History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 414: : Langye lost! God's will!

After the wedding, Shen Lang was brought into a special house.

The house should have just been built, and the atmosphere of the entire castle is somewhat out of place. The castle is mainly made of milky white marble, and the house is red.

Not only that, but also the obvious high temperature inside the house.

Bijin City has four seasons like spring, and the temperature is not low. At this time, the temperature outside at night is also about 20 degrees Celsius. However, within this red house, at least 30 degrees.

Not only that, but there are countless candlelights in it. It looks very romantic, but it makes people feel weird and too full of ritual feelings.

There is nothing in this house, just a big bed, a three-meter by three-meter super king bed.

The bed is full of candles, hundreds of thousands.

This posture, the pots and lanterns to play really? Otherwise, you don't need to create such an excessive atmosphere.

Shen Lang lazily lay on the big bed, and the mind once again recalled the candlestick of the cave room a few years ago, which is precisely the singularity.

Mulan Baby, what happens next, please don't blame me, please remember this sentence, your husband and I will be lost, the favorite woman in your heart is you, and even the only one who loves you.

However, he was still a little nervous, and the scene of the Duke of Dibos murdering the big lion was constantly appearing in his mind.

This woman does not look so beautiful, the appearance of a delicate drop is actually a female tyrannosaurus.

If something really happened, wouldn't it be half dead by her?

The most important thing is that Langye is not very confident about his own skills. His ability will destroy Xiao Bing, and the female tyrannosaurus, who is the Duke of Dibos, may be defeated very badly.

However, men's skills are very diverse, such as three inches is not bad...


Just a quarter of an hour later.

Dibos, the female grandfather, walked in and walked straight into the big bed from the passage between countless candles.

In the light of the fire, she looks particularly beautiful. Especially the red hair, it’s just a ghost.

She walked up to the front of Shen Lang and directly pulled off her long skirt, revealing the graceful snow body.

She sat directly on the waist of Shen Lang, and she read a special note in her mouth.

what are you saying?

These words are completely incomprehensible.

Then Dibos untied the robes on Shen Lang and painted mysterious runes on his chest.

It hurts, hurts, hurts...

Because, she really used nails to scrape the past, Shenlang, this fine skin tender meat, and soon was hanged a red impression.

What is this ghost text? Fill the entire chest with Shen Lang.

Then she gave Shen Lang a sleep.

by! Play really.


After half an hour, everything is over!

The Duke of Dibos went straight away, leaving Shen Lang alone to lie back here.

This world is really bizarre.

I thought it was a widow who was as good as a man. I didn't think it was a 贞/洁/烈女.

I thought it was the first face, and I didn’t think it was a formal marriage.

I thought it was a fake marriage, I didn't think of the real room.

Shen Lang had to admit that the Duke of the Duke had a very good taste and the key was not to be affected by him.

But all this is especially inexplicable? No?


The next time, Shen Lang became the husband of the female grandfather.

He regained his freedom in the castle and even was free in the entire city. He could go anywhere.

So did he become the male owner of the city?

not at all!

Almost everyone is respectful of him.

The maid in the castle still didn't dare to talk to him, including the middle-aged eunuch, Taren. Every time he saw him, even if he was a few meters away, he would immediately stop and give respect to Shen Lang, then let him be on the side. Hang your head, don't look at it and even hold back your breath.

The Russell family's warriors were more indifferent to him, no matter what they were doing, laughing or whispering, but as soon as the waves passed, they immediately restored the rocky expression and did not squint.

There are still a few priests who seem to disappear again.

The Duke of Dibos seems to be very busy. Since the cave of the cave, she has not seen her in a few days.

He still enjoys a life comparable to that of a prince.

One day he tried to leave the castle and there was still no one to stop him.

So Shen Lang left the castle and entered the city of Bijin. Wearing luxurious robes and walking on the streets, all the nobles in the city are far away from him. But the wealthy businessmen and the civilians were respectful to him, and the slaves saw the patterns on his robes all neatly on the ground.

