History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 549: : Lange destroys miracles! Ren Zongzhuo shudder! (Seeking a monthly pass)

The ancient world is really amazing, even underwater ships.

Then why not call it a submarine?

Because at least these underwater warships are not strictly submarines, because their shape is vastly different from that of modern earth submarines, but more like closed warships, and very large.

Of course, it has its own combat system, but it still does not get rid of the ancient powerful ideas.

But these ancient giant arrows can be launched very far in the air, flying fast. But at the bottom of the water, the plasma flame emitted by the Nightmare Stone still works, but the range and rate of fire are greatly reduced.

And the most important thing is that these ancient underwater warships cannot produce oxygen on a large scale, so they cannot sail underwater for a long time.

Therefore, this kind of warship should be an experimental weapon in ancient civilization, and it is still very immature. After the development of this giant ancient ruins, Futu Mountain did not know what to do after obtaining these warships.

This time it finally came in handy.


A variety of ancient giant arrows flew into the sky, and various types of signal bombs continued to detonate.

Because this encirclement is too big, it is difficult to rely on the snow-carved warrior to convey the order, so taking the signal bomb is the most direct.

In order to arrest the Tianlang network to capture the sinking waves, Futu Mountain and Winguang really paid a huge price.

First, he wants to completely empty this area to make sure there are no monitors.

Then, in the evening, I dug a huge underground cave for the use of soldiers. It took almost twenty days to complete this huge project.

"Array, array!"

"Enter, enter!"

More than 100,000 coalition forces in the Guangguang and Futu Mountain, assembled into more than a dozen long arrays quickly closed.

Looking from the sky, these hundreds of thousands of troops formed a giant rectangle, tens of miles in length.

Why is it not round?

Worried about being attacked by the Great Yan Empire's repentance, because the dragon's repentance exploded, the scope of the killing was a huge circle.

"Go ahead, move forward, move forward!"

The encirclement of the encirclement of hundreds of thousands of troops quickly contracted, and at the same time thousands of Futu Mountain quickly assembled the ancient giants.

Did not see their ancient energy core there, it should be buried underground.


When I saw the moment when the Guangguang and Futushan coalition forces appeared, Junjun shouted loudly: "We counted, Shenlang squats, walks away!"

At the same time, he immediately led tens of thousands of people to return to the ancient remains of King Kong Peak.

But it is too late, and his tens of thousands of people have already gone down the mountain.

At the same time, hundreds of special warriors riding a snow sculpture in Futu Mountain rushed to the entrance of the ancient ruins of Jingangfeng with the fastest speed.

There are only a dozen special warriors under Shen Lang, and it is impossible to occupy the entrance gate of King Kong Peak. The road is directly cut off.

Then, dozens of black spots flew from the original place and flew directly toward Shen Lang.

These dozens of black spots are very fast. They should be special flying beasts belonging to the Futu Mountain. They are smaller than the snow sculptures, but they fly very fast and are very high.

This is an ancient vulture, although smaller than the snow sculpture, but fierce, extremely militant.

The height of the snow sculpture is generally about 5,000 meters, and the ancient vulture can fly to an altitude of 11,000 kilometers, the fastest flight speed can exceed 400 kilometers per hour, but the weight bearing capacity is not as good as the snow sculpture.


In the scream of screams, these ancient vultures are accelerating, and they are surrounded by the deep waves in the air. Each vulture rides on the back of the top of the Futu Mountain, and all of them are masters, and all are wearing the most advanced Antiquity equipment.

More than a thousand Futu Mountain Snow Sculpture Warriors followed the backs of these ancient vultures, arranged in a neat array, covering the sky and flying.

"Your Majesty, go fast, go quickly..." Jun Jun shouted.

Tens of thousands of people squatted on the ground and shouted: "Your Majesty, go away..."

If Shen Lang was captured in order to save them tens of thousands of people, then they would die.

And Shen Lang said nothing, directly riding the ultrasonic flying beast, took a picture of his neck: "lift off, take off..."

There is no feather on the body, but there is a bone spur. At this time, one root is erected and full of strong fighting desire.

It used all its strength, and it was lifted off and lifted off.

The speed is coming to an extreme.

At this time, the back of Dachao has been transformed, not only has a seat, but even a seat belt.

