History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 498: : I wish the road to the lime! Wu Wang ecstasy! Change the sky!

(Thank you for the 50,000 yuan reward of Yu Xiaoyao)

The mansion of the Zhu family has been changed at this time. It is no longer surrounded by the army of Shen Lang, but is handed over to the army of Ning Yi.

However, the people from the beginning to the end of the wave did not rush into the Zhufu, and even did not harass the family's family, Zhu family was in a state of semi-soft ban.

After all, at the crucial moment, Zhu Hongzhu still played a role in protecting all the "waves" of the Shen Lang, otherwise he did not know how many people would be killed by Ning Shao.

After Zhu Minmin returned to the palace, although he did not have the respect of the Queen Mother, he still became the most respected person in the government.

"Shantou, Shenlang instead of the Jin family to ask you for a kiss, what do you think?" asked the Queen Mother.

I wished Li Xiaoxiao: "Marrying Jin Mucong as a small sister?"

I wish the Queen Mother: "This should be just a drama of Shen Lang. He is a jerk, but the Marquis of Jin Zhuo is still very honorable. Once you marry, it is impossible to be a sly, only a wife."

I wish Li Tao: "With my position as a family, I can't marry Jin Mucong."

I wish the Queen Mother: "Then you don't care about the position of the family, would you marry Jin Mucong?"

I wished that I thought about it for a while, saying: "Aunt, would you be willing to marry Yue Wang?"

Zhu Minmin couldn't help but recall that she and Zhu Ning are somewhat like, they don't like politics at all, and they like to be immersed in the world of books, so she has always been a talented woman.

"I should not want to marry." Zhu Minmin said: "Because I can't look down on Ning Yuanxian in my heart."

I wish Li Tao: "But you have to marry the king for the family?"

Zhu Minmin said: "Yes, and after marrying, I feel more despised in my heart. When a man looks down on a woman, it may be pity for a long time, and the days are still going on. But when a woman looks down on a man, that The marriage of these two people is a tragedy, and the days must be too late."

I wish that Ning did not continue to ask, because the aunt’s marriage has been finalized, and it is a complete tragedy. She has never been happy in her life, and she has even been taken off now. Without a child, she returned to her family in isolation.

Zhu Minmin said: "Do you despise Jin Mucong?"

Zhu Ning shook his head and said: "I don't look down on him. In fact, I think he is very cute. It is a very good man."

Zhu Minmin looked at her for a long time and said: "No, you just look down on him. But your pride and upbringing make you unable to say such things. These qualities force you to not be able to despise a good person."

I wish the lemon was silent, and my aunt was right. In her heart, she was always unable to get to Kim Kim Cong.

Zhu Minmin said: "Sometimes people are very strange. I have been high above my life in front of Ning Yuanxian. I have been scorning him all the time. But now he has become tall, and I have become humble, he has even I don’t want to be disdainful. So, people don’t feel too good about themselves.”

When this is said, I wish you a glimpse of the lemon. This is not like what the aunt will say.


Inside the Zhu's study.

Zhu Ning is still reading a book. She was already ready to perform her family duties and marry Ning Yu. She did not expect that the marriage was still blown away. She returned to the study and was immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

So is she getting happy? On the surface, she even said that she regained her freedom.

But in fact, she seems to be so free and easy in her imagination, her heart is full of inexplicable anxiety, but she is not willing to admit it.

I wish Red Screen came in and sat directly in front of her.

"Would you like to marry Jin Mucong?" Zhu Hongping asked.

I wished that Ning shook his head and said, "I don't want to."

I wish the red screen a long sigh of relief, as if getting this answer made him feel better.

"The family is not willing to let you marry Jin Mucong. Although the Tianyue City Grand Prix has won the battle, it is destined to be a short-lived one. We wish that the family would prefer to go to prison without any connection with Shen Lang, and there must be no marriage. "I wish Hong Pingdao: "And we will not wait too long."

