History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 570: : Swallowing thousands of miles! The big battle! The slaughter is open! (seeking the m

In the eyes of the world, this is a battle of honor for the Dagan Empire, the battle of grief and anger, the battle of despair, and the war that is doomed to failure.

But they have to fight, because even the Emperor of the Great Emperor has been arrested. If there is no indication yet, how can he explain to the world? What is the majesty of the Dagan Empire?

In fact, it is not only the Air Force and the Army of the Dagan Empire, but also an army that has a greater increase. That is the Party Navy.

It has been almost four years since the return of the Western world. It has been three years since the restoration of the giant ancient warship of Tianya Haige. It has been a year and a half to repair dozens of ancient warships in Tianyahaige.

The Tianfeng Island Shipyard has been operating at full capacity for nearly four years, and the number of battleships launched has exceeded eight.

But I have to say, but when a country is in the rapid development of science and technology, many weapons and equipment have just been built, which means backwardness, especially the long-term thing of the armored warship.

Five of the eight warships are wood warships, and the outer layer is covered with armor. Only three warships that had just entered the water were pure iron armored warships.

It is said that Tianfeng Shipyard has great advantages compared with ancient China and even modern times. First, the steel is advanced, followed by the welding process. It directly uses the nightmare stone plasma flame, which even surpasses the modern earth.

However, the power of the battleship is still very hard, and the six ships are mainly sails, supplemented by steam engines. Although the internal combustion engine has been manufactured, the internal combustion engine used in the warship is too large and still in the experimental stage. The next batch of warships is required to use the large internal combustion engine on the warship.

Of course, even if the internal combustion engine is on the ship, it means backwardness, because after all, it is a relatively primitive internal combustion engine. Compared with the power of the nightmare stone, the core energy of the ancient energy is still too far away. But even with such deficiencies, Shen Lang’s navy is still advancing by leaps and bounds and has a qualitative leap.

More than 30 ancient warships seized, eight new warships, and twenty wooden battleships wrapped in armor.

The main fleet is more than 58 ships, equipped with more than 1,500 new types of howitzers, all kinds of ancient giants, and giant warfare in the ancient times, more than a hundred.

The most powerful thing is the ship of the small dragon. Under the strong struggle of the party and the navy, it finally took 15 small dragons from the army and installed it on several ancient warships.

Moreover, the main force of the 30,000-party party has also been changed. Although it is still not possible to use the nightmare stone rifle, the ancient archery and the old-style rifle have all been equipped, even if it is a melee on the sea.

Although the Navy is not enough to attack the Black Castle in the southern waters, because of the amazing firepower deployed, the main fleet of the Buddhism Mountain is there, but it is enough to protect the Irritated City and protect the East-West route.

This huge fleet transported 50,000 large new recruits, as well as astronomical equipment and artillery shells to the land.

The entire landing process lasts for three days and three nights.

Although the 100,000 new army of Vietnam has not been able to participate directly in the war, it has become the main force of transportation.

Shen Lang stood on the restored ancient warship and looked at the crowded port.

"Uncle Tang, Hella, the family will be handed over to you." Shen Langdao: "The fleet of the Futu Mountain in the southern waters should not attack the raging city, but in order to prevent it, you still have to enter the state of readiness!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"The battle of snow shame, to get back to justice!" At this moment, the thunder of the thunder suddenly sounded on the dock.

The new army of the Dagan Empire, as well as the new army of the country, did not know who took the lead and issued a burst of shouts.

Shen Lang is in the army, but most people don't know that everyone thinks that Shen Lang has been won and won the prison.

But to save this kind of words can not be shouted out. In the heart of the Dagan Imperial Army, Shen Lang’s majesty is omnipotent. Where do they need their salvation? His Majesty is the one who wins without a fight.

