History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 438: : Shocking! Duke Dibos was captured!

As the guardian of the southern kingdom of the Shiron Empire, the Duke of Dibos certainly does not need to be on the wall, and can go back to the castle at the top of the castle at night.

At this time, her majesty can be described as fierce, and the commander of the Piaget ranks as many as seven people, and she does not need her to come to battle.

In particular, the power of the Count of Baiting is strong enough to withstand the raids of Amazon's masters, and she has more important things.

After bathing, she wore a comfortable nightgown and entered a black church.

"The Amazon warrior is far more powerful than we think." Duke Dicks said: "The record of today is a shame."

The Vulcan Grand Master said: "However, they still can't break through the city. It is two concepts to be able to climb the city wall and break the city."

This Duke of Dibos certainly knows that Princess Dora is a rapid retreat today. If it continues, they will also start a large number of casualties.

Amazon warriors are powerful, courageous, powerful, agile and sensitive.

So when they climbed on the moment, it was really a feeling of despair. Five thousand people almost rushed to the wall with zero casualties.

However, after the real short-term match, they are not three-headed and six-armed, and they are very powerful. But twenty, thirty, fifty?

After all, there are 250,000 troops in the city, and there are more than a thousand martial arts masters.

The performance of the Amazon Army today is amazing and shocking, but they have almost lost the opportunity to break through the city, unless they are completely free of casualties.

But Shen Lang brought only 5,000 people, how much can you die?

"So, we must guard against the enemy to carry out the decapitation." The great priest said: "I will send three hundred members of the Vulcan teaching to protect you at all times."

The Duke of Dibos said: "There is work."

Her own martial arts has been extremely strong, but she did not reject the good intentions of Vulcanism.

"But I definitely don't want to see this group of female beasts arrogant in my city." Duke Dipos said: "If the great priest has any special means, I will wait and see."

The Vulcan priest said: "Please bring a few slaves, it is better to be strong."

A moment later, more than a dozen slaves were brought, all of them were primitive tribal men who were not tamed. Everyone was unruly and full of struggles.

"Run, run, run outside the door, you are free." The Great Sacrifice.

The dozens of wild slaves glimpsed and then rushed toward the gates, and the speed was fast.

The great priest took out a box, a small box, like a ring box.

"Go, go..." she whispered softly, then the slender jade hand waved.

Suddenly, there were dozens of black shadows flying out of the box.

The speed is very fast, and it has reached more than ten meters per second. And it is really a shadow, you can see the figure under the lights, if it is outside the night, it is completely invisible.

"Whirring whirring……"

These dozens of shadows immediately caught up with the dozens of slaves.


Their bodies rushed toward these slaves.

In an instant, their bodies slammed, like fireflies, sparkling with strange green light.

In the blink of an eye, these worms got into the body of the slave.

It seems that there is no movement.

But after two seconds.


One after another, a green flame slammed out of these slaves.

"Call, call, call..."

The first thing that caught fire was the eyeball, the green fire spewed directly, and the eyeball exploded.

Followed by the heart.

A burst of screams.

These strange green flames seem to be really burned out of the body and completely impossible to defend.

It looks completely creepy.

Even the hair of the Duke of Dibos was slightly erected.

This method is terrible and even more amazing than gunpowder.

After only two minutes, the slaves were all turned into ashes and burned into coke.

"This is a kind of bug, we call it Hellfire." The Great Sacrifice said: "They are very small, only one-tenth of the mosquitoes can be drilled into any gap. They fly very fast, every time. More than a dozen meters in seconds, you can catch up with any character target. Because they are too small, they can't be killed, they can't be shot, and they can't resist."

"When they get into the human body, they immediately turn the human blood into a strange dye, and the green fire will burn out from the body. If the martial arts are stronger, they will be burned alive."

The Duke of Dibos looked at the Vulcan High Priest and was filled with alert.

"I know that there are many detached forces in the Eastern world and master the power of ancient civilizations." Duke Dicks said.

The Vulcan teaches the great priest: "Yes, this is also a product of ancient civilization."

The Duke of Dibos said: "How many **** fireflies did you use to kill these dozen slaves?"

