History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 424: : Artillery came to the world! Langye has to go against the sky again.

How to describe the world inside the Devil's Triangle?


Lost world?

It should be fine!

This is a sea city, half under the sea and half above the sea, huge enough to surpass anyone's imagination, endless, layered.

The architecture of the city is completely different from the existing world, and it is completely out of history.

Maybe hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years.

Everyone on the boat has ever imagined the world inside the Great Triangle of the Devil, perhaps an island, perhaps a desert.

Of course, it could be a huge city, but when it really appears in front of it, it still surpasses everyone's imagination.

Human thinking is limited, and even if you can imagine again, you have seen the accumulation of things.

The city of this mirage is more than the aesthetic concept of many people.

But is this beautiful new world a ruin?

Full of vicissitudes and loneliness.

Everyone on the boat had no time to feel the emotion, and immediately entered the most shocking moment.

What is it that is drilled from the water?

Sea monster? It can only be described as such, they have terrible fangs, sharp claws.

With amazing speed, the body is dense and sturdy.


The Nirvana Army on the big ship madly arched, but it was completely ineffective, and these arrows could not penetrate their outer skin.

Once they rushed to the big ship, it was easy to tear countless people into pieces.

And it is at this time.

"Ah..." The big fool slammed loudly and pulled out the black iron epee and slammed it out.

"Mommy mommy……"

At this point, Shen Ye baby ran out of the cabin and rushed to the unconscious mother.


A powerful and fierce sea monster rushed toward him, and he would bite him directly.


Binger screamed and rushed directly to the Shenye baby, and he used his own body to protect the baby.

She would rather have her own bones and she would not be hurt.


All the Nirvana troops pulled out their swords and prepared to fight with these sea monsters.

The sea monster who was going to bite the wild baby suddenly stayed a bit, as if he was hesitant.

And it is at this time!

A strange snail sounded like it was full of infinite magic.

Suddenly, all the sea monsters seemed to be fixed.


This conch sound continues to blow.

Then these sea monsters disappeared without a trace, as if they saw something terrible, they went back to the bottom of the sea.

After a while, a person came from far and near, stepping on the waves.

The sun shines on this person, emitting a golden glow.

This is the real stepping on the waves, but there are no buoyancy boots.

This person can't distinguish between men and women, because the whole body is shrouded in a special armor. I don't know what it is in the distance. After seeing it, I found out that it was an armor, as if there were countless bones.

Gently jumped on the big boat of Kim Mulan, came to Mulan's side, and reached out to touch her neck.

"Don't touch her!"

The stupid black iron epee slammed over.

This person gently dialed, and the stupid body flew out.

"She overdrafted too much mental strength and needed to be treated." The man spoke.

She is a woman who speaks Chinese, but her tone is very weird, as if a foreigner is speaking Chinese.

Then she took off her own mask and revealed a beautiful face.

"Adventurers from the Eastern world? Hello, my name is Helen, my father is also in the Eastern world."


The Mulan City of Shenlang was completely blocked.

No boat can be approached, and a ship that sinks can't leave.

Once his ship goes out to sea, it will be sunk immediately.

The pirate fleet of the **** baron, the left-fighting fleet of Bijincheng, all wandered in this sea area, patrolling day and night.

Shen Lang once sent a small boat to the volcanic island to transport volcanic ash. As a result, the **** baron sank without any mercy.

This world is a reality. Just a few days ago, this **** baron was still doing business with Shen Lang, and even sent him 15 ships and thousands of slaves.

After the bell rang, it immediately became an enemy.

Still underestimating the power of the Duke of Dibos, she ordered that all the pirates in this sea area bowed their heads.

Of course, it may not only be the power of her alone, but also the prestige of the future Sauron.

The Mulan City of Shenlang is at the southernmost tip of the Bichao Peninsula. It is an iron ore mine. There is no farmland, even if it is now.

Everything depends on trade, and once the trade is cut off, it is the best.

Any materials will be interrupted.


