History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 435: : Deborah is saddened! Chunhua is dedicated!

"Under the scum, we are going bankrupt." This is the first sentence Zhang Chunhua saw in Shen Lang.

"I know."

On this road, Shen Lang is thinking about this problem. The grain in Mulan City was enough to eat for a month and a half, but now it can't hold it for ten days.

Without him!

The Amazon female warrior is too edible.

The average person should eat at least five pounds of meat per day, five pounds of fish. Now, after following the Shenlang, of course, I have to change the recipe, eat potatoes, rice and other foods, but even then all the food is not enough for ten days.

Amazon female warriors are extremely powerful, but their food intake is ten times that of ordinary people.

“Have our fishing nets been made?” Shen Lang asked.

"It's made, but we don't have the right to make the sea. The **** baron's fleet is still blocking us." Zhang Chunhua said: "There are more **** barons, all the pirates in this area, and the fleet of Dibos are blocking us. ”

Shen Lang could not help but frown.

This is a peninsula. It is a terrible thing to have no sea power.

骷髅Party fleet, where are you? When are you coming back?

Now that the Amazon Legion has been loyal, as long as they get the squadron, the army in the West will survive.

Then, as long as the artillery is built on a large scale, a powerful artillery fleet can be built to kill the Eastern world.

But now the Earl of Austin is defeated, I believe that the fleet of Dibos and the **** Baron should not be too close to the Bicha Peninsula, because the Amazon female warriors are a group of madmen, really angered them, but swim directly from the sea. Do yours.

"Let the slaves go fishing in the sea." Shen Lang ordered: "Don't go far, use fishing nets to fish in the offshore."

Even if you risk being attacked, you must fish, otherwise you will have to cut off the grain.

The Amazon female warriors have left their homes to fight for you, and they can’t be hungry.

"The most crucial thing is to take Bijin City immediately." Zhang Chunhua said: "There are countless food, meat, blacksmith shops, workshops, and two shipyards in Bijin City."

Shen Lang certainly understands this. This Mulan City is just a base and it is impossible to be a long-term solution.

Only by taking Bijin City, his foundation will advance by leaps and bounds.

But Shen Lang is an Oriental, even if he won the Bijin City, the problem is just beginning.

"Do you think the white people in Bijin City may be loyal to me?" Shen Lang asked.

Zhang Chunhua said: "Impossible."

Shen Langdao: "The Vida people in Bijin City may be loyal to me?"

Zhang Chunhua said: "It is not very likely."

Shen Langdao: "What about the slaves in the city of Bijin? If I play the banner of the witch empire, can they loyal to me?"

Zhang Chunhua said: "It is possible, but slaves are wastes, and they are of little use to us. We need blacksmiths and shipbuilders."

Her words are very mean, but absolutely correct.

Zhang Chunhua said: "Under the scum, you are not a demon, nor a Queen of Medusa. We are all unprofitable people. Are you interested in liberating slaves?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "Nothing at all. I only want to get food and meat. I can feed my army. I just want a lot of blacksmiths to forge steel for me and make artillery. I only want a lot of alchemists. Make a bomb/medicine for me. I just want a shipyard and make a warship for me."

Zhang Chunhua said: "Shenlang, we are just passing passengers."

Shen Langdao: "Yes, we are just passing passengers."

Zhang Chunhua said: "At that time, Queen Medusa was unparalleled, sweeping the liberation of slaves and creating a powerful witch empire. But the price is that her armies have changed almost one wave after another, and they have died after wave after wave. You are willing Sacrifice your own army, in exchange for the freedom of those slaves, in exchange for the loyalty of those city-states?"

Shen Lang is certainly not willing.

This so-called witch empire is just a big flag of Queen Medusa, not a normal empire.

And the power of Queen Medusa has been detached from the race, in fact, in the eyes of Westerners, she is a white. In the eyes of the Orientals, she is a yellow man.

"Today's different days, the Great Emperor of Soren has risen, and the miracle of conquering the city-state is being created by one person and one city in the north. It is already expected." Zhang Chunhua said: "When Queen Medusa swept the south, the Western Lunar dynasty was torn apart, without any centripetal force. And now Sauron is the centripetal force of the entire New World, and the mind is determined."

