History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 281: : Great moment! Monarch's robbery! Blood collapse

After hearing the declaration of the smashing of the waves, the monarch directly fled.

After the Five Princes Ningzheng heard the declaration of the smashing of the waves, the whole person directly frightened.

It can't be reacted for a long time.

Ning Yuanxian released a swearword, even if the country’s demise will not be handed over to Ningzheng’s hands tomorrow.

In his opinion, it is even harder for Shen Lang to help Ning Zheng to win.

Ning Zheng even felt that the words of Shen Lang came from nine days.

He didn't even dream of becoming a prince.

All he wants is to live with dignity and to protect the people around him.

However, now, he is trapped, not to protect his family, even he can't protect himself.

Not to mention living with dignity.

After a quarter of an hour, the five princes Ning Zheng had calmed down a bit and his eyes were restored.

Shen Lang is very happy inside, because when Ning Zheng heard that he wants to win, his eyes are full of confusion and fear, but not his eyes are bright and ambitious.

"His Royal Highness, we have all been forced to a dead end." Shen Langdao: "No matter whether it is the Prince or the Three Princes, it is impossible to let me go, nor can I let go of the Kim family. In order to protect myself, I will either be a Prince. And the three princes rushed to the stage, or they can only prepare for rebellion."

Ning Zheng nodded.

Shen Langdao: "And the five halls of you, why not be forced to the road."

Ning Zheng looked around.

Yes, Shen Lang has not yet reached the road. If he is willing, he can even comfortably spend decades.

The father likes him so much, at least during the time when the father is in office, the Prince and the three princes will not take the initiative to provoke him.

But he is in this jail, and he may not be able to go out for a lifetime.

It was not because he had committed any sin, but that he was a sin. The father finally found a reason to keep him in such a dark place. It is best not to go out for a lifetime.

From my own point of view, I am already in a desperate situation. What else can I fear?

But he is the prince of the country, not only to consider himself, but also to consider the whole country.

If he is addicted and the country is finished, then he would rather not.

"Shen Lang, am I suitable to be a monarch?"

Ning Zheng expressed strong suspicion.

Although there are still hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Prince, it is necessary for Ning Zheng to ask this question first.

Shen Langdao: "His Royal Highness, when you ask this question, you have proved that you are suitable."

The words he said are very reasonable.

What is the emotion he needs when a person wants to inherit the throne?

Is afraid, not excited,

The person who is afraid, he realizes the responsibility of carrying.

And the excited person, he realized that he is about to get the power.

As a king, of course, you must enjoy power, but you must know how to be responsible.

Shen Langdao: "In fact, as a king, you can have many shortcomings, but as long as you have the following qualities, you can become an outstanding king. Cleverness and will, if you have more minds, you can become a generation of Mingjun."

Then Shen Langdao: "His Royal Highness, what do you think your father is king?"

This topic is too bold.

Shen Lang clearly heard a subtle coughing sound from outside.

It is obvious that the monarch is sending people on the side, responsible for listening to the conversation between Shen Lang and Ning Zheng, and fully recorded.

If it is not unexpected, it should be the person of Li Gonggonggong, so he will secretly cough and remind him, so that Shen Lang and Ningzheng Prince can tell what is irreparable.

Shen Lang was grateful, but still decided to tell the truth.

Ning Zheng thought for a while: "The father is doing well."

Suddenly, the **** who recorded the conversation between Shen Lang and Ning Zheng in the dark could not help but frown.


He has already reminded him of the order of the cognac, but the two men are still so bold, and what is the way he has.

It can only be completely recorded.

You are not afraid of death, but I am afraid of death.

Ning Zheng actually said that the monarch did a good job, which would definitely anger the monarch, because the supreme majesty felt that he had done a very good job and felt that he was the British leader who had never met in a hundred years.

Now dare you say that you just did a good job?

Shen Langdao: "Yes, Your Majesty is doing a good job. He has two qualities of cleverness and will."

