History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 270: :The monarch is ecstatic! Wu Wang wants to spurt blood (the silver ally is punished by

(Congratulations to the tree that was punished as the first silver league in this book, thanksgiving!)

After hearing this big news, the monarch Ning Yuanxian first stayed for a while!

The original reaction was too big and the surprise was too big.

However, when it was hit, the whole person was like a lightning strike, and it did not move.

But when the surprise is too big, the whole person will smoke a little, and then there will be a little bit of urine.

But the head was still white for a moment, and then completely ruined.

Ning Yuanxian is an exquisite person who never speaks swearing.

I don’t even know anyone else to swear.

After a few minutes, he said one.

Lying in the trough!

When the words came out, he quickly woke up and looked at the crowd as he was there.

Everyone looked down on the ground as if nothing had been heard.

Only the young historian is very embarrassed.

He is responsible for recording every word spoken by the monarch, and no word in public can be missed.

As a history officer, I must have a fuck, and even if I die, I must record the words and deeds of the monarch.

Taking history as a mirror, you can know how to replace it.

So he wrote two words on the parchment: I am facing.

Look, my history official has more fucking.

The monarch Ning Yuanxian’s eyes were red, his face was red, and he suddenly took the intimate play of Princess Ning Jie.

Just over a hundred words, read over and over again.

Shen Lang led the cavalry of the Shu State, attacked from behind, and the main force of Su Shi was almost destroyed.

A big win and a big win.

It’s so cool!

Too enjoyable!

The monarch could not wait to burn this newspaper, and then turned it into a smoke and sniffed it into the nose.

Full of excitement for a quarter of an hour!

Then Ning Yuanxian entered a more exciting state.

However, it was just excited to be on the surface, and I was excited at the moment.

He threw the Buddhist scriptures in his hand.

Also look at the eggs.

The **** does not mean.

"On the wine, on the wine, on the wine..."

The important thing is said three times.

Li Gong’s father-in-law has already appeared in front of him with his wine.

The monarch has not said that he has been on the wine, he has already prepared.

The monarch squinted and pointed at Li Wei: "You old dog, dare to be a locust in the belly of a widow? Carefully kill you."

After he finished, he couldn't help but laugh.

Then he took the jug directly and sipped himself.

So beautiful!

What kind of wine? Is it so delicious?

In fact, it is still the same wine, but it was like a horse urine last night.

While drinking, he looked at the news again.

The whole person is swaying.

Widows want to make poems!

The widows are happy, take the opportunity to be a good poem that has never happened in a hundred years.

Then Ning Yuanxian began to brew.

I brewed it for a few minutes and didn't say anything.

Forget it, when you are so happy, be a fart poem.

I finished drinking most of the pot of wine in one go.

The monarch was half lying on the couch, breathing slightly and drinking a little more.

"Great, powerful, powerful, powerful!"

More important things say four times!

"Shen Lang this kid is too powerful!"

"The widow is really just holding a little hope for him. I didn't think he actually did it."

"With a few hundred people to kill the king, I also put Arunana on the throne. Since then, the country has been an ally of my country. In the past few decades, the western border has no problem."

"The task assigned to him by the widows is really to contain the Soviet Union for a month or two. He actually killed the main cause of the Soviet Union."

"This is really boundless, this kid, this bastard... Is it God gave me?"

"I really don't like him, old dog, do you say that this is a bit like me?"

"Zhang Wei is also very powerful, Zhang Hao is also amazing!"

"This is also very strange. At that time, Shen Lang took hundreds of people and said that he was going to kill the King Alu Tai. Ning Jie wrote thousands of words. No one believed in the world. As a result, Zhang Wei actually believed, and he was entrusted with life and death. ""

"The two biggest rivals have become confidants, interesting and interesting!"

"The widow won, won!"

When the last monarch spoke this sentence, the voice turned out to be sobbing, and the corners of his eyes were directly wet.

The most stressful person in the world during this time was not Zhang Wei, not Shen Lang, but his Ning Yuanxian.

Zhang Wei is not dead, and Shen Lang can't fail.

Only Ning Yuanxian, he must bear the responsibility of the entire country.

Every day is like a year.

I am doing the worst plan every day, I don’t know how many times I wake up from a nightmare.

It has finally won.

Great victory!

Win, win!

After Ning Yuanxian finished speaking, the wine glass fell to the ground.

The whole person screamed and fell asleep.

The **** Li Wei came forward and covered the silk with the extremely thin movements.