"This is much better than I thought. I thought it would be blocked for a month and a half. It has been two months now." Shen Lang smiled. "But I didn't think that this **** baron actually sent us. There are eight thousand slaves. Now we have 13,000 people in Mulan City. How long is the food enough?"

Zhang Chunhua said: "It is enough for three months."

"Three months?" Shen Langdao: "Enough, after a month and a half, Dibosi's 100,000 army will attack our Mulan City."

Zhang Chunhua said: "Did you anticipate this, so all the ships before have shipped volcanic ash, even if the production is not finished every day, and the coins in the hands are almost cleaned?"

Shen Lang nodded and said: "How many volcanic ash are we stocked?"

"More than three million pounds." Zhang Chunhua said.

Shen Langdao: "Enough, enough."

These more than three million pounds of volcanic ash, together with millions of pounds of lime, can produce astronomical cement.

Bricks are still being produced continuously.

“The next 30% of the manpower built the house, and the remaining 70% of the people built the city wall.” Shen Langdao: “In a month, build a wall with a circumference of fifteen miles, more than one thickness. Meter, height is more than five meters."

Before putting it in, Zhang Chunhua must say that the idiots have dreams. The walls of the perimeter of ten miles, even if there are seven or eight thousand people, it will take two or three years, but with bricks and cement, everything is possible.

The circumference of fifteen miles, that is, less than eight kilometers, the average person is only one meter, and the construction is carried out in sections. It is almost easy to complete in one month. If the ordinary brick wall is too slow, it can be directly applied to the cement brick.


A few miles from Mulan City, Shen Lang is experimenting with a new t/n/t bomb.

With the saltpeter mine, it is so happy that people burst into tears. After Shen Lang had just arrived at the Bichao Peninsula, he sent four ships to the saltpeter island to transport the saltpeter. It was only shipped for a while, and it was shipped over ten thousand kilograms.

When he was in Vietnam, he sent hundreds of people to shave the latrines.

Now, with a random ride, there are more than ten thousand kilograms, and the saltpeter on the island is almost inexhaustible.

Moreover, Shen Lang discovered that there are not only a large amount of saltpeter on the island, but also a large amount of phosphate rock.

On the volcanic island, there are not only volcanic ash, but also a number of natural sulphuric acid pools, the real feng shui treasure.

Shenlang wants to make t/n/t materials, which are almost all available, as well as the most pure graphite ore.

The minerals in the Bicha Peninsula are very rich, and a large number of stone rock mines have been found in the more than 100 miles in the north.

There is really a feeling of making a fortune. God seems to be a little bit ignorant of this new continent. Many precious minerals and the oriental world are rare, everywhere here.

With the lack of materials, Shen Lang also sent a large number of purchases.

There are countless materials, but the lack of staff.

The senior talents in Shen Lang’s hands are the dozens of Tianya Haige disciples brought by Zhang Chunhua, and some of them are still going to manage the city.

Full of calculations, only fifteen people, and then selected more than 100 people from the loyal and reliable Eastern Knights to be apprentices.

The process of making t/n/t is complicated and complicated, but it will take two months or so.

The only trouble is that these reaction vessels, it took a long time to make these experimental vessels and reactors all manufactured.

In order to catch up with speed, it is almost what utensils are used, iron pots, glassware, pottery and so on.

Now t/n/t is finally in mass production.

Regarding which kind of fried/medicine was made, Shen Lang hesitated for a long time.

Is bitter acid, or nitroglycerin, or t/n/t.

But in the end it was decided to make t/n/t. Although its power is not the biggest, it is at least very stable. It will take a few seconds to explode with a high temperature flame. It will not happen with a hammer.

The nitroglycerin is really too unstable. The bitter acid honour reacts with iron.

But t/n/t is also annoying because it is too stable and it is not easy to detonate it, so it is necessary to make mercury sulphate to detonate.


With the silence of the waves.


A loud noise, the house used for the experiment was instantly blown up and shattered.

