History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 577: : Langye mad! A fatal blow to Winguang! (Seeking a monthly pass)

At this point, you will find that the wins and changes vary greatly.

First of all, his eyeballs have been somewhat sunken, the blood vessels of the eyeballs are clearly visible, and the veins of his skin are also slightly convex.

Of course, the change is even more of his look and temperament. The previous win is a calm, unangered and arrogant one.

The current win-win has become more extreme, although the tone of speech is not very obvious, but it gives people a feeling of hysteria.

Many people think that this is because he has been caused by a powerful accident. There have been too many things happening in him recently. First, he won the undead death, then he won the dead, and he lost two or three consecutive games. The disappearance of the dry kingdom, the victory of the kingdom and so on.

In the face of these drastic changes, even the people who hit the iron will change dramatically.

But it is not the case, but another reason.

The familiar feeling came again. The whole brain began to swell, and the eyes began to ghost. Even there were many auditory hallucinations in the ears. There was a burst of illusion in the front of the eye.

This is a very uncomfortable feeling, but in the eyes of Win, it has become a mysterious and mysterious state.

He thinks this is a connection between him and the dragon.

I have read through countless classics, and I am not even a real serious book. I have read all the books about the dragon, the play, and so on.

He saw the best book, the one that touched his heart most, is an ancient biography from the Western world, called the game of power.

There will be a cockroach, get a dragon egg, and hatch him, conquer the whole world, and establish the Tangerian dynasty, and the name of this hero is Ivy I.

When he hatched the dragon, he almost paid the price of his life, and even a strange tumor appeared in his brain. And this tumor is the imprint of the dragon in his body, this tumor will continue to change and grow, so that Yi Yu has a sharp brain pain, bursts of auditory hallucinations, eye ghosts, and even the blood of the whole body are smashed.

But once the dragon has hatched, people can control the dragon through this tumor.

This ancient legend is very exciting, magnificent, magnificent, but only the first volume.

Win-Guang is unintentionally getting this ancient biography of the Western world, and it is still the classical state of the original state, which needs to be deciphered one by one, and it is still ancient Latin.

Because Winguang is secretly trying to collect all the classics about the dragon, and there is a dragon in the cover of this classical book. There is also a sentence inside. When a red comet crosses the sky, it means that the dragon will appear. Now, I got the attention of Win Wide.

Win-Guang immediately organized a large number of manpower to decipher the classical Chinese in this Western world, and then gained treasure.

Of course, the book about incubating dragon eggs is very mysterious and can hardly be copied. However, in the process of hatching the dragon egg, the physical reaction of Yi Yi I was really similar, which made the win more exciting, and more convinced that he could hatch this dragon egg and get the dragon.

Moreover, even if the dragon hatches, it will recognize the Lord, so even if Ren Zongzhu knows this dragon egg does not matter.

The most urgent task at this time is to hatch the dragon egg.

Even Win has had a very extreme idea, detonating a dragon's regret, used to hatch this dragon egg. But fortunately, I got the Dragon Box, and I don't need to use this extreme method.

Now that he was excited, the familiar painful feeling came again, and there seemed to be something in the brain that was expanding.

"Therefore, the day will be reduced to the people, and the people will also suffer from their own minds, work their muscles and bones, be hungry, and be empty, and do what they do!"

Oh, how good it is. These days, let me win and encounter these tribulations, everything is paved for the birth of the dragon, such a great creature birth, it is necessary to pay homage.

Then, does the Western Ancient Biography really have a game of power? No! This classic, is completely ... the export of Shen Lang to domestic sales!

In fact, he also prepared a lot of books about the dragon, trying to get the people of the Win family to collect, but did not think of winning the game of "Power of Power", but also true, some places are really classic, writing things More bizarre than this, such as "Homer's Epic", "Odyssey", etc., the credibility is not as high as the "Game of Thrones", at least the right to swim is still a low-level magic plane.

Winguang obsessedly looked at the bottle in his hand, which is a brand new locust.

Isn’t the lord responsible for cultivating the world’s first locust in the body of her daughter Ren Yingying? This is not the only derivative of the world's first locust, so it has become the secret weapon of the big win kingdom.

