History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 451: : Langye miracle! The rise of the party! (Seeking a monthly pass)

This style is not right, when did Shen Lang become bloody? He has never been a **** person?

Let's just say that this person is ever-changing. When he needs to be lazy, he is lazy. When he needs his blood, he can also be bloody. Life is like a play, and he relies on acting.

At the crucial moment, Shen Lang is absolutely willing to take risks and be willing to fight.

For example, when his identity was revealed, he dared to talk and laugh in front of Ning Han and Ji Yun. Another example is that he dares to use himself as an infectious body to infect Ning Han and Ji Yun from the Black Death.

This person is definitely crazy. But is this situation worthy of his madness? Already worth it.

He wants to win not only the party, but also his own breakout, because he is also trapped.

But... he is absolutely not as **** as he has shown himself.

Before coming to the lost country, Shen Lang’s thoughts were exactly the same as those of Douglas. They were all misled by Hella’s escape. They all felt that it was very simple to escape from the party. It is only necessary to detonate several ancient energy cores.

But after coming here, Shen Lang knew that things were far from simple.

Especially after reading the suicide note of the Ahn'Qiraj leader, he entered deep thinking. Then he asked a lot of people, he analyzed the energy wave of the devil's weeping.

Then he first came to a conclusion.

The culprit in the cursed waters is at sea, not on land, and there is no energy field.

After that, Shen Lang also got a very interesting result. He asked Jack Tang to have a lot of people drawing the big octopus of the castle. But he found that each person painted it was biased, not because of the deviation of memory. People are vowed to see it like this.

Unfortunately, Shen Lang did not see any ancient books on the ruins of the lost country, but in Jiang Di's diary he mentioned a word, cursing the Queen.


"Hey party will regain your fighting spirit and don't let me fight alone."

When Shen Lang shouted, he took a small boat and rushed toward the huge lost fairy.

And he did arouse the blood of countless party pirates. Many people numb their scalp, their eyes closed, and they scolded the scimitar and followed him.

It’s better to talk to me than to say 10,000 words to me.

However the next second!

The castle's huge lost demon mother made a terrifying roar, and countless claws opened, covering the entire sky.

The entire cursed sea area seems to have become a **** of hell, almost all sea monsters have come, more than a few hundred thousand. Within a hundred miles of the sea, it is dense and boundless.

The lost head of the demon mother has countless eyes, and even eyes and mouthpieces on each of the claws. This is a monster that you can't see in a nightmare, enough to cause the deepest fear in anyone's heart.

Extremely cold.

"Oh..." With the loud roar, countless eyes on his body opened one after another, and these eyes all released a horrible red glow, almost completely illuminating the entire sea.

The boundless fear is like a nuclear bomb that bursts open and shakes all the pirates.

Before being spurred by the waves, the pirates who followed the rushing rushed directly to the cold and sat down on the ground. The same as the last result, no one dared to rush to fight.

The party is not afraid of any enemy. The battle of the enemy is not known how many times it has been played. It is not known how many people have fought in the battle of the enemy. But it is all human.

What is this in front of you? This is a completely unknown monster. Really anyone will lose the courage to fight, no wonder the entire party’s fighting spirit will be completely castrated.

Then the boat of Shenlang rushed to the lost demon, and none of the others followed.

This, this is a day dog. This scene and a movie that Shen Lang had seen seemed to kill the Shiro, and rushed to the tower to scream and scream, and the public responded, but in the end, there were only a few people in the area.

All the gang pirates were frightened and could not stand even.

Douglas was also trembling, but his heart was ecstatic, which was almost the perfect result. Shen Lang, Hella, and Helen were stupidly sent to death, so that the party would be completely owned by him.

Of course, how can I escape from here? It’s really a shame, as long as you look at Shen Lang and Helen’s death, it’s enough.

Looking at countless treacherous party pirates, Douglas sneered in his heart: Shen Lang, you really look down on the roots of human nature.


Shen Lang stood on the boat and drifted away to the lost fairy. Hella is driving the boat, and Princess Helen is standing beside him.

Last time, only one person from the Ahn'Qiraj leader rushed to the lost demon, and this time the Shen Lang was better. Two people followed him, Princess Heila and Helen.

In front of the big octopus in the castle, this small sailing boat is really small as a stack of paper boats. It can be completely broken with a single claw.

"Dear brother and sister? I have a feeling that I can't help but want to urinate. Please tell me, you feel this way too." Hella drove the boat and leaned toward Shen Lang and Princess Helen.

