History’s Strongest Husband

Chapter 632: : Collapse! Shen Lang sees the mother! Queen Bai Jing! (Seeking a monthly pass)

Angry City, Paradise Manor.

Wang Guoning, the king of Vietnam, sat in a wheelchair and snored. The following group of children were playing. Nowadays, he is nearly seventy years old. He sleeps very light and hard to sleep. He sleeps very little every day, and the most easy time to fall asleep is to listen to the sounds of a group of children playing and playing.

And one of the children in this group has lost one, that is, baby, she was also sent away by Shen Lang. However, my younger brother and sister did not know that Shen Lang was just telling the children that Aunt Helen of the Xilun Empire missed the children, so she sent her to the Xilun Empire for a while.

However, it was not that he was sent away from the distance and sent a place that could not be found.

Shen Lang carefully stepped forward and built a big shack for Ning Yuanxian.

The elderly Ning Yuanxian soon woke up and snorted: "This day is really hot. At this time, the coldest is also a dozen degrees. Now it is snowing."

Because of the arrival of Shen Lang, the world has the concept of Celsius.

"Yeah..." Shen Langdao: "Paradise Manor, not so paradise."

Then Shen Lang pushed the wheelchair on the road. This time the weather became cold, and everything in the paradise manor was in trouble. Many green trees have been frozen and dead, and they have been lush and turned into snow.

"Before giving you an ancient order, you don't have to, with that stuff, at least not cold." Shen Langdao.

"What do I want for that thing, waste." Ning Yuanxian said.

Shen Langdao: "I want to come now, don't be right."

Ning Yuanxian said: "What is going to happen this time, is it so big? You not only sent all the bachelors away, but also sent the donkey away."

Shen Langdao: "Other children are okay, and it is not safe to stay here again. After all, she has the spiritual strength of Medusa and the royal family who lost the empire."

Ning Yuanxian said: "Children, since I saw you, you are confident and high-spirited. You will always take a step and see three steps. No matter how strong the enemy is, there is no fear. This time... is it so pessimistic? ?"

Counting the time, Ning Yuanxian and Shen Lang have known each other for more than ten years.

Shen Langdao: "This time, it is really unsure, and there is even a feeling of giving fate to the ruling of heaven."

Ning Yuanxian did not speak, nor did he say anything.

Shen Langdao: "Father, is this life belief important?"

Ning Yuanxian said: "Of course, without this belief, people will not have the spirit of the gods, just like walking dead."

Shen Langdao: "Yes, you also have this belief. So you have to remember that you are loyal to this belief, not to someone. People are ill-conceived, but belief is eternal. So no matter what happens next You should not doubt yourself or subvert your outlook on life. Your belief is correct and bright."

As soon as this was said, Ning Yuanxian shivered a little, and for a moment, he said: "I am so hard to live happily with this spirit of God, is it... Is it necessary to take it away?"

Shen Langdao: "My father-in-law, must your beliefs be placed on someone?"

"Yeah, of course..." Ning Yuanxian said: "My children, the vast majority of people in the world are followers, and the leaders are extremely rare. On the surface, even if they are independent, they are full of self, but in the end, It is also a vulgarity and follow. There are very few real torches and few real leaders."

Shen Lang was silent for a while and said: "That, then you have to change someone to trust your faith, can you still have time?"

Ning Yuanxian's skinny body suddenly shrank, and the turbid tears flowed down, and even the whole person lost his vitality.

People are alive and well, especially those who are older than Ning Yuanxian and who have got sick.

He has lived very happily in the past few years, because he has been squatting down now, and now he is standing up again. The waist that was interrupted before is reconnected. The philosophy he insisted on became a reality, and it bloomed in front of his eyes.

Every step of Shen Lang’s success, Ning Yuanxian is extremely happy, because it seems to be his own success.

And once this genius is taken away, he really can't live.

His skinny head was buried in the big **** and cried for a long time, then wiped the tears on his face and lifted his head again.

"Okay, yes." Ning Yuanxian said: "I have found the conviction of re-trusting, and I have found the goal of re-staying. Why do you want to go, don't worry about me."

