History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 623: : Shen Langlong rises against the sky! World War (seeking a monthly pass)

It is no wonder that the masters who lost the ruins of the country have repeatedly let Shen Lang confirm that they are ready.

It turns out that the second experience of the dragon is so dangerous, even the feeling of nine deaths.

Because the Shenlang people entered the dry well, the whole soul was trapped in an instant.

The feeling is too familiar, as if in the ghost city of the big robbing palace, as if the whole world has become nothingness, completely unable to feel his body, there is a wandering soul.

And this three-dimensional heterogeneous civilization "Dragon" is like an independent spiritual world, boundless and changeable.

The process of perception is more like a process of escape.

Yes, escape.

It's not just the escape from prison, the kind of freedom, but the kind of escape that saves you in the terrible danger all the time.

Because this word is changing, there are a lot of strange energy.

At this moment, at a certain point, a certain position is safe.

And the next moment, this point will become hell.

Endless changes, endless energy ways.

It is as if the whole person is in the world of hell, the world of flames, the world of ice.

It is enough to just flee at the beginning, master the law of energy, and master the law of change, then you can escape.

But later, just fleeing is not enough, you need to be in it and take the initiative to change yourself.

In the end, even to actively change the way the other party's energy works.

Of course, all of this is illusory, completely the soul and spiritual world.

However, all of this is true, because once it fails, it may really be life-threatening.

What is even more bizarre is that the encounter between Shen Lang and the dragon is almost exactly the same.

Shen Lang is the soul trapped in this dry well.

The dragon's body was completely destroyed, leaving only the most primitive soul, trapped in the endless radiant dragon pool.

Shen Lang was at first escaping, and the dragon's soul was also escaping.

Because of this ancient dragon pool, countless kinds of energy are surging, in battle, in change.

In order to make the dragon grow fast, this dragon pool has a lot of energy, and many of the substances are completely matched according to the most perfect ratio.

But after the sunset weapons attacked here, countless uranium, astronomical radiant energy poured into the dragon pool.

So what should I do?

Countless kinds of energy, countless kinds of substances, frantically fighting, changing, only for one goal.

Enter a new balance.

After the dragon's soul enters this dragon pool, it is also extremely small, and this dragon pool is boundless and huge, and it is changing all the time. This moment, this position is still quiet, because it has reached a temporary balance. But in the next moment, this balance was immediately broken, and many kinds of energy once again strongly struck and changed.


In this dragon pool, anything can happen, atomic fission, material collapse, various rays, various kinds of radiation, extreme heat, strange magnetic fields, etc., is completely the most terrible energy battle. field.

Every second, there are countless energy in this dragon pool, and there are countless battlefields.

At the beginning of the dragon's soul, he could only escape and find a safe place.

Gradually, it is no longer possible to avoid it because there is no safe area.

So take the initiative to change your energy state to withstand terrible energy damage.

Then I found that even if I change my own initiative, it will not work, because a lot of damage is too terrible, even if you change yourself, it is useless. You have to join these energy battles and take the initiative to change their state.

Then go to the back, take the initiative to fight, and even take the initiative to destroy.

In short, it is the boundless battle, the crazy change.

There is no order in this dragon pool, and it is completely chaotic.

The only order is the dragon soul itself.

In this battle and change, it becomes stronger and stronger.

When it is strong to a certain extent, it begins to swallow.

In the beginning, only part of the energy, part of the substance, can be swallowed.

But as it changes and is powerful, more and more energy is swallowed up, and more and more substances are swallowed.

Its energy is getting stronger and stronger, and the material inside the dragon pool reorganizes its body again.

Finally it is no longer the soul of the red fruit, it is once again reborn as a one-foot dragon, just like the one just hatched.

Of course, this is only the same on the surface, but the inside has changed, more powerful and perfect.

Then it is more crazy to swallow and grow!

It took only a year before the devour of the volcano and the devour of food, which took a year to grow.

It grows at a speed that is visible to the naked eye and grows fast.

Growing bigger and stronger!


There is a saying that is called mutual fulfillment.

At this time, the dragon and the sinking wave are a kind of mutual complementarity.

The danger that the dragon encountered in the Longchi, Shen Lang was also encountered in the sentiment of the dragon.

It looks completely different, but the connotation is exactly the same.

The soul of Shen Lang is also extremely fragile and small in the space of the dragon's perception.

Crazy change, let him constantly change, learn, fight, devour.

But the dragons are engulfing energy and matter.