This time, the truth about all the big votes of the dry countries has been blown out. People from other countries in the world may still be suspicious, but the Wusuo and the three countries, especially the Dagan Imperial Army, are even more convinced that all the people in the new kingdom support the smashing of the sea. The big vote is a win, but the win is broad and shameless, referring to the deer as a horse, upside down black and white, and taking away the fruits of victory.

"Emancipate the dry country and recapture the dry capital." On the dock, tens of thousands of people shouted.

Not only the 50,000-strong new army, the 100,000 new national army, but also hundreds of thousands of people are boiling.

"The war of shame, to get back to justice, to liberate the country, and to regain the capital!"

After a mixed cry, the slogan quickly unified.


Hundreds of thousands of people shouted slogans while working hard, fighting high spirits, and infinitely powerful. After five hundred kilograms of artillery shells were packed, the four civilians slammed and left.

Despite being hailed as a battle of despair, the 50,000 new army has a morale.

"Lian prince, a little pity..." Shen Lang suddenly inexplicably said.

In fact, the Lian Prince can not die, he can live on his face, although he is ruined, but at least still alive?

This time, all the big votes of the dry country, everyone feels that winning the win will win, including the Lian Prince and Shen Lang think so. As a result, I did not expect that the mirror would infect people. It really touched countless people in the dry country. This big vote actually miraculously won.

At this time, the Lian Prince can choose to reverse the black and white at the beginning, saying that Shen Lang lost, winning and winning. But he didn't do that, but he first said the truth and then changed his mouth.

So is his change because of the force of the war? There may be reasons for this, but in the final analysis it is for the benefit of the Great Yan Empire. Because in the plan of Yanjing, this whole vote is to win and win.

The prince of Lian is still too proud and too complicated. On the one hand, he wants to safeguard the interests of the Great Yan Empire, uphold the will of the Great Yan Empire, and on the other hand maintain the majesty of the Great Yan Empire and his own dignity, especially Not willing to bow to the thieves who win the Guangzhi.

After returning to Yanjing, he worked very hard to change the will of the Prince of the Great Yan Empire. His goal was simple. He maintained the result of the vote of the dry country, but he also had to give a fatal blow to the victory and maintain the Great Empire. And the dignity of his cheap prince.

This kind of attack can be carried out in a variety of ways. It can be attacked by a long-range strategic bombing. It can also use a detachment force to carry out a devastating blow to the Yingguang family, so that Winguang knows that his princely prince is not casually threatened.

As a result, the Prince of the Great Yan Empire refused, and did not fulfill the face of his princely prince, nor did he fulfill the face of the Great Yan Empire. This attack on the prince of Lian was incomprehensible, and the whole world was ridiculed to question him, so he chose Suicide is a dead end.

"This person can be regarded as shameless. When the old Chu king died, his performance was shameless. Afterwards, the means of the new Chu king was even more despicable, but he was not shameless enough for himself." Shen Langdao: "After all, A proud person can't lose his decent face, but rather die, and he must fulfill his dignity."

Jun Jun said: "He is too deep into the play, the key is that the big Yantai is too cool for him, so he is desperate."

Shen Langdao: "Don't talk about him, although it is not an enemy, but it is also an enemy. If you die, you will die."

Jun Jundao: "Your Majesty, according to your plan, we did not have much problem in hitting Jingjing. But it is difficult to get into Futu Mountain. After all, after a few hundred miles floating in the sea, our warships can not fly far away. Going to the sea."

Shen Langdao: "When I want to fight in Beijing, the owner of the Futu Mountain is going to win the side."

Jun Jun said: "If he is not there? Do we want to fight against the Futu Mountain?"

His consideration is also a question that Shen Lang has been thinking about. This time, the big battle is to be done once and for all, completely destroying the Guangguang and Futu Mountain.

It is even more important to destroy the Futu Mountain. Otherwise, even if it occupied the Jingjing, the army of the Futu Mountain could come out to the sea or to the back of the Chu State.

