History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 541: : Shen Lang wins the showdown! The king's power! (seeking the monthly ticket)

After a long while, Win Guang took a long breath and then sat down slowly.

This time, the bad news is really much bigger. When he just heard it, there was really a kind of brain that exploded in a moment, completely blank, and even a little unable to breathe. The last time I was deeply shocked, it was still the time when Shen Langguang was stealing the regrets of two dragons.

This time, it is even more chilling. The 100,000 coalition forces lost 50,000, and the powerful fleet lost half of it. The most important thing is that his son won and died.

The prince of the imperial prince said: "Win the prince, maybe the second prince is only captured, still alive."

Win Guang shook his head and said: "Shen Lang is a madman. He is different from others. My people are in his hands and basically die."

He poured himself a cup of tea and quickly calmed down.

What about the shock? Can you compare it to the complete shock of twenty years ago?

Ginger is violent and ruined.

What news is better than that?

It is a pity that his son won without a defect, but he still has a few sons, especially he still has no victory. This is his true pride, the true heir.

"Lian prince, are you staying here, or will you return to Yanjing immediately?"

At this time, the win-win still has no grief, and even the shock disappears without a trace, and there is still irony in the speech.

As for the result of this war, the Great Yan Empire is probably the most optimistic. The anger city was not destroyed. Instead, it won the defeat and the Futu Mountain lost its soldiers. The casualties were heavy.

For the Great Yan Empire, there is one thing that is most worried about. The first one, Shen Lang fell into the hands of Futu Mountain and Winguang, so that Futu Mountain has an absolute strategic deterrent.

Now it is proved that Shen Lang has returned to the anger city, completely out of the mastery of Winguang and Futu Mountain. Since then, the Great Yan Empire will no longer be defeated by the strategy of winning the broad.

For the most hopeful thing of the Great Yan Empire, it is probably that Shen Lang and Futu Mountain, Win and Guang lose both, and even die.

Lian prince said: "Win the prince, do you have anything to talk to me?"

His meaning is very clear. Now that your anger city defeat has failed, is it necessary to renegotiate something with our Great Yan Empire? For example, to release a signal of political compromise?

Win Guangdao: "There is nothing to talk about."

Even, he did not express any condolences to the sacrifice of the Imperial King of the Empire, and he seemed extremely arrogant.

"That's a resignation." Lian Prince said.

Then he rode directly on the snow sculpture, leaving the black castle with the imperial mission and heading north.


In the giant ancient ruins, it is still in front of the energy vortex.

The owner of Futu Mountain stared at this twinkling scroll. The other side of the vortex was the ancient remains of King Kong Peak.

"Shen Lang fled back to the anger city, and launched a dragon's repentance. Our 100,000 coalition forces died half of our fleet, and our fleet lost half of it. Wu elders, winning, the Imperial King of the Empire is finished."

The main face of Futu Mountain was violently twitching. He had already listened to Wu’s report. At this time, he heard it again and again, and suddenly closed his eyes, which was a painful heartache.

"Shen Lang this son, powerful, powerful, powerful..." The main road of Futu Mountain: "Win Guang brother, when Jiang Li was as shameless as he was, would he lose?"

Winning Guangdao: "The brain of the demon is almost demon, the martial arts invincible in the world, maybe only the same. Jiang Ding is so vicious and shameless, there will be no such cultivation, and there will be no such fame."

The Lord of the Buddhism Mountain took a deep breath and even felt that the air inhaled into the lungs was cold and cold.

100,000 people lost 50,000 and the entire fleet lost half.

Even for the Futou Mountain, which is rich in wealth, it is extremely painful.

"The past is over, the most important thing is what to do next." Ren Zong said: "Shenlang is riding a very special flying beast to leave the ancient ruins of King Kong Peak. The exit should be around the Diamond Peak. Miles, because Shen Lang’s physical strength is too weak, he can’t move beyond the distance of three hundred miles. And only if he comes out alone, it’s a complete proof that the passage he left is very special and no one else can pass. Therefore, tens of thousands of people such as Jun Jun should still be in the ancient remains of King Kong Peak."