The Vulcan teaches the great priest: "One hundred and twenty."

The Duke of Dibos said: "How much do you plan to use to kill the waves and the Amazon Army?"

"Three hundred thousand." Vulcan teaches the Great Sacrifice.

The Duke of Dibos said: "Is this a very large number?"

The Vulcan teaches the great priest: "Of course, this is already an astronomical figure of wealth."

The Duke of Dibos said: "I will remember your feelings."

The Vulcan teaches the Great Sacrifice: "The Amazon tribes have betrayed the Western world. They should be purified and thoroughly burned to ashes, perhaps their best destination."

The Duke of Dibos said: "Smart is like you!"

The Vulcan High Sacrifice said: "Then I will leave, I may be very sorry, I can't bring back the head of the oriental, because he is probably already burnt."

The Duke of Dibos said: "That may be his fate, and I don't seem to want to see his frivolous face again."

The Vulcan teaches the great priest: "See you later."

"See you later!

The great priest left, with dozens of female priests left the hilltop castle, secretly sneaked out of the city of Bijin, to an unprecedented massacre of the Amazon Army.


Duke Dibos returned to the study to read a book and then played the piano.

But I don't know why, I feel a little uncomfortable, maybe the ashes of the despicable slaves were burned to her delicate and noble skin.

So, the Duke of Dibos once again bathed again.

She even wanted to vomit as soon as she thought that the ashes of the slaves had fallen on her body.

This group of people is not a human being at all, and it is almost the same as a gray animal.


The wind is constantly changing, and everything depends on luck, especially in Bijin City.

But this time Princess Dora's luck is very good, the wind has been very stable, and it has never been easier.

After the hot air balloon was lifted to two kilometers, it floated toward the city of Bijin.

Looking at the direction of the flag on the hanging basket, Princess Dora laughed: "It seems that our monarch is always lucky."

General Kwai Yee said: "Except for the character, our monarch is all good, especially cooking."

"Then you are wrong, he never does, but he points to others."

"I think the Queen has left, and the revival should begin."

"We have been regarded as a traitor by the entire Western world. Do you know if the proliferation ceremony will happen?"

"I originally wanted to participate this year, but it is a pity..."

"If there is no multiplication, how should we Amazon inherit?"

“Can the master have a good man?”

"Yes, but the age is too great. If you are going to multiply, the man who is under the command of the Lord, I can't see it."

There are still people in the world who talk about men and women, but they don’t feel a little bit guilty. This is only happening in the Amazon tribe.

In this way, more than a dozen balloons flew towards the city and flew southeast.


Some people in Bijin City saw the flames of these dozens of balloons.

But these hot air balloons are flying too high, and it looks no different from the stars, but it is a bit strange, why these stars move so fast.

Then there were two weird pictures.

Princess Dora, with more than a hundred people, raided the Duke of Dibos in a hot air balloon in the dark night sky.

The Vulcan high priest, with dozens of priests, and hundreds of thousands of **** firebugs, sneaked into the waves and the Amazon.

The luck is very good tonight, the wind has been very stable.

In less than half an hour, more than a dozen hot air balloons flew over the castle of the Duke of Dibos.

The Dukes of Dipose is very large, with an area of ​​more than 1,500 acres, but at a height of two kilometers, it is just a small square.



More than a dozen hot air balloons began to fall in advance, dropping to a kilometer or so and then jumping down, which would be much more accurate.

At this time, a slave at the top of the castle looked up at the sky and suddenly saw more than a dozen stars getting bigger and bigger.

"There are meteors."

"There are meteors."

"Hurry and make a wish."

"I hope to be free."

"Freedom? What's good about that stuff? I hope to be a good-looking slave girl who can give birth to a child and live a prosperous life."

"A rich female slave? It's a joke!"

More than a dozen hot air balloons fell to a thousand meters.

Princess Dora gave a command: "Jump!"

Several hot air balloons began to emit a flame signal, reminding each other and starting the space.


Under the leadership of Princess Dora, more than a hundred of Amazon's top players jumped down.

Can not jump all, jump in batches, otherwise there may be a risk of air impact.

The stimulus is coming.

Flying moments.

