History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 584: : Live dead man! Ren Zongzhuzhuo! (question for monthly pass)

Hearing the arrival of the abbot of the Hanging Temple, it was not only the Shen Lang, but the re-election was wrong.

"Your Majesty, did you invite the abbot of the darkness?" asked the lord.

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "No, I am not familiar with him."

He didn't lie, Shen Lang was really unfamiliar with the abbot of the silence.

"Is it?" Ren Zong said: "It is strange. The abbot of the silence is a person outside the real world. How can you really visit the Futu Mountain suddenly? And there is no invitation."

Shen Lang is also very strange. Is this Gangyi really coming for him?

Ren Zongzhu said: "When you are down, you will meet."

Shen Lang did not speak, but his eyes revealed the meaning of the inquiry. Ren Zongzhu immediately said: "Your Majesty is the master of the big dry, of course, do not need to meet, this lonely abbot is even detached, under your status. ”

When he said this, Ren Zongzhu looked at Shen Lang’s eyes with some doubts.

Because a few years ago, when Shen Lang left the ancient ruins of the southern seas, he was once helped by the elders of the Hanging Temple. The two sides still have certain friendships.

Of course, the lord did not say anything about this. He took out several elders of the Futu Mountain and went out.

Next, Shen Lang did not wait for a long time, Ren Zongzhu came back, followed by another person, and it was Gang Yi, the elder of the Hanging Temple.

When Shen Lang saw his first sight, he directly wanted to shout, enchanting, where to run?

This person is really handsome, and it is difficult to distinguish between male and female. It is really necessary to take away the reputation of the first beautiful man in Shenlang.

A few months ago, Shen Lang saw him in the ghost town of the big robbery palace. To tell the truth, Shen Lang now does not know whether this so-called ghost city is a singular thing, a real space, but also a pure one. Spiritual space.

Therefore, his meeting with Gang Yi was like a dream.

Not only is Shen Lang, but almost everyone on the scene is the first time to see the abbot of the silence, showing amazement.

The silence is too mysterious, even if the elders of the Futu Mountain have never seen it, but it is conceivable that in all people’s minds, the silence should be the kind of sorghum that must be all white, but it is not thought that it is completely unseen. Age, I can't see the super beautiful men of men and women. This is the real face like Guan Yu. There is not a little bit of jealousy. When he comes over, it seems to be illuminated by the warm light. It seems to be very close, as if A spring breeze came over.

In addition, everyone is also very wrong. Why did the abbot of the Hanging Temple come, but he never showed up.

"Silent, see the Emperor of the Great Emperor."

Shen Lang got up and said: "The wave, I have seen the abbot."

Next, the master of the air said: "Shen Lang Majesty, I first went to Jingjing, and then to the Futu Mountain."

Shen Lang said: "Master is coming for me?"

Master of the Air: "Yes."

Shen Langdao: "What is the master looking for me?"

The last time he was in a ghost town, you wanted to win the sinking waves, and the result failed. Let Shen Lang get the spiritual soul of the King of the King. Shen Lang thought that the Gang would come to him, but did not expect it to be there, but this time he came again.

what is this? What does he want to do?

The master of the sky directly opened the door and said: "I will send a scroll to the majesty."

Then he twitched a reel from the sleeve, a very ordinary reel that looked like silk, like a cloth, and a stone that was rolled up.

Shen Lang walked down the steps and took the book with both hands. In any case, the position of the person in the air is very high.

After taking it, Shen Lang opened it directly. Yes, this is a scroll of scriptures, and it is very rare and rare, but there seems to be nothing special about it. Is there anything in this book?

In order to send such a scroll of books?

"Thank you, Master, I will definitely read it." Shen Langdao.

Silence (Gangyi) said: "The scriptures have been sent, then I will leave, goodbye."

Then, the abbot of the air left directly, and it was really a wave of hands, not taking a cloud. Even in the whole process, it seems that he has not come to the general, staying in the first less than five minutes.

Gang Yi, you can easily lead to the suspicion of Ren Zong, who is probably the most suspicious person in the world.

However, from the performance of Ren Zongzhu at this time, it seems that there is no difference, even he personally sent the air to leave. However, from the beginning to the end, the silent abbot always had no communication with Ren Zong.

