History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 445: : Mother of Shen Lang! True confession! New World

(Updates are nearly an hour ahead of schedule and will continue to adjust tomorrow!)


"Of course, your real name should be called Lance Vida." Shen Langdao: "Why should I change to Adolf? Is this name particularly prestige? And you are not so old, why do you have to be white?"

Adolf had been staring at Shen Lang for a few minutes, and his eyes flashed countless expressions.

What he was shocked at all was not because of his identity as a strait. He had long known that Shen Lang was the son of Jiang Li. Even he even knew the identity of Haila. He knew more than he had imagined.

He was shocked that Shen Lang shouted his identity. His name has been known for a long time. He is a matter of Jiang’s discipleship, and it was a matter of thirty or forty years ago.

"Yes, I used to be the apprentice of Jiang Lixia. It is said that one day is the father of the teacher for life." Adolf changed his language and changed the Chinese language: "But there are many traitors in the world, and not many of them are right?" Winning Guang, winning the relationship between Wu and Jiang is far more intimate than my intimacy. They can all betray. Why can't I?"

"Speak well, say it well." Shen Lang said: "You are not hypocritical, I really appreciate it."

Adolf said: "You are the son of my teacher. Hella is the daughter of my teacher. I don't think it matters to kill."

Then Adolf also threatened to gently stroke the neck of Shen Lang, a blood mark appeared.

Shen Lang cold road: "Can you kill me, you can understand it inside. If it is only because of my father, you can of course kill me. But because of my mother, you can not kill me, at least you are not qualified to kill, No? If you can kill me, you will kill it!"

Adolf’s eyes narrowed and he smiled. “Dear dear younger brother, smart people will die very early. Don’t speculate on Bai Jing’s intentions.”

Then, he directly took back the sword of Shen Lang’s neck, and the situation in front of him was more complicated than he had imagined.

Shen Langdao: "Adolf, my father was very young when he traveled to the Western world, and you were already a genius at that time, and he was still a martial genius. My father wanted to kill you several times, but he did not commit it. It’s a big evil, and it’s still a rare genius in the world, so it’s a disciple and wants to polish your character. So in the Western world, you followed my father for a few years, and your martial arts is advancing by leaps and bounds.”

Adolf laughed and said nothing.

Shen Langdao: "And you were originally a Vida people, a brown race. In the Western Lun Dynasty, the brown race is not in the head, can not practice high-end martial arts, can not serve as an important official position, in short, a low race It is my father who changed your destiny and let you learn high-end martial arts. In just a few years, it has become the top master of the Western world. My father’s grace to you is far more than that, even he took you to white. Beijing, so you will fly to the sky, from a despicable Vida people to a white Beijing disciple, you can breathe in the entire Xilun continent."

"But my brother, have you changed your skin color and hair? Your original brown skin is pretty good, how good a black hair is, why it is now whiter than whites, and it needs a white hair, a body White robe, do you think you are Gandalf?" Shen Lang smiled and said: "I know a person called Gu Yule, people are super white, and later deliberately put themselves into brown-black skin, even not enough, and later Turn yourself into green."

The words of Shen Lang seem to say that in the deepest anti-scale of Adolf's heart, his eyes have a strong murderous spirit.

However, Shen Lang is right. Bai Jing’s position on Shen Lang is still not clear. He has no right to kill the waves. Shen Lang not only has a great father, but also an amazing mother, even though these two people are not there. However, Yu Wei can still cover the Shen Lang.

Adolf changed his skin color and changed his hair just to say goodbye to the past. He is no longer a Vedas, but a purebred Sean race.

I did not expect that it was now broken by Shen Langdao.

Shen Lang went on and said: "Adolf, if I have not guessed wrong, you should have already loyal to Sauron the Great. You are also conquering the Queen of Ada in order to get the Amazon Legion. Your heart is very urgent. First of all It became a white man, and then it became the right arm of Sauron."

"Not only that, when my father tried to save the Amazon queen, I was also known by you, and you also know the time of specific destruction. So you can't wait to come out and force it, want to make a big leak, want to borrow the world. The Guardian got the Queen of Edda and got the Amazon Legion, but I didn't think that I saved the entire Amazon tribe in advance."

"In addition, my dear brother, my father took you to Bai Jing. You are at the top of Baijing. It is a marginal figure. You can't stand Bai Jing's position. You still want to kill me? Do you have this power? Do you have this qualification? Do you dare?"