Shen Lang is also curious as to why the Russo family did not send a samurai to protect him, and found that it was completely unnecessary.

Because the family crest on his robes is the best protection, the Russo family has ruled the city hundreds of years ago, and the loyalty to the Russo family has been inscribed.

But when Shen Lang wanted to talk to people, all failed.

The city has this absolute language swearing chain, the upper class speaks the Silent language (also known as Latin), and the middle and lower class speaks the Vida language.

What is Vida?

Most of the area is brown, they are collectively called the Vida race, so their language is also called Vader. The Vida people are the indigenous people of this land, and the whites are just conquerors.

When the Xilun Dynasty swept across the western world, the territory of the heyday exceeded 10 million square kilometers.

This province of Bibo is the place that the Xilun Dynasty once conquered. When the First Empire of Xilun was down, the Russo family was the governor of the province of Bibo, and the other provinces became independent. The Russo family was no exception, and the Russo Principality was formally established.

After the rise of the Second Empire of the Silent, the Russo family once again loyal to the Xilun Empire and once again became a province of the Empire. However, in less than a hundred years, the Second Empire of the Silent was once again ruined.

The province of Bibo has once again become the Principality of Bibo.

Now hundreds of years have passed, the indigenous Vedas here have forgotten that they are the masters.

Vida language has also become an inferior language, and the whites of this city will never say it. Of course, there is a lower-level language, that is, what is said between slaves is called dog language.

This dog language is not a real language, but a language invented by slave owners to better rule slaves.

Almost every word, every word is full of despicable. Moreover, the sentence of the dog language is very short, and there are almost no sentences of more than ten words.

Because the slave owner feels that if the sentence is too long, the slaves will learn to be smart, and the instructions to the animals are very short, so the language of the slaves is also the same.

The problem facing Shen Lang now is that he will not speak the Vida language of the aborigines, not to mention the dog language of the slave. The Latin language can be said according to the instructions of the brain.

But those who can speak the Silent language know the identity of Shen Lang. They seem to have a password ban, and they will not say a word with Shen Lang. Even when Shen Lang was close, they quickly avoided.

Therefore, although the Duke of Dibos was married, Shen Lang was completely isolated by Bijin City.

So Shen Lang went to the library to find all kinds of information, especially about the witch empire.

The result was nothing.

Bijin City has a very large library with tens of thousands of books, but all the books about the witch empire are destroyed. Even if there are some normal books with content about the witch empire, they are all cut off.

Shen Lang increasingly felt that the Duke of Dibos was hostile to the witch empire.


But one day, Shen Lang finally knew the people in this city, especially the attitude of the Russo family warriors to the Orientals.

They didn't find the arrival of Shen Lang that day and were whispering.

"Any Oriental is hypocritical and evil. They should all go to hell. I heard that most women in the East are scorpions/children, and men like to sell ass!"

When a warrior said this, he was endorsed by many people. From this sentence, it can be seen how malicious it is.

However, when Shen Lang appeared, they immediately closed their mouths and did not squint.

It’s a very hypocritical group of people!

Shen Lang once again discovered that the upper classes of Bijin City are all white, the middle and lower are all Vedas, the slaves are half black, and the half are the natives from all over the place. They are actually Vida browns. Kind, just live in a more remote place.

And this group of white people is not contempt for the yellow people of the Eastern world, but hostility and absolute hostility.

This makes Shen Lang more convinced that the witch empire is related to the enemy.

After returning to the castle, Shen Lang thought that he would never see the Duke of Dibos again.

However, she did not expect that after seven days of marriage, she suddenly appeared in the room of Shen Lang, and then gave Shen Lang a sleep.

I still read the weird words before going to bed, and I used my nails to write strange words on Shen Lang.

After half an hour, she disappeared again.