Hella has been very brave, but the lost demon in the face of this **** creature is still fearful from the heart, and even the limbs are soft.

Helen's frown locks her breath, and she has never seen such a super monster. Even her heart is full of fear. But fear is not shameful, everyone should have awe, but you must not lose your fighting spirit because of fear.

"I want to protect my loved ones, no matter how powerful the enemy is." Helen told himself again and again.

The sailboats of Shenlang entered the army of the sea monsters. These sea monsters instinctively let a road open, and then stared at the three people in a neat manner. This scene is like a small sheep entering a countless wolf. Among the groups. The castle's huge lost demon mother looked at the waves with sarcasm, as if waiting for him to die.

The small sailing ship of Shenlang is getting closer and closer to the lost monster.


The lost sorcerer slowly opened his mouth and never saw such a big octopus.

In an instant, it is simply disgusting and suffocating.

Because there are countless teeth in the mouthparts, there are millions of pieces, and the entire mouthpiece layer is constantly rotating.

Its mouth is getting bigger and bigger, and the final diameter is more than a hundred meters. This is not like a mouth, but like a door to hell.

Not to mention the deep waves, together with this small sailing boat, is not enough for this lost demon mother to sew. Its numerous tentacles danced in the sky, completely obscuring the sea of ​​several kilometers.

On the ground, countless party pirates are watching this scene, and their hearts are almost beginning to mourn. The scene of the Ahn'Qiraj party's smashing bones will be repeated.

Hella’s legs began to tremble, saying: “Brother, my sister is willing to die to protect you, but today I really can’t win.”

Shen Lang looked at Princess Helen.

Princess Helen said: "I will fight to the end, but I have never encountered such a powerful and powerful monster. The force of anyone is insignificant in front of it. One of its claws can easily crush us into pieces."

Even Princess Helen felt that there was no hope for this battle.

"But I am willing to fight for you, my brother." Princess Helen violently pulled out the big sword and said coldly: "I am afraid, but I will never lose my fighting spirit."

Hella slammed her teeth and yanked out the scimitar. She shouted: "It’s not a big death. Our three brothers and sisters are dead together, and it is also a huge happiness."

Shen Lang also pulled out... two needles, one left and one right into the body of two sisters.

Hella and Helen looked at each other and looked at the sinking waves. What did they inject for them? But they know that Shen Lang will never harm them.

A moment later, Hella and Helen seemed to open the door to the new world, as if they had entered another realm.

What fears have all disappeared, the surrounding images have completely changed, become so real, and become so thorough.

That familiar feeling is coming again: I want to cover my eyes this day, I want this place to bury my heart, I want this million sea monsters to disappear. I am already invincible, and I can't accommodate me like this in the sky.

At that time, Ning Zheng, who was inferior and inferior, could become a world with this drug, let alone the powerful Helen and Hella?

But Helen is different. She has entered a new realm, excited and absolutely calm. And Hella is completely in a state of madness.

Then the two men looked at the castle's huge lost demon, and suddenly horrified.

This, what is this? How did the lost fairy mother look changed?

Then the two did not say anything, and suddenly jumped up, like a cannonball rushed to the sky, holding high the machete and the big sword, killing toward the lost demon.

Shen Lang is even more crazy. He violently pulled out a black sword and rushed straight toward the huge mouthparts of the lost monster.

"The gang pirates, you have become a waste, you have not been worthy of this title. I am the new party leader of the party, fighting for your honor."

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Then, the scene of horror appeared.

The three brothers and sisters lost the lost mother, and it was really earth-shattering.


The tens of thousands of party pirates on the lost ruins dare not look at this scene.

They originally thought that the three brothers and sisters of Shen Lang would die, and it would be easy to be crushed into pieces by the lost mother.

I didn't think that the battle scene had this strange scene.


Helen's big sword bloomed with golden light. Her swordsmanship reached tens of meters long and fell wildly. The lost claws of the demon mother were actually cut off by her life.


God? The missing claws of the demon mother were more than a few tens of meters thick. They were completely thicker than the warships of the party. They were more than a few kilometers long and were directly cut off by the great sword of Princess Helen.

Hella’s martial arts is going to be worse. She stood on the claws of a lost demon and was stunned. But she was nailed to it, and her scimitar was arrogant.

The black and green blood of the lost demon mother splattered, and the whole sea surface was like a heavy rain.


The lost demon seems to be completely irritated, and it jerked over a tentacles, opened a huge mouthpart, and swallowed Hella.

