History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 489: : Great victory! Amazing people! (Seeking a monthly pass)

I wish the boundless tens of thousands of troops always guarding under the Chinese military high platform, and stand in a big square, neat and tidy.

When the last bombardment of Shen Lang came, it was really light and it was not seen.

Then in the next second, dozens of shells exploded fiercely.

The tens of meters high of the Chinese military high platform lived and torn, then slammed down and buried countless soldiers inside.

This is not limited, some of them directly fell into the dense military array to detonate.

In an instant, like cutting wheat, the army that has become a piece of film disappears.

The last shot was really perfect. Although there were only 50 shells, it caused more than 100 shells.

The whole scene is a ghost crying.


"Uncle, uncle..." I wished that there was no rush to rush out and shouted loudly.

Dozens of warriors moved away, revealing the condolences inside. At the moment of the explosion, dozens of warriors used their own bodies to protect Zhu Xi.

Zhu Yu helped the hat and got out of the crowd.

Ning Yu also climbed out with difficulty, and one arm was hanging, as if it was a fold.

Ning Yi was also afraid of it, and his head was bleeding. He didn't scream, because his head was still dying, and his ears rang loudly. He couldn't hear anything at all, and he couldn't feel anything at all.

"Voice, vomit..." He groaned on the ground.

And Shu Tingyu has nothing to do. First, he has a high martial arts. Second, there are dozens of warriors around him who have given up their lives.

The entire Chinese military high platform was blown up, leaving a pile of ruins.

I wish to use my hands and feet and climb to the highest point of this ruin, overlooking the entire battlefield.

I wish the boundless and the Zhushi warrior rushed up and protected him, saying: "Uncle, be careful of the shelling of the thief."

"No," I wish you a faint voice.

Then he quietly looked at everything in front of him.

The guns of Shenlang are all new explosives, so the smoke is not strong. The key is that the dust is covered for more than ten miles.

Gradually, these dusts also fell, and I wish you all to see everything in front of you.

To be honest, although he stood tall, but he couldn't see anything, he only heard a sudden loud noise, and a group of flames exploded on the ground.

The entire battle lasted only less than three hours, especially in the second half. However, Shen Lang has poured more than 35,000 shells.

It’s a pity to see that this battlefield is 5 kilometers wide and two kilometers long.

But the real elite area is only three square kilometers, which means that an average of 12,000 shells are thrown per kilometer.

On average, the lethality of a shell is more than 300 square meters, and 12,000 rounds is 3.6 million square meters. That is to say, an average of one square meter has to be bombed three times. Where is the dead corner, the real carpet bombing.

So in less than an hour in the past, I wish you almost nothing, and the whole person is shuddering, as if the whole soul was baptized by artillery.

Such an amazing scene, he has never seen it. As for the casualties of the army, when the first wave was slaughtered with a rifle, it was clearly seen. When the howitzer was used, it was simply invisible.

Only a few square kilometers can be seen, there are flames everywhere, and occasionally the bodies and stumps that are blown up can be seen.

Now the dust and the smoke have dispersed, and finally I can see clearly.

Here is hell, absolutely hell.

On the ground of a few square kilometers, there are dense bodies, all of which are blood, and they are all broken limbs.

The battlefield has seen it, but I have never seen it so fierce.

I wish you only feel the blackness in front of you, which is actually not outside his plan. The father Zhu Hong said that the hundreds of thousands of troops, including the hidden Yuanhui Tongtiansi army, are all cannon fodder, which are used to consume the weapons of the swell.

But when it really happened, people still shuddered from the depths of their hearts.

Shuting Yu of the hidden yuan club also climbed up. Before the 10,000 iron-blooded army lost, they sent 20,000.

Now that the two irons have been lying on the ground, maybe they have not died, because they can even see people crawling forward.

"This world has changed." Shu Tingyu said.

Zhu Hao nodded and said: "Yes, this world has changed."

Shu Tingyu said: "I wish you an adult, is this the result you want?"

I wish you a silent, want to nod, but shook your head.

The world has changed too fast. According to the previous practice, the wars of hundreds of thousands of troops will basically end in a few months. The battle of Chu was bigger and he played for half a year. The Vietnam War and the Yu Jun battle, also played for a few months. In the past, Wu Guo and the Vietnam War were played for two years.

Today, only half a day is over. The most ridiculous thing is that hundreds of thousands of troops did not even reach the side of the Shenlang army. In the end, the distance of 50 meters could not be rushed. The ordinary army could not rush, and the army of the hidden yuan and Tongtian Temple could not be washed away.