Five days have passed!

The Duke of Dibos appeared again and gave Shen Lang a sleep.

After she had finished sleeping, she had to leave. The result was held down by Shen Lang. Shen Lang slept her and played 18 martial arts.

Midway Shen Lang wanted to kiss her, but she was pushed away.

Whether it is the world or the world of the earth, there are a group of very strange women.

Can be asleep, but can not be kissed, as if this is still holding his last high clean.


Then Shen Lang gradually learned that the Duke of Dibos is an absolute nobleman.

She is not only martial arts, but also proficient in military methods, and has high literary, medical, and poetry.

In short, what should be the best aristocratic woman, how about her. Of course, Shen Lang does not like this kind of woman too much. It is not as good as a real person.

And their artistic talents seem to be to cultivate their own sentiments, definitely not to please others, nor to gain the appreciation of others.

One time, Shen Lang accidentally broke into and found that Duke Dipos was playing the piano.

At this time, the piano in the Western world did not appear, and the harpsichord did not appear, only the organ, and it was very huge.

Although the tone is not comparable to the piano, it is already very good.

The Duke of Dibos's organ is very high, and he is simply an excellent artist.

But when Shen Lang just entered, she stopped playing and smiled at him and got up and left.

This is an alienation, full of aristocratic etiquette alienation.

Duke Dibos never played when there were observers. Why?

Because she feels that playing music is to please others, but she is the most expensive in the entire Bijin City, so she can not please anyone.

In other words, no one listens to her playing, including Shen Lang.

Of course, if other Dukes came, or other princes of the Western Isles, I believe that the Duke of Dibos was very happy to play.

Shen Lang once again felt the arrogance in the bones of the Western aristocracy, the contempt for people, the hypocrisy and the polite contempt.

Shen Lang did not care, sitting in front of the organ, with the help of the brain, played.

It is still his favorite "Exodus". This song is not a long history. It is just a soundtrack of a movie. Although it has been changed by Wojciech Kirar, Maxim’s performance is not a master. It is still a classic piece of art and taste.

The magnificent and tragic epic feeling filled with it is truly shocking. Even if Shen Lang does not like the country of Israel, he still likes this song very much.

Hearing the performance of Shen Lang, the Duke of Dibos stopped and listened carefully.

At this time, she showed the character of an excellent aristocrat, was willing to appreciate, and had a very high level of appreciation.

Her beauty reveals a stunning expression. I didn't think that an oriental man like Shen Lang would play such western music.

Although the East and West worlds are almost in isolation, the civilizations of both sides still have a little bit of mutual penetration.

As an ancient aristocrat of the Xilun Dynasty, the Russo family also has an understanding of the Eastern world.

In the view of the Duke of Dibos, the music of the Eastern world is not like this. Their music is more in pursuit of artistic conception and expressiveness, unlike Western music, which is full of aggressiveness and impact.

Of course, she admits that the music of the Eastern world is also very good. But as a member of the Xilun Dynasty, she must maintain the superiority of her own civilization in any case.

At the end of the performance of Shen Lang, the Duke of Dibos left.


In the evening, the Duke of Dibos appeared again in the room of Shen Lang.

Once again, he slept with a sense of ritual.

Then when she was about to leave, she was once again held down by the sinking waves, and Shen Lang used his way to sleep.

But when Shen Lang wants to kiss, she is pushed away again by her.

Two people entered a very strange state.

It is a husband and wife, but it is a stranger.

Especially when Shen Lang showed some talents, Duke De Boss showed a more indifferent attitude.

The isolation of the entire Bijin City continued, and even spread from white to brown.

Although Shen Lang can speak, he has even learned Vedah through his brain, but he still looks like a dumb. Because no one talks to him, he never has a chance to speak.

The other two beautiful men of the East, Kunyan and Qinu, have completely become the new eunuchs of this castle.