"Ah..." Hella shouted and the whole person disappeared.

Princess Helen saw it, and the body jerked, and the big sword in the hand slammed into the tentacle of the lost demon and then rip open. The tentacle with a diameter of several tens of meters was opened in half, and the devoured Hella got out of it and madly vomited.

Then Princess Helen began a crazy performance and madly killed.

What about the waves? He disappeared directly. He had just rushed out and was swallowed up by the lost mouthpiece of the demon mother.

"Hey, hey, hehe..."

The lost demon screamed and screamed.

During the time, countless sea monsters seemed to receive orders and rushed away, and rushed toward Helen and Hella to protect the lost demon.


"Shen Lang is dead, Shen Lang is dead!" Douglas shouted, full of gloating.

Then all the party pirates looked at him neatly, his eyes filled with coldness.

At this time, countless lightning flashes across the sea, and occasionally the darkness shines like white.

Everyone can see clearly, the whole sea has been completely boiling, although this is the night, but the battle is like a volcanic eruption.

Shen Lang, Helen, Haila's figures have been completely invisible, and countless sea monsters are completely covered like tides.

There was a burst of horror in the sea, and it was the scream of the lost demon.

Countless sea monsters flew into the sky like raindrops and directly dismembered into pieces. There is also the blood of the lost demon mother, like a storm.

This is Princess Helen. When she faces the sea monster, it is simply a super female god, like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables.

This battle is really a **** experience.

Jack Tang stood up from the ground, gasping for a big breath, and closed his eyes as if to calm himself down, and then he opened his eyes again.

"I am going to fight. I would rather die than to lose the fighting spirit of the party. The son of Rocky is fighting for us. The daughter of the Ahn'Qiraj leader fights for us, even the third heir to the Xilun Empire. Also fight for us. We have any reason to stand by."

"I am going to fight, you are free!"

Then, Jack Tang pulled out the scimitar and rushed over.

Hai Meng looked at the headless body of Shanghai, and looked at Douglas again.

"Younger brother, maybe you are really wrong. Maybe Shen Lang is right, the party can never be saved by others, and people must save themselves."

"The Ahn'Qiraj leader chose the red horn, which was to choose the battle. She kept the soul of the party, but we lost the soul."

The sea dream seemed to talk to herself, and then she violently pulled out the scimitar and rushed toward the battlefield on the sea.

"I am going to fight, you are free!"

"I am going to fight, you are free!"

"I am going to fight, you are free!"

One after another, the party pirates pulled out the scimitar and shook the still sour legs, slamming the past.

One after another, the squadron warships were full of sails, rushing toward the cursed waters, and rushing toward countless sea monsters.

This world is about a trend. Once the tide falls, it is like a low tide, and non-manpower can be recovered. Once the situation arises, it is like a raging fire, and it cannot be extinguished.

More and more gang pirates rushed out, more and more, like moths.

Only sacrifices are the most shocking. The sacrifice of the last Ahn'Qiraj leader failed to ignite their inner fighting spirit.

This time, the sacrifices of Shen Lang, Haila, and Helen tried to ignite the flames of fighting in their hearts once again, and they still failed.

But then the **** battle, the lost of the demon mother, the huge tentacles that were cut off, as if they had seen the hope of victory.

As more and more pirates rushed out of the battle, the balance was completely reversed.

"Shen Lang is right. If we lose our fighting spirit, we will no longer be called a party."

"Even if you die and you die, you are better than living awkwardly."

"Brothers, aren't you still desperate enough? Are you still scared enough? Haven't you enough in hell?"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Pick up the fighting spirit of the party!"

Numerous crickets shouted loudly and rushed out, and the party that stayed in place at this time has become a shame, as if it were a faceless and alive.

People are a group of creatures, so even at this time, even if they are afraid, they will slam their teeth and close their eyes.

Tens of thousands of pirates rushed to the surface of the sea and countless sea monsters, leaving only a few thousand people left in the lost ruins. They were completely castrated and fighting, and they would never return.

But at this time, the party has been resurrected.

Even if they were all broken, but at least this moment, the powerful and invincible party has returned, and they have risen again.


So where is the sinking wave at this time? In the belly of the big octopus that lost the demon.

He was wrapped all over the body, even the goggles were worn, and even he was ready for the original oxygen tank. Some people may say, how to make oxygen tanks in this world? In fact, there are many ways to produce oxygen. Heating potassium permanganate or potassium chloride can produce oxygen.