After getting the dragon box, the first urgent idea of ​​Winguang is to put the dragon egg inside to hatch.

However, let's first wipe out the 50,000 people in this angry city from the world.

Even if you kill the 50,000 people, it is very difficult to restore the reputation of the big win kingdom, but it will always save a part.

It is impossible to rely on normal fighting, not shocking enough to completely shock the world. What is needed is an instant spike.

Win Guang also looked down at the ancient dragon box and headed for Jun Jun: "Since the transaction has been completed, you can erase it."

Then, Win Guang waved his hand gently, and the whole action was light and cloudy.

Can he completely wipe out the 50,000 army of the Angry City?

Of course, because he madly buried a dozen ancient energy cores in the ground, all of them detonated in an instant.

In this way, the 50,000-strong army of the Angry City, and the power of more than one hundred small dragons, more than three hundred artillery pieces, was instantly broken.

"Goodbye Yu Jun, goodbye to you!" Win Guangdao.

Then, he gently patted dozens of ancient nightmare stone installations, the whole movement is still silent.


"Dangdang Dangdang..."

At the same time, there was a strange sound between the whole air.

The piercing bell rang, and it was more intense than a burst of harshness.

There are also a dozen sounds of the ancient energy core that enter the self-destructive countdown, and these sounds are completely mixed.

More and more rushing, more and more amazing. This countdown is very, very short, just less than half a minute.

These dozens of ancient energy cores are buried at the foot of the raging city army, at least half of them are directly below.

Once exploded, there are countless casualties.


More and more sharp and more and more harsh.

Winning the wave and waving, the winning princess opened a gap in the sedan chair: "Slow the waves, see the last side with your army, by the way, goodbye, they will soon be completely wiped from this world. went."


Win Guang took out his pocket watch and started counting down.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven... three, two, one, zero!"

time up!

The earth-shattering destruction began, although it is still not comparable to the dragon's repentance, but the explosion of more than a dozen ancient energy cores is enough to cover the sun's rays, and it is enough to kill the 50,000 people in the anger city.


This explosion exploded fiercely in the heart of the win.

But... but it didn't sound in reality.

Here, why is this? He clearly has deployed everything, and has clearly buried the core of the ancient energy in four directions outside the southeast and northwest, especially outside the south gate, the most energy core buried, because the city of the raging city attacked the city from this direction. The probability is the biggest.

Why is there no explosion? Why is there no explosion?

Of course, it will not explode, because all the ancient energy cores of Winguang are from the ancient Jiang, and Shenlang has the highest control authority. Before he put it, he still needs to manually shut down the self-destruction program of the ancient energy core, but now he does not need it at all. He has super strength, plus the core of the dragon, the ancient king ring.

If you want to turn on the self-explosion of the ancient energy core, you need to go and do it yourself, but turn off the self-explosion, but only need a signal.

This is also the original intention of the design of the ancient energy core, and it is absolutely impossible to blew itself when it is absolutely necessary. But as long as the blast has not happened, it can be stopped at any time.

Winning the horror, what happened? Why is this happening?

He clearly has set himself up, why are these ancient energy cores not exploding? Didn't the 50,000 people in the angry city blow up?

Was it destroyed in advance? This is absolutely impossible. These ancient energy cores have been watched by special warriors since they were buried underground. No one can destroy them.

Or one person has higher authority, which can interrupt the self-explosion of the ancient energy core, but no one has touched the ancient energy core in the whole process. Is it necessary to stop the self-protection?

This, this is impossible, no one has this permission.

Win Guang instinctively looked inside the sedan chair, and there was a strange possibility in his heart, then immediately shook his head.

Now is not a time of selfish distraction, focus on everything, eliminate 50,000 people in this angry city, and then find a way to hatch out the dragon egg.

Win Guang took a long breath and sneered: "Awesome, great, even the self-explosion of the ancient energy core can be destroyed in advance, it is really amazing."

Winning wide while talking, applauding, and then looking at the bottle in his head obsessively, inside is a very special aphid.

In its simple form, it is not terrible, not even special. It is colorless and even very careful to discover its existence.

As I said before, this is the first derivative of the world's locusts. The main thing of Futu Mountain is to cultivate the world's first cockroach on his daughter Ren Yingying. It has not been successful.