I wish you a glance at the Shenlang two kilometers away, and then said: "Go."

I wish no way: "Shen Lang will let us go?"

I wish you a sneer: "What does he do for us? Is it useful? For him, the war has not really begun. He has not put us in the eye from beginning to end. His only enemy is the soul of the earth." military."

"Retreat..." I wish you a sigh.

I wish the boundless leader of the tens of thousands of troops, arched the wish, and went to the northern capital.

Shu Tingyu is not reconciled because he knows that there are still many iron warriors who are not dead, but are fainted.

He sent hundreds of warriors who wanted to bring back those iron-blooded troops who were fainting.



The guns of Shen Lang were named in general, the shells fell directly, and dozens of people were directly blown out.

This is warning Shu Tingyu, if you want to go, just get out of the way, the iron-blooded regiments that survived on the ground should not expect to bring them back.

After a while, Zhu Xi took all the tens of thousands of people to retreat without a trace.


The teacher looked at it with horror, and this is all over?

She looked down at her machete, what is going on? I didn't have a knife, and the battle was over.

The enemy did not rush to the front, when the war in this world became this dog.

He couldn't help but look at the brothers on the side, and the other side was also confused. The sword in his hand was full of confusion.

The sword is taken care of.

The teacher couldn't help but walk over: "I will fight like this in the future, then what use is it for us?"

The seed did not speak, but silently inserted the sword back into the scabbard. His mood is even more complicated. The family's surrender to the Shenlang is forced to helpless, and it is completely ruined by the enemy.

So even after surrender, the heart is gray, and I dare not hope for the future. The Great Yan Empire was too strong. When Jiang was away from the majesty, he was defeated. Now, the Shen Lang is less than one percent stronger than the Jiang, and the Great Yan Empire is stronger than it was twenty years ago.

In the struggle between the Shenlang and the Great Yan Empire, the Genji family did not dare to have any illusions. The most thought of it was the demise of Shenlang, and it was the reputation of the family. Since the world cannot find power and survive, it is not nothing to be able to seek fame.

But the war just completely overturned the cognition of the Pei family, as if it opened the door to the new world.

Perhaps, Shen Lang’s presence is not hopeless.

The family of the family of the family looked at the teacher and looked at the exquisite face of the sister. "We don't know where our battlefield is, but you have to understand where your battlefield is."

“Hate!” The teacher shouted. Of course, she knew what the elder brother said. He sneered: “You guys are not promising, they are counting on selling women.”

Then she rushed forward and kicked a kick on his brother's cheekbones.

"I..." The seed of the family has almost convulsed, but there is nothing to help.

The teacher is the jewel of the whole family. From the youngest to the youngest brothers, the youngest brother wants to fight and fight, and he wants to be jealous, including his world.

Sister, you can tick me like this, but you can't play on that person. The hand has no binding force, it is very brittle. When you kick it, he will fold, and our family will be finished.


Shen Lang ordered: "To catch the captives, especially the iron-blood army of the hidden Yuanhui, all of them who have not died are arrested. Directly feeding the drugs with dare to resist, directly numb."

"Yes!" Two thousand Amazon female warriors came out of the wall and began searching the entire battlefield to find survivors.

Hella Road: "Brother, do you want to conquer these hidden members of the Iron Legion?"

Shen Lang nodded, although these people were very **** and cruel by the hidden yuan, and they used the way of the Futu Mountain and the Tianya Haige to carry out the blood transmutation, but they never change from it. They are all blank zero blood vessels, root bones. it's the same.

It can be seen from the war just now that in the face of the indiscriminate bombing of the Shenlang artillery, even the soldiers of the Tongtian Temple have some retreats, but these iron warriors still have no fear, they are blown up again and again, and they climb up again and again. Before the rush, even if the bones were blown up, the blood was vomited, and the crawling had to rush to the front of Shen Lang.

Too brave, super-class army.

Kind of martyrdom: "Congratulations, His Majesty, the Tianyue City Grand Finale has been completed in half. As long as the other half is completed, the Vietnamese Republic will take it back."


If it is from the number of people who destroy the enemy, it is far more than half, even more than 95%.

But in terms of completion, up to 30%.

The remaining 20,000 Tianya Haige Blood Soul Army is the most crucial. This army is so powerful that it has suffocated. They once defeated Yu, defeated Jun Jun, and even defeated the Dalai Temple and the Western Regions. The million-strong coalition, and it is a crushing victory.

For the Tianyue City Grand Final battle, Shen Lang prepared a lot, but almost all the preparations were made for the Blood Soul Army.

Only by winning 20,000 will be a real victory, otherwise it will only be abandoned.

