History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 486: : The body of the teacher! Destiny is a decisive battle! (New Alliance Lord Rain Happy

(Congratulations to Rain Happy as the new ally of this book, thank you)

Fraud? There is an ambush in the Tianyue hunting grounds? ! It is impossible to say that this is completely inconsistent with the style of the family.

The people of the world are not in Ji, especially in the three southern countries. In the past two years, Ning Shao and the Zhu family have wanted to let the species come back many times, but they have all been rejected, and the reasons for each rejection are very humble. This time, there is no reason to refuse to plant it. Otherwise, the other party’s sympathy for the sin of the sea will be planted, and the family will destroy the family.

But deep down, the family of the seed family may not be the hope of winning the Shen Lang. First, it was because of the infection of Ning Yuanxian. Two years ago, the seed was defeated, but Ning Yuanxian did not kill. Second, because the Genji family has almost no use value for the Great Yan Empire.

Therefore, this time, I plan to use my own life to fulfill the survival of the whole family. I have already prepared for the defeat.

And if it is a swindle, as for the backbone of the entire Pei family, all in front of Shen Lang?

“Why?” Shen Lang asked: “Last night you said that you have to fight hard and listen to your fate.”

The tremors trembled: "There was a virus outbreak in the army, so it’s still sloppy... still dare to accept us surrender?"

Time, Shen Lang was completely shocked! This, there is no bottom line, it is simply mad.

Shen Lang also used extinction black death bombs, but each time they were used in isolation, and there were basically no innocent civilians, ensuring that they were not contagious. The 80,000 troops under the shackles should belong to him, but although they sympathize with the waves, they did not say that they must betray. Now, some people have infected the plague in the 80,000 army.

Who did this work? Ning Shao or Zhu family? After thinking about it for a while, Shen Lang tends to be the one that Ning Shao has done. This person is completely a madman and a complete madman. And this strategy is really vicious.

First, Ning Shao must know that before Shen Lang wants to attack Tianyue City, he will certainly occupy the Tianyue hunting ground as a fortress. Now that the plague has erupted in the hunting grounds of the world, do you dare to station in the army?

Second, is this 80,000-strong army not sympathetic to the waves? Now they are infected with the plague. What do you do with the waves? Accept not accepting their surrender? If accepted, these people will become a huge burden. And if you don't accept it, your heart will be lost.

Third, Ning Shao knows that the hearts of the entire Tianyue City are facing Shen Lang, and even more than a dozen and two hundred thousand people in the army are also facing Shen Lang. This is to cut off the remaining army to surrender the road of sinking waves. Why do you say that? Regardless of whether Shen Lang accepts the surrender of the 80,000 troops, his army is very likely to be infected with the plague. Do you dare to surrender him to other troops? Are you afraid of being infected with the plague?

Fourth, isn’t the entire Vietnamese people’s minds sinking into the waves? Do you have the responsibility to protect them? If the 80,000 plague-stricken army is allowed to flow out, how many people in the entire Vietnam Congress are infected with the plague, how many people will die? In order to protect the people of the country, you must accept the surrender of these 80,000 troops. Then you have to manage them, and these people will become the time bombs of Shen Lang, and they may infect the 20,000 army of Shen Lang at any time. on.

However, Ning Shao, you do not worry about the infection of Tianyue City? Don't worry that your hundreds of thousands of troops are infected? You are the king of the country!

However, Shen Lang can quickly think of it, Ning Shao really does not care, because the army that really belongs to him does not have much. Today, hundreds of thousands of troops belong to the Zhu family, or belong to the Tianya Haige and the hidden yuan. Ning Shao probably wants to sink the waves and all these troops are infected with the plague.

This person's viciousness, the madness of this person, is really shocking. It is no wonder that the species will choose to surrender. Ning Shao is not using the seed as a cannon fodder, but as a source of poison.

The original kind of ambition was to fight for a battle, and to express loyalty to the Great Yan Empire with his own death. But at this moment, he also expressed a fart loyalty, and the other party's means directly trampled on the bottom line.

"What virus?" asked Shen Lang.

"I don't know." The cockroach shook his head.

Shen Langdao: "When did you find out?"