"With my mother's identity, you are the edge of Bai Jing, and talk about killing me? You also match?"

"You can't kill me, don't dare to kill me. Just gambled and you lost again, so fulfill the agreement. The farther you go, the better. From now on, there will be places for me. You must all shun."

Adolf stared at the waves for a long time, and his eyes showed a bitter hatred, and then a smile appeared.

"Oh..." His figure exploded, and he directly quit more than a hundred meters away, then sneered: "This distance is ok? My dear teacher?"

"Yes, yes." Shen Lang said: "But I have no strength, and I can't speak loudly."

Adolf said: "My dear teacher, you just conquered the Duke of Dibos, this is very great. But if you want to kill the Eastern world, you should still need a strong fleet. Dibos's navy and pirates Although the combined fleet is not strong enough, but the number is enough, you should also be coveted."

This is true, but after Dibos dispositioned the rebellion of Doyle Russo, her naval fleet disappeared, and the pirate fleet of the **** Baron disappeared.

Adolf opened his arms and said: "Dodge. Russo, **** baron, you appear."

Shortly after his voice fell, there were dense masts behind him, countless navies and pirate fleets.

The official Duke of Dukes's fleet, the **** Baron's pirate coalition fleet, almost 100,000 people, more than a thousand ships, covering the sky, boundlessly spread over the sea.

"See the master of Adolf."

"See the master of Adolf."

The leaders of these fleets returned to Adolf and looked at him as if they were gods. Dodge Russo is the younger brother of Earl of Doyle, and was once a leader of the Russo fleet. Doyle Russo was cracked, and he escaped on the sea, but also with Dibo. The trend is not the same, leading the majority of the Russell family's fleet completely rebellious.

Adolf said: "Dear brother, you can't get this fleet, because they belong to me, they owe allegiance to me, loyal to Sauron the Great, even if Dibos is in their eyes, it has become a judge."

"Dear brother, this saltpeter mine is very important to you, and it can keep you making terrible weapons. And the volcanic ash of the Fire Island is also very important to you. I am very sorry, your small fleet is once again blocked. Then, whether it is Mulan City or the ship of Bijin City, it will be ruthlessly sunk."

"My dear teacher, the Western world is very good, don't think about going back."

"Oh yes, you must be dreaming of the party corps, because that is the most powerful fleet in the world, and that fleet is created in your sense by your father. You definitely want to save the ruins of the lost country. Come out of the invincible fleet."

"If no one saves, the people of the party fleet will die. They can't resist the dark spirit of the land. They will commit suicide. If you can save them and bring them out, then this one." The fleet will be loyal to you."

"What a tempting thing? Isn't my younger brother omnipotent? I think you should take risks."

"As long as you succeed, you have the most powerful fleet in the Western world, and the most powerful Amazon army, you can kill the Eastern world."

"I am waiting for the news of your success. The teacher will bless you in the Spirit of Heaven."

"Ha ha ha..." Adolf's figure flashed and quickly disappeared into the sea. After a while he appeared on the **** Baron's ship.

"I ordered it as the aides of Sauron, and from this point on, completely blocked all the ships of Dibos, and the plates could not go to the sea. Otherwise, kill them!"

With Adolf's order, the familiar bells were once again heard on the sea, and like the last bell, the bells of the straits of the sea were completely blocked.

Then, the fleet left in a mighty manner and officially began a few thousand miles of route blockade.


To be honest, this large blockade on the sea is not as big as the damage to the sun, because his fleet has transported enough volcanic ash during this time. As for the trick of saltpeter, it took more than half a year to pull a few boats.

The most important food, meat, cloth, etc., after Shen Lang won the Bijin City, everything was solved.

However, this large blockade on the sea is very harmful to the interests of Dibos, because most of the Russo family’s profits depend on maritime trade. There are countless maritime traders living in Bijin City. Once blocked, The trade in Bijin City was completely cut off.

Dibos used the army of Shen Lang to clear the rebellion on the land, but he was helpless with the rebellion on the sea.

Next, she will face a double blow between prestige and interests, hoping she can hold on.

Haila looked at Shen Lang because he found that this younger brother was much stronger than he thought. Most of the time he was able to protect himself and even make some very remarkable things.