Several people nodded in the presence.

The main road of Futu Mountain: "According to the character of Shen Lang, I will definitely find a way to save the monarch and go out, I will!"

Win Guangdao: "The key is how he used to save them."

The main road of Futu Mountain: "No matter which way, he must come in person, because only he can enter and exit these ancient ruins, and only he can open the entrances and exits of these ancient ruins. For us, the most important thing is only one thing, re Capture him."

This point has been especially important. Now both Guangguang and Futu Mountain are in a more dangerous situation, because the Great Yan Empire has already known that Shen Lang has escaped, so it has no ability to launch the Dragon’s repentance, and it is no longer possible to strategically deter the Great Yan Empire. It is.

"Now everything is not important. The 50,000 people who die in the war are not important. The half of the fleet lost is not important." The main road of Futu Mountain: "Whether it is killed or caught, Wu Elder, there is no shortage." It doesn't matter all! It's the top priority to catch the waves."

"At all costs, you must seize the waves."

"Outside the King Kong Peak, almost all heavy troops are deployed. Thoroughly search all areas within three hundred miles near King Kong Peak, be sure to find the exit that Shen Lang fled, and then continue to send serious illness deployment."

"Monitor the sea, monitor the air, and report the trails as soon as they are discovered."

"I really want to know now, what means will Shen Lang use to save Jun?"


In just two days, the people of Futu Mountain have already discovered the entrance and exit, which is the exit of Shenlang riding the big super.

Sure enough, it is very hidden, it looks exactly the same as the normal rocky ground.

The owner of the Futu Mountain ordered: "Send 300 special warriors, 10,000 Hell Legion, defend this secret entrance and exit, and lie underground."


After the end of the Battle of the Angry City, Winguang and Futu Mountain not only did not withdraw their troops, but instead deployed more heavy troops, blocking the three entrances and exits of the Jingangfeng ruins, and undermining the Tianluo network.

Then, Win Guang also issued a will.

"The army is assembled and ready to attack the Wu Chu Yue three countries."

"Let the Prince win and return, ready to command the war against the Wu, Chu and Vietnam."

With the win of a wide order, hundreds of snow sculpture knights flew out and flew in all directions.

Some people went to Futu Mountain to assemble the army. Some people went to the new kingdom to convey the will of winning the broad mass, and assembled the army. Some people flew to Yanjing and let the Prince win.


With the purpose of winning the Guang and the Lord of Futu Mountain.

Once again, the world is surging, and the five countries that have just been in peace for more than half a year are once again clouded.

Of course, the New Kingdom is not as powerful as the Great Yan Empire. It is impossible to directly dispatch a million troops and directly surround the Wu and Yue Kingdoms.

But the Shinkan Kingdom has an amazing number of Hell Legion, as well as a variety of ancient weapons and equipment.

The Great Yan Empire is like a dragon. It was shocking when it started.

The new kingdom is like a poisonous snake. Once it is launched to ensure an instant raid, it is directly a battle for the destruction of the country.

Even the army of the Dry Kingdom and the Buddhism Mountain are silent. You can't even know when they are assembled, or when they will attack in an instant, or even know which country they are attacking. .

On November 28th, the Prince of the New Kingdom won the victory and left Yanjing, returning to Jingjing!

Before leaving, Win Nothing held a banquet, once again publicly stated that the New Kingdom is always loyal to the Great Yan Empire. There is only one big dynasty in the world, only one emperor.

However, after winning the return to the new kingdom, it lost all the traces.

This information is even more disturbing.

Then, a lot of hidden information came out, and the army of the New Dry Kingdom and the army of Futu Mountain were more and more assembled.

This situation seems to be preparing for a war of extermination, but it is not knowing which country is going to perish.

Wu Guo, Chu Guo, or Vietnam?