And Shen Lang devours knowledge and has a certain spiritual soul.

Although Shen Lang and the dragon are far apart, everything is empathetic.

This is not just the feeling of playing games online, even you have me, I have you.

Sometimes, Shen Lang even feels that he is in the Longchi and changes with the dragon.

Countless times of crisis, relying on the dragon itself is definitely not enough. It depends on the wisdom and calculation of Shenlang.

Without the waves, the dragon will live for ten seconds and will immediately vanish.

And countless times of crisis, it is impossible to rely on Shen Lang, because although he is smart enough, but the thinking is purely human thinking, the understanding of energy is far less than the dragon, so rely on the dragon's instinct.

The instinct of the dragon, coupled with the wisdom of Shen Lang, has weathered the crisis again and again.

Numerous times of transformation, countless battles, and numerous swallows.

The dragon is right, this is really dead, if there is no sinking.

Both are indispensable.


In the first half of the year, the real world has only passed for half a year.

But for the soul of Shen Lang, how long has it been?

I really don't know, because this is everything that happens in the spiritual world, maybe for a lifetime, maybe for a few lifetimes.

This kind of dragon's sentiment is really a kind of civilized sentiment and energy perception.

It is like a life born on a planet. The planet is in crisis. This life is to find a safe place, then to change itself, then to force yourself, borrow the material of the planet, and what is the ultimate goal?

Leave the planet and travel to deeper and farther space.

It is as if human beings have struggled for countless years and always have a lofty goal, the stars and the sea!

First, we defeated Earth's gravity and came to outer space. This has already been done by humans.

The next step is to defeat the gravitational pull of the solar system and go to the space outside the solar system. This has not been done.

In the end, Shen Lang discovered that whether it is a life or a civilization, it has the same path and has similar philosophy.

But the mid-level dragon's sentiment really seems to be struggling for a hundred times in hell.

Really exhausted all the wisdom of Shen Lang, all the luck, all the spirit.

at last!

Everything is over.

His soul seems to have slammed away from the dragon character in this dry well. The nine great sages use a special spiritual world composed of life and soul.

He completed the second-order dragon's sentiment.

His soul returned to his body and then quietly dazed.

Putting aside these mysterious and mysterious things, what did Shen Lang learn in the second stage of the dragon's sentiment?

Many, many, many!

The first result, almost the majority of the nightmare stone principle.

The second result is how to use the energy environment to form an ultra-high pressure, turn hydrogen into metal hydrogen, and build an energy core.

The third result, how to compress the energy of dragon blood, and finally become the most essential dragon blood marrow, to create the heart of the dragon, to create the dragon's regret.

Unexpectedly, in the mid-level dragon's sentiment, I directly learned the manufacturing principle of the dragon's repentance.

The perception of each individual's dragon is different, but the above are all common results.

Basically, every one who completes the insight of the middle dragon can learn these things.

But Shen Lang has a separate sense of the dragon.

The Day of Destruction plan can be completed directly.

Because Shen Lang was in the mid-level sense of the dragon, he got the way to purify uranium, which is completely different from the centrifuge of the earth.

Of course, this requires the use of dragons, but if there is no one dragon, it is ok to use the Dragon Heart device.

It is only necessary to enlarge the Dragon Heart device into a large device, and then purify the uranium far and far, and directly exceeds 99%.

Once the ninety-nine percent uranium purification is completed, the atomic bomb can be directly produced and the fission reaction can be directly carried out.

This is the sentiment of the middle-class dragon that is unique to Shen Lang.

The harvest is so large that it is unimaginable, surpassing the sum of all the energy knowledge of Shen Lang before.

The classical books he has read, the Elder Scrolls, are the result of translation, too wasteful of spiritual resources, and not straightforward.

Because it needs to be translated into words and patterns that humans can understand, and what text patterns can express is very limited.

Some deep-seated things can only exist in thinking and cannot be accurately expressed in rehearsals.

The sentiment of the dragon is to use the most direct way of energy to perceive, to use the spirit to comprehend, and to abandon the barrier of the text.

Although named as the dragon's sentiment, but ... it is not just a dragon, but a special energy civilization.

All the nightmare stone weapons, the dragon's repentance weapons, and even the birth of the dragons are born out of this civilization.

At this time, Shen Lang has a feeling that invincible is really lonely.

This invincibility is not how arrogant he is, but he has mastered super-powerful knowledge.

At this time, he understood the Emperor of the Great, because the other party is currently in this world, and there are very few people who are in a realm.