The voice outside the voice, that is, there is no chest under your arm?

Shen Lang said again: "Your Majesty is a person with a clear love. If you like someone, you will be tolerant. If you don't like a person, you will be mean. Of course, I am also a character. I also feel that there is nothing wrong with this. I am comfortable."

The little **** scalp numb, but honestly recorded.

Ning Zheng did not speak because the child did not speak to the father.

Not enough, he obviously is the default.

Ning Yuanxian, the king, whenever he encounters a problem, the first thing to consider is his own likes and dislikes, not the interests of the state.

This proves that it is difficult for him to become an absolutely wise monarch.

However, at the crucial moment, he is still able to suppress his own likes and dislikes, starting from the national interest.

Therefore, he is not a stupid monarch, a savvy monarch.

Shen Lang continued: "But your Highness is different, because you have experienced too many hardships, not only have a persevering character, but also a tolerant mind, which is stronger than your knees."

The little **** who was recorded in the dark almost cried.

This book is handed over, will I be killed by murder?

Shen Langdao: "If the Prince is succeeded, the generals of the Three Princes will be greatly cleaned. If the Three Princes succeed, the Prince will be cleaned. If your Highness is succeeded, the officials of the Three Princes and Princes Can be saved."

As soon as this was said, the little **** trembled slightly.

He felt good and reasonable when he listened to the side.

However, the words of Shen Lang turned: "Of course, the Xue family is still going to die, because I want to take revenge, saying that to destroy his family, he will destroy his family."


Shen Lang smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, so I am not suitable to become a king, because I only care about my own happiness, I am only willing to enjoy power and not willing to take responsibility. This is worse than my Majesty. If I am king, then probably I am going to be killed by me."

Ning Zheng was silent for a while: "Shen Lang, I am not smart. Sitting on the throne requires the emperor's mind, and the father's means is very old. I am a dull person."

"Who said?" Shen Lang sneered: "It's all flickering, and it sounds like a great emperor's heart. It seems like a very great look. It seems that this emperor's technique is a natural instinct. The general is purely a nonsense. Emperor's heart, since It is a technique that means you can learn! Do not believe you to ask your Majesty, is he also a rookie when he started? Is it growing up a little bit in the struggle?"

The little **** who was responsible for the record paused.

The rookie, do you really want to record it?

Hesitated for a moment, still recorded.

Shen Lang said: "Many times, what kind of king has what kind of courtiers. Of course, the king and the courtiers are always in the game, but the style of the king himself determines the style of struggle in the court. Your Highness has seen you since childhood. The world is hot and cool, and you can see through the heart at a glance. This is really smart. Or what kind of cleverness do you want?"

Ning Zhengdao: "You are very smart, and the wisdom is almost demon! From helping the Kim family to get rid of the New Deal crisis, and then to eliminate the Su family, step by step, there is no room for it! I am far from being comparable. I am more than you. Especially stupid."

Shen Lang sighed: "His Highness, what is genius? I spend all my time eating and sleeping on how to harm people. When I want to harm people, I will count you a few hundred days in advance. I am not at all. What kind of genius, I just concentrated all the talents on the victim. If someone like me becomes a king, then it is finished!"

As soon as this was said, the small officer in charge of the record shook.

Am I not offended by Shen Gongzi today?

I can't panic when he said this.

Shen Lang said again: "His Royal Highness, I like the tactics of the soldiers. This is actually very bad. Your Majesty also has this problem. As a monarch, you still have to be king. That is the right way in the world, and you are very suitable. Your Majesty, such a king, There is a generation to do, and then the second generation, the country may not be able to stand it, it is very powerful, the moment can be risky, but after all, the gambling is too big. The gambling of this kind of thing, must not always do, honestly It is the right way to develop national strength, eliminate the rule of governance, and promote a new policy."

At this time, the **** who is responsible for the record has already felt it.