Winguang and Futu Mountain have deployed Tianluo.com outside of King Kong Peak.

Now it’s not just Win Guang and Ren Zong’s curiosity. What kind of means will Shen Lang use to save Jun Jun and others?

The three entrances and exits have already deployed heavy troops, waiting for Shen Lang to go to the net.

Moreover, there are tens of thousands of people under the shackles of Junjun. Once they leave the ancient ruins of King Kong Peak, it is so vast that Shen Lang can't take a pocket and take it away.

Originally, I felt that the Wucha Mountain would be retired after the end of the war in the raging city. However, I did not expect that instead of not, I would increase the Jinfeng Peak.

Now it seems that Shen Lang wants to save tens of thousands of people, such as Jun Jun, which is even more difficult than going to heaven.

Standing on the enemy's point of view, Futu Mountain and Winguang racked their brains and tried everything for Shen Lang. Then they checked and filled the gap and made another defense.


It’s not just Win Guang and Ren Zongzhu. Even Shen Lang’s subordinates can’t think of any way to save Jun Jun.

Zhang Chunhua said: "French, I know that you are affectionate. I also know that the tens of thousands of people who are the most loyal to you, but I do not want you to take risks for them. I am a villain, so there are some words. It can be said more clearly. The tens of thousands of people are very valuable to us, but without them, our business can continue."

"There is one more point. They are very safe in the ancient ruins of King Kong Peak. They can wait for a few years. After we defeated Futu Mountain and Winguang, we will rescue them." Zhang Chunhua said again.

Shen Langdao: "They have not been in a few years, and there are still three months at most, because the energy core of the ancient relics of King Kong Peak is almost exhausted. Once there is no air inside, everyone will die. Junjun, Blue Storm , Lan Mania, Wu Lie, and a few months old Lancome baby."

Zhang Chunhua suddenly silenced. Even if she was realistic, she could not say the words that made these tens of thousands of people die. In particular, there were still several children, and she was prepared to give birth to her baby once she had finished this period of time.

Everyone at Shenlang is plotting and trying every means to rescue the monarch, but all the plans are not feasible.

No matter what the odds, no matter what tricks, and ultimately to the road, there will be great danger.

"No matter what, in general, we will never let you take the risk again." Zhang Chunhua said.

Shen Lang laughed: "Reassured, no."


Wushui, a black water station, said in front of Shen Lang: "Your Majesty, the Kingdom of New Dry has assembled more than 350,000 troops, including a considerable number of Hell Legions. The Buddhism Mountain also assembled a staggering number of special regiments, but specific attacks. The target is unknown, I don’t know if it’s Wu, or Chu, or Vietnam. Because we have few spies in the New Kingdom, there is no such thing in Futu Mountain. But I think Chu is the most dangerous because it and Futu Mountain The new kingdoms are bordered."

General Lan Feng said: "According to our rehearsal, once the new kingdom is in battle, it is possible to use the blitzkrieg to directly destroy the king of Chu, and the Thunder will not be able to cover the ears, so that we can bring us tremendous shock to the whole world. ”

Nowadays, in the eyes of the people of the world, especially in the eyes of everyone in the anger city, Shen Lang is definitely facing tremendous pressure.

Futu Mountain and Winguang have just suffered huge losses, lost tens of thousands of people, and still have a win, and lost Wu Elder, and will definitely retaliate against it.

Now Shen Lang not only wants to save the monarch, but also protects the Wu, Chu and Yue countries, and there is nothing they can do.

And under the heart of the new kingdom, the world's public opinion has begun to ferment.

Numerous people have already known that tens of thousands of people, such as Yan Jun, were trapped inside the King Kong Peak and waiting for the rescue of Shen Lang. These people are the most loyal to Shen Lang. When the identity of Shen Lang was revealed on the same day, they came to all the way to loyalty to Shen Lang, and then they were born and died with Jun Jun, throwing blood for Shen Lang.

If Shen Lang abandons them no matter, then it is not worthy of being a great emperor, and he is not worthy of the loyalty of the people of the world.

