History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 463: : Ning Yuanxian's fate! Mulan I am coming!

"Dear husband, don't forget my words, then we can see you more in the Russo family."

"Next, whether our children can be promoted to the Prince, it is entirely up to you."

"And, remember to write to me."

This is the parting speech of the Duke of Dibos.

Shen Lang stroked her stomach and walked toward the flagship of the party.

"set sail!"

With the slamming of the waves, the huge fleet rushed toward the eastern world.

It was at this time that a figure appeared on the ground.

Princess Helen chased a white horse.

Oh no, it should be called the deputy emperor of the Xilun Empire.

With her cultivation, she can walk on the waves and go straight to the flagship of Shen Lang, but she did not do that, but she has been riding along with the fleet of Shen Lang.

How fast the Shenlang fleet sailed, how fast her horse was.

In this way, I have been sending it all the time and sent it to the end of the province of Bibo.

I sent more than 200 miles.

Then she waved at Shen Lang.

"Goodbye, my dear brother. Don't blame my sister, I really love you very much."

Shen Lang holding her baby, also waving to the Princess Helen on the land.

"Goodbye, dear sister. I really didn't blame you, really didn't."


At this time, on the lighthouse on the westernmost side of the province of Bibo, a woman looked at the sea and waved silently.

She is the black widow Hill, the lover of Shen Lang.

"Goodbye, my dear lover." Hill muttered to himself: "I hope to go to the East World to really fulfill your wish, and occasionally I can think of me a little later, I am already satisfied."

Then she kept watching the fleet of Shen Lang and disappeared at the end of the sea.


Yue Guodu City, Tianyue City.

In a cold palace of the palace, the former Wang Ning Yuanxian was sitting there and shivering.

His Parkinson has been able to become more serious. Don't say that he can't walk, he can't even stand up, his hands can't be lifted, and he is shaking all the time.

He is just a 60-year-old person, but it looks like he is in his eighties. Not only is the hair completely white, but it is not much left.

A woman wringed out the hot towel and gently wiped Ning Yuanxian's dry body. He is not a beggar, but Su Shi, the mother of the six princes Ning Jing.

At this time, Ning Yuanxian was thin and skinny, less than seventy pounds.

After wiping his body clean, Su Shi carefully put on all his clothes and then was studying for him.

Ning Yuanxian seems to have no reaction, his eyes are dull, his body is constantly shaking, and occasionally he will leave a mouthful.

After reading for more than half an hour, the woman frowned slightly, how could she not deliver the meal, it was already two quarters late.

After another quarter of an hour, the footsteps sounded outside.

A figure walked in and came to Ning Yuanxian's front and bowed down to the decapitation: "Children see the father."

He only has one arm, the former prince of Ning Yi, the Ning Yi who was captured by Jun Jun for a long time.

"Su Mu, I will give the father a meal." Ning Yidao.

Su Shi cautiously said: "Ning wing you have a heart, or I am coming."

Ning Yidao: "As a son, of course, I have to be filial to my father. What is it to feed my father?"

Su Shi immediately timidly retreated to the side.

Then, Ning Yi took out a bowl of porridge on one hand with one hand and picked it up with a spoon and fed it to Ning Yuanxian's mouth.

Ning Yuanxian still did not respond, instinctively opened his mouth and ate it. The whole person seemed to be demented and did not respond to everything around him.

"Father, do you know? You know? The Vietnam reform, there will be no Shangshutai from now on, only the cabinet, and I wish the Lord once again became the Prime Minister of the Cabinet."

Ning Yuanxian still has no response.

Ning Yi continued to feed Ning Yuanxian porridge, one after another, and Ning Yuanxian also swallowed mechanically.

