History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 411: : Lange invincible! Husband and wife!

sister? Is it Princess Helen?

Shen Lang suddenly stood up, he really has no time, otherwise he really wants to find Princess Helen.

Because she is the true master of the entire southern world of the Shilun Dynasty, the North hated Queen Helen called the rebellious queen. But the new aristocracy in the south can support her very much. It is because of the Queen of Helen that the southern part of the Xilun Dynasty really developed, and countless families have risen, and even many Vedas have been promoted to the middle.

Not only that, the Queen of Helen also let the Xilun people and the Vida people marry, so now there are many noble names in the south are Xilun people, and even the skin color is also the Xilun people, but the body has the blood of the Vida people, and they The rule was also absolutely supported by the Vedas people, such as the Duke of the Queen's City Hall.

After the demise of the Second Empire of Xilun, why did the entire South fall into complete fragmentation, not because the South has no owner? At the age of sixteen, Princess Helen, a descendant of Helen's Queen, has left the Queen's City to take risks and disappeared for seventeen years.

Once Helen came, many problems were solved.

Of course, the problem is even more serious for the Xilun Dynasty, and it will directly fall into the north-south opposition.

The South supports Princess Helen and the North supports the Great Soul.

Black Widow Hill is a very representative figure. She is a rich man of the Vida people. She has great resources, but she has no power. She supports Princess Helen from the bottom of her heart.

At this time, a fast horse rushed into the camp. After a woman dismounted, she rushed straight to the front of Shen Lang and laid a box with her hands.

"Shen Lang, this is the seal of the Duke of Russo, and is now officially dedicated to you."

Shen Lang took the seal and looked at it carefully. The right to print in the West and the East is very different. The bigger the Eastern world, the better. In some countries, Big India can't wait to have such a big head. The Russell family's big print is small, not enough size.

This duke seal represents the supreme power of the Russo family and is very elaborate. The upper part is a gold-carved sea beast. The green spray below is made of jade.

Moreover, the seal is not a word, but a very delicate pattern. A sea beast flies in the waves, but these waves faintly form the Russo word of the Latin alphabet.

This seal should have been more than five hundred years old, and even longer.

"The Duke of the Great allows you to immediately send troops to Bijin City to take charge of the city defense." Dina said: "You can carry the power of the Duke of Russo with this Duke seal."

Shen Langdao: "I am leading the army to Bijin City? Is this inappropriate?"

At this time, you have to pretend, isn't that what you always wanted?

Dina whispered a sigh of relief and said: "Shenlang adults, there are already people in Bijin City who are plotting to rebel. If you are a little later, the Duke of Dibos will be hacked to death, and the new duke will be in the upper position. All the previous orders were overthrown, and by that time you became the enemy of the province of Bibo, and the action was faster."

This Dina warrior has been for a long time. In the past few days, she has been running back and forth from Deborah to Shenlang for ten times. She has never seen such awkward people like Shen Lang.

Shen Langdao: "Is there anything I can tell you about the Duke of Dibos?"

Dina is very supportive of her own master. I really don't want to tell this passage, because it hurts the dignity of Duke Dipos too, but now there is no way, it must be said.

"The Duke of Dibos has a word for me to tell you, you listen."

Shen Lang exaggeratedly put his hand on the side of his ear and made a look at his ears. However, there is still one person who listens more carefully, that is Zhang Chunhua.

"Duke Dipose said: "F, you come to save Dibos. After I saved my life, I immediately washed my life and waited for your luck. I am your little girl slave. Come and save me. Come and get it." Big my stomach."

When the words came out, Shen Lang suddenly heard comfortable, and it was not easy to say this from the mouth of the arrogant Dibos. But the face of Zhang Chunhua is not good, although the conquest of the Duke of Dibos is also her plan, but this is a political marriage, don't make it so shameless? Who do you look at this flirtatious?

"People are squatting, I hope you still remember the promise to me." Zhang Chunhua secluded.

"Commitment? What promise?" Shen Lang was puzzled, but his mouth was serious: "Reassured, my promise to you will never forget."

Then Shen Lang ordered: "The army entered Bijin City and took over the city defense!"


Five thousand Amazon legions have been fully prepared. With the slamming of the waves, they immediately opened up towards Bijin City, and the speed was so fast that the horses rushed.


