History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 433: : Destroy the dead! Great victory!

Mulan City!

The only six artillery pieces did not participate in the war because of fear that the leaks were copied.

For the leaders of this war Mulan, they are very pessimistic and are ready to die with the city.

Once the city breaks, Zhang Chunhua will detonate all the remaining explosives/drugs and blow up all the important materials and secret materials.

But the artillery was not used, but the giant trebuchet was there, with a total of twenty giant trebuchets.

This kind of giant trebuchet is too big, and the wall of Mulan City can't be put down. Therefore, after it is placed on the wall, it is easy to throw the wall and it is easy to cross the wall.

Each giant trebuchet needs at least a dozen people to operate. The two thousand warriors under the smashing of the waves are so precious, so they use slaves to operate these trebuchets. Each trebuchet sends a soldier to manage it.

These slaves will not fight for the master, but manipulating the trebuchet will work as if they were working. And each one is like a robot, and it is meticulously followed by commands.

"Put and put..."

With a command, more than thirty trebuchets, combined with Count Duke and the Earl of Austin, began to prosper.

A few jins of fire/medicine bag madly flew toward Mulan City.


In an instant, the two walls of Mulan City were once again covered by black smoke/medicine smoke.

This is almost a real indiscriminate bombing.

The entire ground was shaking violently, and the smoke almost covered the sun in the entire sky.

The defenders on the Mulan City Wall all crouched behind the city to escape, waiting for the end of the enemy's indiscriminate bombing.

The giant trebuchet of its solid wood city is more lethal and can throw farther, but it does not fire.

Because this kind of projectile is too blind, it needs to be fired when the enemy is attacking the city on a large scale, which can cause huge damage.


The amount of black fire/drug brought by this Vulme teaching is truly amazing, more than a few dozen tons, and the fire/medicine package is two or three thousand.

This indiscriminate bombing really does not seem to end.

It’s really absolute firepower.

The slingers were very poor, and almost half of them slammed directly on the wall and bounced back to the ground. Another 30% flew directly into the city wall, and it was really able to throw it on the wall. There was less than one in each round.

But under this indiscriminate bombing, the results are still far greater than in the Chunhua Pass.

A few jins of black fire/medicine bag is a wall that can't be fried more than a meter thick. Once it is thrown into the wall, it can collapse the house or blast a large hole in the ground.


The enemy rocket car once again staged a stunning scene.

Only this time, no longer shot, and crossed a long trace, directly into the city of Mulan, causing casualties.

Thousands of slaves were shot by thousands of rockets.

Now that the war is over, most of the slaves are squatting inside the house and waiting for the end of the battle.

Once the enemy outside the city wins, there is nothing for them, at most, it is a change of master.

It is impossible to let them fight for Mulan City.

Of course, all slaves feel that they have done very well in Queens, at least better than other slave owners. The daily workload is great, but at least not fatal, at least there is food to eat, but also eat well, there is a wide bed to sleep, and even clothes to wear, the most important thing is not to beat.

And the owner seems to have forgiven their slave status.

However, they are slaves, slaves who work, and will not fight for the master.

There were several rockets that seemed to have long eyes and shot directly into the window. They were all slaves and were shot and killed more than a dozen.

However, the surrounding slaves were only amazed, and then continued to squat there, did not run, did not go to the rescued slaves, and appeared numb.


The indiscriminate bombing of half an hour has finally come to an end.

The army of Earl of Austin and Count Duke threw at least a thousand fire/medicine packs toward Mulan.

In fact, the fire/medicine package has not been used up, but the trebuchet has all been broken, and it is impossible to withstand such a high-intensity battle.

At least the naked eye, Mulan City is very miserable. The entire city wall is black and lacquered everywhere. Many of the houses in the city near the city wall have become ruins, and at least hundreds of rooms have been destroyed.

And under this indiscriminate bombing, the one-meter-thick solid wall was finally damaged, and four or five cracks were blown out in the living.

Of course, it is not a big mouth that is completely blasted, but a gap that is blown open at the corner.

More than a thousand fire/medicine bags, only 20 or 30 in the area that exploded on the city wall, but still caused casualties.