I have always said that the Emperor of Great Fire will not be martial arts. Everyone does not believe it. I feel that the martial arts of the Emperor Yanyan must be particularly powerful, but it has never been demonstrated.

Now Shen Lang can be sure that he really does not have martial arts because he does not need martial arts.

For the people like the Emperor Yan, the time is too precious, how much is used to understand, how much to learn, why should I go to martial arts?

Shen Lang can also understand that in a long time, in the eyes of the Emperor Yan Yan, there is actually no win or no wave.

There is only one thing in his spiritual world, and that is his dragon.

And he and his dragon are also growing together.

His dragon has been in a state of dying and sleeping for a long time, and the big impact of the fire dragon comet is a key node.

This is equivalent to an electric shock to the sleeping dragon, let his ancient quiet heart, once again restored the slowest beating.

Next, Emperor Da Yan broke through the mighty predicament with his dragon in his weakened version of Longchi.

He made the dragon.

The dragon also made him.

The sense of his mid-level dragon saved the recovery of the dragon.

Before Shen Lang never knew about the emperor, now I have some understanding.

He... is also amazing.

Although it is an enemy, he is really amazing.

He relied on his wisdom to revitalize the ancient civilization and let the Great Yan Empire master a powerful ancient force and dominate the world.

He relied on his own wisdom to recover a dragon that had been dying for countless years.

Shen Lang can't imagine how long it took for the emperor to save the big dragon.

But certainly not in these few years, the impact of the Fire Dragon comet is only a valuable trigger point, greatly accelerating the recovery of the dragon.

He may have spent decades in order to save this dragon.

His dragon pool was not made in a few years.

The Great Yan Empire, Ji, must have spent several generations of time and wisdom to restore the construction of the Dragon Pool to recover this dragon.

Everyone only saw the emperor's shackles, and the world was invincible.

Only at this time, Shen Lang saw how much wisdom and effort the emperor had spent on this day and how many generations of efforts he had made.

Before Shen Lang did not understand why the Emperor of Great Yan completely blocked the trade of the East and West, and now he understands.

He is indeed the greatest enemy ever, and very pure, relying not on power and conspiracy, but on real power.


The enemy is the enemy.

This will never change. Only the whole world, Jiang and Ji, can only have one person to become the master of the world.

Thirty years ago, Jiang and Ji were competing for the Lord of the World.

Jiang was dead, and Jiang was defeated.

At that time, the Emperor of the Great Yan, there was no dragon, he only mastered a lot of wisdom, many ancient civilizations, energy order and so on.

This time, Shen Lang is full of infinite confidence.

Nothing else, because his dragon died once.

Because his sense of the dragon is ten times more dangerous than the Emperor of the Great Yan, and the danger is ten times.

The same is true of the dragon. His recovery is more than a hundred times more devastating than the recovery of the big dragon, and the sufferings suffered are numerous times.

It is not by talent, not by talent and luck, but by endless hardships that make it strong.

Although it is only half a year in the real world, it is countless years for the soul of Shen Lang or the dragon.

Shen Lang slowly walked out of the pyramid and took a deep breath.

His whole person has undergone tremendous changes, not only his gaze and temperament, but his face has changed, and he is slightly different from the human beings of this world.

He didn't roar, just standing quietly on the top of the 10,000-meter snow-capped mountains.

And it is not the direction of Yanjing, but the northern continent.


at the same time!

Yujing Mountain, within the ancient dragon pool.

A dragon flies out of the dragon pool and slowly lifts off.

It flew to the highest point of the Yujing Mountain. The barriers covered the entire Longchi. No one could pass through it. Even the dragons before did not work. Only the Hell Soul could melt a hole in the barrier.

Now, the Jiang's dragon gently sighed and melted the mask of Yujingshan directly. It flew directly out and stood at the top of Yujingshan, more than 10,000 meters.

Every time it appeared, it was earth-shattering.

Flying across the sky, rolling up a hot hurricane, causing the ground to tremble, even burning rocks and trees on the ground.

It is very powerful, but it can't be put down.

Now, it is so quietly standing at the top of the Yujing Mountain, there is no roar of the dragon, no earth-shattering, even without opening its wings to cover the sky, it seems light and cloudy.

Because it does not need to release powerful energy to show the prestige and presence.

The countless battles and life and death in the ancient dragon pool have allowed it to experience growth that has not been seen in the past.

Even its body has not become bigger, but it has become smaller, only a few tens of meters, just as large as the ultrasonic flying beast.

