History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 482: : The Lord of the Wrath of Heaven! Perfect destruction! (Seeking a monthly pass)

Then I entered the carnival moment and experimented with the secret weapon of ancient civilization.

Pick a more elite Amazon female warrior, but not a top player. She wore the ancient energy boots and saw a little bit of excitement because the boots were very beautiful, and the Amazon female warriors usually had two long legs, which made the legs look longer. More sexy.

After a little squatting and then leaping, the boots suddenly produced a huge stretch. The Amazon female soldier jumped 15 meters high.

This...this is simply amazing, which means that as long as you wear the ancient energy elastic boots, you can easily jump to any city wall.

"Oh..." Then she began to jump forward, and the whole person ejected 20 meters away.

Shen Lang can't imagine how it would be to wear this kind of ancient elastic boots on the battlefield, and with the super-combat power of the Amazon female warrior itself, it is simply unimaginable.

And it's all automatic, no need to control at all, this elastic boot seems to be able to sense the owner's will.

Next is the power of experimenting with ancient bows and arrows.

"Get up!" Smashing the bow and slamming the arrow, the Amazon female soldier found that the bow was super strong, but after pulling it, it seemed to have a boost. At most, it was equivalent to a stone and a half of the bow pull, but the power was far beyond Several times.



This arrow usually shot out and the trajectory was almost straight. After shooting more than 100 meters, the tail of the arrow released a blue tail flame, so the speed of the arrow not only did not slow down, but became faster.

After a short while, the arrow hit the target 1300 meters away.

"Hey!" A loud noise, the target was directly torn.

Shen Lang is incredible looking at this ancient bow and arrow, this power is comparable to a rifle, even stronger than a rifle.

Soon an Amazon female soldier took back the arrow and handed it to Shen Lang. This arrow is very heavy, about a pound or so, is forged with a black metal, so strong, so even after hitting the target, it is still intact.

It is also extremely delicate, from the tip of the arrow to the arrow and then to the last empennage, as if it was machined with a machine tool, even half a millimeter of error, so its flight trajectory is so stable, even in kilometers Can also aim.

Not only that, but this arrow can still be reused.

For the second time, a piece of iron plate and two millimeters of iron plate were placed outside the distance of one kilometer.

"Aim, shoot!"


This ancient arrow once again whistling out, as fast as a meteor, and after a hundred meters, the tail has a blue light, and the speed of the arrow is getting faster and faster.


Directly hit the iron plate outside the distance of one kilometer, directly shot through.

The Amazon female warrior took the steel plate in front of the sinking waves, and then pulled out the ancient arrow, almost intact.

My day, this is too strong, really no less than a rifle. This is a two-millimeter-thick steel plate, and a weaker rifle can't penetrate at a distance of one kilometer.

Shen Lang suddenly likes and worries, of course, because of the powerful weapons. But the worry is that this is a huge blow to his hot weapon. Shen Lang has just created a howitzer. The production of the gun has not yet been opened and is still in the plan.

However, the ancient bows and arrows of the rifle are now directly appearing, which has to make people's emotions complicated. This means that the first generation of squirts of Shen Lang has not been manufactured yet, and it is far behind.

Shen Lang scanned this ancient arrow with X-rays, and found the nightmare stone in the part of the tail.

This ancient civilization was built entirely on the nightmare stone. In the Western world, the core of energy control is the nightmare stone device, which is used to stimulate the awakening of the vegetative or the nightmare stone device. The ancient equipment used by Adolf to flash is also powered by the nightmare stone. The dragon's repentant strategic weapon is also controlled by the nightmare stone. Today, this ancient arrow still relies on the nightmare stone.

However, this is normal. This is like modern electronic civilization. Everything is based on electronic chips. Even a digital watch with more than ten dollars has special chips.

Now Shen Lang also has some understanding why the strategic weapon of the dragon's repentance is still the appearance of the giant arrow, because the weapon system of the ancient civilization is like this, and it is not intended to be made into an arrow.

This ancient civilization is quite remarkable. The diameter of this arrow in the hand is only half an inch, but it can install such a complicated nightmare stone device. Moreover, it is automatically triggered. Once the flying speed of the arrow exceeds a certain level, the energy device will automatically turn on. Like the rocket, the tail flame is sprayed. It is accurate that it is not the tail flame but the plasma.

“How many ancient elastic boots are there in total? How many arches of the ancients?” Shen Lang asked.

"Two hundred pairs of elastic boots, one thousand ancient arches, and one thousand five thousand ancient arrows." Haila said: "Brother, I have a question that is very doubtful."

