History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 473: : Ling Chiyan is difficult to fly! Zhuo Zhaoyan Doomsday! (Seeking a monthly ticket)

Fighting has never been determined by the number of people, especially at this time of the battle.

After the hidden 10,000-year-old iron army was destroyed, all the locust arrows were inexplicably detonated. After Yan Feifei, he knew that the trend had gone.

He said before, once the wrath of the city fell, he would cut himself. When Shen Lang air raids attacked the raging tide city, countless people persuaded him to flee and fled to Leizhou Island.

However, Yan Feifei strongly disagreed and insisted on defending the big castle.

So, when the big castle broke the door!

Yan was difficult to fly, with 30 masters, and hundreds of masters ran from the back door.

Self-cut? how is this possible? When a person dies, nothing can be done. There is an infinite possibility to live!

He clearly knows that the use of these 30 masters is definitely an amazing dagger. But you must not fall into the encirclement of the Shenlang army, or you may be killed.

As long as they escaped from the raging city, they plunged into Leizhou Island and even sneaked into Tianfeng Island, where there was a hatred of the enemy.

Yes, Qiu Yu is simply not dead. When he was in the battle between Shen Lang and Zhang Wei, he was still alive and occupied Tianfeng Island. He still occupied Tianfeng Island. He once worked as an official of the Vietnam State and as an official of the Wu State. Now he has become a commander of the Navy of the Yue State. His Majesty has mastered 10,000 sailors and cooperated with Yan.

However, his 10,000 sailors have almost no combat missions. The only role is to protect Tianfeng Island because there are several large shipyards on the island.

As I said before, the first big island in the Leizhou Islands is Leizhou Island, and the second largest island is Tianfeng Island.

This Tianfeng Island was once a shipbuilding base for the pirate Wang Xingtian. After the Jin family ruled the Angry City, they also built a shipyard, and also let Tiandao see an unprecedented huge ship for Shenlang.

But now the shipyard has also been burned, and it has been burnt by the waves. There is no way, it is on the edge of the raging city, the flame can not be controlled at all, so the shipyard is gone.

However, even if the anger city shipyard is still there, the scale is far less than the shipyard of Tianfeng Island. After the Devil's Triangle, in order to monitor and defend the entire eastern sea, a large number of fleets and ships are needed. Therefore, the Yue Wang will be funded by the hidden yuan, and the shipyard of Tianfeng Island will be expanded for a few years. More than three times before.

Of course, even if Yan Feifei fled to Tianfeng Island, he did not think about continuing to fight with Shenlang. Instead, he borrowed the enemy team to escape.

As for where to escape? What should I do in the future? There is no plan for the moment, take a step and take a step.

However, no matter whether it is the Tianya Haige or the Futu Mountain, it will never let go of the Shenlang. He is difficult to fly and there is a chance to rise.


Running all the way, madly performing light work.

In a short while, I fled the city of Angry Tide and drilled into the forest of Leizhou Island, a few miles away from the city.

After this forest, it is a large farmland.

In the city of Angry Tide, forests are invaluable resources because shipbuilding requires big trees.

This large piece of farmland is simply not at the edge, and a piece of house is built on a hillside.

These are all new rural towns, all of which the Jin family exhausted all resources and migrated from land. These people used to have no tenant farmers, and they all came to Leizhou Island for a good life.

The proportion of peasant farmers in Vietnam is relatively high, but it is not more than half. The remaining half is for tenants who farmed landowners. The land does not exist in any world. Even if it is a farmer's life is not good, the tax on the surface is not high, that is, about 20%, but there are seven or eighty-eight taxes and taxes, a year of harvest, can leave half of them is remarkable. .

After the migration to Leizhou Island, the Jin family issued farm tools, houses, cattle, etc., and the annual harvest only needs to pay 20%, and there is no other burden left. The days are not as good as before.

But after the Kim family was driven away, they lost everything and all the fields were taken away.

And the house they live in becomes the property of the main house of the raging city, these immigrants must pay for it. No money? Then the debt is owed, and the debt is gradually repaid every year by labor, but the debt is usually owed more and more.

Of course, it is not that Yan is difficult to fly and exploit them. After the Jin family escaped, there were countless dignitaries to occupy everything on Leizhou Island. It was difficult for Yan to fly alone, but it was difficult to do.

Looking at the vast farmland, the speed of Yan’s flight was slowed down. Really not reconciled, is this boundless good land to be owned by Shen Lang?

At this time, the rice is still not mature, but it has already hanged down, and the golden look is not at the margin.