Winning a faint road: "Shen Lang Majesty, a month ago, our two army totaled 550,000 in the wilderness. At this time, the Great Yan Empire can kill us as long as we vote for a super dragon." Net, why didn’t they do that?”

The mirror inside the sedan chair said: "Because the time is not yet."

"Maybe it is for this reason." Win Guangdao: "But there is another reason, that is, our new locust weapon, which gave an unprecedented shock to Yanjing, and now shows you a miracle."

This is not only for the mirror, but also for all the raging city corps outside.

"Bring it up!"

With the win of a wide order, several horse-drawn carriages came over, and they were densely packed with people.

"These people are all rebellious in my big win kingdom. They are all rebellious against Jiang. I grabbed a thousand." Winning Guangdao.

The mirror looked down, and he recognized the people inside at a glance, all of whom had heard his speech.

Win Guangdao: "A total of 350,000 people have heard your speech, and I have symbolically captured a thousand people."

The thousand prisoners were all **** by ropes and stood on the square in the city.

Win a wide wave, Ren Tianxiao hands up the box, the ancient nightmare stone box. Through a complicated twisting password, the box is opened in layers and then there are two things in it.

The locust bomb, a small one, is only less than ten milliliters. There is also a big one, a full one thousand milliliters.

It is still a transparent aphid, which can be found almost under the sun, and it is completely harmless to humans and animals.

Win Guang took out this small one and handed it to Ren Tianxiao: "Go, give Shen Lang down and give a performance to the people of the Dagan Empire."

"Yes!" Ren Tianxiao said, then took this small special locust bomb, riding the ancient vulture, and flew into the air.

And Win Guang carefully took out this large special locust bomb, put it into the ancient dragon box, and began to copy and split quickly.

"Shen Lang Majesty, this is just the first derivative of the world's locusts, I think a lot of names, but they are not very appropriate." Win Guangdao: "Ren Xiong suddenly did not know what to take as a good, Shen When you are busy, you can get a best name."

"Of course, this kind of special martial arts is extremely powerful, directly shocking Yan Jing, so that they dare not act rashly. But this special locust is also extremely difficult to cultivate, and Futu Mountain pays the price of astronomical figures, and only cultivates it. A little bit, it can only be used as a deterrent. It can't be a conventional weapon. It will be gone when it is used up."

"Slow down the sigh, thank you for the ancient dragon box, it is magical. After the special locust is put into it, it will split quickly. If it is less than an hour, it will split 16 times, and the efficiency will increase by a thousand. More than that, with this dragon box, then our special locust weapons will not be lacking, and even can be used as a conventional weapon."

"Now, it’s up to Shen Lang to witness the power of this special locust weapon."

At this time, Ren Tianxiao flew directly into the air of the square, and below him was a thousand prisoners.

"Prepare, throw!"

With the win of a wide order, Ren Tianxiao directly threw the special locust weapon down.


Only a few milliliters of a special locust single bomb fell into the crowd and burst open.

Then, as if nothing had happened.

The previous mites, either green or red, look very different. And this special locust is completely transparent, and it is not evil at all.

However, suddenly...

One of the prisoners disappeared directly and the whole person was directly swallowed up.

Then, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth...

The mirror inside the sedan chair, the 250,000 people on the head of the dry city, and the scattered waves flying in the air can be seen clearly.

These captives, swallowed by special locusts, have no screams and no flesh and blood.

Their bodies disappeared by inch by inch.

The head disappeared, the body disappeared, and the legs disappeared.

In fact, it is not disappearing, but it is eaten by special locusts.

After half a minute, one hundred people disappeared. After one minute, three hundred people disappeared. Two minutes later, a thousand people disappeared.

Only ten milliliters of special mites have swallowed up a thousand people.

After the phagocytosis, they fall directly back to the ground and become a gel state, rolling like viscous water.

Gradually they began to solidify and eventually became a completely transparent crystal.

Win Guangdao: "Pack up."

Several special warriors came forward and shoveled the huge transparent solid crystals on the square and carried them in a box.

This scene has shocked everyone, including mirrors, including Shen Lang, including the army on the walls of the capital.