In the process of the super-excession, the dozens of ancient vultures in Futu Mountain continued to accelerate madly, and must be surrounded by the blockade before the super-lift.

This is the competition of speed, dozens of ancient vultures are really like fast fighters, fighting for the big super in the air.

But there is no doubt that the big super speed is faster, flying to the height of 13,000 kilometers in less than two minutes.

This height has exceeded the limit of the ancient vultures on the Futu Mountain, so the Shen Lang is temporarily safe.

A few minutes later, dozens of ancient vultures in Futu Mountain finally flew, but their ultimate height is about 11,000 kilometers. They formed a circle in the lower airspace, surrounded by the waves.

It took another few minutes.

More than a thousand snow sculpture warriors from Futu Mountain also arrived, forming a larger encirclement at a height of five kilometers.

"Go forward, move forward, move forward!"

The encirclement of more than 100,000 troops on the ground continued to shrink and close.




As the signal bombs in the sky exploded, the generals of the Futu Mountain Hell Legion ordered them.

More than 100,000 troops stopped moving forward and presented battle formations in situ.

A total of 150,000 troops formed a giant encirclement of forty miles and a width of twenty miles.

Hundreds of snow sculpture warriors also completely occupied the entrance gate of the ancient relics of King Kong Peak and broke the retreat.

Tens of thousands of people have completely fallen into the siege.

Immediately afterwards, two ancient vultures flew from the southern sea, respectively, and were the chiefs of the Futu Mountain, as well as the winners of the new dry kingdom.

After a few minutes, the two men were one south and one north, sandwiching Shen Lang in the middle.

The entire airspace has formed a very stunning situation, a true three-dimensional array.

Shen Lang rode the highest altitude of 13,000 kilometers.

Ren Zongzhuo and Winguang rode two vultures at an altitude of 1,100,500 meters.

Dozens of Buddhism masters, wearing ancient equipment, riding dozens of ancient vultures, at an altitude of 11,000 kilometers.

A thousand snow sculpture warriors, at an altitude of five kilometers.


On the ground, Wu Jun’s 50,000 people formed five battle squares, several miles in length.

There are hundreds of thousands of troops outside, surrounded by dozens of miles.

In ancient times, it was impossible to form this complex battlefield in such a short time. There is no such powerful army and command.


"Shen Lang, you have met again." Winning a faint road.

Shen Lang shrugged at the height of 13,000 meters. "Don't come innocent, win the glory, let the lord, you both come out to catch me, I really flattered me."

Win Guangdao: "Not so loud, we can hear."

Is this audible? The height of both sides is more than a thousand meters. The strength of winning the game is strong, the sound can be worn very far, but the Shen Lang can't, his voice can pass a hundred meters is great.

However, Win Guang and Ren Zong are arrogant, and they can still capture the tiny waves of Shen Lang.

Shen Langdao: "You still can't catch me right? This is your most advanced flying beast. It looks so fierce. Is this a vulture? It is already very powerful, but it is still not as good as my super, flying. It’s still not high enough, not fast enough. As long as I am willing, I can fly to the height of 15,000 kilometers, and then escape, you have nothing to catch up with me.”

Win Guangdao: "Yes, it is true. But the tens of thousands of people on the ground, and the dozens of confidants you brought? Can they escape? Are you willing to abandon them and watch them all die? ?"

Shen Lang is silent.

Ren Zongzhuo said: "In order to catch you, we have laid down this huge network of heavens. If you don't care about the life and death of these men, you can escape, but you will?"

Of course not. Everything that Shen Lang has done in the past few months is to save tens of thousands of people. Now that 80% of the success has been achieved, is it a waste of work? The soul of Shen Lang’s life is probably ruined.

Four years ago, when his life was just revealed, he faced such a desperate situation. He did not abandon the 100,000 people who owe allegiance to him. He finally completed an undead miracle and successfully escaped the miracle.

What about today? Of course, we must stage a more amazing miracle.

Winning Guangdao: "My conditions are very simple. If you smash your hand, I will let you go tens of thousands of people and let them return to the anger city. From now on, I will never attack the raging city. ""

Ren Zongzhuo said: "Not only that, we will never torture you, nor will you turn you into a walking dead. We just put you under house, because we need you to launch a dragon repentance."