Yan Yanfei really has an impulse to burn all the farmland that is all that, and a grain of rice is not left behind.

Looking up, I found everyone on the hillside standing outside, staring at him quietly, his eyes filled with hatred.

See what people look at? Do you think that you will be saved after Shen Lang returns?

How long do you think he can occupy the Angry City?

Yueguo, Da Yan Empire, Tianya Haige, Futu Mountain will sit idly by?

Yan is hard to fly and shakes his sword. He wants to kill the people in this village. Not to vent their anger, but a citizen does not leave Shen Lang.

But he knows that this is impossible after all, which is a waste of time and must be escaped immediately.


Yan was difficult to fly, and then went on to the north with hundreds of people.

Escape from Leizhou Island, and then find a way to make a comeback, everything has a chance.


In the next second, he saw a person at the end of the road ahead, the sword king Li Qianqiu.

Immediately after the second person Li Qianqiu's wife, Chu, the third person is stupid, the fourth person Xue Yin, the fifth person, the class teacher, the sixth person, the snow mountain old demon Lin Chang, who has never won the fight, the seventh person Zhong Chuke master.

Yan Yanfei’s eyes narrowed, and Shen Lang sent someone here to wait for him? However, the other party is at best seven masters.

There are thirty masters around him, and there are hundreds of masters.

Yan was unable to fly out of the sword, and thirty masters also pulled out the sword. Several hundred masters pulled out the sword.

At this time, there were several figures appearing behind them, the Hermit, Princess Dora, Hella, General Lan Feng and so on.

Are you all here?

This is the strongest martial lineup under Shen Lang? But there are only a dozen or so masters. Where is the opponent of Yan Yan’s flight?

As long as he does not fall into the trap of a thousand troops, he will not be afraid to fly.

The martial arts are absolutely, hundreds of dozens of dozens, can win!

"Kill them, then go." Yan is difficult to fly.

"Yes!" Thirty masters shouted.


Yan was difficult to fly for a while, then violently rushed toward Li Qianqiu and others.

Fight up to a minute.

However, in the next second, Yan was difficult to fly but instinctively felt great uneasiness, and even when there was an earthquake, the animal's creepy feeling.


Yan was difficult to fly under the feet of hundreds of masters and suddenly exploded.

Earth-shattering, deafening.

All the ranges within a few hundred meters of the radius were exploding, because more than 10,000 kilograms of explosives were buried here.

Absolute carpet-like explosion, not letting go of a corner.

Numerous shrapnel madly slammed like a rainstorm.

Yan Yanfei and the 30 masters are absolutely arrogant. They immediately condense the strongest internal forces and exert the strongest light power. Lightning usually rushes out and wants to escape from the explosion.

But they are fast, and it is impossible to run a few hundred meters in one second. They are the scope of the explosion no matter where they go.

A powerful explosion shock wave, like a scarecrow, usually flies them out.

The violent shrapnel rain craves over their bodies.


These 30 masters, dancing in the hands of the sword, water splashing into the general, to withstand these rainstorms.

Even the whole body is crazy and bursting, like an air wall, to fly all the shrapnel.


However, this kind of outbreak, as if the source is endless, one after another.

The entire ground is in a fierce tremor. Even if Li Qianqiu and others are hundreds of meters away, they are all on the ground, so as not to be baptized by powerful shock waves and shrapnel.

After half a minute, the crazy big bang stopped.

Yan is hard to fly, he still does not die.

The hundreds of masters he brought were all dead, either completely shattered or cut by countless shrapnel.

But the 30 masters who were under his command, only a few died, and the remaining 20 were still alive.

The master is arrogant, even in such an amazing big bang can still survive.

Only the situation of each person is a bit miserable. Even if they are high in swordsmanship, even if the sword is not splashed, the general shrapnel of this rainstorm is too dense and terrible, and the speed is too fast. In particular, the shock waves of the explosion caused a huge suppression of their internal forces.

Yan’s difficult to fly tall body swayed and then spit out a black blood.

There was a roar in the ears, as if nothing could be heard. He reached out and rubbed it. The blood on his hands, the eardrum must have been perforated. And dizzy, bursts of vomiting, this is a concussion.

Driving, driving, driving!

A rush of horseshoes rang.

Shen Lang appeared, riding on an amazing big horse, and he could not ride this horse alone, but riding with another woman, now even lazy to snuggle in the woman's arms.

Or the general of Kwai Ning is good. If you snuggle in the arms of Princess Dora, Shen Lang has already been thrown away.

"Yan is difficult to fly adults, so rushing to do what?" Shen Lang smiled.

