History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 408: : Langye is forced to fight!

For Snow's plan, Shen Lang can think of eggs.

But at this time, it is totally unreasonable to tell her reason, and even the other party will not give the opportunity to open the waves.

Therefore, Shen Lang temporarily went to see Xue Yin and others, but first made several backup plans for himself.

First of all, Xue Yin must not be reluctant to use drugs to completely faint a wave of fainting for a month or two, which is too much damage to the body.

And Shen Lang is immune to all poisons.

Therefore, you should use internal force to hide the stun of Shen Lang somewhere.

If there is no accident, she will send one or two people to take care of Shen Lang, and let him continue to slumber and sleep every day.

The blood of Shen Lang can resist all the poison, but it can't stop the anesthesia.

The way to wake yourself up at a fixed time is simple.

The most direct way is the nightmare stone.

This nightmare stone has been transformed by Shen Lang and turned into a therapeutic nightmare stone.

Before that, I was able to awaken Ning Yuanxian, a vegetative state. This time, I can naturally wake up the waves.

All that is needed is to stimulate the nightmare stone at a fixed point in time, let it release the energy wave and directly wake up the waves.

Another way is to wake up the medicine.

In short, it is prepared.

Sure enough, Shen Lang woke up at the time he set.

When I rushed out of the house, I suddenly saw a man staring at him.

It is the mother of Shen Lang.

There is still a box of drugs on her side.

There are also a lot of ropes.


Shen Lang’s heart sighed.

The mother is really eccentric. As long as Shen Lang can survive, she is willing to do anything.

"Mother, you will be fooled by Snow Aunt." Shen Lang reluctantly said: "You stay here and don't move."

The mother rushed straight out and shivered: "My son, you, you..."

Shen Langdao: "Snow hides that I am prepared to sacrifice myself and save everyone. Is it not? I must be good, and our whole family is fine."

"Mother, you are staying here, I am leaving!"

Then, Shen Lang rushed out of this secret underground basement.


On the sea, the fleet that covers the sky.

Within a hundred miles, all are the combined fleet of the empire.

Six ships are particularly special.

Of course, the most special one is the smallest one.

"The sky is white jade, the 12th floor and the five cities. The immortal cares me the top, and the end is born."

Where the ship passed, the sky was sprinkled with white snow.

As long as there is snow, it is the Baiyujing territory.

Wherever there is no snow, Bai Yujing firmly does not care.

So, where did you go, where did the snow go?

At this time, it was clearly June summer, and the sky was snowing.

It’s amazing.

Moreover, it is only the snow above the ship of Bai Yujing.

This picture is really beautiful.

The ship of Bai Yujing, which is white and white, is integrated with the snow on the sky. It is much smaller than other ships.

Moreover, this ship seems to have no one, at least not on the deck.

From the beginning to the present, Shen Lang did not really see Bai Yujing, the power of this force is really high.

There are also ships in the Hanging Temple, but there is no one on the deck.

The rest of the Tianya Haige, Futu Mountain, Qitian Pavilion, Tongtian Temple on the big ship, dense Ma Ma station full of countless warriors.

Behind them, dozens of hundreds of ships are also their respective affiliated martial forces.

How many masters have sent these six detached forces?


There are only six masters in Vietnam, because the masters are the six detached forces.

The six forces together with the Empire blocked the world civilization.

Only allow yourself to be strong and not to be strong in the world.

So how many masters do they have? Only God knows.

Princess Ji Yun is the liaison of the Great Yan Empire and the six detached factions. She is on the ship of Tianya Haige.

The ship of Tianya Haige is very fast.

It is much faster than an ordinary ship.

All other ships are all surrounded.

Ji Yun took the ship of Tianya Haige and came to the treasure ship of Shenlang.

"Shen Lang, stop the boat!"

Princess Ji Yun is faint.

Shenlang’s fleet is still moving fast.

Princess Ji Yun gave an order.


Suddenly, a gorgeous scene appeared.