Shen Langdao: "The world must be divided for a long time.

Then he asked: "As my chief think tank, what advice do you have for me?"

Zhang Chunhua said: "Conquering the Duke of Dibos, it is impossible to rule the city of Bijin by yourself. You can't get any loyalty from anyone. You can't get any productivity. Even if you win the city, you will fall into the enemy. At that time, the other forces of the Bibo and Shilun dynasties will continue to attack you, and countless people in Bijin City will rebel."

Shen Lang laughed: "Unless I carry out the massacre, kill the whites. And incite the Vida people to slaughter the whites and let them establish autonomous power."

Zhang Chunhua said: "This is also a way, so that you can indeed get the support of some ambitious homes. But I have to say that the Vida people are also waste, the elite goldsmiths of Bijincheng, the shipbuilders are white. And many The Vedas have loyalty to the worship of white people, even more than the whites themselves."

Shen Langdao: "By the hell, where did Princess Helen die? If she is there, then there is nothing."

Although Princess Helen was a descendant of the rebellious Queen, she was hostile to the entire northern aristocracy. But in the south of the Western Isles, countless people miss the Queen.

At that time, the Xilun Dynasty was strong in the north and backward in the south. It was developed after the Queen of Helen moved to the Queen City. Countless families also rose because of her.

Nowadays, the Sauron emperor is too strong, and many new aristocrats in the South dare not speak out because they have no banner figures.

And once Princess Helen appeared, it was all the same, she was more justified than Queen Medusa.

Zhang Chunhua said: "So my advice to you is to conquer the Duke of Dibos, in order to get the materials and productivity of Bijin City."

Shen Langdao: "Conquer her? What?"

Zhang Chunhua said: "Of course not by charm, your charm is conquering me. It is impossible to conquer Dibos. This kind of person is willing to marry the Emperor Sauron to become his outer room."

Shen Langdao: "Understood, don't rely on charm, then rely on evil doors."

Zhang Chunhua said: "Do you know the rules of the West?"

Shen Langdao: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Chunhua said: "Exotic countries can be kings."

Shen Lang understood, just like Europe at the time, the Polish aristocrats were able to elect a Frenchman as a king. When the king of France was vacant, the British king even wanted to compete for the French throne, which led to the outbreak of the Anglo-French war.

Zhang Chunhua said: "According to speculation, Princess Helen is your sister, and you are almost her only relatives. If she inherits the throne of the Shilun Empire, then you will become the prince of the Xilun Empire. Of course, inheriting the throne is not Maybe, because you don't have the blood of the Xilun royal family."

Shen Lang spread the map and looked at Bijin City carefully.

This super-large city is only four hundred miles from Mulan City.

This battle is very difficult to fight.

This is a backing bay city. The northern mountains are natural barriers. The middle valley has a wall of more than ten miles, which is more than an astonishing eight or nine meters.

And the city knows more than 100,000 defenders.

Today, Dibosi is the guardian of the southern kingdom of the Western Lun Dynasty. As long as she orders, at least a hundred thousand troops will come to support.

The Amazon Army is extremely powerful, breaking the city wall and entering the city is no problem.

However, after breaking the city wall, it still fell into the vast ocean of more than 100,000 troops.

Even if you can win, there will be no small casualties.

Every Amazon female warrior is precious. If there are hundreds or thousands of casualties, it will almost kill the life of the waves.

Therefore, in this battle, how to break through the city wall, Shen Lang is not worried.

After all the difficulties are broken through the city wall, this is a war of aliens.

Unless, do the battle of daggers!

The thief smashed the king and directly took down the Duke of Dibos.

"I am also this idea." Zhang Chunhua said: "Now the Earl of Austin has been captured, as long as he wins the Duke of Dibos, then the entire Bijin City has no leader, at least the war is unsustainable."

Shen Lang spread the map and said: "We need a most elite warrior, directly attacking the top castle of the Duke of Dibos, killing all the warriors in the castle and capturing her."

Zhang Chunhua said: "Duke Dipose's martial arts is very strong and strong."