Within the residence of the Earl of Baiting.

The upright Kendo master is frowning, and he is completely powerless in this situation.

He has a strong martial arts, but also has the ability to command the army, but does not like politics. If he is strangled on the battlefield, he is not afraid. Even the mighty Princess Dora can't win him in the martial arts.

But now, what should he do? His family has been loyal to the Duke of Russo for generations, and he is no exception. Even when his relationship with the Russo family became more intimate, the Duke of Dibos was not only his disciple, but his master, even in some sense, was like his daughter.

So when Dibos was captured by Shen Lang, Count Baiting immediately led the 100,000 army and rescued her at all costs.

But now the order issued by Dibos is obviously a mess.

Of course, it is completely impossible to talk about it. After all, she is trying to survive. The Count of Baiting is also absolutely unwilling to watch Deborah die.

In fact, many things Duke Dipose did, the Count of Baying did not agree. For example, she was too close to Vulcanism. For example, at the time of sacrifice, in order to sign a contract with Vulcan, she chose a strange oriental beauty to get married.

Almost everyone came to the wedding of Diboss and Shen Lang, but as the most acclaimed Count of Baiting did not come, he felt that such a wedding tainted the sacred ceremony. But when married, they become married. The Earl of Baiting feels that there is always a husband who is better than nothing. The Russell family cannot be followed.

After that, Dibos had to burn the sacrifice of the waves. At that time, Count Baiting had repeatedly advised that it was not necessary. Since he was married, he could make a mistake. It is not bad to marry such an unfounded oriental man. At least this man is beautiful and unparalleled, and at first glance he knows that he is a nobleman.

And what sacrifices, what signed a contract with Vulcan, and the Earl of Baiting felt completely nonsense, but he still could not stop the will of Duke Debord.

For the ruin of the waves, the Bicha Peninsula was occupied, and even the troops attacked Bijin City. The Count of Baiting was very angry. But for his oriental blood, Count Baiting did not have much discrimination. He certainly does not support Dibos to marry an Eastern man, but since it has already happened, it is not a big deal.

Although no one will take the initiative, but the Earl of Baiting also has the blood of the Vida. When the Queen of Helen ruled the empire, many families in the south were destroyed, and many families rose. At that time, in response to the Queen’s call, many families married the Vida women, and the Baiting family was one of them.


Earl of Baiting sighed in pain, and took a cup of tea to drink, even if he would not drink alcohol at this time.

For the other decisions of the Duke of Dibos, the Count of Baiting did not agree. For example, she became a guardian of the South, and she tried to become the outer chamber of Sauron.

For the Duke of Dibos to attack the witch empire and try to build the Third Empire of the West, the Count of Baiting is very much appreciated. For the great cause of the empire, any hero hero should rise up, but Dibos is too selfish. A family can be ambitious, but this step is too big, and Dibos is very capable, but the Russo family does not have so many talent reserves and has no ability to rule the entire South.

But it didn't matter all. Now the Duke of Dibos is dying, and at the end of the day, the Vulcan teaches the great priest to do nothing. The doctors of the Duke's House can't even see what the disease is. It is clear that only Shen Lang can save. And if you want to let Shen Lang shoot, then you have to hand over Bijin City, and his Amazon army will enter the city.

Next, Count Baiting faced a choice, should Di Boss die like this? Or should we let Shen Lang enter the city?

"In a way, Shen Lang is, after all, a husband of Brooke, and a legal husband. He does have the power to enter the city." Earl of Baiting said: "Maybe letting them be one and the best is the best ending. Bijincheng The owner, the owner of the province of Bibo, is still the Russo family has not changed."

Count Baiting made a difficult decision. He still couldn't watch Dibos die, and he would get up and negotiate with Shen Lang.

At this time, his daughter came in and said softly: "Father, you drink too much green tea, hurt your stomach, or drink black tea."

After all, the daughter poured a cup of black tea into the Earl of Baiting, and added milk.

The Earl of Baiting did not like this kind of milk tea at all. It was not suitable for the martial arts to drink, but after all, it was the daughter who fell, and he still took it up and drank it. This daughter is naturally gentle and timid, he is very loving.