For a while, Shen Lang said: "If the lord is not in the final battle of the Beijing, then I must think of another way. I will cross the hundreds of miles to float the sea and eliminate the headquarters of the Futu Mountain. In short, this battle must be completed. ""


After a few days and nights, Shen Lang’s Dagan New Army completed the landing and then entered the west.

This time is an absolute expedition for laborers. First, we must cross the entire country to enter the territory of Chu State, and then go north from the Chu State and enter the dry country. The march is more than 10,000 miles away.

Although the main force is only 50,000, but the auxiliary army plus the civilians, more than 250,000 giants, add up to a total of 300,000 people, stretch hundreds of miles, vast, boundless.

This march does not require a lot of grain, because the country and the country have done their best to prepare everything on the way to the army, not only the grain, but even the horses, the car and other things are properly prepared. This is the great role of the Wu, Chu and Yue countries. The 50,000-strong army of Shen Lang only needs to land with weapons and equipment.

On this road, not only the Vietnamese state officially provided a large amount of food and materials, but also numerous people have come to send food to the army.

Moreover, the army does not need to camp, as long as the rush to the designated location, the army and the people of the country have already set up a huge camp there, and the cooked meals and hot water can be directly accommodated.

But even so, the marching speed of the army is only about one hundred and fifty-six miles per day.

The 50,000-strong army of the Dagan New Army is not the Amazon Army. It is the Nirvana Army. Each person can carry two or three hundred kilograms on a daily basis, and they are not a normal army.

Slowing down the march is a massive amount of material, sixty-seven tons of small dragon power, five hundred kilograms, or even one ton of Hellfire cannonballs. There are also astronomical special bullets, hundreds of artillery pieces, tens of thousands of artillery shells, and so on.

"The war of shame, to get back to justice, to liberate the country, and to regain the capital!"

In the **** slogan, the 50,000-strong new army used the entire country for a full month and a half to enter the territory of Chu.

When I arrived at the Chu State, the speed of the march was accelerated, because here is a horse.

The king of Chu took the 200,000 auxiliary army, and the astronomical figures of food and materials came to meet.

"Ning Zheng brother, you will go back to heaven, and everything will be handed over to me." Chu Wangdao.

Ning Zheng secretly bid farewell to Shen Lang, but the generals such as Ning Yu and Cai Lu stayed in the army and followed the Northern Expedition.

"Your Majesty, I have an idea." When Ning Zheng left, he said.

Shen Langdao: "You said."

Ning Zhengdao: "I want these prime ministers and privies of the Yueshangshu and the Privy Council to take turns to enter the city of Angry City."

The Yue Wang is very confident in Shen Lang. This big battle has not yet begun, but in his eyes, Shen Lang has already won. He has already prepared for the next victory.

"Not only the ambassadors and prime ministers, but also middle-aged officials, young backbone officials, have also entered the anger city for two or three years, and then transferred back to Vietnam." Ning Zhengdao: "Of course, if necessary, Can stay directly in the big dry center."

This person's heart is also very broad, which is completely the docking of the imperial administrative power of the two sides, even if the country is fully integrated into the system of the Great Empire.

"Shen Lang Majesty, I think so." Ning Zheng continued: "We have implemented the New Deal in Wusuo and Yueguo, but after all, they are old forces, thinking is not open enough, and the anger city is different, the rhythm is very fast, professional Very strong. Jiang said well from his majesty, liberated civilization, and brought the entire Dagan empire and even the entire Eastern world into a higher stage of civilization. Now this leaps and bounds have seen results in the raging city, and we also need the Wu Chuyue three countries. Keeping up with the pace. One more thing, once you break into the dry capital and destroy the win-win, you must prepare to take over the whole new kingdom. Those bureaucrats who are loyal to win-win can not be used anymore. The institutions of the anger city have been streamlined to the extreme. There are not so many officials at all, and we still need to draw from our Wu Chuyue three countries. Therefore, after sending a large number of officials from our three kingdoms to the city of Angry Tide, we will be able to take over the entire country in the future."