"For the father, the country has perished, that is, the brutal kingdom of Arunana. Soon after the departure of Queen Arunana, a civil war broke out inside the country, and it took more than a year for the tribal leaders to Fighting for the throne, the head of the game is almost broken, and the new kingdom is out of the army. Now it has become an enclave of the new kingdom. The country has disappeared completely in history. If I remember correctly, you are here. The country has poured countless efforts, and now it is ruined. What do you think?"

Ning Yuanxian still has no response.

"The big South country that has Jun Jun has also perished. The southern country has fallen into the whole territory, and the Great Southern Kingdom has also fallen. The ancient ruins in the Shabar nationality have also been occupied by the Tianya Haige. You still don't know, 矜The reason why Jun rises is entirely because he has inadvertently entered this ancient ruins, and he went in without any effort. Because this ancient vestige was once developed by Jiang, I said, after you have a shaman, what is the skill? So fast, the entire Shaman was unified in just a few years."

"But Jun Jun is really powerful. After Shen Lang ran, he resisted with more than 100,000 people for a year. After the fall of Nanzhao, he retreated to the mountains of the Shabar, the vast and innocent forest. Because it is the home of the Shabars, they are like monkeys, hiding in the caves, hiding in the jungle, it is impossible to prevent. At first, Ning Yu led the 300,000-strong army, and did not take it for more than half a year. ”

"But they don't know anything about the power of the Great Yan Empire. They don't know anything about the power of Tianya Haige and Futu Mountain. How can the jungle of the Shabars in the area be blocked? Zhu Hongxue led a 10,000 blood soul army to the south. All the way to sweep, invincible, 矜君 fiasco, loyal to Shen Lang's party feathers suffered numerous injuries, the entire Sha Bar people suffered a catastrophe, I was rescued by Zhu Hongxue, I really want to thank him, but now I also do not agree Got on him."

"Do you know? Junjun finally fled into the southernmost part of the Shabar nationality and fled to the Ghost Mountain. As a result, I wished a red fire for a few months, and I was afraid that I had been burned to ashes. I was afraid that all of them would be burned to death. The fire was so bad that the forests of the Shabars were burned clean for thousands of miles, and a few heavy rains could not be extinguished. If it wasn’t for ten days in a row The torrential rain, now the entire Shaman has become a scorched earth."

"I wish the red snow is really embarrassing, killing hundreds of thousands of people, and burning a forest with thousands of years of fire."

"This is the end of the follow-up of the waves, the dead are extinct!"

Ning Yuanxian still has no response, as if he did not hear the general.

"Right, and hey! Do you remember? He is your most loyal family. Does his 100,000 army not claim to be the strongest in Vietnam? The result was destroyed in less than three days, and it is still wishing red snow. Leading less than 10,000 blood souls and defeating the 100,000-strong army, he knows nothing about the power of the Tianya Haige. But since the Tianya Haige is so strong, why did he sit down and watch me defeat?"

"Shenlang himself feels that he has studied the bloodline very deeply. He is also the first Nirvana Army and the second Nirvana Army. But Tianya Haige began to study blood in thousands of years. They also have a life research department, Shen The ability to transform the blood in the wave is in the face of Tianya Haige, it is so childish and ridiculous."

"I am in prison, and Zhang Hao is also in prison."

After hearing these words, Ning Yuanxian still has no response.

Ning Yidao: "No, father, you have forgotten both of these people? No, you really can't remember anything?"

Ning Yuanxian’s eyes still have no focal length and are completely scattered.

Ning Yidao: "Father, is this dementia really or fake? Others don't remember, you always remember that Ning Zheng, you, your most loyal son, would rather die than betray the waves. Ning Zheng, the person you are regarded as the new king of Vietnam."

When I heard the name of Ning Zheng, Ning Yuanxian’s scattered pupil suddenly moved, as if in a memory.

"Ning...Ningzheng..." Ning Yuanxian vaguely said these two words, he has not even said anything.

"Yes, yes, Ning Zheng, your most loved son, do you know how he is?" Ning Yi asked.