"Brother, have you saved the Amazon?"

Queen Edda nodded: "If it weren't for him, the entire Amazonian country would have melted completely and everyone would die."

Hella fell into meditation, and he took the opportunity to think about other things.

Queen Ada said: "Shen Lang, your mother is Bai Jing?"

Shen Langdao: "I think it should be."

Queen Ada said: "She is still in a high position in Baijing?"

Shen Langdao: "It should be very high, but now Bai Jing should regard her as a traitor because she was turned away by my father and became his wife, officially separated from Bai Jing."

Hella said: "Brother, then your mother is the emotional end of Jiang's father?"

If you have not guessed wrong, it should be like this. Because in the Eastern world, Jiang Lixia is simply an infatuation and a single spokesperson. He and his wife are like fairy monks, one of the world's first masters, and the second master of the world. Otherwise, according to Jiang’s identity, he should have been countless, and there are no descendants of his descendants. After many years as a great emperor, he failed to give birth to heirs.

But who can think of it, when he was young, he used to live in the Western world, and he still left a few illegitimate women.

Therefore, Haila said that it is true that Shen Lang’s mother completely tamed Jiang Li’s feelings and made him the most specialized man in the world. Everyone only knows that the nobleness of Shen Lang originated from his father, and to some extent his maternal blood is also mysterious.

Hella said: "Do you think his feelings are great?"

Shen Lang directly said: "Not great, I still like the **** in the Western world, because there is a familiar scum taste. After returning to the Eastern world, he is like a saint, like a sun, too great. ""

Hella smiled and said: "I also like the taste of this scum on you."

Then Hella fell into silence, as if starting a difficult decision, she picked up a saltpeter and slammed it. Picking up one again, and slamming it, Shen Lang saw a burst of scalp numb, this hard saltpeter in her hands is like mud.

After a good time, Hella said: "Dear brother, do you really need the party fleet?"

Shen Langdao: "Yes, I didn't want to kill it one day. The party fleet is an indispensable part of my return to the East."

Hella said: "But you just heard it, Adolf has no right to kill you, so I have been jealous of you to lose the country. Because he knows that once you enter the lost country, you will never get out again, and you will be completely trapped. Inside, it will even be killed by the crazy squad leader. He hates you, he wants to kill you indirectly through this method."

Shen Langdao: "I know."

Hella said: "Do you understand the lost country?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "Not too well understood."

Hella said: "We also have a lot of smart people in the party corps. I am not smart enough but my mother is very smart. But she has worked hard for more than ten years and has not escaped from the lost country. She can't leave the cursed sea. You After you go, how confident can you save the party fleet?"

Shen Lang thought for a while: "Probably, about 70%."

Did Hella have such a high degree of grasp? She once again got into a difficult decision.

She hated everyone in the party fleet because she thought they killed her mother. But this is where she grew up. The entire party was the whole of her world. There are countless her brothers and sisters.

It is only a matter of words to say what makes the party completely dead. She does not want to save the party.

Before she did not understand the dilemma of Shen Lang, and now she knows the strategic deployment of Shen Lang.

Conquer the Amazon and get a strong ground army. Conquer the party and get a strong squad leader. Then all the fleets were equipped with sharp artillery and then returned to the Eastern world.

Now that Shen Lang’s plan has been successful, most of the Amazon Army has been acquired and artillery is being built.

Especially after conquering Bijin City, Shen Lang got countless steel and blacksmiths, and the efficiency of making artillery was greatly improved.

What is lacking at this time is only the squad leader, the strongest pirate in the world.

"Well, that sister took you there." Hella stood up and patted her ass. "I am waiting for you on the boat. You move faster. No, slow down. If a man is too fast, he will be joke." of."


After Hella left, there were Shen Lang and Queen Ada on the entire saltpeter island.

At this time, after Adolf left, she fell into depression, and she still had some doubts about her strength.

"You are extremely powerful." Shen Langdao: "Adolf's power is like a magic show. When you don't know the reason, you feel unpredictable. Once you find the truth, it's just that. On strength, speed, he is not as good as you. of."

"On the surface, you seem to be incapable of hurting him, but completely squatting with Bai Jing's ancient civilization equipment." Shen Langdao: "In the entire Western world, there are very few who can become your opponents, only Queen Medusa, Princess Helen, Sauron the Great."