Chu Wangdao: "I also agree that if you are willing to do so, I will draw up a list to transfer all of the core officials in the Chu State to one-fifth of the core."

Shen Lang nodded: "Well, I agree in principle. But you are still handing over with Jun Jun and Suo Xuan."


There is almost no secret in the marching line of Shen Wu, the 50,000-strong army.

The direction of his army every day, how far away from the dry country, not only knows Jing, Yan Jing knows, Futu Mountain knows, even the world knows.

In order to achieve the effect of a fatal blow, Shenlang's six super-air bastions did not come with the army, because they flew fast, and when the army rushed to the battlefield, they could fly again.

Therefore, the air defense during this time was completely handed over to the air regiment composed of Dachao and dozens of special warriors. There were only a few dozen snow sculptures in the raging tide city of Shenlang, and then borrowed dozens of them from the Great Yan Empire. At that time, they all took them to Beijing. After that, they flew back to the anger city in the name of the letter, and the remaining half is still Still being detained in Kanjing.

Therefore, during these days, almost every day, the army circling a variety of flying squad scouts, such as 诛天阁, Yanjing, Winguang, Futu Mountain, etc., is more than a sneak peek The marching route is simply monitoring all the way.

Almost every ten hours, Winguang and Yan Kyoto will receive the specific information of the Shenlang army, and it will tell the world.

"The 50,000 artillery ash army in the anger city has entered the country of Chu."

"They are only two thousand three hundred miles away from the border of the dry country."

"There are only 1,500 miles."

"Only a thousand miles."

There is no secret in the world. Even the people of Ganjing and Yanjing know where the 50,000 troops of Shenlang have gone.

Moreover, the new army of the Dagan was named the cannon fodder army.


In the face of this decisive battle between the angry city and the win-win, Yan Jing still did not make any sound, even the false mediation did not.

On the day when Shenlang’s 50,000-strong army landed in Vietnam, Futu Mountain and Winguang were gathering troops.

However, their army size can be much larger than the Shenlang.

Winning and ambitious, although these two decades have not been able to talk about the military, but it is absolutely restless.

With a population of 60 million in the dry country, the total army has reached a million. In fact, this number is not surprising. The Chu State and Vietnam have only 20 million people, and the army has more than 670,000.

The army is not expensive, and the army that won the new kingdom is absolutely fine! In the past 20 years, he and the Futu Mountain have cooperated and the Hell Legion has reached an amazing number. Of course, because of the two dragons' regrets, their Hell Legion lost 50,000 or 60,000, but there is still a lot left.

This time, the decisive battle with the raging city was regarded as the first battle after the establishment of the big win kingdom. Winning the glory to play the prestige and play a shocking effect.

Therefore, since the day when Shen Lang sent troops, the Xingan Kingdom and Futu Mountain began to assemble troops.

Half a month later, after the 50,000-strong march marched into the territory of Chu, Winguang and Futu Mountain were still gathering troops.

God knows how many troops they want to assemble, and the entire camp is surrounded by densely packed, endless, and boundless military camps.

From the floating Tushan to the dry air, this airspace is completely flowing, and every day there are large-scale air regiments flying over.

For Winguang, the smartest way is to wait for the work, to gather hundreds of thousands of troops in the dry Beijing defense line, waiting for the 50,000 new army of the anger city to attack. But in this case, it is not a shame to let the army of the angry tide enter the territory of his big win kingdom?

After all, in the eyes of the people of the world, the Northern Expedition of this year was completely a battle of cannon fodder and a battle of despair.

As the king of the big winners, how can the wins allow the enemy to invade the country? It is absolutely necessary to defend the enemy from the country!


Dry Beijing!

"The two sire, the 50,000-strong army of the anger city is far from the border of our country, and there are eight hundred miles." The ambassador made Lanshidao: "Our 500,000 troops have been assembled, ready to go south, and will be 50,000 troops in the anger city." Do you want to kill you?