I wish Li Tao: "Is Yan Jing waiting for the reaction of Wu Wang and Chu Wang?"

I wish Hong Pingdao: "Soon, the army of the Great Yan Empire will sweep across the three southern countries. If I wish the support, then the future is still the master of this land. In fact, the Yanjing cabinet has been negotiated very early, once thoroughly unified After the Eastern World, the entire Vietnam Congress was changed into Yuezhou, with four provinces under its jurisdiction, and the highest governor was the ambassador."

I wish Li Tao: "If you have anything, you will say it."

I wish Hong Pingdao: "But at least the country is still in the hands of Shen Lang. You know that this person is very crazy. The face is like life. So he can clearly let the three thousand soldiers of Tongtian Temple be released. After sweeping his face, the three thousand soldiers were killed, and even the air was smashed into two halves. In order to face the waves, even the whole Tongtian Temple will not die."

I wish Li Tao: "Go ahead."

I wish Hong Pingdao: "So if Shen Lang sent someone to propose to Zhu, and we refused, it was to sweep his face, that is, hit his face, this person is narrow-minded and will retaliate in madness."

I wish the lemon face pale: "So?"

I wish the red screen trembled: "So, my grandfather meant not to let him have the opportunity to ask for a kiss."

I wish Li Tao: "So let me be sick in advance?"

I wish the red screen breathing became rushed and shivered: "Grandfather said, for the family, I wish anyone can sacrifice, including himself."

Then, he took out a bottle of medicine and put it on the table. He said: "This is the medicine of Futu Mountain. After taking it, it is like being infected with lungs. This is a terminal illness, and it is also contagious, so no one is any more. I dare to marry you."

I wish the lemon trembled: "Do you need me to die?"

In fact, what Zhu Hongzhu said is death, and anyone can die. But I wish Hongping and Zhu's sister-in-law a deep love, and I don't want to wish the lemon to die, so he thinks that it is most suitable for the terminally ill.

I wish Hong Pingdao: "A few months later, the army of the Great Yan Empire has already been hit. By that time, perhaps everything has changed, and the Shen Lang has already finished. These months are the darkness before dawn."

I wished that Ning took the bottle and glanced at it. It was a green liquid, and there seemed to be countless flaws.

"If you don't want to marry Jin Mucong and don't want to have anything to do with Shenlang, then you can drink it." Zhu Hongping said: "But I want to tell you clearly that this symptom is exactly the same as the lungs, very painful, coughing. It’s like the lungs are splitting and they will vomit blood.”

His words have not been finished, I wish the lemon has unscrewed the bottle and drank it in one breath.

After drinking, I wished Li Ning a smile and said: "I have to continue reading."

I wish Red Screen went out.

Just over an hour later, there was a coughing sound in the study room.


Soon, the whole Tianyue City spread a message, the first talented woman in the country, I wished that the lemon was infected with the terminally ill lungs. I have already asked countless doctors to read it. They said that they have not been saved. They are yellow and thin, and they are coughing up every day.

After Shen Lang heard this, he couldn't help but scream, then he went to the palace.

"Seeing the big crowd." Mrs. Zhu, I wish Hongping and others to be meticulous.

Shen Langdao: "Miss Ms. Li got a lunge?"

Mrs. Zhu Xi said in tears: "Yes, who can think of it? This disease has started a few months ago. She was very sick and sick from an early age. She was not in a hurry at first, and we did not think about it. Recently There have been too many things happening at home, and her symptoms have become more and more serious. She has been diagnosed with lungs and has not had much time."

Then, Mrs. Zhu Xi cried: "God is too cruel to me, so I let my white hair send black hair."

Shen Langdao: "I will go see her."

"Don't, don't, you are the body of a thousand dollars, this is a terminal illness, but there is a contagious period." Mrs. Zhu Xi trembled.

Shen Lang said nothing, directly into the room of Zhu Ning.