After sending away the abbot of the silence, Ren Zongzhu seems to have failed nothing. He walked toward Shen Lang and said: "Your Majesty, let's continue?"

Shen Langdao: "Okay, let's continue!"

Next, the loyalty ceremony of Futu Mountain officially began. The whole scene is very serious and even sacred.

This makes Shen Lang even more wrong, what is the drama of Ren Zongzhu? Just do the play, want to make me awkward, is it necessary to be so serious and sacred? If you do this, it will inevitably increase my sacred position in Mount Buddhism. This is the Eastern world.

Once the status of a person is deified, it will really be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Over time, even if the lord regards Shen Lang as a beggar, in the eyes of everyone in Futu Mountain, he will become a king.

At the end of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xie was able to take off his clothes. The name of the orthodox emperor is very valuable. Win-win pursuits cannot be pursued for a lifetime.

First of all, Ren Zongzhu in front of everyone, respectfully respected the three waves of Shen Lang.

The real three-nine-nine-week, meticulous, and under the solemn soundtrack.




"Don't beheaded again!"

Under the command of the Daguguan Yunhai, Ren Zongzhu completed this solemn ceremony in front of thousands of people in Futu Mountain.

Shen Lang couldn't help but be more shocked, acting only, can you use such input?

The Futu Mountain Presbyterian Church, the various church owners, and the various military generals are all here. If you are a lord, you will weaken your position and raise the deep waves. What do you want to do? ?

After Ren Zongzhu completed the three-nine-nine-week prayer, the next 13 elders, together with Shen Lang, made a trip to Sanlang, loyal to the ceremony.

At this time, the music was changed again, but the difference from the music was very subtle. If you don't listen carefully, you can hardly hear it.

Every detail is really impeccable, completely in accordance with the etiquette of the Eastern royal family.

This is really arrogant, just this music, the anger city can not get out, there is no such complete track.

After the thirteen elders sank and nine worship, the next few are dozens of alternate elders, dozens of deputy and deputy heads of the trinity and nine worship.

Hundreds of people, facing the smashing of the waves, squatting, and carrying an unprecedented gift.

In the end, everyone shouted: "Long live your Majesty, long live, long live!"

This loyalty ceremony is too serious, and it is not necessary to do so. What medicine is sold in the hoist?

At this time, there are people outside to say: "Under the beginning, the enlightened lord..."

The result has not yet fallen, Ren Zongzhuo angered: "The palm of your hand, at this time you have to call my lord. From now on, Futu Mountain is just the palace of your majesty. There is no such detachment. There is only one lord, only one teacher. There is no sovereign."

Suddenly, the two eunuchs stepped forward and smacked the man’s slap in the face.

The man was beaten and did not dare to make a cry. After the beating was finished, once again respectfully said: "Under the beginning, the enlightenment teacher..."

Ren Zongzhu said: "The palm of your hand, I have said how many times, there is no floating Tushan, only the floating butcher palace, there is only one master here, that is the supreme majesty, you can start under the shackles, why bring me? Are you going to fall into disloyalty?"

Uh? ! It’s too much, too much.

Your servant is so over-excited, it is very dangerous, and it will really bring a strong signal. It will really make the entire Wutu Mountain feel that the waves are the master.

Shen Lang was really a bit shocked at this time, and things seemed to be a bit different from what he imagined.

This, this lord does not seem to be completely guilty of him? Is it necessary to always raise his status? And it seems so impatient, as if to suddenly create a pair of golden body for Shen Lang.

The man outside continued to sigh: "Under the opening, the Prince of the Great Empire visited the city."

A sigh of sorrow, the prince of Lian came? He is still coming really fast, really timely.

When Shen Lang came to Futu Mountain for two days, he came here?

What does the Lian Prince want to do to stop the union of Shen Lang and Futu Mountain? But in the heart of Shen Lang, he and Ren Zong are completely fake unions.

Shen Lang is heading to Ren Zong: "Tai Shi, this Lian Prince should be looking for you."

Ren Zongzhu squats first: "Your Majesty is supreme, so whether to summon the flaming prince of the Great Empire, it is entirely up to you."

Shen Lang discovered that when he and Ren Zongzhu were both, the attitude of the other party was quite random, but in this public occasion, the attitude of the lord can not be described with respect, it is a respectful minister.

Shen Langdao: "Come on, come see it."