Win Guangdao: "Who is the coach of the Northern Expedition?"

Lan Shidao: "The coach is Jun Jun, deputy handsome Lan Feng."

Win Guangdao: "Lan Feng? Can he also be a deputy coach? Of course I don't look down on your Lan family, but he was only a three-product military 30 years ago."

The position of the Lan family in the Dagan Empire was once equivalent to the Genji family and the first nobleman of the military.

In front of this, Lans is the uncle of Lanfeng and Landau. This year has already been eighty. When Jiang was in the position of the sergeant, he was the deputy of the Privy Council of the Dagan Empire, and the ambassador of that year was the winner. At that time, this Lanshi and the win-win were the opposite. The Lan family claimed to be Jiang’s most loyal family.

As a result, after the violent anger of Jiang, some of the Lan family chose to be loyal to death, while Lanshi, Lanhua and others chose to surrender and became the champion of Win.

This Lanshi has been the ambassador of the New Kingdom for nearly 30 years. Even his nephew, Lantern, is also the deputy of the Privy Council.

"Yu Jun is awesome, but it is a king of barbarian in the district. It is not qualified for me to drive away." Win Guangdao: "Right brother, do you think we should be the most suitable coach of the 500,000 army?"

When I said this, Win Guang couldn't help but feel a pain in the heart. It was most appropriate to win the prince.

Futushan Ren Zongzhuo said: "The director of the Hell Hall, Tian Xiao, is the master, and wins the impermanence prince and the Lanshi Privy as the deputy."

When the words came out, the heart of the win widened and twitched.

Among the many elders in Futu Mountain, the Hell Hall ranked first and the Xiangtang ranked second.

The Hell Hall is only responsible for one thing, training the Hell Legion, training the Special Legion, and the Ren Tianxiao is not only the Lord of the Hell, but also the top of the Sovereign.

This appointment makes people feel that Ren Zongzhu is going to make Ren Tianxiao the heir to the Futu Mountain? But unlike it, this Tian Xiao is his nephew, but he is only a little younger than him, and this year has already been fifty.

But what is certain is that, at least until now, Ren Tianxiao is the second person of Futu Mountain.

In the past few years, the lords have been in the giant ancient ruins of the southern waters, and Ren Tianxiao has been guarding the headquarters of the Futu Mountain.

The last time the Great Yan Empire’s revenge against the Super Dragon of the Futu Mountain Headquarters was intercepted by Ren Tianxiao.

Winning a little unhappy is Ren Tianxiao as the coach, winning the impermanence as a deputy coach, that is not to say that he wins the family is lower than the upper half, although he wins is actually a surname, but now the winning family is also the world One of the royal family.

"Well, let the three men lead a 500,000-strong army and kill the 50,000 people in the anger city." Win the road.

Ren Zongzhuo said: "Tianxiao, you come in."

Suddenly a majestic man two meters high came in, and the whole hall suddenly had a strong sense of oppression.

Although he is already in his fifties, he seems to have a maximum of 30. He looks like a lord, but the blood of his body is like a myriad of snakes licking his body, especially strange.

He has been staying in the headquarters of the Futu Mountain for a long time, and the Hell Hall, as an institution for training secret corps, has always been in a state of secrecy, so this person does not often show up.

But in terms of martial arts, he and Ren Yingying are comparable. On the wish of the red snow, it is equivalent to the Princess Ning Han in the peak period. In short, it is a top master, at least at this time, Shen Lang has no opponent who can match him.

Win Guangdao: "Tian Xiao, know how to fight this battle?"

Ren Tianxiao said: "Dagger 50,000 people, draw blood, corpse!"

This person is so direct, and he is not joking, nor is it to vent his anger, it is useful to smash blood.