Sure enough, I heard a fierce coughing sound, and it was so long that it seemed to be coughing up the lungs.

Entering the room to see the wish lemon, as if to see a female ghost, face pale, thin skinny, the ground is full of white paper, the top is coughed out blood.

I only saw it for a few days, and I wished that the lemon had changed completely. It was really dying, as if it could be thrown away at any time.

Shen Lang went to the bed and asked: "I wish you a lemon, do you have lungs?"

"Cough and cough..." I wished a strong cough of the lemon: "Yes, it is the lungs, and the adult is a medical person. It should be seen at a glance."

Shen Lang sighed a sigh: "Mr. Madam, I originally wanted to be a medium, let Zhu Rong marry my family Jin Mucong."

I wish the lady: "Jin Mu Cong is a good boy, born noble, talented, outstanding, but it is a good match, but unfortunately we are not blessed with lemon, this is destined, and the child can not climb the Jin Mucong."

Shen Lang slowly said: "Hello, this time I came back from the Western world, I smiled and told Jin Mucong, I will find a good girl for him, and he still said your name. So this is what I have. I wish you a good friend, of course, this person is a mouthful, what a good word in my mouth is said to be a wave of three points, what makes you a Jin Xiaocong's little sister. As for my father-in-law, the temper, how could you make you jealous? ”

The sound of Shen Lang was very calm, but I wished that the face of the lemon had changed, and even I held my breath.

"You don't promise nothing, the twisted melon is not sweet." Shen Lang said faintly: "After the end of the Tianyue City Grand Finale, I haven't mentioned this thing. I originally thought about letting you."妃 妃 妃 妃 。 。 。 。 。 。 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 妃 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠 柠I still have no wife and no love."

The voice of Shen Lang has become more calm. He said: "The last time I asked Jin Mucong to propose to Zhu, I have not revealed my identity. I really want to marry. I want to make the transition of the Vietnamese state smooth, and I can support it. Ning Yi, can you support Ning Zheng? The result is a tentative test. It is not the Yue State that loyal to the loyalty, but the great empire’s **** in Vietnam. Eating the food of Vietnam, it is doing the Great Yan Empire. thing."

"And this time I intend to propose to you, it is purely for the happiness of Jin Mucong. Now I don't need to marry you. I don't want to force you if you want to be unwilling, otherwise you will have a strong start. You don't want to say it, you don't have to have a disease, and you don't have to prescribe it.

When the words came out, I wished the lady: "Shen Lang, the lemon is really a lung, all the doctors have seen it, she is a lung."

Shen Langdao: "This is not a lung sputum. This is a kind of bacterial infection. It is a very stubborn bacterium. If I have not guessed it wrong, this medicine should come from Futu Mountain. You are smart, let the lemon pretend to be infected with pulmonary dysfunction, so you don't have to worry about my family. I asked for a kiss from Zhu Ning, and after a few months, the Great Yan Empire ushered in, and once again, the world has changed dramatically, and you have weathered the crisis smoothly. You fear me, I will be angry when I refuse to ask for my love. It’s good to kill, it’s good, fear is a good character.”

"Of course, it is very dangerous for you to do this. According to the current development of the disease, although this is not a lung, but I wish that the lemon may die faster." Shen Langdao: "After the treatment of Futu Mountain, I wish you alive. However, in the past two months, the lungs have not died so fast. No one can save you in this half-month. You will die."

When this was said, I wished that Li’s eyes were full of fear. She was also a young girl, and certainly she did not want to die.

Shen Lang reached out and suddenly placed a box in his hand. After opening it was ten penicillins.

"Futu Mountain does not necessarily save you, but I can save you from the waves." Shen Lang said: "This is the medicine I have studied. I can cure the disease of the lemon, and it will take less than ten days to heal." ""

As soon as this was said, the family of Zhu’s family changed dramatically. I wished my wife to tremble and cried: “Shen Lang’s adult, my family wished that the lemon was just a nerd. It’s really not worthy of Jin Mucong’s son. We can’t climb high.”