"According to the purpose!" Ren Zong main road.

Then, he looked outwards: "There is a purpose for the majesty, and the prince of the Great Yan Empire will be seen."

Then, outside the palace, the sound really went out for a while.

"Your Majesty has a purpose, and he is called to see the prince of the Great Yan Empire."

"There is a purpose for you, and you can see the prince of the Great Yan Empire!"

The picture in this TV movie, Shen Lang finally met, this emperor-level treatment, he really enjoyed the thoroughness.

A moment later, the young lord of the Great Yan Empire came in. He did not salute the Shenlang, but instead turned to the patriarch: "I have seen the lord."

Ren Zongzhu was meticulous and courteous: "The Honorable Prince of Lian, correcting it, there will be no Wutu Mountain again from now on. Only the Dagan Empire Buddhism Palace, there is no such thing as the sovereign. Only the Emperor of the Great Emperor is the teacher! ”

Lian prince could not help but glimpse, so thoroughly?

Ren Zongzhu continued: "Lian prince, I know what you want to say, I know what you want to talk to me? But no need, there is no room for negotiation between us, if you are witnessing as a diplomatic ambassador Our loyalty ceremony is very welcome. But if you are coming to negotiate with me, please come back. And please don’t have any disrespectful words and actions against your majesty, otherwise I will let you know the floating palace. The sword is still very sharp."

After all, Ren Zong’s master hand was on the handle of the dragon.

Rely, this... Are you going to be the first loyal loyal to my swell?

After a little horror, Lian’s Prince smiled and said: “Interesting and interesting, then I will serve as a guest and witness this loyalty ceremony.”

Ren Zongzhu wrote the first slogan: "Your Majesty, loyalty to the ceremony, whether to continue."

Shen Langdao: "Go ahead."

Then, the solemn and grand loyalty ceremony continues.

After half a full hour, this loyalty ceremony really ended.

The Lianwang of the Great Yan Empire did not say anything.

In the end, Ren Zonglang said: "You, starting today, there is only the floating sect palace, and there is no floating mountain. The present is no longer the elder of the Futu Mountain, the lord, but the courtier of the Dagan empire, the servant of the prince."

Then, under the leadership of Ren Zongzhu, thousands of people bowed to Shen Lang’s dagger: “Long live the Majesty, long live, long live.”

The prince of the Great Yan Empire laughed and said: "Shen Lang Majesty, it seems that I have no room for negotiation with Futu Mountain, and I will leave!"

Then, the young Lian prince left directly.

After the end of the loyalty ceremony, it was the state banquet.

At this time, Shen Lang suddenly said: "Tai Shi, I want to issue a will, can you?"

Ren Zongzhu immediately sighed: "The minister is afraid, there is any will in his majesty, and the decree will be blessed.

Shen Langdao: "The crystal of the nightmare stone of the anger city has been exhausted, but many studies can't stop for a day. Please send a group of nightmare stones to the anger city."

Ren Zongzhu first said: "Chen Zun!"

Then, he got up and said: "There is a purpose, the black castle in the southern sea, and immediately transport all the nightmare stone crystals to the anger city."

Next, Ren Zongzhu wrote the will of the auto pen, and then handed it to Shen Langdao: "Your Majesty, please look over, this will have something to consider."

Shen Langdao: "Very good, the words of Taishi are very good."

"Thank you to praise!" Ren Zongzhu spread this will, put it on the table, said: "Please use your print!"

Shen Lang took out his own private seal and stamped it on this sacred purpose. This is not a violation of the rules, because many ancient Chinese emperors also like to use private seals, such as the famous Shiquan old man.

Generally speaking, a sacred decree requires two seals, the seal of the king, and the seal of the cabinet or the book stand. Otherwise, it belongs to the purpose.

Ren Zongzhu was kneeling on the ground and said: "The Dagan Empire is not in the book, and the minister is afraid to cover the seal of the floating sect. Please make a decision."

So formal? !

"Good." Shen Langdao.

Then, the patriarch carefully took out a seal and stamped it on the sacred decree. It was really the official seal of the Buchhouse.

You are so arrogant, even this seal is engraved in advance.

Once this purpose really comes into effect, there is really a boat nightmare crystal that is transported from the Black Castle to the Angry City. The purpose is to be authoritative, and even the seal of the Floating Temple will become authoritative.