Kind of martyrdom: "It started two days ago, but at this time the weather is hot, and fever in the military is also a common thing. It has gradually increased since yesterday, and the symptoms have changed from fever to chills, and vomiting and diarrhea. We also... I thought it was a special attack method for you."

As soon as this was said, the face of the teacher was red, because this was what she said.

Kind of martyrdom: "But last night, Ning Shao’s young man came to visit me. He was a little weird, very very careful, and even kept a distance from talking to me, and still kept his mouth and nose."

Shen Langdao: "And then?"

Kind of martyrdom: "Last night, I couldn't sleep at night, I began to patrol the army. I found someone throwing a special thing into the well water, so I caught him and tortured it. The result was so I couldn't believe it. The answer. I woke up this morning, and the large area of ​​the army fell down. There were only a few hundred people in the district yesterday. There were four or five thousand people in the morning.

Shen Lang asked: "How long has your army been stationed at the Tianyue Hunting Ground?"

Kind of martyrdom: "Twenty-five days."

This time has long been enough for the incubation period. Today is only the first day of a large-scale outbreak. More and more soldiers will fall ill. Because this is not a natural plague, but artificial, it will be even more terrible, and most of the soldiers are hard to avoid.

Shen Langdao: "If I didn't make a mistake, the next plague will become more and more serious. After the last six or seven days, more than 50,000 people will be infected in the army, and even my army will be infected."

The cockroach slammed his head and shook: "The **** is damn, the cockroach is damn! I never thought that this cockroach would be so devastating that there is no bottom line, this is his army."

Shen Langdao: "How is the military now?"

A kind of martyrdom: "There are too many people who are ill today. If you don't control it, I am afraid there will be a large-scale escape."

This group of people must not escape. Once they escape, countless civilians will also be infected. At that time, it was a disaster.

The viciousness of Ning Shao’s mind is simply impossible to add. In spite of the lives and deaths of civilians, he used countless civilians to kill and bury the waves.

If Shen Lang also abandoned countless civilians, then he is the son of Jiang, the emperor of Dagan is not right.

The hearts of the people in the world are not in Ji, and now your sorrows and sorrows do not care about your life and death. You are the time to see the true face of Shen Lang.

Seeing the dilemma of Shen Lang, the seedlings desperately decapitated: "The **** is damn, the species **** it."

This plague is also a disaster for the Pei family, because the main force of his family is also among the tens of thousands of troops, and will sooner or later. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that it is impossible to pledge allegiance to the Great Yan Empire, because Ning Shao has directly pushed the seed into the Hellfire.

As it is today, there is no place for a family.

"Shen Lang Majesty, now the army is very chaotic and chaotic, they did not want to fight with you. Today, a large-scale plague broke out, and it is almost out of control. Soon, it will run away in a large area." They fled and were a disaster for millions of people across the country. They were not allowed to flee. If you accept their surrender, it would be a disaster for your army."

Shen Lang took a deep breath and said: "The epidemic prevention team is out."

Under the order of Shen Lang, hundreds of fully armed military doctors were listed, and the whole body was completely covered. Because Shen Lang knows too much about this aspect, his team of military doctors is almost the most complete.

"Several masters, please also wrap your whole body, prepare for epidemic prevention, and protect me from entering the Tianyue City military camp!" Shen Lang ordered.

As soon as this was said, countless people behind him changed dramatically.

"Your Majesty, don't, you are the body of Wanjin, you can't be risky!" Dozens of generals immediately fell down.

Hella said: "Brother, I am your sister, I will take you for you."

Shen Lang shook his head, and then he prepared himself for various epidemic preventions. He took a deep breath: "Go, follow me and enter the Tianyue hunting ground camp."


At this time, the Tianyue hunting ground camp has become a mess, completely heart-wrenching.

These people's hearts are toward Ning Yuanxian and Ning Zheng, of course, including Shen Lang. They didn't want to fight. The first line of defense that sent them to the Tianyue battlefield was low morale. Now, after the plague broke out, it will be even more difficult.

"Brothers, we are finished, we are finished!"

"The murder, someone gave us poison, let us break out the plague. Now no one dares to touch us."

"The king does not want us, the Great Yan Empire does not want us, and Shen Lang does not want us."

"They let us make cannon fodder, they want to take advantage of our army that killed the waves."

"Brothers, rushing out, rushing out, since no one can save us, they infect everyone and pull them to die."