The words of Shen Lang are said to Ning Zheng, but it is not for the monarch.

Of course, he is not advising the monarch. Although Shen Lang is not a traitor, it is definitely not a direct and straightforward minister.

He said these words to the monarch.

Why should we set up Ningzheng as a prince, that is, to tell the monarch that Ning Zheng is more suitable as a king than you.

Shen Langdao: "You are smart, you can see through the hearts of the people, you can grasp the hearts of the people. You have experienced hardships since childhood, so the heart is tough, and you will never retreat and fear when you encounter setbacks. You are broad-minded, so you can tolerate dissidents, even if you are not If you like someone, you can also take it. If you have talent, you will reuse it. As for the emperor's mind, it is like the feather of the emperor, not the skeleton. The so-called emperor's mind is not to let people see him and everyone else. It is also a mortal bird, so it looks like a gorgeous, sharp feather. It is not necessary to ask for the end, and the so-called emperor's heart is the end."

I have to say that the ability to sway the waves is too strong.

At least the little **** who is responsible for the record is almost convinced.

Although he has not seen Prince Ningzheng, he has already felt that he is very suitable for inheriting the throne.

After Ning Zheng listened to Shen Lang’s words, his body was slightly warmer.

Am I really suitable for the king?

For a while, Ning Zhengdao said: "I am so ugly, so short?"

Shen Langdao: "Reassured, I know that there are more ugly, darker kings than you. He became a true emperor, unified the eastern world, and created an immortal history chapter."

Of course, this kind of Shen Lang is also a flirtatious Ning Zheng.

In "The First Emperor of Qin Shihuang", Sima Qian quoted the original words of the original, which is the description of Qin Shihuang's administration.

Bees, long eyes, ostriches, snoring, less grace and tigers!

To sum up, it is the eye, the chicken breast, and the throat often have abnormal sounds.

Qin Shihuang did not talk to Xiongzi Yingfa, but it was not as short and dark as Shen Lang said.

Shen Langdao: "In addition, I know that in ancient history, there was a person who was shorter than you. He almost unified the entire Western world. He is the greatest king in centuries in Western history."

(Napoleon is nearly one meter seven, not really short)

Ning Zheng again said: "But I am still stuttering, Shen Lang, you can see which stunt in the world is a king?"

"It's clever." Shen Lang said: "I know that in the history of ancient times, there is a king who does not fall into the empire is a stutter."

Ning Zhengyi said: "Really?"

Shen Langdao: "The empire is incomparably strong on that day, and the territory is two and a half times larger than our Great Yan Dynasty."

When this came out, I suddenly scared Ning Zheng and the secret officials who had secretly recorded the record.

The Great Yan Dynasty has surpassed everyone's imagination.

Even the vast majority of people have no idea of ​​the greatness of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Shen Lang estimated that the Great Yan Dynasty should be around 13 million 14 kilometers.

It's really super big.

It is precisely because it is too big, so the Great Yan Empire can not rule such a large territory, so it has been divided, and the Eastern world has dozens of vassal states.

Ning Zheng did not think that this day is not twice as large as the area of ​​the Empire, which is so amazing.

Ning Zhengdao: "How about this stuttering monarch?"

Shen Langdao: "This monarch not only stutters, but also inferiority, loneliness, and serious personality disorder. But at a critical moment, he saved the entire country, saved half of the world, and became a great monarch."

Of course, the so-called George VI saved the United Kingdom, saving half of the world is an exaggeration.

But at the crucial moment George VI did strengthen the British determination to resist Germany.

Although he was somewhat embarrassed about his attitude, he had merits throughout the history of World War II.

Shen Langdao: "Your Highness, your character, your heart is better than this stuttering king! And your stutter, we can cure."

Shen Lang is talking about us, not me.

Because the treatment is good, the more important is the internal cause, not the external cause.

George VI was introverted, solitary, and even violent. When he was under pressure, he beat his wife, so his stuttering was not cured for a lifetime.