Shen Langdao: "Why do the Zhu family want to keep these secret weapons on this island instead of taking them right?"

Hella nodded.

Shen Langdao: "If I have not guessed wrong, whether it is the ancient elastic boots or the ancient arch, they can only play a role within a certain range, that is, within the electromagnetic environment of the island, once they leave this environment, they will be invalid. ”

Hella thought for a moment: "It makes sense. Their ancient giants are very powerful, but they have not moved to the ship. And their fleet was very powerful at the beginning, but then the combat power continued to weaken until we were Sinking."

Next, Hella immediately left the island with the ancient elastic boots and the ancient bow and arrow, and took the boat to the sea to conduct experiments.

The result proves that Shen Lang’s idea is correct. The farther away from the island, the weaker the elasticity of the ancient elastic boots, and finally it becomes a normal boots. The same is true of the ancient bows and arrows. After 10,000 meters from the island, the ancient bow and arrow became ordinary bows and arrows. Because the arrows are too heavy, the effective range is only 200 meters, and the power is not as good as ordinary bows and arrows.

These ancient secret weapons have a special use environment, and it is useless to take them out. It is no wonder that the Zhu family still puts them in the secret room.

"This is really a pity. I originally wanted to use these ancient bows and arrows to kill the coalition forces of Tianyahaige, Yinyuanhui and Tongtian Temple." Haila said: "Brother, you can find ways to transform these ancient arches." Are the nightmare stone devices inside, so that they can be used outside?"

Shen Langdao: "I have a certain understanding of this aspect. The reason why this is not because the ancient civilization deliberately made restrictions on weapons. But these sophisticated small nightmare stones must work in a special electromagnetic environment, according to me. It is estimated that even if these ancient Arrows and Nightmare Stone installations are successfully transformed, they can be used normally in the outside environment, the power will be weakened, and the service life will be greatly reduced, and even the Nightmare stone device will be directly blown up."

Hella Road: "What should I do?"

Shen Langdao: "It's very simple. Do these weapons not require special use environment? Then we will create this special electromagnetic environment. If nothing unexpected, this electromagnetic environment is released by a huge nightmare stone device, and it is Within this secret base."

This large nightmare stone device releases a huge energy magnetic field in which all secret weapons are effective. This is equivalent to a cell phone tower, in which the cell phone will have a signal within its radius of radiation. The farther away the signal is, the weaker the signal is, and the cell will lose its effect until there is no signal.

This ancient civilization is too strong, it is simply a super civilization built on the nightmare stone energy system.

Then Shen Lang thought that the warships of the ancient times also used the nightmare stone device as the core of power? Accurately speaking, it is combined with metal hydrogen and 噩梦石装置 to become the power source for large ships.

In the past, I read the classical books in the dark, and there are dozens of millions of words about the nightmare stone. There are more than a thousand drawings of various drawings, and there are more than one hundred kinds of nightmare stones. At that time, Shen Lang was still exclaimed, there were so many nightmare stones.

Now it seems that the nightmare stone involved in the classics is simply a slap in the face. According to Shen Lang’s speculation, in the ancient civilization system, the types of the nightmare stone may exceed tens of thousands.

Shen Lang can conclude that there must be a giant nightmare stone and energy core on this secret island, which controls the entire secret base.

The dragon's repentant giant arrow cannot move by the powerful electromagnetic force, and the control center that needs to find this secret base can be solved. Otherwise, even if Shen Lang took these secret weapons out, it would be useless, and the anti-big slayer could not take it.

So where is this control center? Certainly not in the secret base, because it is radiating the entire island.

The family of the Zhu family has not been found for more than ten years.

Switching to other people, it may not be possible in a lifetime, but Shen Lang is different.

Any electromagnetic environment is a kind of band, especially when the ancient bow and arrow are launched, it will continuously receive the band of the control core.

For example, any mobile phone is receiving the energy wave of the signal tower, but this energy wave is invisible to our eyes, but the special instrument can be seen, and the communication company's computer can also see clearly. Chu.

The human eye can't see this kind of electromagnetic wave, but the brain of Shenlang can be seen, so it is very simple to find this control center. It is constantly moving with an open nightmare stone device. The closer it is to the control center, the more it is. The stronger the received electromagnetic signal, the clear brain can be clearly read.

Next, he took a nightmare stone device and kept walking and moving. In order to be more clear and precise, Shen Lang even set the sound of the drop in the brain. The closer to the control center, the more dense the droplets are.

But soon the Shen Lang stopped, because the terrain of the island is too complicated, and the Shen Lang can't cross it.