"Yes, rushing out to spread the plague, pulling a pad back enough, and pulling two backs will earn."

In the military camp, there is a surge of tides. All the officers have not been able to control the army, and they do not want to control it, because some officers themselves have become ill.

Too desperate, too chilling, some people even regard them as a source of poison. Now the army is filled with infinite fear and resentment, just thinking about rushing out to spread the plague.

"Go, go, go..."

Under the leadership of hundreds of people, tens of thousands of soldiers will rush out of the military camp, bring the plague virus to all directions, and pull countless people to bury.


At this point, the gate of the big camp opened and a group of people came out.

The head of the person, wearing a white robe, with a gold crown, also with a mask.

He, who is he?


Shen Lang walked into the military camp and suddenly smelled a stench. Not far from the front, more than one or two thousand soldiers were ready to rush out. After seeing him, they could not help but stay.

Shen Lang took off his mask and revealed his face. Everyone recognized him. Because his portrait has been posted in every corner for two years, and it is a very realistic sketch, in this world. The painting technique is still created by Shen Lang himself. Is this a self-restraint?

"I am a deep wave!" Shen Lang slowly said.

All the soldiers in the barracks stayed and stood quietly on the ground.

Shen Langdao: "You want to rush out, spread the plague all over the place, and pull countless people to bury together?"

Countless soldiers instinctively nodded.

Shen Langdao: "Don't move in the military camp, don't leave, I will be with you these days. Will I cure you? I have put it on hold for a while, and I will use it for you in the next few days. Treat the disease and bring me the most serious patient."

Countless soldiers stunned. After a while, a patient was lifted up and screamed hard. It was a hot day but a two-layer quilt. The whole shudder was over. The quilt was already in a mess, because it was vomiting and diarrhea. Booty.

Shen Lang put on a mask again, put on gloves, measured the body temperature for this patient, then took off the sputum that he vomited and diarrhea, took a tube of blood, and took out the microscope in front of all the faces.

Sure enough, it is malaria, and Shen Lang has observed countless malaria parasites.

But the malaria parasite in this world is different from the one on the earth. It looks even more awkward from the microscope, and its vitality seems to be much stronger.

Therefore, once a malaria outbreak occurs, the infection will be stronger and the mortality rate will be higher.

In ancient times, although malaria was not as terrible as the Black Death, it also slaughtered countless people. Ma Yuanzheng Jiaozhi, the army was infected with malaria, and four out of ten died. When the Song Dynasty sank, Liu Wei relapsed in Annan, causing more than 100,000 people to be exposed to poison, and the deceased were ten to five. The Qing Dynasty expedition to Burma, malaria broke out in the army, and seven out of ten people died. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were 70,000 people in Simao. Because of the outbreak of malaria, the dead died and fled, leaving less than a thousand people.

The enemy is arrogant. It used to be a virus weapon for Shen Lang. Now they use the plague to counter the stagnation.

Fortunately, it is malaria, not black death. If it is a black death, then it is really ready to die for millions. Even the flu virus is terrible. After the end of the First World War in 1918, soldiers of various countries returned home and brought a terrible flu virus called the Spanish flu. They died in just a few months. Tens of millions of people who died of the flu on that day may have more than 50 million people, much more than those who died in the First World War.

The Black Death can be cured, but until now, the penicillin in the inventory of Shenlang is far from enough. In the case of the flu, Shen Lang is almost at a loss.

But in the case of malaria, there are two kinds of special effects, one is artemisinin and the other is cinchona cream.

Artemisinin was also discovered by Chinese scientist Tu Yu and won the Nobel Prize. Moreover, the raw material of this medicine is the plant Artemisia annua. In the Han Dynasty, Ge Hong used artemisia juice to treat malaria. Modern medicine extracts artemisinin with ether, which can obtain more high-quality artemisinin crystals, which is more effective for malaria.

Another special medicine, Jinji Nashuang Cream, is extracted from a bark. This kind of tree was rarely seen in the dynasty of the Eastern dynasty, but after seeing it in the Western world, I saw a lot, and I saw a lot in his Bicha Peninsula.

When he returned to the Eastern world from the Western world, he encountered several islands, and the cinchona trees on it were countless.

Therefore, although the two drugs are not very high in purity due to the process, they are in stock a lot.

