History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 276: : Langye Mania! Give the Prince a Cuckold?

As the head of one country, going directly to the territory of another country, is this a bad rule?

of course!

And it is a sensational act.

In general, if the two kings want to meet, they will build a high platform on the border between the two countries.

The central axis of this high platform is the border between the two countries, and the kings of the two countries are still within their own territory.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, a state visit, the monarch of one country will enter another country.

When Jiang was in power, the Prince and even the monarchs of many countries visited the Kingdom of Dagan.

But after Jiang died, everything changed.

Don't say that there is very little exchange of visits between kings, even Prince Shaojun rarely visits other countries.

Ning Yuanxian is practicing the word.

And still very angry to practice the word.

Because the words of Shen Lang also passed to his ears.

The word of the monarch is not bad, but it is not expensive enough. One day I taught him a new calligraphy, absolutely noble.

This is not the case with Ning Yuanxian.

Huangkou children, big words.

The poetry of your deep waves is unparalleled, and I admit it.

But when it comes to calligraphy, where do you compare to me?

The calligraphy of Ning Yuanxian is absolutely first-class, and I am a self-contained family. I am afraid that there is no more expensive word in this world. You are not stinking.

After writing this word, Ning Yuanxian felt that the better he looked.

I can't wait to catch Shen Lang, let him open the dog's eyes and have a good look.

Then take out the words written by Shen Lang, the monarch disdain: "Shenlang's words are too frivolous, not worth mentioning at all, not worth mentioning, do not know where he came from the confidence, even dare to comment on the words of the widows It’s really a big word, and there’s no self-awareness.”

The **** Li Wei did not say anything on the side. Anyway, the Guojun is happy now, and he will not have to flatter.

In Li Wei’s view, the word of the monarch is better than Shen Lang.

But they can't be called calligraphy. At best, they are good-looking.

The word of the monarch is extremely extravagant, and I can’t wait for every word to be carved.

The word of Shen Lang is completely neurotic. When you have patience, it is more refined than the monarch. When you have no patience, the word can’t be called crazy grass. Half of the ten words must be guessed, just like ghosts. .

In short, the calligraphy level of the two men, half a catty, can not enter the room!

Of course, no one dares to tell the truth. They all blow the word of the monarch to the sky. This makes Ning Yuanxian feel like a float. I really feel that I have a level of calligraphy at all times, so I especially like to give words to others.

Your mother has a long life, and the widow gives you a word.

Is your family married? Give you a word.

Your family's three generations of single pass, which gave birth to a grandson? Come and come, the widow will give you a word.

How much favor do these monarchs have? Not necessarily, he just thinks that his words are good and he likes to show off.

Some of the people who received the words hang up with exultation, which after all represents the grace of the monarch.

However, some of the kings of the country are very helpless. For example, the prime minister of Shangshutai wishes to be an adult. He is a calligrapher and has a very high accomplishment.

Moreover, the monarch has deep feelings for him, no matter what he does at home, he has to give words.

You will hang up the words that the monarch gave you, otherwise you will despise the king.

So an entire lobby, densely populated with the words of the monarch Ning Yuanxian, a full dozen.

When others look at it, they think that the level of calligraphy appreciation is so low. How can the house be such a gorgeous word?

However, the monarch still feels good about himself. When he is not moving, he goes to the lobby of the family to appreciate his own words. He also said that calligraphy is also a wonderful hand. Many good words can’t be written now. I just want to see it. It’s really cheap and I wish my family.

I wish you very much help, he really wants to say that since you like it, you will take it back.

Of course, this can only be said in my heart.

I wish that Ning Yuanxian’s feelings are very deep. This person is not only his student, but also his son-in-law. He is considered to be growing up. On the one hand, he is a monarch, on the other hand, he is like a son, or a kind of Hope of sustenance.

Every time I saw Ning Yuanxian’s narcissism, I wished that it was helpless and funny.

"Take this word to Shen Lang and hit his face." Ning Yuanxian said.

"According to the purpose!" Daxie Li Xin was helpless.

At this time, Xiaoli Gonggong flew in and trembled: "Your Majesty, Wu Wang is coming."

The more Wang Ning Yuanxian, the suspicion that he had got it wrong.

Is this person so unruly? Even if the king visits, he must first send the mission to contact in advance, and then the other monarch invites, and then choose Huang Daoji to visit.

You Wu Qi came over like this?

Do you think this is a shopping trip?

However, Ning Yuanxian was very happy, even full of surprises. This is a huge diplomatic victory.