Winning Guangdao: "The Great Yan Empire has the ability to attack ultra-long-range strategy. Both you and us are extremely passive and must catch up. This requires the wisdom and wisdom of Shen Lang."

Ren Zongzhuo said: "We will prepare you a magnificent underground palace, and prepare more than one hundred beautiful people, let you live an extremely luxurious life, like a fairy."

Shen Langdao: "What does this mean to treat me as a pig?"

Win Guang silent for a moment, said: "You can think so, but you can save at least tens of thousands of you."

Ren Zongzhuo said: "Lord Shen Lang, are you not smart? The last time you not only stole two dragons from our hands, but also successfully escaped our claws. This time we were arrested, you can also If you want to escape, you can make a miracle again."

Shen Lang disdain and sneer, how is this possible? If he is caught this time, he will be guaranteed to abolish his legs in the first time, and then Winguang and Futu Mountain will try to destroy his mind and become a walking dead.

Win Guangdao: "Lord Shen Lang, don't waste time, you have to make a choice, or you will be jealous, or we will kill you."

Shen Langdao: "Winning the prince, the lord, now there are 150,000 troops on the ground, and my 50,000 people. If this time, a super dragon repents from the sky, the picture is completely unimaginable. Let's have people on both sides, and the Great Yan Empire can just be wiped out."

"No." Win Guangdao: "For a long time, the Great Yan Empire will not attack us strategically, because he has completed the strategic test and determined that we have the ancient interception device."

The Great Yan Empire is the hegemon, so their strategic vision is high, and it is enough to complete the deterrent.

At this time, the formation of the 100,000-strong army of Winguang and Futu Mountain was so scattered that it was tens of miles long and the regret of relying on a super dragon was eliminated.

In order to eliminate tens of thousands of people in the district, I used an ultra-long-range strategic strike? The eyes of the Great Yan Empire are not so low.

If you can't destroy the black castles in the southern seas, the headquarters of the Futu Mountain, and the three strategic areas of Ganjing, other attacks will not make much sense.

Shen Lang thought for a while: "Winning the prince, the lord, the two of you have only one purpose, that is, launching the dragon's remorse, strategically deterring the Great Yan Empire? Then we can cooperate, I can Help you to launch the Dragon's Remorse, as long as you put the Dragon Power and Dragon's Remorse in advance, then tell me the location, and let my people check the area in advance without danger, I will ride the flying beast to help you activate And launching the dragon's remorse, once the launch is complete, I immediately ride the big escape, this is not very good? Why must I catch me?"

Winning Guangguang’s gaze reveals a chill. This swaying wave is always thinking about provoking, and it’s still silent. Every time he calls him, he puts the prince of Winguang in front and puts the lord in the back. How do the Lord think? Be aware that in this partnership, the lord is in an active position.

Shen Lang continued: "I believe that you have already guessed the Prince of Guangguang. I had a collusion with the Great Yan Empire not long ago. Now I can collude with you. The Great Yan Empire has just strategically attacked you. You can give a counterattack. You said that you want to use the dragon's remorse to attack the direction of the Great Yan Empire. I have nothing to say and help you launch."

Suddenly, the two giants were silent. Can you still be shameless? A month ago, you colluded with the Great Yan Empire to harm us.

Now you have to collude with us to harm the Great Yan Empire. It’s always yours to take advantage of it, so is it right?

Of course, this kind of thing is very common. When the Iran-Iraq war, more than one country first sold the weapons to Iraq, then turned and sold it to Iraq/Lake/gram. Even more excessive things. For a long time during World War II, the country was madly selling weapons and oil to Japan/Ben, what was the knot?

This proposal is still a bit of a heartbeat before the wins and the Buddhism Mountain, but now... no.

Because the Great Yan Empire has demonstrated their ultra-long-range strategic strike capability, will this time anger the Yanjing? They are not so unwise.

"Well, Shen Lang, don't waste time." Win Guangdao: "You should make a choice, or you will be shackled, or I will kill your tens of thousands of people and count down ten."

"All Snow Sculpture Legions, ready!"

Winning the wide is the arrogance, the internal force is strong enough, and a broken drink, even through the entire sky.

More than a thousand snow sculptures began to line up in the air. More than a thousand special warriors picked up the ancient trenches and then descended neatly and flew directly over the ground three hundred meters away. More than a thousand ancient trenches aimed at the army of the monarchs on the ground.