If there is no accident, this public opinion war should be the command of the new prince and the prince, and he is best at this.

The news spread very quickly, and all of them used the sympathy of the side of the waves, saying how pitiful, loyal, and even thousands of children in the ancient ruins of King Kong. If Shen Lang does not save them, they will die completely inside.

While using the public opinion offensive, while assembling the army, they are ready to attack the Wu Chuyue and the Three Kingdoms, and put on a blitzkrieg posture, as if they are willing, they can easily lay down any king of the Wu and Yue Kingdoms.

For a time, the eyes of countless people in the world condensed in the city of anger, condensed on Shen Lang.

In the face of the counterattack of Winong and his son, how should Shenlang respond to this crisis?


"At last, I feel a little bit like the game in the world." Shen Lang smiled and said: "Yong Guang and his son made two moves, one south and one north."

The move in the north is that the Wutu Mountain and the army that won the glory have maintained a great deterrent to the Wu and Yue Kingdoms, ready to fight blitz and destroy one of the capitals.

This move in the south is the siege of the King Kong Peak.

The enemy's two moves, as long as Shen Lang loses a direction, then his myth is shattered, and it must bear the incalculable loss.

How many tens of thousands of people died? Shen Lang can't bear it.

Wu Chuyue, a king of the three kingdoms, directly destroyed? Shen Lang can't bear it either.

"Their goal is very simple, it is forcing me to appear, let me once again become the captive of Futu Mountain, continue to launch the dragon repentance for them, maintain strategic deterrence." Shen Langdao.

At the moment of development, Shen Lang and Ning Yuanxian have already talked about it, almost exactly the same.

"Your Majesty, we have not had much time." Zhang Yidao said: "The next step is to bring me a sentence. If necessary, he can make any sacrifices and transfer the Yueguo Shangshutai and the Privy Council to the City of Rage."

The Chu State Prince Tai Fu Li Xuanqi said: "Yu Wang’s Majesty also brought me a sentence. He can make any sacrifices at the necessary moments. Anyway, the King of Chu has already fallen once, and it does not matter if he falls once again."

Wu Guoshuo made Wu Zhidao: "Yu Wang’s Majesty also brought me a sentence. He can make any sacrifices at the necessary moments. The King of Wu has fled countless people, even if he falls, it does not matter."

The expressions of the kings of these three countries are extremely touching. They are absolutely unwilling to let Shen Lang fall into a passive and even dangerous situation because of themselves.

The current posture, the New Dry Kingdom and the Futu Mountain are the compromises of the Wu Chuyue and the Three Kingdoms as hostages.

The three kings, preferring to die, are reluctant to become the hostage. From the very beginning, there is no lack of determination to break the net.

Shen Lang laughed: "Not at all, not at all."


On the fifth day of December, Shen Lang sent messengers to the Black Rock Island Castle.

"I am the emperor of the Dagan Empire, I saw the lord, and I saw the prince."

Win wide and faint: "Who is the surname?"

The messenger said: "Under the Zhu Wenhua."

Win-Guang has not heard of this name, because Zhu Wenhua is indeed a small person for him. Immediately, someone immediately whispers and utters the details of Zhu Wenhua.

Winning a wide glimpse, this Zhu Wenhua turned out to be the enemy of Shen Lang, and even the vengeance of the father, even this Zhu Wenhua is still slashed, and now it has become the messenger of the Dagan Empire?

Zhu Wenhua said: "I am Yuechen, who is the Hongxi Temple. I need a messenger under the squad, and the king has recommended me. I have been castrated, my life is the most despicable, and worthless, so I will come out. It is."

This is very clear. If it is a very valuable ambassador, it may have been directly detained by Futu Mountain.

Win Guangdao: "Say, what is Shenlang?"