Powerful and very successful!

Next to Zhang Chunhua, the body suddenly trembled.

She did not think that the power of this thing was so big, just a pack, it was able to blow up a house.

"Is it the secret killer you said?" Zhang Chunhua said.

Shen Langdao: "In the strict sense, it can only be regarded as a tool and an important part of the big killer."

There are a lot of t/n/t, and there will be a constant stream of weapons.

Of course, pure t/n/t is still not enough, because it can't do the bullet's propellant, it needs nitrocellulose, double-base nitroglycerin and stabilizer, etc., so the current industrial capacity of Shenlang is far from Arrived.

But as a traditional artillery of the **** of war, it can be born.

After the bombing/drug detonation is completed, the next step is to try the artillery.

Yes, Shen Lang already has artillery, but instead of using the iron inside the iron ore, he bought the pig iron forging.

He paid for dozens of blacksmiths and, according to his knowledge, made an artillery.

The caliber is not large, which is equivalent to the red cannon in the Ming and Qing dynasties.

"Prepare, fire!"

With the slamming of the waves, the temporary gunner ignited the lead.


A loud noise, like thunder.

Blood is splashing.

The gunner was cut directly into two halves.

Directly bombed.

The experiment failed, and the face of Shen Lang was green, and everyone around him was as earthy.

Shen Lang went forward to check the barrel of the bomber. This first shot was blown up? The quality is too bad, right?

Shen Lang checked it. The inside of the artillery is still close, there are not many holes.

The power of t/n/t is still too great. This is not the same as the original artillery, so it is directly bombed.

Time is too tight, and Shen Lang can't directly produce high-strength steel, which is directly used for forging guns.

However, the first batch of steel in his iron ore mine will be produced, and the cannons can be cast in steel with higher toughness.

Next, Shen Lang used the black powder.

The first shot of the artillery was accidental, but the second round of test firing, no one has retreated.

The two thousand troops under Shen Lang are not, and bravery is absolute. Whether it is the Eastern Warrior Regiment or the Roland Knights, they are not afraid of death.



The sound is a lot smaller, but the smoke is a lot stronger. At the moment of the explosion, the entire artillery was even covered by smoke.

Although it is black powder, but because of the large number, the power is still amazing.

"Oh..." A solid iron ball slammed out.

The speed is fast, far beyond the bow and arrow, and instantly hit four or five hundred meters away.

"It's amazing, it's amazing..."

Zhang Chunhua was extremely excited: "With this thing, we are invincible at sea, and we can kill the Great Yan Empire."

"This is much more powerful than a bow and arrow, and it is much more powerful than a giant."

Zhang Chunhua was so excited that he was incoherent, but Shen Lang was a bit embarrassed because the artillery was aimed at another house. As a result, he did not say that he had hit it. He flew directly more than a dozen meters from the house.

This accuracy? It is really touching.

Already bombed an artillery, there are two more.

Then continue to test it, each gunner must test at least a few hundred cannons to find the feeling.

Moreover, the first batch of artillery required Shen Lang to personally train, and he only trained theoretical knowledge, and there was everything in the brain. As for the practice of Shen Lang, it was zero.

At this time, he really misses the Nirvana Army. This group of people is extremely focused and extremely keen. Even if they put down their bows and arrows, they can become the best artillery.

When I missed the Nirvana Army, Shen Lang missed Mulan even more.

"Baby, how are you? Can you still have everything safe?"


Mulan City, Bicha Peninsula, has become a huge construction site, with more than 13,000 people working wildly.

Shen Lang even has some feelings, why the slave trade is so popular in the Western world, because it is really good.

Although they are stupid, they can only do the simplest and repetitive work, but they are really obedient, obedient, and have no rebellious spirit, so they can do what they do.

This obedience seems to be inscribed in the bones. Of course, this is also the sorrow of slavery, because many of these slaves are captive.

Adult slaves who come directly to catch it are not good at discipline, and they will resist, so the price is very low.