Shen Langdao: "I know that what I saw with my eyes is no less than the Earl of Austin, even stronger, because her blood talent is higher. But we have more masters here, Princess Dora, General Kwai Ning, and a few more. Ten Amazon women will definitely win her."

"So, my plan is to be the top master of hundreds of Amazons, directly through the layers of defense in the city of Bijin, directly attacking the Duke of Dibos, and take her!" Shen Langdao.

Zhang Chunhua said: "This is impossible. The Amazon master is powerful, but it can't pass through the hundreds of thousands of troops in Bijin City."

Shen Langdao: "This is of course possible, but it requires a certain amount of adventure. It needs to stage a big drama that falls from the sky."

Zhang Chunhua said: "What do you mean?"

Shen Langdao: "The top hundreds of Amazon's top players flew directly over the Duke of Dibos and jumped directly."

Zhang Chunhua said: "From the sky?"

Shen Langdao: "Yes, flying from the sky."

Zhang Chunhua opened his mouth and couldn't close it. This has completely touched her knowledge blindness.

"How to fly?" Zhang Chunhua asked.

Shen Langdao: "Next, I personally designed and made this secret weapon in the shortest time, and then immediately staged a battle of daggers from the sky. Dibos thought that I would attack the Bijin City with eight thousand troops? She completely missed it. Now, I will use more than one hundred people to win this million-level city."

The hot air balloon raid has appeared many times in the Shenlang brain, but it lacks space for display.

It is finally ok.

This group of Amazon female warriors is so strong that even if they jump off the hot air balloon, they will be safe and sound. If you change to another person, even if you have a parachute, you will probably fall and break.

This surprise attack, Shen Lang more and more excited, the more you want to be more boiling.

The probability of success is very high.

Once successful, the Shenlang created a military miracle. With just a few hundred people, it won the superpower of more than 100,000 troops.

Next, Shen Lang couldn't wait to start designing a special hot air balloon.

This time, it can be designed in a generous manner and made in a big way.

When Shen Lang painted, he asked: "Zhang Chunhua, I heard that you want to pour urine on my face?"

Zhang Chunhua said: "I said this, but which one is telling you?"

Shen Langdao: "Many people, because they heard this sentence, they are filled with indignation and feel that this is a big disrespect to me."

Zhang Chunhua said with a smile: "What do you think?"

Shen Langdao: "I have some expectations."

Zhang Chunhua bit his red lips and charmed: "You didn't have a last minute rescue, so you don't have to be punished, but you still come too late, still have to be punished."

Shen Langdao: "What punishment?"

Zhang Chunhua said: "I look at you, do you want it?"

Shen Langdao: "Yes."

"Hey, hey, hehe..." Then Zhang Chunhua, the fox, the red lips are really close to the face of Shen Lang, and he gave him a look.

Then she sat directly on the legs of Shen Lang and held his face and kissed him directly.

After a few minutes of full kiss, Zhang Chunhua asked: "Scum, when are you yelling at me?"

Shen Langdao: "Back to the East."

Zhang Chunhua said: "In fact, it is ok to sleep after you go to sleep. Everyone is a child of the rivers and lakes.

Shen Lang kissed her mouth and said softly: "The room here is not gorgeous enough, it is simple. When I take Dibosi's hilltop castle, I choose one of the most gorgeous rooms, one of the softest big beds, okay? ?"

"Okay, okay..." Zhang Chunhua kissed him again and shivered: "But I don't want to be pregnant first. I am not a venerable demon. I am not so strong, I can't have children at sea, and I will return to the East."

"Right, scum, if you marry me, how many do I rank?"

Shen Langdao: "Third?"

Zhang Chunhua sighed: "Oh, let's do it! Who makes me not noble, but she is married in name. I don't care about my body or my reputation. It is pure and innocent, so I think I can She is tied."

"Scum, you are the son of Jiang Lie. This identity is great. I am not afraid to marry you. I am Zhang Chunhua. This is also Guangzong Yaozu."


Huge table.

Shen Lang is banqueting the generals, mainly Princess Dora and dozens of women.

The table is full of a wide variety of dishes and snacks, more than dozens of them.

Princess Dora didn’t know where to go from now.

In the Amazon, they eat three kinds of food, beef, fish, and oatmeal every day.