The last time the border failed, the monarch did not sleep for four days and three nights.

And this time...

On the surface, he was sleeping every night, and he couldn’t sleep at all.

Every day, I change my hair and my hair falls off.

He even got the worst plan.

He even conceived the words of Wu Wang’s begging for mercy, and which county to concede.

Once the worst situation happens.

That Ning Yuanxian’s reputation in this life is over.

Li Wei said to Li End in a lip language: "You stare, I also go to sleep for a while."

The **** Li Lan also really couldn’t help it.

He is the slave of the true loyal minister. The master is anxious that he is more anxious than the master. The owner is happy that he is more happy than the master.

He also never slept at all during this time.

Ning Yuanxian did not pray, but Li Wei had asked the Buddha of the Heavens.

At this time, the news came, and Li Wei’s whole person seemed to be weak.

Happy, there is no strength in the whole body.


Wu Wang Day Camp!

The young Wu Qi is still pacing.

Why is the news still not coming?

The battle report of the western province should arrive.

The last time Su Shi sent the information, saying that Zhang Hao had fallen ill, and that Su Shi had already tied Zhang Jian’s son and grandson.

Therefore, the battle of White Night County in Tianxi Province should have ended.

Eight hundred miles in a hurry, this battle report should arrive.

Wu Zhidao: "The king is in a hurry, the result is already doomed!"

Shuai Wu Zhi, Wu Wang’s uncle, Prince Tai Fu, and the ambassador.

He is actually a conservative veteran, but after all, it is Wang Shu, the heart of his own nephew.

Many times, although he does not agree with Wu Wang’s thoughts and practices, he will definitely stand on his side.

Wu Qi nodded.

Yes, the results are already doomed.

Zhang Wei will surely perish, and the Soviet Union will certainly sweep across the entire western province.

This time, Wu Guo must be a shame.

"Report, newspaper, eight hundred miles in a hurry, eight hundred miles in a hurry!"

There was a sudden sound outside.

Wu Wang stood up fiercely and rushed straight out.

A samurai of Wu Guohei Shuitai rushed in and screamed in front of Wu Qi: "Your Majesty, Angry City Battle!"

Wu Wangyi.

Isn't the Tianxixing Provincial War Report?

What is the good thing about the Angry City Battle Report?

Doesn't it mean that Jin Shiying rebelled against Kim, will the Angry City be won?

People are like this, and they are no longer surprised by what they already belong to.

The joy of surprise is hi.

The Soviet Union swept the western province, and the Vietnam defeated in the west. This is a real surprise for Wu Wang.

However, good news is always good.

Wu Wang took the report and found that there were three crow feathers on it.

He couldn't help but frown. Wu Mu is still too young. Although it is of great significance to win the anger city, it is a little bit of a big problem with the three crow feathers.

Open the newspaper and see it.

The first line of the word reads: Your Majesty, the guilty of the sin, the battle of the raging city is defeated!


Wu Wang seems to have suffered a lightning strike.

The whole person stayed still, but his hands kept shaking.

The words on the secret in the hand suddenly wandered, as if a word did not know.

How could this be?

Why is this happening?

Wu Wang closed his eyes to stand a little.

Take a deep breath, and it will take a while to open your eyes.

Then, continue to read Wu Mu's intimate!

This secret is written in great detail and is worth a thousand words.

Wu Mu did not hide all the processes of the Battle of the Angry City.

It is his fault, he wrote it all, it is not his fault, he also wrote it all.

From the line between the words, Wu Wang can clearly see how his own cousin is burning, and he can't wait to die immediately.

"Wang Shu, let's see."

Wu Wang handed the secret to Wu Mu.

Then, he stepped back to his position and sat down.

The Battle of the Angry City lost!

Leizhou Island strategy lost!

How much did he pay?

His king, a tens of thousands of troops, went south and approached the border of the country, just to capture the wrath of the city.

This is his first major strategic move after his succession.

Lost now!

"Jin Shiying, Jin Shiying..."

Wu Wang gnashed his teeth and shouted out these three words.

If it weren't for him, how could Wu Guo lose so badly this time?

I Wu Guo with the beauty, do you actually use the anti-counter?

Even let me lose so badly?

The 30,000-strong army was damaged by one thousand eight.

This is not a big deal. The key is that for a long time, I have never expected to win the anger city.

There is also a relationship with the hidden yuan, which will immediately deteriorate.

This war lost, the hidden yuan will advance the millions of gold coins you have paid, and also directly pay for it.