One hundred and fifty people all opened their limbs and hovered in the air, falling rapidly.

It’s so cool.

It used to be a drill, and this time it was really through the air through the enemy line and entered the core of the enemy.

In any case, they have created history.


More than one hundred people hovered in the air with precision.

Try to adjust the direction and land on the square of the Ducal Palace. Of course, this is very difficult.

Being able to land accurately in the 15,000-acre ducal palace is already done.


After a few minutes.

The incomparably stimulating flight is over.


Princess Dora first landed and landed on the Duke's Palace Square. She was safe and sound, then took off her glider and pulled out the machete.



This kind of raid is not convenient to bring the super big bow, but with a very strong embarrassment.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hehe..."

More and more Amazon female warriors are descending from the sky.

The servants of the Duke’s House and the Guardian Samurai were completely shocked.

This, what is going on?

Who are they?

Why are you coming down from the sky?

The middle-aged eunuch, Tarren stood outside the house of Dibos and quietly looked up at the stars.

Not for studying the stars, but because it is too boring.

The world is boring, and perhaps when the Eastern clown is caught and the car is broken, life is a little more irritating.

However, at this time, he suddenly discovered that something was falling in the sky?

Here, what are these?

Then he saw an unprecedented scene.

Someone in the sky flew down? Fly one by one?

Enemy, enemy attack!

"Come on the bell, go to the bell."

But it is too late, the clock tower has been occupied, and any warrior who tried to knock the bell was shot dead.

Middle-aged **** Tarren shouted: "There are enemies and enemies."

"Protect the Duke and protect the Duke!"

"The Guards assembled, the Guards assembled!"

Can not ring the clock, it will ring a variety of metals.

The beacon tower was also occupied, and the torch was lit everywhere.

"The Guards assembled and the Guards assembled."

"The Vulcan warrior assembles and defends the Duke."

The middle-aged eunuch, Tarren, rushed into the bathroom and shouted: "The Duke is an adult, the enemy is attacking, and the enemy is attacking."

The Duke of Dibos is still sitting in the bath soup, afraid to set the channel: "The enemy is coming? How many people? Where come from?"

"I don't know how many people? But they come from the air." The **** Tarren said: "I know this is incredible, but I saw it with my own eyes. They all flew from the air, too shocking."

"Know it." Duke Dicks said.

The **** Tarun flew out.

Dibos's wonderful and charming body came out of the water, and the maid next to her quickly wiped her body and quickly put on her underwear and robes.


"Defend the Duke, defend the Duke!"

The entire ducal palace was completely chaotic.

After Amazon's top masters landed, they began to assemble according to the signal of Princess Dora.

No one is on the road, killing all of them. At this time, only dead people are safe.

And as a slave, I should have shivered inside the house. At this time, I rushed out to loyalty to the Duke to kill the enemy.

Princess Dora is so strong that the martial arts are too strong. The warriors in the Duke of Dibos are not opponents at all, and they are easily killed.

Soon, one hundred and fifty people of Princess Dora completed the assembly.

"The Duke of Dibos is there." Princess Dora pointed to the red church.

Why do you know?

Because of the Vulcan masters, the Duke’s House Guard rushed to the place.

Can anyone guess that Deborah is there.


This red courtyard was where Dibos and Shen Lang married, and was specially built to believe in Vulcanism.

Since then, Dibos has lived there for a long time.

At this point, the entire courtyard door is closed.

From outside, Princess Dora can smell the intensive heartbeat and breathing.

Obviously, the Duke of Dibos is inside, most of the masters of the Dukes, and the masters of the Vulcanism are here.

"Open the door!"

There was the voice of the Duke of Dibos.

The red courtyard gate opened.

Princess Dora saw Dibos, who was on the balcony of the church in the courtyard, thirty meters from the ground.

On the courtyard below, thousands of people defended her.

The Duke of Russo was so powerful that in such a short period of time, so many people were assembled.

Duke Dybos stood on a high place overlooking Princess Dora more than a hundred people, slowly said: "You are these people? Also want to kill me?"


A burst of fireworks rushed into the sky and sent a signal to the defender of the Bijin City.