"Daughter, this time is very chaotic, you don't go out, and you don't want your husband to go out, don't even go to jealousy and something that shouldn't be mixed." Earl of Pavilion was meticulously dressed in aristocratic gowns and put on Gloves, tied to the sword.

After a little hesitation, the sword was put down again. Since Shen Lang has become the husband of the female Dagong, it is also a half-master, and it is not appropriate to negotiate with a sword.

However, just as he put the sword down, he suddenly felt a cramp in his stomach.

"Ah...ah..." He made a painful groan, and a blood vomited.

"Hey, you, you poisoned me?" Earl Baying dare not believe in blasphemy.

And his daughter was completely shocked, and immediately rushed up to hug her father, crying: "Father, I don't, I don't, I don't know... I don't know..."

The Earl of Baiting vomited blood and said: "Yes, who asked you to cook milk tea for me."

"Finch, Finch!" cried. "He said that you drink too much tea and hurt your stomach too much. Let me cook a pot of tea."

Earl of Baiting fell to the ground and gasped for a big breath: "Dear your daughter, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, stay at home, keep the door closed, don't go anywhere, don't go anywhere..."

"There is something wrong, some people want to rebel, some people want to kill Dagong." Earl Baying spit another blood and reached out to touch her daughter's face.

"Daughter, you remember my words, don't go out, I want to protect the Grand Duke."

Then, he once again picked up the long sword and rushed out the door, vomiting blood while running towards the ducal palace.

"Father, father." The daughter chased it out. She was timid. She did not obey the father's words this time, but flew to the father's loyal ministry for help.


Earl of Baiting stumbled and ran all the way.

Defend the female grandfather, I hope that everything is still available.

But the poison was desperately destroying his life. He ran out of blood while running, and he couldn't breathe, and his eyes were black.

Then he saw an army.

Rebels, everyone’s face was covered with black cloth, and thousands of people rushed toward the hilltop castle.

Even with his face, the Earl of Baiting recognized his son-in-law Finch and recognized Doyle Russo, who is also his disciple.

"Dower, what do you want to do?" Earl of Pavilion said, "Do you want to rebel, to kill your own master?"

Nguyen Finch said: "Bai Ting adults, Dibos wants to sell himself to the Eastern clown, but also the entire Russo family also sold to him, for the Russo family, we must not let this happen."

Earl of Baiting said: "I will ask, are you going to kill your own master?"

Quiet for a moment.

Finch said: "The father-in-law, Dibos is no longer worthy of being our master, she is damned."

The Earl of Baiting vomited blood and yelled: "Yes, the Duke of Dibos's behavior is not honorable. But your actions are really shameful. You want to rebel. If you want to kill the female grandfather, you will step on the body." ""

Then, the Earl of Beiting was stopped in the middle of the road.

"Kill him!" Earl Dawle Russo gave an order.

Suddenly, dozens of warriors rushed up and went to the Earl of Baiting.

The Earl of Baiting has not stood up straight, his eyes are all congested, almost invisible, and the poison is serious, the lungs are soothing, and they are completely breathing.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

He waved his sword with his feelings, and in a short moment, he killed the dozens of warriors.

"kill him!"

More warriors rushed up.

After a while, he was killed by the Earl of Baiting.

Everyone was stunned. The Earl of Baiting was so poisoned that he could barely see it. The station couldn’t stand, and it was so powerful.

"Oh..." Earl of Baiting squatted on the ground, and the black blood of the big mouth vomited.

Thousands of rebel warriors rushed up and yelled at him.

"The chaotic thief, the chaotic thief..." The Earl of Baiting was arrogant, kneeling on the ground, and the sword in his hand was arrogant.

"Brush, brush, brush..."

When the sword passed, everyone died without a whole body, and all were killed and became two.

Even if he is already dying, but still pretentious, the sword is invincible.

Suddenly, a smashing sword quickly stabbed him. This person has a high martial arts.

The Earl of Baiting could not see, but felt the wind and slammed the sword.

"When..." The man’s sword flew straight out, and then the Earl of Baiting slammed down and smashed the man in half.

"My father-in-law is me..." Finch shouted.

The Earl of Beiting trembled, and the sword in his hand slipped over to the side, letting the other person die.

However the next second.

"Spurs..." An arrow slammed into the chest of Count Beiting.

