down countless things.


Immediately afterwards, all the gates around the courtyard of the military field were closed.

The general Wu Lian was shocked!

Look up.

It was found that most of the area above the performance field was closed by wooden boards.

Is this crazy?

What is this open-air performance field half-closed?

And what about the Jin family?

Sprinkle poison?

How many poisons are there in this world?

How can I poison the poison of 10,000 people at once?

"It seems to be wheat flour, wheat..."

A Wu Jun licked his lips.

Wu Lian's hand grabbed a hand and put it in the palm of his hand, it really tastes like wheat.

And still fresh and dry, isn't wheat used for making wheat? How is it still used for grinding?


Is this Kim family crazy?

Even sprinkled wheat flour in the sky?

Is this worrying that we have no food to eat, or do we want to use the blind eye method to artificially create white fog, so that we can't see it?

This sky of wheat flour, even if it hinders our vision, there is no way to stop us from breaking the hall in front of us, and we cannot stop us from killing the Jin family.


The Jin family has dozens of hundreds of small trebuchets that are thrown wildly.

Hundreds of warriors, throwing wildly.

In an instant, the whole semi-closed huge performance field is full of wheat flour.

More than a few thousand bags, hundreds of thousands of pounds of wheat flour, crazy splash in this area.

The entire show is in the battlefield.

They are all white.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

"Don't eat, don't eat, charge, break the hall, kill the King's remnant!"

With a command.

Ten thousand Wu Jun, madly charged.

However, the Kim family stopped all wheat flour throwing at this time.

I only heard the dense footsteps and quickly flew away.



Dozens of rockets, slammed!

General Wu Lian said: "What does archery do?"

The flames of dozens of rockets have just entered this wheat flour.


The flame ignited all the flour in the air.


Earth-shattering explosion!

In an instant, the sky is shining!

In an instant!

The entire night sky was completely illuminated.

The power of this explosion is even more than the black powder of Shen Lang.

The space within tens of thousands of square meters is instantly swallowed by flames!

Amazing explosion!


Then, another small explosion occurred.

After another group of fires, they rushed into the sky.

In an instant!

Numerous Wu Jun, a small number of violently bombed into the sky, most of them like a neat wheat seal was swept, and instantly fell to the ground!


The surrounding gates can't withstand the pressure of such a big explosion and fly straight out!

There have been many times of flour explosions on Earth, whether it is our country or foreign countries, there are countless.

Several of the super-large explosion accidents directly destroyed hundreds of thousands of square meters of super large grain storage, the area is ten times larger than the performance of the battlefield in the book.

However, the flour mill explosion has a feature.

The flames are amazing and the range is amazing.

But the death is not high, and the entire building cannot be leveled like a real bomb.

So the big explosion in this big castle is no exception.

Within tens of thousands of square meters, even within the surrounding area, a violent explosion occurred and a terrifying flame emerged.

However, it does not have much damage to the wall.

After all, this is just a semi-enclosed space, and the energy of the explosion can be emitted from the air.

And the walls of this castle are too thick, too strong, and can not form fatal damage by the explosion of flour.



In the performance hall of the main castle hall, the tens of thousands of Wu national army were bloody, lying on the ground, mourning.

This picture is terrible.

There is blood everywhere, and there is a scorching smell everywhere.

There are not many people who have died in a whole lot, and there are more than one hundred people in the district.

But most people are severely burned.

And because of the big bang, the concussion caused by the eardrum is the most deadly.

They couldn’t hear anything, they were burnt and they were suffering.

Desperately tumbling on the ground, screaming.

The general, Wu Lian, climbed up from the ground in pain.

That's horrible!

This picture is too fierce.

Looking at the main castle hall, several doors were blown out.

However, there was already no figure in the entire hall.

Obviously, there is a huge underground defense in this hall. When the big bang occurred, Kim Mulan led the army to the underground, so the explosion would not have any effect on them.


Everything is a conspiracy.

Jin Shiying’s betrayal is fake.

It is entirely to bring the main force of Wu into the castle, and then to the net.

General Wu Lianda said: "Brothers, get up, get up and fight!"

However, they have not stood up.

The body was burned by the fire and was able to withstand it.

However, because of the concussion caused by the explosion, the vestibular function is confusing, and it is impossible to stand up.

Even if you are lying on the ground, you are dizzy, almost vomiting and diarrhea.


Tens of thousands of people screamed and rolled.

This picture is like a fish that has been stranded. It is really terrible.

And this time!

Kim Mulan led more than two thousand Jin family warriors and violently emerged from the underground fortifications.

I rushed out of the hall and went to the outside field.

The hand is falling, the hand is falling, and the hand is falling!

There is hardly any resistance!

These Wu Jun, who are lying on the ground and mourning, are easily killed!

After killing three thousand!


Kim Mulan raised his hand: "They have lost their fighting power, disarmed, tied, and captured!"

Jin Shiying stopped talking, but after all, he did not speak.

It should have been killed, but the lady said not to kill, then do not kill!

After a while!

The remaining thousands of Wu’s army were all disarmed.


Before the big bang!

Wu Jun, coach of Wu Jun, heard the killing sound in the castle getting smaller and smaller.

He knew that the battle was coming to an end.

