History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 518: : See you again! Win no green hat

Shen Lang has been considering the situation after the Tianyue City Grand Finale.

Before playing Tianyue City, he prepared for the next big battle, that is, the Destroyed Fleet of Tianya Haige, because of the repentance of the dragon, the battle became a breeze. Dingyuan City’s war, despite its earth-shattering, is completely aftermath, even a conspiracy.

So long ago, Shen Lang was thinking about the loss of Tianya Haige. What should I do next?

There are two things that are quite unexpected. The first one, the Futu Mountain has developed too fast, and after the ancient ruins of the southern seas, the development of the Fukat Mountain in the past three years has exceeded the previous decades, making it far beyond Tianya Haige, even seeking to become the second Bai Yujing's status, separated from the order of the Eastern world mastered by the Emperor Yan.

The second one, Futu Mountain has a lot of dragon repentance.

This has created a fatal crisis. Originally, Shen Lang felt that relying on the seized ancient equipment could protect the city. But now it seems that this is very difficult, basically can not do, after the dragon's regret is exhausted, Shen Lang lost its strategic deterrent.

Of course, he also wanted to carry out strategic blackmail, so that people in the world thought he had a lot of dragon regrets. He has succeeded in half. Now almost everyone in the world thinks that he still has a lot of dragon regrets. After all, he used dozens of pieces in Dingyuan City.

But at a critical moment, you must not have an illusion about the enemy. Especially when it comes to the first impact of the Comet of Fire Dragon, it is almost the same as the time of the rise of the Great Yan Empire. Then Shen Lang must be mentally prepared. About this big comet, he and Vulcanism are not only the only two. It turns out that this is the case. The emperor of the Great Yan, who has won, and won, has won the big impact of the comet.

Jin and Tongtian Temple became the biggest victims of this conspiracy. Of course, there is a bit of deep confusion. Do you know the truth about this big comet? First of all, the relationship between Yu Tiange and the Emperor of Great Yan is very close. Even it is actually a detachment force controlled by the Great Yan Dynasty.

If Qi Tiange knows the truth about the big impact of the comet, why should he send 20,000 secret corps to participate in the Western Route Army of the Confucius of the Jin Dynasty? If the 诛天阁 does not know, then why is there a figure in the sky after the big impact?

Shen Lang made two fake dragon eggs, one iron will be given to win the father and son. The other one, he is preparing to give the royal family, but who will go to grab another fake dragon egg, it is really unknown. But what is certain is that no matter who took the fake dragon egg, it will not run and win the Guang said that we got a dragon egg.

Closer to home, since someone has seen the truth of the big impact of the comet, then the bottom of the wave without the regret of the dragon is completely leaked.

So what does he rely on to protect the anger city? Protecting Wu Chuyue and the Three Kingdoms?

Because of the rapid rise of Futu Mountain and the integration with the New Kingdom, the situation in the world has undergone new changes.

Shen Lang, the so-called Dagan Dynasty, is the biggest opponent of the Great Emperor, but it is no longer. The United Group of Winguang and Futu Mountain is the emperor’s biggest enemy.

Because Futu Mountain has repeatedly released signals, it is even more deadly for the Great Yan Dynasty to let the winners of the Wutu Mountain participate in the detachment of the powers. This represents a huge force to stand on its own. The combination of the New Dry Kingdom and the Futu Mountain can be much more powerful than Shen Lang. Once it declares its independence, the blow to the Great Yan Dynasty is enormous.

Originally, Tianya Haige could also contain Winguang and Futu Mountain, but did not expect the Ninghan Fleet to lose to Shenlang. The left-handedly decisively withdrew from Vietnam and desperately invested in the development of the desert. Therefore, the entire Eastern world has turned into the Roman Empire, the New Kingdom, and the Three Kingdoms.

Emperor Da Yan took the opportunity to retreat, and he squatted down, confessing that Shen Lang had dozens of dragon repentances, and ordered the army to retreat. In fact, because the temporary existence of Shen Lang was already beneficial to the Emperor Yan, he was able to maximize Shake the win and the Futu Mountain.