Shen Lang always thinks about harming people, so he must also guard against others. At that time, in Laos, he wanted to use the malaria parasites. Even now, he has been breeding malaria parasites.

But this Plasmodium is not the same as what he cultivated. Whose work is this? Futu Mountain?


Tens of thousands of soldiers were watching all this.

As an oriental emperor, Shen Lang personally treated a lower-level soldier and studied his feces.

He didn't say a word of rhetoric, but his actions were worth a thousand words.

Time passed by, and Shen Lang carefully treated the patient. Of course, the effect will not be immediate, but this chilly soldier is biting his teeth, otherwise he will probably cry, but the tears can not help but burst out.

After being infected with a serious illness, he was desperate, especially the pain of the disease, so that he could not wait to die immediately. The heart is full of fear, resentment, and loneliness.

Now it is expensive for the Emperor of the East, and he actually treated him for him. This really made him forget the pain. The whole person was so excited that he wanted to explode.

This is not touched, but like a frozen person, put it into warm water. A man who is in the darkness comes to the bright sunshine.

At this moment, there is only one thought in the soldier's mind. If my king's egg survives, I must smash the bones of the smashing waves. The enemies that smashed the waves in the future are the enemies that I don't share.

After almost half an hour, the initial treatment of Shen Lang was completed.

"The soldiers, then my medic will treat each of you."

"Next we will be quarantined and will open a comprehensive epidemic prevention campaign. I will not give up each of you and will do my best."

"Do you want to obey orders? Are you willing to go back to your barracks without leaving a half step?"

Shen Lang still has no rhetoric, just ask in a very plain tone, the voice is not big, and even many people have not heard clearly.

After a while, tens of thousands of people in front of me fell into pieces!

"Slow down, long live, long live, long live!"

In the end, more than 80,000 people in the entire hunting ground, all crouched on the ground, shouted in unison, and the sound was loud.


Next, Shen Lang divided the entire Tianyue hunting ground into two parts, and Dongdaying also was the West Camp.

First of all, Dongdaying was completely disinfected. Lime was spilled almost every inch of the place. All wellheads were closed and re-drilled. Burn all the suspicious objects and all the objects that may be infected with the insects.

Then, his more than 20,000 troops entered the East Camp. Switching to other people, knowing that there is a plague is absolutely not allowed to enter, but Shen Lang is too aware of malaria.

Next, his military medical team conducted a comprehensive epidemic prevention operation against Xi Da Ying. Each military camp was completely isolated and could not be exchanged with each other. Every place in the camp was disinfected, and the wells were re-drilled. All the water was boiled. All the soldiers' clothes were boiled in boiling water. All the soldiers washed hot water twice a day, and the water temperature exceeded 55 degrees Celsius.

It is strictly forbidden for the whole army to urinate and urinate, to dig out a special toilet, and to completely disinfect it, and completely bury the patient's vomit excrement.

It’s a **** of a ghost. The first battle of Tianyue City was not a war with the enemy, but a malaria epidemic.

Although Shenlang's Artemisia annua and Jinji Nashuang cream have brought a lot of them, they are not enough for so many people. They have to send an Amazon army to return to the anger city for the fastest speed, otherwise the drug will be cut off.


Three days after the Shenlang army was stationed in the Tianyue hunting ground camp, the people of the Xiang family continued to fall ill, including the seedlings, the species, the breeder, and all the members fell more than half of them and began to have a fever. Start the chill.

"Cold, cold, cold..."

"I am going to die, I am going to die..."

The teacher had covered two layers of quilts, but he still trembled constantly. The chill seemed to come out of the bones, his lips were pale, his nails were twitching, and his teeth trembled desperately.

The disease is really different from person to person. The symptoms of chills of the teacher are much more serious than others. The coldness of ordinary people is basically around a quarter of an hour, and at most one hour is great, and the teacher keeps it. For a few hours, the final face was pale without a little blood, and the lips began to purple.

Although it is also a disease, it is not so serious.

Seeing that the teacher's breathing is getting weaker and weaker, the vitality is dying.

This is really strange. Even if malaria is going to die, it is not at this stage. It is only the second stage. Moreover, Shen Lang has used artemisinin. This is a super-effective medicine for early malaria. It should be effective soon. Why didn't it work, she seems to be dying?