But Ning Zheng is different.

He wants to be much more tolerant. He is not very good at communicating with people, but he is not completely excluded.

Just because of introversion, it is difficult for others to enter his heart.

Now he and his wife Zhuo are very loving, not only that, he and Jin Mucong have become good friends.

Of course, he is too mature and stable. Although he and Jin Mucong are the same age, but two people get along, he is more like a brother, and even a little like an elder.

What Ning Zheng lacks is the concern and trust of others.

Once he is confident, the stuttering problem will be cured.

Ning Zheng closed his eyes and sat on the ground.

After a few minutes!

He opened his eyes and said, "Okay, then let's start to win!"

this moment.

There is no thunder and lightning, no shaking.

Even the surrounding mice made a squeaking noise.

But... the **** who is in charge of the secret record feels that this moment is very solemn and great.

He is responsible for the record and feels a sense of holiness.

He even faintly wants to add a sentence at the end.

The wheel of history is on.

The great course of a generation of kings has been opened from this gloomy prison.

Just when you want to drop the pen.

He quickly woke up.

This can't be written, this can't be written. This is my heart, write it out to be dead.

But I don't know why.

He wants to raise his hand at this time.

I support His Royal Highness the Five Princes!

However, he is only a small person, even if he raises his hand, no one cares.


When I heard Ning Zheng’s words, Shen Lang’s heart was still shaking.

The Five Princes Ning Zheng is a person who is very forbearing and determined.

Once he said it, he would do it and do it.

Never go back, never look back.

Shen Lang suddenly bowed down: "Chen must do his best to help His Royal Highness!"

Ning Zheng smiled bitterly: "But it is ridiculous to say that I want to win this sentence. I am now trapped, I am afraid that it is worse than the people outside."

Shen Langdao: "Please rest assured that your Highness, the minister will find a way to save the temple and go out, please stay in the temple for a few days!"

He has not yet saved the law of Ningzheng, but he will definitely think of it, and it may take some time.

Ning Zhengdao: "Good!"

Shen Langdao: "Nachen has left."

Then, Shen Lang retired.

Wait until he left, the little **** still did not leave.

Ning Zheng couldn't sit still anymore, then stood up and walked to the place, but still uncomfortable, so he was lying on the ground and motionless.

So the mouse next to him thought he was dead, and he climbed boldly on him.


After half an hour!

Ning Yuanxian within the palace still did not sleep.

I carefully read the conversation records of Shen Lang and Ning Zheng.

And more than one.

He sent more than one person, but three people.

But the three did not know each other's existence.

Of course, there was a naive little **** who coughed and let people know his existence.

In this conversation, Shen Lang’s speech is more daring.

Even more daring than the interview with the monarch

Shen Lang said that Ning Yuanxian is only a good monarch, and he is not wise.

He said that he is too adventurous, saying that he can't be king, saying that he is so gambling that the National Games will one day have big problems.

Said that he is smart, has a will, but has no mind.

What the emperor's technique is just a beautiful feather, not the root.

He said that Ning Yuanxian was once a political rookie.

He also said that Ning Zheng is more suitable as a monarch than Ning Yuanxian.

These words can no longer be described as bold, and there are some big mistakes.

It can be said that if you change these words to others, you have already been killed.

When Ning Yuanxian looked at it, he also trembled, and the body was cold and cold, and even his eyes were really dizzy and black.

It’s not just because Shen Lang talks hard.

But some words of Shen Lang directly poked his heart.

Ning Yuanxian is very clever. He knows a lot of things in his heart, but he does not want to admit it.

He is also clear about his shortcomings, but he can't change it.

Character is born, can not be changed.

It’s just that Ning Yuanxian has been surrounded by countless compliments around him and has been affected by these victories.

He really feels that he is a wise leader.

But now Shen Lang and Ning Zheng directly say that he is just a good monarch.

Ning Yuanxian is of course tempered to tremble, can not wait to kill, can not wait to smash the corpse.