Therefore, slave owners in the Western world like to catch some young slaves and then grow up in captivity, so that they can sell high prices. For example, the eight thousand slaves of Shen Lang need a total of nearly 60,000 gold coins. The price is two for ordinary slaves. Three times or so.

Shen Lang once wanted to speak to them and wanted to give them freedom.

As a result, they reacted very dullly, and for them, as if they were able to eat enough, being able to live in the house was a paradise.

This group of captive slaves has been obeyed to numbness.

The walls of Mulan City are growing every day, and the houses in the city are still growing like mushrooms.

Artillery is the top priority, and Shen Lang selected more than 300 people from the most loyal Eastern Knights for training.

The manufacture of fried/medicine continues, but it cannot be made. It requires a variety of explosives/medicines, and even black powders must continue to be built.

The manufacture of artillery is still continuing, and artillery has been cast in new steel.

The whole process is very difficult. Even if there is a grinding tool, even if there is enough theoretical knowledge in Shen Langzhi's brain, the manufactured artillery is usually still pitted.

In the end, Shen Lang can only change his mind. He first forges the hot casting layer to make it have enough toughness and then seamlessly splicing it with aluminum heat.

In fact, whether it can be successful or not, Shen Lang is not known, but in theory it should be possible.


The blockade of Shenlang in the entire sea area is still continuing. The Duke of Dibos is getting closer and closer, and Bijin City is also gathering troops. Even if the Duke of Dibos is absent, the Duke of Russo is still buying strong and strong. Slave, and trained to become an army.

Zhang Chunhua said: "Shenlang, there are still up to forty days, and the army of the Duke of Dibos will come over. Our ship is kneeling at night for the second time, but it is still being patrolled by pirates and once again hit. Sinking."

Shen Langdao: "Is it a **** baron?"

Zhang Chunhua said: "Yes. So on the day of the war, we will not only face the enemy on land, but also the sea."

Shen Langdao: "The Duke of Dibos wants to destroy our base, but I don't think that her Bijin City is coveted. Everything has everything, there are countless silks, cotton, countless gold, countless food, There are also two large shipyards, and countless human resources. Once we have won the Bijin City, we are even developed."

"It is impossible to attack the Bijin City by our strength, but the Duke Dipos took the initiative to lead the army to fight us. It would be better. After her army was completely destroyed, it would be easy for us to attack and occupy Bijin City. too much."

Zhang Chunhua said: "How much do you think she will send out to fight us?"

Shen Langdao: "At least 100,000."

Zhang Chunhua said: "The 100,000 army? Come and attack us two thousand people?"

The army under Shen Lang’s army is really only two thousand people, and there are still one slaves, but this group of people is unlikely to fight for the waves.

Once they started the war, they promised to kneel in the house and wait for the end of the battle, and then return to the new owner. This group of people has no rebellious spirit and no fighting spirit.

"Rely on artillery?" Zhang Chunhua said.

Shen Langdao: "With artillery, at least hundreds of artillery pieces are needed, and large-scale shotguns are needed. According to the progress of our project, there are five artillery pieces that can be fired when the battle is over. Our blacksmiths are too few. And it's too low-level. As long as we win the Bijin City, we have hundreds of thousands of brilliant blacksmiths. By that time, the artillery can be continuously produced."

"Without artillery? Can we win the 100,000th army of the Duke of Dibos?" Zhang Chunhua asked.

"Can, of course!" Shen Langdao.

Zhang Chunhua said: "It has been three months, and the agreement between the two is only nine months. We can't eat it. You are a very special baby. You tell her for a year, she will remember that moment. And then exhausted all the vitality to the moment. If the time is up, and you have not arrived, I am afraid she will not be able to sustain it."

SHEN eyes a hot, said:. "You say such a thing, I'm going to beat you, ah."

Then, he gritted his teeth and said: "Even when I have no army around me, even if I am alone, I have to go to her, climb and climb, I will never say anything."