Yan is difficult to fly looking at the waves in the woman's arms, hate to gnash his teeth, God has no eyes, you actually let this little white face villain?

"Shen Lang thief, you can't dare to fight with me right now? Every day knows how to use the intrigue, what is it?" Yan is so angry and angry.

He really wants to eat the lively waves in front of him. From the beginning of the war to the present, he has never played positively.

Instead of using artillery, or using air balloons, they are now burying explosives on the ground.

I am jealous of you, I am your mother, you are playing with me.

When Shen Lang waved his hand, thousands of Amazon female warriors rushed in and surrounded the more than 20 people who were swallowed by Yan.


Against his orders, thousands of Amazon female warriors were shot by the rain.

Before it was placed, Yan Weifei and the 20 masters were sure to be able to withstand the rain.

And now... they can still resist!

Crazy to swing the sword block, the internal force is crazy, and the arrow will fly.

The master of the master is arrogant. I have just experienced such an amazing big bang and I am not dead. Now I can still block this rain.

And everyone has a sharp concussion, the vestibular function is extremely chaotic, and the station can't stand.

Shen Lang stared coldly, with a sardonic smile.

You are so powerful, you are amazing, you continue to block the rain.

But even if you are arrogant, the internal forces will be exhausted.

Thousands of Amazon female warriors have been bursting with arrows, and Li Qianqiu and other great masters are standing there.

Yan Yanfei really wants to blow up. Shen Lang is a man who is too embarrassed. Now Li Qianqiu and others clearly can win, and Shen Lang still does not let them start, they want to use arrows to kill them.

Finally, a guru under Yan’s flight was exhausted and could no longer resist the arrow rain.

"Stabbing..." His entire body was slammed through and nailed to the ground.

Followed by the second, third, fourth...

After ten minutes!

Yan difficult to fly and more than 20 master-level powerhouses, all fell, was shot like a hedgehog.

The master is arrogant, but after the internal force is exhausted, it is tragedy.

Shen Lang grabbed his nose and walked slowly. The whole ground is densely packed with arrows. Just now, I shot more than 200,000 arrows.

General Lan Feng twitched, and the Lord was too wasteful, although these arrows could be recycled.

But the picture is gorgeous, dozens of masters are buried in the arrow rain.


Suddenly, a figure leaped from the ground and slammed into the blood.

Yan is difficult to fly, he has at least dozens of arrows in his body, but he still does not die.

"Shen Lang, I killed you and killed you!"

His body is full of flesh and blood, really like a ghost, rushing up will be the same as Shen Lang.


Shen Lang took out two handcuffs and aimed at the brain.

Open fire!


Yan was difficult to fly directly to the ground because his knee was pierced.

"Shen Lang thief, I killed you, I killed you!" Yan difficult to fly in pain, his eyes full of bones and hatred, with his hands climbing toward the waves.

The enemies go forward, and after the Yan is difficult to fly, the brain gently pats and faints in the past!


When Yan Feifei woke up again, everything in the world was reversed, and his legs were **** and hung.

Not only did he have more than twenty masters, but he was hanged upside down and his body was stripped clean.

A total of 30 masters have already died halfway. Half of them have not died yet. The master is a master. His vitality is too strong. Even if he is shot as a hedgehog, he will not die.

But this scene is really like a slaughterhouse.

After a while, Shen Lang came in and fell in the distance from Yan Feifei.

"Yan Daren, you have not died yet? The vitality is too tenacious, too strong." Shen Langdao.

Yan Yanfei has been deaf, and he can't hear what Shen Lang is saying, but he can infer what he sees.

"Shen Lang, what do you want to do?" Yan said, "You killed me, what do you want to do?"

Shen Langdao: "Yan Daren, I have a nickname, do you know? Oriental casters, that is, every enemy that falls into my hands will be castrated."

"Come on, open the legs of Yan Feifei adults!"

An Amazon female warrior slammed it, and the swallowing hangs her legs and opened her legs. It suddenly became so safe and insecure.

Shen Lang frowned, Yan was difficult to fly too thick hair, he could not see this in the dark, a little jealous.

In front of Yan difficult to fly, Shen Lang took out a special curved hook knife.

"Yan is hard to fly, you can bear it!"

Yan is difficult to fly all over the body, his hero, I did not expect to be so humiliated.

"Shen Lang, you killed me, killed me..."

"Shen Lang, you give me a good time, otherwise I will curse you when I die."

Shen Lang seriously said: "Yan is difficult to fly adults, that a tsunami if you die, it is good, do not have to suffer such a pain, you say it?"