What do you say?

Therefore, in the history of China, there are no good endings in the direct officials of the dynasties.

For example, Wei Zheng and Li Shiming, a generation of Ming Jun and Yi Chen, the story spread for thousands of years.

However, Wei Zheng had just died, the grave was dug by Li Shiming, and the tombstone was pushed.

The courtier said a bunch of obsessive words, and told the king, I am here for you, you do not obey is faint.

As a king, do you remember and hate him? How is this possible? There is no saint in this world. Everyone is a mortal.

Of course, Wei Zheng, the so-called direct minister, also has selfishness. The relationship between him and Li Shimin is not pure.

Wei Zheng is one of the leaders of the Shandong Power Group. The direct minister is only his person. He is of course a loyal minister, but his intention is not pure, and the power is negligible.


But after getting angry.

Ning Yuanxian has instead entered into reflection.

First, these ugly words of Shen Lang did not directly face him, but indirectly told him to listen.

What does this prove? Is there no courage in Shen Lang?

No, he even said more bold words.

The reason why he did not face the face and Ning Yuanxian said these words can only prove that he could not bear to hurt the emotion of Ning Yuanxian.

This point, Ning Yuanxian disdain, but the heart is very valued. Shen Lang, such an arrogant person, cares about the feelings of Ning Yuanxian. What does this prove?

He is a smart person, of course he can see through.

Second, these words are correct.

Of course, Shen Lang’s judgment on Ning Zheng’s judgment, Ning Yuanxian still dismissed.

However, after Shen Lang’s judgment on his Ning Yuanxian’s judgment, Ning Yuanxian knew that this was right.

In general, Ning Yuanxian is unable to listen to the truth.

But with two people, he can listen in.

One is a donkey, and the other is a father-in-law.

He loves him, cares about him, is a loved one, and is his true wife.

Although the prime minister Zhu Hongzhu has selfishness, he is bent on wishing to the family.

However, Ning Yuanxian was wishing to grow up. In his eyes, Ning Yuanxian seemed to be his child and his sustenance.

Ning Yuanxian was not close to the first king, but he was very close to the wish, and he was faintly regarded as his father.

Of course, after Ning Yuanxian was on the throne.

Under the general circumstances, Zhu Hong will not go straight to the king.

Because he knows that personality can't be changed at all, it is not as good as blocking.

This is like a parent to a child, even if it is a disaster, the parents help to be good.

As long as you don't break down the irreparable disaster.

At least until now, Ning Yuanxian is not very wise, but it is also excellent.

Therefore, between Zhu Xiang and Ning Yuanxian, for decades, the relationship between the monarch and the minister is still very close.

Now, Ning Yuanxian actually heard the words of Shen Lang.

Of course, there is another important point.

Shen Lang is only an explanation, not even straightforward, because he did not say that the monarch must change, nor did he say that you want to do this, you have to do that, this is the wise leader.

The meaning of Shen Lang’s words is that you are such a person, you will continue to do this, you will be happy.

He wants only one sentence to the monarch's rumors: the next generation of kings in Vietnam, can no longer be like you, and Ning Zheng is really suitable.

Ning Yuanxian still sneered at the latter half.

But for the previous sentence of Shen Lang, he also listened to it.

The next generation, the king, can no longer be as arrogant as he is.

The reason why Ning Yuanxian passed so much was to eat the victory of Wu Guo.

That victory is too big, enough for him to eat for twenty years.

But now the situation in Vietnam is really not good. First of all, civil servants are corrupt and corrupt.

There is also a new political block, the treasury is empty.

After the defeat of Ning Yuanxian in the past 20 years, what is the state of the national treasury deficit? Only he knows in his own heart.

I owe the debts of the astronomical figures of the hidden yuan, and every time I think of the monarchs, I can’t sleep at night.

So, he simply can't think about it, he can sleep well.