Zhang Chunhua said: "When will we return to the Great Yan Empire?"

Shen Langdao: "Fast, fast, as long as you win the Duke of Dibos, as long as the occupation of Bijin City, our career will advance by leaps and bounds. As long as there are more than a thousand guns, we will kill as long as there are more than one thousand guns. Go back to the Great Yan Empire, because by that time we have the absolute sea power."

Zhang Chunhua said: "What do we rely on to defeat the 100,000 army of Duke Deborah? We only have 2,000 people, use fried / medicine?"

Shen Langdao: "I hope to try not to use fried medicine."

Zhang Chunhua said: "What use?"

Shen Langdao: "The warrior of the Queen of the Amazon, the most powerful female warrior tribe in the entire Western world."

Zhang Chunhua looked at Shen Lang and said: "There were many people who wanted to conquer the Amazon tribe through the beautiful man, but..."

Shen Langdao: "Their heads have been smashed down and the skin is smashed."

Zhang Chunhua said: "Are you sure?"

Shen Langdao: "Seventy percent, as long as we conquered the Queen of the Amazon, we have one of the most powerful troops. It is easy to defeat the 100,000 troops of Dibos. It is also easy to occupy Bijin City, and even cross the territory."

How powerful is the Amazon tribe warrior? Look at the Roland Knights and you will know.

The Roland Knights were still a group of people abandoned by the Queen of Amazon, because they were too weak to dislike them.

Zhang Chunhua said with amazement: "It’s only a month and a half away from the 100,000-strong army of Dibos. You are still at home, but you haven’t conquered the Amazon tribe. It’s too late. When are you going to conquer the Amazon queen? ”

Shen Langdao: "Go at night!"

Zhang Chunhua trembled: "So fast? So urgent? But the waters around us have been blocked, and a ship can't get out of the sea."

Shen Langdao: "Go to the land, then stay away from the sea and go north to the Amazon tribe."


At night, Shen Lang bid farewell to Zhang Chunhua, Black Pearl, Lan Feng and others.

"Zhang Chunhua, during this time when I was not there, all the internal affairs of Mulan City will be handed over to you."

"Black pearls, suppress your hot temper, don't go to the sea." Shen Langdao.

Black Pearl Road: "We are the descendants of the king of pirates. We are not afraid of sacrifice. Now it is a shame to be blocked on the land. If the party is still there, where is the **** baron. The sea is flamboyant."

She was really awkward. Before, she was still a friend's **** baron who turned her face directly and led many pirates to completely block the Mulan City. The two ships were directly sank and unrelenting.

"General Lan Feng, the defense of the entire city will be handed over to you, but also supervise the manufacture of artillery, the test of the gunner."

The leader of the Eastern Knights, Lan Fengdao: "Lord, if you can conquer the Amazon tribe, then you have the most powerful army, and it is of course easy to defeat the 100,000 army of Duke Dipos. But in case you have not succeeded, or you have not Come in time?"

Shen Langdao: "I have great expectations for the Amazon female warriors, but I have no need, but I will not pin my hopes on them with the Duke of Dibos. Even if we don't arrive in time, this battle will still win, Zhang Chunhua will Rate people to deploy everything. Of course, the best result is that I am killed by the Amazon army, and the blood of the Duke of Dipos is smashed into a river."

Then, Shen Langdao: "Then I am leaving, you take care."

Lan Feng suddenly shouted Shen Lang.

"Lord, can I call you a sigh?" Lan Feng suddenly said: "I know that you don't like this title, but I am worried that I will never see you again. I can't wait any longer. You can't imagine that we are ginger. What kind of loyalty is from our majesty, we even dreamed that the descendants of Jiang’s future will appear in front of us.”

Shen Lang never admitted his identity, but he did not deny that in his chat with Zhang Chunhua, this fox often appeared in the future of the emperor, Jiang Yanxia, ​​or when to kill the words of the Great Yan Empire.