At this time, the sky has been lit up.

It's all over.

Next, he just has to wait for the good news of Wu Lian.

Then he set off the board and played Wu.

The battle of the raging city of eight days and eight nights is finally over.

"You and Jin Shiying's wedding is going to be done in the anger city, or in Wu State." Wu Mu laughed.

Wu Youluo said: "It is still in the raging city, it is more like his home."

Wu Mudao: "I am looking forward to meeting Kim Mulan now. I don't know what this singer will say when she is captured. I still have that swell, and I think that my wife will fall into me. In the hands of me, it’s really ridiculous!"

When people are most proud, they are the easiest to float.

Usually Wu Mu is absolutely unable to say such words.

But now, I’m almost done, and I’m going to build immortal feats, and he can’t help it!

However, it is at this time!


There was a violent explosion in the big castle in front of me.

The entire ground is shaking.

Wu Mu’s chess piece on the chessboard is even more violently jumping!

Then the flames slammed into the sky from the center of the castle, and the entire sky was illuminated in an instant.

Wu Mu jumped up!

Shocked: "What happened? What happened?"

"Fast, enter the castle and enter the castle!"

After the order was issued, Wu Mu changed the order: "No, you can't enter the castle, the whole army is on standby, ready to fight, ready to fight!"

At this time, he used to surround the army of the Great City Castle, and there were more than 10,000 people.

Suddenly, more than 10,000 troops all woke up from their sleep and entered the state of readiness!


There was another explosion in the castle.

Another group of flames emerged.

Wu Mu was pale and trembling, and it was cold and cold.

A terrible thought surged.

In the middle of the count, the count!

Jin Shiying’s rebellion was false, and the purpose was to bring Wu Jun’s main force into the castle.


What triggered this big bang?

what is this?

Does the Kim family have such a weapon? Why didn’t the war come out before?

Of course he does not know that the flour explosion needs a unique environment and cannot be said to be completely enclosed, at least mostly closed.

At this time, Wu You was pale.

"He, he lied to me and lied to me..."

Then, the front is black.

The woman fainted to the ground.


Shen Lang led a 10,000 cavalry and chased after him!

After one day, he got the information!

The Soviet Union led the entire family to flee the country three days before.

It was forty-eight hours earlier than the sinking waves, and it was all cavalry.

He has run away for forty-eight hours.

Shen Lang’s mind was dizzy.

Forty-eight hours, at least four hundred miles have passed.

I can't catch up, I can't catch up.

After three or four days, the entire Soviet Union will enter the Western Region.

At that time, it was like a dragon into the sea, and I couldn’t catch it anymore. I couldn’t kill him anymore.

Shen Lang gritted his teeth.

I blame myself for drifting, I blame myself for being too greedy, I want to let Zheng Tuo and Su Shi kill each other.

This allowed the Soviet Union to escape forty-eight hours in advance.

Is it possible for Su Su to escape, and then come back again in a few years?

No, no, absolutely not!

It is absolutely necessary to kill the entire Soviet Union.

Think about it, what should I do?

How to do?

Shen Lang closed his eyes and his brain went completely calm.

"No, there are opportunities! There are opportunities!"

Then, Shen Lang said: "All the troops go south, don't chase west!"

When this was said, Wu Lie could not help but say: "Shen Gongzi, Su Nan is running west, and we will only chase the farther and farther."

Shen Langdao: "Going straight to the west, but not chasing it. We chased south and then went to the front to block him."

Wu Lie-dao said: "This is even more impossible. We can't catch up with it directly. We can't catch up with a big circle."

Shen Langdao: "No, if we are chasing afterwards, the Soviet Union will always be in a tight state and will run hard. But if we go south, he sends a scout to find that no one is chasing them, but he will relax. Once he relaxes, he will be greedy. When passing through the palace, there is astronomical gold, which was looted by the kings of the past, and then poured on the palace. The Soviet Union needs a lot of money to go to the Western Region. At this time, he was in the middle of the most lack of gold. The Royal Palace was almost unguarded at this time. He took this batch of gold easily and he was absolutely reluctant to give up the fat."

"If we pursue it, he will give up this batch of gold and directly escape into the Western Regions, then we will never catch up."

"If we don't chase him behind, but go south on the road and go to the front to stop him, he thinks that no one is chasing, but he is relieved to go to the palace to grab gold."

"This person is very powerful and decisive in the most critical time. But once the situation is relaxed, his greed will be unstoppable."

At this time, Shen Lang is in an absolutely wise state.

"I immediately divided the two thousand, and I was going to attack the Marquis of Zhenyuan."

"The other eight thousand cavalry, then enter the country in the night, silently detour to the south, and must not let the scourge of the Soviet Union find out."

"If I don't expect it, we will be able to fight the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union after four days!"

"And kill the entire family of Su’an!"

This is Shen Lang and Su Nan, the final peak matchup!

Make a complete break!


Note: The first one is sent, today I will be no more than three nights! The monthly ticket list is already crazy, and the same number of votes last month is the twentieth of the month. Pastry for help!

Thank you for the bad luck, the book friend 20180818193014705, the sun in the bottle, the old eyes are fainting, the book? hope? The million coins are rewarded.


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