Shen Lang opened his arms and once again gently embraced Ning Yuanxian.

"Father, then I am gone." Shen Langdao.

Then, Shen Lang turned and left.

Suddenly Ning Yuanxian whispered: "Wanger, is it too perfect, is it false?"

Shen Lang was silent for a while: "Father, the lie is divided into two types. One is to deceive the interest, the other is to deceive the emotion. The highest state of deception is the deception ideal. People will do it for themselves. Faith and ideals give everything, even their own lives. Those who say these words may be fraudsters, but these words can touch people's hearts, so that many people can fight for it, because it is indeed perfect. It can strike a person's heart and soul. So these ideals and beliefs are true, even if it looks perfect and not true, but it is worth fighting for."

"So, our time is not vain, our struggles are not in vain, and our lives are still valuable."

"The truth is true from anyone who speaks in the mouth, nobles, and fraudsters."

Ning Yuanxian waved his hand: "Let's go, let's go, busy with your go, I will wait for you to come back as usual."

"Goodbye, father-in-law." Shen Langdao.

Then he rode on the ultrasonic flying beast and vacated.

Ning Yuanxian was sitting in a wheelchair and trying to look up at the back of the disappearing waves. The body could not stop shaking.

Nearly a decade ago, he was mad and stupid every day, and he was tortured. He waited for Shen Lang to return from the Western world in the Yue Palace.

After Shen Lang returned, Ning Yuanxian came to Paradise Manor and lived a happy life. In fact, there were not many time and opportunities to meet Shen Lang. But every time the war came, every time the crisis came, he sat quietly here, waiting for Shen Lang to come back.

To some extent, Shen Lang seems to be more like his son than others.

He cried for a while, and soon found the belief of living. This belief is waiting for Shen Lang to come back.

Although this time is really full of unknowns, even if Shen Lang can come back, I really don't know how long it will take, I don't know his age and body, and I can't wait until the day when Shen Lang returns.


After bidding farewell to Ning Yuanxian, Shen Lang never said goodbye to anyone. He rode to the north and flew to the north.

Flying thousands of miles, all the way is snow. The sea of ​​permafrost once again spreads thousands of miles to the south, and the farther north, the colder the weather.

"Great, too, just send it here." Shen Lang patted the neck of Dachao.

The weather in the north is too cold, and the big super can hardly stand it.

Dachao buried his head and continued to fly forward. It should try to stay with the waves for a long time.

"Okay, okay, I am here." After flying for hundreds of miles, Dachao was already shaking, and even his wings were frozen.

Da Chao did not listen, still used all his strength to fly north, it is still not willing to separate from Shen Lang.

It flew a few hundred miles.

The body of Dachao is stiff.

"Well, just come here, come here." Shen Lang斩 nailed the railroad.

The big super slow landing, falling on the ice of the sea.

Shen Lang stroked the head of Dachao and smiled. "Okay, come back, you will be Yanjing, and beside Xiaoye. Of course you can also go to the city of anger, even you can fly freely, where you want to go. Where to go."

The words of Shen Lang did not finish, because this is also the last free time of Dachao.

Da Chao used his head to rub the chest of Shen Lang, and there was a burst of whine under the throat, like a child crying.

"Okay, okay, let's go, maybe we can still be together in the future." Shen Lang laughed.

The big super shakes the back and draws a steak from the inside.

It cuts with sharp claws, a big one for himself, and a small one for the dark waves.

This is the first meal after reappearing it and Shen Lang just met, just on the grassland of Laos. Although it was already a few years ago, it seems to be normal yesterday.

The steak was very fresh and tender a few years ago, and today's steak is already frozen more than a stone, and it is almost impossible to enter.

Dacha wants to reproduce the scene of the year, as if it can't be done, it is really sad.

At this time, the **** dragon flew down from the sky and gave a soft breath.

The huge steak was thawed directly and baked until it was cooked.

Big and super elegantly use the claws, cut one piece after another, and then put it in your mouth and eat it.

Shen Lang also took out the knife and fork, cut the seven-cooked steak, and ate it one by one.

The elegant meal lasted for a quarter of an hour and was used up.