Under normal circumstances, the monarchs of the next country visit the country.

After the Yanzhou Incident twenty years ago, Wu Guo defeated, but Lao Wu Wang did not take the initiative to visit Vietnam. He still built a high platform on the border, and then the two kings negotiated.

The result of the negotiations is of course a humiliating and humiliating state for Wu.

Wu Guo ceded the land of the nine counties.

In the midst of great joy, Ning Yuanxian was able to summon all the courtiers in the palace, and even assembled tens of thousands of troops, one to give Wu Wang a Mawei, and second to witness this brilliant diplomatic victory.


The young Wu Wang is ready to be humiliated.

Ning Yuanxian’s vanity is well known, and the failure of hunting at the front of the border has made him lose face.

Now that Vietnam has won the victory, and Wu Wang has asked for it, of course, Ning Yuanxian has been asked for it.

Wu Qi is looking for the king of the king with a reluctant attitude.

Since Ning Yuanxian loves his face and has a vanity, then Wu Wang simply satisfies his satisfaction.

I am a brother of a country who has come to compromise with you personally, and you Ning Yuanxian will not be in the way.

The young Wu Wang has already decided, and he can do what he dares not to humiliate.

For example, it was ridiculed by the people of Vietnam.

Another example is to kill the king in person.

Or personally pour the wine into the king.

Attitude Wu Qi can be put to a minimum.

But in the matter of negotiation, he is absolutely inflexible.

The indemnity can be, but not more than 500,000 gold coins.

It is absolutely impossible to cede the land, and half of the counties will not be completed.

Wu Qi has already decided that if Ning Yuanxian does not agree, he will not leave in the Yuewang Palace.

Even if I have been there for a few months, I can continue.

Anyway, I am the king of a country, can't you just drive me away?

However, after entering the Yuewang Palace, everything was different from what Wu Wang imagined.

Between the haste, the ceremony that Wang Ning Yuanxian greeted was solemn, but there was absolutely no intention of oppression.

Hundreds of people's ceremonial army, plus a dozen of ministers, Yue Wang Ning Yuanxian personally greeted, no humiliation.

After a little horror, Wu Wang quickly stepped forward and bowed down: "Small 侄 Wu Qi, see the king."

However, he had not been worshipped and was immediately taken care of by Ning Yuanxian.

"Wu Wang is absolutely impossible. On behalf of you, although you are a small generation, you and I are all kings of a country. They can only be discussed by the common generation." Ning Yuanxian said: "It is really funny to say that the name of Wu and me. Wang Shu is the same."

Wu Wang is called Wu Qi, and Ning Yuanxian’s uncle is Ning Qi.

Wu Wang immediately went down again: "Wu Qi met Wang Xiong."

Ning Yuanxian said: "Well, my brother is really heroic, young heroes. I sent the emperor two days ago to invite you to visit my country. Wang Di came today. It really makes me happy, this road is ok. Go?"

Wu Wangdao: "I just received an invitation from Wang Xiong. In my heart, I will see you and Wang Xiong again. I have a brother Wang, and this road is still flat."

Mom, when did Ning Yuanxian invite Wu Qi?

And listening to the speeches of these two people, it is like Wu Wang Wanli came to the general.

In fact, it’s a dozen miles away. Is this road going well? Isn’t there a count in your heart?

Yue Wangdao: "Wang Di, you are a guest, please ask first!"

Wu Wang stepped back and said: "You are Wang Xiong, of course, please ask first."

The two men kept humbly, and finally the king took the arm of Wu Wang: "If that is the case, then we will join us!"

Then, the two kings entered the palace!


Next, Yue Wang hosted a welcome banquet for Wu Wang.

Two people only talk about poetry and songs, and they don't talk about state affairs.

Wu Wang tossed the talents of Shen Lang’s poetry several times, and the king of the king slammed the waves several times.

It is like two parents chatting.

A parent desperately praised the son of the parents, your child is really amazing, the first class of the exam.

Parents of B were desperately degraded, and they couldn’t do it. They only scored 98 points. The other two points didn’t know how to lose them. It’s really like a pig’s brain. It’s nothing to say.

In short, this party, guests are happy.

Then, the two sides changed a palace and replaced it with a dignified but not a clothes on the court.

Formally started negotiations.

The number is very small. Ning Yuanxian only brought two people on this side. Wu Qi only brought two people.

Wu Wang silenced for a moment: "Wang Xiong, how can you retreat?"

Very straight to the point.