But this does not prevent Shen Lang from celebrating this staged victory.


Within the camp, Shen Lang made a small celebration feast.

No one sings praises, but just tacitly chats, especially the general fan of Jiang, the super **** fan of Jiang, can't wait to pull the seed and the seed into his own camp.

General Lan Feng saw that Shen Lang’s thoughts were sloppy, and there was no idea of ​​reunifying the world and becoming the emperor of the East. And Hella, Dora, Xue Yin, and other shackles are also allowed to do so, even Xu Wei and other women still have a sip.

Every time I heard someone shouting the name of Shen Lang, the generals of Lan Feng’s temples jumped wildly.

What are you doing? What are you doing? Do you have a little bit of etiquette? What is the system?

He can't wait to correct everyone's thinking. You are facing the emperor of the East. It's not a slouch, not a scum, not a little white face.

Now Zhang Chunhua has been brainwashed by him more successfully, and he is bent on Yao Zong Yaozu.

After returning to the Eastern World, General Lan Feng desperately pulled out the gangs and brought Jin Shiying and Jin Zhuo into their loyalty camps. Next, he was under the stern of Ning Zheng, full of infinite desire for Zhang Wei, Yan, and especially Jun.

Only this group of people understands his heart and knows the greatness of rebuilding the order of the world.

As a hundred-year-old aristocrat, the Genji family became the target of the Lanfeng General for the first time. Of course, the two men also hit it off, and even the kind of mind is already planning, it is necessary to separate the family of the family, one belongs to him, and one belongs to the seed.

The kind of Ena is still the minister of the country, and the loyalty to the king. The generation of the cockroach is still a vassal, but his son can be a minister of the big, so this time it is necessary to see if the teacher is a strong force.

Poor seed, I wanted Bajie Yanjing at the beginning, and married the teacher to the son of the martial arts prince of the Great Yan Empire. After the road was shattered, there was another golden avenue in front of you.

The poorer kind of teacher, originally was Miss Qianjin. Originally dressed in tight-fitting suits every day, I was swayed through the city, and now I was forced to wear a skirt of aristocratic gold, carrying a jug to the wine.

She is obviously a tigress, but she is forced to become a dignified and skilled person.

Shen Lang sat in the top of the center, listening to the following heavy ministers chatting, but he rarely spoke. A burst of scent came next to him, and the teacher was sitting on his side. As long as the wine was finished, she would fill it up immediately and help Shen Lang cut the meat.

The teacher is in the fire, but the action is meticulous.

In this life, only someone else waited for the grandmother's share. Even if she went to the palace, she would personally cut the fruit for him, and even sent it to her little mouth. He had never waited for anyone in this life. Now he has to wait for Shen Lang. Little white face, really want to blow up.

What is even more irritating is that Shen Lang is polite to him.

What do you mean? Are you not scum? Are you not a rogue? Do you look at the woman from the bottom to see the bottom up, from the middle to the two sides? Now that you have become a gentleman, you don’t have to look at me with a rogue look? What do you mean? Abandon me?

"My Royal Highness Princess, blood is a very wonderful thing. Although you are the face of a Westerner, I can still see that you have the blood of your body under the arm." He said: "I have studied it. Your pupil is the same as your Majesty. There is no one in the billion."

Hella, is this long princess called? However, after hearing the important words, Hella nodded: "Growing your eyes is really amazing. After returning to the East, you are almost the first person to see me and my brother's pupils unique."

Next, Hella came to Shenlang's side, wide-eyed eyes to make people see her and Shen Lang's eyes, and there is a huge difference between normal humans, deeper, different in structure and three-dimensionality. It is like the eyes of some animals, brighter and more mysterious than human eyes.

The teacher carefully discerned and exclaimed: "Really, I was curious at the time, why the eyes of Shen Lang are so different, it turns out that his eyes are not like people."

What is not like a person, can you talk?

"Cough and cough..." The cockroaches have no choice but to cough and express pessimism about their daughter's hopes of revitalizing the family.

The teacher not only has contradictions with Kim Mulan, but also has contradictions with Ning Yu, and there is also a fox-like Zhang Chunhua around Shen Lang. His daughter is almost nothing except the beauty and sultry.

Princess Dora said: "Lord, then how will we fight with the **** army of Tianya Haige? Will it still be in this hunting ground?"

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be. The war between me and Zhu Hongxue should be like a Western duel."

Princess Dora said: "That's the best."

Then, Princess Dora wants to stop talking.

Shen Langdao: "If you have something to say."