After the seal is sealed, it is placed inside the box and sealed with wax.

"Wu Daren, you immediately take this sacred decree to the Black Castle. It is necessary to let them transport the nightmare stone crystals to the city of the tidal wave in the shortest time. If there is any delay, they will be severely punished." Ren Zongzhuo.

Wu absolutely swears: "Yes!"

Then, he took the sacred box with both hands and walked back: "Chen, retire."

After walking backwards and exiting the palace gate, Wu immediately rode on the ancient vulture and flew toward the southern waters.

After everything is done, the sergeant Yunhai said: "Your Majesty, open a seat?"

Shen Langdao: "Well, let's open."

Daguguan Yunhai shouted: "Your Majesty has a purpose, open!"

Then, the music changed again, it was still solemn, but not so serious, but it seemed a bit cheerful.

Next is the so-called Dagan State Banquet, and then almost everyone is shooting the waves, and blowing his work to the sky.

Ren Zongzhu is like a transparent person. He does not want to steal the limelight of the waves. He even has no sense of power.

After the dinner, Shen Lang tried to ask: "Tai Shi, my old dragon box, can be inside the Futu Mountain?"

How important is this ancient dragon box? Will your lord be shirked? This is the ancient treasure, you should always want to take over for you.

Ren Zongzhuo said: "At, your Majesty. Because of the reasons for winning the wide, the dragon box is contaminated with some pollutants, and the minister has already cleaned it."

Shen Langdao: "Then send him to my room."

"Yes!" Ren Zongzhuo, did not even shirk it.

Then Shen Lang said again, "Yes, what about Yingying?"

Ren Zongzhuo said: "It is still within the underground mausoleum. She has lived there for a long time. She thinks that there is a benefit to her recovery."

Shen Lang tried again: "That took her back. Now her skin is opaque and she is not afraid of the sun."

Ren Zongzhu said: "Chen will follow the instructions and immediately send someone to pick it up!"

There is still no excuse!


After the banquet, Shen Lang returned to the palace to rest. And the lord, and all the elders of the Futu Mountain, the owner, all retired.

The entire floating palace, only Shen Lang, there are thousands of eunuchs, thousands of palace ladies.

He is really the supreme master of the place. From beginning to end, every word that Shen Lang said, the entire Futu Mountain is completely obeyed, without any violation.

This is really strange. It’s not like swearing at all, it’s really like an dictatorial monarch.

What does the lord want to do?

However, to put these distractions completely aside, for Shen Lang, the most important thing is to save Ren Yingying Princess and let her wake up.

There is also Gang Yi, he is only to send a scripture to Shen Lang?

Shen Lang picked up the scripture and carefully studied it and found it to be an ordinary scripture.

But after scanning with X-rays, he immediately noticed a difference.

Is there a set of exercises hidden in this book? No, it is not a complete practice. It should be regarded as a set of fine mystery.

Just like the classical books, they are engraved in the book. There are tens of thousands of words and complicated pictures.

After reading a little bit, Shen Lang was surprised to find that this turned out to be a very high level of spiritual practice.

Its role is very simple, is to recover a person's spiritual soul.

The name of this set of exercises is called the Living Dead.

This is simply too powerful!

And this is just the first volume, its principle is very deep and simple.

The death of a person is, in the final analysis, the death of the soul. In modern terms, it is brain death.

Even if the heart is pierced, it is not because the heart is pierced and died, but because the heart is pierced and cannot supply blood to the brain, so the brain is dead.

To some extent, as long as the soul does not die, that person will never die. Therefore, the millennium heritage of the spiritual soul of the King of the Ming Dynasty was born.

According to the theory of this living dead, after the death of the soul, the soul is dying, but there will still be countless imprints left in the brain.

The spiritual practice of this set of living dead can be based on these soul imprints, with a strong mental power to impact the brain, so that the whole person can wake up again.

Therefore, it is called the Living Dead!

what does this mean? The vegetative resurrection? This is only the minimum.

According to this theory, even if a person dies, as long as the body does not rot, as long as the brain does not rot, it can be revived to some extent. Of course, after the resurrection, it is called a living dead, and it is called a monk.

Of course, this is the highest level of living dead, and now the first one is sent to Shen Lang.