Hella did not say that he would pick up the waves. After hesitating for a while, he squatted directly on the back of Princess Dora. At this time, Hella can't bear to bear a white look at him. Is it cheaper for other women to take advantage of it? I am your sister, so I can't take you back?


Princess Dora moves too fast, and wearing ancient stretch boots, there is a feeling of flying a cornice.

The distance from the control center was getting closer and closer, and then Princess Dora stopped.

Because the front was blocked by a mountain, a mountain about 300 meters above sea level, Shen Lang stood on the top of the mountain.

Sure enough, as Shen Lang guessed, any signal tower is built at the highest point, so that the radiation range is the largest.

If Shen Lang did not make a mistake, it is a secret base control center that pretends to be the top of the cliff, but it looks exactly the same as the ordinary rock mountain.

Scanning with X-rays, I found out that the part of the mountaintop is not a normal rock, and it is still impossible for X-rays to penetrate.

That's right, the entire secret base control center is here.

Shen Lang could not help but think of the pyramid of the snow-capped mountains of the lost country. If there is no guess, the pyramid should also be a control center, which can provide a special electromagnetic environment for the entire lost country, but only by a mysterious force. Occupied ahead of time.

Next, Shen Lang began to observe the top of this disguised cliff. He found that the original Zhu family also found this. They used to find a way to dig here, but it was not good at the end because there were traces of lightning strikes.

That is to say, anyone who tries to open the control center with violent means will be killed by lightning.

Shen Lang could not help but try.

First a few hundred meters away, people used the ancient bow to shoot the top of this camouflaged cliff. As a result, there was no lightning bolt. The arrow hit it directly and folded.

Good heartache, good heartache, every ancient arrow is very precious, and it can't be repaired for a long time.

Next, use explosives to blast.

"Hey!" A loud noise, more than two kilograms of TNT explosion.

Then, a gorgeous scene appeared.


The cliff top suddenly bursts with countless lightnings, madly hitting everything within a hundred meters of the square. If someone is in this range, it is likely to be directly killed.

When the control center feels powerful destructive power, it will immediately launch a defensive counterattack.

And this terrible lightning has been maintained for a few seconds. This is not to kill people, but to turn them into coke.

After a few minutes, Shen Lang dared to return to the special cliff top. I already know that this is the control center, but how should I get in?

The shell is too hard. After a few kilotons of TNT explosion, there was no trace left.

Is there any password? Or do you need to reverse crack through the nightmare stone device? But this is not a computer.

Next, Shen Lang could not think of ways to open this control center.

Suddenly, Hella said: "Brother, use you and the ancient humans to mix blood, can you open it?"

"No, how can there be such a simple thing?" Shen Langdao.

Then he took out a box containing the mixed blood of him and the ancient humans. At this time, under the sun, it emits a more dazzling light, which is really like the solar spectrum.

Shen Lang wiped a little mixed blood with his fingers, and then pressed the palm of his hand on the top of the cliff.

Then a dreamy general scene appeared, and the outer shell of the cliff top was shrinking, and the layers were directly retracted into the mountain.

Finally, the entire control center appeared in front of the sinking waves.

This scene in front of us has become familiar again, a crystal-clear giant sphere with a nightmare stone device.

Sure enough, it is a metal hydrogen ball.

This is somewhat wrong. This metal hydrogen ball is not large in size and only about two meters in diameter. It should not be able to release such a large force and can radiate the entire island for countless years.

Soon Shen Lang knew that he was wrong. This metal hydrogen is not the core of energy, but it does not release energy itself, but energy storage.

Below the metal hydrogen sphere is a huge probe that penetrates the entire mountain and reaches the underground core directly.

Shen Lang once again stunned. If there is no guess, this is a volcano.

In the past few years, the volcano has not erupted, because its powerful energy has been swallowed up by the energy core of the metal hydrogen ball, and then released through the nightmare stone device to form a special electromagnetic environment, so that all the ancient secret weapons in the entire radius of radiation Can play a role.

Too bad!

The Nightmare Mountain in the Western World is an incomparably huge volcano that releases more energy than the limits of the ancient energy core, so an unprecedented big bang, volcanic eruption.

Adolf knew very well about the ancient civilization, so he managed to delay the time of the Big Bang Mountain volcano explosion for more than three hours.

All this makes sense, because according to the scientific theory of modern earth, metal hydrogen is a kind of normal temperature superconductor, super energy storage body, which can explode power, when it explodes.

According to this theory, if Shen Lang transfers this energy core and control center away, there is nothing to keep the volcano, so soon the volcano will erupt and destroy everything on this secret base.