More than 2,000 troops were killed by Shen Lang, and more than 20 people were killed and nearly 200 people were injured.

Earl of Austin and Count Duke look at each other.



With the order of the two counties, the 20,000-year-old tides rushed toward the two walls.

"For the empire, for Dibos Grand Duke."

"For the Solon the Great, kill the Orientals!"

With a special rhythm, the 20,000-strong army is charging faster and faster.

It is getting closer and closer to the Mulan City Wall and entering 400 meters and 300 meters.

And this time!

The 18 trebuchets in Mulan City finally got out of power (the other two were destroyed in the indiscriminate bombing of the enemy).

"Prepare, ignite!"

"Put, put, put..."

With a slam, there was a loud bang.

One huge bomb/medicine bag was thrown out one by one, and each fire/drug pack exceeded fifty kilograms.

All are wrapped in asbestos cloth to prevent fire. There are twenty-five pounds of explosives/drugs in each fire/medicine bag, and twenty-five shrapnel, more than a few hundred.

This huge fire/medicine bag crossed an arc in the air, crossed the wall and broke into the enemy's charge army.


The real earth-shattering explosion happened again.

"Booming and banging..."

The land that has just calmed down, once again trembled violently.

This power can be much much bigger than a grenade.

25 pounds of tnt, plus 25 pounds of shrapnel, this power can be razed to a small building.

Within 30 meters of the explosion radius, almost all death zones.

The flower of blood blooms again.

Countless enemy soldiers were once again blown up and blown up.

This round of trebuchet attacks in Mulan City killed hundreds of people.

The Earl of Austin and the Count of Duke, who stood on the heights, saw this scene, and the face was only slightly twitched.

They have expected that the casualties will be great today, but everything is worth it because it is a race of race.

If this group of Orientals is not eliminated today, then his power will soon spread.

Although very tragic, the outcome of the battle will not change.

The destruction of the Queen’s Queen’s City has become a foregone conclusion.


North of the Bicha Peninsula.

The tide of eight thousand Amazonian knights led by Shen Lang is generally down, and the speed is extremely fast.

The Amazon Island is really special. Not only is the blood of people close to ancient humans, but even war horses.

Whether it is a head or a speed, the Amazon War Horse is far superior to the war horses of the outside world. Its height is about two meters and seven or eight, and it weighs more than 1.5 tons.

This form of warhorse is already an absolute behemoth, even surpassing the Sharma on Earth.

Sharma is not suitable for use on the battlefield and is more suitable for transportation. But the Amazon horses are amazing on the battlefield. They have powerful bones and amazing speed.

The speed of the world's ordinary horses is 15 meters per second, and the Amazon horse's one-second charge can reach an astonishing 25 meters.

Even if they are carrying two people on their backs, and they are equipped with armor, they still have amazing speed.

This tonnage, this speed of assault, is simply devastating. Probably no matter what military array, it can be easily opened.

Of course, the number of such powerful Amazon horses is not much. This time, Queen Ada gave the eight thousand warriors of Shenlang, but there were only four thousand horses. These horses used hundreds of ships to transport.

At this time, the Liuli City Wall of Chunhuaguan has fallen into the hands of the enemy. The army of Earl of Austin attacked Mulan City in the south, leaving 2,000 people to defend Chunhuaguan, mainly to imitate the escape of the Orientals in Mulan.

At this time, the defensive Chunhua Guancheng Wall is a thousand households. He is a servant of the Duke of Dibos. He is a very good warrior. His name is Buck.

Buck's family has been a vassal of the Russo family for generations, but he was also a nobleman. He was not a nephew and could not inherit the title. Therefore, he became a servant warrior at the Duke of Dibos.

Not only that, he is extremely handsome, whether he admits it or not, he wants to have something with the Duke of Dibos in his heart, even if he knows that he can't marry this noble woman, but it is okay to be a lover.

Of course, he did not succeed. The private life of the aristocrats of the Silent Dynasty was very chaotic. Although Dibos had a beautiful face and a hot body, he was not enthusiastic about men and women.

Of course, in the face of Buck's flattering Dibos, he did not give punishment, but instead let him enter the army.