One part is used to cultivate aphids, some is used to cultivate the special army of Futu Mountain, the Hell Legion, and the evil is extremely extreme. The biological laboratory of Futu Mountain is almost without a bottom line, far more than the life research department of Tianya Haige. .

Winning Guangdao: "The whole world is watching us. Our 500,000 pairs of anger city 50,000, the strength is ten times, the strength is more than 100 times, and the war is on our winning country border, so we must strike a thunder. Instantly turn the enemy into a powder, so that it can show the prestige of my big win kingdom."

At this time, the Privy suddenly made Lanshi suddenly say: "The two majestys, Shen Lang was captured by us, and the 50,000-year-old Northern Expedition was just a last resort. It was completely cannon fodder. It was easy to destroy them, but the key is the Great Yan Empire, in case they What should I do with the release of Super Dragon? We don’t have an anti-theft interception device on the battlefield at the border."

Win Guangdao: "The Great Yan Empire did not dare, at least this time did not dare to vote for our Super Dragon."

The Privy makes Lanshi puzzled. Why didn't the Great Yan Empire dare?

It is because Shen Lang is in the hands of Gan Jing, so can he launch the dragon's regret to deter the Great Yan Empire?

In fact, not only that, but also because Buddhism Mountain has mastered another deadly weapon, it is also launched with the power of the dragon, but it is not a dragon's regret, but a brand new locust weapon, although there is no such thing as a dragon's regret. But it can also bring amazing destruction.

However, this kind of locust, even if the Hell Legion and the special warrior of Futu Mountain have no protection, so they are not easy to use on the battlefield, because the locusts can be separated from the enemy.

"Winning impermanence, what do you say?" Win Guang looked at his son.

Winning impermanence: "It takes fifteen days for our 500,000-strong army to go to the Chu-win border, but it takes only one day for the entire war, and it takes one day to report the war. Seventeen days, the father and the lord, you give me seventeen days. I am willing to make a military order. Within seventeen days, let you hear the news that the 50,000 artillery ash army of the Angry City has been destroyed."

When the words came out, the squadron caused Lanshi to frown slightly. This is too dead. In the event of heavy rain, heavy snow, strong winds?

Win Guangdao: "I will give you thirty days! Within a month, I will hear the report of the raging city army."




Ren Tianxiao, winning impermanence, Lanshi three shouted.

Then, with the win of a wide order, the 500,000 troops of Winguang and Futu Mountain rushed south and headed for the border.


Win the vast army south!

A full 500,000, but known as a million!

The news quickly exploded in Yanjing, and opened in Tianyue City. In Chu, King Wu broke open.

Looking at this army from the sky is a real cover for the sun, stretching for hundreds of miles, like the dark tides.

Among the 500,000-strong army, the special warrior wearing the ancient armor has a total of 3,000 people. This is an unprecedented number. At that time, the attack on the anger city only only sent more than 300 people.

The Hell Legion is 150,000, which is even more chilling. Before winning the Guanghe and Futu Mountain, it only took out an estimated 50,000 infernal army.

The remaining 300,000 troops are the main force of the original new kingdom and belong to the normal army.

In the eyes of the world, the strength of this army is really a hundred times that of the anger city.

It has been four years since Shen Lang returned to the Eastern World. His army has barely played a decent war. The military combat power of the Angry City is completely questioned. The only unique victory is the 20,000 blood soul army that wished Hong Xue. .

However, in that battle, relying entirely on the nightmare stone magnetic bombs, the ancient energy core of the Tianya Haige was instantly smashed, causing the Blood Soul Army to lose its combat power. Otherwise, the army of the angry tide city would absolutely be destroyed.

This time, the Hell Legion, the special warrior who won the Fuguang and Futu Mountain, was far more powerful than the blood soul army that wished the red snow at that time, and it was a huge 150,000.

Shen Lang was captured, and the raging tide of the city was without a head. How did this battle strike? It is desperate than despair.