Seeing nothing, unheard of, is simply creepy.

too terrifying!

Is there such a terrible locust in the world?

Just ten milliliters, it swallowed a thousand people, and without any pain and consciousness, it was swallowed up directly.

And they seem to have the limit of phagocytosis. After they are fully fed, they begin to evolve and eventually become some kind of crystal.

The locusts in the former Futu Mountain are also very amazing, but they are mostly corrosive, mainly soluble, and require large quantities of mites. They are not super-invasive and require large areas to be thrown.

The ten milliliters of the worms that just popped up were only less than one square meter. In the end, thousands of prisoners in thousands of square meters were swallowed up and escaped.

What is this locust?

This is just a derivative of the first locust in the world. How amazing is the first locust in the world? What a horror?

Winning Guangdao: "Thanks to Shen Lang, the number of special locusts is too rare. It is too slow to rely on their self-propagation. We simply can't use it. Now with the ancient dragon box, we can rest assured and boldly use it. ""

"When I used ten milliliters, I destroyed a thousand people. And I still have a thousand milliliters in my hand. After a full year and a half, I got the thousand milliliters. I am willing to use it." Road: "Now, well. If this thousand milliliters are thrown in the army of the Angry City, how many people can you kill?"

Ten milliliters destroyed a thousand people, and that one thousand milliliters was 100,000 people, enough to wipe out the 50,000 army of the Angry City twice.

"Sudden waves, these secret weapons of the Angry City are quite good. After killing 50,000 people, I will completely laugh."

"Slow the waves, don't let your army run away? Don't let them be scattered?" Win Guang asked: "This thousand milliliters of special locust bombs, I also intend to put in the ancient dragon box for a while, anger city If the army wants to escape, there is still time."

The mirror did not move, and the anger outside did not move toward the army.

The entire dry capital, fell into a dead silence. Because everyone is scared by this special locust, it is really incredible.

After half an hour, Winguang opened the ancient dragon box and took out a special locust bomb from it.

It’s amazing. Just a thousand milliliters just put it in the dragon box for more than half an hour, and the direct split has increased to 3,000 milliliters. According to theory, this is enough to kill 300,000 people.

Win Guang slowly said: "Shen Lang Majesty, this time really want to say goodbye to your anger city army."

Then, Winguang holds this special locust bomb and puts it into another body, similar to the arch of the ancient giant arrow.

Then, he put this ancient giant arrow on a dragon power launcher, which is the real power of a large dragon.

Set goals, set distances, and aim at the 50,000-strong army in the city outside the city.

Then he couldn't help but glanced outside the city.

The big win kingdom princess wins the show: "Slow the waves, take a look at it, and soon the 50,000-strong army of the anger city will completely disappear from this world. We win the game, we are Renshi, this time I finally use it." Insect weapons, completely destroy the enemy."

Win Guangdao: "Thank you, Shen Lang, thank you for your ancient dragon box, so that I can use it to slaughter your army."

"Three, two, one!"

Win a wide shot of the Nightmare Stone button.

"Oh..." suddenly the power of the dragon was launched.

This ancient giant arrow fluttered out and flew away toward the army of the raging city a few kilometers away.

The speed of about 3,000 kilometers per second, almost one and a half seconds, went to the sky above the 50,000 army of the Angry City. At such a fast speed, any weapon on the side of the anger city could not be intercepted in advance.

Three thousand milliliters of locust bombs are enough to kill 300,000 people, not to mention the 50,000 anger city troops in the district?

This ancient arrow with a special locust bomb is really like a **** of death. It will come in an instant and harvest life with madness.

At the same time, Shen Lang rushed into the sky with a snow sculpture.

At this time, can he intercept the freeze?


Because, this is just an ordinary giant arrow, without any nightmare stone installation.

"Devil!" Shen Lang shouted.

"Go..." The enemies screamed fiercely, and the nightmare stone in the hands of the ancient swords, lightning is generally thrown into the air.


In an instant, this ancient giant arrow was cut open.


Then, this ancient giant arrow blasted open, and countless special locusts splashed in the sky.

Sprinkle over the army of the Angry City.

What is the number of special locusts of 3,000 ml? How many billions, hundreds of billions?