The words of Shen Lang are correct. The strength of Queen Ada is true, and Adolf is cheating to some extent.

"Do you want to get me?" Queen Edda asked.

"Think." Shen Langdao.

Queen Ada said: "Why?"

Shen Langdao: "Because you are the most powerful woman in the entire Western world, the most beautiful woman, your body is also in the entire Western world. You are the most coveted woman in the entire Western world."

Queen Ada said: "Because of my aura, right?"

Shen Langdao: "Yes, your beauty, your aura, your strength. Men are rushing for conquest because of these things."

Queen Ada said: "I am like this to you. Your aura of wisdom has attracted me. And you have not broken your aura today. You still repel Adolf through wisdom. You always look dazzling, you become More charming and more attractive to me."

Shen Lang shrugged his shoulders: "There is no way, I am so good."

Queen Ada said: "But my aura today is damaged, and some are bleak."

Shen Lang has no words, because he completely understands the words of Edda.

Queen Ada said: "My aura is my strength. I should have invincible power, but I can't hurt the Adolf today. Of course you said it was because he cheated. He used Bai Jing's ancient civilization to equip. So I can move and change. But for us Amazon tribes, lose and lose, win is win, I can't get through."

"The ceremony of reproduction has already ended, but I am still waiting for you here. In fact, even if we are both loving and loving, we have not been able to breed offspring, because it is not my cycle recently. But I stayed, more to be with you. Enjoy the joy, but also want to prove to you that our Amazon women also have feelings, we borrow and plant the island, not only to breed the offspring, but also to talk about a short and boneless love."

"But now my aura is somewhat broken. I am not the perfect and powerful Queen of Eda in your mind. So if you sleep, I will feel the sense of conquest and my sense of accomplishment. I can't accept this. a little."

"I must keep the strongest and most attractive side in your mind, and then reproduce with you. So I have to go back to retreat. I don't rely on ancient exercises, nor on cheats, nor on what. In ancient equipment, I still have to rely on my strength, my speed, to defeat Adolf, and then completely castrated, so that my face will come back, my aura will come back."

"At that time, we will continue to multiply, we regenerate children, okay?"

"I lost today, so it's not perfect. I don't allow imperfect self to be with you."

Shen Lang’s heart is full of praise. Yes, this is the Queen of Ada, strong and arrogant, lonely and noble.

Adolf is a disciple of Jiang Li, a genius, Bai Jing’s disciple, martial arts is amazing, and he still uses ancient civilization equipment to cheat.

However, these reasons do not exist in the eyes of Queen Eda. She feels that losing is losing, and no reason can be found.

"So I went back, you also do your own thing. When I am closed, beat and castrated Adolf, I will go to find you to have children, as long as I don't die, you don't die, you will always be the father of my future child. ""

What can Shen Lang say, of course, can only worship, and then applause in a crazy applause.

"So, goodbye!"


Shen Lang said again: "But before you say goodbye, can you kiss one and hold one?"

"Yes, but don't overdo it." Queen Edda said.

Shen Langdao: "Are you afraid that I can't control it?"

"No, I am afraid that I can't control it. Don't forget my age. The thoughts come together, just like the flames of the sky, can't be extinguished." Queen Ada said: "I want to keep this flame to become strong, castration. Drop the bastard."

Then, Queen Eda holds the face of Shen Lang, and the glamorous red lips are directly printed.

Two people kissed deeply and said goodbye!


Hella drove the sailboat and returned to Mulan City with the sinking waves.

Along the way, I saw countless pirate fleets and are blocking Mulan Island.

Shen Lang saw the wreckage of three ships, two of which were Shenlang and one of which was Dibos.

The fleet of Adolf, the Bloody Baron, and Dodge Russo officially started, sinking any ship in the sea and the city of Bijin.

Six ships!

The ship of Shenlang has been sunk six ships, lost countless supplies, and countless people.

All of this is the **** baron, the pirate king in this area. He once talked with Shen Lang and made a big business. He changed his face in a blink of an eye, and he was also the one who killed the Shenlang fleet.

This person's transformation camp is really fast. Not long ago, he was loyal to Dibos, and now he is loyal to Adolf, and indirectly loyal to Sauron.

The sailboat of Hella hangs the banner of the party, and it is unhelpful all the way. Of course, this is not because of the party’s banner, but because the waves are on the ship.