In the ear, the voice of the son-in-law Finch was heard: "Father-in-law, or me. You stupid old goods, except foolishness, nothing."

"Oh..." A slap in the face.

In the hands of the Earl of Baying, the big sword hurriedly blocked the arrows, and it was impossible for them to shoot him before the arrows.

And now...he really can't do it, the poisoning is deep, and he has killed dozens of hundreds of people, completely invisible, unable to breathe, and even unable to lift his hands.

"Stabbing thorns..." A dozen arrows slammed into him.

The powerful and incomparable Count of Baiting, who had never had a defeat in the province, was the first strongest in the province. The kendo master fell down and the black blood flowed to the ground.

Dole Russo looked at him and looked at Finch.

"Stubborn old things." Finch sneered, then kicked a kick, then he shouted: "Duke Dipos, Duke of Doyle."

Then, thousands of rebel warriors rushed toward the hilltop castle.


Finch’s sentence is correct. On the same day, Princess Dora led more than 100 masters to attack the Duke of Dibos, killing her elite guards, and now the Duke’s defense is weak.

The Count of Dolce Russo led thousands of rebel warriors into the ducal palace, and hundreds of warriors who were loyal to the Duke of Dibos were killed.

"Where is Deborah?" Count Earl said that his knife was on the neck of a certain female slave.

"Quiet, quiet room."

Earl of Dow took dozens of generals and dozens of masters rushed toward the quiet room.

"Everyone, all wrapped up in the body, covering his face, don't be splashed on the skin by Dibos' blood."

With his order, hundreds of people wrapped themselves up tightly and even put on a blindfold.

Soon, these hundreds of people were killed outside the quiet room of the Duke of Dibos, and met the last wave of blockers. The last dozen warriors led by the **** Tarlen, half of them were eunuchs.

"Talun, the Russo family is very satisfied with your service, and you will be the general manager of the Russo family in the future." Earl of Dow said.

Middle-aged **** Tarren said: "The Count of Doyle, my life root has been castrated. You can no longer cut off my loyalty and dignity."

Count Earl said: "Are you going to be buried with Dibos?"

The **** Tarren said: "I just want to test my humanity at the last moment. I always thought that I was greedy and afraid of death. I did not expect that I was not as uncomfortable as I thought."

Earl Dawer disdainfully smiled and waved his hand. Now he brings all the rebellious big men, the generals in the army, all of them are masters, and it is easy to kill the people around the **** Tarun.

Taren martial arts is very good, even killing five people, and finally a few big swords across the neck.

Then he stood still and closed his eyes and died.

Count Dole raised his sword and slammed it down to split the **** in half.

"Slow..." There was a voice from Diboss. She coughed desperately, and the voice was weak to the extreme.

"Dor, you let him go..." Duke Dipos said: "You let the despicable Taryn let him go back to the circus, let him go back to the shack to do a pimp, let go. He, I will tell you another family vault."

"Dipos, you are a slave to a eunuch, better than my cousin." Earl of Dole sneered, and then slammed into the back of the **** Taron, and Taren fell to the ground.

Earl of Dow led the dozen or so strongest masters into the quiet room, and then saw Dibos on the bed.

She has lost weight in a circle, her lips are pale without any blood, and her eyes are completely congested, and she is completely unable to see things.

This once-powerful woman was completely ill, not far from death. Her side was covered with a stack of silk, all of which were bloody. Every time she coughed out blood.

Dibos struggled to stand up from the bed, and every word that was said was extremely difficult, just like the flame inside the bellows.

"Cousin, you want to get my body countless times, now I look like this, do you still think so?" Dibos stunned and then gave a violent cough and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Count Doyle looked at the woman, he still thought. Even if this woman is already ill and dying, it is still difficult to hide the amazing beauty and body. But he did not dare because her illness was contagious.

"Kill her!" Count Earl said.

Quiet for a moment, one of the majestic warriors stepped forward and slammed down against Dibos's neck.

"Spurs..." Dibos stabbed a sword and moved faster, directly through the heart of the warrior.

This majestic samurai sword has not left, and it is directly killed.

The Duke of Daoer and others were shocked. They knew that Dibosi was very powerful, but he did not expect that he was already dying. He could not sit up and still be able to kill.