Then, he had a knife in his hand and made a sharp stroke.

Yan Nanfei successfully became an eunuch.

"Ah...ah...ah..." He made a scream of screaming.

He is the owner of the South China Sea Swordsmanship, and the Earl of Wu'an is now castrated like a beast, a shameful shame.

"Shen Lang, you killed me, killed me..."

Shen Langdao: "Kill you? No, no, no, it is too wasteful. Yan is difficult to fly. You are a big master. Then I will conduct a study and may need a lot of masters. The blood of the strong, may you be willing to cooperate with my experiment? Be my little mouse?"

Then Shen Lang stood up and said: "What are your opinions?"

"Do not speak, that is to promise!"

"Come and come, sign the voluntary book."

Next, Shen Lang really sent people to produce dozens of voluntary books, so that more than a dozen masters who were alive had fingerprints on them.

"The masters are enlightened, willing to sacrifice for science, great, great..." Shen Lang clapped.

The surviving more than a dozen masters screamed in the heart, you are holding our hand and pressing the fingerprints. Where are we volunteering?

Next, a dozen Amazon female warriors came in and picked up a knife.



Half of the survivors who survived the swallows were slashed. According to Shen Lang, after the pig was castrated, the growth was faster, so his experimental subjects were divided into two batches, one was castrated, and the other was not. Yan Yanfei adults are unfortunate and have been assigned to the previous batch.


More than a dozen Amazon female warriors took off their swords and cut off the veins of more than a dozen enemy survivors, and then bandaged and wounded them.

"Get blood!"

With the slamming of the waves, the scene that made them the most creepy appeared.

A needle stuck into their blood vessels, and they actually started taking blood. They pumped about 500 milliliters.


"The next step is to raise the adults. Every time you take blood, you can't exceed 800 milliliters, and you must ensure the nutrition of the adults. Put blood every ten days."

When the words came out, there were dozens of people in the field, and the real soul flew.

Although they don't have to die, they are more painful than death. They are kept in captivity like pigs and then provide blood for the new research of Shen Lang.

"Yan is difficult to fly adults, you ... you are even!" Shen Lang said: "You must believe that losing one of your experimental subjects makes me very sad, but who makes you my enemy? My goal is no enemy in the world, if Letting you live, it really violates my purpose. To be a man is to forget the original heart."

"Come on, take Yan Feifei adults out, in the face of countless people, Ling Xiu!"


In the ruins outside the big castle, tens of thousands of people stood here.

These are all immigrants on Leizhou Island. They used to be the people of the Jin family. After the Battle of the Angry City, they spontaneously emerged from the villages below, and then carefully came to the front of the big castle, eagerly Wait.

However, they did not wait until the emergence of Shen Lang, but waited for another person.

"I'm coming……"

"This, who is this?"

"Yan is difficult to fly, it is actually Yan Feifei, he, how is he empty below?"

"Why is it difficult for Yan to fly, and now I don't wear clothes, I really can't recognize it."

There are hundreds of surnames pointing to Yan’s difficult to fly, almost making him want to die. Once these people were the existence of ants, he could kill countless fingers with one finger, and he could decide their fate in one sentence.

And now? He was actually surrounded by clowns.

"The savage swallows are difficult to fly, and we are so miserable."

"God has eyes, Yan is difficult to fly this dog thief has finally been retribution."

The party’s oriental hangman once again appeared. He swayed to the tens of thousands of people who were watching: “The young and old, I am the second time to perform the craft, maybe a little tide, I hope everyone will not laugh.”

"Come on, the soup is waiting, and the eternal death of Yan is not allowed."

"Nutrition must keep up, otherwise you will not be able to hold a thousand knives!"

"Yan Daren, I am waiting for you to be old!" The executioner flew toward Yan, and then the first knife was cut toward the nose of Yan Feifei.

When you think you have copied to the basement, you don't think there are eighteen layers of **** below.

This is the feeling of Yan’s heart. He thought that being castrated was already the biggest shame and pain. Without the pain of the end, he could not die if he wanted to die.

Shen Lang really delayed him, and in front of the 100,000 people.


Shen Lang has never appeared in front of the 100,000 people on Leizhou Island, but the Earl of Jin Zhuo appeared on the top of the city.

He was full of tears and excitement. He bowed to the 100,000 people: "Father and old folks, Jin Zhuo is back. Everything is restored, all the houses are yours, all the tools are yours, all the farming The cow is also yours, and only pay 20% of the grain every year."

As soon as this was said, 100,000 people were squatting on the ground and burst into tears.