Ning Yuanxian seems to have tried very hard to remember, still can't think of it, and then gave up, and the pupil was once again scattered.

"He is being tried publicly, but he does not plead guilty. He is not willing to admit that Shen Lang is a rebellion in the Eastern world. He is unwilling to admit that he is a public enemy of the world, so he should soon be beheaded. After all, Ning Han will protect You have a life, but you may not be willing to save him."

"Father, you are awake, your most beloved son will be beheaded. Are you indifferent?"

"Hey, hey, dagger... oh..." Ning Yuanxian is not clear.

Ning Yi narrowed his eyes and stared at the old face of Ning Yuanxian. Was the father really demented?

He picked up a spoonful of porridge and fed it into Ning Yuanxian’s mouth.

Ning Yi suddenly said: "Yes, father, do you know Shen Lang? Do you know his whereabouts? He is already dead, and he was strangled by lightning in the waters of the Devil's Triangle."

"Shen Lang, Shen Lang? Dead, dead..." Ning Yuanxian's pupil moved again, and then desperately recalled, but in the end it was scattered.

Ning Yi looked at Ning Yuanxian and stared at him for a long time.

"Father, do you still eat?" Ning Yi asked.

"Eat, eat..." Ning Yuanxian instinct.

Ning Yi gave him another bite, and Ning Yuanxian ate it again.

"Eat, eat, eat." Ning Yidao: "Father, this porridge has been put for a few days and nights, and it has been moldy for a long time, you still eat."

"Eat, eat..." Ning Yuanxian.

Ning Yi snorted and laughed: "Where do you eat or not?"

"Eat, eat..."

Ning Yidao: "Then you eat it yourself."

Then, he poured the porridge of the bun directly on the head of Ning Yuanxian.

Ning Yuanxian desperately looked up, desperately sticking out his tongue, licking the porridge and eating it with gusto.


Inside the palace!

Yue Wang Ning Shao asked: "Is he really demented, or is it fake?"

Ning Yidao: "It should be true. What is the meaning of his madness and stupidity? Is it really waiting for Shen Lang to kill it? Waiting for him to come out from the Devil's Triangle? Shenlang, this ominous person has long since died." The body is gone."

The more Wang Ning Shao still kept silent, as if he was deeply meditation.

He has always been like this, completely silent, and people are completely unaware of his emotions.

Ning Yidao: "Your Majesty, Shen Lang is dead, he will never be back, you have the support of Zhu Hongxue, the support of Tianya Haige, the support of Tongtian Temple, the support of the Great Yan Empire. So let go Let's do it, Ning Zheng will not try it, kill it directly. There are also the party feathers of Yan Lang, Zhang Wei, etc., all killing it. If you don't want to do it, give it to me. Go and do it."

After Shen Lang left, the entire Vietnam State carried out an unprecedented arrest. At the beginning, it was thousands of people, and later it was tens of thousands and more than 100,000 people. The family members of the Guozijian, who have been continually connected to the Jinji Cong, have been arrested.

In short, even those who have a little relationship with Shen Lang are all uprooted.

Ning Shaodao: "We are in the raging city, in the original Xuanwu Marquis, how many troops are there in the province of Tiannan?"

Ning Yidao: "The army of our country is 200,000, and there are other coalition forces, which add up to more than 300,000."

Ning Shaodao: "What about the Navy?"

Ning Yidao: "150,000, 2,000 ships of all kinds!"

Of course, there are not so many navies in Vietnam. This is composed of several fleets, but it is only in the name of the Vietnam Navy.

"Da Wang, you are the more prince of the emperor's personally enshrined, you will be your king in peace. Shen Lang is dead, he can no longer come back, your position is as stable as Taishan."

"Da Wang, you will make a decree, kill all the party feathers of Shen Lang, and keep what they do? Is it a waste of food?"

The more Wang Ning Shao was silent again, Ning Yi’s heart was secretly resentful, but he no longer spoke. This throne once belonged to him, but now it is the son of Ningshao’s girl.