This character is exactly the same as Shen Lang. Shen Lang also owes a huge debt to Heaven.

However, he did not care at all, still spending money.

However, the monarch deeply knows that the next generation of monarchs must not be so defeated again. They must learn to be diligent and support their families.

It is precisely because of this that the monarch only hesitated on the matter of re-stocking.

Of course, at this time, he still absolutely prefers the prince to inherit the throne.

The prince is like him, but he is even more ruthless. After he is in the upper position, he can stabilize the political affairs and be able to control the ministers.

But one thing, the Prince is too focused on power.

Not straight enough, which means that he is also very difficult to do.

Use power to rule the country, not to rule the country with the king.

To use the king to rule the country is too tired, and it is necessary to make every effort to develop the national strength.

It is precisely because of this that Ning Yuanxian gave the three princes a better chance.

Ning Yu and Prince are completely different.

He is more straight, more awkward, strong and confident.

I don't like flowers at all.

However, Ning Hao also has a shortcoming, too much attention to the Wu and Black Water.

This is easy to become a tyrant, even if it is not a tyrant, it is easy to become a cold prince.

There is no perfect heir between the world.

Therefore, the monarch read the words of Shen Lang over and over again.

I tried to accept the flicker of Shen Lang.

But he worked hard several times, still not.

Not at all.

He believes in Shen Lang, but he does not have a little trust in Ning Zheng and has no sense of intimacy.

When I think about this person, the whole person is disgusted when I think about this face.

Ridiculous, ridiculous!

Then he once again stressed in his heart: Hey, even if the country is going to die tomorrow, I will not pass the throne to Ning Zheng tonight.

At this point, Li was down.

"What's wrong?" Ning Yuanxian asked.

Li Weidao: "The slaves sent this puppy to record the conversation between Shen Lang and His Royal Highness, but this puppy bullied."

Ning Yuanxian compares three records, completely I am exactly the same, there is no bully.

Only one of them may be due to a heartbeat, so the writing has changed slightly.

The **** Li Li said: "This puppy coughed at a critical moment, and there was a reminder that Shen Lang and His Royal Highness were careful."

Ning Yuanxian’s eyes are a cold road: “Bring it in.”

The little **** was brought in.

He really didn't know that there were three people who were supervising the conversation between Shen Lang and Ning Zheng. He really thought he was alone.

However, afterwards, he still voluntarily confessed to Li Wei.

Guojun said: "What is your name?"

The little **** said: "Feng Chen."


The name turned out to be good, not like the rough people.

Li Weidao: "He was born in the Great Court."

After the sinners in the Great Court, many boys are slightly older and will be castrated and become eunuchs.

Guojun Ning Yuanxian said: "Why do you want to cough to remind Shen Lang and Ning Zheng?"

The little eunuch, Feng Chen, said: "The slave is damned, the slave is damned, the slave is damned!"

Ning Yuanxian said: "You are damn, but you will die after you finish."

Xiaoxu Feng Xiaodao said: "The slaves heard that the guardian of Ning Zheng had defended the aunts of Shen Lang adults and took the initiative to take on all the crimes and admire them. Therefore, the instinct cough reminds, the slaves damn, the slaves damn..."

In fact!

This little **** is remembering his brother.

When the family was destroyed, Feng Feng was already eleven years old and wanted to be beheaded.

But his brother rushed out and said that he was only ten years old, could not kill, could not kill. Do not believe in measuring the height.

Because Feng Chen is not very good, he has not grown tall since he was a child. This is also the height of eight or nine years old.

So he survived and was sent to the Great Court.

And his brother, of course, also copied it with his family.

Even before he died, this brother was still thinking about protecting him.

Really a long brother is like a father.

In order to protect Binger, Ningzheng was charged with murder and was taken into the prison of Zongzheng Temple. This made Feng Chen very moved and reminded him of the brother who protected him before he died.

Therefore, coughing reminders will be made at critical moments.