Before it was, but the sky was covered, after the flight, the shadow cast on the ground was enough to cover a city.

But now it can be infinitely huge or very small.

It will choose the most comfortable state of its own.

"My master, my dragon, you have fulfilled me, you saved me." The dragon slowly said: "I am coming."

Then it ruins over the ruins of the lost country.

It seems that its wings are very slow, but in the next moment, it has appeared hundreds of miles away.

This is not like a shifting, nor a space folding, but... energy reorganization, body reorganization.

Very advanced?

The principle is very simple, it sprays out a point, instantly hundreds of miles away.

Then his body was dissolved in the same place, and reunited around that point, hundreds of miles away.

The whole process was very fast, because there were countless times in the Longchi. Without this trick, it survived for a month, and it was gone in the dragon pool.

This reorganization of energy in different places is also the sentiment of the middle dragon from Shen Lang.

In other words, Shen Lang taught him.

The last time the **** dragon returned from the Western world, it was far and far away, and it was already felt by the Emperor Yan.

This time, it has no energy leaks, and almost no one can perceive its existence.

And it instantly moved a hundred miles away, and did not cause any hurricanes, any energy to move.

Its nirvana is all-round, and its power is far beyond the previous imagination.

Or, it's powerful, even surpassing the ancient ones.

Because of the transformation of the ancient dragon, there is no uranium, no horrible radiation.

Dangerous and terrible things, can the dragon really grow?


Yujingshan is far from the ruins of the lost country, more than 50,000 miles?

But not long after, the **** dragon appeared in the sky above the ruins of the lost country.

"My old friend, congratulations to you." Although the dragon is still hundreds of miles away from him, Shen Lang reaches out.

In the next moment, the dragon appeared in front of Shen Lang, letting his forehead stick to the hand of Shen Lang.

"Thank you for your fulfillment, my dragon makes." Julong said: "You have changed."

Shen Langdao: "Your change is bigger than me."

At this time, Da Chao flew over carefully, standing on the edge of the dragon.

This is a very bizarre thing. Before the big super will never dare to approach the dragon, because it is terrible, and it is not close, it seems to be crushed by the energy of the dragon.

Now Dachao dares to approach the dragon, and it shows how much it has changed.

The evolution of weapons is also like this. When it is a sharp sword or a mace, it looks very sharp and terrible, so terrible that people dare not touch it.

But when it's a gun, it's not that terrible, but be careful, because once you pull the trigger, it can cause accidental injury.

At the level of the atomic bomb, the real core components are removed and placed on the ground, and few people have known it, and can even pick it up and play hard.

At the level of the hydrogen bomb, even if you throw it into the fire, even if your missile attacks it, it will not detonate.

When the weapon is strong enough to a certain level, it will be restrained.

People... maybe the same.

At this time, in the pyramid of the snow-capped mountains, thirteen dead bodies were quietly sitting around the dry well, and the dry well was empty.

The words of these thirteen masters were left on the ground.

"Turn us out of the world, wipe it out from the world, let the endless void become our grave."

Shen Lang stroked the head of the dragon and said: "Please, dragon!"

The dragon of Jiang’s dragon nodded because it was only a few tens of meters at this time, as if it could not be called a dragon.

It opened its mouth and sipped it.


Everything in the entire pyramid is gone.

As if performing magic, the thirteen bodies dissipated, and the dry well dissipated, and finally the entire huge pyramid dissipated.

It's not burning, it's not being blown up, it's not even turned into powder, but it is broken down directly.

Dachao originally saw that the dragon of Jiang became the same size as himself, and he was also an approachable person, so he was ready to talk and make friends.

Seeing this magical scene at this time, its chin suddenly fell, indicating that it was completely shocked.

Then it quickly stepped back and continued to fight with the Dragon of Jiang, expressing fear.

But just exited half a step, and then got together, rubbing the legs of Shen Lang with his head and making a call.

Master, although I am not so powerful, but you must not abandon me, I am very embarrassed.

Because it found that its own combat skills seem to be of no use, you must open a new technology tree to survive.

Hey, is the national treasure born like this? Obviously it is a beast, but it depends on selling Meng.

The great funeral of the thirteen masters is over.

This pyramid, which stood on the top of the snowy mountain for countless years, completely disappeared.

"Go back!"

Shen Lang rode on the back of Dachao and flew in the direction of the Angry City.

The dragon is like a normal flying beast. It is flying in parallel with the big super, not faster or slower.