Once it falls into the ranks of the army, the consequences are unimaginable. It is really a complete massacre. The 50,000-strong army of the Angry City will be swallowed and destroyed.

The worms in the sky are desperately scattered.

Like the **** of death, completely shrouded.

Win wide and faint: "Goodbye, anger city, goodbye, big empire!"

These 50,000 elites are almost all of the raging city. Once the whole army is destroyed, it basically means the demise of the Dagan Empire.

Winning the princess opened the mirror's eyes and said slowly: "Shenlang sees clearly, your Dagan empire is destroyed like this. Your **** is completely finished. Don't say anything in the future. We win the thief, the winner. For the king, the loser is jealous, and the sorrow of the loser is unheard of."

The silent massacre is about to begin.

And it is at this time!

The deep waves in the air suddenly burst into a bang.

His mental power, control of the dragon's heart device, released a whirlpool.

It is not a vortex of energy that annihilates everything, because it lacks the sword of the dragon.

It is a simple whirlpool, like a tornado.

The slaughter of special locusts has begun.

The first, second, and third warriors of the Angry City were smashed by an inch and were swallowed up by special locusts.


The swell of the waves broke.

Suddenly, the whole person became a huge whirlpool, madly engulfing everything in the air.

Countless dust, countless air, and countless special locusts have all been swept away.

Three thousand milliliters, countless locusts, were swept by his whirlpool and swallowed his body.

"Hey..." The snow sculpture he rode, even without any screams, was directly broken.

The astronomical number of special locusts, madly plunged into the body of the waves, madly swallowed and madly destroyed.

In an instant!

The shadow of Shen Lang disappeared, like a transparent light group, falling from the sky.

Because this locust is transparent, once it has swallowed life, it has become a gel that is directly transparent.

Hundreds of thousands of people around shouted.

The enemies, the monarchs, and others, seem to fall into hell, and the body is cold.

In an instant, their world seems to have been completely destroyed.

All hopes seem to have been shattered in an instant.

The entire spiritual world, the boundless collapse.

Again, is this the case?

In order to save 50,000 people, Shen Lang’s Majesty once again sacrificed himself completely?

But this time, he really disappeared.

The remaining 50,000 troops of the Angry City did not know that the person was a swell, but they also felt horrified and shuddered.


A group of light and shadow slammed on the ground silently.

Just a group of transparent light and shadow, like the surging water, the shadow of the sinking wave disappeared completely without a trace.

However, the three thousand milliliters of special locusts, after all, did not successfully slaughter the army of the anger city, and all were sucked into the body of Shen Lang.

Win Guang looked at it all inconceivably, and then began to tremble slightly.

This, what is going on?

who's that person?

Why can he stop the spread of special mites, why can he swallow all the special mites?

Three thousand milliliters of aphids should be hunted for hundreds of thousands of lives to be saturated.

As long as it is not saturated, this special locust will always devour all life until it is saturated.

Why is this time, three thousand milliliters of locusts, just to swallow that person?

Is he dead? Is the gray smoke gone?

After a good time!

There is a transparent light and shadow standing on the ground, which can be seen as a human body.

Only the entire body surface is completely covered by transparent water, constantly rushing.

Hundreds of billions of special locusts, desperately plunging into his body, desperately swallowing everything.

Then... hundreds of billions of special locusts were swallowed up by the waves.

The layer of transparent gel on his body is getting thinner and thinner, and hundreds of billions of special mites on the body surface are getting less and less.

At last……

It completely disappeared.

Shen Lang's body has recovered from the original, but it is a bit shameful.

Everyone looked at him with shock?

What happened just now?

This person turned out to be a deep wave? Real sinking waves?

Then, who is that person in the sedan chair? Is it a stand-in mirror?

Hasn’t devour hundreds of billions of special locusts?

Then, what will happen to his body?

After a good time, the Shenlang under the city smiled at Winguang: "Win the glory, don't come innocent, long time no see."

"To win the game, tell you two things, the first one, your death is coming."

"The second piece, the dragon egg I gave you, is fake!"

"Ha ha ha ha."



Note: The first one is sent, do the brothers have a monthly pass? Give it to me, please! Keeping up behind, it makes people feel flustered.

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