Why did Shen Lang enter the lost mother's belly without being crushed by countless teeth in her mouth? Because there are no teeth at all, everything is an illusion, how can the octopus have teeth?

The illusion is not only that! Almost everything you see is an illusion.

What a huge octopus like a castle is simply fake. This octopus is very big, but at best it is nearly 10,000 pounds.

Really like the octopus as big as a castle, it really needs a tentacle that is several kilometers long and tens of meters thick. It doesn't need to be hit, and it is directly crushed into slag.

The most powerful of this lost demon is the spiritual power, which is to create fear and illusion. When people look at it, they lose all their fighting spirit and they completely fall to the ground.

Hella saw her legs soft, even if Princess Helen saw it, it was impossible to win.

Therefore, Shen Lang injected two kinds of drugs into two people, which caused them to fall into another state of mind. As a result, the illusion that the lost mothers created for them disappeared. They saw the real lost fairy.

It’s just a tens of thousands of pounds of octopus. Even if all the tentacles are open, it’s just a hundred meters.

After defeating the illusion of fear, Hella and Helen began to kill the octopus in a frenzied manner, and cut off one tenteze after another.

This octopus is very powerful, but it is also stronger than Princess Helen, so she was beaten by her, and she had to summon countless sea monsters to come to the Savior to besieged Helen.

It is obviously a tentacle of several tens of meters long, but from the visual point of view, it seems that the tentacles of several kilometers have been cut off, and Princess Helen looks more like a god.


"How do you curse the Queen? I finally saw your true face." Shen Lang said: "I didn't really think of you at the beginning. After all, there are too few records about you."

This scene is really creepy, and there is a person in the belly of the huge octopus.

A woman is parasitic in the octopus.

The woman couldn't see her face, because the long hair of her head completely covered her face, and her whole body seemed to grow in the belly of the octopus, and it was completely motionless, as if it were sculpture.

"I saw your name from my father's diary, but my father has not retreated after entering the cursed waters, so he did not really see you, but he sensed your existence." Shen Lang slowly said: "Afterwards He went through a lot of classical books, but there are still very few records for you. Have you ever been a princess in a lost country? Your body is dead, but your soul has lived for thousands of years."

"Even if you are the princess of the new lost country 3,000 years ago, you feel that the human body is still too weak, so you choose to parasitize on an octopus, but the average life expectancy of an octopus is only four years old. I will I can't figure it out."

"But this octopus must have lived for a long time, otherwise it will not be so huge. The octopus has a hundred pounds, but the parasitic octopus is full of tens of thousands of pounds."

"The octopus is one of the smartest species in the sea. Its brain has two memory systems, but it still doesn't match human neurons. But it has a very bad point, that is, its brain and nervous system can evolve. This octopus has lived so long, so huge, so its brain must have evolved to an extremely amazing level."

"So you can rule the myriad of sea monsters through this octopus, and create a terrible illusion that can completely rule this sea."

"Now I have a problem. We are human beings. You don't kill us, but we must trap us in this ruin forever. Why is this?" Shen Lang asked.

The guess of Shen Lang is correct. This huge octopus is called the lost demon, and the parasitic in it is the cursed queen, and the combination becomes the hegemon of this sea.

"This is my country, I can't live without my people. I am too lonely." A woman's voice sounded: "So anyone who enters the ruins of the lost country can't leave."

Shen Langdao: "In this case, why do you want to make a devil cry, make people depressed, and even commit suicide?"

Cursing the Queen's Road: "My country is destroyed, shouldn't we cry? Shouldn't my people be sad with me?"

Shen Langdao: "His Royal Highness, your encounter is sympathetic. But I must leave, I must leave with my squadron."

"You can't go, you can't go..." The cursed empress who was parasitic in the octopus shouted: "As long as you enter the lost ruins, it is my people. You want to leave. All those who want to go will die. To die..."

Shen Langdao: "That's sorry, my new imperial empire's Princess, I will kill you."

"Ha ha ha ha..." Cursed the empress and laughed: "Kill me? Just want to kill me with you? I have never seen such a weak man."

"You can't win, the two women are very strong, especially the blond ones. She actually cut off most of my tentacles, but they are surrounded by countless sea monsters. Her vindictiveness will always run out. By that time it was her death."

"And your gang pirates, they have regained their fighting spirit and become very brave. But they only have 50,000 or 60,000 people who have hosted my hundreds of thousands of sea monsters?"

"If you want to go, then all die here, die here." Cursed the Queen.