In the eyes of the people of the world, Shen Lang must first deal with the father and son of Ying Guang, and then deal with the Great Yan Empire. Because the new kingdom is the home country, the entire eastern world can only have one big dry.

Then a very serious problem is placed in front of Shen Lang. How does he resist the Futu Mountain and win the Guang? Once they launch a fatal blow to the City of Rage, can the Surge City be saved without the repentance of the Dragon?

Originally, Shen Lang thought it was possible. After all, he had a lot of large-caliber artillery pieces, and the ancient giants were powerful and powerful, and they also seized a large amount of ancient equipment from Tianya Haige.

However, from the recruitment of the observers of Futu Mountain, Shen Lang discovered that Futu Mountain is not the former Futu Mountain. It is much stronger than imagined, and it has been unable to maintain the anger city by normal means. So when everyone is celebrating the victory, Shen Lang is trying his best to find a way out, and there is no way to go.

Therefore, he and the mirror will only say that it seems to be the most dangerous moment on the surface. In fact, it is the most dangerous moment. He is under the feet of hell. He raises his eyes and finds a desperate situation in front of him. There is no way out.

Of course, there are strategic weapons in the hands of the raging city, that is, the ancient warships of the Tianya Haige, can protect the sea power of the anger city to a certain extent, but can resist the Floatshan fleet? This ancient giant relic found in Futu Mountain is at sea. There are ancient warships in Tianyahaige. Who can say with certainty that Futu Mountain does not?

Moreover, the ancient warship seized by the Shenlang has been melted and distorted by the dragon's remorse, and it takes a short time to repair it.

So at this time, Shen Lang moved the thought again, took the baby to the devil's triangle, and conquered those super powerful sea monsters to protect the sea area of ​​the raging city. But thinking about it or giving up, because there is still a way to let the adventure, it is better to let yourself take risks.

This road looks like an abyss, incomparably sinister, but it is the only way out. Shen Lang did not have the repentance of the dragon. There was no strategic threat, and he could not resist the attack of Futu Mountain and Winguang on the Angry City.

Then he regards himself as a strategic weapon.

For Winong and his son, Shen Lang is ten times more important than the Angry City. Even they attacked the raging city, but also to arrest, or kill the waves.

They must have killed the waves, but since Shen Lang successfully launched the dragon's repentance, everything changed. Shen Lang has become a valuable city for Win-Guang, not only can not die, but also live well. Because Futu Mountain has a lot of dragon regrets, but it can't be launched completely, without permission.

The unrequited dragon repentance cannot be a strategic deterrent, especially the Great Yan Empire.

Therefore, as long as Shen Lang actively enters the hands of Winong and his son, the Angry City will become safe. Even if this move seems unwise, Shen Lang has made countless trade-offs in his mind, and finally made this decision.

He originally wanted to discuss with the demon, but the enemy demon said no, tell her how to do it.

Then, Shen Lang took the initiative to go deep into the enemy's territory and fell into the hands of Winong and his son. What is the purpose? What does he want to do?

The first important purpose is to get the dragon's regret, even if only one can become a huge strategic deterrent, able to save the anger city. At present, only the Futu Mountain has a dragon's remorse in the place known to the entire Eastern world. Therefore, Shen Lang must pull his teeth at the mouth of the tiger, or he can't reach the tiger's den.

The second goal is not the main one, but if it can be done better, it is the relationship between Futu Mountain and Win-Guang.

The radioactive material in this fake dragon egg can be fatally devastated to the body of Winong and his son. Even if it is completely unknown, it takes a certain amount of time. Shenlang must grasp this radiation lethality because he and this Dragon eggs also have a short time to get along.

Of course, the blood of Shen Lang is very wonderful. He can't even determine whether radioactive materials will cause damage to his body.


At this time, Shen Lang was lying on the bed, standing in front of a majestic woman, did not see the figure of winning.

"Where is this?" Shen Lang asked again.

"No comment." The other side said.

Shen Langdao: "Winning no meditation?"

"No comment." The other side said.

Shen Langdao: "What about my clothes? Why did you make me so clean? Do you want to sleep me?"