"Go again..."

The two masters went out and killed toward Deborah.

In the next second, two people are killed.

The Duke of Daoer did not believe that these two men were all generals of the Wanfu class. They were absolutely powerful warriors. They were still killed by Dibos, who was still dying. Is her martial arts strong enough?

"Go again..."

This time, the Earl of Doyle sent four masters and slammed toward Deborah.


These four masters are all dead.

After Dibos killed the four people, the cough was fierce as if the lungs were coughing up, and the blood was shot directly from the mouth and nostrils.

I really couldn’t sit still, my body fell straight down, sitting on the ground with my back on the bed, using all the strength to gasp, all the blood in the field of vision, nothing can be seen, I can only listen to the sound. .

Count Earl Russau’s horror, what is the height of this Dibos’ martial arts?

"Finch, you go..." Count Earl.

Finch started picking up the cockroaches, squirming the strings, and then screaming at Dibos.

"Oh..." Five arrows, lightning bolted toward Depo's.

Dibos condensed the last vindictiveness, and the right-handed sword slammed away, and the left hand shielded it, and the speed was fast.

She couldn't see it at all, completely listening to the sound, still blocking four arrows, and another arrow shot directly through her left arm.

"Change the poison arrow, shoot her, shoot her..." Finch yelled, he did not dare to rush forward.

This Dibosi is too evil, too strong, and once it is close, it is likely to be spiked by her. However, she couldn’t stand up, and she couldn’t move. It’s still like killing the Earl of Baiting. It’s just a direct shot.

Then several people twisted the strings again, took the poison arrows, and prepared for the next round of shooting.

The Duke of Dibos was desperate, and her left arm was shot through, and she could no longer block it. This second round of smashing arrows may still block most of the time, but the third round is absolutely unstoppable and must die.

The **** sinks, the scum sinks, the shameless and the shameless, you play.

I am going to die soon, and Daer Russo is about to go up. Stupid, for his own justice, he must start the war with your waves incessantly. At that time, you will not be in Bijin City. When you get there, your Amazon army will lose a lot if you win.

I will not be so devastated by a group of traitors, and I will die with it.

Dibos's hand was placed on an organ in the bed, and as soon as she pressed it, tens of thousands of pounds of black fire/drug would explode. Directly smashed the house and all the people inside, including his Dibos, and all the rebellious.

Shen Lang, you are an oriental scum, you are playing. I am dead, and I will come back to you in the next life.

Let's go to the same place!

The Duke of Dibos slammed the organ on the bed and detonated tens of thousands of pounds of fire/drug.

However, after she pressed the organ, there was no reaction at all, and the fire/medication did not explode.

"futuere!" The Duke of Dibos snorted. (Latin fuck)

The rebellious Finch and other people's arrows are ready, aiming at the Duke of Dibos, preparing for the second round of shooting.

Finch showed a wicked smile on his face, aiming the bow under Deborah's abdomen. This beautiful female grandfather wants to go, but it is impossible to dream, then shoot her with a smashing arrow, hahaha!

Count Dybos closed his eyes and waited to die.

"Shooting..." Earl Dawle Russo gave an order.

"Oh..." Five smashing arrows darted toward Debos's delicate body.

Death is coming, death is coming, Debord has some regrets, why she did not commit suicide before, she is too greedy to die, so that she will die without dignity.

However, there was a sudden gust of wind.

"Oh..." Five arrows were shot directly on several shields, and several figures penetrated through the roof.

"Oh..." More and more Amazon masters fell from the roof. In the end, a dozen people were surrounded by the Duke of Dorothy. Everyone was wrapped tightly, and one inch of skin was Not exposed.

"Dor. Russell, Finch. Xiao, you have been surrounded by these rebellions. As the husband of the Duke of the Duke, the co-owner of Bijin City officially ordered you to let go of the arms and surrender!" Princess Dora endured the discomfort. .

At this time, the Duke of Dibos finally couldn't help but fainted directly.

Before fainting, she snorted again: "cunnus!"

This sentence is sloppy, she can't bear it, this person is too embarrassed.


I don't know how long it took, the Duke of Dibos woke up in a secluded way. This time she really felt that she had come back from the edge of Hell and came back.