Shen Langdao: "The Princess of the Lost Princess, I am afraid that you want to kill us all, or because we have seen your true face, you are not as terrible as you have shown."

"You are right." Cursed Queen said: "All those who see my true face will die!"

Shen Langdao: "The Princess of the Lost Empire, why don't you move, your body is very powerful, why can't you kill me? I think the reason should be very simple, since you control the body of the octopus, you can't Move. Once you want to move, do you lose control of the octopus body?"

The cursed Queen sneered: "Smart, smart, I have never seen anyone who is smarter than you. The oriental man almost entered my field a few decades ago, and at the end of the day he retired. I did not expect it for decades. After that, his son came. Is this supposed to be a fate or a reincarnation? This blood will eventually die in my hands."

Shen Langdao: "Unfortunately, you have no chance to kill me, because you can't move. And your illusion doesn't work for me."

Shen Lang has a brain, and any brain wave can be filtered and cleaned by the brain. So the hallucination is useful to him at first, but he will soon be awake and can no longer interfere with the brain of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang slowly pulled out the black sword and walked to the terrible cursed Queen, slamming into a chest with a sword.

"Ah..." cursed the Queen and shouted.

"Ha ha ha ha..." Then she made a burst of laughter: "I am not dead, you can't kill me! Beautiful oriental man, it's my turn to kill you now."

Sure enough, she is still safe and sound.

"But, you are going to die soon." The cursed empress screamed, and then a strange scene appeared.


The huge octopus, the lost demon, on the sea, violently broke his three tentacles, separated from the chasing of Princess Helen, and then slammed into the sea.

At this time, Helen and Hella are killing this huge octopus while fighting fierce sea monsters. Suddenly this big octopus actually ran away from the tentacles.

"Not good..." Princess Helen exclaimed, then slammed toward the bottom of the sea, but in the next second, countless sea monsters surrounded her.

"Hey..." Princess Helen’s sword was arrogant, killing dozens of hundreds of sea monsters in an instant, but thousands of sea monsters in the next second surrounded her three-dimensional group.


The octopus who broke free from Helen’s pursuit of flying quickly left the sea.

Then, the cursed queen unleashed the control of the octopus body and restored control of her body!

So, at this moment, the woman in the octopus moved, slowly raised her head, but still could not see her face, the hair covered her face, as if the female ghost scorpion, toward the sinking wave Slowed down.

Her body released a very powerful murderous, she slowly extended her hand, nails like a knife, five fingers like a hook.

Her physical martial arts is also very strong. With a small finger, she can kill the waves for a hundred times, one thousand times.

"What a handsome and beautiful little head, but unfortunately I have to smash it." Cursed Queen Singer sneered: "Are you called Shen Lang? Are you not wanting to get the loyalty of the party? Let them follow you." Is it fun to be buried?"

"Thousands of people have died with you, is this good?"

The cursed empress is like a ghost, and walks to the front of Shen Lang. The claws are slowly placed on the top of Shen Lang's head. With a pinch, he can pinch his head.

"Dead, die, beautiful oriental little man!"

Cursing the Queen, a screaming, green light in the eyes.

At this time, Shen Lang pressed a button.

"Zi Lala..." The black sword that Shen Lang pierced into her body slammed a stream of electric current, and then cursed the Queen's body for a moment. This sword is characteristic, with a nightmare stone inlaid with a nightmare stone.

Cursing the Queen's body began to tremble fiercely, as if the personality was split, and the whole body seemed to be torn in half.

While desperately trying to pinch the head of the swell, while trying to stop his hand.

Shen Lang reached out and opened her long hair, revealing the face of the cursed empress, a beautiful and beautiful face.

"Auntie Ahn'Qiraj, I saw you for the first time, but you are my father's first wife, you are my sister's mother, so you are also my family..." Shen Lang's eyes are hot.

Suddenly this body trembled even more.

"Kill him, kill him, pinch his head."

"Come on, the child is going!" The cursed Queen sent two different voices, as if they had been completely split. The other voice was the party leader, Hira's mother, Ahn'Qiraj.

At the time, Ahn'Qiraj rushed to the lost demon mother. In the eyes of everyone, she was swallowed up by this huge octopus, as if it had been crushed by countless teeth, but in fact she also entered the body of this octopus.

In Jiang Di’s diary, the curse of the Queen’s body is dying, but the soul is not dead. So every few decades, you need to change your body. The Ahn'Qiraj leader is so powerful that it can be her new body.

And Ahn'Qiraira also knows about the lost demon and the cursed queen, because she is a woman from Jiang, and she knows how much she knows about the cursed queen.