Shen Langdao: "This marriage has never been mentioned since then. You wish the family not to see me sinking, not to see the Jin family."

Then, Shen Lang turned to the human body behind him: "Is it seen? The world has not done a good job of walking the dog. This marriage is no longer mentioned, you don't have to worry about me forcing you to marry you."

After all, Shen Lang walked out to the outside. When he was halfway through, he stopped again and immediately wished his wife a shock.

Shen Langdao: "Fear is a good character, but do you think that my swell is a fool? Am I a fool? Deceive me, do you have no psychological pressure? I wish you a very smart girl, you too Do you feel that you are deceiving me?

I wish the lemon trembled: "Shen Lang adults, isn't that what you forced? If you forced you to marry Jin Mucong, why should I pretend to be cheating on you?"

"I force you?" Shen Lang said: "I forced you? The reason why I let the Zhu family live to the present is because you still have rules, even until now, I have maintained a fight with me. You have to let the girl like me to fool me, this is still not afraid, you are still not afraid of me, can't you be my so-called emperor?"

"Well, OK, OK, I wish you know why you can give you the magic medicine to save you?" Shen Lang slowly said: "I want you to know what will happen to your actions today. I originally opened the family for you." A window, but you closed this window. Rest assured that I will not kill you, because you have not felt the real despair, if you kill you, it would be too cheap."

"Hello, I want you to live, just to let you see the true despair of your family in the future. You will be very sorry for the deception of me today. Even at that time, I wish you the Lord, Zhu Xi and You wish that the lemon will linger in front of me, crying and crying for my forgiveness, desperately wanting Bajie Jin Mucong to become her little sister."

"Please, I wish you to remember that today you have made the way to the end. When you are completely desperate, you must not be jealous in front of me. It is useless."


Wu Guo!

The matter was exactly as Wu Wang expected, and the insignificant case eventually burned to the head of Wu Zhi, the last barrier in front of King Wu.

Moreover, Wu’s domestic cabinet is more urgent than imagined. In just over half a month, this small case has turned into a terrible case. More and more people are arrested, more and more people die, and finally It has become a big event.

According to a joint investigation by the Cabinet and Dali Temple, the peasants killed in this land merger case have more than a thousand farmers, and hundreds of innocent women have been killed.

The climax of the development of the matter is to dig a huge corpse, there are dozens of corpses in the whole, from the elderly to the children, this is an ordinary cultivating family Lin, there are two scholars in the family, because hundreds Mu Mu Sang Tian, ​​the whole family was buried alive. The culprit through the investigation was the guerrilla general Wang Qing'an in Mian County.

Who is this Wang Qing'an? The Privyly made Wu Zhiwang's guardian origin, and the entire family was loyal to the Wu family for generations. Wang Qing'an's martial arts is very good, but the commander is talented, so despite Wu Zhi's support, it was only a guerrilla general in his fifties, but the entire Wu State knew that he was Wu Zhi's absolute confidant, several generations of family members. .

After the big case broke out, it immediately caused an uproar in Wu. Under the guidance of countless people, Wang Qingan became the beast of the thousands of people, and the great devil of humanity was destroyed. In order to compete for the hundreds of acres of forest land, it turned out to be I will bury dozens of people in the family.

The whole Wu State shouted and screamed and killed, and Wang Qing’s slashing and killing the whole family. Numerous imperial censorships flew into the palace like snowflakes, and countless scholars were in the palace, asking Wu Wang to give an account to the world. Even millions of Wu Guowan people have been strongly infected, calling and killing Wang Qing security.

Although it has been expected that things will happen, Wu Wang is still overwhelmed. He did not expect that the other party will do things to this point and bury dozens of people in the family.