On the current table, there are five kinds of light cakes, as well as ice cream.

Beef has five dishes, as well as caviar, vegetable salad and more.

There are even four or five wines.

Before Zhang Chunhua also said that Shen Lang was too extravagant, and spent money to buy so many things to enjoy, did not expect him to be used to entertain the Amazon female warrior.

"Dora Princess, my sisters, first of all our beef is definitely not as good as the Amazon Island, but since coming to me, you must not be wronged."

"Try it."

Princess Dora picked up a piece of chocolate cake, probably only a small piece of palm, and a spoon.

Is this a spoonful of spoonfuls to eat? After hesitating for a moment, Princess Dora put the whole cake into his mouth.

Then, her beautiful ocean overflowed with the color of happiness, and the beautiful face was suddenly released.

It’s too... delicious.

Then she picked up a small bowl of ice cream and poured it directly into her mouth.

Too, too, it’s so delicious.

The animals that the Amazon female warriors had eaten before were delicious, but they were really monotonous, only a few.

And eating for them is just a supplement to energy, and now it has become a kind of enjoyment.

This wonderful taste of happiness is too strong.

“How is the taste?” Shen Lang asked.

Princess Dora said: "In the aspect of attracting people, you are a demon, Miss Ronana."

Zhang Chunhua’s hand was silent and slammed on the thighs of Shen Lang.

Eccentric ghost, why didn't these things be given to me before? I haven't been slept by you, have you become an old man?

General Lan Feng was meticulously eating buns, and his eyes only had deep waves. At this time, seeing the face of Shen Lang slightly twitching, he knew when it happened, suddenly frowned.

"Zhang Daren, I will respect you." Lan Feng raised the cup.

Zhang Chunhua quickly let go, and General Lan Feng toasted.

Then, General Lan Feng had the heart to exhort, although this is in the overseas world, but the etiquette of the monarch and the minister is still clear.

Zhang Chunhua is a bit too much, especially before that he wants to pour urine on his face. If there is a court, he will openly impeach.

"General Lan Feng worked hard." Zhang Chunhua smiled softly, then took a spoon and took a sip of ice cream and fed it into the mouth.

Then she licked her lips in front of everyone and kissed her on the face of Shen Lang.

In this scene, everyone else on the scene feels normal and ignores it, because the Western world is such a public relative.

General Lan Feng stunned and his face twitched.

What is the system, what is the system?

But from now on, he can't publicly impeach Zhang Chunhua. Originally everyone was a courtier, and now she wants to be one of the hostesses.

However, General Lan Feng decided to privately find an opportunity to unite Meng Lulan, Black Pearl and other women to privately admonish Zhang Chunhua.

The necessary etiquette is still to be told. Even if we are an exile regime abroad, we cannot be disrespectful to our majesty.


Bijin City!

The beautiful Duke Dipos is fighting in the Colosseum.

This time is a real battle.

The tiger before, not only her training partner, but also her pet, so she is not willing to kill the killer.

This time, she has to face more than a dozen giant wolves.

She is still very cool, her arms and legs, and even the waist is exposed.

A long red hair, the whole person is beautiful.

Take a deep breath, then she put on her helmet.


With a single order, several cages open at the same time.

More than a dozen giant wolves rushed out of the lightning and rushed toward the Duke of Dibos.

These giant wolves are all not tamed, and they only eat half full, full of strength, but fierce.


These dozens of giant wolves also know about tactical encirclement.

Formed an encirclement, and then take turns from the front, rear, left and right directions.

The speed is agile and the power is huge. Every wolf is like a calf.

This scene is simply not dare to look directly, even if it is a master of martial arts, in the face of this dangerous situation may be a five-step splash.

Dibos leaped wildly in the air, and the whole body was a few meters high.

More than a dozen giant wolves are empty.

Then she fell from the air.

"Brush brush..."

Dibosi’s sword is like electricity.

In a short moment, kill a dozen wolves.

Less than three seconds from start to finish, the battle is over.

However, killing these dozen giant wolves is just a warm-up.

Next, a majestic white man with white hair came out.

"Bai Ting adults." Duke Dipos salute.