The majestic woman’s face trembled and said: “No comment.”

As if in addition to these four words, she would not say anything in general.

Shen Langdao: "Give me back the clothes, I can't always be naked."

"No comment."

"Well, just barely, I don't care anyway, but I don't think you should look at it, lest you think about it." Shen Lang said: "Although I occasionally taste heavy, it has become a lot lighter now, you Don't think about me, I won't sleep for you."

The majestic woman’s face had a convulsion, and she resisted the urge to smash the waves.

Next, Shen Lang really walked out of bed without shame, began to wander around the room and observe every place, because he must know where this is?

The result was completely ignorant because the room didn't even have windows.

But he knows that it has been more than ten days since he was won.

Was he at the new kingdom or at the Buddhism Mountain at this time? Or is it somewhere else?

No clues were found in the room, and Shen Lang walked toward the door, and the result was stopped by the majestic woman.

"You can't step out of the door of this room." The majestic woman said that his arms stretched out and it was easy to block the waves.

This woman is very martial, and her blood talent is also very high. It is similar to the special blood vessels of ginger. It is similar to the blue violent, Tu Da, Tu Er's super fierce, but slightly different, her blood. A little bit evil.

So, Shen Lang nose is close to her body has been sniffing, has been sniffing.

Smelling her face and sniffing her chest, Jane rushed to the extreme.

This majestic woman was slightly trembling, and almost all of her body was erected. She had never experienced any man in her life, and she was not interested in men, but she was the first time she was being tempted.

It can't be done because the scum is too brittle, and she can slap a slap.

"You are a special bloodline cultivated by Futu Mountain. The force is very strong. It is not only a master of the master class. The key is the blood-level master." Shen Langdao: "It is a super-combat of the battlefield. It is a pity to watch the door here. What's your name?"

The majestic woman’s face trembled: “No comment.”

Shen Langdao: "Suddenly, my sister, you have stripped me clean, I am sure that I am afraid of what kind of intrigues I am using, right? I am afraid of what kind of poison or nightmare stone I used, so I took all the things from me. Even afraid of hiding things, I don’t want to wear clothes. But don’t you know that some prisoners are hiding things in their ass?”

The majestic woman’s face twitched again.

Shen Langdao: "Do you want to check it out, maybe I have something hidden in my ass."

There was a sound of gnashing teeth in the air. This majestic woman could not imagine that such awkward person turned out to be a great emperor. It turned out to be the son of Jiang Li, and there was no eye in heaven.

But then no matter what Shen Lang said and did, there is only four words in this majestic woman. There is no comment.

Shen Lang was completely imprisoned in this 20 square meter room and could not go out at all.

But he is not in a hurry, because the opportunity will always come.


Win Guang holds this dragon egg and observes it carefully.

Win the innocent: "The scale above it is exactly the same as the depression that hit the deep pit, and the shell of this dragon egg is extremely strong, completely afraid of any sword, any flame."

Win wide closes his eyes, as if to feel the energy of the inside, he has not seen the dragon, but he has seen the dragon's regret.

Really can feel a power, very mysterious and strange power, and even faintly smell the breath of the dragon.

The most important thing is that the radioactive material inside is too mysterious. The Eastern world has never seen it. The radiant energy is continuously released, which makes people feel that there is a dragon in it.

Therefore, this dragon egg is more true than the real, Shen Lang has not seen the real dragon egg, perhaps the real dragon egg has no energy to penetrate.

Next, the most important thing for Winong and his son is how to incubate it, because there is no custom at all, and this dragon egg is too precious. I dare not try it easily. I can only read the classics desperately, hoping to find relevant data.

"The thing about this dragon egg can't tell anyone, including your fiancee." Win the road.

"Yes." Win no invincible.

Win Guangdao: "Will the Shenlang say?"

Win no insult: "No, he is the smartest person in the world, and he doesn't even need to threaten. Once he dares to speak half a word, I will slash him. This person loves his life and body most. I won't say it."

Win-Guang continued to love the dragon egg in his hand, and even felt like he had grasped the emperor's jade.