This makes Dacha almost forget how powerful the dragon is. It once again feels that my brother is still very approachable, oh no, it is easy to be near.


A few days later, Shen Lang returned to the Angry City.

This time, the dragon did not hate the anger city, nor was it thousands of miles away, but landed in the big castle like Dachao.

It does not show any rejection of uranium under the raging city, nor does it show closeness and covetedness. It is only very indifferent.

"Brother, I will take you to see our little brothers." Dachao said: "From now on, you are our boss."

Of course, Da Chao will not speak, only shake his head and squeak.

Long Hao and smiled politely.

Dachao yelled a few times.

In the usual days, nearly a thousand ultrasonic flying beasts should be in harmony, and then fly to the sky to meet.

Because Dachao is a mount of Shenlang, it naturally becomes the boss. The mutant beasts that carry the dragon's power launcher don't look very big, but they are very stupid, not fierce at all. After encountering the normal ultrasonic flying beast, even if they are many times larger than them, but see who is going to follow Who is jealous.

But this time, the super call, only a dozen or so.

Huh? What about the remaining thousand ultrasonic flying beasts?

What are the numerous snow sculptures left?

Then, Suo Xuan and Zhang Chunhua, with dozens of people coming to greet.

Suo Xuan and Zhang Chunhua first glimpsed, and then ecstatically said: "See Majesty, long live long live."

Shen Lang has disappeared for eight months.

Eight months ago, he went to fight with the dragon, and then never came back. Only the big dragon came back.

Shen Lang was surprised: "How are people so little?"

Yes, Zhang Wei, Jin Zhuo, Wu Guotai, Chu Guotai, Li Xuanqi, Wu Jie, Jin Shiying, Princess Dora, Haila, Da Sil, Arunana and so on?

Although Yan Jun and Su Nan went to Gan Jing, they brought along half of the Shangshutai and the Privy Council. The raging city always has stars like clouds and Wenchen as rain.

Not only that, but hundreds of thousands of troops in the city of Angry Tide? There are only tens of thousands of troops left today.

Where have people gone?

Suo Xuandao: "Your Majesty, the people in the anger city are on the front line."

Shen Lang a trip, the front line? Where is the front line?

Suo Xuandao: "Your Majesty, the war broke out and broke out more than half a year ago."

"More than half a year ago, you have to fight with the dragon and the big dragon in the dry capital. The dragon is back, you never come back. Many people think that you sacrificed, the dragon also sacrificed. Countless people are crazy, Also burned."

"First, the people of Kanjing, with a machete and a hoe, killed the Great Yan Empire, and Jun Jun couldn't stop it, because the army of Ganjing also followed the killing."

"Then our war with the Great Yan Empire broke out, and it became more and more intense and bigger."

"The army of the Jingjing army was taken up, and the army of the Wusuo and the Three Kingdoms was also taken up."

"In the end, the army of the Angry City was also taken up."

"The Jin Dynasty participated in the war, Liang Guo participated in the war, and almost all the countries in the world were involved in the war."

"Three months ago, the Western Vulcan Mission visited, the Xilun Imperial Fleet visited, a total of 110,000 people, led by the Prime Minister Russell, he saw that we are fighting the Great Yan Empire, then the 110,000 People are also involved in the war."

"If not unexpected, the Shilun Empire is gathering hundreds of thousands of troops and is preparing for an expedition across the sea to support our empire."

Shen Lang is completely shocked!

During the time when he disappeared, the world war broke out?

And the fuse is the disappearance of the sinking waves, and countless people think that Shen Lang has sacrificed.

Therefore, the entire Dagan Empire set off the raging flames of the sky, and directly voluntarily fought against the Great Yan Empire. The monarch could not stop it, and the top of the Dagan Empire could not stop it.

As a result, the war became more and more fierce and evolved into the Battle of the Eastern World.

No, it was a world war, because the Shilun Empire was also involved.

"The enemy is not already found me, saying that I am safe and sound." Shen Lang hoarse.

Suo Xuandao: "Yes, but once the raging fire of our great empire is burning, it will no longer be extinguished. Once this war is opened, it will not end."

The waves are dark and the eyes are hot.

The familiar scene was once again staged, and countless people once again went on for him, and the moths rushed to the fire.

The last time was 100,000 people, and this time it was completely astronomical.

Real world war!


Note: This chapter is very burning, the monthly ticket rushed to 14 people, very close to the top ten, the brothers gave me a fire, ok?

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