Another point is that once this energy core is removed, it can no longer devour the energy of the volcano, and it can only rely entirely on stored energy. It is equivalent to a giant battery. When it is exhausted, once it is exhausted, all the secret weapons that Shen Lang takes away will be invalid. If Shen Lang wants to continue using it, he must find a way to recharge him.

And if you want to move it away, you must first turn it off.

"Use the mixed blood of you and the ancient humans." Hella could not help but reminded.

Shen Lang smashed the blood and pressed the palm of his hand onto the energy core.

"Oh..." Sure enough, the outer shell of this energy core was opened directly, revealing the complicated nightmare stone device inside.

I am very fortunate that this nightmare stone installation is very familiar, almost exactly the same as the Amazon pyramid. This is normal, and the control centers of all energy cores should be similar.

Shen Lang did not immediately stop the operation of the energy core, he was slightly confused.

In fact, he just found it strange, because the color of the mixed color of the sun is too high, almost no need to enter any password, even the words of regret do not have to write, you can press the palm of your hand.

The door to the second floor of the secret base is like this. The outer casing of the control center is also opened directly, and now the outer shell of the energy core is also the same.

Is it because the ancient humans have high blood rights? Or because of the sinking waves?

"Brother, what happened?" asked Hella.

"Nothing." Shen Langdao.

He just felt as if he had opened the door to a new world. He knew that his blood was very special. For example, any locust in the Futu Mountain would be poisoned by his blood. Even the Hellfire of the Western Vulcan was poisoned by his blood. In addition, there seems to be nothing particularly magical.

It seems that magic is coming now. His blood is mixed with the blood of ancient humans. It seems to be able to open many ancient civilizations and has super high authority.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Lang began to manipulate the large nightmare stone installation.

"Three, two, one!"

The entire energy core is turned off.

"Booming!" The rocky mountain at the foot of the mountain trembled like a small earthquake.

All the special electromagnetic waves within the radius of 20,000 meters have completely disappeared.

Hella wore the ancient elastic boots and jerked, and she lost her special stretch.

With the bow of the ancient archery, it only fell to the ground when it shot 200 meters, and it was no longer possible to spray plasma blasts from the tail. All the ancient secret weapons were invalid.

The next step is to find a way to move the entire energy core and control center. Shen Lang has some headaches, because it can be very, very heavy.

The volume of this energy core is about 2.2 cubic meters, and the density of metal hydrogen reaches an astonishing 90 tons per cubic meter. That is to say, this energy core has about 180 tons, even if the Amazon female fighters can't move.

The next few Amazon female warriors, including Hella and Princess Dora, tried their best to lift this energy core.

Was it lifted up? !

Are their strengths so big? However, Shen Lang soon wanted to understand that this energy core is far less than 180 tons. It looks about two meters in diameter, but more than half of the volume is shell, and the real metal hydrogen should be less than half.

Next, dozens of powerful warriors carefully carried this energy core down the mountain, exhausted the power of the squad, and then transported it to a giant warship.


Shen Lang once again returned to the underground secret base and found that all the doors were automatically opened, and the mirrors were lost.

Dozens of powerful female warriors went to carry the 30-meter-long dragon's repentant giant arrow, and the powerful electromagnetic suction disappeared, and they easily lifted it up. This ruined giant arrow is about 30,000 jins, much lighter than the energy core.

Next, they transported the Arrow of Destruction to the giant warship.

Shen Lang once again came to the statue of the ancient human being. He should be an ancient great man with the right to attack this highest base strategic weapon.

Shen Lang whispered: "You should have a story on your body, is it attracted by Queen Medusa, which delays the fighter?"

Haila went forward: "Brother, I will prove it to you."

She cut down some blood fossils from the blood vessels of this ancient human leader, and then cut her fingers, let the blood drip, and then mixed with the ancient human blood powder, showing no color. This colorlessness is not transparent, but is similar to the colorlessness of the blackboard TV, showing a grayscale.

"I am your sister, my blood and he are mixed together and can not show the color of the sun." Haila said: "So my dear brother, your blood is nothing but one hundred million, your body There are huge secrets."

Shen Lang shrugged his shoulders and said: "This is at least not a bad news?"

Hella Road: "Your blood can open the remains of many ancient civilizations in the Eastern world. You can open many ancient vestiges in the Western world. Are your father and daughter probably ruling the world?"

The more the world knows, the more fearful it is. I thought that Queen Medusa was just an ordinary ancient race. As a result, she seemed to be a king of the ancient lost empire.