Countless top warriors, like birds, leaped from all kinds of ships and landed on the sea, heading for the waves of the Shenlang.

Can the martial arts of this world travel on the waves?

Mulan Baby barely dared to look at this scene.

Her agility is already the highest, and she can't do it.

Li Qianqiu is the top master, and he can't do such long distances.

And in front of you!

Countless martial arts strongmen, hundreds of thousands of people, coming from the waves.

Is it so strong?

Did the martial arts of the detachment force go to this point?

Snow secretly shouted: "Defend the ginger, shoot!"

Suddenly, the Nirvana Army on the Shenlang Fleet, the arrow rain slammed down.

On the battlefield, the Nirvana's arrow is almost invincible.

but now!

Their arrows all failed.

These detached martial arts strongmen, wielding their swords, easily twisted the shot arrows into powder.

There are even the strongest group of people, letting the arrow of Nirvana Army shoot on the body, indifferent.

And these arrows shot in their clothes and broke directly.

It is a breeze, Princess Jiuyi with thousands of top warriors, directly surrounded the huge ship of Shen Lang.

Why is she not attacking the Shenlang whole family on land?

Because she feels that there are easy to fish on the ground.

Once at sea, the wings are difficult to fly, and you can kill them.

The will of the emperor is very clear.

Don't meet up.

You don't need to catch it, all kill it.

Kill Shen Lang and his whole family.

This action is the most important purpose in shocking the world.

Xue Yin’s master pulled out the sword and turned to Jin Mulan: “We are going to die, and it’s your turn soon. You haven’t played a show, but this time you have to play well.”

Although Xue Yin speaks but is silent, it is completely lip language.

Then, the snow-scarred woman smiled at the mirror.

The mirror is exactly the same as Shen Lang at this time, and even the smile, expression, and gaze are the same.

"Aunt!" he screamed, and even the voice was the same.

The snow hidden goddess is soft inside.

Children, you have never seen the world outside since childhood, and now you can finally see it.

Then, the snow-stricken woman shouted: "Defend your majesty, kill!"


The goddess Xue Yin, Li Qianqiu couple, Ban Ruo, Zhong Chuke, Lin Chang, Da Sil, and even the Landau master who has just recovered his ability to act, like a big bird, rushed out and leaped onto the deck.

The mirror looked toward Mulan: "Hey, is it almost my turn?"

Kim Mulan barely smiled.

The mirror said: "I am not afraid, my life is for this moment. I have read all his books, I have read many books. I am not afraid of death, I am afraid that death is worthless!"

"I have never seen Shen Lang, but I know him very well!"

"I have never seen the scenery outside, and now I have finally seen it. I am very excited."

The mirror does not have any fear at all.

He knew that he was a substitute and knew that he was going to die soon.

But for death, he is rejoicing.

Because he thinks that he is alive.


At this time, the sea outside the Shenlang treasure ship.

Thousands of top-ranking powerhouses led by Princess Ji Yun have always stepped on the waves and surrounded the entire ship.

I saw the appearance of Xue Yin Gu and others.

The arm is a car.

Then, Ji Yun faintly ordered: "Whether men, women and children, all kill, do it!"

With her order.

A stunning scene, once again.


Above the sea, thousands of top martial arts strongmen flew directly into the air, and then they flew into the treasures of the Kim family.

Up to a quarter of an hour.

They can kill the people on this ship.

The whole family of the Shenlang, the Jin family, was killed.

What do you want to be vigorous?


It is an instant death.

Even including the Shen Lang, it is only a moment to be smashed under the head.

You are not a big man, you don’t want to die before you die.


"Dangdang Dangdang..."


Suddenly, there was a sound of sound on the sea.

A ship slammed into the skyfire.

Even in the daytime, there are gorgeous fireworks.

Suddenly, it attracted everyone's attention.

That ship is not big, there is a person standing on the deck, sinking waves!

"Ji Yu, come talk!"