These two people are also respectful of Shen Lang. Although they are the same family, they never speak. Even in order to say goodbye to the identity of their own orientals, they cut off their long hair, painted their eyeshadows, and tried to make themselves like Westerners.


Does Shen Lang feel lonely?

There are some!

When he was on an isolated island, he was the only one in a few months, of course he was lonely.

At that time, he thought about rushing into a city, just like the city, as long as someone is fine.

Even a grand volunteer has been set up, and within three months, the city will be mastered within one year.

Now he knows that some have thought a lot.

In just a few days, he became the husband of the owner of the city. It looked like one person and 10,000 people.

But he knows that by virtue of his policies and his mind, he will never be the master of this city.

Because he is an oriental, he is a yellow man.

It’s no good to be smart again.

The longer I stayed in the city, the more I felt the isolation and exclusion of everyone in the city.

Even with the loss of time, this isolation and exclusion has become a hostility.

In a few months, no one said a word to him.

Even if there are people around, there is no news, because once he is close, all the conversations stop.

However, Shen Lang did not feel the pain, he is a wise man after all.

In this case, he only said in his heart: stupid.

But he also knows deeply that it is impossible for an oriental person to establish a foothold in the city, let alone master the power.

What if a race wants to fit into a race?

Or will it be a vassal? Let this dominant clan feel that you are not threatened.

There is no integration between the two powerful races, only conquest.


This evening!

The Duke of Dibos once again fell asleep in a ceremonial sense.

"You have been asking about the witch empire?" she asked.

Shen Lang nodded: "Yes."

Di Bosi said: "Why do Orientals want to come to the Western world, why should we break the balance here?"

Shen Lang thought for a while and shrugged his shoulders.

He couldn't answer this question. Can he ask Spain in the 16th century, the Netherlands in the 17th century, and the British Empire in the 18th century? Why don't you stay in your western world, why come to the East?

Deborah said: "Forget the witch empire? He can't be your motherland in the Western world!"

Shen Lang heard that she did not finish, the witch empire will surely perish.

Shen Lang suddenly said: "The Russo family used to be the royal family of the Xilun Dynasty?"

Di Bosi said: "Our family never deliberately raises their historical status. We are different from the family in your Eastern world."

This is to say, it seems that our family in the Eastern world especially likes to be close to the face, desperately trying to climb the royal family.


Ok, there are some people who are like this.

For example, the Xue family wants to be Ren Shi at all times.

But Shen Lang is not like this. The most expensive surname in the entire Eastern world is Ji and Jiang. The original Ji surname is higher than Jiang.

However, because of Jiang’s squatting, Jiang’s surname and Ji’s surname are in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people in the eastern world.

Didn't see the win, even if he stole the throne of the new kingdom, he did not dare to surname Jiang, but instead won the surname.

Shen Lang, who is in the Western world, has the most expensive surname in the Eastern world, but he has not changed his name to Jiang Lang.

"Ji's return to Ji's, Xilun to Xilun." Dukes Dukes said: "The witch empire is holding the Shilun dynasty, pulling over countless slaves and untouchables, trying to establish a foreign regime in my western world, which is doomed to be no It will be successful. The witch empire is like a castle built on the beach, which can be destroyed by a wave."

Shen Langdao: "If I remember correctly, Bijin City and even the entire province of Bibo, once claimed to be loyal to the witch empire."

The Duke of Dibos said: "That was what my brother did, so he was hanged by me."

Shen Lang narrowed his eyes and he did not want to explore the truth inside.

"On the contrary, because of the emergence of the witch empire, the establishment of the Third Empire of Xilun." Duke Dipos said: "So forget your witch country, it can not become your motherland in the West, Xilun to Xilun."

Ha ha! Ha ha!

God is God? Is Caesar Caesar?

No, this sentence is not suitable for use here because both belong to the Western world.

The Duke of Dibos had to get up and leave, and the waves hit her neck and kissed her red lips.