However, Ning Yi is full of fear of Ning Shao, and does not even know where this fear comes from.


Angry City!

Once the core of the Xuanwu Marquis House, Shen Lang's first most proud work, the trophy of the king's strategy.

Originally it was to be the foundation of the new century-old foundation of the Kim family. As a result of this terrible change, the Kim family lost the anger city and lost all the territory.

Today's Angry City has become the base of the Vietnamese Navy.

A year and a half ago, the Great Yan Empire used an astronomical naval to block the 20,000-mile sea area. Finally, the fleet slammed south and blocked the sea of ​​escape.

This navy is a coalition of dozens of forces from dozens of countries. After the disappearance of Shen Lang, the fleet dissipated, but still one-third of the fleet was in the eastern seas, opening the sky.

Because Shen Lang finally disappeared into the triangle of the devil, life and death are not clear, the 150,000 navy must constantly monitor this area of ​​the sea, not letting any wind and grass move, in case the Shenlang once again appeared, the 150,000 navy can also be easily Kill him completely.

So who is this naval commander?

Yan is difficult to fly!

The master of the Vietnam State, the head of the South China Sea Swords, the second character of the Xue family, the leader of the Futu Mountain in Vietnam.

At the time of the sea battle between Shen Lang and the Xue family, Shen Lang used that tsunami to destroy the Xue family fleet.

After the tsunami, Shen Lang carried out a large search and successfully captured the Xue family, Xue Yu, but did not find Yan Fei flying from beginning to end.

Where did Yan fly to fly?

He took the rest of the Futu Mountain to poison, and planned to sneak into the raging city, destroy the Jin family, and give a fatal blow to Shen Lang.

However, he was stopped before he started.

Soon, that shocking change happened.

After the disappearance of Shen Lang, the astronomical navy of the Great Yan Empire dissipated most of it, leaving 150,000 left in this sea area to guard against the sinking of the waves. Yan Yanfei relied on the relationship of Futu Mountain and became the commander of this fleet.

Xue Che died, Yan Yanfei became the Earl of Wu'an, and changed its name to Xue Nanfei.

Of course, the outside world still calls him a hard fly for Yan.

The Nanzhou Island of the Xue family cannot be brought back. Because the underground world where the Futu Mountain is located has been greatly discovered, Nanzhou Island has now become the territory of the Futu Mountain.

However, it was impossible to chill the heart of Yan, so the anger city and the Leizhou Islands were all enshrined to the Xue family.

So now Yan is difficult to fly not only the commander of the 150,000 navy, but also the owner of the Leizhou Islands.

Not only that, he is also the Marshal of the Navy, the deputy of the Privy Council, and the second person of the Vietnamese military.

Formerly because of Shen Lang's reason, the anger city became the trade center of the Heavenly Society, and as of today, the Taoist society naturally lost the trade right of the anger city, and completely fell into the hands of the hidden yuan.

Not only the anger city, but also the mirror technology was also taken away by the hidden yuan. The Heavenly Society will just rise and be immediately thrown into the dust. It’s really a loss and a glory.

Today, the city of anger is still the maritime trade center of Vietnam and even the marine trade center in the southern part of the Great Yan Dynasty. It was more prosperous than before, but everything was not related to the Heavenly Society. The high-level members of the Heavenly Society of the same department were arrested and imprisoned because of their relationship with Shen Lang. They were fatally attacked.


In the big castle of the raging city!

Yan is difficult to fly at the highest point, overlooking the southeast.

Because Shen Lang finally disappeared into the big triangle of the devil, so in the difficult to fly, if the return of the waves, it will definitely emerge from the triangle of the devil.

"Yan is hard to fly, why are you so frowning? Shen Lang is dead, he can't come back."

This woman who speaks is also an acquaintance, Zhuo Zhaoyan.