Shen Lang shouted.

The sound could not pass through the distance.

Princess Ji Yun glanced and glanced at the Princess Ning Han on the side.

I also looked at the treasure ship of the Kim family.

This... Which one is this again?

Shen Lang is not on this big ship, actually behind?

Xue Yin, Li Qianqiu and others saw this scene and were almost completely shocked.

Shen Lang is not stunned by her, is it locked in a certain underground room?

"Ah...ah... no, don't..."

Snow suddenly shouted for a while, then madly jumped off the treasure ship and rushed toward the ship of Shenlang.

She really wants to be crazy.

She paid a huge price and even sacrificed herself to make Shen Lang live.

And now Shen Lang actually came to die, how can she not be crazy?

Then, Mulan also rushed over.

But Shen Lang shook his head firmly.

Mulan can choose to continue to rush toward Shen Lang at this time.

But... she chose to listen to the words of Shen Lang.

Princess Ji Yun’s beauty shrinks and then falls back to the sea.

Rushing toward the ship of Shenlang.

Thousands of top warriors, like birds, rush toward the direction of Shen Lang!

Just like a group of sharks, they found more valuable goals.


"Princess Ji Ji, let's talk." Shen Lang stood on the deck.

After the moment!

Princess Ji Yun led thousands of top warriors to the waves and surrounded the ship of Shen Lang.

Even a strong man like Xue Yin Gu, can't ride the waves, can only draw from the sea.

Ji Yun and Ning Han did not get on the boat, it was just the boat that surrounded the Shen Lang.

The fleet of Shenlang is still sailing southeast.

The Imperial Union Fleet still surrounds the Shenlang Fleet and sails toward the southeast.

at the same time!

On the ground, the astronomical Imperial Army rushed into the direction of the 100,000-strong army guarding the waves.

To kill 100,000.

Killed 300,000 people.

Drinking blood and being full.

Shen Lang looked at thousands of top-bottomed warriors who walked on the waves and smiled and said: "Wow, it’s so good, it’s so strong! Li Qianqiu can’t walk the waves, but you can do it, it’s amazing.”

When Shen Lang just saw this scene, he was really shocked.

I often see some top masters rushing on the surface of the water in some Gaowu movies and TV series.

Short distance magnolia can also do it.

But to Ji Yun, it’s amazing to walk in the sea on foot.

The key thousand people are like this.

I really don't believe in Shen Lang. Is there thousands of people who have more martial arts than Li Qianqiu?

"You cheated!" Shen Lang laughed.

Then, his hand slammed it.

Suddenly he shot hundreds of small black **** from his boat.


These little black **** blasted open.

In an instant, countless black powder spread throughout the sea.

It seems that there is nothing remarkable about it?

However, a strange scene appeared.

In an instant!

Thousands of top martial arts masters on the sea, flying directly out.

Including Ji Yun, Ning Han and others, they also flew a few tens of meters directly like a kite.

But they have a great martial arts. When they return to the sea, they still float on the water.

However, other top martial arts powerhouses are much more embarrassed.

The body has fallen into the water.

Why is this happening?

First of all, thousands of top warriors around Ji Yun are not relying on internal forces to float on the sea, but rely on a special kind of boots.

This kind of boots comes from ancient civilizations, called buoyancy boots.

Only the detachment forces are equipped.

This kind of buoyancy boots relies on the powerful magnetic force of a gemstone.

It is very simple to destroy these buoyancy boots.

Use graphite powder.

This principle is the same as the graphite bomb on the earth and can be used to cut off all power supplies.

A graphite bomb can even cut off the power of the entire city.

These buoyancy boots equipped with the detachment force rely on the magnetic array of the internal gemstones, and the structure is precise.

Once it is stuck with graphite powder, it will immediately cause a serious failure.

The last time I was in Junjun, Shen Lang read thousands of volumes of classical books, including tens of thousands of words and dozens of pictures to introduce such buoyancy boots.