But once again blocked by her hand.

"Silun is returning to Xilun, and Da Yan is going to be big."

Shen Lang’s heart sneered, and I have slept several times. Are you still telling me that this is interesting?

But now it can be seen that although the Duke of Dibos slept with him many times, he never had to be close to the relationship between the two sides.

Still absolutely isolated!

This is also true, the mouth is eating and talking, so kissing is a higher level of communication.

The following is the lame, so it is a low-level exchange?

But does humanity like vulgar communication or high-level communication?


Shen Lang has thoroughly understood the attitude of the Duke of Dibos.

In the days that followed, the two people will still have the closest relationship.

But the relationship is even more alienated.

Every time the Duke of Dibos read special words and painted special words on Shen Lang.

Full of ceremonial feelings / good.

Don't talk about kissing, even the conversation is not half a sentence.

She came to be intimate with Shen Lang, as if she was performing a certain ceremony.

The encouragement and isolation of Shenlang in the whole city is more serious and hostility is more serious.

Of course, no one is pointing at the middle finger, and no one spits at him.

But the road he has traveled, others will not go for a long time.

Everywhere he goes, everyone will avoid it immediately.

Everyone can see the exquisiteness and purity of Shen Lang, but this is a disgusting expression that raises the hypocrisy of this ethnic group to the extreme.

Shen Lang can only find everything through his eyes.

The Duke of Dibos continued to buy slaves and trained to become an army.

Her army has reached a very amazing number.

Although Shen Lang couldn't see any information, he couldn't hear any conversation, but he could feel it.

Because of the emergence of the witch empire, the Third Empire of the Silent is rapidly forming.

The Duke of Dibos was one of the members of the Third Empire of the Silent.

She recruited horses to attack the witch empire.

Their goal is very simple, completely killing the witch empire, and even killing all the Orientals.

Shen Lang knows that the Xilun Dynasty is still very strong. The reason why the Second Empire collapsed was entirely because the dragons had no head.

In the following kingdoms, the Principality is very strong, and no one can be found to be on the Imperial throne, so it is torn apart.

This is somewhat like the ancient Spring and Autumn and Warring States. Zhou Tianzi's style is small, and the world's princes rise, so they are only four points apart.


A few days ago, someone came to visit Shen Lang. This was the first time in a few months that someone came to see him.

It was the pirate leader. He sent a parcel to Shen Lang. There was nothing in it. It was the broken balloon cloth that Shen Lang entrusted him to pick up.

In the following time, Shen Lang became a canary again.

Not only did not have a castle, but even his own door did not come out.

Just like the priests of the group of Vulcans, the last time they appeared in the wedding of Shenlang, it completely disappeared since then.

At this time, Shen Lang has no plans to develop anything in this city.

His only goal is to leave Bijin City and go to the Witch Country.

Although he can't completely determine that the Witch Country is the kingdom established by the Enemy, it is certain that its monarch is an Oriental. Only when there is a wave of the sea can it exert its talents to gain a powerful force.

Moreover, this witch empire is likely to be a demon.

If it is her, Shen Lang is completely stunned. Didn’t the enemy demon become so strong in a few years?

See a leaf and know the late autumn, see the whole leopard.

This Duke of Dibos is super strong regardless of his personal strength or ability.

At this time, her army has surpassed more than 100,000.

She is only one of the members of the Third Empire of Xilun.

However, this witch empire, all the way from the Eastern world, conquered countless city-states and provinces, and established a huge empire.

This Bijin City once surrendered to the feet of the witch empire.

This kind of prestige is really the style of Jiang’s squatting.

However, even if Shen Lang wants to go to the witch empire, he can't go. Even he can't determine where the witch empire is.

Before he was on the island of saltpeter, he was able to wait for the boat to come.

Now in this Bijin City, although it is crowded, it is more lonely than the island.