This Wang Qing security family has been arrested and imprisoned, but has never been executed because he has confessed many earth-shattering secrets. What he said is just a slap in the face. He is completely ordered to act. The mulberry fields that he has taken for him are only nominally owned by him. The real master is the son of Wu Zhi.

Moreover, Wang Qing'an also donated a field book, and he alone occupied more than 30,000 acres of fertile land, but these Liangtian are in the name of Wu Zhizhi's son Wu Hao.

And he confessed that there are still many people like him. Wu Zhi sent a slave to be an official, and invaded and occupied hundreds of thousands of acres of Mintian. He was the biggest corrupt official of the whole country, the biggest murderer, and the murder of mergers and acquisitions. In the process of tens of thousands of acres of good land, there are no fewer than a thousand people who kill innocent people.

However, these supply cabinets are just out of the way, but they are not really taken out.

Undoubtedly, this is forcing Wu to express his position and forcing Wu Zhi to step down. If Wu Zhi is not willing to resign from the ambassador, they will disclose these confessions, and the fire will burn directly on his head.

So did Wu Zhi do these things?

Really no, there are countless generals who have released his men. There must be some wrongdoings. Some people even swallow the fields in his name. But Wu Zhi’s family style is extremely strict, and he has been a royal family for generations. How much is the requirement, he is rich and prosperous in his life, and he has no selfish ambitions. What do you want to do with so many gold and silver fields?

This Wang Qing'an is a dead place, has been bought by the cabinet, or threatened, bite Wu straight.

Not only that, but also about these fields, they are also made seamless, indeed in the name of Wu Hao, the evidence is conclusive. However, Wu Hao did not know until now that he still has more than 100,000 mu of good land.

Wu Wang is still young, and he has not had many storms in his succession. He was a prince from his teens, so he has not experienced a dirty struggle without a bottom line.

At this moment, he was completely shocked. In order to pull down Wu Zhi, the other party made such a violent move in order to reach into the army of Wu.

Will Lin Xiucai’s family of dozens of people be buried alive? Of course not Wang Qingan, but others.

Wu You of Blackwater Taiwan has been investigated clearly, but the other party destroyed all evidence.

Moreover, sometimes the truth is meaningless, and this huge wave has already been created by the other side, and it is wrapped in the public opinion of the sky.


Zhang Danfeng, Prime Minister of Wu Domestic Court, once again came to see Wu Wang.

"Your Majesty, this is the confession of Wang Qing'an, and the relevant evidence is really shocking." Zhang Danfeng put his hands on the road: "But because this case involves the royal family, the old minister is really trembled, like a thin ice, do not know how to be good, please also His majesty is arbitrarily arbitrary."

Wu Wang took over these confessions and related field evidence.

This moment really came, the real picture was poor, and the cabinet was only constantly releasing the wind, saying that this case may involve Wu Zhi.

If Wu Zhizhi immediately resigned after this time, then the fire would not burn on his head. He was still innocent. But Wu Zhi did not respond, and the cabinet simply opened the matter.

Wu Wang looked at these confessions and was so angry that he was shaking. The Great Yan Empire has penetrated deeply into my Wu country. You, the civil servants and the empires, joined hands and really covered the sky. Such a vain thing is hard to be made into an iron case by you.

Wu Guo borders the Great Yan Empire, so the penetration of the acceptance is also the most powerful. Basically, after Wu Qi succeeded to the throne, his struggle with the civil servant began. A few years ago, the Vietnamese and the Soviet Union rebelled. Wu Qi’s troops invaded Vietnam and sent Wu Mu to steal the troops to seek the anger city. The original plan was very good, and the sound of the East hit the West.

However, Wu Mu was still lost. Ning Yuanxian’s adventure was successful, and the army smashed into Wu State, which made the young Wu Wang experience the first defeat. After that, he was attacked by the entire Wu Guowenchen. Shangshutai Trying to empty the young Wu King and further move closer to the Great Yan Empire.