The real dragon, the dragon is the emperor.

Win no insult: "Father, what reaction did the emperor have on behalf of the Futu Mountain to participate in the detachment of the parliament?"

Win Guangdao: "The emperor will not say it, but the Prince said that he is eager to see you in the detachment of the parliament."

Win no insult: "That is to say that it is absolutely not allowed."

Winning Guangdao: "Of course not allowed, there is a white jade in the world is enough. Twenty years ago, there was a **** leave, trying to subvert the order of the eastern world. As a result, Jiang was killed. Now he certainly does not allow There is a second person who subverts his order, but... we have no choice but to win the father and son."

The Emperor of Great Yan will surely unify the world, not only will he start with the Jin State, but will also do something about it.

Today, the Jin State has lost more than 600,000 troops, and the Prince’s life and death is not clear. The biggest obstacle to prevent the emperor from unifying the world is to win Guangwu and Futu Mountain.

"This detachment power council is very important. Once you officially represent Futu Mountain, it officially represents the official combination of my new kingdom and Futu Mountain, and officially breaks away from the order of the present Eastern world." Win Guangdao: "So the Emperor will definitely Do everything possible to stop this from happening, and even make some terrible blows to our dry country."

Win without a meditation: "So we need a strategic deterrent, and the sinking waves become very important."

Win Guangdao: "The key moment is to shoot a dragon's regret, warning the Great Yan Empire not to act rashly. Once you successfully attend the detachment power council and the Great Fire Royals can't do anything, then we succeeded in this step and officially stepped out of the first step of self-reliance. ""

Win without a meditation: "In fact, the emperor is still full of anticipation for Shen Lang. He also hopes that he can obstruct us and create trouble for us, but Shen Lang disappointed him."


One day, three days, five days, ten days, half a month.

In the next few days, Shen Lang was still under house arrest in the room of 20 square meters. He could not go out half a step. He still didn't know where it was. He still didn't see the second person.

He always faced this majestic woman. Except for no comment, she would never say the fifth word. Even Shen Lang did not even know her name.

These days, in addition to sleeping is to eat, completely as a pig to raise. Unable to talk, unable to read.

Switching to other people has long been crazy, and was confined in this room for ten days. There was no entertainment and no one spoke.

If you don't have a brain, you don't even know the time. You don't know the day and night, and you don't know how long it has passed.

Completely as usual.

But the ants who don't know the direction will turn around in the hot pot. Shen Lang is the wise man of the top. Don't say that he is crazy. He doesn't even have a little abnormality.

The enemy is sneaking, but he clearly controls the rhythm of time.

Soon, someone should see him. If there is no accident, then within two or three days, because the distance from the detachment of the parliament is getting closer, his chances will soon come.

Sure enough, Shen Lang was imprisoned here for the nineteenth day.

One day he was sleeping blindly, and suddenly there was a loud noise. The majestic woman carried a large bucket and was bathed in water.

"Hurry to take a shower, the whole body must be cleaned, not a little dirt." The majestic woman finally said the second sentence.

Shen Lang climbed up from the bed and entered the bathtub. He originally wanted to say that I never used to take a bath myself, but the ultimate is still not dare to say it, because this fierce sister is very powerful, let her help take a shower, I am afraid to take off one. Layer skin.

"I love to bathe my skin well..." Shen Lang sang and took a shower.

After washing, put on a brand new clothes, but it is not a brocade, but a linen.

What does it mean? Worried that I am too handsome and attractive? So what is going to be seen next is a woman?

"Follow me, don't take a step, don't let you look around, or you will be at your own risk." The majestic woman said, then walked outside.

Finally, Shen Lang walked out of the room for nineteen days. If there is no accident, there should be a big man who wants to see him.

Next is the winding corridor, deep and quiet, all rocky, full of traces of the years, candlelight everywhere, no sunshine, no windows.

Shen Lang can conclude that this is a dungeon somewhere, and it is probably a dungeon controlled by the Futu Mountain.

After walking for a while, I came to a door with four female warriors guarding the door. Each one was a special blood, and the martial arts was very strong.