Her superficial identity is the outer chamber of the former prince of Ningxia, but her true identity is the representative of Princess Ning Han. Her mission is to continue to search for Jiang Yuyu.

Shen Lang’s life was revealed, and Zhuo Zhaoyan also had a certain credit, so he was rewarded afterwards. The Zhuo family recovered the title and the Earl of Anting was once again resurrected.

Zhuo Zhaoyan’s younger brother, Zhuo Yixin, became the new Anting Bo of Vietnam. However, he was only the nominal Anting Bo, and the real person was Zhuo Zhaoyan.

Where is the new seal of the Zhuo family?

It is the original Xuanwu Marquis House, which is the castle of the Jin family for hundreds of years, and now belongs to Zhuo Zhaoyan.

After getting the seal of the original Jin family, Zhuo Zhaoyan immediately joined Yan to become a political ally and visited the city of anger.

"Sher Earl, have you heard that? Then you can focus on the trade of the raging city, the swell is dead, and it is no longer possible to return." Zhuo Zhaoyan said: "Then our two trades can Continued?"

After the Zhuo family got the seal of the Jin family, they also got a lot of mulberry fields. Now they have become the largest silk merchant. She wants to sell the silk to the southern countries through the maritime trade caravan of Yan.

"People are really forgetful. How long has it been for Shen Lang to disappear? People forget how many miracles he has created?" Yan Yanfei sneered and said: "All of you will slack off, but I will not slack off, my 150,000 navy Will not slack off."

Hearing the word of 150,000 sailors, Zhuo Zhaoyan could not help but vomit blood.

The 150,000-strong fleet is nominally a transnational fleet. In fact, it is a multinational coalition. Even many of them are southeastern countries. Pirates and mercenaries in the northern countries are now cheaper and more difficult to fly. They become the commanders of this navy. .

This navy is far more than five times stronger than the Xue family's peak period, and even military spending is paid by hidden yuan.


At this time there was a burst of bells on the sea.

Then a fleet appeared in the field of vision, covering the sky and covering the sky.

This is the nominal transnational navy.

Their mission is only one, constantly monitoring the blockade of the tens of thousands of miles of water, especially monitoring the direction of the devil's triangle, once a ship appears, immediately ruthlessly annihilated.

Seeing this fleeting sun-drenched fleet, Yan’s difficulty flies as if he felt the power of incomparable power.

"Shenlang, I don't know if you are already dead, but no matter what, I have already laid down the sky and the net is waiting for you, as long as you also appear, my 150,000 navy will let you die without a place to die!"


The Eastern world and the Western world are really too far apart.

Shenlang’s fleet sailed for more than three months, and the horizon was full of seas, as if it would never end.

In this case, almost anyone will collapse.

This time, it shows the power of the party and the Amazon.

They seem to have not been affected by anything, and they are still full of enthusiasm every day, full of absolute fighting desire.

Not only that, Amazon female warriors still have to go to sea training every day.

In particular, Princess Dora, who drills under the sea every day to practice knives, the closer to the Eastern world, the more crazy they train.

Desire to fight! Especially the Yeouido Legion, calculating mileage and date almost every day. Just hate time is too slow. They can't wait to rush to the Eastern world to kill.

Especially they have brand new weapons, artillery battleships.

"Come to the Eastern world. I want to destroy all the visible warships on the sea. I want them to know when to destroy and what is desperate." This is the mantra of Hella.


The biggest surprise of this trip is not someone else, it is a little baby.

After injecting the ancient blood-washing essence, Mulan has the ability to perceive nature and predict earthquakes and storms in advance.

And the little baby seems to be even more amazing in this respect, she seems to belong to the sea.

Shen Lang didn't pay attention at first, or it was discovered by Hella. There were whales and dolphins following their fleet along the way, and more and more.

Dolphins naturally like to chase ships, and many people think it is normal. But there are so many dolphins and whales chasing the fleet, and they are so dense that they are countless. Not just dolphins and whales, but also other marine life.