These ancient wars are bursts, and once they attack, they are completely torrential.

The tens of thousands of people on the ground have no ancient armor, and even the new armor has not, they can not resist these ancient trenches.

Once more than 1,000 snow sculptures of the Futu Mountain were launched, the tens of thousands of people in the Junjun were unstoppable, and there were countless deaths and injuries.

"Hell Corps, ready!"

With a command, hundreds of ancient giant tombs of the Futu Mountain Ground Corps were all opened, all of which were ancient giant arrows that would explode, with a range of more than a few kilometers. Once shot, it can also bring devastating blows to tens of thousands of people.

Therefore, in the shortest half hour, Winguang and Futu Mountain can kill 50,000 people.

Win Guangdao: "Half hours, even a quarter of an hour, we can kill your tens of thousands of people. Lord Shen Lang, the countdown has begun, you have to start life and death!"


An ancient arrow signal hit the sky and burst open.


"Oh..." The second arch of the ancient arches hit the sky.



Win Guang quietly counts down, once the countdown is over, he immediately orders the attack, and will never give Shenlang any fantasy space.

Only blood and death can fully prove the absolute will of Win Guang and Ren Zong.

"Five, four, three..."

"Stop!" Shen Lang suddenly shouted.

Win the vast martyrdom: "Pause!"

Suddenly, the signal bullet of the ancient arrow on the ground stopped firing, and the countdown was temporarily suspended.

"Shen Lang, you have already figured it out?" Win Guangdao: "I am willing to smash my hand?"

Shen Lang looked at the main road of Futu Mountain: "Ren Zongzhu, the ancient ruins of the southern seas is a top priority for you, and the strategic level is even less than the headquarters."

This is of course, this is like the British Empire in that year must not have no colony. Just like the words of the foot basin in World War II, I would rather give up the mainland and not lose the Manchurian.

There are a total of three anti-ancient interceptors in Futu Mountain, and there is one black castle in the southern sea.

After Ren Zongzhu heard the words of Shen Lang, he could not help but tremble slightly and slowly said: "Shen Lang, what do you want to say?"

Shen Langdao: "In comparison, is this person important to the Futu Mountain, or is the giant ancient remains in the southern waters more important to you?"

Of course, this ancient vestige is more important? It is completely the foundation of the Futu Mountain, and its strategic level far exceeds the Shenlang.

Win Guang Brow trembled: "Shen Lang, I will continue to count down."

Shen Langdao: "Yuan Zongzhu, I command you to immediately open the encirclement, unconditionally release tens of thousands of people and return to the anger city. If you do not agree, I will devastating the ancient ruins of your southern waters, your most important strategy. The base will be completely sunk to the bottom of the sea, countless secret laboratories, secret warehouses, secret libraries, secret arsenals, and so on, all of which must be broken."

"Yu Zongzhu, the reason why you can stand out from the mountain and be able to stand out with the Great Yan Empire is entirely because of this giant ancient ruins. Now you only have a few developments for him? No more than 30%? This giant antiquity The ruins completely determine the future fate of your Futu Mountain. Once destroyed, how serious is the consequences? Can you afford the Futu Mountain?"

Ren Zongzhu slowly said: "Shenlang, you are right. This giant ancient ruins is the foundation of my Futu Mountain. It must not be damaged. But I really want to know that you are a thousand miles away from my ancient ruins. You How to destroy it? Don't say anything like launching a dragon's regret."

This giant ancient ruins is on the bottom of the sea. Even if the dragon's repentance is ineffective, it is useless. Even the dragon's remorse is useless in the seabed. It can't hurt this ancient ruins. Otherwise, it will not be able to make waves. Others have already started.

In order to devastating this ancient ruins, there is only one way to sneak into the interior of this ancient ruins, and then detonate the super-energy cores inside.

But want to enter this ancient ruins? It’s totally idiotic and dreams.

The only entrance is on the side of the Black Castle. Buddhism Mountain has accumulated a large number of soldiers there, countless giants, numerous infernal regiments, countless snow sculpture corps, countless sea fleets, and even two dragon power launchers. There are also dragon repentances, as well as anti-theft interceptors.