It is regarded as a relatively basic equipment of ancient civilization.

Moreover, it is far less in the status of ancient civilization than the nightmare stone.

Therefore, in the past few months, Shen Lang has been studying the Nightmare Stone in almost all free time.

Then he came to a conclusion.

In fact, every entrance to the ancient ruins has a large nightmare stone.

Small nightmare stones can be used for a variety of purposes.

The large nightmare stone is a large source of energy for ancient civilizations.

But unfortunately, Shen Lang’s research on the Mengmeng Stone was a bit too late, and it was too late to remove the large nightmare stone at the entrance to the ancient ruins of the Shaman.


Shen Lang was the most incomprehensible to others, so he shot and ruined each other's gorgeous costumes.

Princess Ji Yun’s hand waved, and thousands of top martial arts masters returned to their own boats.

But she and Princess Ning Han still float and stand on the sea.

This... is really good.

"Princess Ji Yun, let's talk." Shen Langdao.

Ji Weidao: "What are you talking about?"

Shen Langdao: "The 100,000 people who have been on the ground to fight for me? Let go of the Jin family. How?"

Ji Weidao: "Impossible! The sword is out of the sheath, must see the blood. This is the imperial coalition army south, does not kill hundreds of thousands, can not show the name of the Great Yan Empire."

"Hundreds of thousands?" Shen Lang was surprised.

Ji Weidao: "At least 300,000."

Shen Langdao: "This land is innocent."

Ji Yundao: "This land has raised you, then it is not innocent. My Great Yan Empire is rebellious, and the company is even a family of ten. And you are not only rebellious, so the company has three hundred miles, so many people are buried for you, you should There are honors."

Shen Langdao: "Stop 300,000? It's so good, good prestige!"

Then Shen Langdao: "The conditions are also very simple. One person does not kill, the imperial army has all faded, and the Jin family fleet has entered the devil's triangle, and since then the world has evaporated."

Princess Ji Yun said: "What a whimsy!"

Shen Langdao: "Do you agree?"

Ji Wei said: "Are you finished?"

It means that when I am finished, I will start killing.

Shen Langdao: "If you don't agree, I will kill you 10 million, 20 million, 30 million people! I will kill your Imperial Alliance army by one million or more!"

As soon as this was said, Princess Ji Yun and Princess Ning Han glanced.

Ji Yun went to Ning Han and said: "Is this person a deep wave?"

This means that I know that Shen Lang likes to brag, but I didn’t expect it to be bragging.

She clearly knows that this is Shen Lang, she has seen.

Ning Handao: "This is him."

Ji Yun said again: "It seems that your words are finished, then wait quietly. It is not far from the land and can be seen."

This means that Shen Lang can also see the massacre of the army by the imperial army.

I can also see the blood on the ground and the head rolling.

Shen Langdao: "There is no hurry, no hurry, the news should come soon. If there is no accident, I just slaughtered the whole city more than half a month ago."

The sound of Shen Lang is very quiet, but it is like a thunder.

Shen Lang smiled and said: "I used to blow the bulls, specifically to whom, I have forgotten. But the content of my bragging is who would dare to hurt my lady, I want to kill a million people, it seems to mean this. ""

Ji Yun not only shrank, said: "Which city?"

"The city of repentance." Shen Langdao: "The city of repentance of the hidden yuan, you have forgotten, the Jin family's enemies in addition to the Xue family, there are hidden yuan, I have wiped out the entire Xue family, and How can I let go of the hidden yuan?"

Princess Ji Yun did not believe, but the breath stopped.

The city of repentance.

It is an isolated city. He is the highest headquarters of the hidden three countries in the southern countries.

And built on an ancient golden vein.

There are astronomical gold coins in there, and there are countless wealth.

The hidden yuan will pass this repentant city and dominate all trade and finances of Wu, Yue and Chu.

This is the city of the hidden yuan.

But it is also the southern wealth gathering place of the Great Yan Empire.