What does this mean? Do you have charcoal in the snow? At this time, Shen Lang is trying to save the Princess Ren Yingying.

She had a nirvana change, and Wu Gongxiu became very amazing, but she still fell asleep. Her brain was destroyed by the lord and became a walking dead.

Shen Lang has already conceived a set of ways to save the Princess Ying Yingying. It is necessary to use the nightmare stone device and also need to use strong spiritual strength. However, I did not expect that the last genius of the big robbery, Gang Yi, even sent the "Death of Life" directly.

This is completely a time to take a nap, and send a pillow directly.

Many of Shen Lang’s ideas have been verified. How to save Princess Ren Yingying and how to wake her up, the first volume of The Living Dead is clearly written.

Do you have a mind reading? Do you know that I want to save Ying Ying, and I immediately sent this book?

At that time, it was discovered in the ghost city of the ghost town. The Gang knows a lot of secrets of Shen Lang, even if he does not belong to this world.

This person is really a demon, completely ridiculous, the most important thing is that he is an enemy or a friend?

Another point, according to the imagination of Shen Lang, at least one person must secretly monitor the waves and move every move? In the underground mausoleum, the majestic samurai, who was a peach, stared at him all the time. There was a twin in the room next to him, listening to every movement of the sun.

However, now, Shen Lang is not half a figure in the study of this "Living Dead Man" within a hundred meters.

No one is monitoring, and no one is listening. And the ancient dragon box has been cleaned and placed in the sleepy palace.

He really doesn't seem to be under house arrest, not even like jealousy.

However, Shen Lang once again put these thoughts behind him, focused on the immediate goal, and rescued Princess Ren Yingying.

According to Ren Zongzhu, within a maximum of two days, Princess Ren Yingying will be sent to the Futuo Palace.

At this point, still sleep!


The next day!

After Shen Lang woke up, there were dozens of palace ladies immediately, and dozens of eunuchs waited for him to wash, when he had breakfast. The unprecedented luxury feeling is much higher than his treatment in the city of Angry City.

Shenlang has always enjoyed the rich life of Ronghua, but such extravagance is still rare.

"Your Majesty, can you go early today?"

Still early? Play so advanced? I am not too early in the anger city.

Are you really going to turn the Futu Mountain into the palace of my deep waves?

Shen Langdao: "That line, then the last time."


Next, Shen Lang really went early, the first time in the past.

This music, this process, is more professional than the Yue Ning Yuan Xian Xian, and this is still a small dynasty.

In the magnificent and luxurious temple, Shen Lang wears a robes and a crown, and there are hundreds of officials below, which are divided into two rows.

"Chen and so on, see Long Ma, Long live, long live!"

"There is a play, no retreat."

Shen Lang wants to know if someone will actually play. And he found out that the traces of Futu Mountain were really wiped very clean. Some people in the place were wearing the official uniforms of the Dagan Empire. All the Hell Legions were also wearing the armor of the Dagan Empire badge.

At first glance, I really feel that this is the real Dagan Palace, which is more formal than the scene of Ganjing.

"Chen, there is Ben." Ren Zongzhuo.

Shen Langdao: "Speak."

Ren Zongzhu was listed and said: "Under the opening ceremony, my floating temple has just been restructured. Chen has listed a list for the night. It is necessary to seal the official positions of the original Futu Mountain. Please take a look."

Then, the **** Yunhai took over the sermon of the lord, and the list of a whole thousand people on it was all important figures of Futu Mountain.

Ren Zongzhuo said: "If you feel that you can, your list will be sent in two copies to Ganjing and Wuchao City. Please ask the Imperial Shangshutai, the Imperial Privy Council to send a commissioner, and come to the Futuo Palace to instruct and dismiss officials."

Shen Langdao: "Good, accurate!"

Suddenly, the Buddhism Palace immediately flew out more than a dozen special warriors, and took the official document to Ganjing and Wuchao City.

It’s too formal, and it’s more formal than the big empire of Shen Lang.

Shen Lang suddenly said: "Tai Shi, when Tian Xiao was evacuated from the dry capital, took the power of the three dragons?"

Ren Zongzhuo said: "Yes, because at that time the Futu Mountain has not been completely integrated into the Dagan Empire. The three dragon forces are considered to be the strategic materials of the Futu Mountain. But at this time the Allegiance Grand Ceremony has been completed. All these strategic materials are completely under the guise. distribution."