Moreover, the people in the world can see very clearly. Why did Shen Lang take the risk and win the battle of no match at the time? It is because the army that won the glory of the 100,000 troops must attack the kings and the general forces can not protect the country, so it is the best policy. Although Shen Lang created a miracle, the second kill was won, but it also led him to be captured.

This also proves the weakness of the army of the angry tide city. At that time, the 100,000-strong army that won the battle without meditation could not stop it, let alone 500,000 at this time.


Under the eyes of the whole world, two extremely disproportionate troops are approaching.

The 50,000 troops of the raging city went north, and won the 500,000-strong army south, and the Chu-win border was the battlefield.

Ten days later, the 50,000-strong army of the anger city first rushed to the border, then stopped moving forward and began to arm.

At this time, the 500,000-strong army of Winguang was still hundreds of miles from the border. When the news of the armed forces stopped the deployment, the three coaches immediately ordered the army to accelerate.

After four days!

The 500,000-strong army of Winguang and Futu Mountain approached the Chu-win border, and the two armies gathered together for 50 miles!

The big battle between Shen Lang and the Winning Coalition Army is on the verge!


The power of one hundred and thirty small dragons of the Shenlang army is scattered on the defense line of three kilometers.

The 50,000-strong army formed 20 squares and stretched ten miles. It seems to be relatively thin.

More than three hundred artillery pieces are deployed in trenches and dark castles to complement the power of small dragons.

At the same time, at the height of 13,000 square meters, six super-air bastions are slowly coming.

The 50,000-strong empire new army has been waiting for it, waiting for the 500,000-strong army to win into the network.

New Year!

However, this Spring Festival still has no atmosphere.

Not only the battlefield has no atmosphere, but even the countries of the world have no festive atmosphere. The eyes of all people are condensed on the border between Chu and the two countries.

The first month of the 19th!


Winning the drums of the Guangfu Tushan coalition army!

"The army of the raging city will be killed and killed!"

With the command of the three coaches, the 500,000 army was like a tidal wave of death, and it rushed to the 50,000-strong army of Shen Lang.

Princess Dora rode to the highest altitude and watched the enemy.

"The enemy is 50 miles away."

"The enemy is 40 miles away."

"The enemy is 30 miles away!"

At this time, although the 50,000-strong army of the Dagan new army still could not see the enemy's figure, it seemed to be able to feel the ground shaking, and could hear the roaring drums in the north.

But Princess Dora sees clearly in the sky. The 500,000-strong army is really like a dark cloud, like a dark behemoth, like a terror tsunami, constantly sweeping.

Thirty miles, almost!

The coach, Jun Jun, ordered: "All small dragon power launchers, ready!"

Suddenly, the power of one hundred and thirty small dragons was fully opened, and a ton of Hellfire cannon was stuffed into it.

One ton of this, this lethality is simply amazing.


With a slap in the face, a hundred and thirty bachelors slammed the launch switch of the power of the small dragon.


In an instant, a burst of earth-shattering screams, a hundred and thirty Hellfire cannons roared out and crossed a lightning arc in the air.

A full six times the speed of sound, the sound of the sound of the explosion in the moment, almost deafening, shaking the sky, just launch this scene, it is already amazing.

Thirty miles, that is, 15,000 kilometers, for the Hellfire projectile launched by Dragon Force, it is eight or nine seconds.

Just a few breaths!

These one hundred and thirty terrible Hellfire cannons slammed into the 500,000-strong army that won the battle.

No need to aim, because there is no enemy.

"Booming..." A burst of explosions.

More amazing, more earth-shaking scenes have taken place.

Every Hellfire cannonball, releasing a terrible flower of green flames, more than a hundred giant fireballs burst open, stretching for dozens of miles, and the amazing killings opened!


Note: This chapter writes that the space bar is broken, and the last two thousand words are written to crash. But today, there are still more than 15,000 updates, and I hope that the brothers’ monthly ticket support will not hesitate to rush back to the top ten and give it to everyone.

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