Then, is the city of repentance in the mountains that is in the mountains, really being slaughtered by Shen Lang?


At this point, the entire city has become a dead city.

Originally only two-thirds died.

Another third of the people are still alive.

But for the sake of conservatism, the remaining third is also killed. Only the city is isolated from the outside, even if it becomes a dead city, it will come out at once.


Shuting Yu, the young master of Yueguo Yinyuan, the whole person has to go crazy.

He simply didn't know what happened.

I knew that from more than a month ago, the city of repentance began to die.

The pieces of people die.

No matter how healed, it doesn't work.

This... Is this a plague?

Even if it is smallpox, is it not so serious?

Smallpox can live halfway.

Smallpox can also defend.

The plague that appeared in the city of repentance was impossible to defend and did not call.

After the infection, it died within two or three days.

In less than half a month, the entire city almost died.


"Don't worry, the news should come soon!" Shen Lang said: "It should be that the army on the ground receives the news first, and then it is your turn..."


A crow flew in the air and landed directly on Princess Ji's arm.

Princess Ji Yun untied the letter on the crow's leg and unfolded it.

There are a few words on it: Extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous, the city of repentance will be completely repented!


Princess Ji Yun’s scalp was numb.

Is it true?

Did Shen Lang actually kill the entire city?

"You, you actually slaughtered the whole city?" Princess Ji Yun trembled: "You are not afraid of hurting the world?"

Shen Lang shrugged his shoulders and said: "The group of people are members of the hidden yuan. There are no dead people, no civilians. And you are not afraid of hurting the world, and what are I afraid of?"

Princess Ji Yun coldly said: "What means did you kill it?"

"Virus, an extremely terrible virus." Shen Langdao: "I call it the Black Death. I started research about three years ago. It was not powerful enough. Later I studied the classics of Futu Mountain. The key is to study the classical books, which has increased the black death virus several times."

The words of Shen Lang are true.

In the classical books, there are many contents about the virus.

Shen Lang began to cultivate the black-dead virus three years ago. There has been no major breakthrough in the past, which is similar to the black-dead virus on the earth.

Although that is already terrible.

The former Black Death swept across Europe and killed nearly half of the population.

So the last time Shen Lang had threatened to talk.

As long as his family has something, he will kill one million people.

The other party sneered at it, but at that time, Shen Lang was not bragging.

The last time after the Shabars read a large number of classical books.

Shen Lang has a new understanding of this virus.

Finally, a stronger black death virus has been cultivated.

This black-dead virus is contagious and the mortality rate is even more terrible.

However, their life cycle has dropped dramatically.

That is to say, even if it spreads, it will not take long to die.

Shen Lang chose for a long time.

Finally decided to start in the city of repentance of the hidden yuan.

Because there, there really is no innocent person.

This is a bit of a hurt.


No but!

In order to save more people and kill a group of animals, there is nothing.


Princess Ji Yun directly pulled the sword.

"You killed me? It's useless!" Shen Lang said: "My people have been lurking in the Great Yan Empire. As long as you don't retreat, they will start to release the virus."

Shen Lang took out an hourglass and threw it to Princess Ji.

"Wait, there will be news of the second city coming soon."

"This time is a city under the rule of Yu Tiange, not returning to the city!"

"No one in this city is innocent."

Not returning to the city, in the northern part of the Great Yan Empire.

The city of repentance is in the mountains.

Not returning to the city is underground. It is better to say that he is a martial art force than he is a city.

The South China Swords is the trumpet of the Futu Mountain.

That is not the return to the city is the trumpet of the 诛天阁.

Of course, it is too far away from Shen Lang, so I have never dealt with it.

Shen Lang’s only deal with Yu Tiange was to return from Heishi Island to the sea in the province of Tiannan. He was trying to intercept the waves at sea and forcibly detain him.

At that time, the Hanging Temple was a strong protector, and the Tiantian Pavilion only gave up.

Shen Langdao: "When the sand in this hourglass is finished, I think the news should come."