After Hella discovered that these marine creatures all came to the flagship.

And whenever the little baby appeared, these marine creatures were especially excited, especially the dolphins, who rushed out of the sea and screamed excitedly.

Then Shen Lang thought of a picture.

When the mirage and the statue of Queen Medusa appeared, countless sea monsters were indulged, staring at the statue and weeping.

There are two mothers, one is the demon and the other is Queen Medusa. Her soul and wisdom are completely inherited from Queen Medusa.

So Shen Lang could not help but think of a certain possibility.

I am very weak, and I am very worried before the waves. Because I have to sail for a few months, adults can’t stand it, let alone children like baby.

However, I did not expect that after going out to sea, the baby was not wilted, but became excited and spirited.

At this time, he was drawn by Hella.

On the front of the sea, a few dolphins danced on the sea, making a burst of cheerful screams, she painted these dolphins.

Her painting skills are simply superb, and Shen Lang is already ashamed to pick up the brush.

She especially likes to use the simplest lines to outline the inner world. Although she can't paint like a photo, it is as realistic as a photo, but it is full of infinite aura.

Drawing a picture.

Suddenly stopped.

"Dad..." shouted at Shen Lang.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Shen Lang took her over.

幺幺 Little hand pointing to the front.

There is nothing in front of Shen Lang.

However, after a few hours, a heaven and earth spectacle appeared in front of everyone.

The devil's triangle has arrived.

Shen Lang once again saw this shocking scene.

It seems as if at the end of the world, the endless darkness envelopes the front of the sea, as if the wall of the dark world is between the sky and the ocean. Endless length, thousands of miles in length.

Countless lightning flashes, like a dragon, the sun can't shine here, as if it is always gray, like the end of the world.

The Devil's Grand Triangle is a triangle. The last time the Jin Mulan's fleet entered the Devil's Triangle from the north, and Shen Lang saw the east side of the Devil's Triangle.

Mulan Baby is in the Devil's Triangle, the Jin family, Shen Shen baby, Shen Ye, Shen Li and so on, all in this big triangle of the devil.

"Uncle Jack Tang, you stay outside and command the entire fleet." Shen Langdao.

"Yes!" Jack Tang said.

Then Shen Lang will change a ship, a special ship, able to defend against all lightning.

Hella and the enemies are with him, and hundreds of the most brave party sailors will manipulate this special ship into the devil's triangle.

Suddenly, he firmly opened his arms to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang quickly shook his head and said: "No, baby can't go, Dad will come out with his brother and sister to see you soon, okay?"

However, he directly hugged the thighs of Shen Lang, and the talking eyes showed a strong and firm light, which made people forget that she was only seven years old.

Hella suddenly said: "Brother, it seems to belong to the ocean. And the devil's triangle and the lost country ruins have belonged to the rule of Queen Medusa, so ... it may be God's will!"

But Shen Lang is really not willing to let the adventure go.

Haila Road: "I love cockroaches, but Shen Li, Shen Ye, Shen Xiao babies have all entered the Devil's Triangle. Are they not dangerous?"

Shen Lang hesitated for a long time, of course he knew that Haila was right, but that was rational. Emotionally, he really can't bear it.

"Baby, do you really want to go in with Dad?" Shen Lang asked.

The little baby nodded hard and then opened his arms to Shen Lang.

Shen Lang slammed his teeth and hugged him to the special battleship.

I hope there will be a miracle! Hey baby, you may really be the elf sent to Dad by God.

"set sail!"

Under the order of Shen Lang, this special ship slowly entered the Grand Triangle of the Devil.

Mulan baby, husband is coming!


Note: Update 15,000 today and get off early tomorrow to Osaka! Codewords can only sleep for a few hours now. Are the brothers still giving me a monthly pass? Let me sleep with peace of mind! Please

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