"Hey!" The stone door opened.

"Go in." The majestic female warrior.

Shen Lang walked in. This is a huge stone room, grand and simple, but there is no luxury at all. On the contrary, it is very deep and cold. The temperature is much lower than the outside. It looks like a mausoleum, and it is ancient times. tomb.

"Shen Lang..." A cold voice sounded like a piece of ice.

The cold frost of Ninghan is deliberately suppressed all the year round, and the voice of this woman in front of her eyes is really cold, and it makes people feel bitter when they listen.

"Let you see an old man." This cold woman said.

Then, a fire lit up next to it, and there was a cage made of thick iron pillars. There was a person locked in it, and the head was scattered, scarred and unconscious.

Shen Lang could not help but tremble, because he thought it would be the teacher Wu Zizi, but did not expect it to be a bitter joy.

How could it be him? !

The inner heart of Shen Lang could not help but boil, because the bitter joy is with the monarch, and there are tens of thousands of troops. At that time, they were defeated by Zhu Hongxue, forced into a desperate situation, and entered a mountain of death restricted area, and never came out again.

Now that I have seen the bitterness, does it mean that you have fallen? And the army of Jun Jun?

That is not only the princes, but also the ten brothers of the Lanshi, as well as the blue storm, the Tu Da 2, and all the people who are loyal to the waves are there.

This woman said: "Shen Lang, this person is bitter, is the most loyal minister of yours, should you not want to see him die?"

After a while, a hangman came in the prison and held the ghost knife on the neck of the bitter joy.

This woman whispered: "Next, as long as you have a word to lie, I will sneak my head, you understand?"

Shen Langdao: "Well, I really like the big words, I like it the most."

He was scornful, but his heart was very serious. He even used X-rays to scan the body of the bitter, and the other was alive, but he was comatose.

Not only that, but the body of the bitter joy seems to have undergone a strong change, as if it has become higher, and the heart is especially large, much larger than normal people, and the proportion of limbs is different.

In a word, he became less human, and he was much stronger than before.

There must have been tremendous changes in the bitterness, but I don’t know if it’s a change of bitterness, or has it changed together? And why did he fall into the hands of Futu Mountain? Was he captured by himself or was it captured by many people?

Soon Shen Lang concluded that Jun Jun must have not been captured, otherwise the other party will definitely threaten him with Jun Jun. After all, the weight of Jun Jun is greater than the bitterness.

The woman whispered: "I have to start asking the first question. Once you lie, you will die!"

"The first question, Shen Lang, are you accidentally won or not captured, or deliberately captured by him?"

By the way, this first question is so dazzling, this woman is amazing. Moreover, he directly called it a win, and he must have a high status.

"If you think about it, you can answer it again. Once your head is knocked down, you can't pick it up again." The woman was cold.

Shen Lang replied: "I was deliberately won and won't be captured. It's all within my plan."

The woman sneered: "Very good, bitterness is alive for the time being."

Shen Lang tried to search where she was, but her voice seemed to come from all directions. This woman's martial arts is very strong, super strong, perhaps not as good as Ning Han?

"Then I will ask the second question. What is the purpose of Shen Lang's deliberately being won without a prisoner?"

When this problem came out, Shen Lang suddenly became silent.

"Don't think about lying, I will be able to distinguish it." The woman whispered: "And don't think about not answering, so the bitterness is still dying."

Shen Lang still did not answer.

The woman said: "I started counting down. Once the countdown is over, you haven't answered yet, and you have a hard time."

"Five, four, three..."

Suddenly, the executioner in the cage slowly lifted the ghost knife and prepared to squat at any time.

"Two, one..." The countdown is over.

Shen Lang shouted: "Stop, I answer!"

Then, he took a long breath: "Respected Princess Futura, are you a fiancee who wins no meditation? The reason why I deliberately won without a prisoner, there is only one purpose, that is, I want to sleep, give Win without a green hat."


Note: I have been conceived for several hours. This chapter has written five points, sorry! Everyone, ask for a monthly pass, and ask for support.

Thank you, the young master, the service fee, the bayonet H and other people's million coins.

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