"Your Majesty, please save the little girl." Under the squatting slogan: "From now on, she will give you a slave."

Next, Shen Lang tried various methods, but it was impossible to prevent the deterioration of the teacher. Her body temperature was constantly getting colder and her vitality was constantly weak.

This, why is this?

Shen Lang began to cut her wrist, took out half of the blood, and observed it under the microscope.

It turns out that in addition to the malaria parasite, there are other creatures? This, this is the locust of the Futu Mountain? I have been lurking in the body of the teacher before. As a result, after the attack, the aphids in the body were activated.

But... what is this locust? Shen Lang discovered that the locust did not have a large area of ​​recovery, but entered a strange state.

The locusts in Futu Mountain are terrible. They have different stages of growth. They may be in the first stage. The second stage is harmless, but after entering the third stage, it is instantly fatal and may have terrible symptoms.

Someone even gave the teacher a poison? That is why ah?

Shen Lang asked: "What kind of things happened to the teacher in the past two years?"

Kind of martyrdom: "After the division of the teacher and Zhu Hongping's marriage contract, Ning Shao once slammed the side and said that he was willing to be a teacher. The result was rejected by me, the teacher refused, and the attitude was still very bad."

Shen Langdao: "What is the relationship between Ningshao and Futu Mountain?"

Kind of martyrdom: "It should not be very close, but the country is the site of the Tianya Haige. So the Futu Mountain should also look down on Ningshao?"

Shen Langdao: "Your daughter is poisoned by people. The other party should not want to kill her, but wants to coerce her. This time the plague broke out, the malaria in her blood stimulated the locust, so she will continue It’s cold, and even the life is getting fading.”

The species had not spoken yet, and soon they rushed into a woman and squatted directly in front of Shen Lang.

"Shen Lang, I know that you can do anything, you save my daughter, she is my sweetheart, as long as you save her, she will give you a slave in this life." This person should be kind The teacher's mother.

The kind of horror said: "Madam, what are you doing? Are you going out? Go out?"

Because many people in the family of the family were also infected with malaria, but the only lady did not, at this time she even rushed into the ward regardless of the risk of infection.

Then, the seedlings were also squatting in front of Shen Lang, and their foreheads were attached to the ground. After a while, the son of the scorpion also came in and squatted in front of Shen Lang.

The family of the family of the family is pleading for the help of Shen Lang.

"Well, I can try it, but if it is not successful..." Shen Langdao.

A kind of martyrdom: "If it is not successful, it is also God's will, and the sinner is also very grateful for his grace."

Shen Langdao: "Well, then trouble you all out."

He didn't explain why everyone should go out, because what happened next, he didn't want anyone to see it.

"Yes!" The scorpion left with his family.

Not to mention that Shen Lang will not do anything to his daughter, even if there is nothing to do, he said, as long as Shen Lang can save the teacher, then give him a slave.


After all the family members of the family had gone, Shen Lang was given a bowl of pharmacy and fed with the teacher.

"Shen Lang, am I dying?" asked the teacher, shaking.

Shen Lang did not answer, just feed a whole bowl of medicine to her, and soon the class teacher gradually became unconscious.

Shen Lang took out one milliliter of blood and injected it into the teacher's body. He does not know what kind of mites are in the body of the cultivator, but as long as it is the locust of the Futu Mountain, the blood of the swell will kill.

Sure enough, after Shen Lang’s blood had just entered the body of the breeder, she began to kill the strange aphids in her blood.

Immediately, her petite body gradually returned to the temperature, originally pale and bloodless, built in gradually revealed a blush.

But... not right!

Then her body became more and more red, as if to burn completely, and finally the whole body skin is completely magnificent red.

Shen Lang gave her an anesthesia, she should have been sleeping for a few hours, but suddenly opened her eyes.

"Ah...ah...ah..." Then she felt that her body seemed to be completely bursting, giving a cry of incomparable pain.

The lady who was outside was almost rushing in, but it was stopped by the seedlings.

"Hey!" The painful and savvy master slammed his fists and smashed the entire solid wooden bed.

Shen Lang is completely incapable of phenomena. Why does his blood inject into the teacher's body have such a huge reaction? Is this the special body of the teacher, or is it because of the blood of Shen Lang?