At that time, it was the Privy that made Wu Zhijin come forward and kicked the ring, which shocked the Wuchens.

Two or three years ago, when the Shenlang incident occurred, the Great Yan Empire took the opportunity to reorganize the countries of the world. It was too close to the Great Yan Empire and penetrated too much. Wu’s domestic cabinet officially grasped the power of internal affairs and once again began to strongly Counterattack.

A few years ago, Wu Zhi began to kill the Wenchens. He was already hated, and now the cabinet is going to die.

"Wang Qing'an **** it, and it should be a thousand knives." Wu Wang was snarling in his heart. Wang Qing'an was a slave to Wu Zhi. He was the master of the moment, biting Wu Zhikou and planting this sinful crime on his head.

"Your Majesty, how should the cabinet handle the case, please show it clearly." Zhang Danfeng bowed.

Wu Wang faintly said: "Zhang Xiang, your Zhang family is in Wu State, should you be Wu Chen?"

Prime Minister Zhang Danfeng said: "Chen has always been the minister of Wu."

Wu Wangdao: "Is it true? Did you hear about it? Shen Lang sent troops to Tianyue City, and that a big decisive battle has broken out."

Prime Minister Zhang Danfeng said: "Shenlang chaos thieves, jumping clowns, will lose no doubt, your Majesty does not have to pay too much attention, this person is unknown, too much implicated fear leads to trouble."

Wu Wangdao: "The widow does not believe that Wang Shu will do this, so all this is just Wang Qing's random bite. What does Zhang Xiang think?"

Zhang Danfeng said: "Chen also believes in the character of the Privy Council, but now it has been proved to be a mountain, perhaps Wu Zhida is too indulgent to his family."

Wu Wangdao: "What is the cabinet going to do?"

Zhang Danfeng said: "This case is extinct and sensational. It is not just Wu Guo. The whole world, and even the emperor, are paying attention. Of course, the opinions of other countries can be ignored, but Wu Guowan people are distressed every day, eager to return. They are a hero, so Chen felt that he could not live up to the people's hearts because of personal feelings. The people's heart is like water. Once the people of the world are centrifuged, my Wu Guochaotang is like a boat without water."

Wu Wang said faintly: "You still know the people's heart, the people's heart is in the eyes of you Zhang Danfeng, what is it?"

As soon as this was said, Zhang Danfeng bowed his head: "Let's make this statement and let the ministers be terrified."

Wu Wang waved and waved: "Okay, you mean that the widows know, let go."

Zhang Danfeng cried and said: "Your Majesty, please make a decision early, the people can not bully."

Then he went back.

After the departure of this person, the squad made Wu Zhi, the general of the general Wu Mu, and the black water Taiwan Wu You all came out.

"How is the battle situation? How is the battle situation?" Wu Wang trembled: "Tian Yuecheng decisive battle, what is the result? Shen Lang's Majesty and Zhu Hongxue blood soul army decisive battle, what is the result?"

Wu trembled and said: "Your Majesty, the news has not yet arrived."

Wang Shuwu was silent for a long time, saying: "Your Majesty, at the crucial moment, the old minister can give an explanation to the world."

Wu Wangdao: "Representation? What is the account, not what you do, what to do? What do you mean by committing suicide?"

Wu Zhidao: "I can commit suicide, but in exchange, Wu Mu must become a ambassador."

"Ha ha ha..." Wu Wangdao: "My uncle Wang, you committed suicide, the stigma on your body will be even more unclear, and it will be stinking for a long time. Wu Mu is too young, even if he is forced to do the ambassador, he can not sit. Steady."

Wu Zhidao: "But things are allowed to continue to develop in this way. It is even more unfavorable for your Majesty. It is better to stop the loss on the veteran. There is still room for squatting."

Wu Wang patted Wu Zhi’s shoulder and said: "My old uncle, the world has changed, the other side has no bottom line. After killing you, the next goal is me, there is no room for compromise, no compromise. There is room for it."