Then it is time to reproduce the scene of brushing your teeth, but unfortunately there is no water, and Dachao looks at the dragon.

The dragon was helpless and took a breath.

Suddenly there was a small pond on the sea, the water inside was crystal clear, and it was still fresh water, because the snow here has been going on for a long time, and the ice above the meters is fresh water.

Big Super took a sip of water and then performed an ultrasonic cleaning process again.

Shen Lang uses his toothbrush to brush his teeth.

After washing your teeth, Dachao opened his mouth and let Shenlang see its white teeth.

Perfectly reproduce the scene of the year.

Ok, now is the time to separate.

The dragon took another breath and kept the body of Dachao warm and could not be lifted without being frozen.

Big fan **** his wings, flies up into the sky, and circling a few laps, then flies south, not knowing where it is going.

But in short, it is goodbye.

Soon, its figure disappeared into the blizzard.

Shen Lang gently jumped up and landed on the north of the dragon, tapping its neck: "Go, fly slower, try to be slower."

"Okay, my master." Dragon Road.

It really did not say my master before, at most my sire, and now I use my master.

Then, the dragon flew to the north with Shen Lang and flew in the direction of the north of Bai Yujing.

at the same time!

In the triangle of the devil, the lost demon mother took millions of sea monsters and reluctantly looked at the devil's triangle.

The tears almost drained.

After the death of the ancient kingdom, the lost empire was actually extinct. After countless years, the descendants of the lost kingdoms have degenerated and become the most primitive beasts without wisdom.

It is the statue of Queen Medusa. Its eyes are constantly releasing ancient memories. Thousands of thousands of years of spiritual communication have caused countless sea monsters to gradually gather together. Most sea monsters still have no wisdom, but There is already attribution and instinct.

Some of the comparative sea monsters have evolved again, possessing certain wisdom and becoming the new leader.

So these countless sea monsters returned to the homeland of the lost country, hundreds of millions of sea monsters, once again became the lost empire.

Although this empire has no queen, no queen, it is just a goalless survivor.

However, this lost empire passed down.

Thousands of thousands of years later, sea monsters have multiplied more and more, because the memory of the Queen Medoc's spiritual memory, they are more and more evolved, more and more intelligent, and the lost empire has gradually matured.

This is the homeland they have brought for thousands of years, inheriting many generations of hometowns and motherland.

Now I have to be forced to leave.

Why is there only a huge group of sea monsters in the ruins of the Devil's Triangle and the Lost Kingdom? Because the statue of Queen Medusa is in the Grand Triangle of the Devil, and is projected into the sky above the ruins of the lost country by means of a mirage.

Millions of sea monsters, looking at the direction of the devil's triangle, silently crying, looking at the statue of Queen Medusa tears.

"let's go……"

"In order to lose the inheritance of the empire, we must leave." Lost the demon mother.

Then he took millions of sea monsters, left the big triangle of the devil, left his hometown for thousands of years, and headed for the unknown south.

The lost demon does not know where to go. She can only go to places she has never visited in her ancient memory, even in the spiritual inheritance of the Queen Medusa, and there is no mention of it.


at the same time.

At the peak of the headquarters of the Vulcan religion, countless snow sculptures vacated, filled with tragic and painful breath, and flew toward the unknown southeast.

Abandon your altar and abandon Vulcan.

"My Vulcan, if you really exist, please bless us and you will be able to return again one day."

The lord of Vulcan was beheaded on the ground and then left completely.

Because there are too many valuable materials to bring, we cannot take everyone away, and many people still have to stay in the altar.

But this stay, the future may mean death.

Of course, even if you leave, you may not be able to survive.

Because the world really has a place that can be completely hidden and cannot be found?

who knows?


Shen Lang rides a dragon, but it is very slow and slow, even slower than a normal train.

I have never seen the scenery so leisurely.

"Dragon, when I came to this world, I came to eat soft rice. I came to enjoy the prosperity of the rich and the rich, and I have come to live a leisurely life. Why is it now like this?" Shen Lang suddenly said.

Shen Lang does not know why it is like this.