I thought that Shen Lang was just a son of Jiang Li. I didn't think that his blood had a high authority in the Eastern Empire.

Everything seems to be shrouded in a mist.

Then the ancient ruins of the southern seas, and the ancient ruins of the Shabars belong to the ancient civilization of the East?

Shen Lang thought about it for a moment, it should not belong, because the area of ​​the Shaman was another empire in the ancient times, temporarily called the ancient southern empire.

Mulan Baby inspired the blood of the ancient humans, because the marrow essence was taken from the ancient remains of the southern sea.

There are too many surprises in this world. I thought I only discovered the secret base of the Zhu family. Who knows that I have harvested a lot of ancient secret weapons.

I thought that the biggest gain was to destroy the giant arrow. I did not expect to have harvested the control center and energy core of the entire secret base.

Compared to the destruction of giant arrows, Shen Lang feels that the energy core and control center are the greater gains. With this thing, Shen Lang can build an ancient civilization defense system in the city of Angry Tide.

Today's anger city is still very fragile, and once the enemy is struggling, it is very difficult to hold. Once the ancient energy defense system is built, it may be able to withstand the enemy's millions of troops.

The most important thing is to walk on one leg before Shen Lang, that is the scientific power of modern earth. Now there is another leg, the strength of ancient civilization. Once the two are combined into one, it will explode how to fight, only God knows.

Shen Lang faintly felt that a golden light avenue appeared in front of him.

"Take all the statues of these ancient humans, and they may have amazing secrets on their bodies." Shen Langdao.


Next is the big handling, everything in the secret base, all moved to the fleet, not only the arch of the ancients, the ancient elastic boots, thousands of various kinds of nightmare stone devices, there are dozens of boxes It contains things that even the sinking waves can't understand.

Those ancient giants were destroyed by the Zhu family, and Shen Lang sent people to transport all the damaged parts back to the ship. Maybe they could find a way to fix them. These dozens of super giants might be in the future. Can become part of the three-dimensional defense system of the Angry City.

To deal with enemies on the sea, Shen Lang can use artillery. But to deal with the enemies from heaven, we must rely on these ancient giants tough, even though Shen Lang has not seen the air force of the detachment forces until now.

But not seeing it doesn't mean it doesn't mean that the six detached forces have blocked the civilization for too long. Jiang Lixia has focused on the study of ancient blood, and the six detached forces are all-round research on ancient civilizations, and more than a thousand years ago. .


Everything is done.

Shen Lang looked at this island and lost the suppression of the core of energy. Perhaps it will not take long for the volcano of this island to erupt, and all traces will be wiped out. Even the family will never know that the waves have been destroyed. Lost their secret base.

"Starting, return to the raging city!"

The huge fleet sailed south toward the south.

Three hours later, the fleet had sailed more than a hundred miles and could no longer see the secret island.

However, it is at this time!


A burst of loud noise, the flames of the sky rushed into the sky, even if it was more than a hundred miles away.

The volcano erupted on the secret island, and it also caused a small earthquake, and the sea surface suddenly became boiling.

This is a volcano that has been suppressed for 10,000 years. Once released, the energy is completely amazing.

Countless magma sprayed into the high altitude of the kilometer, and soon the forest on the entire island began to burn, and the hot red magma continued to flow, and it may not take long for the entire island to be completely submerged.

Everything is perfect, completely destroying the dead, everything that happens here has nothing to do with the sun.

Haila looked at the flames of the sky and slowly said: "Brother, all this seems to be destined. Someone worked hard for more than ten years, paid the price of a thousand people, but did not get anything, and you just went to one Oh, I got everything."

Then Hella said again: "Really, although I am not afraid of death at all, I am full of pessimism with you coming to the East. I think we can't win at all. Even if we can rely on the artillery to win the victory over Tianyue City. The decisive battle, and the failure to win the next Tianya Haige war, can not resist the attack from the entire Great Yan Empire. Now I am full of confidence in the future, because we have found a real powerful road, and this road is It seems to be the general purpose that God has given you."

At this time, Li Qianqiu, the sword king who had never had an opening, suddenly said: "Maybe, this is the Lord of Heaven!"


at the same time.

Another prince of heaven ended the war between the countries of the Western Regions and achieved unprecedented glory in the Eastern world.

Zhu Hongxue relied on less than 20,000 blood souls to completely defeat the millions of coalition forces in the Western Regions and the Dalai Temple.

He stopped the road to the west, led the 20,000 blood soul army to leave the Western countries, and returned to Vietnam to participate in the Tianyue City battle with Shen Lang!


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