At this time, the Buck family is complaining about the Earl of Austin, why he left him here, why not take him to attack Mulan City, he is going to go to the Eastern people there to cramp and cramp.

He hates every oriental.

Because Shen Lang slept through his woman Duke Dipos, even though it was for sacrifice. But in Buck's eyes, Shen Lang, the despicable Oriental, was burned to death 10,000 times, and it was not worthy of the half finger of Duke Debord.

There is no war here. The Buck family can rest peacefully. In the bunker of Chunhuaguan, he closed the door and solved his armor. He dreamed of the face of Duke Dipos and started to work. Unbelievable things.

"Duke Dipose, I want you."

"The hostess, I will let you die, you should let me prove this."

At this moment, suddenly the cup on the table began to tremble.

What's wrong? Earthquake?


The vibration on the ground is getting worse.

"Oh..." The door of the bunker was slammed open. The rushing in was the deputy thousand households. He looked at the thousands of adults with horror, and the portrait in front of him. Who is the woman in this portrait?

However, this deputy thousand households did not make a big fuss, because this kind of thing is very common in the military, and even more excessive.

"Thousands of adults, there are enemies!"


The Buck family led two thousand warriors to the six-mile wall of Chunhuaguan, overlooking the north.

A black shadow, two black shadows, a black shadow.

The enemies on the wall of Chunhuaguan City are still not clear enough. The warriors on the top of the mountain post will see more clearly.

Eight thousand Amazon warriors, two people and one horse, spread on the ground.

Like the tide, it sweeps down.


"The enemy attack, the enemy attack..."

"Get ready to fight, get ready to fight!"

When there were two kilometers away from the Chunhuaguan city wall, four thousand Amazon female warriors jumped from the war and took two big long legs and rushed toward the wall.

Do not rest, do not assemble arrays, directly attack the city!

What's amazing is that they don't ride horses on their legs, and the speed is not slow.

The speed of this charge is simply unbeatable.

And they do not slogan when they charge, they are running wild.

At this point, the enemy forces on the wall of the Chunhuaguan city in the valley finally saw it clearly.

"Amazon female warrior? This, how is this possible?"

"According to the ancestral training, isn't the Amazon female warrior unable to leave the country half a step?"

"Why are they here?"

Speaking of the Amazon female warrior, Buck's thousand households are also full of anger and shame, because he went to participate in three reproductions, the results are empty, no Amazon female fighters selected him.



With the order of the Buck family, the two thousand enemy forces on the wall began to shoot.


The result is zero!

The rain density of two thousand people is really not enough, and the speed of the Amazon female warrior is too fast. The speed per second is more than ten meters. Unless it is an archer, it is not big to shoot such a high-speed moving target. possible.

And even if it can be shot, it makes no sense. The Amazon female warrior is close to the ancient humans, and it is easy to use the shield to block the sword.

Just a few tens of seconds.

Four thousand Amazon female warriors rushed under the wall.

Although the walls are not high, they are about five meters. They don't have any siege ladders, not even ropes.

But in the next scene, not only the Buck family, but even Shen Lang was completely shocked.

I... my day, is it so strong?

The Shabar warriors can climb the city wall with rope hooks and even climb freely. The second Nirvana Army can also.

But this group of Amazon female warriors don't even have to climb.

Accelerate the charge directly on the ground, and then rushed straight onto the wall.

Just like the most gorgeous parkour, the feet quickly slammed on the straight wall, and finally leaped to the city with a hand.

This is just the usual means of the Amazon female warrior. It is even more exaggerated that several Amazon women will jump directly and jump on the five-meter-high wall.

Of course, this can also be done by Mulan Baby.

However, dozens of Amazon women will be able to do it.

So in just a few seconds, thousands of Amazon female warriors leaped to the wall.

Buck’s thousand households shouted: “Draw a sword, kill the enemy, kill the enemy!”


His words have not been finished, and the whole body has been split into two halves.

After an Amazon woman slammed into the city wall, she slammed down the knife, and the sword of more than one hundred kilograms directly opened the two halves.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

The hand fell off the knife.

After a few minutes, the battle is over!