Soon, the entire Bijin City saw the signal from the Duke's House.

"Dangdang Dangdang..."

The sharp bells kept ringing, and on the pier, in the city of Bijin, all the bells were ringing.

The crowds in various military camps are surging.

"There are enemies attacking the Duke's House and defending the Duke."

"Defending the South to protect adults."

Suddenly, one army after another rushed out of the military camp and rushed toward the ducal palace.

Countless cavalry, countless infantry, rushing.


The Duke of Dibos said: "You are descending from the sky? It is a miracle, what about the oriental clown?"

"I should have guessed that the Eastern clown has no power to play, and should not dare to play such a dangerous game."

"You descend from the sky, want to kill me and end the war, conquer the city of Bijin?"

"I have to admit that this is very imaginative, but your miracle, stop here!"

"Shooting them!"

With the order of the Duke of Dibos.

More than a thousand people in the courtyard bent their arrows and arrows, and the arrow rain came to the Princess Dora.

However, the next scene almost subverted their worldview.

Princess Dora led more than 100 people and did not wear the door. Instead, she bent down the body and then slammed it up. She crossed the courtyard wall more than four meters high and staged the sky.

One hundred and fifty people, fiercely killed more than a thousand people.


Crazy slaughter, one-sided slaughter.

The guards of the Dukes of Dibos are very elite, but also who are the enemies they face?

These 150 people are the strongest among the Amazon female warriors, and each of them is also a master among the Amazon tribes.

Fighting power is simply amazing.

Just like a hundred and fifty female tyrannosaurus, it is enough to directly crush the past.


The scimitar in the hand, without any extra movements, all cut and cut, one cut and two cuts.

Take the shield in the left hand and the knife in the right hand.

Kill invincible, defense invincible.

One-sided slaughter.

In just a few moments, a thousand of the guards in the Duke’s house were killed.


I have never seen such a murderous murder.

However, after the killing of a thousand guards, who are these hundreds of people?

All wearing a red robes? Vulcan teaches warrior?


Suddenly, these Vulcan warriors threw out one iron ball after another, braving the iron ball of flame.

"Gate block!"

One order.

These Amazon master shields slammed out.

The three hundred iron **** were swept away, and at the same time, their bodies quickly exploded by tens of meters.


The iron **** taught by Vulcan began to explode, and the smoke filled the entire courtyard.

The smoke is poisonous and very horrible. Is this supposed to be a poisonous bomb of Vulcanism?

However, it should still attack the respiratory tract, not the skin.

"Don't wear a mask." Princess Dora ordered.

One hundred and fifty Amazon female masters quickly put on a simple gas mask.

Is it an iron ball? We will also!

Dozens of Amazon masters also threw out iron balls, more than a pound of grenade, and absolutely throw time to throw, and go to the Vulgar priest.


Amazing explosion.

This iron ball can be much more violent, and it is directly blown up by people.

Exploding in this courtyard, powerful shock waves even swept through walls and windows.

These powerful Amazon female warriors need to be shielded with shields, otherwise they may be injured.

However, these Vulcan warriors are also very sophisticated, and they immediately evade at the moment of the explosion, and then squat on the ground.

This group of people is very martial, very elite, because the speed of dodge is very fast.

These dozens of grenades should have been able to kill them most, but in fact only killed dozens of people.

The rest of the people leaped from the ground and pulled out the scimitar.

Is the strong matchup?

At this time, Princess Dora saw that the Duke of Dibos sneered at her, and then the beautiful figure disappeared from the balcony, she was going to run away.

"Get up!"

Princess Dora gave an order.

She led a dozen masters, leaped into midair, climbed directly along the walls of the church, and quickly climbed to the balcony where Dibos was.

In the courtyard, more than a hundred Amazon masters competed against more than 200 Vulcan masters.

Within the church, Princess Dora led more than a dozen people to kill Dibos.


The Duke of Dibos escaped very fast.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the field of vision.


At the same time, she detonated one Vulcan gas bomb in the church, although not fatal, but it can interfere with the sense of smell and sight.

More than a dozen masters of Princess Dora quickly searched the entire red church and had completely disappeared from the Duke of Dibos.