It can be said that the Great Yan Empire is so powerful that it has not attacked the Black Castle, not to mention the raging city of Shenlang, even if he rushed out of the nest, the two thousand miles from the Black Castle have been destroyed, and they can’t get close, not to mention Said to capture the black castle.

Of course, there is an entrance to the ancient ruins of Futu Mountain, which is the energy vortex at the junction with the ancient ruins of King Kong Peak.

But outside of the energy vortex, there are countless members of the Futian Mountain Special Warrior and the Hell Legion. Of course, in order to encircle the tens of thousands of people, the Wutu Mountain has also a large number of defenders in the ancient ruins. The special warriors and the Hell Legion guarding the energy vortex are still quite a lot.

The most important thing is that the energy vortex can only pass through the deep waves, and Shen Lang is now winning the front, how to enter the ancient ruins of the Futu Mountain?

So what does Shen Lang say to destroy the giant ancient ruins of Futu Mountain? It’s completely out of heart.

At this time, Shen Lang raised his own hand and slowly said: "When you win the prince, you don't believe it? Do you think that I am a daydream? How can I destroy your ancient ruins in a few hundred miles? I have such a supernatural power, why didn't I make it right before?"

"This is of course because I am so arrogant. Last time, December 29, I was really upset. Even though I succeeded in hitting you, the protagonist on the stage is the Great Yan Empire and not me."

"This time, I want to be the absolute protagonist, I have created a variety of miracles, and this time I came to a big miracle." Shen Lang Gao Yan shouted: "Winning Prince, you do not count down Because, it’s my turn to count down."

"Ren Zongzhu, I command you to disband your army immediately, let go of all the weapons, and let the tens of thousands of people leave here to return to the anger city, otherwise I will devastately attack your ancient ruins, not to be prejudiced."

"The countdown starts, five, four, three, two, one..."

Shen Lang counts down on one side, and strokes his fingers, whether it is his movements or his tone, is full of traces of stage performances, so exaggerated.

He loves to play too much, and he is still more than the previous waves.

Win Guang and Ren Zongzhu stared at Shen Lang while staring at the direction of the ancient relics on the sea floor, completely holding their breath.

They do not believe, they do not believe.

Shen Lang is not a god, destroying the indestructible ancient remains through hundreds of miles? The ancient ruins of the ruin? Even the Great Yan Empire can't do it. How could he do it?

"The countdown is over." Shen Lang slowly said: "The moment to witness the miracle, it is!"

Then he gently hit a finger.


"Booming and banging..."

On the sea a few hundred miles south, an earth-shattering explosion suddenly occurred.

A series of explosions.

Endless sea water rushes into the sky, and then the flames rise to the sky.

On the vast expanse of the sea, it seems to have staged the most gorgeous fireworks.


Even as if the arrangement was good, the amazing big bang came one after another.

The whole sea was trembled, and the waves of the waves were swept away.

The entire ground was also trembling.

Win Guang and Ren Zongzhu were completely stunned, and they couldn’t believe it.

That's right, that is the direction of the ancient ruins in the southern waters, the roots of the Futu Mountain.

An astonishing explosion occurred inside his ancient ruins, which directly tore the bottom of the sea and set off a tsunami. The precious city of the ancients collapsed in pieces and was completely broken.

The precious secret warehouse, the precious ancient laboratory, completely disappeared from the world in this series of big explosions.

Although this is not a dragon's regret, the picture is more gorgeous than the dragon's regret.

Really like the biggest fountain, the amazing waves spray hundreds of meters high.

Shen Lang entered a more exaggerated performance, incomparably intoxicated to close his eyes, the mouth of the "symphony of destiny", dancing with both hands.

"Dangdang Dangdang..."

"Dangdang Dangdang..."


And with the dancing melody of his arms, the big bang on the sea continues. The collapse of the giant ancient ruins continues, super destructive drama.

Throughout the world, the entire sea has become a performance stage for Shen Lang. Tens of thousands of people, including Guang Guang and Ren Zongzhu, as well as the hundreds of thousands of troops present, have become his audience.

The stormy waves and the mountains and the tsunami are like the majestic destruction scene in the movie.

Shen Lang completed his promise and staged an unprecedented grand drama, and he became the absolute protagonist.

But how did he do it? This is totally impossible!



Note: The first one is sent, do the brothers have a monthly pass? Can you vote for me? Give me a boost, don't let me smash.

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