"We are waiting quietly!"

Princess Ji Yun waved!

Suddenly, a boat approached.

Ji Yun leapt to the ship.

A moment later, a dozen crows flew out of the ship.

Apparently, Princess Ji Yun is an army on the ground of the police, warning the entire Great Yan Empire.

The highest alert.

The highest alert.

The hourglass in front of Princess Ji Yun is constantly passing.


The sand has not flowed yet.

Suddenly, dozens of figures on the sea rushed.

The top martial arts strongmen of the 诛天阁, they wore buoyancy boots and rushed through the waves.

Feeling horrified.

After a while, they rushed to the ship of Princess Ji Yun.

"His Royal Highness, the subordinate forces of my scorpio are not returning to the city, and almost all of them die. The strongest plague occurred, and in just ten days, almost all died, all died!"

"My 诛天阁 has sent a martial arts corps, completely blocking the entire return to the city, not allowing anyone to leave, and the rest of the living, all killed."

The beautiful face of Princess Ji Yun violently twitched.

The poison of Shen Lang is far beyond their imagination.

This time she thought that Shen Lang would not be able to get rid of it.

Maybe he will struggle in various ways.

However, he did not expect that his means would be so intense.

And for this day, I have been preparing for so long.

Actually slaughtered two cities!

This is just a special city with two isolated and outside.

If he is mad, directly spread the virus to other cities in the Great Yan Empire, or even Yan Jing?

The consequences can't be imagined.


Princess Ji Yun and Ning Han once again appeared in front of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang took out an hourglass and threw it in front of Princess Ji Yun: "I know that the army of Jun Jun and Arunana on the ground is definitely not an opponent of your empire army. Once you start the war, you will be exhausted. Killed. So once they start the war, they will immediately release this black-dead virus. How many people can your empire's army die?"

"Of course, 100,000 people who are loyal to me will die."

"But it’s worth it to be able to pull ten times the enemy together!"

Of course, Shen Lang did not say a word.

The black-dead virus he cultivated is the easiest to spread in the city of repentance and not returning to the city.

Because the two cities are closed, a castle within the mountain.

It was a normal city that was not returned to the city hundreds of years ago. Later, due to some geological changes, the earth subsided.

The city was also buried underground and the result was abandoned.

After that, a certain martial art force under the squatting squat occupied that place.

Because the city sinks into the ground, it is easy to defend.

Does the so-called geological upheaval have nothing to do with Yu Tiange?


A hundred years ago, Qi Tiange discovered an ancient ruins.

Similarly, as in the vicinity of Nanzhou City, a large earthquake occurred.

Shen Langdao: "This hourglass is my estimated time for fighting on the ground. Your army will probably be killed in two quarters of an hour. There will be an unprecedented disparity in the war. I will not allow this war to happen."

"I don't want anyone to sacrifice for me, I want to protect everyone on the ground!"

"Of course, if you must die, then let it go. They are all 100,000 dead, and they are also ten times the people of your Imperial Army!"

"I don't have a countdown, because it's you who are ready to go to the massacre."

"You either let the Imperial Coalition retreat, or you will die!"

At this time, the hourglass in front of Princess Ji Yun continued to fall.

Time is constantly passing.

On the land by the sea.

The 100,000 people who are loyal to Shen Lang are on the ground several times.

The empire army, stretching for hundreds of miles, like the tsunami in the mountains, continues to madly sweeping.

Once you start the battle.

No more than a few hours.

100,000 people who are loyal to Shen Lang will be killed.

Shen Lang played with the glass ball in his hand and said nothing.

The hourglass is constantly falling.

Princess Ji Yun is making a difficult choice.

Soon she gritted her teeth and said: "The imperial army stopped, back ten miles!"


Note: Today, the two are nearly 16,000, and they are really exhausted at two in the morning. They need the monthly support of the brothers, and the cake is grateful!

Thank you ega for the 30,000 yuan reward.

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