Shen Lang also spent a lot of effort to save her. I didn't think that the virus was more fierce in Westerners. The course of disease worsened faster than I thought. I was a little bit stronger and beautiful. The Duke of Boss will be fragrant.

However, penicillin is indeed a miraculous effect, and it has had a significant effect in just less than an hour of injection, and it has only returned to fever in just three hours.

This terrible black death came quickly and went very quickly. Fortunately, it did not cause sepsis, otherwise the Shenlang would be in trouble. It really didn't come back. However, if Deborah wants to heal completely, I am afraid that it will take some time.

Dibosi is still very weak. When she opens her eyes, she sees the first wave, and it is the deep wave that is wrapped all over the body.

"Hey, mad, you are a complete madman." Duke Dipos snarled.

Shen Langdao: "It’s good, it’s good, but brush your teeth first, don’t ruin your image in my heart.”

Then, Shen Lang directly rubbed the toothbrush into her small mouth and brushed her teeth. Then she drew her clothes, put her in the tub, and cleaned her every inch of her body.

Di Bosi said: "Shen Lang adults, I am very weak now, but it is still easy to kill you."

"Rain, Duke adults." Shen Langdao, then put her on the bed, and then carefully spread the ointment on her hip wounds.

A moment later, the voice of the middle-aged **** Tarun came from outside.

"Duke of the Duke, the ginseng chicken soup porridge you want is already ready, I am outside."

Shen Lang went out, Taren stood far away from a dozen meters, still fat, and after seeing the waves, he was very charming and charming: "Duke, even if you are covered in a special leather coat, It seems so handsome and handsome, I think your handsome in the Eastern world is also unparalleled in the world? I can't even imagine what kind of parents I need to give birth to a beautiful man like you."

Before the eunuch, Taren was so proud of Shen Lang, completely unsightly, and the sound of the Eastern clown, now this flattering is not shameful.

"Yes, there is a future, you are shameless, I have some charm." Shen Langdao: "Talun, I see you."

"My honor, the great Duke of the Duke, the great Oriental emperor, the great first man of the world." The **** Tarlen bent over and became more awkward, almost folding his body in half.

Shen Lang took the ginseng chicken soup porridge into the room and ate it with Dibos.

"My teacher, he... how is he?" Dibos nervous.

Shen Langdao: "He was poisoned by the son-in-law Finch, and there were more than a dozen arrows in his body. Our people saved him in time. I first gave him a stomach wash and then performed three operations, but still have not broken away from the claws of death. Everything is resigned, everything depends on his will to life."

In order to save the Count of the Pavilion, almost half of the penicillin was used. He was hurt too much, and he did not know how much blood. However, fortunately, a lot of blood was left, which made the poison weaker.

"Those rebellious?" asked the Duke of Dibos.

Shen Langdao: "Thousands of people have been killed, and hundreds of other leaders have been captured, waiting for your disposal."

Dibos gnawed his teeth: "Do you have a late executioner under your hand? I want to kill Finch. Shaw live. I want to break Doyle Russo."

Shen Lang laughed: "Your will."

Di Bosi said: "Your army has occupied Bijin City? You got what you want, Shen Lang adults."

Shen Langdao: "Boggy, you and my husband and wife, why bother to see it? Yours is mine..."

"Your, or yours." Duke Dipos said.

Shen Langdao: "Boggy, since your body is about to heal, then I will leave."

Di Bosi said: "You want to go? You just have to take Bijin City to go? Where are you going?"

Shen Langdao: "My sister is here, waiting for me in Mulan City."

Di Bosi said: "Your sister, come from the Eastern world? You should have no sister in the Eastern world."

Shen Lang smiled and said: "No, she is my half-sister. If I didn't guess wrong, she should be the patriarch of Helen, the undisputed master of the entire empire, Princess Helen."

When the words came out, the Duke of Dibos stayed, and Princess Helen turned out to be the sister of Shen Lang. What does this mean?

For a while, Dibos said: "Then, before you leave, don't you intend to fulfill your promise and enlarge my stomach?"


Note: Do you still have a monthly pass? Really 100,000, I have to be rushed to the third place, help me!

Thank you home promise, book friend 20180122000017686, light, flag, evil, Yang Ge, rushing snail, encounter c heat said

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