After Wu Zhi finished reading, the whole person was also covered in cold.

But he is a veteran, this moment is to withstand.

"Your Majesty, you must cheer up." Wu Zhidao: "The situation has not yet reached the worst. The war report of the Tianxi province will soon come. Once Zhang Wei is destroyed, the Soviet Union will sweep the entire westbound province. Ning Yuanxian will definitely Compromise, we will take the initiative to negotiate with us. At that time, we can still regain at least three counties. This battle is still a big victory."

"Your Majesty, lost in the East, the mulberry!"

When the words came out, Wu Wang suddenly cheered up.

Yes, the situation has not reached its worst.

The defeat of Wu Guo’s capture of the anger city was only a partial defeat. Only a few soldiers were lost.

However, the country is facing a disaster of extinction and facing the fate of being dismembered.

I have not lost Wu Guo.

As long as the results of the battlefield in Tianxi are one, Ning Yuanxian will certainly compromise.

Then, Wu Wang straightened his spirit and said: "Wang Shu, let's wait together, wait!"

"Wait for the war report of the Western Province, waiting for Ning Yuanxian to beg for mercy and take the initiative to ask for negotiations!"

"The widows have not lost, have not lost yet!"

And it is at this time!

There was a rush of horseshoes outside.

"Emergency, urgent report..."

The secret agent came to the front of the big camp, and immediately fell from the battle, and quickly rushed into the king's camp.

"The King, the White Night County war ended, the Soviet army defeated, almost the whole army was destroyed!"

A thunder, as if it was loud.

Wu Wang felt that he had an auditory hallucination.

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Your Majesty, the main force of the Soviet Union was defeated, and almost the whole army was destroyed."

Wu Wang’s eyes turned red in an instant, and the whole body hair suddenly opened, shouting loudly: “How is it possible? How is this possible?”

"The secret of Su Shi's secret is not clear, Zhang Yi is seriously ill, and he is going to die. And they also took Zhang Jian's son and grandson? Isn't it a fate to win the White Nights?"

"What happened? What happened?"

The secret detective said: "Shen Lang suddenly led the cavalry of the Shu State to kill from the back. The main force of the Su Shi army was unprepared. In less than half a day, he was killed and lost his armor, and the defeat was like a mountain."

Wu Wang suddenly slammed.

Shen Lang, it is Shen Lang!

Then, his legs were a little soft and he found himself completely unable to stand.

Constantly receding back and falling directly into the chair.

Big day's bad news.

And still two!

The widow lost!

And it is also extremely miserable.

The battle of the Angry City lost.

The smashing into the Wu nationality to kill the ring, still can not contain.

Now Ning Yuanxian won a total victory in the Tianxi province, and the main cause of the Soviet Union was destroyed.

Brilliant victory, Ning Yuanxian went directly from **** to heaven.

And Wu Qi, who fell directly from heaven to hell.

Why is this happening?

What did Wu Qi do wrong?

Why is God doing this to me?

Wu Wang’s eyes shed tears.

Wu Qi felt that her body did not have a little temperature, or even a little consciousness.

What are the consequences next?

How can you retreat?

How will Ning Yuanxian open his lion?

Have to cede a county?

I have just succeeded Wu Kai, will it be so humiliating and humiliating the country?

Wu Wang trembled: "Wang Shu, I really can't, I am not suitable for this throne?"

As soon as this was said, Wu Zhi Meng slammed on the ground and said loudly: "Your majesty is bold and strong, and if you are not suitable for being king, who else is the king of Wu Guo?"

Wu Qidao: "So why did I face such a big defeat shortly after I succeeded?"

Wu Zhidao: "Your Majesty, sometimes the victory and defeat can only be counted. A king can only gradually become wise and wise in the setbacks and tribulations. His majesty can't be defeated because of this defeat! The courtiers can be moderate and conservative. But the king can't be mediocre. Before he was sharp, the old minister was afraid that you would be too sharp, so I always advised you to be conservative. But your sharpness is what you want most, and you must not back down because of this defeat."

Wu straight knees a few steps, crying: "Chen and then say a few words, Wu Mu this time lost, but he did not bad, but his opponent is too strong, after this time he will become A generation of famous. But you are all his emboldened, if you are wilting from then on, then the whole new faction will instantly collapse."