Lan Feng is not a fool, of course, understand these clues.

Of course, even if Shen Lang and Zhang Chunhua chatted about their identity, there is no need to believe that he is the son of Jiang.

But Lan Feng absolutely believes in Queen Medusa. All the decisions she made must be meaningful. There is only one person in the Eastern world who can deserve her. That is the future emperor.

However, Shen Lang did not take the initiative to expose him. Lan Feng did not smash this layer of window paper, but any words could not describe his inner fanaticism and excitement. He seemed to have completely entered the second spring of his career.

The loyalty of the entire Eastern Knights to Shen Lang suddenly reached its limit, even surpassing the previous loyalty to Queen Medusa.

No matter how dangerous the work is, they are vying to do it because they are fighting for their lifelong ideals.

God cares about them too much. After 20 years of desperation, the real Lord is once again sent to them.

So before the test, the first time there was a bomb, the brother was directly blown up, but they still did not retreat, still go to the dangerous experiment.

Now that Shen Lang is gone, they really want to shout a sigh in their hearts.

Shen Lang laughed: "General Lan Feng, this is unlucky, but it doesn't matter. You have to shout and shout, but I must tell you that when the Great Yan Empire, my brother-in-law shouted to me, I It’s so hard to be beaten.”

Then Shen Lang turned over the horse, and under the protection of several female warriors such as Meng Luolan, he left Mulan City and disappeared into the night.

Lan Feng only squats at this time, the first slogan: "Chen Lanfeng, see you, Long live, long live, long live!"

Then, behind the Oriental Warrior regiment was neatly squatted.

"See Majesty, Long live, Long live, long live!"

Everyone’s voice is almost exhausted and tears are in full bloom.

Zhang Chunhua found that she was standing alone, and she saw some numbness in this scene.

I, do I have to kneel down?

I really don't want to smash this scum, even though I like him.

But the atmosphere is all over this, is it appropriate for me?

Then she saw the murderous gaze of the blue wind, and the people of the Eastern Warrior Group stared at her straight, as if they were enemies.

Zhang Chunhua is helpless, as for? Your loyalty is gone, maybe I will be your emperor in the future.

Then she also had no choice but to kneel down.


After six days and six nights!

On the way, they walked more than a thousand miles of land and took two thousand miles of sea.

At this point, you have entered a completely unfamiliar sea area. There are thick fog everywhere, and there are reefs everywhere.

Outsiders can't enter here at all, and Meng Luolan remembers the way home.

Shen Lang rides on a ship and keeps going deeper.

The front should be about to reach the mysterious waters of Amazon.

The Amazon Queen is a completely isolated island, mysterious and powerful, and hardly appears on the map.

The most powerful female warrior regiment in the entire Western world has lived on this mysterious island for generations, and never leaves a half step except for the reproduction of future generations.

Meng Luolan said: "Lord Shen Lang, and then forward is the sea of ​​the Amazon Queen. Once we enter, we are likely to be killed. Although you are one of the three great emperors of the future, Amazon is isolated, even if you are The emperor, they are also killing, and even split the body directly."

Shen Lang nodded: "Know it."

Meng Luolan said: "In the history of the millennium, all the men who entered the Amazonian kingdom were all dead. Almost no chance of opening their mouths was decapitated. Are you sure to go in?"

Shen Langdao: "Go ahead."

Meng Luolan took a deep breath and continued to row.

After two quarters of an hour!

The boat of Shen Lang was surrounded.


Dozens of powerful Amazon female warriors rushed out of the sea.


In an instant, the ship that Shen Lang took was directly alive and torn by force.

This force is really amazing, destroying a ship directly with manpower?

Next second!

A large sword straddles the neck of Shen Lang and traverses the neck of everyone in Monroe.

"Any outsider is not allowed to enter the Amazonian kingdom, and it is against the murder."


Note: Today, there are still more than 16,000 updates, and the teeth are finished! The adults give me the monthly ticket, don’t make me so powerless!

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