But her life is not dangerous, because her voice is fierce, but at least it is full of gas.

But then, the voice of the teacher made the waves go underground.

"Shen Lang, you are the white impermanence, you are the white impermanence that taints my innocence, you are the beast."


In the next few days, countless soldiers fell ill every day in the big hunting grounds. Although they were treated, they did not recover so quickly.

Eight thousand people, 10,000 people, 20,000 people, 40,000 people...

More and more soldiers are falling from the plague.

As a doctor, Shen Lang has already seen that the epidemic will soon be controlled. Because the drugs are timely, most people will save their lives.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, the entire day of the hunting ground camp seems to be a hell.

Next, Shen Lang completely blocked the entire hunting ground camp, and cleared all the people within three miles, to ensure that no spies are close.

But some people still observe the telescope on the top of the mountain, and then continue to send information to the palace.

"Your Majesty, great joy, great joy."

"Shenlang for the so-called people's heart, and sure enough, accepted the surrender of the 80,000 army. Now malaria is madly erupting in the military camp, more than tens of thousands of people have fallen, and it has become a hell."

"Now, within the hunting grounds of the day, a large number of people die every day, and the bodies that are carried out are densely packed. Countless people burn their bodies every day, stinking."

The more Wang Ning Shao said: "Where is the army of Shen Lang? Is there a plague?"

In the year of fairness: "There was no discovery that the Shenlang army carried out the body, but we can clearly see that the Dongdaying of Shenlang also began to build the isolation camp, and the defenders on the walls of the Dongda camp are becoming more and more sparse. Certainly, the army of Shen Lang also broke out of the plague on a large scale and continued to reduce the number of employees."

Ning Yidao: "Your Majesty is really unparalleled, and the army of Shen Lang has not started to fight. It has already suffered from the catastrophe. Your trick is to take the people and the people."

Ning Shao did not speak, but his eyes showed a smug light, and his poisoning had worked.

The poisonous insects in Futu Mountain are really powerful, and they did not disappoint the widows!


The Shenlang army entered the Tianyue hunting ground camp for twenty-five days. It seems to have been dead, and the bodies that have been carried out are getting fewer and fewer, and the bodies burned are becoming less and less, perhaps dead.

There are many casualties in the Shenlang army. Ning Shao’s spies are not predictable, but they can see that the defenders on the wall of the wall are sparse and insignificant.

And the entire camp has hovered over countless crows, dozens and hundreds of them, and they are beating every day.

The battle has not yet started, and the Shenlang army seems to have suffered a catastrophe, and will soon be killed by the plague.


Within the camp!

The species that has healed: "Your Majesty, Ning Shao has not sent troops."

Hella said: "Is he discovering our tricks?"

Shen Langdao: "No, he is just greedy, wanting to let the plague completely kill us all."

Haila said: "What should I do? It is impossible to wait until now. What if he and the hundreds of thousands of troops of Zhu’s family never attack us? We can’t attack the Wangdu and blow the whole Tianyue City into a piece. Ruin."

Shen Langdao: "I will immediately play a new drama, assemble a large army, and make a portrait to evacuate."



Inside the palace!

In the year of fairness: "Your Majesty, His Majesty, Shen Lang is going to run, his surviving army is gathering, he wants to run!"

The more Wang Ning Shao said: "Transfer the army, attack the Tianyue hunting ground, and kill the Shenlang army! This is the smashing of the waves, it must be dominated by the widows, not the Zhushi! The widows must let everyone see, the country It’s the transnational country of the widow, not the country of Zhu’s!”

"How about Zhu's? How about the Red Blood Soul Army? Is the enemy's poisonous meter? When Shen Lang used the virus to kill my Tongtian Temple bird, can you think of today?"

"Shen Lang is really ridiculous. For the sake of the people in the district, I have ruined my army. How can such a person be worthy of being called the emperor? What kind of righteousness, what is king, stupid and ridiculous."

"Transmitting the purpose, the army is going south!"

With the resignation of Wang Ningshao, hundreds of thousands of troops marched southward and smashed into the squad of the Tianyue City hunting ground in Shenlang.

The real Tianyue City fate battle, officially broke out!


Note: Today there are more than 17,000 words! Brothers give me the monthly pass, I want to struggle!

Thank you for the reward of the million coins that can be without meat.

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