Then the young Wu Wang came to the map and slowly said: "This break is no longer within Wu Guo. Don't think about using political means to solve this problem. If it is not unexpected, then the intention of Yan Jing will be The pressure has come, and even the imperial minister will come to investigate the big case personally. If I still don't compromise, if you don't, then this basin of sewage will spill on me."

"Wang Shu, Wu Mu, don't care about anything, just wait for the result of the Tianyue City Grand Finale. If God blesses Shen Lang and wins, then we will kill and directly change the camp. And if God does not have eyes Let Shen Lang lose down, then... then we will die."

"I Wu Qining can die and die, and I don't want to be a pig dog in other countries."


The development of the next thing really did not come out of Wu Wang’s expectations.

The cabinet continued to release the wind, and madly created public opinion. The murder case of land annexation was directly burned to Wang Shuwu.

Then, Yan Jing directly sent the imperial mission to supervise the case. The imperial minister was still the prince of the empire, and the relative of Ning Yuanxian.

After the coming of the prince of Lian, he saw the side of Wu Wang and read the emperor’s sacred decree. Then he settled in the cabinet and personally supervised the case. He was going to make this blood case into an iron case.

Even if Wu Wang did not deliberately remove the privy, Wu Zhi did not matter. The imperial empire would directly arrest Wu Zhi into Yan Jing and directly slap a slap in the face of Wu Wang.

At this time, Wu Wang, regardless of the progress of the cabinet, and no matter how cold the attitude of the Prince of the Empire, he is waiting for the news of Tianyuecheng.

His attitude is already very clear, Shen Lang won, he wants to do. Shen Lang loses, he has to do it. Other people's butcher's knives are already on the neck, still thinking about negotiations? Still thinking about compromise? How childish?

"Your Majesty, the imperial prince of the imperial prince summoned the people of Wangcheng and personally stated that no matter who involved this case, he would handle it impartially, and he would give an explanation to the innocent victims of Wu."

"Your Majesty, the Dali Temple has been finalized, and the Privy has made Wu Zhida the chief culprit."

"Your Majesty, the imperial minister of the imperial minister, has led the army to the palace, to arrest Wu Zhiwang."

One message is constantly coming over, and one is worse than one, and one is more urgent than one.

However, Wu Wang was not angry and laughed. He said: "Why is the Lian Prince so eager? It seems as if he is trying to catch up with time, as if he was forced to compromise completely before a certain time. I have a hunch, and soon there will be good news. ""

"The purpose is that the Guards are ready to fight!"

Wu Wang eagerly walked around the hall and said: "I have a hunch, no, I am sure, good news will come soon, and Shen Lang will win."

He was so excited that he was shaking, his eyes were red, his breath was short, and he couldn’t even sit still.

At this time, Wu You rushed in and shivered and said: "His great joy, great joy, Tianyue City decisive battle, Shen Lang won the victory, I wish the Red Blood Soul Army completely destroyed."

Suddenly, Wu’s body was stiff in the same place. The incomparable ecstasy shocked his whole body like a lightning strike. The excitement and ecstasy seemed to be blasted in an instant. Although he had already expected it, he was shocked and numb when he actually heard it. .

Amazing sighs, do you really win? And also killed the blood of the Tianya Haige Army? How is this possible? Is this amazing? My sighs, you are really omnipotent.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

"Ha ha ha aha..."

Wu Wang laughed loudly and walked over to the table, desperately hitting the table with his fist. Then he came to the wall with the map and barely punched it.

"God has eyes, God bless the waves!"

"Come on, wear armor for the widows, prepare for the Guards, and go to the cabinet to rebel with the widows!"

"The widows, it is necessary to open the killing, Wu Guo is going to change the sky!"


Note: The second one is sent, today is updated one thousand five, double monthly ticket, brothers give me!

Recommend "I am really a rich second generation", very chic urban text.

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