Zhu Wenhua said: "My family asked me to tell the winner to win the prince. Please unconditionally withdraw from the vicinity of King Kong Peak before December 29, and when tens of thousands of people leave from there, you must not send troops to block or track. Otherwise, Suffering from devastating blows, it’s not a bad thing."

"December 29, withdrawing troops from King Kong Peak and lifting the encirclement of tens of thousands of people?" Win Guangdao: "Is this what it means?"

"Yes!" Zhu Wenhua said.

Winning Guangdao: "If we don't withdraw troops, we will not release tens of thousands of people. We must devastately attack us. What kind of devastating blow is it? If I remember correctly, there is only one in Shenlang’s hands. The repentance of the dragon is used to protect the city of the wrath, and it is impossible to use it again."

Zhu Wenhua said: "This is a secret, not something that my despicable courtiers can know. But I know that all the threats issued before Shen Lang’s death have come true. My family has never been scornful."

Win Guangdao: "Is it right in December?"

Zhu Wenhua said: "Yes."

Win Guangdao: "That also asks you to tell Shen Lang. Before December 29, ask him to appear unconditionally in front of us, come to the Black Castle with the rest of the dragon's regret, and become our captive again. Otherwise, we will have a devastating blow to any city in the Wu, Wu and Yue countries.

Zhu Wenhua said: "I will tell you what you are going to do. If there is nothing else, or if you don't intend to detain, or kill me, or humiliate and torture me, I will go back to life."

Win Guangdao: "Please!"

Zhu Wenhua left the Black Rock Island Castle and took a snow sculpture to leave the north and return to the Angry City.

There are snow sculptures in the raging city?

There are a total of more than a dozen, which is also the spoils of the last war. When the dragon's repentance exploded, many snow sculptures were far away, but they were also injured and fallen. Only a dozen of them were rescued.


In order to create a strong public opinion pressure for Shen Lang.

Winguang and Futu Mountain immediately announced the negotiations and even used the snow sculpture knight to transfer the world.

Everyone knows that Shen Lang has let go of his words.

On December 29, Winguang and Futu Mountain must retreat from King Kong Peak and lift the siege of tens of thousands of people. Otherwise, they will be given a devastating blow.

Under the hype of the New Kingdom, this paradox has intensified.

Everyone is waiting for the day of December 29th. If Winguang and Futu Mountain do not retreat at that time, and Shenlang can't do anything, then he will be defeated and become a boastful boast.


On the seventh day of December, Zhu Wenhua returned to the Angry City.

"Your Majesty, Win Guang said December 29, if you do not appear in front of him with the repentance of the dragon and become a captive of the Futu Mountain, then the army of the new kingdom will randomly destroy any city in the Wu and Yue Kingdoms. ”

Shen Langdao: "Is it right on December 29? There are still twenty-two days. I really look forward to it!"

The Dagan Imperial Shangshutai Temporary Prime Minister Suo Xuan’s words and thoughts ended. He finally said: "Your Majesty, this...this is too risky. Once you arrive on December 29, if you fail to fulfill your promise, then it will be your majesty. It will be a devastating blow. The Emperor of the Great Emperor, the Jinkou Yuyan, is a word of sorrow, which is related to the majesty of the entire Dagan Empire."

Shen Lang nodded.

Suo Xuan said again: "I have no intention of spying on the secrets of the Empire, but now the whole world is rumored that we have only one dragon to regret it?"

Shen Lang doesn't set a smile, it's true that he really has only one dragon to regret, and it is absolutely impossible to launch.

Suo Xuandao: "And this dragon's regret is to protect the anger city, it is absolutely impossible to launch. So how can you fulfill your promise at the next time and make a devastating blow to the new kingdom? And in the eyes of the veteran, this A devastating blow must be of a high level. It must not be equal to the dragon's regret, otherwise it will not bring deterrence, isn't it?"

Shen Langdao: "Yes, it must be an amazing destruction of power."

Suo Xuandao: "Since my Majesty has a good mind, I will wait and see."


Note: The first one is sent, and the monthly votes of the brothers are called, thank you very much, please!

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