So at that time she would choose to desperately and curse the Queen's decisive battle, rushing to the huge octopus, but she failed, became the new body of the cursed Queen's soul.

After being defeated, the Ahn'Qiraj leader became a vegetative person, the body is alive but the soul is sleeping, so that it is convenient to curse the Queen's control. Just now, Shen Lang awakened the soul of Ahn'Qiraj with the Nightmare Stone, so at this time there are two souls in this body in a fierce struggle.

"Kill him, kill him..."

"Child, go quickly, go..."

Cursing the Queen to continue the schizophrenia and send out different embarrassment.

Shen Lang continued: "Auntie Ahn'Qiraj, I will return to the East World with my sister Haila. I will leave here with a sly party. Do you know this place?"

Shen Lang took out a chart with a pyramid sign on it. Shen Lang was heavily red on it. This is an ancient pyramid with energy cores and self-destruction procedures.

Ahn'Qira nodded: "I understand, I know how to do it. My child, killing the Eastern world, revenge for your father, revenge!"

"For the children, for the family, for the sake of the party..." Ahn'Qiraj is crazy and roaring, and the strong will is constantly rising: "This is my body, I am the master after all, and you are just a passer-by, cursing the empress, even if you How powerful is it? You are just a pessimist, you are just a bitter one."

Within this body, Ahn'Qiraj's soul desperately resists the cursing queen.

But the soul of the lost imperial princess was too strong, and gradually crushed the soul of Ahn'Qiraj, and her claws fell again, to pinch the head of Shen Lang.

"Auntie Ahn'Qiraj, the opportunity is coming soon, and it will come soon." Shen Lang shouted.

five four three two one!

At this time, a light and shadow slammed on the surface of the sea, and the light curtain of the mirage appeared.

Innumerable sea monsters are in a slump. The cursed Queen's soul also fell into a short sluggishness.

The so-called cursed queen is only the princess of the new lost empire, and the Queen of Medusa on the tower is the true emperor of the lost emperor, the supreme ruler.

Ahn'Qiraj seized the opportunity of this moment and seized control of the body.

"Child, go, go..." She grabbed the body of Shen Lang and threw it out, throwing the sinking waves directly from the octopus's stomach and returning to the sea.

Then, Ahn'Qiragh turned to control the huge octopus and swam towards a certain seabed coordinate.

Shen Lang shouted: "Auntie Ahn'Qirah, live, no matter what, live, I will come to pick you up. I will leave this octopus, even if I share a body with the cursed queen."

But his voice is not transmitted.

However, Ahn'Qiraj's voice sounded in her ear: "Thank you, child. Take Haila, take the party and go back to the Eastern world for revenge. From now on you are the new leader."

Ahn'Qiraj controls the octopus, swims wildly, swims wildly, and swims toward a pyramid on the bottom of the sea.

At this time, the cursed Queen regained consciousness and began to desperately seize the control of the soul.

"Turn off the mirage, turn it off, turn it off..."

The Cursed Queen released an incomparably powerful spiritual wave, which was spread throughout the ruins of the lost nation after the enlargement of this millennium octopus.

Soon, the Pyramid of the Snow Mountain received this message.

"Brush..." A striking ray of light emerged from the pyramid at the top of the mountain.

Then, the huge light curtain of the mirage on the sea disappeared, and countless sea monsters woke up and continued to madly fight against the party.

"Dead, die, kill all the sly party, my sea monster army will kill everyone, everyone!" Cursed the empress madly shouting, she manipulated countless sea monsters, madly slaughtered the party, and ordered Tens of thousands of sea monsters came to chase down the waves.

"The party is going to die, the sun is going to die, everyone will die!"

At this time, Ahn'Qirah completely ignored it, controlled the body of the octopus, and frantically rushed toward a pyramid on the seabed.

She saw the pyramid at the bottom of the sea.

Soon, the cursed queen responded and screamed: "No, no, no!"

Countdown starts, five, four, three, two, one!

"Booming and banging..."

The ancient energy core of the submarine pyramid exploded.

The earth-shattering explosion, the thundering fireball drilled out of the sea and rushed into the sky.

And that huge octopus, the terrible lost demon body, was instantly blown up and broken.


Note: The first one is sent, do the brothers have a monthly pass? Continue to give it to me, the pastry is crazy!

Thank you for the loss of water, ah, 1216, book friends 20190404160027864, Astro Boyan, book friends 150510150614973 tens of thousands of coins to reward.

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