He came to this world, and at first he just wanted to face his ex-wife, and he entered a giant door and lived a hot and spicy day.

Maybe he has had a leisurely day, but I don't know when it started, this leisure has become busy.

He clearly only wants no enmity in the world, but the result becomes a burden on the world?

"Master, real leisure, can not become a story. Birth is the starting point, death is the end. But if it is too leisurely and mediocre, then the starting point and the end point become no objection, the line is boring."

Shen Langdao: "Where are you a dragon? You are clearly a philosopher."

Longdao: "Don't forget the master, we share wisdom. My thoughts are, to some extent, your reflection. If you are busy, you have real leisure, there is a real valley on the top of the mountain, if it is a dull straight line. That life is meaningless."

Shen Langdao: "But this time the ups and downs are too great."

The dragon flies slowly, only a thousand miles a day.

The farther north, the colder the weather.

A month later, it has already flown 30,000 miles.

The temperature here has dropped to around minus two hundred degrees Celsius.

"Look..." Shen Lang said: "The sky is floating in the blue snow."

The blue snow is very subtle and very beautiful.

On the ground, there has been a faint layer. It is still the sea of ​​permafrost, but in the eyes, it is blue snow, it is really beautiful.

But this beauty means destruction, which means eternal death.

Because the temperature has dropped to the extreme, the air has begun to freeze and freeze.

Next, the atmosphere of the whole world will continue to flood into the north, and then solidify into ice. The air in the whole world is getting thinner and thinner, and the whole world is getting colder and colder. I don't know where it is.

Although the northern part of the continent was cold, it did not reach the point where the air was frozen. Because Bai Yujing has a huge dome covering the center of the northern continent, the terrible energy is covered inside and completely isolated from the outside, trying to protect the world.

And now outside the dome, air icing has begun.

Shen Lang continues north!

Then, he saw the aurora again, but it was much thinner than the aurora he saw last time.

This is a very bad signal, even terrible.

The next time, Shen Lang has been in the night, no day.

Because this is the Arctic of this world, it just entered the night, and the sun could not be seen here for a long time.

It is said that the sun rises as usual, and it is not necessary in the Arctic.

Shen Lang saw Bai Yujing!

It is like a fairyland, but not as mysterious as I imagined.

This is a pyramid of ice, buckled on the ground, crystal clear, a bit like the glass pyramid outside the Louvre.

But it is much bigger.

This is too simple, not at all like a fairyland.

Shen Lang sent a poem, Bai Yujing in the sky, the 12th floor and the five cities. The immortal man cares for me and ends up with a long life.

Where are you on the 12th floor? Where are the five cities?

According to the imagination, Bai Yujing should be in the Arctic of the world, crystal clear, the city of the sky.

You are a pyramid of ice, and it is too shabby, and people are disappointed.

Not far from this pyramid, Shen Lang saw the dome, the dome he saw on the northern continent of the Xilun Empire, with a dome of several thousand miles in diameter.

Yes, this is a dome.

Because the planet is round, although the Eastern Empire and the Xilun Empire are tens of thousands of miles apart, if they continue northward, they will eventually come together.


Bai Jing, Bai Yujing, is still a force.

There are two sides to the land in the middle of the planet, but what about the Antarctic and the North Pole?

Finally went to Bai Yujing.

The dragon slowly landed, rolling up a blue snow, beautiful.

Shen Lang slowly walked to the door of the pyramid. There is already someone waiting for him here, the Bai Yujing messenger.

She has attended the detached power council, and has also been to the Futu Mountain underground base and Shenlang has made a deal.

"Come on?" Bai Yujing messenger said.

"Come." Shen Langdao.

"Can you still go on the road?"

"It’s a good time to go and see the scenery all the way. It’s almost my most leisure time.”

"Please come in!"

The glass pyramid opened a door, and the Shen Lang and Bai Yujing messengers went in and the dragon stayed outside.

Compared to the outside of the minus two hundred degrees Celsius, the tens of degrees Celsius within the pyramid can be called warm as spring.

However, within this pyramid, it is empty, there is no furniture, nothing.

Shen Langdao: "My maiden is good?"