Moreover, he can no longer wait for any ship to come, he can not leave Bijin City. No matter how much he paid, no ship was willing to take him away.

No matter how disguised he is, the hidden trails are useless, because the whole city is only a heterogeneous one.

A white swan can't be hidden in a group of black swans, even if you want to blacken yourself.

However, Shen Lang knows that the moment he left Bijin City to go to the Witch Country, it is coming soon.


Start someday!

Shen Lang doesn't like to wear silk, but likes to wear other types of clothes.

Especially cotton and linen, it is more breathable.

But in this castle, no one will prepare the clothes he wants for him.

Therefore, Shen Lang went to the city to buy cotton cloth and linen, and sewed his own clothes.

Western style clothes, he did not like to wear, he re-applied the Eastern style robe.


at night!

The Duke of Dibos once again came to the room of Shen Lang and slept him with a sense of ceremonies.

Finally she took a long breath.

Just like the end of the entire sacred ceremony?

Then, her eyes looking at Shen Lang were a bit complicated.

"Good night, a man from the East."

Then she went straight.

So far, she has been married to Shen Lang for more than ninety-nine days, and the number of intimacy between two people has exceeded nineteen.


one day!

Probably a very important festival in the Western world, it seems to be the birthday of the first emperor of the Shiron Empire.

The entire Bijin City did not celebrate the big bang, but it sounded a solemn bell.

Perhaps Shen Lang guessed wrong. This is not the birth of the first emperor of the Xilun Empire, but his jealous day.

Several maids came in and thoroughly bathed and changed clothes for the sun.

This time it was more luxurious and sacred, and it was bathed nine times.

Then put on a nine-layered shirt.

From the first floor to the fifth floor, it is Shenlang's own clothes. From the sixth to the ninth floor, all are the clothes that the Russo family prepared for him.

And all of them are Eastern-style oriental gowns, silk brocades, and very gorgeous.

The middle-aged **** came in and said: "Your sacred ceremony is about to begin, please come out!"

Is the so-called sacred ritual finally starting?

I have waited for a full hundred days.

There is a gorgeous rut ​​outside, also the East way.

Shen Lang took the rut and 19 people carried the castle and walked toward the pier.


At this time, the square outside the gate of Bijin City was densely packed with troops.

Covering the sky, countless, full of armed forces, the British military is strong.

There is no merchant ship or a pirate ship on the entire sea, all of which are warships, with more than a few hundred ships.

On every ship, the flag of the Russo family is hung, and the higher place is the flag of the Third Reich of the Silon.

The Duke of Dibos was dressed.

At this point, the Vulcan priest who has been invisible has appeared again.

Full of mysterious standing on the dock.

Dibosi female Dagong stood high, hoarsely said: "The big Yan is big, the West is to Xilun. The East is to the East, the West is to the West. The Orientals should not appear in the Western world. The Witch Empire is the entire Western world. Public enemy!"

"The Russo family has been loyal to the Shilun Dynasty for generations, and today is no exception!"

"This time I led the army, expedition to the witch empire, and then built the Third Empire of the West!"

"To completely destroy the Orientals and completely ruin the witch empire!"

"The big Yan is going to be big, and Xilun is going to Xilun."

"Great Vulcan, here I officially offer you a sacrifice to my husband, a man from the East!"

After a while!

Shen Lang was carried to a special firearm.

"burn him, burn him!"

Countless people shouted toward the waves.

Now everything is in vain.

The reason why the Duke of Dibos would marry Shen Lang, marry a strange Eastern world man, and get married for one hundred days, the number of intimacy is more than nineteen.

Everything is for sacrifice!

It is to burn Shen Lang alive when he is out of the witch empire!

Non-my family, its heart must be different!


Note: Today is nearly 16,000! Defend the monthly ticket third, tears for brothers to help each other! Pastries continue to fight!

Thank you invincible 2322, the neighboring Lao Wang came to knock on the door to the million coins.

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