The two thousand enemies who occupied Chunhuaguan were killed and all died.

The Amazon female warrior is too embarrassed to start, or beheaded, or squatting, or smashing from it.


Someone opened the gate of Chunhuaguan.

The Amazon warhorse surges from this gate and continues to rush south.

Most of the Amazon female warriors, without going through the city gate, rushed directly to the wall, and then jumped from the five-meter-high wall.

The whole movement is flowing.

This six-mile-long city wall has two thousand defenders, and the Amazon female warrior's blocking time is no more than half a quarter of an hour.

Shen Lang exclaimed: "It's too strong, it's too strong."

Princess Dora said: "His Shen Lang, I know that you are very excited, but please can you not top me. If you do this again, I have to consider wearing a silver armor."

Shen Langdao: "Don't, don't, the edge of the silver armor is hard and sharp, it will cut your thigh."

Princess Dora said: "Your hand will not leave my lap, I am afraid my sword will cut your fingers."

Shen Langdao: "Dora, you are not cute before, you used to touch me before."

Princess Dora said: "At that time you were a woman, Miss Ronana."

Shen Lang originally wanted to say that you can treat me as a woman, but I am afraid that if the other person says it, the other party will be a sword and turn him into a woman.

After crossing the Chunhuaguan city wall, Shen Lang ordered: "Leave eight hundred people to guard this city gate and cut off the enemy's escape route. The remaining seven thousand and two hundred people will go south at full speed to save the Queen City."

With the order of Shen Lang, 7,200 Amazon female warriors accelerated southward.

More like a raging wave.


The battle under Mulan City has lasted for a half hour.

More tragic than imagined.

The Earl of Austin thought that the casualties would be around 15,000, but after three hours of fighting, the casualties exceeded this figure.

This group of Oriental Thunder Wrath weapons are too powerful.

It is simply death, it is simply the reaper of life.

On the ground outside the city wall, hundreds of large pits have been blown up. They are densely packed with bodies, and even many bodies are incomplete.

The blood was completely reddened by the earth.

After the army tried to fix more than a dozen trebuchets, it once again suppressed the fire on the city.

But this group of Oriental defenders still risked using the shovel that would explode, and once again slaughtered the army of Austin and Duke Earl.

But the accident is still frequent, at least dozens of grenade explosions in the Mulan City defenders. The consequences are really fierce and the sum of more than two hundred people have been killed, and even the city walls have been blasted several huge gaps.

This is a race of race and a battle of honor.

Both sides of the army have shown an unparalleled will to fight, even if the casualties exceed the warning line, but also morale.

Under the suppression of firepower, the army of Count Earl of Austin and Count Duke rushed to the wall again.


The ground is full of explosions, but it is getting thinner.

Because the trebuchet in the city has been almost completely damaged, it is impossible to fire at least in one or two hours.

And the stored explosives/drugs are also used up.

Originally more than 2,000 defenders, there are less than one thousand at this time.

But there are also siege materials on the wall, as well as rolling wood, and a stone, you can also destroy the enemy.

The general of the Eastern Knights, General Lan Feng, pulled out the big sword and said: "Because of the sacredness of our majesty, we have a powerful new weapon. But now that the new weapon is used up, we have to fulfill the mission of a warrior."

"Swear to defend Queenstown!"

"Coexist with Queenstown!"

"Long live your majesty, long live, long live!"

Earl of Austin and Count Duke stood on the heights to see this scene, slowly saying: "It is a brave army."

"Yes!" Earl Duke said: "But the more brave the more damn, the more the battle is over."

"Yeah, it's over!"

"Our casualties have exceeded 20,000, but it doesn't matter!"


As the horn sounds.

The fourth round of siege war broke out again.

The 20,000-strong army of Austin and Count Duke once again rushed to Mulan City.

This time, they rushed to the wall relatively smoothly, because the trebuchet in the city was dumb, and the grenade of the defenders was almost used up.


Numerous siege ladders were placed on the wall, and countless enemy ants generally climbed up.

The rolling wood above the wall has fallen.

The defenders raised a piece of boulder and slammed it down desperately.

At this time, the grenade is already very valuable. You must pick the most intensive place of the enemy and slam it down.