Outside the church, fierce battles continue.

And more and more intense.

The more than one hundred Amazon masters not only have to face the Vulcan masters, but also face the Dukes of the Warriors.

The time is very urgent, and now only the Duke of the Warrior is rushing, and then there will be thousands of troops rushing into the Duke's House.

If you can't catch Dibos, then they are more than a hundred people who can't fly.

But all of the churches were searched, and no Dibos was seen at all, nor did any secret doors be seen.

Dibos could not disappear out of thin air.

Princess Dora began a careful search and went straight to a strange room.

There is nothing in it, only a big bed.

This is the former cave of Shen Lang and the Duke of Dibos, that is, the place where strange rituals are held and then intimate.

Princess Dora stepped forward and grabbed the big bed and slammed open.

Then the whole figure quickly retreated.


Sure enough, just opened this big bed, countless sharp arrows flew out, more than a few hundred.

Fortunately, Princess Dora is prepared, otherwise it may be shot, and these arrows are all poisonous.

Sure enough, there is a hidden door under the big bed, but this secret door requires the institution password.

No one knows this password except Dibos, so I can't open it at all.

Princess Dora stepped forward and took out a special explosive, as if it were clay, and stuck directly to the secret door.



A violent explosion sounded.

The secret door was opened.

What authority, what password? Direct violence broke.

A dark passage appeared in front of you.

Princess Dora led more than a dozen masters into the dark.

"Be careful there are hidden weapons inside."

Princess Dora said, and then took out the tiny grenade, and it was still the kind of black powder that was very powerful and was thrown straight out.


Another explosion, the power is not big, the movement is not small.


Countless sharp arrows, hidden weapons, and even venom mad.

What is your hidden weapon, what agency?

All violent destruction, I do not believe that I will step on the hidden weapon will shoot, but under the pressure of the grenade shock wave, these hidden weapons do not shoot?

In this way, Princess Dora was able to drop ten meetings.

A small grenade was used to open the way along the way, and all the organs were destroyed.

This underground secret road is very long and I don't know where to go.

After walking a hundred meters, I finally came to the end of the secret passage, and it was blocked by a secret door.

Princess Dora once again stuck the explosives.



A bang sounded.

This secret door was directly broken.

Princess Dora and others smashed in!


This is another hall, a very strange hall full of stench.

Princess Dora saw the Duke of Dibos, who was at the other end of the hall, inside a doorway.

This woman is really beautiful, especially a red hair, like a flame.

Beautiful to thrilling, especially her figure, really worthy of the devil curve.

Princess Dora feels that there is one woman who is able to look and look like her.

The Duke of Dibos looked at Princess Dora and suddenly revealed a strange and cruel smile.

Her jade hand was lightly stroked around her neck.

"Want to kill me? I am crazy about dreams. I hope that when you die, the oriental clown will cry for you." Duke Deborah said slowly, then reached out and turned an organ.


A thick steel door slowly fell, half a foot thick, and the absolute guns and guns did not enter.

The Duke of Dibos disappeared behind the thick iron gate, which should be the last secret room of the Russo family, an absolutely safe chamber. As the door to steel fell, the entire hall fell into the dark.

Even if a major earthquake occurs, even if it is explosive, it will not be able to blow up this iron gate of amazing thickness.

Almost at the moment when I saw the Duke of Dibos, Princess Dora led a dozen masters and rushed over.



Suddenly there were countless buzz in the hall.

Then, in the darkness, a pair of eyes were illuminated.

In the next second, countless beasts rushed.

Here is the underground of the Colosseum, where countless beasts are held.

Lions, tigers, giant wolves, cheetahs, etc., countless.

And this hall is more than 10,000 square meters, and in a moment hundreds of beasts will immediately surround Princess Dora and others.

Crazy bite, madly attacking, at this time reach out and see no fingers.

The iron gate fell completely, and even the sound of the beasts outside could not be heard.

The Duke of Dibos cruelly said: "I hope that your meat is delicious enough to feed my beasts. Perhaps when the Oriental clown sees you again, it is already a mass of manure."


The figure of Princess Dora and others has been completely invisible and completely overwhelmed by hundreds of beasts.