Shen Langdao: "So, send two of them to Kanjing and the other to the anger city."

Ren Zongzhuo said: "Chen will follow the instructions and go immediately."

This request is too much, even this can promise? This is a strategic level of material, and Shen Lang is directly arbitrarily arbitrarily?

Shen Lang said again: "Now the Great Yan Empire and my Dagan Empire are not allowed. The Jingjing is close to the Great Yan Dynasty. I have only 50,000 troops stationed there, especially the air army. This is very unfavorable. Immediately transfer a thousand snow sculptures, enter the Jingjing, and hand over to the Marshal of the Enemy."

Shen Lang, this is completely a lion's mouth, a thousand snow sculptures, how much military strength? Almost a fraction of all the airpower of the Futu Mountain, and Shen Lang’s understatement, is it necessary to transfer to Beijing? This is sent, Futu Mountain can never come back.

As a result, Ren Zongzhu did not hesitate to hesitate, saying: "Chen, follow the purpose!"

Then half an hour later, a thousand snow sculptures flew into the sky and flew toward the dry capital.

It’s really an empty snow sculpture mount. There are no special warriors on it. There are only a hundred air knights who **** snow sculptures.

This is really amazing.

This... is this still awkward? Every sentence that Shen Lang said has become a sacred decree. Buddhism has no reservations, and there is no excuse.

Not only that, but this early dynasty has never been more formal.

It is really in the discussion of the DPRK, Ren Zongzhu armed the troops of Futu Mountain, as well as the black castle in the southern sea, the secret base of Futu Mountain, the training situation of the new Hell Legion, and completed the report.

If they can say it publicly, they will openly say that they can’t say it publicly and they will be directly credited.

So the whole early morning, this lord, oh no, is Ren Taishi, actually played a full two hours.

This, where is the lord of the detached forces? It is like the pillar of the Great Emperor Empire. It is like the prime minister of the Dagan Empire.

This matter went straight to noon and it is not over yet.

"Your Majesty, Chen has the last one." Ren Zongzhuo.

Shen Langdao: "Speak."

Ren Zongzhuo said: "Wu, Chu, the three kingdoms of Shangshutai and the Privy Council have sent key officials to the anger city for trial training. Jiang Lixia once said that he wants to solve/place the world civilization, and the anger city has already taken the lead. The development is completely changing. The float palace is traditionally old-fashioned to some extent. Even our officials have just changed their status and stick to the rules. The courtiers asked a young wave of officials from Futushan to go to the city to study and try.

You don't just want to link the three, but also to be one? It seems that it is entirely necessary to fully integrate the Futu Mountain into the Dagan Empire.

"Quasi!" Shen Langdao.

"Chen Xie Lord Ron." Ren Zongzhuo.

Shen Lang asked: "When Ren Yingying, when can I come?"

"The girl will probably return to the Futura Palace tomorrow morning." Ren Zongzhuo said.

He changed his mouth directly, not called Ren Yingying, nor his own daughter, directly called the goddess.

This is always the status of the supremacy of the waves.

What is this lord doing, what do you want to do?


The sun sets, an underground secret cave inside the Futu Mountain!

Very very deep underground caves, almost completely forbidden here, only the forbidden land that the lord can come.

After entering the deepest underground chamber, open the stone gate.

There was a young body lying inside, and it was completely frozen. The handsome and unmatched faces were very familiar.

The temperature here is very high, and it is like a smoldering ice. When the lord moves out of a large mirror, then in the mirror, he takes off the official robes of the great empire.

Then the silk lining was removed, revealing his body.

Although he is already in his 70s, he looks completely younger than forty or fifty years old, and he feels that he can live for at least a few decades.

However... under the clothes, his body was shocking.

Chest / mouth position, belly position, a dark, rotten.

Almost rotted, and not the kind of rotten meat, no pus, no fester, completely pure dark decay.

Ren Zongzhu looked at his rotten chest/mouth and belly in pain, and trembled: "Silent brother, how long can I live?"


Note: Today's update is nearly 16,000. Don't say the word of danger, but the monthly ticket list is really dangerous. The brother who has the ticket will give me a hand. Thank you.

Thank you for mourning the million coins of Chenghe.

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