Ning Yuanxian said: "What can Wu Wang pay?"

Wu Wangdao: "Public compensation, from now on, the country is the brother, Wu Guo is the younger brother, the war pays 200,000 gold coins."

When this was said, Ning Yuanxian did not speak, but the Yueguo Rites Book was sneer.

It’s ridiculous, can you open such a condition?

Wu Wang, you robbed the Leizhou Islands of my country, sent 30,000 troops to attack my anger city, and did not declare war.

Not only that, but you also led the 30,000-strong army to approach Ueno City in the south, and a pair of decisive battles with China, forcing me to succumb to the imperial concubine.

That is, I am strong in the country, and I am blessed by God. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be devastated.

If this time I lost the country, you Wu Wang is afraid that the lion will open his mouth, not only will we recognize that the Leizhou Islands belong to you, but also to cede at least five counties.

Now that you have lost Wu, you are only willing to pay 200,000 yuan?

It’s ridiculous. Is there any cheap things in the world?


The Yueguo Rites Department’s book is laughing, and it’s about to start.

However, Ning Yuanxian raised his hand.

"Wu Wang, I don't want you to pay for it, and you don't want to cut the soil. You can retire." Ning Yuanxian said.

Wu Wangyi said: "What does Wang brother want?"

Ning Yuanxian said: "The covenant, from now on, Wu and Yue became brothers. No one is a brother who is a younger brother. They are all equal."

Wu Wang was shocked.

This result, he is even more difficult to think of.

But soon he understood.

The most important enemy of Vietnam at this time is not Wu, but Chu.

After two defeats, Wu Guo has temporarily lost threats to Vietnam.

But Chu is still big and aggressive.

In the current situation, it is easy to form the Wu Chu Alliance and fight against Vietnam.

Therefore, Ning Yuanxian cut off the Hu in advance.

He does not want Wu to cut the soil, and do not pay for it, as long as a covenant.

Even this covenant may not necessarily be true.

Ning Yuanxian said: "Wu Wang, I know that your father and son have always regarded the change of Yanzhou as a huge shame. No day did not want to recapture the land of the nine counties. No day did not want to be ashamed of the snow. The younger brother did not have to retreat. Now, the two of us teamed up to defeat Chu, and you can cut away from the land of the nine counties."

Then, Ning Yuanxian took a map and pointed to the territory of the Chu State: "Xiandi, which nine counties do you want to circle on this map."

This momentum is as if it has already completely defeated Chu, and immediately divided.

Wu Wang fell into silence.

Of course, he knows that the so-called covenant is illusory, and it is only a political gesture.

As for the separation of the two countries between the two countries, it is even more nonsense.

For Vietnam, the most important thing now is to calm down the chaos of the Nanzhao Kingdom, to govern the Tianxi province, and to cultivate and raise the family.

Vietnam needs a peaceful external environment.

This is the case if you do what you want.

The current Vietnam is not an expansion period.

Moreover, the proposal of Yue Wang also provided a possibility that Wu Yue joined forces to jointly cut the country of Chu.

Of course, this goal is still very far away. I don't know how many repetitions and changes will happen in the middle, but at least it is a good start.

When the king was in the upper hand, he showed a very high posture, but he was quite a warrior.

The king needs a stable external environment, is Wu Wang not?

This time he has experienced such a huge failure and needs to recover the endgame.

Moreover, the old and new in the country, the power transition may also have some turbulence.

If this time wins, then everything is easy to say, but it has lost.

Wu Wang wants to regain the supreme authority and it really takes a long time.

Vietnam needs to cultivate and raise nourishment, is Wu Guo not?

Therefore, when Wu Wang only thought about a moment of effort, he directly extended his hand: "Wang Xiong, from now on, Wu and Yue are brothers and allies."

Ning Yuanxian took Wu Qi’s hand: “From now on, Wu Yue and the two countries, watch each other!”

The two kings are really resolute.

The covenant was signed soon.

Of course, when Wu Wang saw the cover of the Covenant, he still secretly recited a mother selling the batch.

Because this covenant is clear and dark.

The covenant on the bright side is the state in which Wu and Yue became brothers.

The secret of this, simply called Wu Yue cut Chu Mi.

Wu Wang can think about it, although it is a secret contract, but as long as it is not more than one month after signing, it is guaranteed to spread all over the world.

Hey, just sign it.

Wu Wang had no choice but to sign the so-called Wu Yue cut Chu secret.

This kind of show has happened many times on the earth.

For example, during World War II, Germany and the Soviet Union also signed a secret covenant. The result was not a brainstorming.