In the entire hall, only the beasts of the beasts are left, and there is endless blood.



Princess Dora and others are very tall, but at this time it is like a small boat in the tide. In the surrounding vision, around the front and rear, and even the top of the head are beasts, almost crazy beasts.

Blood mad!

After a quarter of an hour!

Everything is quiet!

All the beasts are dead.

Hundreds, the bodies piled up into mountains.

"Call..." Princess Dora breathed a sigh of relief and drilled out of the bodies of countless beasts.

"You remember reminding me that when I saw the Lord, I wanted to slap one on his face. It was really stinking here."

"This task is disgusting than we think."

"My Royal Highness, I will remind you of course, but if you really lick the face of the Lord, I am worried that he will be addicted. Last time you ate half of the cake, he was taken away and eaten. I think he wants to taste you. the taste of."

Princess Dora transferred the topic: "These hundreds of beasts should have tens of thousands of pounds of meat, enough for us to eat for a few days."

She is the blood of the beasts, and some of them can't bear this taste.

“Is anyone injured?” asked Dora.


"Is anyone dead?"


Princess Dora took a dozen Amazon masters and came to the front of the thick iron facade.


Reach out and knock!

Then pick up the machete and smash it.

A string of Mars sputtered, but the thick iron door was unscathed.

Absolutely invulnerable.

Dora stuck a piece of explosive and then detonated.



A loud noise!

The entire underground hall shook a bit, but the iron gate remained untouched.

Princess Dora laughed: "Duke Dipose, you must be very proud. We are completely helpless about this thick iron gate. And our time is running out, and the army is rushing toward your ducal palace. Come, soon we will die without a place to die."

"In the world, any weapon has nothing to do with your thick iron door."

"But my only lord is the exception of Shen Lang. In his words, the next step is to witness the miracle."

"All handed over." Princess Dora said.

More than a dozen people took down their backpacks and took out the aluminotherm they brought.

In fact, the Duke of Dibos really thought so, she firmly believes that no one in the world can break this thick iron gate.

The army of Baiting adults and others will soon be coming. More than 100 Amazon masters in the district are destined to die here.

Shen Lang, the oriental clown's air raid plan, is amazing and even ridiculous, but everything is here, and they will still fail.

And the Vulcan high priest is using an unprecedented Hellfire to kill the waves and the rest of the Amazon. Perhaps they have all died.


The Duke of Dora posted a staggering amount of aluminothermic glue on the thick iron gate.

"How long is the brain of the Lord? Even such a terrible thing can be invented. When I first saw it, I couldn't believe it could turn iron into water."

"Wisdom is also a powerful, strength is also a powerful, but after all, wisdom is supreme."

"Everyone is back!"

Princess Dora ignited the igniting strip and then quickly exploded.

They know that they should close their eyes at this time, but they still can't help but see.


The most amazing scene appeared.

The light that burst out of this moment is really more than the sun, and the whole underground hall shines like white.

Numerous aluminotherms exude a high temperature of 2,600 degrees Celsius.

The indestructible door of steel quickly turned red and then melted into molten iron.

A staggering amount of aluminotherm continues to burn.

In the middle of the thick steel door, it was burned into a twisted hole.

"Continue to go back!"

Princess Dora ordered.

Then she took out a large piece of explosive, tens of meters across, and threw it toward the hollow hole in the middle of the iron gate.

This does not need to be detonated, thousands of degrees of high temperature, enough to detonate any stable explosives.


A loud noise!

This steel door has been burned softly and burned through a big hole. At this time, it can no longer withstand such a large explosive force.

The living blasted a large hole with a diameter of one meter.

Princess Dora came to the big hole and saw the secret room inside.

Astronomical gold, astronomical silver.

There is also a beautiful unparalleled Duke of Dibos. After standing in the golden heap, she was full of horror, as if she could not believe in this scene.

This is the treasury of the Russo family, and there is no secret road in it.

Dibos has been unable to fly.

Princess Dora laughed: "Duke Dipose, you are captured!"


Note: Update 16,000 today! Give me the monthly ticket, don't be turned over in the last three days! The plot is absolutely cool!

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