"Your Majesty, my majesty! Chen also bluntly, this time against Ning Yuanxian, you performed very well. Chen feels that your only mistake is to resist the temptation to defeat Ning Yuanxian, thus forgetting his strategic intentions. Constantly mobilizing troops from the west line, trying to turn the two kings into a decisive battle, this is a blindness, which leads to the vacant west line. The hussars rushed into the heart of my country to burn and plunder, but since then you have performed very well. Well, instead of letting the 30,000-strong army on the Western Front go back to encircle the shackles, they will continue to join the battalion and maintain the pressure on Ning Yuanxian. This is entirely the actions of the wise monarch."

"A lot of the success or failure is God's will, and you must not be too blameless, and don't doubt yourself."

"As for the conservative opponents of the old officials, please rest assured that there is a veteran minister, who dares to open the eyes, I kill his family."

"Your Majesty must be cheered up, and then the negotiations with Ning Yuanxian, but also rely on it, no one can replace!"

These words of Wu Zhi are from the heart and beat the soul of Wu Wang.

Let his cold body gradually have a temperature.

Let his cold heart gradually become hot.

Just a little scattered will, once again condensed.

"Yes, I can't fall!"

"I am King Wu, any consequences, any responsibility, I can only bear it alone."

"I have to negotiate with Ning Yuanxian. My battle is not over yet, but it has just begun!"


Zhenyuan Marquis House!

Zheng Tuo slept all the beautiful wife and wife of the Soviet Union, and slept all the wife of Su Jianting.

It is really like heaven.

Debauchery for a few days.

It should be done business.

The monarch should be given a new record.

When I just won the Marquis of Zhenyuan, why not give the monarch a good news?

Because can't.

The time interval between that and the White Nights County City News is too short.

Many people will doubt that it is too easy for you to play the castle of the Marquis of Zhenyuan. You almost immediately hit the army when you arrived.

So it will take a few days to pretend a battle for a few days and nights.

Not only that.

It is also full of blood on the wall of the Marquis of Zhenyuan.

There are also many dead bodies stacked.

In short, we must make a fierce battle.

Zheng Tuo is a military commander. His memorials do not need to be smashed, and he has to pretend that he has not read a book.

"After the White Nights County War, the ministers kept leading the army to attack the town of Marquis in the south. The fierce battle for five days and five nights, the casualties exceeded 10,000, killing the Soviet Union and rebel army 8,000, finally taking down the Su Shi Castle and completely calming the Soviet Union. Chaos."

"But the old thief of Su’an is too embarrassed to lead a few people to flee, so that the two of them can’t do it all, please forgive me!”

The two men finished the memorial and sent two cavalry troops to the monarch and the prince for the first time.

Marquis of Zheng Tuo said: "Not only to send the monarch and the prince, but also to send more than a dozen teams, to promote and publicize the news. Let the whole world know that Zheng Tuo and Liang Yongnian annihilated the Soviet Union. The army has calmed down the chaos in the western part of the country, and it has turned the tide and the building will be tilted!"

Liang Yongnian nodded.

Zheng Tuodao: "Liang Daren, congratulations on the merits of the world, since then you are the Optimus Prime of my country."

Liang Yongnian said: "Don't dare to kill the Soviets. It is the first count in the Count of Zheng Tuo. You are the Qingtian Yuzhu of my country."

Then, Liang Yongnian frowned: "But your Majesty should still know that it is Shen Lang and Zhang Wei who are the main force to eliminate the Soviet Union."

Zheng Tuo sneered: "What kind of army is used to destroy the main force of the Soviet Union? The Chinese cavalry, this is the introduction of the army, the wolf ambition, what is the difference between these acts and the Soviet Union? On the other hand, he is trying to rebel. A hundred years ago, the disaster of the barbaric entry was still vivid."

Liang Yongnian said: "Yes, yes! And he occupies the support of the cavalry of the Laos. A six-person small official in the district is arrogant and arrogant to us. Not only does it not obey the order to attack the Marquis of Zhenyuan, but it also obstructs and instructs Su. Hard to escape!"

Zheng Tuodao said: "Not only that, but he also indulged the squadron's cavalry in the country to burn and rob, so he has a good job, but it is even bigger."

Liang Yongnian’s trip, this is really not the case.

Zheng Tuo said: "He didn't do it, we can do it for him."

When this was said, Liang Yongnian understood.

First, the fake cavalry of the country was looted everywhere, killing the bad, and then planting the crime on the head of the swell, why not?

At the crucial moment, you must make a hot decision.


Two days later!

A Laos cavalry appeared in the White Nights County and burned and plundered everywhere.

Killed a city and another city. In addition to Zhenyuan City and White Night County, all other cities have suffered looting and killing.