The Baiting adult is the first swordsman of the province of Bibo, and for a long time he was the teacher of the Earl of Austin.

"His Duke." Baiting adults salute.



Then, two people fought fiercely together.

Dibos never used vindictiveness before, but now he is fighting with this top player and finally used it.

Her sword seems to be faintly radiant, and every sword bursts out with thunder and whistling sounds.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

A wave of swords swept over.

The surrounding flags were actually cut off by the volley.

The two mad wars have dozens of moves, hundreds of strokes, still not winning.

Suddenly, a figure rushed into the middle of the middle age **** Tarren.

The Duke of Dibos frowned.


The two did their best and slammed the last move.


A loud bang, the two figures slammed together and then ejected.

This sturdy stone floor has an inch crack.

Baiting adults said: "The Duke is really the strongest blood of the Russo family."

Duke Dibos nodded and walked outside.


"Bad news?" asked the Duke of Dibos.

"Yes." Middle-aged **** Talun said: "The **** baron asks."

The Duke of Dibos instinct was about to go to the study, but he stopped.

At this time, it is not appropriate to go to the vassal to fight in a battle. She went to bathe and change clothes, put on a luxurious dress, and then went to the study.

"Bloody Baron, I heard that you have bad news to tell me?" asked Dibos.

The **** Baron trembled: "Yes, the battle of Mulan City was defeated. Count Duke died and the Earl of Austin was captured."

The beautiful face of Duke Dickers was so cold that his heart was shocked.

How can this be?

The 100,000-strong army attacked a broken city in a small town. The enemy is only 2,000 people. How can it be lost?

The **** Baron said: "Shen Lang has already received the allegiance of the Amazon tribe. At the crucial moment, nearly 10,000 Amazon female soldiers have been killed, killing the army of Earl of Austin and Count Duke."

The face of the Duke of Dibos lost all his blood.

Shen Lang actually got the allegiance of the Amazon tribe?

Why? how is this possible?

For thousands of years, the Amazon kingdom was isolated from the world, and the emperors of the Xilin Dynasty failed to conquer them.

What do the Orientals of Shen Lang have to do with the power of a chicken? Why do you do this?

Is it because he is beautiful? There is also the so-called charm?

But in the eyes of the Duke of Dibos, a powerful man has charm, and power is the real charm.

What exactly did Shen Lang rely on to achieve what the emperors of the Xilun Dynasty did not do?

"How many people are left to attack the army of Mulan City?" asked the Duke of Dibos.

The **** baron said: "Almost one is left, all dead."

"Oh!" When the words came out, the hard crystal ball in the Duke of Dibos shattered and became a pile of powder.


However, the blow to Dibos is just the beginning.

After a few hours!

Several ships appeared in the waters of Bijin City, carrying unprecedented cargo.

It is a human head.

The entire tens of thousands of scorpion heads were piled up on the deck.

These boats are slowly approaching the sea.

Dibos saw it clearly. These people were the troops she sent.

Shen Lang took down their first class and let the Vulcan priest bring them back.

This is thoroughly provocative, humiliating and shocking.

Numerous people in the entire Bijin City have seen this scene, and then all over the body.

Many people cry out loud because many of these people are their husbands or sons.

The people of Bijin City have never seen this scene, and tens of thousands of people piled up together.

The creeps are stunned.

Where did the ships float, and it seemed to be hell.

The 32-year-old Vulcan priest, who appeared young and beautiful, appeared in front of the Duke of Dibos and shook his body: "Shen Lang asked me to give you a sentence."

Duke Dickers said: "What?"

The Vulcan priest said: "He said that he will soon lead the army to attack Bijin City. I hope that you can raise yourself to be fat and wait for his luck. He needs a despicable x slave, and you are very good."

As soon as this was said, the Duke of Dibos fluttered with red hair almost violently.

Unprecedented humiliation and provocation.

And it is at this time!


There was a sudden explosion on the sea.

Even more amazing scenes have emerged, and countless people will never forget this scene in their lives.

Tens of thousands of heads exploded at the same time.

All heads together with the boat, directly broken bones.


Note: The monthly ticket list is dangerous, and the brothers are asked to help! Pastries then make you cool!

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