The next day!

Wu Yue and the two countries built a high platform on the border. In front of the tens of thousands of troops, the two monarchs signed the Wu Yue Covenant and then confessed to the world.

Wu Yue and the two countries formally form an alliance.

The world is shocked!

Too unexpected, too sudden.

Not before, you still beat you to death, and you will die like a pair of trousers. You can't help but change your face too fast.

The messengers of the Chu State have not yet arrived in the country, they have received announcements from the two countries, and suddenly spit out.

Half of the group returned to the state of Chu, please Chu Chu will, and the other half will continue to leave for Vietnam.

But this time, the trip is really a worry.

Ning Yuanxian started too fast.

Originally, Chu wanted to join forces with Wu and to slay the country in diplomacy.

Who knows that Ning Yuanxian is directly cut off.

As the saying goes, things that are not available on the battlefield are not available at the negotiating table.

This Chu State must have trouble.


On the third night of Shenlang’s departure from White Night County, the first guest was ushered in.

Wu Jun, the Earl of Wu’an, has a beautiful little girl around him.

The reason why it is a small beauty, because she seems to be only about seventeen years old, very shy, always with a small head.

Shen Lang looked at Xue Yu.

This person seems to have changed a face, looking at the eyes of Shen Lang is full of closeness, it is as if the two are confidant.

A few months ago, Xue Li went to the Xuanwu Earl House to retire.

Xue Yu followed the hidden yuan to force the debt, trying to push the Jin family to the road.

Not only that, 20 years ago, Earl Jinyu borrowed a million gold coins, hired a 10,000-strong army and a whole fleet to encircle the pirates, and the whole army was destroyed, bringing disaster to the Kim family.

To talk about the hatred of the Kim family, the Xue family is bigger than the Su family.

Moreover, the Kim family is as important as the Xue family, and the other party is really betrayal for no reason, the most shameless betrayal, almost putting the Kim family to death.

The Su family, when Mulan retired, the two officially turned their faces.

But the reason why Shen Lang first sought revenge from the Su family.

First, because of catching up, Su Jianting sneaked into the Earl of Xuanwu and injured his mother-in-law.

Second, because the monarch hated the Soviet Union.

The Xue family is different.

Wu Anbo Xueche is the finest of the monarch, and he is in charge of the intelligence affairs of the world.

Yan is difficult to fly is also a member of the Xue family, although the bright side is one of the six masters of the country, and is the head of the South China sword.

However, the South China Sea Swords is like a semicolon of Blackwater.

Coupled with the absolute ally relationship between the Xue family and the family, and the existence of the three princes, the Xue family's apparent statement is not very strong, but it is very powerful and deeply rooted.

The Su family has a strong surface and is actually powerful.

The Xue family is low-key, it is like an iceberg, only a little on the water, and 90% of the rest are underwater.

Shen Lang must destroy Xue.

But in terms of difficulty, it may be bigger than the Su family.

Before Xue Yu was in front of the Kim family, how cold and arrogant.

Today, although his face is somewhat reserved, he is full of smiles.

"Congratulations to the brother-in-law, the establishment of immortal feats." Xue Yudao.

Shen Lang smiled and returned, and did not speak.

Xue Yudao: "My brother-in-law, you will definitely go through the county when you enter the country."

I am very sure of that.

At this time, the three princes Ning Yu led the 30,000-strong military town of Shouyu County, originally intended to block the Soviet rebel army.

It is definitely not necessary now, and the Soviet rebels have been destroyed.

Shen Lang nodded.

Xue Yudao: "His Royal Highness the Three Princes wants you to have a meal, let me come to invite."

Shen Langdao: "Must go?"

Xue Yudao: "Of course not. I completely look at my brother’s own wishes, but the Three Princes are really hungry."

The last time the Shenlang was successful, the Three Princes had sent people to come and laugh, but the attitude was very perfunctory.

This time it seems very sincere, and sent Xue Yu this true lineage.

Xue Yudao: "My brother-in-law, I know that what I did before is not glorious, but there is no way. Our Xue family must obey the will of His Majesty. Let us do what we do."

Twenty years ago, when your Xue family sold my Jinshi, was it the will of the monarch?

Xue Yudao: "Of course I know that my brother-in-law is very difficult to relieve my Xue family, but take it slowly. There is one thing the brother-in-law may need to know."

Shen Langdao: "Is it a bitter sorrow to kill my father-in-law?"