This white night county also fell down on the mold, and was robbed two times in life.

It was only the first time that Shen Lang was robbing the Western merchants, and this time it was civilians.

Killing people's heads, one car and one car heading out. ,

Burned down countless houses.

Grabbed countless gold and silver.

When the squadrons of the squadrons smashed and looted in a city, they said that they were plundering by the death of the waves.

Shen Lang borrowed 10,000 troops from the Queen of Laos, but there was no money.

Our Chinese cavalry helped Shen Lang defeat the Soviet Union's army, and as a result, a gold coin could not be obtained.

Therefore, Shen Lang promised them, and they were allowed to plunder in the White Night County. No matter how much they were grabbed, they were regarded as military expenses and rewards.

Where can these ordinary people distinguish this?

They knew that the looting and burning was the dress of the cavalry of Laos, holding the flag of the embarrassing country of Laos.

Moreover, Shen Lang did rely on the Chinese cavalry to defeat the Soviet army.

In the rest of the day, the entire white night county has hundreds of surnames cursing the waves.

"This little white-faced city owner can't die."

"Fortunately, I have said good things about him before, because he only brought people to rob the Western merchants and never moved civilians."

"Now he has no money, and he has robbed us ordinary civilians."

"God, why don't you open your eyes and let a thunder die?"

"God kill!"

Zheng Tuo and Liang Yongnian were too embarrassed.

Throughout the White Nights County, almost villages and villages have funeral affairs, and there are filial clothes everywhere.

Then someone secretly sneaked into the air and said that they were going to sue the waves and kill the innocent people and commit the crime of sin.

Suddenly, a group of people went to complain.

Some went to the White Nights County City and complained to the Taishou House.

Some went to the county to complain to the three princes.

Some went to the Marquis of Zhenyuan to complain to the Count of Zheng Tuo.

There is even a retired courtier who, with hundreds of readers, enters the country to sue.

The White Night County, which has just subsided, is once again raging.


Today, Zheng Tuo is stationed in the town of Marquis, and Liang Yongnian is stationed in the town of Yuancheng!

The town hall of Zhenyuan City also temporarily became the governor of China.

Every day, countless people are kneeling in front of you, Liang Yongnian, crying.

"D Dudu, please ask the grass people to be the master."

"The parents of the grass people were all killed by the country, and the wife of the grass people was also harmed by this group of animals."

"D Dudu, please ask the grassroots, my family was all killed by the country, the house was burned, and now homeless."

"Shenlang this thief, indulge in the savage soldiers, please the Governor of the Governor to punish."

Thousands of people were squatting outside the middle of the governor of Liang Yongnian, crying and robbing the land, miserable.

Liang Yongnian, the governor of the western province, trembled and burst into tears. He said: "Shenlang thief, you actually led the army to enter the country and burn and rob. You kill my people, just like killing my parents, this hatred Wear the sky!"

"Shen Lang thief, you are so poisonous. The Soviet Union is rebellious, but what is the crime of the white night county people? You have let the cavalry of the Shu State kill the ten rooms and nine airs. You have committed a great crime, and you are guilty!"

"The parents of the townships are reassured. If Liang Yongnian does not want to fight for official duties, he must also seek justice for you!"

"Shen Lang this thief, heaven is not allowed!"

In a sudden time, thousands of people burst into tears: "Qingtian Dajie, Qingtian Grandpa!"


Next, Zheng Tuo and Liang Yongnian launched all the power and wrote the chapters to smash the waves.

One after another, the tides are generally rushing toward the country.

The introduction of the barbarian army, such a disaster occurred a hundred years ago, the results are terrible.

Once again, it will definitely sting the nerves of the Chinese people.

Liang Yongnian laughed and said: "As a result, the great power of Shen Lang's thief will be wiped out. But Ning Jie may not be able to deceive the monarch in White Night County."

Zheng Tuo said: "You don't need to lie to the monarch, you can lie to the people of the world, you can lie to the courtiers."

"And, the people who burned and killed in Baiyue County must be the army of the country. It must not be the army of the country. Of course, it is even more impossible for us to be the army of the two, because we represent the Vietnamese court!"

"Because before the Shen Lang, I took the mob to plunder, this time pouring dirty water on him, just right!"

"Shen Lang has just set aside the power of the world. At this moment, I am afraid that I am obsessed with it. This dirty water should be enough to smash him, hahahaha!"


Under the protection of more than 2,000 national cavalry, the heads of several cars were escorted, and the waves of the waves rushed into the territory of Vietnam!