"Boom..." can take away dozens and twenty lives at once.

The whole battle has entered the most white-hot state!

"Death, die, die!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"


Listening to the deafening voice outside, Zhang Chunhua in the city seat took a sip of wine.

At this time, the entire city of the government buried a few hundred pounds of explosives / medicine, there are countless black fire / medicine, countless fish oil, countless sulfuric acid, and countless secret information.

As long as the city is broken, the enemy will flood into the city.

Then, she will completely detonate the entire city government, and all the secrets will be torched. By the way, hundreds of enemies will be buried.

She wore a gorgeous dress today, and even deliberately pulled her chest down. Anyway, she was alone.

This kind of ditch is still crowded.

She listened to the killing sound outside, knowing that the last moment is coming soon.

At most half an hour, this Mulan City will be compromised.

By then, she will be as devastated as the entire city.

She is really not willing.

Drink a sip of wine.

I don't believe it, I absolutely don't believe it will be the result.

In the worse situation before, Shen Lang can be reversed. Is it going to die this time?

Shen Lang, the city is named after your wife.

It doesn't matter if the city gate I named is trapped, but Queenstown has fallen, how can it be?

Do you have to start from scratch?

If you want to stage a miracle, then your mother will hurry. If you dare to perform any last minute rescue, the aging mother will pour the urine on your face, and it will be hot.

And it is at this time.


The whole ground began to tremble, not the tremor of the explosion, but the tremor like a small earthquake.

She was surprised, a joy, and hurriedly climbed up the steps.

The city's main government has four floors, almost the highest. She wears a gorgeous tunic and climbs directly to the top of the city's main house, looking to the north.

Then, then see the frenzy in the north!

Shen Lang is coming!

With a stunning army, I rushed towards Mulan City.


Standing in the heights of the Earl of Austin, Earl Duke saw it earlier.

Both of them turned pale and almost couldn't believe their eyes.

This, this is the Amazon female warrior?

How can this be?

For thousands of years, no one has been able to conquer the Amazon tribe, and even the Xilun Dynasty can't do it.

Why is Shen Lang?

How many Amazons is this? Five thousand people? Seven thousand people?

Why can he get the allegiance of the Amazon Legion?

The power of the Amazon female warrior, Earl Duke and Earl of Austin can no longer understand.

This is simply a thunder, it is a storm.

At this time, more than 10,000 people attacked the city, and there were still 40,000 troops in their hands.

"Array, array!"

"Meet the enemy, meet the enemy..."

"Shield array, long guns!"

With the orders of the two counts, the 40,000 army quickly arrayed and turned to face the north.

The army of 40,000 people seems to have become a tortoise shell.

Thousands of huge shields were built into temporary steel walls.


Every soldier gasps in a big mouth.

I heard that the Amazon female warrior is very strong. Today I have to look at it. Can you thousands of people win us tens of thousands of people?

"come on!"

Look down from the sky.

The 40,000-strong army of Austin and Count Duke formed ten squares, stretching a few miles, like a steel array.

And seven thousand Amazon female warriors, like the tide, swept down quickly.

Princess Dora was inexplicably excited.

She loves fighting, especially as the enemy is as good as possible, the stronger the better.

"Acceleration, acceleration, acceleration..."

The horses of the Amazon female warriors are also inexplicably excited.

The speed was already very fast, and it was accelerated again at this time. The speed of the momentary charge reached an astonishing 25 meters per second.

This speed is already like a 90-kilometer car.

Charge, charge, charge!

The Amazon Cavalry is getting closer and closer to the enemy's 40,000 army array.

Three hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

One hundred meters!

Between heaven and earth, I fell into a short silence.



The two armies collided in an instant.

There is no suspense.

It is directly devastating.

The Amazon Army easily tore up the steel array of the enemy's 40,000 army.

Then it is madly trampled.

Crazy to slaughter.

Crazy crush!

Where the Amazon Cavalry passed, it was all meat!

Great victory!


Note: I go to eat, then write the second! Defend the monthly vote list third, the brothers help me!

Thank you book friend 20171120180050932, it is a girlfriend to win a million coins.

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