"The stick is responsible for thirty. If you die, you will die. If you are lucky, you will be thrown into the prison guard!"

Da Yuguan Li Wei said: "According to the purpose, thank you for Hong En."

The **** Feng Feng beheaded: "Xie Xia Xiong."

Then he was dragged out.

Heavy hit 30 sticks, the whole person is bloody, life and death is not clear.


The next day!

The monarch has been sleeping until noon!

He made a big meal for him to cook.

Her pregnancy is almost five months.

Ning Yuanxian sees it, softly said: "Love is pregnant, rest, why do you have to work?"

He said softly: "It’s boring to lie down. It’s good to have a pregnant person move a little. I will make a few side dishes and I have no fumes.”

Ning Yuanxian looked at the figure.

Although the queen is a wife, the queen is too arrogant and too dignified.

Only the in front of you is the intimate wife.

It's the kind of person who is so good to you that you can't wait to be pampered everywhere.

Ning Yuanxian cherish this very much. This is one of the few relatives in his mind.

Looking at the figure of Yan, Ning Yuanxian's heart is warm and happy, but it is also full of a haze.

Because the doctor has reported to him several times.

His body is too weak to be pregnant at all, and the fetus has not been stable all the time.

There are times when there is a risk of miscarriage.

It is forcibly used to prevent miscarriage.

Moreover, you still don't let the monarch know.

But the royal doctor did not dare to conceal and told everything to the monarch.

However, Ning Yuanxian did not dare to let him know that he already knew it.

You can only pray in your heart!

Even at this time, he only asked his wife to be safe.

He almost never dared to expect this child in his stomach.

It seems as if I feel the eyes of the monarch.

扭 Twisted a little and smiled softly.


This smile seems to be fixed instantly.

Suddenly, her face was white and the whole body trembled.


There was a pool of blood red under the body.

卞妃凄 : :: "French, husband..."

Then, the whole person will fall.

Ning Yuanxian was suddenly awkward.

The whole person seems to be unable to move like a lightning strike.

After a long while, he jumped up and hugged him.

And he is directly spread out in his arms.

Blood rushed out between her legs.

Ning Yuanxian screamed: "Come, come, save people, save people..."


The monarch is in the midst of madness.

Dozens of royal doctors have gone in.

But there is still no good news coming.

Ning Yuanxian, who had never been prayed, was hiding alone, kneeling on the ground and praying to the **** of heaven.

"Begging for God, don't take my wife."

"God, you have taken my wife away, please don't take my second wife."

"I Ning Yuanxian really can't afford it."

"God, please enlighten me, please enlighten me."

"I Ning Yuanxian is willing to do good deeds in the future. I am willing to extend my life for ten years. I only ask you not to take my wife."

After half an hour!

The old royal doctor squatted down and said: "Your Majesty, Chen, etc. have tried their best. In order to prevent miscarriage, they took too many drugs and devastated the body. This abortion caused **** collapse, and the minister... really powerless. ”

Blood collapse is a major bleeding, these medics can't stop, so they must die.

Ning Yuanxian snorted and said: "If you save the innocent, you will follow the funeral, and you will follow the funeral!"

The old royal doctor directly slammed the first sentence: "The minister is old, not afraid of death, and if he succumbs to kill the minister, the minister can't save it."

This sentence almost directly determines the death penalty.

Ning Yuanxian, the whole person could not stand, almost fell directly to the ground.

Tears poured out.

Is it too much artificial killing?

Is it too much artificial 孽?

Is it necessary to punish the widows today?

God, why are you picking cockroaches? Why choose picking?

Ning Yuanxian was desperate, and the world seemed to be grayed out.

At this time, the **** Li Wei said: "Your Majesty, to let Shen Lang come, he has magical medicine, when he cured Zhang Cong's intestines, perhaps ... maybe he can save!"


Note: The first one is sent, I go to eat, and then write the second, the brothers continue to support me, update more than 10,000 today, help me!

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