However, just after entering the White Nights County territory, the scouts returned and found the enemy!

What about Shen Lang?


After a while, countless people knocked on the drums!

An army of more than 5,000 people was in front of the sinking waves.

It is the army of Liang Yongnian, the governor of the western province of China. He is followed by thousands of people, and these people are beaten and beaten.

"Don't run away!"

"The slain of the sky, you still have my family's life."

"There will be thousands of miles."

"The Governor of Dudu, killing the beasts of these Laos, killing the waves and asking us for justice."

These thousands of people, extremely angry, looking at the waves of Shen Lang's eyes full of bitter hatred, can not wait for the skin cramps.


A fierce battle drum sounded.

A British man dressed in an outfit was rushed out. It was the Yongduo, the governor of the western province.

"Shen Lang, can you know sin?" Liang Yongnian shouted.

Shen Lang narrowed his eyes, spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

Liang Yongnian said: "A hundred years ago, the barbarians entered, burned and robbed, causing me to fall into the five counties of the country and burned more than 100,000 people. The crimes were as if they were yesterday. Now you once again introduce the Chinese cavalry into me. In the territory of the country, they are not allowed to hire their military expenses, so they are allowed to plunder the civilian population. In the past few days, the cavalry of the country has burned and looted in several cities in Baiyue County, and there are countless deaths and injuries.

"Shen Lang, how are these civilians innocent? The Soviet Union is rebellious, what are they doing with them? You are doing this, it is not as good as a beast!"

Liang Yongnian said: "Citizens, you see clearly, are these Chinese cavalry going to your home to burn and snatch?"

Many people looked at it for a while, then loudly said: "Yes, that is, they are these clothes, these are the flags."

The flag of Laos is too obvious.


Shen Lang quickly understood.

Liang Yongnian and Zheng Tuozhen, the things that the Soviet Union had not done, the two actually did.

They faked the cavalry of the country and burned and robbed them everywhere. Not only did they make a fortune, they killed the bad guys, but they also planted the crime on the head.

How many people have they killed?

Then, a few carriages rushed out and slammed.

Suddenly countless people rolled out of these carriages, a few thousand.

"This is only a small and a half." Liang Yongnian whispered: "Can you still have humanity? You let these cavalry robbing, why do you want to kill? Kill humanity!"

Shen Lang is stunned.

Did not see it, Zheng Tuo and Liang Yongnian unexpectedly fell to this point.

In order to win the power, in order to plant the waves, in order to disrupt the White Night County, more than 10,000 people were killed.

This is almost no less than the butcher's Zuo Liangyu at the end of the Ming Dynasty.

Niubi, Niubi!

Liang Yongnian violently pulled the sword and shouted loudly: "The folks, now the culprit is in front of me, I support you, revenge for your family, revenge and hate!"

"All the troops, ready to fight, protect the people!"

"Shen Lang, you immediately smashed your hand and handed over the murderer who killed and robbed!"

These thousands of people felt that there were 5,000 army support behind them, and the heart was really angry, and suddenly rushed up, surrounded by two thousand cavalry soldiers from both sides.

But he did not dare to be too close, so he shouted and killed him across a dozen meters.

Then they picked up the stones on the ground and threw them at the waves!

"The slain of the sky, my family."

"The slaying of the beast, the sin will die!"

Seeing that the Shenlang army did not respond, they approached again.

More and more stones came in, and spit out the saliva and curse of the sky.

When Liang Yongnian saw this scene, he felt very happy in his heart.

"Shenlang, this time you can't wash your anger into the Nujiang. You are still a little tenderer with us."

Shen Lang licked his lips and scratched his nose.

"Liang Yongnian, are you stupid? Do you think I will care about these dirty waters?"

"I planted, killed, robbed, killed, innocent?"

"Whatever! It’s boring, it’s really fun!"

"Liang Yongnian, I originally wanted the monarch to clean up you. Now I don't need it. I will cramp your skin and smash the body."

"When you kill your family, you must kill your family!"

Then, Shen Lang’s face was cold and shouted: “Take the army in front of you to kill!”

"Anyone dares to be within ten feet of my army, whether it is a civilian or not, whether it is innocent or not, it is considered a rebellion, all killing!"


Suddenly, two thousand Chinese cavalry tides generally rushed up!


Just like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables, it is a big kill.


Note: Update 16,000 today! Super need a monthly ticket, ask everyone to help, please!

Thank you for the dark color 丶 memories of the million coins!

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