"The Marquis dean."

"We are willing to loyalty to Jinshi for generations to come, and to farm for generations."

"The Marquis is a public servant!"

"Long live the long lines, long live, long live!"

Someone finally shouted this sentence, and then more and more people shouted out.

"Long live the long lines, long live, long live!"

Within the big castle, Shen Lang held his cockroach in his left hand and held Shen Yu in his right hand. He listened to the longevity of the mountain outside, and could not help but chill.

This feeling is too weird, too nauseating.

He is working on a great creation. He is drawing maps and is a map of the world, from the Eastern world to the Western world.

Shen Lang and her really intimate father and daughter, 幺幺 is too smart, Shen Lang no matter what data, what distance, 幺幺 can be drawn, and very accurate.

And she has an extremely prosperous creative desire to hate to present everything in the world to her brush.

幺幺 幺幺 幺幺 , , , , , , , , , 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓 宓

“How much is the farmland of Leizhou Island?” Shen Lang asked.

“Three hundred pounds of rice.” Zhang Chunhua said: “This is already very high, because the farmland of this island has just been developed, the soil fertility is still very high, and if it is planted for a few more years, I am afraid it will be reduced.”

"No." Shen Langdao: "Next, I will find ways to improve the seeds, and there are not only a large number of saltpeter mines on Mulan Island, but also astronomical phosphate mines. With that thing, the fertility of the land can be maintained. The harvest of food can be harvested. Of course, the key is to improve the seeds. The output of crops in ancient civilizations far exceeds the present."

“Where do you fight next?” Zhang Chunhua asked.

"Tianfeng Island, there is a huge shipbuilding base, we can take it directly." Shen Langdao: "The party battleship is good, but it is not enough. We still have to build a new type of artillery battleship, more than 5,000 tons, Even the 8,000-ton super battleship, remember that when capturing Tianfeng Island, it is best not to let several shipyards get hurt. Are you not familiar with Qiuyu? You lead the team to Tianfeng Island."

"Good." Zhang Chunhua said: "Take Tianfeng Island, then?"

“Jinshan Island, where there are iron ore, there are huge smelting factories.” Shen Langdao: “These smelting factories are all designed and built by me. Even if they are outdated now, we will need astronomical steel. We want to make new The artillery, the new cannonball, the new battleship."

"In addition, there is one thing you record."

Zhang Chunhua immediately took out the book and started recording with a special ciphertext.

"Watt plan, officially opened!" Shen Langdao: "We have discovered a huge amount of oil. Once the watt plan is successful, it will bring about earth-shaking changes. This plan is completely strategic, and even determines whether we can survive."


What is the Watt plan? Of course it is a steam engine. With a steam engine, it is possible to build a large airship, and it is possible to build a new type of warship, and it is possible to mass-produce new artillery and artillery shells, because the steam engine can free up productivity and let the power of the machine replace the manual.


Tianfeng Island!

The island was originally of little value, but because it has several large shipyards, it has become a top priority.

Qiu Yu is really awesome. His Tianfeng Island has experienced so many drastic changes. He still stands still and leads the 10,000 fleet.

Zhang Chunhua led thirty search warships, and a total of 5,000 gang pirates went north to attack Tianfeng Island.

Tianfeng Island waters!

The enemy team led a fleet of 10,000, lined up in a word, so good.

Although the size of his fleet is not as big as that of Yan, it is also a dozen miles.

Zhang Chunhua led thirty warships to keep approaching north.

It is five kilometers from the Qiufu fleet, three kilometers, one kilometer and six hundred meters.


All artillery began to aim and was ready to fire.

At this time, Qiu Yan waved his hands and shouted: "Is Miss Zhang Chunhua? I want to brake me. Where is Shen Lang's kneeling? Where is Shen Lang's kneeling down? Come with me to see you!"

The enemies slammed directly on the deck and shouted: "The pirate hatred, willing to loyal to the majesty, long live, long live, long live!"

Zhang Chunhua opened a beautiful little mouth and said two words: my day!

Enmity, have you lived to this place in these years? You... you are arrogant!

I have not surrendered before you surrender, you can't try to resist it a little?


The enemy can surrender, but some people can't surrender, such as Zhuo Zhaoyan.

She has occupied the Xuanwu Marquis House for more than two years, and is in a prestige in the province of Tiannan.

Today, she has just received the news of the Angry City.

Her last days are coming.


Note: The first one is sent, I go to eat, and write non-stop second. Brothers give me the monthly pass, don’t let me be blasted, it’s too bad!

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