Bai Jing did not express any position on Shen Lang, so Adolf had no right to kill the waves. On a huge flagship, Shen Lang once again saw Adolf and saw the **** baron Xiao Monroe.

Sitting on the deck next to Adolf, there is still a tall man with a fairy bone. The **** baron took off his mind and walked into the sacred aristocratic etiquette, revealing an elegant smile, eight white teeth.

This person has already had a **** revenge with Shen Lang, and he has made such a big hatred without knowing it.

Hella felt extremely shameful. When the party fleet was in the middle, these people bowed their knees and were as well-behaved as dogs. And now Yaowu Yangwei, rampant, can not be a lifetime, it is really a tiger fell Pingyang was bullied by dogs.

"Brother, if you can save the party fleet from the lost country, then we can easily kill everyone in this sea." Haila gnashed his teeth.

Shen Langdao: "I don't just want to kill the pirates of the **** Baron. All the pirates in the five thousand miles of the sea are killed. I have to pull all the members of the **** Baron family and kill them. When the Queen of Helen also Not enough, the Monroe family has not been completely destroyed."


Return to Mulan Island.

Hella said directly: "I need twenty crew members, the best sailors."

In an instant, she summoned twenty crew members, all of whom were descendants of the party. The black pearls insisted on going, but she was the leader of the current Mulan City fleet.

"I need to go out a long way, and I will come back in about a month or so." Shen Langdao.

Zhang Chunhua said: "When you come back, can you kill all these pirates who are arrogant and arrogant on the sea? Can you beat the **** Baron's skin and cramp, will you die?"

Shen Langdao: "Can!"

Zhang Chunhua said: "You promised to have a little princess, don't forget, only half a year."

Shen Langdao: "If all goes well, we will soon be able to kill the Eastern world."

Zhang Chunhua said: "Is Princess Helen found?"

Shen Langdao: "No, but there is already a general direction. There is a hidden outline in the brain. Right, how about our artillery?"

Zhang Chunhua said: "Very smooth, we searched more than a thousand blacksmiths from Bijin City, and the artillery output increased steadily. But can I ask first, how many guns do you need to make? How many shells?"

Shen Langdao: "At least a thousand guns."

Zhang Chunhua was shocked and suddenly made so many? Then she fantasized about the scenes of a thousand cannons, and the body could not help but have some fever.

"After the scum, have you forgotten something?" Zhang Chunhua gritted his teeth.

Shen Lang said: "What is it?"

Zhang Chunhua said: "In the gorgeous castle of Bijin City, find the best room, I am fortunate to me! Shen Lang, is not particularly worthless in your heart, how long have you been drying me? I Zhang Chunhua if not For the sake of Guangzong Yaozu, will I post it to you?"

Shen Lang slaps his head, he is really busy forgetting. But it is not because Zhang Chunhua is worthless in his mind, but he is particularly comfortable when he is with Zhang Chunhua. They are like confidantes and like friends.

Staying for a long time, somehow there is a kind of Zhang Chunhua is the feeling of my female buddies, really do not want to destroy.

I treat you as a buddy, but you always want to sleep? This is not very good.

"Or else?" Shen Lang said: "Looking at some time, what about the two things?"

"You come less." Zhang Chunhua said: "If you want to sleep now, there will be a strong man who will not return, and then give me the feeling of a posthumous child, unlucky, or wait for you to come back and talk."

Suddenly, Shen Lang wanted to tear this beautiful and delicate mouth of Zhang Huo.

"How do you know how to deal with Deborah?" Shen Lang asked.

Zhang Chunhua said: "Trying to tear the contradiction between her and the Russo family vassals, it is best to kill one or two times, killing thousands of people and forcing her to be completely bound with us."

"The most poisonous woman's heart." Shen Lang pointed to Zhang Chunhua's little mouth.

Zhang Chunhua opened his charming little mouth and bit the finger of Shen Lang. He said: "I am called a singer."

You see, this will destroy the atmosphere, and the confidante will not cross the line. The feeling of being embarrassed is the most wonderful.

"Remember what I said to you? Remember how the electromagnetic powder bomb detonated?"



Shen Lang took twenty sailors, with enough fresh water and food, and took the sailboat of Hella again to go south to the lost country and save the party.