Princess Dora said: "Lord, the Amazon Legion has been protected in all aspects since you owe it to you. The biggest casualty comes from the fire of Hellfire. And you saved almost at the cost of your life. We, we are extremely grateful. But we are warriors, we need to fight, even if cruel training is more than a real battle, so you don't have to protect us too well, or die on the battlefield, or The battlefield has changed."

Shen Lang raised the cup and toasted towards Dora.

The teacher said: "It’s too good. Today’s battle is extremely shocking. It’s a one-sided slaughter. But my mind is thinking, from now on, there will be no shelter for our martial artists on the battlefield. Are we completely out of date? This feeling is really empty."

This time, the cockroach put the cup on the table, and his eyes stared at his daughter.

A teacher, a self-examination, I am not too much words?

Shen Langdao: "Princess Dora, the next battle, the real test for us is coming."

Against the blood soul army, the final battle of Tianyue City.


The people of the whole country are in a mood of ups and downs.

A few days ago, hundreds of thousands of troops marched south and attacked the waves. Many people in the country were thinking, and this is going to be finished. Shen Lang’s army is only 20,000 yuan in the district. How can he beat the army of four or five hundred thousand?

Then they estimated the time and waited for the news of the war. The capital of the country is too close to the Tianyue hunting ground camp. It is only a few tens of miles. When fighting, it should be able to hear it.

Therefore, this time, the people of the country are all erecting their ears and listening to the news from the south.

The result does not require vertical ears.

Booming! This deafening loud noise has not been heard for a few hours, and it has been easily passed for dozens of miles.

what is this? Thunder? But there is no cloud in the sky!

This voice was uploaded from the battlefield?

Soon after, the people of the country saw a wonderful scene. Countless soldiers fled back. At the beginning, there were only a few hundred people, thousands of others, and even 100,000 people fled back.

This, is this awkward? This has just started, how can I escape? Did Shen Lang win? impossible.

Of course, no one will say that the army that fled is a swell, because he adds up to 20,000 people, and these deserters are more than 100,000.

In the end, when Zhu Xi returned to the capital with tens of thousands of troops, everyone knows that this battle has won.

Because I wish this army with thousands of wounded people, countless people have blood on them, and dejected, it is simply to defeat the typical form of 仗.

In time, the people of the country are full of joy, and some even can't believe it.

Shen Lang has 20,000 people. In just less than one day, he defeated more than 400,000 people. How did he do it?

It’s incredible? Before you did what you did, you created a miracle. When you were a king, you still created a miracle. Now you are all called the emperor. Is it a miracle? It’s just too big.

However, the people of the country only dare to jump in their hearts and dare not cheer. Because everyone knows that the war is not over yet, the most powerful Tianya Haige Blood Soul Army is still not dispatched!


Within the palace, Yue Ning Shao almost doubted his life and really couldn't believe his ears.

" Lost? Lost in less than a day?"

"What are you doing? Forty thousand people, but not more than 20,000?"

Princess Ning Luo said: "Wrong, it is half a day. And we are not playing 20,000 people, but we have not touched the side of the Shenlang army. We have not lost a single shot.

Ning Shao squatted back to his throne, which really subverted his cognition.

What happened to this world? Forty thousand people couldn’t beat 10,000 or 20,000, and they didn’t even get to the side.

This world should not have such a bad person, he should have died.

Within the room, Ning Yi, Ning Luo and Ning Shao are silent. This Tianyue City Grand Final battle determined the fate of the entire South. They did not even care, but at least decided the fate of the three of them.

For a while, Wang Ning Shao asked: "What is the next step?"

The empty master of Tongtian Temple said: "The next step is to rely entirely on the blood soul army of Zhu Hongxue."

Ning Shaodao: "I wish Hong Xue and Shen Lang fight, what will happen?"

The empty master said: "If Shen Lang is the secret weapon that he showed today, then he will lose. In the face of the Blood Soul Army, there is no power to fight back."

Ning Shaodao: "Is the Blood Soul Army so strong?"

The master of the emptiness said: "It is stronger than I said. The armor that can’t be invaded, the artillery of Shen Lang can’t do anything. The ancient weapon against the sky, if the blood soul army fires, the support of the Shenlang army will be destroyed within a quarter of an hour. But... If Shen Lang has other secret weapons, it is another matter."

"Then everything is temporarily unrelated to us. The stage is no longer ours. It belongs to Shen Lang and Zhu Hongxue."

"The two talents are the real battle of Tianyue City and determine the fate of countless people!"


Note: Yesterday, sleep was fragmented, I went to eat, and then wrote the second! You are a big man, the monthly ticket gives me a brain!

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