Xue Yudao: "Yes, then my brother-in-law can know what the true identity of bitterness is?"

Shen Langdao: "I want to hear the details."

Xue Yudao: "His name is Zhuo Dian, the righteous brother of Zhuo Zhaoyan, so he is a prince, to assassinate the Marquis of Jin Zhuo and also the will of the Prince."

Shen Lang said with amazement: "Is this happening?"

Xue Yudao: "It’s true."

Shen Lang trembled: "It’s terrible. It’s terrible. It’s a bit too much for the prince. The news is too amazing. The Prince actually sent someone to assassinate my father-in-law. Since then, I have not been with him. ”

Xue Yudao: "Shen Xiaofu, we both have a common enemy, why not be in a trench first?"

Then, Xue Yu said: "I know that She is not sensible, and has brought great harm to the Kim family, but the marriage between Xue and Jin family can continue, dreaming of you coming."

The beautiful little beauty came over.

"This is my sister Xue Meng, sister, the father's favorite pearl."

Shen Lang looked at the girl carefully.

On the appearance, on the gentle, this girl really exceeds Xue Li.

Xue Yudao: "Jin Mu Cong's son is brilliant, famous and transnational, and my sister Xue Meng is a combination of heaven and earth. How do you let these two couples become husband and wife?"

Shen Lang, a very heart-warming look, said with a smile: "Miss Xue Meng, Jin Mucong is not as handsome as I am, are you really willing to marry him?"

This is really shameless.

Xue Meng whispered: "I have secretly gone to see my fat brother, I... I like him very much."

Shen Langdao: "That's great, but I can't do this thing. I need to tell my father-in-law."

Xue Yudao said: "That is nature, it is nature. The Three Princes are waiting for you. When the brother-in-law passes through the county, he must go to the Syrian."

Shen Langdao: "I try my best, try!"

Xue Yudao: "That is the brother's resignation."

Shen Langdao: "Xue brother is good to go, go slowly!"

The beautiful little beauty: "Sister Lang Lang, goodbye!"

Shen Lang softly said: "Xue Meng sister see you again."

The beautiful little beauty waved again at Shen Lang.

Xue Yu left with her sister.


The next day, Shen Lang continued to move forward!

In the evening, the entire bureaucracy was wrapped up.

Every time before, he had a bureaucrat, but the bureaucrat in the station was completely non-existent. He avoided it as a snake and could not afford to hide.

This time, he didn't go through one place, and the local bureaucrats came to flatter.

The bureaucrats have not yet arrived, and the bureaucrats inside have already been greeted dozens of miles in advance. The sons are diligent, and the sons are pleased, and they are not even enjoying the treatment.

Shen Lang had dinner and then returned to his room.

The sword king Li Qianqiu lived next door. Before Shen Lang entered the room, the sword king whispered: "There is someone in your room, and it is a woman."

A wave of Shen Lang.

Could it be my Mulan baby?

She knows that I am too embarrassed, so to soothe my heart's burning and emptiness?

Shen Lang is really a long time, almost a month.

The whole person is about to blow up.

open the door.

Sure enough, a woman is standing against her back.

This back is enchanting, the devil curve.

"Shen Gongzi is here? I have been waiting for a long time." The woman turned around.

It is the prince's outer room Zhuo Zhaoyan.

"Xue Wei has already seen Shen Gongzi." Zhuo Zhaoyan said softly: "But I believe that Shen Gongzi must have promised nothing."

Shen Langdao: "How is Miss Zhuo?"

Zhuo Zhaoyan said: "His Royal Highness appreciates Shen Gongzi very much. I really appreciate it. I know that before Shen Gongzi and His Royal Highness, there is a misunderstanding, but the misunderstanding can be solved, isn't it?"

Shen Langdao: "The bitter joy to assassinate my father-in-law, can such a big misunderstanding be solved? The Prince regards my wife Jin Mulan as a ban, can such a big misunderstanding be solved?"

Zhuo Zhaoyan softly said: "Of course!"

Then she gently pulled it.

The tight silk skirt fell, and nothing was worn inside, revealing the white body like a jade, naked.

Then her jade arm was entangled like a snake, and the beautiful face was put up, softly said: "Shen Gongzi, the spring is worth a thousand dollars, you have to live up to it, what will be said later."


Note: Today, the update of more than 13,000, changed the environment, the code word is indeed a lot slower. Look at the desperate part of the pastry, the monthly ticket to help me, please enlighten me.

Thank you, Bohai, laughing and laughing, lazy and slow, x5m million coins to reward.

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