Under the command of Adolf, the **** Baron and Dodge Russo's rebel fleet did not have any obstacles and attacks. They watched the ship of Shenlang go south, and the gaze seemed to look like Shenlang entered Hell.

The **** baron said: "In this world, only smart people will go to death. Shen Lang is gone, his small country is over, Dibos may have to be finished, Queen Edda belongs to you, and still pure and innocent, My respected master of Adolf, Princess Dora also belongs to you."

Adolf closed his eyes and said proudly: "Everything is for Sauron."


The sailing speed of Shenlang is very fast. It goes down south and can sail for about 13 knots an hour, which is equivalent to forty miles.

This road can be described as the wind and the sun, the scenery is beautiful, the sea is not blue, but the green, crystal clear as if you can see the bottom of the sea, such as the same full face jade inlaid on it.

And every few hundred miles there is a small island, each island is full of vitality and green.

Shen Lang has also gone tens of thousands of miles of sea, it is really difficult to see such a beautiful scenery, as if it is a sea paradise.

And there are no ships on the way, because there are few countries on the south side of the New World, and there are no trade routes. Only the wildest pirates will go south to explore the unknown world.

"Brother, how can you save the party fleet from the lost country, do you have a general plan?" asked Hella.

Shen Langdao: "Yes."

Hella Road: "Is it complicated?"

Shen Langdao: "Not complicated."

Hella Road: "A long time?"

Shen Langdao: "Once you find that thing, at most one hour is enough."

Hella looked incredulously at Shen Lang, how smart her mother was, and she could not take the fleet out of trouble for more than a decade. The party’s fleet of talented people came forth in great numbers and could not escape the cursed waters with all their strength.

For a full decade, I have tried countless times and failed.

Shen Lang actually said that it only took one hour. Haila suddenly thought of the words that Queen Edda said. Shen Lang likes to brag, but all the cows he blows have been realized.


It has been sailing for half a month.

Suddenly, everything has changed. It is still beautiful, but all the islands are gone, only the endless sea.

After a few days and nights of sailing, all of them are exactly the same sea scenery, this scene has been somewhat low.

Suddenly, one day Shen Lang saw an unbelievable view.

An incomparably huge, incomparably gorgeous city appears on the sea, as large as boundless, thousands of miles.

It doesn't really exist, it's just a light curtain, just like a mirage.

But this is the biggest and most magnificent mirage in the morning.

"When you saw this picture, was it also very shocking?" Shen Lang asked.

However, Hella looked at it with shock, as if she could not believe this scene.

"You, have you not seen it?" Shen Lang asked.

Hella nodded. "I have never seen it."

Shen Langdao: "Is this piece of light and the mirage behind the mirage? Is it the scope of the cursed sea?"

Hella said: "Yes, but it has changed now. It is totally different from before. I have a very shocking feeling."

Then, Haila looked at Shenlang Road: "Younger brother, it is important to save the party fleet. But your life is more important. We go back. We don't want to marry the party fleet. We are slowly developing. The lost country has undergone drastic changes. Everything has changed. Unknown, once we enter, we are not only completely trapped, but may even die completely without a place of burial."

"Brother, let's go back." Hella pleaded.

Looking at this strange scene, Shen Lang is really a big scene, an unprecedented scene.

Have you ever seen a mirage in a thousand miles? The entire light curtain wraps up the lost country.

What is behind this light curtain? Does the party fleet still exist? Is it dead?

Shen Langdao: "Since all have arrived, there is no more reason to turn back. Open the bow without turning back and move on."

Haila looked at the sinking waves, then shrugged her shoulders and said: "If that is going to die, then our brothers and sisters will die together."

Then she squinted directly at the neck of Shen Lang, and posted a forehead with him, then said: "Continue to move forward."

"It’s a big deal, it’s a big deal, and it’s a big place to die.”

Suddenly the sails were full and the sailboat rushed toward the super-light curtain on the front sea.

This light curtain is almost connected to the sea and the sky. It is so huge that it is shocking. What kind of mirage is it?

The light curtain of the mirage is getting closer and closer.

"Oh..." Shen Lang’s sailboat rushed over and passed through the mirage light curtain.

Finally, Shen Lang entered this strange and lost country, the cursed **** of the sea.

Then, Shen Lang did not dare to look at this strange world and was completely shocked.


Note: The brothers gave me the monthly pass, and the cakes were crying and begging. If you need it, give it to me!

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