Bai Yujing's messenger said: "Very good, do you want to see her? She is at the other end of the dome."

Sinking a wave, then a smile, now seems to be able to distinguish between Bai Jing and Bai Yujing.

The dome hangs over the arctic world of the world. The left side of the dome is called Bai Yujing, and the right side is called Bai Jing.

"No need." Shen Langdao.

Bai Yujing's messenger said: "Adolf, you mentioned before, would you like to see him? He really became a genius these years."

Shen Lang thought for a while and said: "Let's talk about it."

Then, Shen Langdao: "Is my mother here?"

"The teacher is there." Bai Yujing messenger said.


"Well, teacher." Bai Yujing messenger said.

Isn't it a white princess, or a more distinguished title?

"Of course, you have to call it Princess Bai Yujing, or Queen Bai Yujing, you can." Bai Yujing messenger said.

Shen Langdao: "Then I will see her."

Bai Yujing messenger said: "Okay, please come with me."

Then she came to the room with the sinking waves, opened the white palms and pressed them on the wall.

Then, the small room fell quickly, like the highest speed elevator.

Of course, this is not an elevator, it is based on the principle of the nightmare stone civilization.

Has been falling, falling, falling.

Deep into the ground at least 100,000 meters, this is still the deepest place in the underground, as if there is no end, to be deeply in the heart.

However, it stopped, and the distance from the center of the earth is still very far away.

"Hey!" The door opened, and there was a long glass passage in front of it.

Here is an abyss, a huge abyss, boundless, as if surrounded by dark voids, only this glass channel releases a faint glow.

At the end of the glass passage, there is a gorgeous throne.

Shen Lang has seen all kinds of thrones, the throne of the Xilun Empire, the throne of the Dagan Empire, the throne of the Great Yan Empire, and so on, and even some TV dramas, the throne in the movie.

And the throne in front of you, unprecedented glory, gorgeous, graceful, huge.

The whole throne seems to be all carved out of diamonds. The incomparably huge diamonds can no longer be described by carats, but dozens of tons of diamonds, carved out a complete throne.

On top of the throne, there are a variety of crystals, and there are countless secret gold.

There are countless gorgeous and complicated runes on it. The text above is even familiar, and it is the alien text of the dragon's sentiment.

And on this throne, a woman sits quietly.

Still not willing to use any adjective to describe her beauty and temperament.

But at present, there should be only one female in the world who can compare with her beauty, that is, Queen Medusa.

This beauty is not a look, not even a temperament, but an energy level.

More than ordinary humans' perception of aesthetics.

It is no wonder that Jiang’s departure would destroy the marriage contract, and he would abandon the prodigal mind and focus on the woman.

She is the mother of Shen Lang.

Called Bai Yujing Princess? Queen Bai Yujing?

Yes, it doesn't matter.

The Bai Yujing messenger stopped, and Shen Lang looked at the woman from afar, and then walked toward her.

Going tens of thousands of meters along the glass channel.

Because this abyss is really huge, and this throne is in the center of the abyss.

Shen Lang came to the center of the throne and looked at the woman from a close distance.


Shen Lang and his mother really look alike.

He had thought that he had grown tall enough, and he certainly inherited the advantages of his parents. He also felt that he was the first beautiful man in the world.

Now that I saw the face of my biological mother, there was only one sentence in his heart: Hey, I am long-lost.

Really like the schoolmaster of Tsinghua University, gave birth to a child, the primary school final exam only tested the feeling of sixty.

After a good time, Shen Lang said: "Hello, my mother."

Queen Bai Yujing said: "Hello, my child."

Then, the two people fell into silence and silence.

The mother and son met, completely different from the imagination, too calm.

No touching, no sparks, no hatred.

Just... calm.

Shen Lang conceived in his mind, conceived a sentence, abandoned a sentence, and finally asked directly: "Mother, you personally killed your husband Jiang Lixia, right?"

Queen Bai Yujing said: "Yes, I killed him."


Note: It is difficult to write, it is difficult to write, and the head must be fried. The grace of a monthly pass, support two to give me a supplement, give you thanks.

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